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NODE: City of Falls - The Enfallening
Date of Scene: 28 October 2014
Location: The Homeworld
Synopsis: Node scene. Investigating the city, finding out useful facts... fighting chimera-beasts
Thanks to: Abstractum.net, for being super amazing awesome.
Cast of Characters: Kirito, 73, 162, 236, 347
Tinyplot: When They Return

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Opening the door is simple and easy. It is, additionally, something that only Zephyr is actually capable of doing; for some reason, the mechanism refuses to budge for anyone but her, so it seems she has exclusive control over when people may join her.

    Past the door is something odd. It looks like it's the interior of some kind of cave... But a more astute, academic eye would know no natural caves like this form. It's modeled after the interior of a meteor. Within, screens and high-tech equipment are lodged in and attached to the walls, embedded long-term for strange purposes, illuminating the area with a strange glow. It's one straight tunnel all the way to the end, and it'll take a minute or so to walk down.

    The end of the hallway bears another prefab security door, similarly easy to operate. The exit point is between two larger structures, tall colonization columns deployed for residential use, like an alleyway for a new planet's colony. Unlike before, there are people in the streets this time; humans, of course, or the approximation, all wearing rather practical and simple clothes probably synthesized from the same futuristic templates, with minimal color difference. Patrolling around, one can see simple, round, floating mechanical drones, armed with scanners, all manner of tools, and a few laser weapons just in case, but nobody seems particularly wary of them.

    The locals are probably not the point of interest for today, of course. There is nothing blocking off the night sky; another intended potential destination may be entirely accessible above.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr walks the corridor. "Alright, since you're all new to this, and I dunno if you read the report I gave... I'll give you the cliffnotes version." she says as she travels along the meteorite corridor. "This world is under attack from some kind of orbital entity that sends down large monsters to destroy parts of the city, or kill its inhabitants. Last time I was here, was during one such attack and we found the Pure User riding a large scorpion-like creature." she turns, walking backward to view her companions. "This is Aurora Lightmorn, a former ally of mine who had, less than selfless intentions for me."

    Turning back, and opening the 'inner' door, she steps through. "Keep your weapons secure, we don't want to start an incident with the locals. Lets spread out and see what we can find, keep in radio contact and report anything you think will be important." she adds, returning her Device to Standby mode so as not to alarm anyone that might look down the alleyway.

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito's no longer bothering to come to these events in person. he needs to be in tip-top shape with everything he could possibly manage. So he's come as his Spriggan avatar to this carved-out meteor world. "You say anything I think is imposrant, but what are you looking for besides the Pure Users, if anything?" He's worked with Zephyr before a few times, and usually to good results, so he's here to aid her and fight against Them with everything he's got.

    Twin swords are sheathed across the Spriggan's back. One is Double Fault, his trusty Abstractum partner. The other is a longsword seemingly carved out of crystal, resting in a sheath that bears a white wyvern emblem. He's wearing a few layers of clothes, but the most noteworthy feature is his billowy longcoat.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frederica was of course willing to help, perhaps even eager. She knows that the nodes are serious business, and Zephyr's a friend besides. So are Kirito and Auron for that matter, though she's less willing to admit to friendship with a hot-blooded shounen type. There's little obvious difference between the Frederica of today and her recent self, except perhaps that she seems a little more relaxed than normal. She may even be cheery towards Kirito... without bothering to try to hide it behind snark.

    Seeing as this is indeed her first time in this node, the pyro queen peers about in fascination. She's about to make a sarcastic comment about her weapons, then shrugs and laughs. "Right. I won't go running around inside a fire elemental, or have flames orbiting me." she grins. "Unless you make me walk a LOT! Hopefully this is going to be a short trip!"

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron follows Zephyr, listening to her explanation of the Node. "I remember hearing the name," Auron replies with a nod, as Zephyr names Aurora Lightmorn as the Pure User. He remembered there being some conflict between the two of them, but he wasn't privy to a lot of the information aside from what was publicly available.

    He's here in person, and the large Abstractum sword on his back doesn't look completely out of place. Speaking of which, keeping a sword the size of Suchiru hidden is going to be difficult. However, he does have the Abstractum-sword in a sheath at his back, so it's not completely out in public view.

    Nodding to Zephyr's suggestion, he offers, "Good idea. We'll see what we can find out." If she's suggesting they split up and keep weapons secured, Zephyr's not expecting any immediate trouble.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Galeforce, the circlet on Zephyr's head, makes a soft affirmative noise. "I don't think the locals will make any trouble, they seem to kinda accept us in other nodes. Best to keep things low-tension though. Where do you wanna head first? I think we got enough flying kinds to head up to orbit and see what's making trouble, if this place has a void like the Multiverse does."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Double Fault is sheathed on Kirito's back, and peers around. "If we're going groundside, we oughta figure out what to look for. Like... I guess we could try visiting whoever's in charge of those drones, I guess? Or maybe there's more info around here in a library or something? I dunno, I'm a red-type, one of you guys need to figure out the-- Wait, we're all red types. Well, someone not-me is gonna need to figure out the investigation route here."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Don't get hotfooted." Shinrin says, in a tone that implies rolling eyes. "I doubt there will be much issue. This is a city. I have yet to see vehicles. I am sure there is public transportation we could use if walking is agitating." The whole eye-rolling thing is kind of dampened by the message of what Shinrin's saying being rather inherently caring, but that's probably irrelevant by now.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Auron's blade, Suchiru, says, "Well, I know what I wanna do. Think they got any trashy tourist spots around here? Alternate suggestion, Zeph, you could walk around saying how nothing bad could happen and then we observe the inevitable awfulness for clues. 'Course, that means my boss here would need to take a quick break on the guardian biz, so we could call that investigation route open once hell finishes freezing over." Very irreverent blade! Kinda jabbing a bit at Auron, but its tone is friendly, and even the statement it makes is a compliment. Sssssort of.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr looks up at her circlet. "Yeah, but if memory serves, Auron can't fly in his 'real' body, and I don't think we can wait for him to go get his avatar." she then looks around. "Rica, Auron, walk around, ask the locals about the area, the attacks, try and get as much information as you can."
    Then to Kirito. "You can fly, right? You come with me, we'll see what's in orbit, we'll meet back at the colony spire in, lets say two hours." She offers a smile to the sword on Kirito's back. "For a Red-type, you're still pretty smart." she teases, "Add libraries or archive offices to points of investigation... if nothing else, lets find out how long it's been since the attacks started, it might shed some light on this world's history, if nothing else."

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frederica rolls her eyes as well at Shinrin's complaint, but she still rubs the edge of her medallion-Abstractum fondly. She doesn't mind the gentle chiding, and even when it's not particularly necessary it's one of those things... like an old married couple bickering for no reason other than that they can.

    "Well, I *can* fly, sort of, but I'm nowhere near as good at it as I am when I'm Frika." Frederica claims. She's got a carefully-folded hot air balloon stored who-knows-where, one given to her as a present nearly a year ago. Considering it came from Homestuck-space, likely it fits somehow in a virtual inventory item somewhere. It's not fast, it's not effective, but it *does* work to get her onto a battlefield or into a flying castle or something. "I don't think I could go into orbit or anything though. So..." she shrugs. "I guess I'm with Auron on the ground then?" she grins, nodding. "Looking for information on the attacks. Right, got it!" she says, saluting with the sort of grin that makes it clear she's more mocking the military than following its traditions.

Kirito has posed:
    "In that case," Kirito speaks up, looking amusedly over his shoulder at Double Fault for a moment, "I propose we find reports of when monsters attacked and the damage suffered. If there's a pattern we can establish their motives and try to predict where and when they'll appear again."

    Kirito's Abstractum might be a red-type, but the Black Swordsman is damned smart and practical about this kind of stuff. "They want something out of this place. What?"

    "Yeah. I can fly as long as there's sun, moon, or starlight around... so not indoors or underground. We've got plenty of light here."

    With just a hint of a thought, his wings appear. Black, translucent, dragonfly-esque things that don't quite come from his back but just sort of hover behind him and move anyways. Yeah. They're constructs of pure magic. But when they vibrate up to speed much like an insect's would, they cast a handful of glittering sparkles about and sound almost like some classy wind instrument. He takes off slowly though, with a look at Zephyr that's asking 'where to?'

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron can't help but snort a quiet laugh at Suchiru's words, smirk clearly visible. "I'm sure we can find a souvenir shop if you want, Suchiru. Though a t-shirt isn't likely to fit you very well," he teases right back. Perhaps a clue to why Auron's been in better spirits overall since getting his Abstractum? Maybe. Anyway.

    He returns his attention to Zephyr when she speaks. He confirms, "No, I can't fly." He does have that coat from Sburb, but it doesn't GRANT flight, just mitigates the consequences of falling. So he nods to Zephyr's suggestion, and looks to Frederica, to acknowledge he'll accompany her. The 'Guardian' takes over, and he'll find himself naturally falling into a position behind and to the left of her.

    Kirito's words get his attention, and he nods. "That's one of the things we need to find out. If Lightmorn's behind it, maybe Zephyr will know something, since she knows the Pure User better." He looks to Zephyr with a raised brow, as if to confirm this statement.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr smiles at Frederica, then summons her own flight spell. A quartet of purple 'pixie wings' appear over her back, much like Kirito's, though the WindMage's are static for the most part, and lack detail. "Lets take a patrol around the city, before heading up... I didn't get much chance to map out the area last time." she says to Kirito, then looks back to Auron. "I wish I did... now though, after the Lost Logia incident on March, I'm not sure I ever knew her." she pauses, "What I can say though, is she's a scientist, maybe there's something here she's after... an artefact, information, energy sources... I don't know. But, just check for anything 'unique'. She liked unique things."

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frederica doesn't read Auron's actions the way Auron intends. To her, a guardian is one who stands between her and everything else. It's not someone who stands behind her. That's just fine with her though, since she doesn't need a protector right this moment. Instead she assumes Auron's position means he wants her to take the lead, and she's always up for that.

    And so Frederica leads the way among the ground group, looking for people to question. People who, for whatever reason, are paying attention to them. Curious people are far more likely to have noticed stuff they want to know about, so she figures they might as well concentrate on those. "So, we're looking for patterns. And shiny things. Right, I think we can manage, don't you?" she asks Auron brightly.

Kirito has posed:
    "Yeah. You guys look around down here then! Good luck, Frika, Auron..." He affords them both a smile, but his expression's a touch grim and business-like. He's focused on the mission here.

    The boy nods at Zephyr. "Lead the way! Yui, you're on lookout patrol!"

    The little navigation pixie pops up from his front coat pocket and snaps a salute. "Roger that, papa!"

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron nods to Zephyr's suggestion, and offers after Kirito wishes good luck, "You as well. Be careful." Then he follows Frederica as she begins to walk. He agrees with her words, "We should find something." And then he suggests in addition, keeping his voice low, "Perhaps if we seem like tourists, it won't seem too out of place for us to be asking about unique features of this place. We shouldn't be too pushy about it though... we might attract the wrong kind of attention."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Could carry him!" Suchiru calls out, when Zephyr points out that Auron can't fly. "Same with Frederica. Here, we'll have you carry Auron, and Kirito carries Frederica. Both of them have to be bridal style, just to make it awful for everyone involved." The blade at Auron's back lets out a brief, good-humored laugh. "I'll stick to ground duty if you wanna, though! Heh."

    Frederica searches for CURIOUS PEOPLE. There are surprisingly few! It looks like Nodes are designed to allow a wide variety of people to be inside without too much substantial notice or disruption. Oddly enough, it's the drones that exhibit the most curiosity towards her, with oddly human quirks of the sphere, like cocking your head in curiosity. They look like they have some kind of conversational interface, maybe worth a look?

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Heading out and up finds something strange. As they head out, they find that there is something in GEOSYNCHRONOUS ORBIT above the city. Low above the city. Well, relatively; it'll take maybe four solid minutes of high-speed upward flight to get to it.... It is a massive asteroid. There's a huge mass of metal in it, and as they get closer, they'll get the chance to see it's a squat, squared-off facility of some kind, built throughout the odd asteroid. Strange! Maybe this is where Aurora and the monsters came from? The squat, harsh metal figure looks dangerous even from this distance and inactive...

Frederica (73) has posed:
    "H-hey!" Frederica complains abruptly. She's not about to be carried by anyone, not even Kirito. Especially not Kirito! She glowers at Auron's sword, which will no doubt assure it that it struck a nerve. "We're splitting up to cover more options." she claims, trying to adopt a 'reasonable' mode. "So no one needs to be carried. EXCEPT YOU." she adds snarkily, given Auron's usual mode of sword-bearing.

    She does notice the reaction of the drones. "Is this sort of thing usual in Zephyr's worlds?" she asks no one in particular. "I know they have intelligent devices... Hmmmm. Why not?" she says.

    Approaching one of the drones, she adopts Auron's suggestion. "Excuse me? Hiiii~" she says cheerfully, acting a bit silly. In other words, perfectly natural for her. "We're new here, just visiting. And well, you know, we're looking for things to see. New and exciting things. Do you think you could help us?" she asks. Hopefully the drone will answer, else she's going to feel awfully silly.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr has her Device map out the city layout as she does the initial quick flyover, then turns upwards, moving as fast as Kirito can keep pace with. She's keeping an eye on the environmental readouts, just in case, but it appears just like Voidspace, so she doesn't enact emergency Barrier systems. "Keep your eyes peels, Kirito... I don't like the look of that building. Lets do a fly-by, see if there's any reaction, then we'll land and take a look inside."

    Now they're outside the City, she pulls her Device from her bracer once more, and commands. "Set-up, Mistral Form." which the Device readily complies, chiming softly as it forms into a sharp, angular single-handed axe, a pair of rotating turbine-blades on the counter-weight side of the blade, spinning lazily.

Auron (236) has posed:
    "I'm heavier than I look. I wouldn't make Zephyr carry me," Auron counters to Suchiru's tease. His tone is amused, though. He's used to those kind of jibes; Jecht used to make jokes about Auron's devotion to Braska, teasing him about 'clinging to Braska's skirts'. It used to make up mad, but he's mellowed out quite a bit. In fact, if he met himself from back then, he'd probably tease him too.

    He also can't help but smirk a little at Frederica's reply! But he knows better than to tease her about it. Besides, they have a task in front of them. Teasing will come later, when he can afford to run like hell from the firebug!

    Instead, he agrees to her observation, "That makes sense." He remains quiet as Frederica approaches the drone. He offers a pleasant, "Hello" to the drone as well. Hey, at least if the drones don't speak, they can look stupid together. Besides, neither of them really look like very tech-savvy people, right?

Kirito has posed:
    "Gee, you think?" 'Stating the obvious aren't you' scores Kirito's tone as he replies back to Zephyr. It's not so snarky though when his eyes are that wide. What the heck is THIS thing? "Some kind of orbital platform stuck in an asteroid? It's right above the city, too...."

    He still doesnt' draw his sword, though, even as he flies in.

    Surprisingly, Kirito can hit some incredible speeds with those wings. Quicker than cars can drive, though not quiiiiite supersonic!

    A fly-by he does, keeping his eyes sharply peeled for any ways in or activity...

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    The drone Frederica has chosen to speak to seems to take a moment to establish a full link to something somewhere else! A square display on the front shows the quarter-circle line-based signal symbol for a moment, before a pleasant, friendly female voice speaks up. "Welcome to City 01, both of you! Thank you for visiting. It looks like you're seeking: Exciting locations for visitors."

    Maps begin to pop up. "Colonization is currently in stage 3; designated metropolitan traavel encouragement structures have yet to be built. Nautrally occurring locations of note and interest are available to visitors. The Breathing Caves are a popular attraction for offworld visit, as well as the Arcade Core. Would you like to know more, or are there other queries I can help with?"

    The tone sounds pre-recorded, but the comprehension and the "body language" of the floating drone suggests human level thought. Strange.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frederica doesn't consider that the voice seems pre-recorded, or at least that it's a bit incongruous. She's had plenty of time to get used to such notions. After all, Abstractums all have the same voice, don't they? Even if their speech is entirely distinct from one another? Instead, she focusses on the drone's answer. It's not QUITE what she's hoping for. Then again, to immediately ask the wrong questions might get them in trouble.

    "Those sound FASCINATING." Frederica says, only a slight hint of disappointment making her words seem somewhat insincere. She'd be fascinated all right, if they didn't have more important matters to deal with. "So, no tourist centers, right. Not at stage 3. So what do other visitors do? Have you had many recent arrivals looking around? I'd love to hear what sort of things interest them!" she asks, smiling her most charming smile. "After all, if they found something worth visiting, then we probably will to! What have recent visitors been interested in?" she asks, directing it as half question, half command. Issuing commands is something she does even more naturally than she manages being charming.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Zephyr's own Abstractum can be heard getting ready, humming with soft power as it prepares for some potential issues... And they come quick! As the pair approach, the building begins to launch a steady stream of large insects. They're a few feet tall, squat looking things, some kind of mixture of a wasp and a large predatory cat.

    None of them are particularly tough, but flitting through space on vicious wings, they close in fast and try to start biting. It's clear this is just one weak, initial line of defense, but the astroid of sorts seems to have defenses and scanning, at the very least; probing this via a bit more combat won't be particularly risky, of course. Should they approach and reach one of the many landing areas, they'll find that this facility appears to be ancient, dozens of years old at least based on the aging of the metal, but otherwise unharmed, with more TSAB-styled entrances and construction... Strange!

Auron (236) has posed:
    That's a very strange kind of contradiction, the pre-recorded message with almost human 'body language'. Perhaps the 'human' part is being suppressed somehow. Auron observes the interaction as Frederica verbally pokes at the drone to get information. He has questions too... and trying to get past the block could be useful.

    That in mind, he launches his own barrage of questions. "Tell us about the Breathing Caves and the Arcade Core. What are they? Where are they located? What is there to do in these locations that would attract visitors?" The questions are almost posed in a dialogue tree-style format, hoping that something in this link with whatever will lag and let the human part show through.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    <MASTER. INCOMING!> warns Divine Wind as the insects take wing. Zephyr herself comes to a halt and sweeps a circle before her, motes of light forming in the wake. "Kirito, get ready... I'll distract them, you go take a look closer." she commands, then switches to local radio. <Ground team, we've found a structure on a large geosync meteorite. It has a defense grid we're attempting to by-pass. Will be in touch.>

    As the insects draw closer, the mage unleashes her charged spell. The motes releasing mini-projectiles in a fusillade-style assault, trying to disable or destroy as many of the creatures as possible in a short amount of time. "Galeforce, lets keep this tight, focus on mana control and offensive output. Divine Wind, syncronize with Galeforce." she commands, sweeping her eyes over targets. "Prioritize targets based on Kirito's assault path. Clear the way, and keep his back covered."

Kirito has posed:
    "Wh-whoah!" Kirito figured nothing would happen. But suddenly: GIANT BUGTHINGS.

    He draws Double Fault alone, seeing no need to dual wield here.

    He zips about at high speed, zigzagging back and forth to cut and strike from odd angles. Midair swordfighting is not easy... after all, a swordfighter usually gets most of their leverage and power by pushing against the GROUND.

    Thankfully, he's smart enough to target wings when he can't reach heads. ONly a few of the bugs get through as he swoops in for the installation! "Got it! Don't get flanked!"

    WHOOOOOOSH! Down he goes, in for a closer look. Some bugs might be following, but he just pulled out all the stops fo his approach, aiming to brake ash he nears the place....

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
     The drone stays hovering, still, as it answers everything in order. "One visitor was recorded in the past two months. Other visitors in the area have expressed interest in the locations: The Arcade Core, and the activities: Illegal mass destruction. Please be aware that additional security measures may be in effect near the Arcade Core."

    "The Arcade Core is the local name for a network access point where natural processes below the surface of the world produce radio signals that can generate unusual dynamic natural artwork. Local visitors enjoy interacting with the signals. Recent offworld visitors enjoy attempted destruction. The Breathing Caves are a location where a constant, erratic airflow has formed unusual cave systems. Researchers are unable to determine the source; popular myth claims it is a massive creature. It is a common site for cave exploration, museum-esque visiting."

    So the mouth of a giant monster and some sort of weird wireless anomaly that Aurora wants to destroy... Maybe she had interest in the other one too? Who knows.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    The description of recent activities, while not exactly what Frederica had expected, were certainly the sort of thing she desired to learn about. She blinks, surprised. Then she considers the possibilities. Fortunately she has a fairly long speech to hear, as the drone answers her partner's questions. Plenty of time to consider.

    When the drone finishes, Frederica smiles at it. "That sounds lovely." she says. "And increased security is good! If dangerous things happen, we'll be so much safer that way." she adds, not entirely sincerely.

    Speaking on the radio, subvocalizing, "Sounds like the Pure attacked this place called the Arcade Core. A radio signal source beneath the surface. Looks like it might be worth checking out!" she 'casts.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron places a hand to his ear as he hears Zephyr's comment in his radio. He transmits an affirmative grunt. <Be careful,> is all he offers after that. Anything else he could have said would only serve to distract. And he can't help them anyway. Best not to distract them.

    He listens to the explanation of the two areas in question. Attacking something indicates one either wants something from it or wants to destroy it. If these are the two places that are the most memorable about the Node thus far... hmm. That's an interesting idea. Auron gets a thoughtful look on his face.

    To cover Frederica's subvocalization, he asks the drone, "Does anyone know if the two sites are connected?" It's also a way to hedge into the idea he has, ask without asking. He keeps his suspicions to himself for now, though.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Powering Strife Drives." That's from both Double Fault and Galeforce, who flare to brilliant red. The rush of red-flaring projectiles bursts many of the creatures ejected by the facility itself, allowing Kirito to get closer, to get approximate dates on the structure by deftly diving around. Double Fault, for its own part, is helping out with the speed, as well as the clean slices that leave a shining trail of red and bisected insect parts.

    The dimensions are designed for a human, there's no doubt about it. It's old, but no older than a few dozen years, but hasn't been maintained. Not a lot of information, but maybe "old abandoned human-built asteroid base" is enough of a lead to work with...? Hmmm.

    Whatever the case may be, the creatures emerging are growing larger and more complex as heavy hitters that look like some sort of chimeric combination of a bat and a rhino begin to take to the field, charging down at Kirito specifically and trying to drive him off and away! But not without giving him a good look at the structure's layout, at least, first.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    <SYNCRONIZATION ACHIEVED. ENEMY FORCE MULTIPLYING RAPIDLY. NEW HOSTILES DETECTED. RECOMMEND DISENGAGEMENT.> recites Divine Wind, even as it gathers more magic to reform the spell. The mage herself starts to dodge, now that the fusillade has died down, jinking and slashing at the remaining bug-cats that come close, before leveling her axe. MISTRAL BUSTER.

    The gemstone glows brilliantly, as one of those turbine blades clicks into position over the spike, spinning up rapidly before a lance of purple energy lashes out to try and cut off some f those Rhibats... Batnos? "Kirito, back off. We're leaving!" she shouts, transmitting on directed comms too, before twitching an ear. <Copy Ground Team. We're disengaging, too many defense systems for the pair of us to break. Meet back at the Spire and we'll compare notes.> she dispatches over local broadband, hacking a few more insects while they manage to bite chunks out of her Barrier Jacket, the material detonating in their faces to protect the girl underneath.

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito and Yui both. "Papa, look out!" the littlest pixie warns. Picking up on it quickly, Kirito jerks tot he side just as a freakish monster goes whizzing past. For one uncanny moment, Kirito's fearful, wide eyes lock on the crazed defender beast. The next?

    His wings crank up to full speed in the OTHER direction. The insane G-forces would cause him to black out if his body were actually enduring them and bloodflow was a thing. It isn't, so instead it's just NAUSEATING.

    The boy executes a few corkscrew barrel rolls to circle around incoming enemies and slashes at them with his glowing Abstractum, but he's only aiming to deflect them - not slay them.

    "this just got a heck of a lot hairier!" Too hairy. He can't possibly study the place in detail when he's swarmed like this.

    "On my mark, Zephyr, head straight down!" He's got a plan.

    It involves magic. Swirling around in midair so he's flying backward for a brief moment, Kirito extends his free hand for spellcasting. Immediately nordic script flows around him, words locking into place as he executes a swift chant in a language he honestly sucks at.

    He sucks at it, but he's still a Spriggan. Illusion magic is their thing.

    This apparently includes MUSHROOM CLOUD SMOKEBOMBS. Streams of dense, choking black smoke lash out from his arm when the spell completes. they dance like missiles through the swarms and KABOOOOOM!

    No damage or real explosion at all, but thick, choking, opaque black smoke fills the sky... well, the void, really. Good luck getting a visual lock on the boy in black through all that. "MARK!"


    "Those things aren't tough... if it wasn't a SWARM..." He mildly complains to his weapon.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Both sites are related to the unusual phenomena of this world, heavily ascribed to various urban myths. No further absolute data." The drone says, that last bit actually prompting a little sheepish "bling" at Auron's request.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Kirito, covered by Zephyr, manages to pull out with a huge SPACE SMOKEBOMB EXPLOSION, blasting a huge quantity of dispersing cloudy mass into the space around the station, obfuscating it harshly and forcing the defending creatures to slow down, keeping them from managing to get at Kirito more... With this done, Zephyr and Kirito manage to get back down to the atmosphere and rapidly back to the city. Intense! Might be good to bring a full excursion back later sometime?