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Bramble Patch's Candy Crush!
Date of Scene: 30 October 2014
Location: Urbania
Synopsis: What's the real reason behind Bramble Patch and Jinxel breaking into a candy factory before Nightmare Night?!
Cast of Characters: 43, 119, 278, 411, 425

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
What despicable deeds could possibly be done this close to a multiversal wide holiday? One with the potential to ruin it for hundreds of snot nosed little brats and obnoxious little ponies, that's what! As a bonus, more candy for them, without the stupid hassle of running around door to door repeating stupid rhymes just for a small hoof-full of treats. But this year we've got to think bigger than just Equestria and reminding Celestia's little stooges what terror Nightmare Night was brought into being to dissaude. No, this year, it's the entire Multiverse that shall reel from it!

And that is why the alarms and the emergency calls of 'some crazy colored pony with a giant pot' were coming from one of the largest candy factories in Urbania. It's not hard to tell who's behind it, seeing as one of the loading dock doors was visibly crushed open by some now withering gnarled vines. Inside the workers that hadn't fled have been bound off to the side of the plant, wrapped up in, ironically enough, licorice rope and chewed gum (ew!).

Meanwhile Bramble Patch was in the process of hoisting her cauldron (it's not a pot, dangit) up towards the top of one of the produce machines, and the thing was already bubbling and smoking.

Maybe because it's suppose to be related to Nightmare Night, or because someone told her that thematic costuming for your schemes was a good idea; but for whatever reason her usual vest and wrappings were replaced by a off kilter tophat flopped atop her head, and a slightly oversized longtail suitcoat that appears to be made of.. purple velvet?

Jinxel (119) has posed:
     And where would Bramble Patch be without her henchpony Jinx along for the ride, apologizing profusely even as she finishes tying up all the workers who didn't have the good sense to run away, "Um, I'm terribly sorry about this, Bramble can be a little... zealous about acting like a proper villain sometimes, but if you just stay here and don't do anything, I'm sure everything will be fine."

     Oh, and for the record? Jinxel is currently dressed up in a furry white suit with matching pawed booties, a curved horn attacked to a hairband on her head, and a little black blade attacked to her tail.

     Yes, she's an Absol. The Disaster Pokemon. Fitting I suppose.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Of course quickly after the distress call goes out, Natasha's on the scene. Who would try and ruin Halloween, well she's sure there are plenty of Feds who would, but it would help to know what she's up against. It looks like like a lot plants. Which is good for her, since they tend to be weak against fire. She burns the vines covering the dock doors and makes her way inside.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
It's nearing Nightmare Night, and oh it is to be quite a fight!
But there is surely to be evil abound, from the queen that is not crowned...

... Is what a zebra local to Everfree forest had said while helping get decorations in place for the festivities later in the week. Little did they know just how right Zecora would be when an alarm about several candy-colored ponies came, not from Equestria, but from off world! Getting there quickly would have been a hastle, but Rainbow Dash stepped up to the challenge to get Twilight Sparkle to the scene of the crime as soon as possible. Okay, the promise of letting her read the next Daring Do book when in it came out helped some.

Normally, air balloons fly at a slow, steady pace. But not so much when they're being pulled by a blue and rainbow pegasus known for flirting with the speed of sound on a regular basis. Twilight's balloon streaks through the sky, near the speed of a 747. At the head of it, the flying rainbow blurr herself, a rope tied around her midsection. It probably would be faster if the thing was actually aerodynamic. But there's a /reason/ why they move slowly.

And of course, Rainbow is ignoring all of those.

Dash doesn't actually slow to a stop until she's directly over the factory. She backwings quickly with hooves outstretched in front of her as if she were trying to literally stop on pavement. "Thanks for flying with Rainbow Dash Air," She says, lifting her head cockiy, "If the flight was too fast for you, well sucks to be-Grk!" The air balloon collides with her, sending the pegasus sprawling against the basket.

Air Balloons also don't stop very well, either.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight Sparkle was quick to respond when she heard that 'some crazy pony' was responsible for the attack on the factory. And while a candy factory didn't seem like a major target, it was her duty to stop Equestria's trouble from spreading to the rest of the worlds. And, Rainbow Dash offering to pull her balloon was very kind. Twilight had gladly accepted it.

     Now, though, she was clinging to the front of the basket for dear life as they hurtled through the air at amazing speeds. So, despite how helpful it was to get here so fast, Twilight is kind of relieved when they slow down. And kind of amused when Rainbow Dash gets hit like a bug on a windshield. She reaches down to pull Dash into the basket, giggling as she does so. "Thank you for the tow, Rainbow Dash." she says as the balloon floats down to the ground, guided magically. It is also likely that magic is the reason the balloon isn't in tatters. It isn't designed to go that fast, after all.

     Once the basket touches down, Twilight hops out and trots toward the candy factory. "Keep your eyes open." she says to Rainbow Dash before noticing Natasha. "Ah. I guess we were not the only ones who responded." she says, then raises a forehoof. "Hello! Have you seen those responsible for this?" Twilight asks Natasha even as she heads in through the smashed and burned doors.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
There's a resounding clang as the cauldron comes to rest atop the machinery near one of the dump hoppers, Bramble Patch slumping next to it for a moment, taking off the tophat long enough to wipe a hoof through her mane and flick off some sweat before replacing the evilly dapper headpiece. She just rolls her eyes at Jinxel's apologizing, it's expected at this point.

Bramble makes a face as the all too familiar smell of her plants being burned waifs in from outside. "Looks like the special guests are arriving. Better get this ready." She pulls out a long cane and flips it in the air so it lands stick down in the murky cauldron, then stands up on her hind legs to grab it with one hoof and stirr while she starts dumping a few last ingredients in. The muck within continues to bubble and hiss ominously, backdropped by the clink and clank and huff of the factory machinery. "Once we've gummed up the works there won't be enough candy to go around, and the disgraceful holiday will have the Boss properly feared for instigating its ruination!" She pulls the cane out to hold it up with one hoof as the other is raised above as she throws back her head. "MUWAHAHAHAHAHA--whoops!" She quickly grabs the tophat to keep it from falling off, clinking the cane to the machine to lean on it a bit.

Pauses a moment. Are they still talking outside? With a huff she pulls a watch out of one of the pockets of the coat. Not that it's actually running in the proper direction. Or doing more than spinning around randomly. "Uuugh, how can I mock them for taking so long if this thing doesn't even work right? What a worthless timepiece to steal."

Meanwhile back in Equestria:

"Oh fiddlesticks and poppycock!" A tan stallion with darker brown mane, hourglass cutie mark, and wearing a collar with bowtie thumps his hoof on the empty spot of his table. "Minuette, did you take the trick watch I had rigged for Nightmare Night?!" "I didn't take your fake timey-wimey timepiece Turner!" "Oh well." The stallion picks up a fez and sticks it on his head. "At least I've got this backup."

Jinxel (119) has posed:
     Jinxel lets out a loud sigh at Bramble's antics and sweatdrops a bit as she comes walking over, "I have a bad feeling about this..." She plunks herself down next to the cauldron like a good little henchpony and waits for everyone to get off their flanks and get inside the building.

     As she waits though, she decides to bing up a point she's been meaning to asking, "Um... Bramble, I've been meaning to ask... wouldn't most of the candy for the Nightmare Night season have been shipped out to stores already...? Which means that this is all kind of... um... moot?"

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"..." The way her brow twitchs for a moment one wonders if Bramble Patch had considered that. But she recovers quickly, by giving Jinxel a light womp on the head with the cane. "Villiany doesn't need to follow common sense!" Though it's more of an affectionate bop than anything else, since Jinxrl is about the only real friend she has.

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Nope, hi Twilight and Rainbow Dash." Natasha smiles as she sees the two ponies arrive. "But, I'm sure they're inside." She makes her way inside behind her. She quickly notices the bubbling cauldron along with Bramble and Jinxel. She gasps as she sees the two, "What are you doing to the candy?! She makes a good point, but that doesn't mean someone won't eat it even if it's after Halloween!" Being a heroine is a full time job after all, not just on the holidays.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Yeah, no sweat," Rainbow Dash says, once pulled back into the basket. "Juuust don't expect me to be your personal taxi all the time or anything." As fun as it is to see how fast she can get the air balloon, it just wasn't worth it. When the balloon finally comes to a stop, Dash dives right out of it. Wings snap out, and she glides along after Twilight. A grin is shot at Natasha, before the pegasus dives in to the factory.

"Gee, wonder if Bramble Patch has been here," She says dryly as she flies in to the doors, noticing how they were crushed under the vines. Sure enough, there's the nightmare gardener herself. Dash hovers in spot, glaring up at Bramble and Jinxel. "Hah! I knew you losers were too quiet lately! Alright, what is it this time? Some crazy stunt to turn all the candy into veggies or something?"

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight follows after the other two. When she sees Bramble and Jinxel, Twilight frowns a bit. "Alright, you two. Stop whatever it is you are doing right now! Natasha is right! Even if this candy won't be eaten on Nightmare Night or Halloween, I'm not letting you poison innocent children!" Twilight looks toward Jinxel, looking more like a scolding friend than an angry enemy. "And Jinxel, I can't believe you would help endanger little kids!" she adds.

     As she talks, Twilight's Harmony Armor coalesces onto her body, starting at her head and flowing down her body until it is fully formed. Then, her book appears at her side and opens. "If you don't stop, we will be forced to kick your flanks!"

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch snaps her attention back to the doors as the trio finally walks (or hovers in Dash's case) in. "Well it's about time! Sheesh, you dweebs are lucky I'm doing this in proper villianous methodology or I could of just dumped poison in or something and been gone before you even got here. "But now that you -are- here..." With a wicked grin she swings the cane to smack a couple of levers. The machinery starts to run even harder, the churning and steam whistling starting to almost sound like a disportionately cheerful carnival ride song... wait, she isn't...

Bramble jabs the cane into the cauldron and starts stirring again. "o/~ I'll cook up a disaster with the knowledge I've accrued o/~"
Ayep, she is.
"o/~ They say a kitch-en time saves nines, but I'm just beatin' you!
I've gathered the ingredients to make some slime sorbet.
Crushing all the candy and rule this holiday! o/~"

Bramble yanks the cane out and throws her hooves over her head as a small plume of fumes and droplets bursts billowing from the cauldron.
"o/~ Watch as I work my nightmare magic; salt taffy strands and cinnamon
Watch as the matter turns to matter;" she drops down and back-kicks the cauldron, spilling it over into the hopper. "Open the machine and dump in! o/~"

The sounds of the machinery takes on a gruesome, gushing tone as it starts to mush and mash whatever was dumped into it, green and purple gunk globbering itself about the inner workings, until it comes surging out of the depositor hatch and spewing out across the factory floor in a slimey sloopy wave. Good thing Rainbow Dash wasn't on the ground.... except she's got to deal with the pipes that start to pop their seams and send streams of the slick sludge splurting randomly instead.

Jinxel (119) has posed:
     For once, Jinxel /actually/ looks insulted! "P-poison! We aren't poisoning anyone!" She stomps her hoof on the ground as her own black nightmare armor materializes in a swirling of chill wind, "We're just...!"


     "Um... we're just... doing... um..."

     Jinxel turns to Bramble with a bit of a sweatdrop, "... Bramble, what exactly are we doing again...?"

Natasha (425) has posed:
Well, it's not poison but it's still going to be a mess to clean up. Natasha hopes it's not flammable or they could be in for some trouble. "So your evil plan was just to make a really big mess? I would say that's just more annoying than evil." She doesn't even really know what they trying to accomplish here. She begins to burn the goo off herself, it smelt really unpleasant but it could be much worse.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Hey!" Rainbow Dash glares down at Twilight, forehooves folded over her chest, "That's MY line!" A brief pause. "Ugh, what she said. We're totally gonna kick your flanks!" Dash unfolds her forelimbs, and briefly rears back in mid air. Then bringing down her wings, she launches herself at the terrible duo. Red lightning crackles across her frame, arcing briefly across her. It sloughs off, and her golden Harmony glints in the lights as she barrels straight at Bramble and her couldron of nasty.

But before she can get there, the entire machine works starts to get... well, weird. A pipe bursts just to Dash's left, spewing bizarre ooze out. She yelps, and quickly straffs to the right, swerving around it. "Whoa!" Another swerve as more of the stuff comes gushing out from another pipe. "The hay is this-" SPLAT! One split seam splatters her with the stuff, while she's distracted. "... Iiick."

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     SPLURP! Twilight is covered in sickly-colored goop. When the wave passes, a pony-shaped slimey statue stands there, until Twilight wipes her eyes and blinks them open. "Oh. Well, that is good to know, Jinxel. I was concerned that your time in the Confederacy had finally changed you and Bramble. I'm glad to see you two still aren't really evil." Twilight says, smiling. "But, this is a pretty big mess. I'll have to insist you two stay to help clean it up."

     Getting covered in something goopy isn't all that unusual for Twilight. It happens fairly often whenever Pinkie Pie is involved. Rainbow Dash's complaint makes Twilight blink in surprise before giggling. "Sorry, Rainbow Dash. If there is another opportunity, I will be sure to leave it to you."

     She then looks to Natasha. "You might want to be careful with your fire abilities. Substances like this are often highly flammable."

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"Whaaaahaahaahaahaahaa!" Bramble Patch breaks out in raucious laughter so hard she has to slump back against the cauldron to brace herself, and likely just confusing poor Jinxel farther. "Oh you should see the look on your faces! Poison the candy? You really thought so?! Ahahahaha!" She half turns to use the cauldron to push herself back onto her hooves. "I may be an aspiring villianous rogue and total jerk but I'm not -that- much of a mulehole." Besides, there's bad guy rules against harming kids like that. Bramble Patch has a -few- standards, not that she'd really admit to it.

"Com'n, it may be a bit dorky but this is the one holiday honoring The Boss. Sort of. Like I'd actually try to ruin that?!" She peers over the edge of the machine with a huge grin on her face. "But I knew I had to make the shtick just enough over the top for you dweebs to actually show up so I could pull the biggest Nightmare Night trick on you!"

She picks up the cane and shakes some of the gunk off of it. "And it's called Gak. Human kids have this odd obsession with it's squishiness and splattering it on each other. It's sticky and messy but pretty harmless over all."

Jinxel (119) has posed:
     Jinxel sweatdrops as Bramble goes off on another one of her villainous monologues and completely disregards her question, so instead she lets out a nervous laugh, "Aaaahahahaha... yes, excellent plan Bramble!" She even claps her hooves as she glances around.

     Then she leans over with one hoof held in front of her mouth and whispers, "You mean we lured them all out here so we could prank them?"

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight lifts a hoof, looking a bit disturbed by the way the slime sticks to her. "I...see." she says, then lowers the hoof back to the ground. "Well...if that was your plan..." Twilight gains a slight smirk as her horn starts to glow. A large circle of Gak disappears, then reappears over Bramble and Jinxel. "...it only seems fair that you two share in the fun." she says calmly, smiling, even as the goop splashes down around them.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Ugh, seriously?!" Bits of that 'gak' drip off of Rainbow Dash as she hovers there, flicking off of her wings with each flap. "This is your big plan?! Some prank!?" She rubs at her chin a couple of times. "I gueeesss it was an okay one. But not nearly as funny as it could be."

A grin flashes across Rainbow's muzzle. She flits back behind the gushing pipes, briefly hovering there. "This makes it WAY more funny!" She begins to beat her wings harder, causing a breeze to pick up around them. The breeze becomes a gust, sending the goop flinging right back at Bramble and Jinxel.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha giggles as Jinxel and Bramble get hit with the Gak. She nods in agreement with Rainbow Dash. "So what are we going to do about this mess?" Joke or not the factory is still covered in goo and there's no way they could make candy like this. "I mean a candy factory likely as the stuff needed to clean it up since they likely have to deal with spills and stuff?"

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
"Yes, yes we did. And that's why it's funny." Bramble Patch reachs over to pat Jinxel on the shoulder. "Sorry I didn't tell you, but you kinda have a tendancy to buckle under pressure and spill the surprise too soon."

Of course it's when she's leaning close to Jinxel that both Twilight (who taught the egghead to make a joke?!) and Rainbow decide to splat them back. "Gff!" With a huff she wipes the goo off her eyes with one hoof. "... Yeah, okay, I probably did deserve that." And it just dribbles off her hoof instead of shaking free. "Or set off the fire sprinklers and it will dissolve."

Jinxel (119) has posed:
     "Oh... okay." Jinxel replies, feeling /much/ better about things than she did before! She's not psychologically built for Evil after all, so she tends to be reluctant when it comes to that, "Though I do feel bad for all the workers who's job we interupte--"


     And now Jinxel is standing there, covered from head to toe in GAK. Sigh, and now she has to clean this costume before Nightmare Night.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     After the Gak has been properly spread around, Twilight giggles. "So, it washes away with water? That was rather considerate of you." she says to Bramble. "Are you sure you are evil?" she asks, then looks up at the sprinklers before over at Natasha. "Natasha, would you be so kind as to activate the sprinklers? Then, Rainbow Dash can Rainblowdry the entire factory!" Twilight says, smiling.

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Sure, but I'm going to have to get out of here quickly after I do so!" Natasha certainly doesn't want get too wet after all. That leads to pain. She starts setting small fires through out the factory, she doesn't want to cause too much damage and it should give her enough to clear the area before the sprinklers start to go off.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch points a hoof accusingly at Twilight. "Don't doubt my badness just because this -was- only a prank! Hmf. For being good guys you sure are inconsiderate!" Bramble Patch pulls a potion flask out of her jacket. "Com'n Jinxy, I've got stain remover at home for our costumes. Away!" She throws the flask at her hooves and it goes *POOF* in a big plume of smoke.

That fades much too soon to reveal her sneaking off. "... Dangit! How does Trixie do that?!" she complains, before giving up on sneaky and just runs for the nearest fire exit. Because it's not funny if you don't leave the victims to clean up the mess afterwards!

Of course her kicking the fire exit open and bolting out of it just sets off the fire suppression systems as well. Oops.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Hmmm..." Rainbow Dash keeps peering at Bramble suspiciously as the two make their getaway. The pegasus folds her forelimbs across her chest, wings beating steadily, even as the sprinklers start to do their thing. If anything, she flies a bit steadier. Weather pegasus, and all. "I don't get it. I thought she was supposed evil and stuff." She puffs out her cheeks in annoyance. "Augh, why can't bad guys just make it easy to kick their flanks!?"

Jinxel (119) has posed:
     Of course, when Bramble pulls out her smoke bomb and deonates it at their feet, Jinxel is too busy coughing from all the smoke to remember to, ya know... run.

     So when the smoke clears, Jinxel is still there, waving the smoke out of her face before looking to her side... and seeing that Bramble isn't there anymore, "Huh?" Then she turns and scampers off in pursuit of the Villainous Vinemaster, "Aaaah! W-wait for meeeee!"

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight sighs softly. "Well, when one is not truly evil, it is hard to be evil." she says, then looks up at Dash. "But, I had an idea for a prank that might make her think twice about things in the future." She giggles to herself, then motions for Rainbow Dash to float down even as she forms a shield over Natasha so she doesn't have to run.