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Lute and Crona Go To Hooters
Date of Scene: 02 November 2014
Location: Pokemon Islands - Kanto
Synopsis: Lute and Crona go on a date to the Cinnabar Island branch of the restaurant Hooters.
Cast of Characters: 188, 232, 476

Lute (188) has posed:
     Through some random chance, or possibly through Medusa's malevolence, Lute has managed to score a date with Crona. He's actually incredibly surprised by this! He thought Medusa would be against it, but in fact she seems to support it! But, Lute is certain of one thing: He has to show Crona a good time.

     He waits outside the Cinnabar Island Hooters. Yes. What a classy place to take a date. He leans against the building, waiting outside. Of all things, he has decided to actually where a somewhat nice looking suit. He actually manages to clean up pretty well, and look fairly sophisticated.

     Despite the fact he is currently going on a date to Hooters. There is nothing sophisticated about that.

     He checks his watch. By which of course means his iPokephone. Who uses watches anymore? Crona should be arriving /pretty/ soon.

     Also of note. He has a bunch of roses held in his right hand. Aww, how sweet, he's actually trying to be nice and romantic!

Crona (476) has posed:
    Medusa knows all about Crona's treachery. It is the only reason that Crona can think of to explain why she is making them go on this date. Crona doesn't like places with people at the best of times. They don't like loud places even more, and they really, really don't like being intimate with people, because Crona is quite aware of how shockingly weird and terrible a person they are. Ragnarok reminds them on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis. So, that Medusa knows Crona is planning to betray them isn't in doubt.

    They can only hope that she is as-yet unaware of the extent to which she has already been betrayed. Oh, how sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child.

    Crona is wearing their usual dress, but beneath it, they are wearing dark grey leggings, and long sleeves betray the fact that they are wearing another shirt beneath the dress. They also could not look much less comfortable in their own skin. At their back, they've strapped a sword almost as tall as they are, and the uncomfortable person wanders up to Lute in an erratic series of curving, looping footsteps.

    Today, Crona is unbalanced in more ways than one.

    Eventually, they manage to navigate their way to stand in front of Lute, and stare determinedly at their feet. "mhellomisterluteIaskedforachaperonepleasedon'tbeangry." They mumble as quickly and as quietly as possible. Crona hasn't even looked up at the building, but their face is already almost as pink as their hair.

D (232) has posed:
    The backdrop is too colorful and lively for a man like D, and too raucous. Solemn, silent, and pallid beyond measure, his is a figure meant for darker worlds and places, where the shadows linger and the night is home to countless horrors. He isn't any would-be Pokemon Master on an optimistic journey framed by friendship and competition; he is a Hunter, whose very existence is the only frail thread keeping his world dangling safe above the abyss.

    Any wave he receives on the roadway goes unreturned. The sun's warm radiance gives him no comfort through his black garments. He rides in silence, until the glaring eyes of an orange and white owl beckon him from his saddle with the promise of chicken wings, and a companion he believed to be lost.

    The Hunter dismounts from his steed in a single smooth movement. Part cybernetic, part biological, the horse goes stock still where it's left, programmed to strict obedience. D leaves it behind him. His shadow falls over the restaurant's door. Not far from him, Crona and Lute greet one another and sort out their arrangements, both of them ignored.

    As the doors open to admit him, a chill goes through the air.

    "Table for one," he informs the hostess.

    Is she swooning yet? Give it time.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just stares blankly at Crona. A /chaperone/? Does she not trust him at all? But, he pauses for a second, thinking. Wait, of course she wouldn't trust him. No one trusts him. He sighs, considering for a bit.

     "Well... You've hurt my feelings, that you don't trust me. But I suppose if you need a chaperone, then you can have one. Who is he?"

     Of course he obviously sees D nearby and makes a not inaccurate guess that this man who is /completely out of place/ is the chaperone. He rubs his chin, considering.

     "Well... either way. Won't stop us from having fun tonight, right? Oh! And these are for you."

     He hands the roses over, and leads Crona in. Already a table is laid out for them. Lute got reservations, after all. Plus he's well known here. He's one of their most common customers! And gives decent tips, too.

     Of course, once both of them are sitted at the table, a waitress comes over, leans over /right/ in front of Crona's face, and gives them both menus. She smiles, and says,

     "Welcome to Hooter's, boys. Here, let us know once you're done looking through the menu."

     Yes, the waitress is assuming Crona is a boy. And she puts a hand on Crona's shoulder just briefly before stepping away.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona takes the roses, and looks horribly flustered. D didn't even make eye contact! Is he secretly bitterly angry with Crona for their unwitting part in... everything? And Crona has hurt Lute's feelings! That's not cool, that's not cool at all! But, when they open their mouth to say something, they're already walking into the place, and oh my gosh there ARE girls here and, and, and...

    Crona doesn't correct the waitress, but that could just be because they are busy trying not to spontaneously burst into flames. They put the flowers down on the table, and, incredibly stiffly, they /march/ themselves over to D's table. There, they unclasp the sword, and THUMP. The heavy weapon is dropped onto the top of D's table. Crona could not look more horrified. A low whisper is given:

    "Please. Don't. Leave. Me."

    Sheer desperation, but Crona ALSO doesn't want to be rude, so they swivel on one foot, and march back over to the table, where they plop themselves down in the seat opposite Lute, and stare at the menu intently.

    "I'm sorry Mister Lute, its just, I don't eat out very often. I don't know what you do. And they are all so... everyone's got such... the ... the um ..."

    It is at this point that Ragnarok emerges from Crona's back. The huge, bubbling black Weapon peers around at the choice of venue, and one can almost see the lecherous intent drawing itself across his features.

    "Now THIS is what I'M TALKING about! I don't know why you'd want to hang out with stupid Crona, buddy, but you're alright by me!"

D (232) has posed:
    The sword.

    Its placement on the table disrupts the waitress attempting to provide a menu to D, but for a weapon to be put out in the open like that still isn't anywhere near as flustering as it is to try and take D's attention from it. Right away, D is wrapping his hand around the sword's familiar hilt, checking the grip for any change imposed by long separation. The blade is drawn out from its scabbard a few inches, and he becomes fixated by the bared steel despite the waitress waving her cleavage around only a few inches from his face. It's not until the menu slaps his shoulder in a firm, playful strike that D even stops to consider the woman.

    "I need to move my table," he murmurs. His voice is flat, and he doesn't even look at the girl, just stands up from his seat and picks his sword up off the table. The blade slides back into its scabbard until it clicks into a secured position. "I would like to sit where the child who brought me this sword can be kept in view. I am the chaperone, you see."

    Charm could probably get him what he wants, but he doesn't bother trying. Then again, does he have to? One look at the girl and anyone could see she's dazed by both his manner and his good looks. He walks to the empty booth he deems suitable -- in sight of Crona, but not so close he's subjected to the date's every detail -- and sits. "No, I won't be having anything to eat. Water is all I need. Thank you."

Lute (188) has posed:
     At the very least, Ragnarok /really/ gets what this is all about. Lute lifts up a hand for a high-five to Ragnarok, assuming he'll take it. Lute simply nods at Ragnarok a bit, as well. Yeah, Ragnarok is a guy who knows his stuff.

     Crona getting up and walking over to D surprises him a bit. But, as she comes back, well. He's beginning to figure things out. Why she is acting weird, why she seems like she can't handle any of this. Finally, it all makes sense.

     "OH! You like that guy, huh? Or maybe you've been dating him secretly? Oh, don't worry about it. Really, it's fine. You can date him and me both. I mean, it's not like you're the only one I'm dating, either."

     Also, she mentions that 'Everyone has got such big'... Well. Lute has an answer to that one, either.

     "And don't worry. You'll have a nice chest one day, too. If not, the Fed medical system is pretty good, and your mom is a nurse. You'd be able to get a procedure to increase them easy enough."

     And before the terror of that can even sink in on Crona, Lute gives his order to the waiter, "We'll start with a side of oysters, since I think I heard they're an aprhodesia-- I shouldn't say that part out loud, but yeah, still get us some oysters. And I'll have a Double D Burger."

     Yes that is an actual burger name at Hooters.

     After this, Lute finally acknowledges D, by giving him a thumbs up. Yeah, D should love this place too.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona has died. They have died and gone to hell. This is actually a nightmare world from which there is no waking. Crona knows this because Lute is talking about breast implants and implying Crona wants to date D, which could not be further from the truth, because Medusa is in love with D, and, and, oh god this can't be happening.

    There's a strange, high-pitched whine from the pink-haired child, and for the first time in their life they are glad Ragnarok is there to help them out. The Weapon had, of course, high-fived Lute, and now he's laughing uproariously.

    "This is on your dime, right buddy." No, that isn't a question, it just sounds like one. "Yeah, get me one of those burgers too, and a beer, and an ice cream. What about you Crona? Don't be a dork now, this nice guy wants to get to know you, SO BE COOL AND INTERESTING ALREADY!"

    Ragnarok lifts Crona's head by the back of their hair, and the scrawny thing slouches in their seat in meek protest. "... I just want some pasta. Oysters are fiddly. They've got shells and tools and they're alive when you eat them. What if they don't die and they start a family in my stomach? I don't think I could deal with that right now..."

    They do, at least, try to show willing by sipping some water, and then smiling at Lute. Smiiiiiile. Now what sort of conversation topics should they open with?

     "So. Um. Why... me?"

    It is a question Crona has asked the universe in general so much. Maybe Lute will have an answer.

D (232) has posed:
    Meanwhile, the waitresses have figured out what to do with D -- leave him at the table of his choosing. Of course, it took three of them to decide this, and to check on his comfort, and to make sure he has his water, and to ply him with specials, wings, beer, wine, and whatever else could suit his fancy. One of the girls goes so far as to sit next to D to show him the menu picture by picture, perhaps assuming he's dumb because he's pretty.

    D is resolute in ignoring the women.

    From time to time he seems to glance in Crona's direction, but it's so quick, it might be done by accident. D sits in his booth, ignores the world around him, sips from a glass of water, and stares at his sword, which his hand has yet to release. He is quite boring, until Crona whines.

    /That/ gets Lute a look and a very slight frown.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute knows Ragnarok wasn't really asking, but he nods anyway, "Yeah, it's on me. And I think she's already cool and interesting, if you ask me. I mean I hear she is supposed to be pretty tough, especially with your help, right? I respect the strong."

     As for not wanting to eat the oysters, well... Lute smirks, "I can teach you. And trust me, they're not alive. I can help you get them out, and then use my spoon to serve them into your mouth. That'd be fun, huh?"

     And then, the question of 'why'. Well. Lute has a few things he would /like/ to say as answers, but knows are not the best. Such as, 'shy girls are desperate and crazier romantically once you get to know them'. But he won't say this. Because he is a gentleman. Instead, he reaches his right hand to take Crona's hand, for a moment, and to look her directly in the eyes.

     "It's because you're fascinating. You are different than almost any other Confederate. And I wanna get to know you better."

     Yes that'll work. And it's not entirely a lie, either.

     Then, he adds, "Plus I think your mom would say no if I asked her out."

     Another pause.

     "Not that I think she'd be remotely safe to date anyways. You seem less insane than her in ways."

     "Plus you'll probably have more of a bombshell body than her when you get older."

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona stiffens up when Lute takes their hand. Physical contact. AAAAAH. Internally, they aren't sure if they should stab him or scream or do both and then curl up in a corner and cry for a couple of hours. Luckily, it doesn't come to that, because Lute keeps talking, and at first, his words actually make Crona feel better about themselves.

    "You think I'm... fascinating?" Crona repeats, and Ragnarok sticks out his tongue, pfffbthing and rolling his eyes, "If he knew what you do in your room all day, he wouldn't think that at all!"

    "Shut up Ragnarok!" Crona blurts, and the Demon Sword looks startled, "Wow, Crona, you're getting pretty mouthy these days. You're so scary when you speak up like that!"

    Crona's head flops back onto the table as Ragnarok lets go, and they sigh. "Lady Medusa only cares about D anyway." Crona tells the napkin, before they manage to sit themselves back up in their chair. "Everyone in the Confederacy is so nice to me. Except... Lady Medusa. But, but I'm not complaining. I... I just want to make her happy."

    They look back at D, then. The evidence that this sentiment isn't exactly true any more.

    "... but I don't want to be a bad person too ..."

    Which makes Ragnarok laugh so hard, beer comes out of his nose. "See how stupid Crona is? We've eaten HUNDREDS of people, and stupid Crona is worried about being NICE! Bwahahahaha!"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just laughs, "Yeah, you shouldn't worry too much about your mom. Most kids your age aren't worrying about making their mom happy. And yeah, a lot of the people in the Confederacy are nice. Though, if I had to guess? Your mom probably just has high hopes for you, which is why she is so rough with you."

     He smirks a bit, "Though, I wouldn't worry about being a bad person. Hell, being a bad person is a lot more fun. I'm with Ragnarok. No use worrying about being a good person, just do what you want. Hell, while I've only had bites of people, I don't even have a /clue/ how many I've killed, and honestly, it doesn't bother me at night."

     He ponders.

     "Maybe next date, you and I can go do a bank robbery. It'll be quite romantic, just like Bonnie and Clyde."

     A pause for a second.

     "...Also, if you have feelings for D, and so does your mom, you could both just share him, you know."

Crona (476) has posed:
    "N-no! Its not like that!"

    Crona is quick to protest about their feelings towards D, mostly because they don't know what those feelings are. They're not even comfortable with the fact that they have feelings whatsoever, let alone any of any positive kind towards D - excepting that he's, well, been very nice and supportive to them. Ragnarok, though, ruffles his Meister's hair.

    "You should listen to this guy, Crona, he knows his stuff."

    Crona dangles themselves back on the chair, and looks up at the ceiling, because the ceiling has not yet revealed itself to have any horrific surprises - like oysters.

    "Do you really think Lady Medusa has high hopes for me?" They murmur at last. "She's always saying what a disappointment I am... I'm a failure, and I screw everything up. I can't even kill a werewolf. ... I guess, if we robbed a bank, maybe we could use the money to buy..." What does Medusa even like? What could they possibly want with money?!

    "... shoes? ..."

    Oh yeah, Crona clearly knows their mother SO well.

D (232) has posed:
    Lute's remark about 'sharing' puts tension into D's jaw, but he doesn't involve himself. Not even painting Medusa Gorgon in a positive way gets him out of his seat, or away from his sword, his glass of water, or his regular rotation of five waitresses. It's not his business. The last time he involved himself, it was a big, terrible mistake. Crona will have to take comfort from his stern, silent presence.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute ponders a bit, looking at Crona. Yeah, she pretty definately has a lot of issues. Issues he is actually whole heartedly wanting to help her with. She really has a lot to learn.

     Like she absolutely needs to learn to be amoral, come on, she should be getting this by now.

     "Your mom can only be dissapointed if she /has/ high hopes. If she had no hopes, she wouldn't be dissapointed, right? She pretty definately loves you a lot, so you should listen to her, and work harder. Or if you don't, that's fine too. Either way... Well."

     Lute gets up from the table, sliding closer to Crona. He places a hand on the side of her face.

     "I think you're cuter as a monster."

     And he leans on to kiss her.

     On the lips.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona actually feels good about themselves. Lute's supportive words bring the beginnings of a smile to their lips, and they fold their hands onto the table in front of them, meeting Lute's eyes with a bashful expression. "That's, really nice of--"

    Wait why are those hands next to their cheeks?

    Why is Lute leaning in to them?

    Oh no what is even happening right now?


    Crona starts to pull backwards, but it is too late to escape entirely, and then Lute is kissing Crona right on the mouth, and even Ragnarok isn't laughing any more he's just staring in mute horror at the realization that this is a thing. Crona has just received their first kiss and there is no way, on any level, that the pink-haired Meister is ready for this.


    There's that strange little noise again, but it is getting louder, and louder, and Crona's pupils have shrunk down to tiny pinpricks.


    Quite suddenly, the entire table is being overturned, and Crona is flinging themselves across Hooters at top speed. They don't even go for the door, they go for the plate glass window, and dive bodily THROUGH it at top speed, sending broken glass and splatters of black blood everywhere, hands waving wildly over their head as they dash as quickly as they can. Poor Ragnarok dangles from Crona's back, desperately trying to reach out towards the stunned-looking waitress who was in the process of bringing over the food.

    "But Crona, my burger!"


D (232) has posed:
    D stands up.

    Lute's in trouble.

    An icy shadow stretches toward Lute as D marches across the restaurant to defend Crona's honor. Or at least, to make certain she's not pursued by her would-be paramour.

    His unyielding stride carries him through the broken window like a billowing storm cloud. His cloak snaps behind him, and his dark glare glints through the shadow cast across his regal visage, promising certain death to anything or anyone who should get in his way -- or at least, to the youth who started this mess. As he walks, he slings his sword across his back, and locks the scabbard's belt across his chest. Somehow, the click of the belt sounds like a warning shot going off.

    He really, really does not belong in a place like Kanto Island. Or in a Hooters.

    The Hunter isn't chasing down Crona with so much menace, however -- it's Lute he's looking to stop.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute drops a credit card on the table (even though it is currently flipped upside down), and glances at the waitresses. "Just charge all damages to that, okay?"

     And then he grabs the burger.

     Ragnarok /needs/ his burger.

     "Wait, Crona, come back! Ragnarok needs his burger!"

     And, as Lute was just /about/ to run out to follow Crona, he spots D. D, obviously, is not wanting Lute to follow him. And so, what does Lute do?

     Well, the table was flipped, and glasses are on the floor, broken. Lute rapidly sweeps his feet to send glass flying into D's eyes.

     Successful or not, he leaps to bust through the wall, rather than the window.


D (232) has posed:
    Glassy shards kick off Lute's shoes to spray D's face. Using the speedy reflexes the likes of which only a supremely talented and handsome dhampir like himself could possibly possess, D pulls his cape up with his forearm to shield his face. It would look menacing enough to rival Bela Lugosi, except some of the glass manages to sting him, anyway, driving him back a flinching step.

    This is why the astonishment he suffers at witnessing Lute's spot-on Kool-Aid Man impression goes completely unexpressed. He's too busy cringing and hiding behind his cape to let any surprise show itself.

    "Damn you!" he snaps anyway, as snarly as can be.

    By the time he wipes the last of the glass away, and any cuts have begun to heal, Crona's too far away for him to intervene, and Lute's equally out of reach.

    Well. Ragnarok should keep Crona safe, at this point.

    D sighs, and decides getting his sword back is probably worth some sacrificed dignity. He climbs back into his horse's saddle, and proceeds to gloom his way back home.

Lute (188) has posed:
     And Lute chases Crona far into the night.

     Despite the fact that she has probably already been picked up and is nowhere to be seen.