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Latest revision as of 23:12, 3 November 2014

Musical Guest Star
Date of Scene: 03 October 2014
Location: Cyber Core
Synopsis: Deelel's hanging out in the Cyber Core when an very strange guest arrives whose not of that world at all the songstress known as Sona.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 586

Deelel has posed:
Deelel often submerged herself into the sea of data after all, she was seen as the goddess of such on Afterus and she kept trying to live up to what those people saw her as. She did what she could for Afterus digital compoent where she could and mysterious issues are solved where she can but she sighs she can't do enough still she lets her mind wander at a rate that might be beyond a human she's just idly day dreaming nad listening to the news streams...

Sona Buvelle (586) has posed:
There's a bit of news in the more artsy section of the datasteam today: 'Musical Sensation Sona Buvelle sighted in Cyber Core!' It's the equivalent of an 'E News' datastream.

But, it seems to be true, as the mute musician seems to be walking along one of the pathways. She gets many looks given her strange clothing and floating golden instrument, but the woman hardly seems bothered. When she finds a street corner? She stops. One of the passers-by gets her attention, and she smiles gently.

She starts to play, the vibrations of the instrument almost audible. Rather than traditional stringed music? She 'listens' closely to those around her, and matches their inner tune. Electronica spills out of her instrument, causing the very air and data around her thrum. Strangely, others around her start dancing as if puppets on strings. The crowd begins to gather as Sona silently sighs in pleasure as she watches and plays.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel pauses at this interesing bit of information and rises from the unit she was connected to. She'd had enough monitoring for today and she owuld go vheck out this strange songstress that's come out his way. So very soon Sona would be watched by Deelel with a good deal of intrest, organic didn't come this way often after all.

Sona Buvelle (586) has posed:
Sona at first hardly seems to notice, losing herself in the music. Her eyes closed, she dances and twirls upon the song-magic that keeps her afloat. Seems she's a decent dancer, both leading and following the tempo of those around her. She breathes swiftly, bliss and the strange look of someone indulging in forbidden pleasures filling her from the mere sound of those about, unheard by all but her.

But there is one amongst them that adds to the silent tune, and it causes Sona to almost miss a note. Her eyes go wide, and she floats around, between, and sometimes over the crowd to get to the source of it.

Deelel would then be face to face with a floating instrument and organic as she continues to play. Her strokes along it change, and magic swells between the two women. Blinking images form, not unlike much of the glowing lines in the area, but shaped first in a small, chibified version of Sona and then Deelel. In the images, Sona offers a polite wave, and then points to herself. There's several hand-motions. Should Deelel know sign language?

"Who...are you, who sings so loudly?"

Should Deelel not understand? The Sona-image points to Deelel-image, and makes singing motions complete with little musical notes around the mouth. 'Name' flashes in neon glowing lights.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks at the music girl with intrest she watches for a moment. She pauses at the music gets more intense she watches with a good deal of intrest at Sonia as she pause at the sign lanague she's heard of it but hasn't ... learned how. She may need to consider that given it's a form of communcation the multivses does nothing for. She pauses for a moment she looks at the sign and pauses.

"Greetings! My ID is Deelel."

Sona Buvelle (586) has posed:
Sona blinks, and she tilts her head slightly. Realization dawns, and the little signing motions have magical red x's drawn over them. Though she momentarily seems troubled by this, she recovers quickly enough. The song slows, and fades, with one final dropped beat. With a dramatic flick of the strings, it ends on a high note. All of the crowd erupt in a cheer before blinking and shaking their heads as if awaking from some sort of fog. Deelel may or may not have felt the pure emotion of it all; excitement, discovery, and the pure joy of dance and movement. Forceful, at that, as if trying to coerce and draw in those who hear it.

As the crowd fades and activity returns to normal, the chibi-Deelel suddenly has her name in floating letters above her. The instrument-wielding woman plucks a few strings...more electronica, gentle beats this time. Almost like something from a video game.

The Sona-chibi spells out her own name above in flashing neon letters: 'Sona of House Buvelle'. The chibi-Sona and the larger version alike do a pirouette in the air before floating back down and giving a graceful bow. The music ends abruptly, and the woman just looks bashful, and a touch /lost/.

A hand rubs her long hair as she stares for a moment. Sona points at Deelel, then the instrument before her and gives a quissical look. She even moves to the side slightly, and the Etwahl seems to float towards Deelel just an inch suggestively.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel smiles at Sona a she watches the show and pause she felt something strange it felt like more than her self shw watches the chibi her an seems so amused she iggles a bit before sh ebows slightly back in rteturn.

"Greeting Sona of House Buvelle."

SHE looks her over for a moment longer and she tilts her head a bit.

"Welcome to the inside of the machine as it were this is the cybercore region a world not of flesh but of voxels I'm a program as is about everyone you have met here."

Sona Buvelle (586) has posed:
Some things require little translation, and such is likely the case with the look Sona gives Deelel. She stares silently, as ever, for a good moment. Her chibi image look equal confused. She mouths the word 'machine' quissically, before she jumps a little.

A few more plucked strings, a pleasant melody of upbeat inspiration. There's a feeling of recognition, and yet a desire for confirmation in the wave of feeling.

Two more chibis appear: one, a dancing clockwork brass woman twirling about Deelel-chibi, and then a massive, bronze steampunk robot stomping around. The words 'Machine' appear in that flashing text above, and arrows point first at the two new chibis, then at Deelel with question marks above them. It's followed by a tiny meat-and-bone generic image, and an arrow to Sona.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Yes a machine, not quite like that something more advanced but you got the right idea. Then again who knows with a bit of work like your showing me."

She seems to be pleased with her self she's also friendly and Sona might notice the local fashion are very much form fitting body suits which seems to have no means of being put on, most odd really.

"Didd you get lost or come here by choice Sona?"

Sona Buvelle (586) has posed:
The floaty woman's hair and head alike bob up and down at Deelel's first words, before she rubs her chin thoughtfully. A few chords of a really catchy pop song, and then the pictograms change.

There's a colorful starburst flash, and then there's a chibi Sona on a grass field. She merrily walks her way over to a Warpgate, and passes through. Then more walking, and another warpgate. This time? The tiny image of Sona trips over a rock, and the instrument in chibi-form goes chasing as she tumbles through one gate after another. Landing on her duff a few tumbles later? She's in a flashing, neon world no doubt representing the one they're in.

The real Sona jumps up and down excitedly, clearly no worse for wear for the experience. She plays a few local songs she's picked up already, clearly enjoying what she's learned.

Suddenly, there's a massive grin on her face. She points to the instrument, then to herself, and then to Deelel. Her hands motion vaguely in the direction of the city at large. She takes out a notepad, and does a tiny little drawing with a convenient pen.

There's a little drawing of Sona on stage, beside a figure that looks somewhat like Deelel. Then, there's a question mark. Seems there might be an offer here!