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Latest revision as of 15:20, 4 November 2014

Corrections and consequences
Date of Scene: 03 November 2014
Location: Soul Eater World
Synopsis: Mommy dearest is not happy when she learns about her child's betrayal.
Cast of Characters: 22, 476

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    While Medusa had anticipated that going on a date would not end well for Crona, she didn't expect some things to happen. Most of them are of no consequence, and Lute had been useful in his own twisted way in reminding Crona that there is no way they can handle social interactions like most people, that they are not meant for these things. It's to expected that Crona is still shook up after the date, but Medusa had still told the young meister to go to bed without any need to ask questions about what happened. It hardly matters compared to the work she knows is awaiting her.

    No, what really matters and what caught her attention was when she realized that something was missing. Something vital. Her golden eyes immediately is drawn to where the sword /should/ be, but it's been taken from the table in her library. The pieces fall easily together.

    Perhaps Crona hasn't even started getting ready for bed when Medusa's soft footsteps can be heard coming down the hallway, and her shadow appears in the doorway. Without a word she walks slowly into the room, her eyes narrowed as she looks down at Crona with a hard look that the child should recognize well enough.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona is pretty shaken up already. The date was one of the most horribly awkward experiences in the pink-haired Meister's life, and that says a very great deal indeed, as their life has been full of far more awkward experiences than any person should have to deal with already. Picking the shards of glass out of their hair (and skin) was bad enough, and Crona is covered with many, many little sticking plasters.

    When Medusa enters their bedroom, the child is wearing the shirt that Serori sent to them - a long-sleeved one, a little too baggy for someone with such an odd body shape, with a skull made of glitter emblazoned on it. Crona had tried to ignore the sound of Medusa's footsteps, as though if they just didn't acknowledge them, they might... go away.

    But of course that doesn't happen, and Crona turns to look up at their mother with wide eyes. Crona will never be a competent liar, and guilt is written over every inch of their expression. A faint tremble runs down their spine, and they swallow, hard.

    "A-are you going to read me a story before I go to sleep?"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Crona is easy to read for most, and for Medusa it's even easier. Every little sign shines easily for her snakelike eyes as she stops right in front of the child, a cold expression on her face that doesn't say much to a poor, confused soul.

    Rather than answering the question, the witch reaches a hand out, slowly moving to grab Crona's face by the chin. Even then she doesn't say anything for a few seconds.

    "You were doing so well, Crona..."

    Her tone almost sounds disappointed. Almost. Her face however does not change. The fingers holding onto Crona's chin are firm and unyielding without hurting. Yet.

    "That thing was a keepsake. I even gave him a gracious offer which he refused... and you..." Medusa's serpentine eyes narrow further. "You gave it to him. And for what reason, might I ask...?"

    Those fingers begin to tighten their grip now.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona knows better than to fight back, and Ragnarok knows better than to try and intervene. Right now, both Meister and Weapon are in perfect agreement. It doesn't happen often, but when it comes to Medusa's wrath, both can agree that it is far too terrifying to want anything to do with. Their mother's fingers hurt, and Crona can't back away, but they also don't look the woman in the eye. Desperately, they keep their eyes looking down as they wiggle and squirm.

    "Aaah!" Crona whines, and all that bravery, all the many things they thought they might say when (not if) they were caught, just... fail to materialize. Tears well up in their place.

    "I, I don't know!" Crona lies, "I don't know why I did it, I don't know, I don't! Please don't hate me, please, I... I'm sorry!" The child is speaking very loudly, as though volume might make it true... but there's not a single thing they just said that is true. They aren't sorry. They know exactly why they did it.

    They're just scared.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The fingers do not ease up their grip as Crona raises their voice and begins denying any part of the swords disappearance. That loud tone is grating on her ears... Medusa leans down slightly, closing the distance between herself and Crona, and she sighs softly. "You think your own mother can't tell when you're lying, Crona...?"

    Medusa's other hand twitches slightly, and her voice is low when she speaks. "Vector Arrow."

    Instead of many black arrows pouring out of the witch's back, a single one coils around Medusa's wrist and hand, following as she drives her hand forward towards Crona's midsection. Killing Crona like this is basically impossible due to the black blood, which is the point. The aim here is to discipline. The single vector arrow digs into Crona's flesh, though it's not aimed at any vital organs, and it will not go deep either.

    Medusa lets go of Crona's chin next, giving the poor meister a cold glare. "I hardly imagine this was his idea. Will you tell me willingly, or do I have to make you, Crona?"

Crona (476) has posed:
    The pain is bad, but Crona is used to pain. Its the coldness in Medusa's look that they can never get used to. Their blood flows freely, bathing the floor and flooding out in a wet, constant stream until Ragnarok can bring himself to gather up and stop it. The pink-haired Meister slumps. Danging, boneless, Crona stares down and... slowly, understanding dawns on them.

    "Y-you ruined my shirt." Crona whimpers, looking down at the damaged garment. Now, a thick rend is torn through that glossy skull. They'd been so happy when they'd received the present from the General. It felt like they were accepted. Now, Medusa had taken that away.

    Crona can't hold the tears back, and they come just as quickly and just as intensely as the blood from their wound. "I did it because you were WRONG!" They shout, "You were WRONG to treat Mister D like one of your experiments, you were WRONG to keep Mister D's things, you were WRONG, you were wrong and it was bad and I wanted to make it better because... because... because you were wrong."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    There is no concern for the ruined shirt. Where did Crona get it from anyway? It hardly matters now, does it? The tears tell their own story, and Medusa watches without any empathy. What concerns her more is the fact that Crona is finally telling the truth about what happened with the sword. Not that she agrees with those words. Even as Crona shouts Medusa stands poised and calm. At least until her hand moves quickly, the back of her hand aimed at Crona's cheek to stop that grating babble.

    "Perhaps I was wrong about letting you enlist," she says instead. "As you betrayed not only me, but the Confederacy, by giving one of our /enemies/ his weapon back. What would the Field Marshal say? How will you pay for this...?" Medusa asks cooly with an accusing look in her eyes.

Crona (476) has posed:
    The slap shuts Crona up, not because it hurts, but because it is a signal that they should shut up. Their eyes stay downcast, and the words hurt. Everyone in the Confederacy has been so nice to them - even Lute, Crona can recognize, wanted to be nice, even if he did it in a way which was utterly horrifying to the unfortunate Meister. Medusa is right, though. Crona has stabbed all those people in the back. People that were also as nice to them as D had been. People who might be in danger now because Crona did something stupid.

    "I don't know." Crona mumbles, sniffling, but trying hard to keep back the tears that they know their mother just finds infuriating. "P-please don't make me tell them, it... we.... we don't have to, nobody has to know, it... it can be a secret." Finally, the pink-haired child raises their head up enough to look into those terrifying eyes.

    "P-please, I, I don't want them to hate me..."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The child is so easily manipulated. Any kindness can be used to sway it, but then again, can it really compare to what Crona truly craves?

    Strangely enough, Medusa reaches her hand out again, though this time she places the palm of her hand against Crona's cheek in a far gentler manner. Her voice is low and soft, yet devoid of any true warmth. "So you will lie to them, just like you lied to me? Will you break their heart too...? How can they trust you when you betray them like this? How could /I/ ever trust you...?"

    As eyes meet eyes, Medusa leans slightly closer. "Just how many more secrets are you hiding, Crona?" Just how many reasons do you have to make your own mother doubt your love?

Crona (476) has posed:
    "I... I didn't, mean it like ..."

    Poor Crona is in a tailspin. They can feel the world dropping away from underneath them. They've just confirmed that they are a liar, a cheat, a traitor. Deep down, they know that they are a murderer, too. They're a monster. A horrible, pathetic, weak excuse for a human being.

    Desperately, Crona flings themselves at Medusa, wrapping their arms around the woman's shoulders and crying in deep, heavy sobs into her shirt. "I'm sorry!" Crona wails, "I, I, I want to be better I want you to trust me, I'm sorry, I'm so-o-o-orry!"

    All of that hatred, resentment and anger that Crona had been building up against their mother... all at once, it is turned inwards, crushing down ever harder against what little self esteem the deeply damaged Meister still has. This is all their fault. They've screwed everything up all over again, and absolutely nobody should be surprised about that.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    As the meister throws themselves at her, Medusa doesn't respond at first, standing still even as Crona cries against her chest. The wailing is taken note of, and Medusa listens intently. It's genuine, good. The child truly fears the consequences of their foolish actions. "I don't know if I can protect you when you do these things..." she says, the hand on Crona's cheek moving up to the top of that pink hair. "Even if that man is the one I love, there are still things I cannot give him. Not while he is still with the Union." She sighs, her fingers stroking Crona's hair slightly. "Perhaps... there is a way you can redeem yourself, Crona."

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona's head right now is a very unpleasant place to be. They're so depressed, so upset, so confused and mixed up that they just want to cry and cry and cry until the whole world has been drowned in their tears... but at the same time, Medusa is hugging them, and all they've ever really wanted is to be in their mother's arms. She WANTS to protect them, and that means they have value, but, but... surely, the price to be paid is not going to be a very cheap one. Their voice sounds very small and very fragile as their sobs die down to a more reasonable level.

    "W-what, what should I do? What should I do, Mommy?"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The question causes the witch to lean down slightly, bringing her mouth right next to Crona's ear. The voice is soft, a practiced tone that she has taken years to perfect. "Fight battles for the Confederacy. Go after the target zones, Crona. Win them back for us, and you will prove your loyalty," she half whispers, her breath warm against Crona's ear. "And perhaps you will prove your love as well."

Crona (476) has posed:
    The tone of voice has the desired effect. It calms poor Crona down immediately, and bypasses all the doubt and fears they might have. Medusa's words sink in without question, and it immediately becomes clear to the pink haired child that they don't really have any alternate options. It is the most sensible and obvious way to go forward. They need to capture target zones. Then everyone will like them and Medusa will love them and everything will be okay.

    Crona just keeps clinging to their mother, and they nod their head, "O-okay, I, I'll get them back, i'll get them all back, if, if you think that's, what I should do."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    After all these years it's rather easy to know just how to nudge Crona in the desired direction. Both with pain as with the promise of love, they serve as powerful motivators. For now she lets Crona keep on clinging like a bloodthirsty tick, her expression calm as she places her hands on the teenager's shoulders. "Do it. And teach the Union just whose side you are on. No mercy. Especially not if D shows up. The black blood is effective against him, remember...?"

    It's troublesome, how Crona seems attached to the man. And it needs to be corrected before it can advance further.