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It Comes From Below
Date of Scene: 03 November 2014
Location: Great Ocean - Northern Loop
Synopsis: Leviathan has been kept unchecked for to long. Now it is time to try and put the Primal of the Sea back in his place. Yet this may not be as easy as some may hope...
Cast of Characters: 4, Deelel, 494, 513, 573, 574, 576, 595

Odin (576) has posed:
The Garlean Empire had for far longer been aware of Leviathan's movements away from the natural home waters of Hydaelyn. Only more recently did the Maelstrom become aware of it and now they too have been keeping tabs on the Primal of the Seas. It is only when a messenger comes to the docks of Aleport does the true alarm become aware.

More correctly when it was one of the Captain who believed to had been lost to see by one of the Ghost fleet ships that was part of Samar's groups. First it was shock, then fear quickly settled in when they realized he had been tempered by Leviathan for this very purpose alone. The very purpose alone to give the message that came out from his lips, "'E Grea' King Of 'E Seas, will claim 'at be his. Nothin' will stand in his way, no land lobber 'n no craft 'at do not belong to 'es children."

And before any could stop him, he pulled the trigger on himself...

It be not only a few hours ago did the seas suddenly become so active. Massive waves rose and crashed upon the coastal shores near the Northern loops, massive whirlpools threatend to capture any barges that got to near and the very the Sea Reavers, sailors who had been tempered by Leviathan leaped aboard the trapped vessels caught by the Whirlpools to either seize the people and cargo-- or simply bring destruction to them.

Leviathan himself though was looking for the aetheric crystals the barges may hold to fest his growing hunger, for away from Hydaelyn had proved to be almost problematic. The aether was weak, but stealing from the waters that came off of Hydaelyn's own, he could replenish his strength.

It is here that the several ships have been sent out to this very point to try and cut off Leviathan for all groups knew. If he was not stopped here, he would only become stronger. So it was not only the Maelstrom that may be found, but other groups as well. Others who have called out be they just standard pirates or adventures alike. They stood their ground here.

One such adventure was a male Miqo'te who stood with his foot on the edge of one of the schooners, "Mmm. The waves be rrocking a bit.. don't you agrrree my frriend?"

A Roegadyn male stands beside him with his arms crossed. "It will only make the battle more entertaining." He then pulled made a motion to those up high with his hand. Several of the archers fired off flame arrows into the skies as a signal to the other adventure parties here to make ready.

The call itself was already being sent out and quick sailing ships were at ready to pick up those to be transported to the staging grounds, which in itself was becoming hooked plaques to act not only as places for the men to fight on, but were designed by this group of adventures to actually /contain/ Leviathan-- or so they hoped.

The Maelstrom pretty much figured-- they were crazy.

In truth the only place for Leviathan to go was into a levi. Which is where they would truly seal off Leviathan-- and it was honestly here that the /real/ staging grounds were formed. The true place many would be taken too or were already in waiting....

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Of course, 'nasty beastie' just had to mean Primal!" Finna lightly grouses in a singsong tone, having somehow perched herself out on the highest yard (that being the cross beams that hold up a sail, sprouting from a mast) of one of the ships. She's not made contact with any of the people who might be doing 'signups,' but after glancing around?

    Yeah, nobody's even trying to keep track of that kinda thing at a time like this.

    In fact, she's perched much like a cat, with both hands and feet clutching the beam. She's saying with the waves and rocking while her tail wags slowly and her eyes scan the horizon.

    Given she's temporarily replaced them with FALCON eyes, that's a lot of horizon to see.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk is here. She hasn't summoned her Carbuncle just yet, but she's standing, discussing tactics and strategems with some folks that didn't immediately think her Tempered. "Despite containing the beast in this relatively small body of water, it is still within its own element. We must be cautious in engaging it, and endeavour not to be dropped into the water ourselves." she offers, leaning over a map spread over a table. "I suggest we place ranged casters and archers here, here and here. Hem Leviathan in and provide cover to those that must close the distance to engage."

    The Miqo'te then looks out at the oncoming Primal. "We do not have much time, get to your posts and pass the word along."

    The Miqo'te then flips open her book, lifting her hand to her right ear, cupping it in a gesture familiar to the locals. Linkpearl... except it isn't a Linkpearl, it's a standard radio earpiece she was given by the Confederacy. "For what it is worth, the forces around the Levi are ready... I pray to the Twelve it will be enough." she confers to her allies coming through from various places.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel L:had heard about the attack and had made her way she was straddled on a light jet of some sort as she scanned the sear and skies for the source of this mess she darn well knew things were about to get woese before they were going to get better.

Samar (494) has posed:
    The Abyssal Fleet is far from what anyone would call 'heroes'. In fact, most would probably consider them to be closer to Leviathan himself, forces of unfettered destruction and power that must be subdued or killed. But...there are allies here that they've made, and they're aware enough that this great beast is a problem to everyone, not just their enemies.

    Conveniently, while they might normally dismiss the call for aid, Leyte and a Flagship Ta-Class (http://goo.gl/DsBJOR) have found themselves patrolling these roiling waves just at that particular time. With the aid of radar and Ta's input, the nature of this 'beastie' is quickly revealed: it can't be anything other than the great serpent that assaulted the same patrol Ta ran into a while ago, and if they're calling for help against it, well...it's at least worth looking into.

    Soon enough, Leyte and Ta arrive in the waters right where everyone else is gathering, though they at least remain underwater for the moment. That changes quickly enough, however, as the two of them grow and grow beneath the water's surface. It soon becomes difficult not to notice the glowing lights of red and yellow underwater, particularly as the surface begins to bubble and churn moments before Leyte and Ta rise out of it, each as large as a standard battleship is long. Water tumbles off the two Abyssals' bodies, raining down in a spray as they rise up to stand on top of the ocean itself. Mechanical mouths snarl and spew steam, but, for once, neither Leyte nor Ta are directing their attentions to shore.

    Instead, they face the sea, focused on the approaching Primal. Leyte's metal claws curl and flex, and Ta lightly bounces in place with eagerness, but neither seem interested in opening fire just yet as they loom in front of the preparing defenders. Surely that will change soon enough, though.

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    A call to arms! Who could ignore that? Not this Mage!

    Alicia stares out in wonder at the sight of the large creature known as a Primal. The name is of course familiar from some works of Earth that she's read. As is the basic concept of a water serpent. Still, it's quite a sight to behold.

    Alicia's eyes flit from Leviathan to the holodisplays floating around her, all showing various readouts of scientific information. Alicia eyes are alight as she asks, "Melody, are you seeing this?" A stupid question, since the staff in her hand is the one providing her with the scan data. Instead of answering said stupid question, Sweet Melody chimes, <Caution, Master. Projected threat level is high.> Alicia nods, "R-right..." She's already decked out in her Barrier Jacket, ready for the battle that's to come. Though she isn't exactly sure what it is they should be doing when it comes... But from the sound of the conversations around her, there does seem to be a plan in place! Alicia trusts the locals know what they're doing.

Admiral Merlwyb (595) has posed:
Sometimes it seems like one big conspiracy. Leviathan just /had/ to show up when the Admiral herself is taking care of official business elsewhere. Fortunately, even when the captain is ashore, the crew is fully capable of sailing in times of need.

And in this circumstance, Maelstrom Storm Marshal Eynzahr Slafyrsyn has taken the helm in organizing the stand against the watery Primal. Though he knows specific tactics in dealing with Leviathan in the past, this version will do well enough with assistance from those Outside.

The Roegadyn's arms are crossed over his chest as he stands atop the levys shielding the Levi Cove from the ocean, his foggy-lensed cobalt goggles shielding his eyes from the glare of the ocean or the sun itself. He has had to do little as Outsiders, Adventurers, and Maestrom alike have hopped to their places, and in fact he himself is only here because it gives the best view... especially for the cannons once the Primal is pulled into place. Each new presence and 'strange' appearance is noted, but not reacted to. So long as they are no ally of Leviathan, they are no enemy of Limsa Lominsa this day.

He taps his own linkpearl in his ear-- a first attempt by the Moogles to restore what has been lost, albeit a poor copy of what once was -- and gives out the order over the static: -"Men, you know what to do. Sound off and prepare for battle! 'Till the sea swallows all!"- ...An oddly appropriate saying, given what they're facing.

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
After hearing about something going on in the seas, Gunzou decided that he'd like to get out and see just what was going on. So, having found a way to get the I-401 transported from his world into this sea, the submarine is cruising along a little ways below the surface of the water.

Sonar Operator: "Captain, we are picking up strange readings ahead on the sonar, a number of large objects it seems."

Gunzou nods and frowns a little as he raises an eyebrow, "Large objects? Well, I think that meaans we're in the right place." He nods again, "Guess we should start getting things in place then. Load tubes one through three with active decoys and deploy them, load four passive decoys into the missile launchers and deploy them as well."

He then turns to look at Iona, the young teenager looking mnetal model of his ship, "Iona, use the active decoys to push the passives into place once this thing is trapped, we'll need a barricade."

Iona nods to Gunzou, "Yes Gunzou."

Gunzou nods in response and glances around the sub for a few moments, "All hands prepare for whatever is to come, how many corrosive torpedoes did we bring?"

Iona looks to Gunzou again, "We have ten Gunzou."

Gunzou nods again, "Well, suppose that will have to do."Once the decoys have been deployed Gunzou nods again, well, that means that there isn't just one I-401 submarine there in the water, there are now eight, the decoys whicha reall full sized and the real submarine.

Gunzou nods to Iona, "We surface in five, Iona."

Ion nods again, "Yes Gunzou, surfacing in five...four...three...two...one."

The large submarine then breaks the surface of the water as the decoys go about setting things up."

Odin (576) has posed:
Some of the more local adventures follow the aid of Mihk. The Company of Heroes themselves which are far larger in number range from the ships to the Levi Cove itself ready to move when ready too. A few them downing their ale, feeling it could be their last really.

The Maelstrom fallow the orders give to them by the Storm Marshal and make themselves ready, cannons ready to be fired when the time comes and their own ships ready to make the fine shove when Leviathan is in place.

It is now just a waiting game...

Soon though that waiting is about over. The waters can be felt trying to pull away, the ships anchored bow with the water, men brace themselves knowing what is to come. No sooner then the water starts to lower, does then do those with sonar pick it up first.

Something moving in and moving in fast. It is far larger then even the Submarine in size and the speeds are faster then any ship could ever sail. The Spine ridges can be seen breaking the water surface, cutting the water easy as they please.

The drones do their job though, they drive in the massive sea beast, even if a few of find themselves being clipped by the sea creatures mighty tail. One of the Schooners opens fire to drive Leviathan back under for a moment, or try... But instead the creature does dive, only to launch itself upward as the sea then swells upward crashing into the levi and cove walls.

At that moment those on land and those on the ships can see Leviathan in all his glory. Those shimmering blue scales, the white scaled belly. To even the draconic winged arms that stretch out wide. Its body crests and Leviathan almost seems to glide on the air for a moment before its body archs back down and slams into the water. Its tail easily taking out the Schooner behind it.

Soon as Leviathan gets closer everything goes into action, the Maelstrom then make their move to drive the sea serpent in ever closer, the Company of Heroes at ready at the first stage then open fire with their arrows and let them loose. The drones keep Leviathan from turning back around and at this moment Leviathan gives a minor chuckle to himself as his orange red eyes gleam with a great deal of humor.

..How cute.. they are trying to drive him around their little boats.

Though one of the Company of Heroes takes hold and makes a nod to the other. Which then the other shouts, "Take Hold!! Leviathan is going to jump! Get that Levi ready in that cove!! We have one shot at this!"

No sooner then he says that, the giant sea serpent jumps, leaping right over their very ship and the leader of the Company Of Heroes grins, "...Got you.. Leviathan." Soon as Leviathan lands on the other side he finds the waters more shallow then before, the vessels design keeping him from easily escaping and allowing the submersible ships keep him in check.

Also now making him easy for not only the cannons to fire at his scaled form, but for those of ground combat to easily get him from the very docks at ready. The mighty Sea Serpent swims around now in his possible pin, before he raised himself out of the water and lets out a feral roar into the skies. The very waters attempt to ride in and crash over their defenses, but fail to get by the simple design. His whiskers dance in the air as those red eyes now gleam with anger. His voice shaking the very waters and air, "You Mortals think such a trick will work in your favor! You dare believe you can defy I, Leviathan, the god of the seas?!" Those eyes the narrow as a snarl plays across his snout, "How wrong you all shall be. Let me teach you of your transgression again me and my children of the sea!" He then roars out, "Face me heathens of land! Face me and be drowned free of your wretched ways!"

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk flicks to a fresh page in her book. As Leviathan is driven into the trap, she's drawing on the local Aether itself, flowing through her body into a small red gemstone she's set in the lee of the pages. A quill has materialized in her left hand, the large tome settled upon her right hand. "I call upon the power of Wind. Flow now into this gemstone and give it form. Fill this form with thy power and bestow it upon me. With this Contract I bind thee to my will. Come forth. Carbuncle!" As she speaks, she's 'writing' the geometries into the page with pure aether.

    With the final 'Dot' on the page, she drops the quill, which vanishes into aetheric sparkles, takes up the gemstone and throws it forwards. The gem glows brilliantly, as a blue outline fades slowly into being, filling with the Wind-aspected Aether and giving the outline substance. Just as it finishes, the creature lands on four paws, shaking its trinity of tails out before turning to glare balefully at the giant sea dragon. "Wrath and Ruin. Carbuncle, Operation Star Struck!" The Arcanist draws more, unaspected Aether into her book, flicking through to another, different page, while Carbuncle draws upon the Wind-aspect, lashing out with cutting and bludgeoning wind magicks.

    Mihk herself gathers power, then pushes the book outwards, unleashing a series of light bolts from the pages, each homing in on the sea serpent. "Casters and Archers ready! LOOSE!" she commands, beginning the ground-based assault.

Samar (494) has posed:
    Ta visibly recoils a bit as Leviathan emerges. She's no stranger to sea creatures, when the place she now calls home is down at the bottom of the ocean where all that is strange and horrible dwells. The imposing regality of Leviathan, however, is far greater than anything she's dealt with before, and she's already seen some measure of the creature's majesty beforehand.

    Leyte, however, just grins her devilish smirk. "'Heathens of the land'? Oh, you don't have any idea how wrong you are. /I'm/ Leyte, the Southern Demon of the Abyssal Fleet, and soon you're going to be calling /me/ the ruler of the seas!"

    Her arms lift, and without any further hesitation, she simply opens fire with the cannons along her forearms. Powerful reports ring out and spew exhaust into the air from those cannons, and explosive shells are sent hurtling for Leviathan. At Leyte's current size, those shells are each as big as what one might expect from a regular battleship.

    Soon enough, Ta manages to get herself together. Less durable than the Southern Demon, Ta decides to fall back slightly behind Leyte before she lifts her own arm, too. The mouths from beneath her sleeves snarl and hiss, blasting yellow steam into the air as the cannons above them add their fire to the assault!

Admiral Merlwyb (595) has posed:
The Storm Marshal is patient, letting the plan begin without any barked orders to muddle what the men need to do. It does not take long for the plan to work, either, and soon Leviathan is exactly where they want him. "Enact the barrage! Keep him in place so all will be maintained! ENGAGE!"

With the snap of an arm downwards, the cannons atop the levys roar as one while cannonballs soar high above the engagement area within the cove. Far too high to be of major concern to most of the Maelstrom's allies, but certainly keeps Leviathan from attempting to gain any further height or mobility for that matter.

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Alicia could guess to the creature's appearance from her long range scans... Plus the descriptions of some of the locals she talked to were rather colourful. Though Alicia had wondered if they were exagerated as stories tended to be... But the sight of the massive creature jumping over the ship is a rather memorable one!

    Alicia moves an arm to shield her face from the spray of water as the massive leviathan known as Leviathan crashes down into the waters of their 'trap'. Now that she's closer to it, the data scrolling across her holodisplays is ever more accurate and detailed. Alicia stares in wonder both at them and Leviathan as her eyes dart between them.

    Finally the creature speaks and Alicia looks up at it. She didn't know it was intelligent, too! It's a shame it appears to be so hostile, otherwise she'd love to learn more about it. But apparently it's a serious threat to the people of this world, so they must drive it off...

    ... Still, doesn't mean Alicia can't take this opportunity to learn something new, "Melody, make sure to keep recording all the data we're getting. We might see something useful!"

    The battle appears to be picking up and so Alicia raises the staff in her hand into the air. The rose pink crystal flashes with magic as Sweet Melody chimes, <Ring Bind.> Several rings of silver light appear around Leviathan's serpentine body, before quickly shrinking in to tighten and restrict the large creature's movement. Or so Alicia hopes.

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
Once the I-401 has surfaced, Gunzou and Iona come out the hatch and stand up on the deck of the submarine, so that they can both get a better view of what is going on. Gunzou frowns as he eyes the sea monster. Well, this is going to be different than dealing with other ships it seems. He's not sure how different, but he ponders over what he should do. "Iona, activate the wave force armor, I'm not sure what to expect from this.. Well creature. so let's be prepared for anything."

Iona nods to Gunzou and a protective barrier of energy surrounds the submarine. "Wave force armor activated Gunzou."

Gunzou nods to Iona and then studies the creature for a few moments, "Well, let's try some test shots at least. Fire photon canons at that creature. No, wait, it lives in the water, right? Let's see what this will do. New orders, load tubes one and two with acustic torpedoes, set detonation for on impact." he calls down tot he sonar operator, "Don't forget to mute your headphones, don't want you to go deaf!"

The sonar operator nods and mutes her headphones and two of the acustic torpedoes are launched at the creature.

Deelel has posed:
Derelel nwo catches sight of just whats going on she sees the monster and what her allies are doing. It does not go as well as hoped and then the thing speaks for a moment.

"I am the goddess of all that's digital and really? So this is how you want it? All right."

The light jet picks up speed now as she takes lfight picking up her pace and she's getting ready to fight.

She zips along heading for the suposed god of the seas, she's said her peavce on the matter and now? She's opening fire with two light machine guns sending bolts of energy at Levi.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "'just a trick,' is it?" The seas have started churning! And no doubt few of the wooden craft will be able to withstand Leviathan if he were to devote himself to shattering them. Still, Finna reasons he won't be doing that until he's thinned the competition - lest he expose himself to a full broadside while so devoted.

    They might have a chance here!

    Her mind swiftly flips through possible tactics and strategies.

    Poison? Likely no good. Sea creatures loved poison, there's no way a spirit of the seas would be susceptible to any sea creature's sting, let alone a land beast's.

    Raw firepower? Viable, but how many people will succumb first?

    If she's gonna make a difference, it'll have to involve distracting him and giving others a chance to shine!

    "Well, no better chance to give this form a shot!"

    Vaulting free of the yard, she takes a swandive... but never reaches the sea. Her arms stretch out and sprout reptilan wing-leather, while her neck gains length. Finna's legs, meanwhile, bend and distort... and her tail's turning thick and far lengthier... lizard-like.

    Almost as an afterthought, all of her flesh ripples in a wave-pattern, sprouting countless scales so thick and tough they're comparable to the strongest plate armor.

    And size-wise? Well, the creature she's become could easily swallow a man in a few gulps, or just as soon bite them in half with its rows of razor sharp teeth.

    The DRAGON she has become opens its toothy maw and roars a challenge! Unlike a feathered creature, it need not fear its wings becoming waterlogged, and so the creature swoops across the harsh and treacherous seas, pulls upwards at the last moment and attempts to plant both of its rear legs hard into the side of Leviathan's head and SQUEEZE!

Odin (576) has posed:
Leviathan can feel the aetheric energies being pulled on. Those red eyes turn to look at Mihk. "Hmm? What is this? A lost one who believes she can call forth a salmon to the shark? Haha.. and use that salmon to defeat the shark.. heheh.. how crude.."

Leviathan snaps at the wind magic and the lightning plays along his scales. He moves his body around about then. His body coils such away to avoid the Abyssal fleets own shots. His red eyes only glance over to them. He coils his body around before his tail's barb dances high up into the air and then goes to crash down on one of the docks, before he goes under the water, then rises back up, before blasting a surge of aetheric formed water that has a purple tinge right in the direction of not Mihk-- but at her Carbuncle.

He dives around as arrows go moving past, the waves he causes crashing over some of the decks of ships and docks below. A few of the people losing their footing and sliding right off into the water. Leviathan raised himself up for a moment, those red eyes gleam as he looks upon the two from the Abyssal fleet, "You fight with these heathens and makes you no better. They make those of the ocean suffer. I hear my children's cry. I hear their prayers for vengeance and vengeance I shall carry." He hisses in her general directly, those whiskers whipping the air around him. "..and you ruler.. hehe.. we shall see..."

Then with a flick of those whiskers the water under them starts to bubble before it explodes upward like an underwater explosion, threatens to not only send them upward, but also drop them under the depths for a moment.

The Cannon attack comes and Leviathan quickly dives under the shallow waters to make it harder for the cannons to hit. The water itself for that moment takes a purple tinge, as the men who were caught in the water suddenly seem to be taken down before they can even get out. Those who can see under water can only see a cloud of deep purple in the water.

Though soon Leviathan breaks again and roars out, though as he does come back out that is when the magic rings go to bind his body. He screeches in pain as he finds his body being bound, his upper part of his body slamming into the docks and the side of the cover, including as a ring slides around his very maw.

His body lashes, as cannons strike at his form, aetheric energy sparks off it. In turn the strikes from the vehicle from high, the torpedoes, and even Finna as a dragon comes and strikes into his form. It is actually Finna who causes Leviathan to almost lash its body back into the waters. The very binds can be seen breaking from Leviathan's own strain against them.

At least the bind on his maw breaks as he hisses at Finna, before driving into the shallow waters, almost whipping her in the face with his tail as more binds break from his form. Finna and other may starts to see the people who were in the water when it went purple-- now starting to at last climb out...

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk grunts softly. "So much force being directed... I can barely drag Aether for my spells from him." she grouses to herself, seeing her magic just bounce off of the monster. Carbuncle fares far worse, as those blasts of water rain down around it, making it dance so it doesn't get hit... but it does, quite badly.. the water reacting with its own Aetheric frame and causing it to destabilize for a few moments.

    Mihk reinforces her summon, then flicks to a new page. "Lets try and slow you down." she muses to herself, holding a hand over the geometry on the new page, gathering Aether before 'flinging' the spell at Leviathan. Debilitating poison is this spell's intent, coursing through the monster's form, trying to slow it down so the others can hit it more easily.

Finna (513) has posed:
    With Leviathan thrashing around, Finna detaches rather than let herself get dragged underwater. Many mighty flaps of her wings - which have replaced her arms - carry her further skyward!

    And it's just in time too, as his tail goes whizzing past. She is definitely dragon-sized, but that's less than an eighth of Leviathan's.

    "Seems like a shame," Dragon-Finna speaks in her normal voice. "All this power and you let a bunch of mortals upset you!"

    She does have her gaze on the exposed parts of Leviathan's back, and dives for them with all her might to take along them with her talons!

    "You could probably work up quite a relationship working together, but nooooooope! Gotta do this the hard way!"

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Alicia did not expect her binds to last very long against what is obviously a powerful creature. Thankfully they do seem to help, however briefly.

    Alicia watches helplessly as a number of the attacking troops are pulled into the water... She wonders about the change in colour, along with the talk of those leaving it possibly being 'Tempered'... Whatever that is. Unfortunately there's not much she can do to support the men... She's not really that kind of support mage!

    Instead Alicia keeps her focus on Leviathan, trying to run through possible solutions to their serpent problem. While she does that, she spares a section of her mind to unleash her own magic against the creature. She aims her staff in the direction of Leviathan, silver magic beginning to gather within the crystal as a silver spell circle appears beneath her. In order to affect such a large target, Alicia will have to draw on more magic than usual to scale up her spell! Sweet Melody finally chimes, <Crushing Beat.>

    Pulses of silver magic begin to pound Leviathan from all around, the blasts of gravity attempting to pull his long body in and crush him.

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
Gunzou sees the people in the water and looks to Iona, "Iona, send one of the active decoyys towards the people, see if they will climb aborad."

Iona nods and one of the active decoy submarines surfaces and cruises over towards the people, there's no way to get inside of it, but they can at least cling to it and such.

Meanwhile Gunzou eyes the beast again and frowns, he calls down the hatch to his crew, "Alright, the accustic toorpedoes didn't seem to do too much to that thing, lets try some missiles.. fire them at it!"

A few of te missile launches along the sub swivel around and target the sea serpant and launch missiles at it.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel isn't ablle ot do much right now as others go to keep up the attack? Deelel gets the idea to go and try to fish some ofd the people out of the drink she takes a pot shot or two at the huge fish like thing. This temptering makes her wonder she's got a few ideas given she's a program but it will have to wait. For now she's going to try to fish a few people out of the drink and get them somewhere they won't drown.

Samar (494) has posed:
    "Fun! Sounds like us, pretty much," Leyte quips back to the serpent, still smirking. "I'm not really going to be sympathetic to you, though, so you can give the sob story a rest. Why don't you just die instead? That would make things a /lot/ easier."

    Ta, meanwhile, doesn't seem quite as excited about this whole thing. She looks apprehensive, even, focused on fighting this unusual enemy before her. This is nothing like a ship; far more mobile, for one thing. "Leyte, he's really not making himself easy to hit-"

    And then water spouts. Ta, being far more alert and far less focused on brute force, is the first to notice the bubbling water. She's spared from the blast purely thanks to the quick motion of skating back over the water and out of the way before the spout explodes upward, but Leyte isn't so fortunate. The Demon notices it just before the spout rises, and so in her attempt to burst out of the way, she is nonetheless caught in the blast. It sends her stumbling and cursing in her dodging rush forward, but at least she's not taken under the water. Not yet, at least.

    When she rights herself again, snarling and agitated, her mood brightens when she sees Leviathan struggling against his newfound bindings. It's a fortunate position, and even as others are opening fire on him, one she can't simply ignore. So, rather than shooting or directing Ta to do the same...Leyte rushes forward, skating over the water's surface to Leviathan, then raises her armored leg to simply /stomp/ down on the creature's neck with crushing strength.

Odin (576) has posed:
Thanks to Leviathan trying to break the binds still, Mihk's own spell takes hold of the mighty Primal. It can feel its own aetheric energy being messed with by the young mage and rises out of the water, just enough to shift around Finna, to lash out its barbed tip right for Mihk this time herself!

When Finna speaks, Leviathan hisses in her direction, "Says the one who takes the image of one of the Elder's spawn! Do not talk to me in such tone, lost one!" When her claws take hold, they dig into the Primal's scaled backside, the spines try to spread out to click her paws.

The sheer force also slams him along the cover side and he gets a cannon ball to the face. Leviathan screeches out, before he then coils his body around as his own wings spread wide and then goes to bite down on the back of Finna's neck to swing her down into the water if he can get hold.

It is also about this time, that Alicia's own attack causes Leviathan's own body to gain weight and perhaps throw off when he was trying to do with Finna, causing him to suddenly crash down hard in the side of the rocky cropping, then into one of the docks below, shattering it apart under his sheer body mass. Several others nearly get plunged into the water that don't get out of the way. Including a few who were just in, almost taking another drink, but they get pulled up by some of the others.

A few others go to cling onto the drones, including those that just got knocked over. Though as one of the normal smiles at one of those who got freed from the purple water, they realize something is very wrong. Including when they suddenly find a sword going straight into them. "Leviathan.. will never submit.." The man hisses out.

That was the biggest clue any of them had right there and sure enough those that got out of the water-- suddenly went into attack mode to attack the defenders on the ground level.

Deelel also may find this out the hard way as though her attack strike before she comes down, as soon as she saves a few of the men, they actually lash out at her, trying to throw her off light jet and into the waters below.

Leviathan's body still weighed down and slowed down, gets slammed by the missiles then come rushing into scaled hide, scales clip off before becoming blue aetheric energy in the air. Leviathan hisses out in pain, before suddenly a whirlpool comes running by underwater and trying to shake the very Submarine.

As Leyte then comes rushing in Leviathan is starting to shake off the gravity effect on his body, only to find the foot come and stomps on one of his whiskers as he moves his head away. He hiss in pain. Those red eyes glow sharply, as he tail then raises out of the water.

If Leyte isn't fast, she will find that tail coiling around her neck and then throwing her off to the other side of the cove, maybe even trying to break the Levi's own controls to raise the very water level in here.

Also the poor saps who fell in who were not tempered?

They are being dragged down by those who are down to the darker depths where the water still glows purple. Though a few do manage to escape! ... for now.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk throws herself to one side, crying out in pain as one of those barbs slices clean down her leg, spraying blood across the Levi floor. She recovers a moment, looking around at the damage being done, and the damge being returned. "This is untennable, especially with these Tempered now joining the fray." she pauses, and closes her eyes. "Flowing ephemeral, come forth to me." she utters, lifting off the ground a little way, levitating for a moment as she pulls pure Aether directly into her body. She then opens her eyes, the irises glowing from within like beacons, before one hand reaches out for Leviathan. Not content to alter his Aetheric make-up, Mihk now seeks to DRAIN his Aether for herself.

Samar (494) has posed:
    Leyte isn't terribly fast, but fortunately, she can be sturdy. She doesn't manage to get away from Leviathan's coiling tail, but as it wraps around her neck and seeks to choke her and hurl her away, a few issues become apparent. Firstly, Leyte doesn't seem to care about breathing, though the crushing squeeze is certainly a problem. Secondly, while she's dragged a bit away, she fortunately isn't /thrown/ by Leviathan...at least not quite yet.

    No, before she can properly be hurled away, Leyte grabs hold of Leviathan's tail in her clawed hands and /squeezes/. That should hopefully be enough to keep her from being tossed aside, even as Leviathan's tail remains coiled around her neck, but she has another use for this position: squeezing Leviathan's tail as hard as she can in both hands and /twisting/ the serpent's form, all the while grinning like a maniac. If she can't successfully beat him down, at least she can make him holding onto her a painful situation for both of them.

    Ta, meanwhile, is faced with the issue of friendly fire as Leyte is grappling with Leviathan. The battleship's flaming yellow eyes flit between the various situations before her as she tries to consider what to do...then finally just curses between her teeth and rushes forward as well. She goes for the creature's head instead, however, swinging the hunks of metal under her hands up to /slam/ Leviathan under the jaw not once, but twice.

Admiral Merlwyb (595) has posed:
The Storm Marshal grimaces as word reaches him that men who have fallen into the deep have become Tempered. He flattens his mouth into a straight line, then emits a low huff. "Firing line, continue your fire! Keep the Primal in place!" He turns slightly. "Flintlock squad, arm yourselves." There is just the slightest moment of hesitation. "You know the signs. Take out any who show themselves Tempered."

He raises his voice again to be heard over the sounds of battle. "Continue to rescue any who fall in if possible! If they are not Tempered, they can rejoin the battle. If not," his gloved hands clench, the metal on his knuckles glinting ominously, "do what must be done."

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
As the submarine is caught in the whirlpool attack Gunzou hodls onto anything he can as they get spun about, he wasn't expecting that, and well, armor that repels energy or weapon attacks isn't much use here it seems. He also makes sure that Iona isn't thrown into the water. He does blink though and shakes his head, "We're not used to fighting something like this." he shrugs some and looks to Iona, "What do you think?" he asks her.

Iona ponders for a few moments and then shrugs, "I'm not sure Gunzou, you are my captain." she shrugs a little and then watches the Abyssal ships, she's still curious about them, they're different than the Fleet of Fog she knows and once was part off, but they seem even stranger than those ships.

Gunzou nods some to Iona and gives new orders then, "Let's get turned back around the right way then." he calls down and the crew call back, "Turning back around Captain."

Gunzou nods and ponders a moment, "Switch photon canons to use armor piercing shells, those scales are rather tough, lets see what that will do." he smiles a little. "Yes, captain." comes the reply.

The photon canons after switching to being able to fire the armor piercing shells swivel at Leviathian and fire a burst of the shells at it.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "oh for-- HYAGHK-" Finna-Dragon hisses and flails, wings beating wildly in protest the instant Leviathan gets a jaw-lock on her. She goes tumbling like a meteor at the waves but--

    When she hits them, she bounces, rather than plunge through the surface.


    A spreading ripple of silvery light across the surface probably explains that.

    The Dragon-Finna doesn't SEEM that dextrous and nimble, but she is proving anyone's conceptions or expectations WRONG as soon as they're made. Despite its considerable size the creature's moving with all of the grace and coordination of her normal forms. Hence, WILDLY ACROBATIC dragon.

    She backflips, strikes her tail against the water to gain momentum, and ROCKETS forward wusing that momentum.

    "You spirits sure are prideful and picky! Fine, have it your way..."

    The dragon reshapes. The wings and legs suck into its body, the neck vanishes as head and body join together into one solid mass... and it actually grows yet LARGER.

    The great SIAKA, the monstrous shark of the deeper oceans and western waters, drops into the water, chases down Leviathan's tail... and CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMPS!

    Oh yeah, On earth, this creature might be known as the Megalodon.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel comes under attack by the people in the water she's battered but the don't manage to throw her into the waters thankfully, she pulls away as she's got no desire to end up well pulled into the water. She's shaken them off but she doesn't have a good shot on the hulking mosnter she has no idea what's up as she comes about again and tries to get another burst off, maybe she needs to change her tactics.

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Alicia graimces as she notices the men pulled from the water beginning to turn on their own... So that's what they mean by Tempered. Unfortunately, from the sounds of things, there's not much they can do to help those poor men...

    Alicia returns her focus to the larger threat here, Leviathan. She ponders one possible move... But no, that would cause trouble for some of her allies. Maybe she could... Hmmm, the chance of that working is probably low.

    Alicia briefly watches as the allied force tries to combat the large serpent. She can see several getting battered, wincing in sympathy. There's not much she can do to help... Except. Seeing the 'battleship', Ta, close in to engage, Alicia decides to give her a bit of a boost, "Melody, collate targeting data!" She swings her staff around to aim in Ta's direction. Sweet Melody then chimes, <Roger. Guiding Hand.>

    A silver spell circle appears beneath Ta, who will then feel a rush of energy through her as the spell takes effect. Her senses heighten and her mind will more easily focus and take in the movements of her enemy. The resulting effect will give Ta a better chance to land her strikes on Leviathan to greater effect.

Odin (576) has posed:
Mihk goes to pull the aether and she gets Leviathan's ire for that very moment. As soon has she goes to tamper, Leviathan hisses toward her as his form stares in her direction, "You want my aether, child of the land?" His eyes then flash red, "Then have a taste of it and wreath in pain!" Then with a hard flap of those wings, sheds of water spray out. Then suddenly like bullets of blue wisps, they rush right at her trying to penetrate her core. Penetrate her very body and grip within her like claws trying to tear at her very insides.

Though Mihk is saved from anything else, as those claws from Layte remind Leviathan that the large woman he tried to toss away refuses to leave his side. He moves his tail quickly even as the claws scratch off a few scales.

It is when Ta comes in and the swing of the metal comes whirling by that slams him upside the jaw and rears his head upward. Though when Ta comes in from the second swing, he bends his body in a majestic way and then bites down on the beam with his teeth. Tugging at it for a moment with a growl, before suddenly lunging himself right at Ta's own face with those sharp teeth within his draconic serpentine maw.

Though what may save Ta's face from being chomped on fully or perhaps not at all is when Gunzou's men unleash the armor piercing rounds just in time with some more cannon fire. The rounds tear right through the scales as aetheric energy sprays out and the cannon blasts knock Leviathan aside a bit in time.

Which gives Finna the chance they need to take a bite out of a tail--well onto a tail... The mighty creature she becomes bites on and drags Leviathan back who yelp-screeches in pain. The water was not deep for both of these giants and such closer quarters now was making it harder for Leviathan to actually move, but move he still can.

As Leviathan goes to break his tail free, even as painful as it may be to use the barb on his tail like a whip tip to smack Finna right in the face with it. This is just in time for him to coil himself in such a way with a leap that Deelel's own shots skim by, nicking a few of his scales. He uses his wing talons to actually pull himself for a moment around the cove wall where he can grab and then throw his body into the water.

The sheer force rocking up the waves, which actually Leviathan holds up somehow with his own aetheric manipulation. Then coiling his body around the wave, he ends up directing part of the wave right at them to slam them with part of the very wave and hopefully slam them into the very cove wall or dock below.

Then for all of Alicia's watching and being ignored by the Primal, Leviathan dives down for a moment using the purple mists of the water to suddenly hide his form, before he rises up at last right before Alicia. Those whiskers of his hover up into the air slightly as those red orange eyes gleam at her. "You are the one who tried to bind me..." He says with a gentle his. "...I do not take kindly to mortal games..." Leviathan's teeth then bares in her direction.

Then with a hard turn of his body he goes dive right back down, but if Alicia isn't careful his tail, which has claw marks and bite marks now, comes to lash straight down for where they are. Trying to knock them over into the watery depths or damage whatever they may be standing on. Act quick!

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk can't react, as she's stuck in an Aetheric deadlock, unable to pull, but refusing to relinquish either. This ends when she's struck by those watery wisps, the bullet-like spell biting through her robes and into her flesh.

    The Miqo'te falls backwards, writhing in agony and crying out. She reaches deep, pulling on her reserves and pushing Aether into a new Geometry. Blue-white light forms the etchings underneath her, Healing power pushing back at the poison, seeking to undo some of the damage.

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Alicia shrinks a little as the large serpent rises up out of the water behind her... She feels really small under his gaze, hoping he doesn't try to eat her or anything. The teeth baring doesn't do much to comfort Alicia, who replies to the complaint with, "S-sorry?" Then she watches Leviathan dive back down into the water, somewhat relieved...

    ... That is, until the large tail comes sweeping down towards her! Alicia reacts quickly, a silver Round Shield projecting from her hand to blunt the impact. It doesn't blunt it much though as Alicia is sent flying. After a few moments she splashes down in the water of the cove... Not good! Not good! Her Device chimes, muffled by the water, <Blink.>

    There is a flash of light within the water and an accompanying one back up on the levee, at which point Alicia appears and drops down to the ground, soaked. Alicia climbs to her feet again, feeling the pain in her side. There'll likely be a bruise, but nothing's broken thanks to her defensive magics.

    Turning her attention back towards the Primal that did this, Alicia sets her face with determination and aims her staff in his direction. No more Miss Nice Mage.

    Magic begins to gather in the staff's crystal as three spell circles appear beyond it, each progressively smaller than the last. Alicia can feel the energy levels quickly rising as she prepares the attack, before finally saying, "Do it!" Sweet Melody then chimes, <Narrow Expanse.>

    The magic blasts off the crystal as a large beam. It strikes the first spell circle, which compresses the magic into a tighter beam before sending it towards the next. The same occurs for each, until the attack leaves the final one as a tightly concentrated burst of light that streaks at high speed towards Leviathan.

    Even if/when the beam strikes Leviathan's body, its concentrated form allows it to punch out the other side (leaving no hole due to its non-lethal nature) at which point it curves around at Alicia's direction and strikes again... And again... And one final time before the energy eventually dissapates.

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
Gunzou continues to hold on as the sub gets rocked by whatever it was that leviathan did. He frowns again and looks to Iona, "Get back down below Iona." he knows the mental model can't really be hurt, but still he worries about her and sometimes he forgets that she's not human. She can see, smell and feel things after all.

Iona frowns at Gunzou, "You too then." she tells him, but he shakes his head at her, "You need to stay safe, I am the captain and all my crew must be safe." he gives her a smile.

She nods and sighs, "Yes, Gunzou." she heads back downt he hatch of the sub and goes back to her raised area inside the sub and watches from there.

The engineer calls Gunzou on the radio, "Klein field at seventy-five percent and holding Captain, we're all alright here."

Gunzou nods as he ponders, he needs some flashy tactic here, but so far he hasn't come up with anything new really, besides, the rest of the waters are rather too shallow for the sub to do too much. "Switch the photon canons back to photon mode, fire the photons and missiles at that creature as well as load and fire tubes one through three with torpedoes."

The crew acknowledges the command and missiles, photon beams and torpedoes are fired at Leviathan.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel has to kick things up a bit she listens for a moment as the massive sea spirit is raging still and not very habbit.

"Games I should show you how good my game is!"

Shen the gets hit with a slash attack of such power it hurts a hell of a lot. Ahd she's coming for another run this time forming several missiles which streak towards the sea beast trailing light in thier wake.

Samar (494) has posed:
    Ta, unfortunately, is not fast enough to avoid Leviathan's assault. With a scream, she finds her face latched on to by the serpent's jaws, and even if it's only for a moment thanks to her allies' attacks, it's enough to leave tooth holes along the sides of her head. Curiously enough, they don't bleed at all, but she still finds herself stumbling back and crashing backward into the water from the force of the blow, no doubt kicking up a giant splash of water from the impact.

    Leyte, meanwhile, fares a little better, but with Leviathan's thrashing, even she has to let go of him eventually. And then he's threatening her allies and diving back underwater! This...is problematic.

    Leyte gives a terse sigh. They'll just have to deal with the backsplash, if they want Leviathan to be taken out. With that in mind, the Southern Demon preps the myriad of cannons at her hips, and with report after ear-splitting report, she opens fire with the larger artillery right on Leviathan as the Primal tries diving underwater! Maybe she can blast his tail off, if she's lucky.

Finna (513) has posed:
    There are indeed two titans - or rather, one real titan, one pretend one - tussling about in the water. Still, compared to Leviathan, Finna's Siaka shape is poor competition!

    She's clubbed hard and goes ZOOMING through the water... out of the water... skipping like a stone! Eventually sheslashes back down, but by that time she's back in human form... and daintily BALANCING on the water.

    However the heck that works isn't immediately obvious, but it might have something to do with faint silvery light surrounding her feet, and the shimmering Crescent Moon on her forehead.

    Finna draws her bow from behind her back - slips it out of Elsewhere, really - along with her quiver. Twirling an arrow up for use, she strangely spits on it! Although the spit doesn't really look like normal saliva at all.

    Then, she simply draws the arrow... and FIRES. It's aimed to the coils of Leviathan's serpent body that are above the water.

    Should it strike one chunk of his body, it will then RICOCHET back and forth between several other parts of his oversized serpent body!

    And each strike delivers a nasty dose of several venoms that would be capable of putting a human down just like that!

Odin (576) has posed:
Mihk heals herself, but the action goes ignored by Leviathan for now, because he has to deal with Magical Girl Alicia, who slams him two with the beams of magical energy and he barely avoids the last blast, which he suddenly rushes right at her and throws his body against part of the build work she stands on, before clambering up and lash his claw wing at her.

Leviathan pushes himself off about then, just in time to see the Submarines attack scale the waters, one of the lasers pieces his wing. He bites onto one of the missiles causing it to explode around his maw and wraps his body out of the way of some of the other projectiles, though thrown back as a few do at last make impact.

Though Leviathan may be ignoring Mihk, one of the Tempered is not and has managed to get his way up to where she is. With a sword in hand, those crazed eyes stare direct at her, before he roars out and then goes to bring his sword down at her!

Leviathan is then slammed by Deelel's own missile attack, the streaks perhaps played part in mesmerizing it for a moment before the explosions make their mark, knocking the mighty primal back. It screeches out in pain. This is when Leviathan does try to get away, but is only met by Leyte's own attack. The artillery cannons blast into Leviathan's body under water. The sheer force explodes the water upward.

Soon bubbles rise with some aetheric energy and Leviathan's form floats upward, seeming to have been killed. Though anyone who knows anything about Primals, know this a trick-- sadly-- the two he has his mind set on are not from Hydaelyn... and the Primal knows it.

He plays dead for a moment, till suddenly with a swift speed he rushes around Leyte and her sister, before leaping between them and causing a massive wave in his wake to catch them aetheric energy mixed into the wave that acts nearly like a thousand bullets, and when he hits the water and massive spout leaps right upward trying to catch Deelel in it.

As Leviathan starts to come around, he takes notice of Finna's now more 'bite-sized' form and goes to rush right for her, only to have the arrow fired dance around his form. He roars in pain before he crashes down into the water. The sheer wave racing right for Finna to slam into her body as it had done to Samar and the sheer aftershock travels right for Gunzou's submarine!

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk isn't a melee fighter, never has been and likely never will be. So when someone comes at her with a sword, she does what comes naturally. Being on her back, she attempts to roll away, which leads to her getting shanked and pinned down. She lets out a pained sound, then hiss-shrieks as she pushes raw Aether out of her body, repulsing the Tempered soldier. That's when her Carbuncle comes back in, chirping in challenge as it just throws itself at the Tempered, blasting the soldier away with a consentrated Wind-blast.

    The Miqo'te is now practically out of the fight though, unless she can get some more major healing.

Samar (494) has posed:
    Ta has finally managed to right herself from her unsightly collapse when Leviathan suddenly bursts out of the water and rushes at her and Leyte. It's not just with normal water that his rush splashes them, either: a wave of energy crashes over them, tearing through ghostly flesh and metal alike as the pair of Abyssals are consumed with screams of pain and (most likely from Leyte) anger.

    This time, however, the two of them don't pop back up from under the waves that consume them, even if the water stills somewhat. They seem to be able to breathe underwater, so at least they shouldn't be drowning, but it doesn't seem like they're coming back up anytime soon.

    Such is the payoff for being good and helpful, it seems.

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Alicia stumbles as she feels the structure beneath her shake at the impact. She manages to regain her footing only to see Leviathan sweep up into the air in front of her. The claws on his wing hit home, slashing into Alicia's Barrier Jacket and throwing her a short distance away.

    Hitting the ground, Alicia rolls to a stop and groans quietly. There's lines of red on her skin visible through her clothes where Leviathan's claws had cut. But the injury could have been worse!

    Quickly climbing to her feet again, Alicia watches as Leviathan unleashes the wave against some of the others... Tch, if only she could get rid of the water in the cove, it'd probably weaken the sea serpent. Unfortunately it'd probably render that allied sub rather incapacitated too. Guess she'll just have to stick to more conventional stuff.

    Settling her staff down to aim in Leviathan's direction once more, magic gathers as Sweet Melody chimes, <Heavy Pulse.> A reverse of one of her previous spells, this one creates a pulse of gravity centred on Leviathan that blasts outwards, producing a ripping sensation and possibly throwing the serpent off balance.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel can't dodge forever no can she avoid what Leviathan or those guys in the water have been trying to do for some time. Which is get her the heck off that zippy light jet. The first thing that happens is the jet's engines basically are flooded they sputter and go out the light draining from the craft the next thing that happens is, gravity does it's thing. The jet starts to spiral down and there is going to be no recovery from this.

Deelel stuggles for a moment to control the craft but to no avail. She's going down, Deelel says something in binary that's drowned out by the water and sounds of battle as her craft goes down. She manages to get one last sputter of power out of it and is able to revert the craft to it's inactive sate, it goes transparent then wireframe and finally forms back into a baton which Deelel grabs before she vanishes under the waves with a massive splash.

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
Ok maybe things are getting a bit rough to be out on the deck of the sub. He holds on again as the blast of whatever it was that hits the klein field of the armpr barrier around the sub. The water sure is stirred up, but Gunzou still seems to be unharmed for the msot part. He decides its best to go back down the hatch and into the main part of the submarine with Ion and the crew.

It's a good thing that their armor does exist, or he'd probably been toast a while ago after all.

He's going to test something though, "Load tube one with corrosive torpedo and fire at that thing." The crew nods and the tube is loaded and torpedoe fired at Leviathan.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna was ready to jump atop Leviathan's head if it came down to itt! What she WASN'T expecting was a titanic wave to come blasting her way. ".....Ooooooops!" She stuffs her weapons away just in time back into Elsewhere and braces herself. Thankfully drowning is no issue - worst case she can sprout gills!

    But the sheer kinetic force picks her right up and slams her into a nearby ship's hull!

    When the water recedes, she's left gasping and panting with claws buried into the ship's hull to anchor her there...

    "Uuuuuuuwgh... my head's spinning!"

    And that's gonna leave some bruises!

    Even so, she sees fit to taunt Leviathan after getting her bearings back and vaulting back onto the waves. NORMAL-sized waves, she just sort of rocks with and doesn't seem bothered by...

    "The mighty Leviathan, who toppled over in agony over a mere poison arrow! Puny God of the Sea... what's wrong, can't snap up a single fox?"

    She dashes wildly across the water, alongside some of Leviathan's lengthy body. A subtle magic's surrounding her the whole while... to make anyone planning to come chase her not pay any attention at ALL to her surroundings.

    She doesn't have many ways to deal appreciable to Leviathan, but if she can get him to BITE HIMSELF on accident...

Odin (576) has posed:
Mihk blasts the Tempered Company of Hero's mercenary back, for the man to get ready to attack again only to find a sword drove right through him and then kicked aside. The male miqo'te then stands over her, with his eyes narrowed slightly. "Hmph. This is why my trribe has nothing to do with such mages and never will.." There is a mild smirk on his face as he extends down his hand, "Come, miss. Let us get you to higherr grround."

As he does this, he also gives the one who sent him a nod of his head, only to watch the crashing of the waters knock a few of their own and even a few of the Maelstrom into the waters. "We of the Company of Herroes arre many..but..." His brow furrow and his ears lay back ever so slightly.

As Leyte and Ta do not return to the surface, Leviathan chuckles softly to see the one who boast themself to be the ruler of the sea has simply gone away. Though it is when Alicia's staff lighs up Leviathan looks in her direction and snarls at her as his whiskers rise. He quickly moves, the gravity pulse catching him only slightly, causing his to turn his body around hard and send up a wave of water up in her direction!

This is about the time the acid torpedo is also fired from the Submarine and goes slamming into Leviathan's form. The very acid eating away at the physical form of the aetheric being, who forcefully dives back under water, just as Deelel also hits the water. Leviathan goes to leap out of the water, trying to wash away the acid upon his form,before diving back into the shallow pool, rolling along the low ground, dragging his body somewhat due to the pain.

Leviathan in his race then goes to charge at the Submarine for once and if his jaws can reach it, he tries to take a quick bite out of the sub, trying to drag it slightly past the make-shift walls trying to bind it in and into the more shallower area. Though the Sea Serpent does not stay there long as he goes directly for Deelel's form.

Those red eyes glowing with anger toward her, though as he moves to circle around her, he nudges his snout under her and then goes to actually /toss/ her out of the water and back up to the land-- though it is very forceful at best and not the best way to be kicked out of a pool!

Then Finna goes to taunt him. Leviathan turns to look at her, those eyes gleaming at her as she runs about. The water serpent growls at her then gives chase. Though when she tries to trick him into biting himself, he falls short of it and instead dives down, before suddenly blasting up under her and trying to slam his very teeth down at her.

If he does actually manage to get a hold of her, he wont hold her there for long, before spitting her out toward one of the levee controls trying to damage it with her actual body. He wants out damnit!

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk winces, but takes the hand and leans on the mercenary. "You may not agree with our philosophy, but we, like you, are attempting to help Eorzea through this time of turmoil." she says softly, groaning as she covers the wound. "Get me up on a tower... we are entering the end game and I still have some fight in me yet."

    The Miqo'te banishes her Carbuncle, the gemstone returning to her pouch as she is hopefully taken to a higher point. "Keep those Tempered away from me... this will take some time... I wish I had my companions here..." Then, the woman opens her book, allowing it to levitate before her as she draws in more Aether, more than she's ever drawn in before now in this fight. "You shall bend, or you shall BREAK, Leviathan. There are no other options for you against me." she cries defiantly. "Aether is MINE to command, you are merely a product of it." Even as she speaks, more and more energy flows into, and through her, forming Arcane Geometries in the air, under her feet, even some inscribing into her Robes and face. "You claim mastery of the Sea? I laugh at you. Your claim is as hollow as a sea cave as the tide rolls out. Allow me to show you TRUE MASTERY!" As the Aether peaks within her body, making her eyes shine like beacons, she once more reaches out, digging her senses into the Primal's Aether, attempting to not drain it for herself, but tear it asunder, ripping the fabric of the beast apart at the metamagical level. "YOU. SHALL NOT. PASS!"

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
Over the submarine's local communcation radio, the voice of the engineer comes to Gunzou's attention, "Captain saturation level of klein field is at sxity percent, not sure how much more of this we can take."

Gunzou nods and ponders the next move he should make, well there's one thing he hasn't tried yet, but he's saving that for a bit. He looks to Iona and then to the crew, well, it'll leave him with one left, but maybe it will do some good.

"Alright, let's show this monster that we really mean business. Load tubes one through eight with corrosive torpedoes and fire, also fire missiles."

The crew is used to Gunzou giving such orders by now, he's known for such things after all. The torpedoes are loaded leaving him with a single one left, into all eight of the sub's torpedo tubes and fired directly towards the leviathan, as well as all missile launchers launching their missiles at the beast.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "tch---phwah!" Oh crap. Finna's been found out. She didn't expect Leviathan to be able to pierce her illusions so easily, but he just surprised her!

    The young woman nevertheless SHRIEKS when teeth penetrate skin, and wails even MORE when she goes flying and slams into the structures. OWWWWWW!

    "Craftier than I expected, guess I deserved that....owwww....!"

    But what now?

    upon striking the water, she takes Deadly Beastman Form - rippling with muscles and for features on clear display, for her whole body gains a whole foot and a half in height and grows into the broad form of an anthropomorphic foxwoman. With glowing silver claws and teeth!

    Draconic wings, then octopus tentacles and antlers from a prize of the North all appear on her body and submit to her whims.

    Those whims happen to become clear as actual SPIDER LIMBS erupt from her body's flesh.

    Closing in, she leaps up and comes DOWN on Leviathan with a series of clobberings from the multi-featured arm!

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Alicia sees the wave coming towards her... She doesn't particularly want to get washed away by it, so decides to just weather it where she is. She quickly stabs the end of her staff into the structure beneath her, a silver spell circle sppearing as Sweet Melody chimes, <Anchor.>

    The wave hits, briefly engulfing Alicia in water. But it soon passes, showing the Mage to be soaked once more, but still standing where she was. The spell circle fades, needed no more.

    Quickly taking stock of everyone's status, it looks like the Primal is beginning to wear them down. And he hasn't shown any obvious sign of the same. Alicia says to her Device, "I guess we need to hit him harder."

    To which Sweet Melody responds, <More power, Master!>

    Alicia nods slowly as she thinks... Really she only has one strong attack spell to use in this situation. She smiles, "Alright, let's do it."

    Sweet Melody chimes, <Storm Mode.> Alicia's staff glows, the shaft extending out, the ring around the crystal vanishing to be replaced with additional protective coverings. The existing golden exhaust ports vanish to be replaced with larger ones that slide out of the head. Finally, a large ornate axe blade of silver light flickers into existance.

    Magic gathers as Alicia spins the new poleaxe around into attack position. She then smirks towards Leviathan, "You shouldn't underestimate us Mortals!"

    Sweet Melody begins to chime, <Mirror-> Alicia vanishes in a flash of light.

    Four identical versions of Alicia appear suspended in the air around Leviathan's head, axes raised to strike. They all swing in perfect harmony as the four Devices chime in unison, <-Strike!> There's a blast of magic as the four blades meet their targets and once it passes, the four Alicias are gone, leaving just one standing on the opposite side of the cove from where she started.

    Alicia spins around to observe her handiwork, a blast of cooling gasses venting from her weapon's exhaust ports.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel gets a good look at the Primal and it's not a happy sight Deelel is struggling in the water and honestly expects this is the part where the Primal /eats/ her like she's a bit of pop corn or chips that the humans are so fond of. This does not happen he actuall forces her up and out of the water it's painful and leaves a number of cracks across her form from the force of just what happened to her. She's now air born at this point and is going to make use of it. She summons her staff, and as it forms techno music starts up from it as it seems to be building a charge and fires a massive powered shot at the king odf the seals but again Gravity has her and she's about to go for another swim at this rate.

Odin (576) has posed:
Mihk is helped by the male seeker of the sun and taken to the location. He stands there with his arms crossed, before motion to two others to join her side, because he is needed else where. Though as he gets ready to hop down he addresses her once more. "I hope you know what yourr doing. Oh.. my name is Nunh.. U'odh Nunh." He gives her a nod before easily leaping down to help with some issues with sudden instability in the waves starting to be picked up.

As Mihk makes her call out to Leviathan, the Sea Serpent looks in her direction and chuckles lightly. One could see his red eyes gleam in light. Mihk's aetheric control attempts to then rip apart at Leviathan, but it almost does nothing to him, beyond a few gusts scratching at his very features and knocked a few of his scales loose along his face.

He tilts his head faintly as he chuckles faintly at her again, then he speaks with a very calm tone in his throttling voice at his own amusement. "You believe you have command over me, as if you are some child of light? Do you believe yourself to even be one?! Fools, every one of you.. none among you are a child of light and even if there was one-- I would smell her stench upon you from malms away."

Leviathan can hear the movement in the water, something another is up too. "You have no idea whom it is you deal with to think I be like your manifested /pet/... Perhaps you should seek one can honestly enlighten you.."


A dude with a red mask and a white robe suddenly looks up from his book his is reading and tilts his head faintly. Another one in a black robe, glances over with an equally red mask, though sharpening his black metal claws on his fingers, "...what?"

The one in white slams the book shut. "I think.. someone is getting out of line.."



Then the one in black throws his hands up in the air, as the other one vanishes in a cloud of dark mist. "I'm only doing this /your/ way out of respect!"


Though his attention shifts from the movements in the water to suddenly Spider Finna in the /face/. The spider form slams into Leviathan and slams him back into the cove area next to Mihk, the sheer rubble breaks off, before Leviathan roars out as the Spider goes into multi-punch mode.

This enough of a distraction that when Gunzou unleashes his arsenal it slams into Leviathan and the sea serpent goes falling into the water with the waves crashing up and over the docks, including over some decks of the near by ships as well.

Odin (576) has posed:
Leviathan tries to break away the acid once more, but it doesn't give away easily this time, the aetheric wisps give away into the air, floating above and away from his form. As he breaks surface once more, he roars at Alicia and her sudden clones as she goes charging at him as if she was Ifrit. Leviathan's eyes flash, before his whiskers rise up to create a strange aetheric water in the very air. Her impact do hit, but they hit the very field causing it to explode and the sheer force alone, knocks the might primal back into the shallow waters. Which in turn actually has him get missed by Deelel's own attack that comes ever so close to strike act the barb of his tail!

Leviathan's form can then be seen glowing as he rises straight out of the water then taking near flight almost. He roars out loudly and as he does. The sheer waters suddenly pull away, leaving the cove dry. The very ships suddenly go to drop onto dry soil and the water, the water is pulling further and further back.

Leviathan's eyes glow brightly. "Let me show you the true power.. of a god... of one who can only be truly challenged by the light.."

Then as his whiskers raise up her roars out once more. The sheer water comes rushing back in as a massive wave. It goes to indeed swallow everything in its path with aetheric energy at its very core and breaking the very dame they had designed to keep Leviathan in, which the sea serpent after his attack crashes back into the water, attempting to use the current to help mask his break for the open waters!

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
"Klein field saturation at ninty percent captain, collapse of armor is imminent."

Gunzou nods as the engineer radios that to him and he sighs some, "Alright, release the energy back at the creature from the klein field then, then Iona cras dive."

Iona nods to Gunzou, "Yes Gunzou." well, maybe things wont be so bad if he has the sub go under water, after that last attack from the sea serpent.

The energy from all the attacks is suddenly released from the klein field and directed at Leviathan and then the sub's ballasts are filled with water as it makes an emergency dive, once its armor is gone.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk gapes. All the training, all the time spent learning the flow of Aether, and all it did was /TICKLE/. And then, a massive wall of water is coming for her. "By the Twelve..." is all she manages, just as the water slams into where she's stood, sweeping her away with the flow. Luckily she catches onto some outcropping or other. Unluckily doing so dislocates her shoulder, meaning she falls into a quivering heap as the water recedes, clutching the limb and gritting her teeth.

    Still, Aetheric energy flows once more into her, and she pushes herself back to her feet. To hell with the book, is the thought that crosses her mind, though the Tome opens before her regardless, flicking to the correct page as she draws on Aetheric energy in the environment, and once again, attempts to drain some of Leviathan's power, pouring it into a simple spell geometry, one that all Arcanists are taught early. The simple Ruin spell, overcharged as it is, grows from a simple bolt of unaspected light, into a streaming torrent of unaspected destruction. "You are no god. You are simply another Monster to be killed." she states lowly, releasing her shoulder for a moment to emphasize her spell release, turning the open pages of the book out toward the Primal, where the Aether simply pours out in an unrestricted beam.

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Alicia's blood drains from her face as equally as the cove's water is drained to power Leviathan's attack. Alicia has a guess at what's about to come and she doesn't think it will go well... She squeaks out, "Melody..."

    Sweet Melody chimes, <Anchor.> The silver spell circle anchors Alicia to the ground once more, to keep her from being whisked away by what's coming. The Device doesn't stop there though as it chimes once more, <Defenser.> The dome of magic appears around Alicia, the barrier ready to absorb part of what's to come. And come it does!

    The water crashes down hard, washing over Alicia as much as anyone else. Her defensive barrier holds for a short time, but quickly gives way under the assault, shattering into light and letting the water smash into Alicia.

    Finally the waters lower enough for Alicia to be freed of them. She's lieing on the ground in the same place, spell circle fading. Her Barrier Jacket is torn in multiple places from the rushing water. Her whole body aches and she thinks she has a busted rib... But atleast she's alive!

    Alicia struggles to her feet to find Leviathan making a break for the open ocean. At this rate they'll lose him pretty quickly and who knows what kind of destruction he may cause! Alicia begins to run. She's still a fair ways back from the fleeing serpent, but she can catch up.

    <Blink.> Alicia vanishes and reappears running across part of the levee, closer to Leviathan. Sweet Melody then chimes again, <Blink.> This time Alicia appears on one of the local ships, running up towards its bow. As she reaches the edge she jumps off, beginning to fall as she raises her axe above her head ready to strike. One more <Blink> follows.

    Alicia teleports above Leviathan's head, continuing to fall as she swings her axe down towards the serpent. At the last moment, her Device chimes, <Mass Effect.> The poleaxe glows with magic as it strikes with a force considerably greater than its small size suggests.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Argh, there goes her best manuever! Finna grouchy-noises at Leviathan upon leaping back and letting her wacky new features recede. A blow from each had done diddly.. where is Leviathan getting all of his strength?

    The tide goes out.... water pools and gathers... and then... TSUNAMI!

    Finna's unfortunately caught straight on and churned through the aether-charged waters. It pulverizes her against several Awfully Hard things also caught up in the blast, before depositing her on land.

    She gasps and pants hard, getting woozily to her feet but UTTERLY WATERLOGGED at that. Blearily-eyed she watches Leviathan on his escape path.

    She's been battered, and bruised, and won't likely come free of this with, at best, more than a congratulatory meal and some praise. Maybe some gil. Is it worth all the aches and pains?

    "hah... these damned Primals..."

    Ah, screw it. She'll pepper him some more!

    The bow emerges from Elsewhere again and Finna's quick to nock SEVERAL ARROWS AT ONCE, pull the string back... and fires...


    The arrows flare with silver light and go rocketing off in twisty patterns, converging on Leviathan from above and coming straight down for his noggin!

Deelel has posed:
Some days it just doens't pan out she's not sure if her weapons has issues with the water of ir she just screwed up but at leadst it fires that much is true. She'll have to get ht eweapon and her self looked at later for nwo she's not going to wnat to die here. She got close and may have a few ticks left to her she's able to get her ligth jet back otu it forms about her and takes to the air again, at this point she's alive and well until oh dear god another tidle wave there goes that the jet goes poof again and Deelel's carried with it. She finally explodes out of the water, the jet's gone likely back in baton form and she's got glowing cracks over a good portion of her body and she's got seeral puck like things in hand that she launches at the great sea beast. If they connect they will explocde seconds later.

Odin (576) has posed:
Leviathan attempts to escape, the blast from the submarine stuns it for a moment, which allows Mihk's own non-elemental energy to blast it in the backside, causing Leviathan to bend backwards in a coil from the very impact.

Leviathan snarls back toward the ground, however he soon finds a shadow above him and looks up to only find an axe coming down from above him. He goes to rotate himself over to try and get away, by the axe slams into his wing and cuts the very web between the ridges into two. This causing the Primal to roar out in pain, before snapping his teeth right at Alicia. "Foolish mortals! I go to spare your lives from death and this is what you give onto me in return! Do you dare wish of me to treat you as Garuda would one of her pray!?"

About this time a dark portal opens on a high ridge looking over the cove. A white robed figure walks out from the dark portal and cants his head at the battle below, before taking note of the Archanist below him that is heavily injured. With a simple wave of his hand, he steps around to suddenly vanish into another dark mist before appearing near the female Miqo'te.

The red mask figure with his white robe stares down upon her, before taking notice of her injury. Then he walks over to her, if not standing in front of her. As goes to move in front of her, he extends out his hand and while it forms a dark energy coil, he then yanks upon it and teleports Alicia to along his side before Leviathan can truly take a bite out of her. She may find it very disorienting to go from one location to another by some dark tunnel of mystical energy.

Leviathan continues to his escape path even as his prey is removed from him for the moment, until Finna's arrows find him and strike at his form, he roars in pain, but Deelel's objects attack to him, before they explode against his form, causing him to knock back into the water.

As Leviathan goes to retaliate in his anger by sending another wave in that direction as he rises up from the sea. The strange white robed man raises up his hand with calm ease and waves it across. The wave goes to impact to only hit a wall of some kind the glows of dark purple energy, before the water crashes back down into the water once more. None being hurt by the attack that comes.

The White robed figure picks up a rock that lays on the sure, a pure white opal by the looks of it. Large in size, beautiful in color. He examines it with some care in his metal claw gloved hand before, he looks out to Leviathan. The words he speaks are odd sounding, one that is not understood by any, "Valum Nedun Leviathan. Sha pa'ray denah."

Leviathan even at his distance seems to perhaps understand. He growls lowly, roars and goes to suddenly charge right toward the white robed figure in some crazed anger. The robed figure however, simply stepping back one step, before then hurling the opal right at the Primal.

The very opal glowing with then dark fire before impacting right into the gullet of the Primal who's mouth is open as he roars. The Primal then actually coughs, then chokes on the opal before suddenly his very form is consumed by the dark flames as the might primal wreaths in pain, then collapses into the ocean waters vanishing into aetheric energy...

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Alicia totally had it covered. She did! But then she gets pulled away, suddenly reappearing on figurative dry land once more. She looks around in surprise, a little disconcerted... But then she watches the strange figure completely ruin Leviathan with one attack.

    Alicia's eyes go a little wide as she asks of her Device, "Melody, did you get that!?"

    Sweet Melody chimes, <Unclear.> Alicia huhs... That was certainly a strange event...

    Alicia turns to look at the white robed figure and smiles, still looking a little worn, "Thanks... We might have bitten off more than we could chew..."

Finna (513) has posed:
    Seeing this strange set of events play out, Finna's left stupefied and flabbergasted She stares, gaping, where Leviathan was just moments begor... then at the distant man who somehow did Leviathan in. "WHAT THE... we go to all this trouble and he slays it with some tiny stone?!" There's obviously more to it than that, but it sure does LOOK really weird...

    Finna, still, is forced to drop to one knee and start panting, hands on the ground. now that the crisis is over...

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk, for all she had blustered, simply falls limp where she stands. The remaining Aetheric energy floods out of her system, making it seem like she's emitting thousands of light-motes as she topples over, tome snapping closed and falling to the ground as well. She doesn't even register that there's someone there.

Odin (576) has posed:
The figure in the white robes easily catches Mihk before she collapses to the ground. He just as easily scoops her up in his arms. "I shall take her to a near by inn for proper.. treatment." The figure then looks to Alicia as she says she may have eaten more then she can chew. "Leviathan may be a simple Primal and not one of the Elders.. but he was allowed to roam freely unchecked."

The robbed figure lowers his head gently. "The Primals become more dangerous the more energy they can consume, you see." He then goes to turn away. "Oh.. and I am Elidibus.. It is.. a pleasure. I shall be around for a few days... seek me around Limsa Lominsa if you wish to speak."

Then with an easy step, a portal is opens before him and he walks through it. To take Mihk to probably either the Limsa Lominsa inn or to one of the near by outposts.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel knows they need a lot more firepower and she litens to the angry sear being's ranting but gets the idea he's bad news and soon she finds She sees Levithan she wonders is this is where whe's going ot become cubes wait no her attacked work then something else happens. Somethig just frys him and its thanks to aa strange figure in white, it leaves her wondering. What just happrned here? She looks to the stranger for a moment.

"hank you for your aid...and I think I will be there to do so."