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Broken Guardian
Date of Scene: 03 November 2014
Location: Avatar World <AW>
Synopsis: Strange things are happening in an Earth Kingdom forest, and four Unionites go to deal with it.
Cast of Characters: 20, 152, 301, 359

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's a tired earthbender that stands on the other side of the warp gate when the Fleet Maiden and the rat priest arrives. Toph yawns and scratches her butt, though her expression is rather pensive, which isn't so strange when one considers the area. Mountains lie far off in the distance, with forests spanning most of the area. Or at least they used to. It looks as if a targeted forest fire has passed through here, though obviously there's nothing natural about it as only parts of the forest has been burnt down, a wide path where the undergrowth has been trampled down by hundreds, if not thousands of feet, with track marks from machinery and beasts alike.

    There's a small town on the edge of the forest, and it too seems to have been in better shape. Roof tops have been partially torn down, and even from this distance it looks as if something has run rampant through the streets. Despite it being light out, there are hardly any people out either. Not only the town is quiet, but the nearby forests too.

    No, it doesn't look like Toph likes what her feet 'sees'.

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
    It doesn't take long for Elasaid to show up, and with just a quick glance around at the area, it takes even less time for the tell tale sparkle and flash of light(Which Toph wouldn't be privvy to), marking her transformation.

    The original, thick Scottish accent is gone, replaced with the prim and dignified cadence characteristic of her Deployment. "Do we know hostile fleet composition?" she asks, looking around at the devastation.

Faruja (152) has posed:
"Now, I am nay woodsman. Quite the opposite. However, methinks this is hardly normal for such silence and fire. There aught be panick amongst the local animals, nevermind the populace." Quips one Faruja Senra as he steps out of the warpgate behind Toph to survey the scene. She might not be able to see it, but his scowl is in his voice. No, Faruja does not like this situation either. He's dressed in hastily donned robes, and what might be running shorts and a tank-top beneath if one gets the wind blowing right. He wasn't kidding about the run.

"Any idea what hath befallen this place?" He asks Toph, before bowing to Elasaid as she too arrives. The rat whispers a few words, and a spike of ice crashes down a couple feet to his right. The blue-skinned, scantly clad form of Shiva appears. Kneeling, he reaches out for her hand, and kisses it. The Esper gives a slow nod of acceptance, and helps her Summoner back up. Clearly he intends to fight fire with freezing.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    They didn't dally on their way here, it seems. Toph doesn't turn around to greet them, though she offers a mock salute with two fingers. Though she does look a bit confused at Elasaid's manner of speech. What is this? "This is a /forest/," Toph points out, "The sea is far away from here."

    As for the state of this area, she shakes her head. "Whoever made that," she begins and points towards the burnt path through the forest, "passed through here days ago. Seems like there was many of them, maybe a Fire Nation platoon or something. That would explain the fire at least." The blind girl steps forward and begins heading towards the town. "Most of the people are indoors and hiding, and... I can't hardly pick up any animals in the area." Yes, she sounds worried. "Maybe the people in the town knows something about what happened here since they actually called for help."

    And sure enough, as the three head towards the town, it doesn't escape the notice of the villagers, with some of them carefully leaving their homes, watching the trio with careful curiousity.

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
    Elasaid knows that. Hood knows that too, but being in a forest with possible hostiles still triggers that way of speech. "I understand that, yes. However, be that as it may, we should endeavour to find out hostile composition, and deploy our resources to counter theirs." she replies, looking over to Faruja with a soft little smile flickering over her lips.

    The Maiden then turns to approach town with the others, making sure her guns are in Idle Rest position, the turrets facing off to the sides, barrels elevated about 5 degrees. "Greetings. Do any of you know what happened here? We are here to help." she offers to the ones that dare leave the relative safety of their homes.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja taps his chin, trying to remember his research on the Fire Nation. It only half comes to him. He hasn't had his tea this morning. "They typically employ fire-benders and machinery, correct?" As they head to the town, the rat keeps an eye out for masses of footprints or machinery tracks. At least until they get to the town.

A nod to Toph. "Agreed. Very, very odd..."

To Elasaid, "I shall keep mine senses open, shouldst this be the work of off-worlders." Then, with a light shiver, he opens his mage-senses to the area around him as they walk, searching for feelings of magic, spiritual beings, or general corruption.

When the villagers are encountered, and Elasaid takes point on negotiations, the priest bows quietly. Otherwise, he's silent, focusing on observing and sensing.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The area itself is rather spiritual, though there seems to be a faint feeling of corruption as well. Where however? It's a bit difficult to tell. There is something up with these forests however, that much is clear.

    "Yeah, firebenders, tanks, the whole load," Toph shrugs as she marches with the others towards the towns people who gather in the road. Since Elasaid takes charge she lets her, keeping back and clearly inspecting the area more through her sensitive feet.

    "You heard our call for help?" one of the men asks, a slight look of relief on his features. The others whisper among themselves, and the man continues, offering a careful smile of gratitude. "Thank you, I... we desperately need help! As you can see, it's been rough here ever since those Fire Nation soldiers passed through last week and burnt down part of the forest," he continues and gestures to the forest. "Ever since then, people have started vanishing in the dark of the night, and..."

    Several of the towns people step forward, some of them even reaching out to grab Elasaid and Faruja's hands. "Please find them! The spirit took them!" "Yeah, I saw it!" Toph blinks upon hearing this, then a frown crosses her face.

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
    Elasaid blinks as she's approached so rapidly. The heavy gauntlets on her hands, the sheer amount of metal covering her... she'd look like some kind of Fire Nation lackey in steampunk armour... were it not for the lack of blowing things up. "Slow down. Spirit? Please, describe as best as you are able what we should look for, and where it was last spotted..." she frowns lightly, trying to offer comfort in what small way she can. "We will do what we are able."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja gently takes the hand of the townpeople who grab him. He doesn't seem to mind too much, and gives them a solemn look. "Of course, my Children. I am a Priest, and upon mine honor, we shall do all that we can to see thine compatriots returned safely, and this threat ended. Ye mention a spirit? Can ye describe this spirit? 'Tis at the beck and call of the Fire Nation, or merely taking advantage of the chaos? Please, anything ye may know will assist us in our efforts."

His tail lashes a bit at the hint of corruption, but he tries to at least look calm for the sake of the people.

Then, he's nodding in Elasaid's direction. Seems they're all on the same page!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The man speaks up again, concern on his features. "One of the spirits of the forest has been watching over it, and it has allowed us to live here as long as we don't disturb it. But after those blasted firebenders burnt it down, some believe the spirit is angry!"

    Faruja and Elasaid do seem to reassure the poor towns people, though Toph seems a bit more pensive and more focused on the trouble at hand rather than coddle anybody. "Twitchy, most spirits act on their own from what I've heard. It's not like they take orders or anything..." she states even as she fiddles with her radio briefly. Yeah, lessons will have to wait, even if Jarvis might nag at her later.

    "The spirit is said to be swift and clever, though we do not know more about it. The people who have seen it have only seen glimpses," the man laments with a sigh. "We can only urge you to be careful... and to be quick. It seems to be far more vicious at night."

    Toph snorts, then turns and starts leading the way into the forest. "Good thing it's morning then. Let's go."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
If Elasaid looks like steampunk Fire Nation, then what must the villagers think of Iron Man blasting in overhead on a trail of orangish repulsor energy? Because that's what he does, some minutes after Toph requests his help and after he's had a chance to gulp down an espresso and suit up. Seeing the Union party already heading toward the forest, he bypasses the village proper, buzzing the rooftops on a descending trajectory that allows him to back-thrust and drop onto the path among his colleagues.

"Should've woken me up," he chides Toph mildly, despite Jarvis having assured him that she did /try/, but elected to let him sleep when he didn't respond immediately. "Morning folks. Did anyone bring donuts?" He claps Faruja on the shoulder with a gauntleted hand. "Where's the corruption? Hey, did I tell you about the time I killed an Arch-Duke of Hell? Clean energy. It's like holy to them, they hate it."

The espresso may be kicking in.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja considers both the villagers' and Toph's words, then turns to Shiva. The two share long looks, Summoner and Esper conversing silently.

"Then we shall be cautious. If the Spirit may be calmed, then let us do so." He says to his compatriots, ears wiggling lightly as he thinks.

Then, he turns as Iron Man flies on in. He's about to comment on the garrish colors, when he looks down. Frown. He's not any better.

Cough. A bow. "Ser St...ahem. 'Iron Man'." It's an act of will to not roll his eyes at the moniker. He reaches into a pack at his side, and pulls out a wrapped sandwich and offers it over to Tony.

"Never leave on a mission or run without food. Nay donut, but sausage, chocobo egg, and rain-peppers." It's still hot, too. It turns out to be very spicey, should anyone eat the thing.

Oomph! The clap banishes Faruja's dour mood somewhat, and he offers a smile. "Ye aught regale me of the tale, good Ser, when we art less pressed! The forest, mainly, though I sense residual corruption throughout the village. With the leader's permission, I shall hath a few exorcists deal with it once we art through." A glance to one and all. Sensible plan?

Then, Shiva and Faruja are following alongside Toph. Wherever the esper walks, frost forms. Both keep their senses alert even as the rat leans on his cane. The other arm is around Shiva's as though they were heading to dinner. Notably, the ice-Esper looks down her nose at the rest of the party.

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
    Elasaid nods to Toph, and takes 'point' maneuvering into the head of the group and bringing her smaller turrets online, the little gun emplacements tracking and swiveling on their own accord. Once Tony arrives, the Maiden glances over, and offers a nod in greeting. "Glad to have you with us, Major." she offers, then turns her attention to her 'radar'. It's more a sense of direction than anything really powerful, picking out moving or unnaturally shaped targets in the area.

    One, small part of the Hood spirit, wishes she still had her floatplanes, they could have made search missions like this so much easier.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The sight of the flying man clad in metal does catch the attention of the towns people, and it's no wonder that some of them pull back in fear. The sound is familiar to Toph, who smirks as her adoptive father drops down next to them, reaching out to punch him in the shoulder as she walks on. "If you didn't hear me the first time you wouldn't have heard me the second," she says firmly. "Let's head out into the forest and see if we find this damn spirit and the missing people. We can get donuts on the way back."

    Faruja's plan seems sensible enough, though Toph doesn't know much about corruption and spiritual stuff. Heck, she doesn't even remember anything from what happened with her earlier this summer when she herself fell prey to a hungry spirit. But she's been told enough. "What bothers me is how quiet everything is, it isn't normal," she says. Corruption she might not be able to sense, but all the animals that should have been here? It's easy for her feet to pick up that something is wrong.

    And the forest is quiet as they enter it, tall trees and undergrowth everywhere. It somehow feels darker too, more constraining. There's no bird song, no sight of any fauna. Toph herself stops a few times, frowning as she crouches and places a hand down on the ground without a word. And then she rises up again, catching up with the others. "I can't pick up /anything/."

    To Faruja though, it should be noticeable that the air is getting heavier. Not foul, but... there is certainly something nearby. But what?

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
    <Nothing on Radar captain... nothing at all, not even the civvie ships...>
<Point gunners, stay sharp... Something is jamming our radar.>

    The internal dialogue makes Elasaid frown. She can /feel/ something, that oppressive atmosphere would only be lost on the truly oblivious, but she can't codify it, or even pick it out with what senses she can bring to bare.

    The Maiden remains at the front, ready to bring her powerful Barrier Armour into play, should the need arise.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony Stark doesn't really feel anything that he thinks can't be attributed to being dragged out of bed for a mission. He can see that his companions are unsettled though, so he treats the job as seriously as he ever does anything. "I'll be our bird's eye, shall I," he suggests, and boosts himself aloft without waiting for a response. Let the sensitive types do their psychic thing; and Hood seems to have the ground sweep under control.

"Jarvis, standard search pattern. Sweep for head signals on infrared. I want to know where the animals are, and where they /aren't/."

The metal figure crisscrosses the sky above the burnt trees, making himself quite the target but then again he'd rather anything attack him than Toph, if it's going to be hostile at all.

Meanwhile, he chats amicably on the local radio, "So I missed the briefing. What kind of spirit is this, anyway? Is it gonna look like anything?"

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja mmm's at Toph's comment, a light frown on his muzzle. Soon, he's leaning lightly on Shiva, abandoning cane into a sash in favor of his Blaze Gun. With Elasaid at the ready, he takes a step nearer to her, Paladin to his Mage. He keeps his senses keened, both Summon and Summoner mystically reaching out.

When they're in the bush, the quiet is unsettling. Toph's words only make him more nervous, and he has his weapon at the ready.

Worst still, he coughs, that familiar oppressive feeling filling him.

"We art not alone in this forest. Mayhaps our spirit. And most wroth, if our senses art not foiled." He cautions the group.

Other than that? He'll nudge Elasaid towards the greatest source of that oppressive feeling. The Maiden has a seeing-eye-rat now alongside her own senses.

To Toph, "Nay doubt the fire and the spirit's anger hath driven them off. Animals art very sensitive to this sort of thing, or so I hath found. Ye shall rarely find an esper shrine surrounded by animals, for instance." All on the radio, of course, for Tony's benefit.

Speaking of, "Nay clue as of yet. Were I betting nezumi, I wouldst say some form of hunting-animal, but mortal logic rarely conforms to God-Servants. Toph?" He asks, warily. He knows well she's not exactly a fount of knowledge when it comes to spirits.

Too bad there's no bald airbenders around.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The question on the radio makes Toph shrug. "They didn't really know, they just mentioned it was quick, probably nocturnal considering it seems more active at night. Maybe a moon spirit or something..." Your guess is as good as hers! This really isn't her area of expertise, it's probably Faruja that is the closest thing to a spirit diplomat here. Except he seems to scream heresy at them. Maybe it would have been better if Aang had been here...

    The infrared scan shows that there are some minor creatures about. Insects for the most part, a few birds here and there. But it's quiet. However, there is an energy signature further down the forest, close by the burnt trail. It seems shattered however, spread out, whatever it is. Faruja too should feel something ahead. But before either of them get to say or do something, there's a sound. A ruffling of leaves. Toph blinks, her eyes wide as she listens further and shifts into a defensive stance, raising her arms in front of her slowly as she does her best to pick up any movement.

    Without further warning a large creature leaps out of the trees and seemingly nowhere, straight down towards Elasaid, intending to latch onto her from behind with a vicious snarl. It's easily twice the size of a grown man, a heavy feline shape with not paws as much as hands, a long striped tail and with large, tufty ears. Its eyes are not that of a cat however, round and large with big, dark pupils.

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
<I've got something... INCOMING!>

    The alerts, the ghostly cries to brace, and the warning klaxon now sounding in the back of her thoughts gets Elasaid to turn slightly as the thing leaps down onto her. It finds a very thin layer of protection in its way, slowing it's descend only marginally before it manages to latch on to the large metal ba<span class=" bold_fg_x bg_n ++ kpack.

    chx"><Hostile Submarine Surfaced bearing 3-2-0, it's too close, Main battery unable to depress enough to engage.></span>
<Torpedo control reports unable to target. Point batteries engaging.>

    Elasaid growls softly, writhing this way and that, as the little machine gun nests along her armour swivel and open fire, little magical 'pulse lasers' sending tracer-like fire up at the beast. They're not meant to target things his size, more intended to take out lightly armoured aircraft, but maybe the surprise will get it to let go.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Frown! Faruja rubs the back of his head. "'Tis nay spirit I hath ever met." Admits the rat. He looks to Shiva. She shrugs.

"Nor she. The only one close wouldst be far less violent. Still. I find there art one of two ways to deal with such creatures: beat them into submission, or impress them." Guess which one he's leaning on today?

And then a massive creature leaps out. KITTY! Instincts take over, and his esper companion reacts not moments later.

By causing a trio of ice spikes to hover in the air. Frost nips at the creature's heels, trying to freeze him in place as those spikes menace.

"Let Lady Hood go, knave, 'lest ye be rent asunder by the frozen retribution of the Lord! I am Inquisitor Faruja Senra, spirit, annointed Summoner and I COMMAND THEE AS MINE BIRTHRIGHT! UNHAND HER!" Yells the little rodent, Summon magic flaring. It might not be an esper, but he can at least try to play things like in Ivalice.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"I'm picking up... something, further in and not far off the trail," Tony reports thoughtfully, his lips pursing in a thoughtful little frown as he studies the readouts on his display. "Looks kind of like a big thing exploded-- whoa, what's going on down there?" And why didn't that thing show on infrared?

As tracer fire lights up the HUD, Jarvis automatically switches to tactical mode and Iron Man pulls up short to dive back down toward his allies. "Not sure it understands you, Twitchy," Tony remarks dryly as he swoops in, hands outstretched not to fire at the creature but to try and grab hold of it to wrench it away from Elasaid. It's probably just some local wildlife -- weird, Avatar-world wildlife -- stirred up by the trouble, right?

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Upon hearing the sounds nearby Toph blinks and turns, then kicks into the ground to send an earthen spike aimed at whatever it is that is attacking Elasaid. It strikes it just as Faruja's ice spikes hit it, and the creature roars out in pain, baring its sharp teeth at the four Unionites. When Elasaid and Tony both open fire on the thing that seems enough to make it let go as, though Tony also grabs at it, making it roar in displeasure! It kicks off of her back with strong hind legs, and it lands in a crouch amongst the bushes, stalking slowly towards them again. But strangely enough, it seems as it the attacks they unleashed on it are healing up again within moments, shining light covering the injuries.

    "Doesn't seem like it talks, whatever it is!" Toph frowns, then throws her arms forward and unleashes a series of spikes towards the creature. However it is light on its feet, and it kicks off into a powerful leap that sends it straight towards Toph, and even if she manages to kick up an earthen pillar in attempt to block it, it merely kicks off of it and over, swiping at the earthbender who cries out before she ducks to the side, clutching at her now bleeding arm.

Faruja (152) has posed:
"Hmph! Hardly a God-Servant, this one! A pale imitation of a true esper!" Huffs the rat as it doesn't even seem to speak! Shiva actively looks down her nose at the creature.

Then, when it's striking at Toph, the rat lets out a snarl. Snapping his fingers, Shiva dissappears, and the rat incants. A clock-face appears over the creature, as he attempts to snare it in a Slow spell! Should it take, time, and hopefully its regenerative powers, will halt!

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja sighs into the radio. "Toph. Ye hath created a bloody monster." What's he talking about?

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
<Allied forces have driven hostile submarine away. Main battery has a firing solution.>
Torpedo crew reports they have a firing solution.>)]
Point Gunners have ceased fire. Damage control teams moving to repair damage. Hull breach above the waterline, minor superstructure damage to forecastle.>

    The reports stream in, even as Elasaid stumbles forwards from the kick. She stamps her right foot down to negate the momentum, then sweeps around, bringing her Main Guns into position. They traverse, elevate, then with an octet of reports that would make Fire Nation artillery sound like a pop-gun in comparison, she opens fire.

    Most of her shots would go wide, as the thing moves to attack Toph. "Flank Speed!" she commands, turning and running towards the Spirit to try and get it off of the girl. "You shall not have her. Anchor Shot!" she calls, bringing up her right arm, then PUNCHING it forwards, as a large anchor forms along the bracer, then lashes out on a chain to strike at the Spirit.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
After flinging the thing into the bushes Tony needs a moment to check his momentum, and then drops straight down to land with a solid *thud*, between the creature and Toph in a guarding posture, feet at shoulder width, elbows in, hands raised slightly to go for either a grab or a shot, whichever is needed. "Back off, Fuzzy!" his metallic-tinged voice barks out a warning, and whether the thing understands speech or not it can surely understand his tone, right?

He sees Faruja's clock-face, although the way Jarvis translates the magical effect into his tactical overlay is a bit odd. A proximity alert flashes on the periphery of his view and he takes a quick step to one side to allow the anchor to fly past him unimpeded.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As it continues chasing after Toph, the spirit finds its clawed handpaws striking metal, and it roars right into Tony's armored face. The artillery fire though stops it from attacking further and makes it easier for the rat to do his thing. The spirit is struck by the time magic that Faruja unleashes upon, and its movements slow down, though it visibly strains to fight its effects. It does give Toph a chance to slam her foot into the ground and erect a pillar that knocks into its jaw and sends it falling back, just in time to get struck by the anchor.

    "What the hell are you talking about?!" Toph demands into the radio at Faruja's earlier comment. "I didn't make that thing!" No, she doesn't realize just what Faruja was talking about.

    However, it doesn't seem like the spirit intends to stick around. Rather than attacking though, it hisses and leaps up again, vanishing into the trees. Then it's silent.

    The blind earthbender winces slightly and presses her left arm against her midriff, listening. "I can't hear it. Where did it go?" There's no visual sight of it either, nor does it seem to be close. There's still that energy signature up ahead by the burnt path that the Fire Nation went by, however.

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
    Elasaid retracts the anchor, the chain and the large chunk of metal dissolving into blue-white motes once it clanks back onto her bracer. She looks around, listening to the internal dialogue of her '<span class=" bold_fg_x bg_n ++ rew'.

chx"><Radar is coming up blank. No contact.></span>
<Hostile submarine submerged. Unable to track. Beware of torpedo attack>

    She looks to the others. "Target lost, radar returning no contact..."

Faruja (152) has posed:
As the creature leaves, still alive? Faruja scowls. "VILE COWARD!" Calls out the rat after it.

On the radio, "The nick...nevermind." /Sigh/.

A glance forward. "Nay doubt the creature intends to lay an ambush. Come." Then? The rat starts blanketing all of them with Haste spells, before summoning up the little fox-kitten-thing Carbuncle. It perches on his head, and flicks its tail cutely. %r Then? He's following that feeling like some sort of magical bloodhound.

"Keep scanning, Lady Hood, mayhaps ye shall spot something. Watch for that ambush?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony turns about slowly, his mask fortunately hiding the disgusted look on his face from the up-close-and-personal encounter with that thing's mouth. Even if any possibility of bad breath was blocked by the suit's air filters. It's the principle of the thing. And he has an active imagination.

"So, that was our spirit huh? Looked like a giant lemur. Maybe it just wants to dance?" Cupping his hands to his faceplate, which is entirely unnecessary in practice but totally necessary for the effect he wishes to portray, he shouts up into the trees, "Hey! Do you just want to move-it move-it? Is that all this is about?"

"Seriously though, I picked up something crazy up ahead. We should probably check it out for some clue as to what this thing's motivations are. You okay Toph?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Seems like the others lost track of it too, huh? Toph frowns a bit, then follows after Faruja as he walks. At least it doesn't appear that the stubborn girl has had her will broken despite how close that thing got. "It's gonna be tough for it to ambush all four of us again," she states firmly, then nods at Tony. "Yeah." It's not like she hasn't been injured before. "Just what /is/ up ahead though?" she asks and follows Tony and Faruja as they seem intent on heading up ahead to whatever is waiting them there.

    The forest is still quiet even as the four begin heading onwards through the trees. "Maybe it got mad when the Fire Nation headed through here? Considering it was after that when all this began?" Who knows? Hopefully the seeing people will keep an eye out up above them.

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
    Elasaid falls into step, keeping closer to Toph now though. Whatever that thing is, it's dangerous and Toph, despite being a grand master at Earthbending, is still likely the most vulnerable.

Escort pattern. All gun crews, heads on a swivel.>

    Elasaid keeps her own eyes moving, scanning the treeline, looking above for another ambush, and checking the area... all the while, the smaller turrets that dot her uniform traverse and sweep the area.

Faruja (152) has posed:
On the radio, "I highly doubt the creature wishes a noble's ball, Ser Stark. However, /dancing/ may be more than possible." He rubs his Blaze Gun. Fiery dances are acceptable.

To Toph, "Naught but trees thus far." He does indeed keep his eyes and ears open as they walk, letting Elasaid escort them! Most if his concentration is on that source of energy.

"Nay doubt. If 'tis a protective spirit, and its domain violated, well...it hardly seems to know the difference between villager and foreigner."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"I dunno," Tony admits to Toph's question, and falls in to walk beside her as the group proceeds through the forest this time. If that thing jumps out at them again, he intends to block for the injured girl. "--Just that Jarvis wasn't picking up anything but a few birds except for this one big energy signature. It looked like an explosion pattern to me, all scattered out. Probably not the thing itself but maybe some evidence of what it's been doing." Which could, of course, give them a clue as to how to beat it.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The blind girl doesn't fail to notice how both Tony and Elasaid seems to keep close to her, and she resists the urge to groan and roll her eyes. Let them. It's not like they do it because they think she's weak, right? She knows them better than that... so she merely pouts slightly, putting up with it and kicking down the urge to walk faster. Instead she focuses on feeling anything that her earthbending can pick up.

    The trek through the forest is strangely enough rather quiet, and they are allowed to walk until they reach the burnt down area of forest, a wide open area that's been trampled under foot, hooves and machinery. What might draw Tony and Faruja's attention however is what appears to be a broken stone monolith that has been toppled over in the march that the Fire Nation had. There are several large and small pieces of rock all around. More importantly, Faruja should feel that this is just not any stone.

    "Man, they really do like wrecking stuff, don't they?" Toph snorts as she toes the ashen ground with a displeased look on her face.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Inwardly, Faruja can't quite fault the Fire Nation for destroying a possibly Heretical shrine...at least until he remembers that they're likely just as much heathens as the Earth Kingdom. There's a huff from the rat. He's surrounded by them! Mostly. He's not sure where Tony and Hood sit on the issue.

the Inquisitor kneels, and touches one of the rocks that were blasted off. He'll heft it lightly as he feels about for magic. Then?

"I shall leave mine health in thine hands." He says to the group before closing his eye. Magic flares as he starts to peer into the past, trying to see just what this was previously.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"This is it," Tony reports, having no feelings one way or the other on heresy. He eyeballs Faruja by way of the suit scanners, shrugs and walks past him, leaving Toph's side now that there aren't any trees nearby for that thing to jump out of. He trusts her to sense it if it comes along the ground. His metal boots crunch in the burnt detritus and he pans his head from one side to the other as he approaches what he judges to be the center point of the destruction.

"Talk to me Jay. What was this thing. Mineral composition. Architectural analysis. /Why does it glow on infrared./"

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
    Elasaid steps out of formation, moving closer to the ruined monolith. She looks at the shattered shards, then blinks as she looks back toward Tony. "Major, you mentioned an explosion pattern... perhaps this was the Spirit's shrine? It would make sense, without an anchor, the spirit would go insane."

    The quality of her voice has changed, just slightly. Maybe it's Hood Herself speaking instead of Elasaid. Hard to tell.

    "None shall pass." she affirms to Faruja, moving closer to the priest and punching her gauntlets together... the universal 'Come Get Some' gesture.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Could be," Iron Man agrees over his shoulder at Hood's suggestion. He wonders if spirit shrines can be glued back together again or if that would just piss it off more.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    When Faruja kneels by the rocks and picks one up, Toph arches an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" Does Tony and Elasaid know what's going on with him? And Elasaid delivers, her statement making sense. "Maybe, I'm not too well versed on all this spiritual mumbo jumbo..." she mutters.

    As Faruja does his best to look into the past, he will get glimpses. A thriving forest, wildlife all about. Sunlight. And amidst it all, the very same spirit they saw before, but much larger and seemingly non-hostile as it walks through the forest and the creatures there. Then there is fire. Fire and loud noises as the monolith, carved in the same shape as the spirit itself topples over and shatters.

    Jarvis is not slow with his analysis either. "Argilite, native to the area. Initial tests indicate that it is several centuries old, Sir. It appears to also house energy of some kind," the program informs Tony.

    Suddenly Toph tenses, and she raises her hands again. "I think it's coming back!" And indeed it does. Shimmering into existence, the half feline, half monkey spirit steps into the clearing and towards them, growling warningly underneath its breath. And with every step it takes, it seems to grow larger and larger in size, soon it's over fifteen feet long including its long tail, and tall as it peers down at the group... and then charges forward straight towards Elasaid, crashing through the earthen pillars that Toph kicks up, barely slowing down!

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
    Elasaid turns and braces at Toph's warning. She's interposed herself between the Spirit and Faruja, and as the thing grows and charges, she pounds her fists together again, then crosses her arms in front of her. The shimmering, barely visible force bubble that surrounds all Fleet Maidens surges into a pillar of force directly in the path of the beast. "NONE SHALL PASS!" she roars in defiance, allowing the creature to break upon her Barrier Armour as water upon rock... though this is a /lot/ of angry, snarling and fuzzy water. Cracks form along the barrier, but the Spirit is now right where she wants it.

<Main batteries reloaded! FIRE!>
<Secondaries batteries ready, fire at will!>

    The guns arrayed along the Maiden's armour traverse, elevate, then begin spewing flame and explosive magical packages right into the Spirit's face.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja quickly stands. "Dame Hood is correct. 'Twas a shrine to..."

And then in comes the beast, growing massive, and smashing through stone as though it was made of paper. A plan swiftly forms in the rat's mind. He radios, "Ser Stark, hath thine armor some form of welder or similar device? I hath a plan. Care for a bit of combat-sculpting?"

Faruja dismisses Carbuncle, wincing as he notes Hood taking damage for him! But he leaves her to it, trusting the woman to not fold. Closing his eye, he teleports to the statue, and takes a deep breath. Seeking out both the energy within the stone, as well as his own magic, he attempts to create something of a weak, stable gravity well. Then, he's incanting, using gravity magic to try to piece back together the Shrine as he saw it. But that gravity well won't last, if there's even enough pieces left.

"If...we re-create the shrine, mayhaps the creature shall be calmed! Toph, stone is thine forte, mine dear!" He gasps in concentration. This isn't easy.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony knows just enough about spirits and spiritual imbalance, from his experience with Mu and Ma, that he doesn't want to fight this thing directly. He whirls around, reflexively priming a repulsor bolt in his right gauntlet, intending to fire a warning shot or five to try to discourage the thing; but he holds fire when he sees Elasaid throw up a full-on force barrier.

"See now THAT's the kind of thing I want to do, Jay," he mutters, calling back to some previous spitballing in his workshop of the potential of repulsor fields.

Faruja drags his attention back to the present. "I have heat lasers yes but they're really more for cutting than welding," Tony chews on the inside of his cheek as he watches the rat priest start to put the puzzle pieces back together. Applying THAT kind of focused heat is more likely to shatter the stone than just melt the edges enough to stick. If only he'd worn one of the Search and Rescue suits; but he had no way of knowing he'd need a WELDER as part of this mission. "Okay Jarvis, work with me buddy. We need to diffuse the cutting beam enough to make rock-paste. Ideas?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The spirit slams into the force field, snarling viciously and baring its sharp teeth. Claws scratch at it, its big eyes wild and filled with rage as it continues assaulting and doing its best to crack the shield further. Its weight increase does not help matters, and even if Elasaid's assault cuts into the flesh and tissue of the spirit, it doesn't seem to fully relent... Though it is knocked back briefly as Toph throws her arms forward three times in a repeated motion, summoning a large pillar that knocks straight into the creature's abdomen, making it whimper as it is thrown back and skids along the ground. It gets up quickly again however, shaking its head and charges again!

    Toph kicks up a tall wall that slows it down somewhat again, and the spirit is knocked back again at the blast from Tony's repulsors. The earthbender is just about to unleash another attack when Faruja calls out to her. Is this really the time to put together puzzle pieces here?! Then again, Faruja is the one who knows the most about spirits of all of them. And Tony's comment earns a snort. "Who needs rock-paste?! You guys keep that thing off of me and Twitchy!" she barks, daring to give her supervising officer orders as she rushes over towards Faruja and focuses on the stone pieces that he is keeping together with magic. The blind girl digs her heels into the ground, then raises her hands up and clenches her fingers into the air, gritting her teeth. And the stone pieces start connecting. "Get the last pieces, there's one to your left and directly behind you!"

    Again the spirit charges into Elasaid's forcefield, growling as it swats at her and her forcefield again.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Left and behind him? FAruja, by now panting and sighing, reaches into his pocket. He crushes the timepiece! A grey film spills out, and time freezes about the re-connecting shrine! Then, taking a moment, he quaffs a mana potion. Gravity! Grey energy surrounds the last pieces, and sticks them in place as Toph's Earthbending causes them to set!

Ten seconds later, the time field will fall! To the beast, he shouts, extending a portion of his Summoning magic. "Oh spirit! The people and forest ye protected is indeed suffering! But we art not the ones whom did this! Look! We hath mended thine Shrine! We seek peace, and..." He pauses, getting an idea.

"And thine strength! Oh, protector of this forest, lend this humble Priest thine aide! And let us use our powers to protect the forest, and the world from the Fire Nation whom laid low thine beloved abode!" Offers the rat, before incanting ancient words. An offer to the Spirit from a Summoner, of assistance and Pacting.

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
<Damage control teams responding. Multiple impacts to armour belt. No breaches yet. Casualty reports mounting.>
<Armour integrity at 83% and declining, Gunnery Control reports Main Battery reloaded. Point Control reports loss of 3 positions.>

    Elasaid takes a breath as the beast is knocked back, giving her Barrier Armour just a little respite. However, as it slams into her again, the force field emits a loud glass-cracking sound, and the woman grits her teeth. "Izzat all ye got!? C'MON! STOP HITTIN' LIKE A WEE BABE AN' HIT ME!" she goads, the woman's natural accent coming out, while she starts digging her feet in as she is slowly be pushed back, shoving back against the Spirit. "All gun crews, fire at will!" The prim british accent comes back as the Patron reasserts.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Perhaps, sir, if you move away from the thought of /melting/ rock and instead carve the pieces to fit together," Jarvis suggests.

"Like a puzzle box," Tony agrees, his eyes widening at the notion. It's been a while since shop class but he remembers the basics. He IS Tony Stark, after all.

And so, as Faruja's gravity field lifts and manipulates the pieces back into their original configuration, he darts between them, making a ridge here and a groove there and just a bit of friction roughening there, to help the pieces hold their shape when joined.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The goading seems to have an effect and the spirit roars, assaulting Elasaid with foul breath and furious swipes alike as it pushes and pushes at her, determined to attack anything it can get to. It doesn't appear to be thinking clearly.

    Toph concentrates as she works on mending the monolith pieces together, and she winces slightly. "Hurry up, Twitchy! That thing is getting more and more pissed at Hoodie!" There, more and more pieces are being collected, and Toph kicks up some of the smaller ones that are scattered about herself as Faruja and Tony work. And as Faruja sets the last piece in place and Toph connects it, the spiritual energy should be felt by Faruja, and the energy readings should spike on Tony's display as the monolith slowly begins to shine. At the same moment, the snarling beast that was busy assaulting Elasaid seems to shatter into several pieces and a burst of energy, expanding across the field in a shockwave that knocks even Toph over with an audible 'ooph'.

    When they recollect themselves, the spirit is standing there by the monolith. It peers back at Faruja in particular, its ears perked up and tail swishing to and fro in a lazy manner... and then it turns its attention back to the monolith and /walks/ into it, fading from sight. On the ground, Toph grumbles and brushes herself off before she gets to her feet. "I think it already gave us its strength when it knocked us over..." she mutters with a wince. "You guys okay...?" Despite her bleeding arm and how dirty she looks Toph seems fine.

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
    Elasaid staggers, parts of her force field sheering away under the Spirit's assault. The fragments evaporate rapidly, and it looks like the Spirit is going to claim another victim... except the Monolith is repaired and the spirit suddenly vanishes, making the Maiden stumble forwards.

    The force wave sends her sprawling with a pained grunt. "D-Damage report..."

<Armour belt at 25%, damage control teams reporting casualties across all decks, main battery offline, point control reports all point guns are non-functional.>
<Hostile vessel neutralized. Identification reporting flag switch to Neutral.>

    The Maiden pushes herself to a kneeling crouch, looking back at Toph and the others. "Apart from my pride, I am fine."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony shuts down his cutting beam with a quick fist pump and looks from the repaired monolith and the spirit, slowly across back to Toph as he opens his facemask. "I'm fine," he replies. "All I did was some impromptu wood-shop. How are /you/?" he asks more pointedly, his eyes flicking over the young earthbender's torn arm.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Okay, so they are fine. And Elasaid might not not be the only one with broken pride as the spirit seemingly ignored Faruja's request. But at least it isn't running rampant anymore. "I guess we did it then," she mumbles, then goes back to clutching her arm against her side, which has become bloodied at this point. "I'm /fine/, I'll go get it patched up at medical..." she mumbles. Most likely it will require stitches. Damnit.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja groans as he rolls over, having been knocked tail-over-head onto his stomach from the blast of energy! Slowly, he gets up, glaring at the repaired shrine. He shakes his cane at it in irritation.

"Godless knave! Be thankful that the Lord is forgiving and that I am feeling generous!" Grrrrr. The rat's tail lashes, before he crosses his arms, and turns away. Yes, he's yelling at a big rock.

"I am quite..." Beat.

Using so much precision magic is a /lot/ of work. Thud! Right back onto the ground. "...Fine." Mutters the rat. Sigh. "After a few hours rest, at any rate." Someone's going to have to carry the rat, muttering all the way about heathen spirits and lack of respect for Summoners.