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Latest revision as of 15:03, 5 November 2014

Valley of Discord Creation
Date of Scene: 04 November 2014
Location: The Homeworld
Synopsis: Noble Six decides to create a Node, to further the battle against Them.
Thanks to: Abstractum.net
Cast of Characters: Kirito, Kotone Yamakawa, 38, Staren, 236, 347

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Well, it wasn't too long ago that Noble Six was present at Kotone's node creation. So the SPARTAN has a pretty decent idea of how to go about doing it. It's just a matter of the act of actually doing it. She may have told a couple of people that she was going to give it a go. That's how she wound up there in the first place, after all.

At the moment, Noble Six has made her way to the White Wing, and is waiting near Mr. Welcomes to see who all happens to want to show up. She's not expecting a huge crowd. One or two people, she'd assume.

Staren has posed:
    Staren has heard another node is being created today... It's true that there's not much to see during node creation, but sometimes the User talks about it, and maybe Eureka can scan something... Speaking of which, the brass-colored gauntlet is with him today, on his left hand. Staren nods to Noble Six as she passes. Then he holds up the gauntlet and slots in the Ran Tier I cartridge. "Can you see if you can get any more data by observing the node creation process, Eureka?" He's not really expecting anything at this point, but he may as well try, right?

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has sought to return the favour and was willing to help Noble Six out, strang name but then again it was pretty clear iut was a code name she kinda stands back at this point and waits and seems to be lost in thought for the moment.

Auron (236) has posed:
    One of those who shows up is Auron. Those who don't see him will probably hear him; he has a very distinctive tread. He's wearing his customary outfit, but the coat looks a little different; there's feathery trim on the inside. Suchiru is strapped to his back, too, in the sheath Auron'd had made for it.

    He offers a polite nod to Noble Six. "Decided to make a world, hm?" He's partially teasing, but that's essentially what a Node is, from what he's seen thus far -- a world to use as a shield later. So it's kind of valid anyway. He nods to Staren and Kotone as well, though the latter of which he doesn't know very well.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Mr. Welcomes, the middle-aged fellow with graying hair and the usual business suit of the Operators, is in his booth, as is by now per the norm. And he's got a wide, sort of expectant smile at Noble Six, leaning on his elbow and propping his head up with one hand. he looks very eager to help, though!

Kirito has posed:
    Armed as he was for the last several outings, Kirito's here as his avatar and ready for any possible trouble. He can't imagine there being any for just a node Generation.... but he's not big on being caught off-guard by the first time something does go wrong.

    "I wondered when you'd be starting a Node of your own." The Black Swordsman comments. "You've been a big help with the Game of Souls, so I'll pay you back for that with yours."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Eureka gives a soft, affirmative noise. "Cartridge installing. I will try to observe closely. No promises that I can find anything we do not already know, though. Hopefully we do."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"I will admit to some hestitation in wanting to take on the responsibility for an entire world...But the events that transpired on Halloween helped me to realize that it's something that I need to do." Noble Six says to Kirito, knowing he was there and should have a good idea of what she's talking about. She looks around to everyone, "Well, thank you all for coming. I know there won't be a lot to do with this particular instance...But like with Kotone's, perhaps we will get a brief glimpse into the node and it will give us an idea of what we might face."

She moves on up to Mr. Speaks' booth, and smiles, faintly. With her helmet off he can see that she's trying to make sure that's the right facial expression to make, "I just want to say thank you for the opporitunity to make a node, before we begin."

Staren has posed:
    "Thank you." Staren nods, and lowers Eureka back down to his side. "I don't know if there's more to find this way, but it can't hurt to try, right?"

    He nods to the others here, then looks over to Noble Six. "Good luck. I'd be glad to help if I can..." He looks between her and Welcomes. "If you want to thank him, aren't you going to make a dramatic speech for him?" He smiles slightly, curious to see what Noble Six has prepared for Mr. Welcomes as well.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Oh, if it makes you feel any better," Mr. Welcomes says. "The Nodes? They're not technically... Well, we technically do 'create' them, but they really already exist just as much as any un-Unified world does, in the various un-collapsed quantum states that aren't really polite conversation topics." He gives a friendly little thumbs up.

    Then he rubs his hands together. "Oh, believe me, it's my pleasure!" He props his chin up on both elbows eagerly and waits for Noble Six to properly ask for the Node now.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks to Noble Six for a moment

"Really I missed that I was ... fighting an spirit so horriic every hell and heaven had deined him and he was refused reincartnation. Then... Crystalids in Newfoundland later that day."

She still looks a bit chilled after Jack and then the space bugs seriously she need s avacation somewhere nice warm and sunny.

Staren has posed:
    Staren's eyes widen slightly when Mr. Welcomes explains that the nodes 'already exist'. He smiles at Eureka, "See, we learned something already!" Then he gasps in realization and looks back to Mr. Welcomes. "But the people of my node /know/ they're in a node, how did that happen? ...Or is that a question I need to ask Mr. Answers?"

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito lightly frowns at this explanation, but it's not really the best time to press.

    "What an awful night that must've been." He asides, suppressing a shudder. He doesn't know what 'Chryssalid' means, but just the name conjures really AWFUL images of the worst kinds of monsters. Insectile, even. Creepy.

    "Halloween? That gave you this inspiration?" Kirito blinks, not following the thought pattern at all...

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"Well, I guess that makes sense." She says, as she glances back to Staren, "Bet you're glad you tagged along." She says, though now he's starting to get into his usual mindset of wanting to know more, "They knew they were in a node before you even got there? Hmm...I suppose it's not impossible..I know that many people theorized that there was a multiverse well before my world unified."

She turns back to Speaks, and pulls something out of a pouch on her vest. A pair of dog tags, "These belonged to a SPARTAN-II named Jorge-052. He was the bravest, most fearless SPARTAN I ever had the pleasure of serving with. He sacrificed himself in the hope that it would save the world he had always called home. And he saved my life. Since that moment, I have done everything I can to live up to the example he set. To be brave, and strong, and to defend those who were not capable of defending themselves."

She hopes she's doing this right. Those tags mean a lot to her, but if using them to help make a node will, in turn, help save the Multiverse, then she knows she'll be living up to the example that Jorge tried to set, "Everything I've spent my whole life doing was to battle the threat posed by the Covenant to the UNSC, and the billions of innocent civilians that were in harm's way. But now I know there's even more on the line than that, and I just hope that I will be strong enough to defend these people, when they need me."

Auron (236) has posed:
    Observing and listening is a common thing for Auron to do in a situation like this. Information to store away for later, even if it's not going to be used for anything. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, right? He stands back from the group somewhat, doing just that-- observing and listening.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "We handle all the gritty details, don't worry." Mr. Welcomes says, putting a hand up and shaking his head at Staren. "We handle that, and a lot of other things. We just make sure everything's got optimized circumstance as much as we can, so you don't need to worrry."

    Then attention turns to Noble Six...

Staren has posed:
    Staren looks back at Welcomes. "I thought you just--" Then he stops and shakes his head, stepping back. it's time for Welcomes to do his thing!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "You have no idea Kirito..."

She pauses for a moment at Noble Six as she speaks up for a moment. She just looks at Noble Six, she's a driven and focused woman to lose someone like that? She's never been in the military but she's known a lot of world war three vets and gets the idea how tight a unit could get, and that was for normal enlisted.

"Well good luck Noble Six, it's quite the experiance when it happens."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Mr. Welcomes seems eagerly attentive, in a respectful, passive way, listening to the story closely and engaging intensely. "Perfect!" He says, at the end of it. "Exactly the kind of Node Seed that'll do you well, and exactly the kind of motive that should take you far in it!"

    "Well!" Clapping his hands together and rubbing the palms eagerly, he looks like he's about to start something big. "Shall we get started, then? Hold your chosen Node Seed forward, and we can begin!" And when Noble Six does so, he'll bring his hands back, and then SLAM their palm against the glass of his booth! Light rushes forward out of it, and consumes the tags, or at least that's what everyone but Noble Six sees.


    Noble Six herself doesn't see the light rush forward; instead she sees reality itself seem to crack, and then suddenly shatter, like a mirror breaking from a sudden intense impact right at the palms of Mr. Speaks. The shards fall away, revealing only a pitch-black void, with Noble Six's perceptions suspended in it, disembodied. There'll be something more worth seeing shortly, no doubt.

Staren has posed:
    Staren's expression hardens a bit as Noble Six tells her story of loss and heroism.

    He raises his non-Eureka hand to shield himself from the light, and waits. For Noble Six, the interesting part is now -- for him, it is after, when she might talk about it, and he finds what Eureka learned, if anything.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    What resolves around Noble Six is a sight that Noble Six should know the tone of quite well. It's a human city, packed and industrial, though in the distance one can see densely cultivated farmland and forest, at the edges of a valley that this place is at the base of.

    There's a vast craft hanging above, but it's not human, or at least it doesn't seem to have any design that looks human at all. Rounded and smooth, colored in deep red hues. The disembodied view is on the ground, for the most part, though, giving Noble Six a clear line of sight to see something unusual. A pair of alien races marching through the streets of a definitely human city. One is slim and short, with disgusting green skin, operating mechanical suits and various vehicles, while the other is more Brute-like, tremendous, bulky, gorilla-like, with much grayer colors, toting massive guns, heavy plate-like armor that covers their entire body, and infrequently wielding a wide variety of gravity-based energy melee weapons. Alongside them, swarms of spherical drones scout into the various urban structures, prompting screaming from within, shortly followed up upon by the soldiers in the streets breaching the buildings with great force.

    Classic alien invasion. Definitely not Covvies. But a ground war definitely went on here, judging by the looks of the military wrecks and the distant sounds of explosions...

    Then, a snap back to reality and a fading of the light leaves Noble Six right back where she was, and the dog tags no longer consumed by strange energies.

Kirito has posed:
    "Here we go again!" Kirito's experienced this once before, and it's nothing to take lightly. Even if the world does exist in the realm of possibilities, realized or not, fact of the matter is... this is still taking responsibility for its fate, and not something to be done lightly.

    This is yet one more battle in the war that will have to be won, or else there will be unthinkable consequences.

    He only gets out, with an arm up over his face, "What kind of world's going to turn out...?!"

    That speech gave him several clear images. he's gotten genre savvy enough with the Nodes that he can wager a few guesses - none that he'll give voice to though!

    Except one thing.

    "We're headed straight into a war...!"

Staren has posed:
    "Hmm." Staren doesn't comment on Kirito's statement. he just looks expectantly at Noble Six.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
Once the lights have cleared, and Noble Six is back to reality, she looks at the dog tags for a moment, and then turns around and looks at the others that are around, "It's some kind of alien invasion...Not the Covenant, at least not the ones I know." She says, "But it seems like we'll be having to face them down one way or another, because they're definitely not friendly looking."

Staren has posed:
    "Hmm." Staren repeats. "I wonder if this will be as straightforward as it sounds." He looks to Eureka. "Get anything?"

Auron (236) has posed:
    An alien invasion? The brow of Auron's visible eye raises, and he inquires, "Breathable atmosphere, do you think?" He does intend to help if he's allowed to, but as a human being, he's also very attached to the activity of breathing air. But he also knows they're not /in/ the Node yet, so Noble Six may not know know that just yet.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa takes a moment as she looks for a moment at what she sees she looks to Kriito with an look of concern on her face she wonders how hard she should be pressing thing sbut this is six's node she's barking the orders here right?

"So humm if they have computers I could try to get into them."

Kirito has posed:
    "Alien invasion? If they're invading human territory, why wouldn't the air be breathable?" Kirito reasons? "Especially if there's still fighting going on... is there?" He asks Noble Six pointedly. Business-like and only slightly tense, Kirto's trying to analyze and extrapolate...

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Mr. Welcomes looks a little frazzled after all of that. He seems to be coming down from an exhilarating experience, he looks like someone who just got done skydiving or something incredible like that. "Well! That was fun! Looks like it worked out all fine!" With a brief little flourishing gesture, he says, "Your node has been created! The Valley of Discord seeks your rescue! And that sort of thing. I'm sure you'll provide!"

    Out in the main lobby, a new Node Gate has been created: A threshold not unlike a blast door, or a bunker's doorways, with heavy hardware sealing it tightly closed, and tremendous motors or hefty, leverage-exploiting mechanisms required to unseal it. It's clearly designed by a pragmatic military.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Nothing unexpected or out of the ordinary. A bombardment of potential conceptual payloads until one seemed to Resonate effectively with the dog tags and their associated conceptual background elements." Eureka says, quietly providing the data to Staren.

Staren has posed:
    Staren simply nods to Eureka. Then looks to Noble Six. "We'll be glad to help."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"The Valley of Discord." Noble Six repeats, as she listens to Mr. Speaks' description. She turns back to Staren, and smiles, "I know you will. I know I can count on each and every one of you when the time comes, just as you all can count on me."

Auron (236) has posed:
    Nodding to Kirito's statement, Auron notes evenly, "Likely. But better safe than sorry. Didn't want to assume." Then he looks at Noble Six. "I'll lend whatever help I can." Might not be much, but every little bit helps, right?

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "Well we need to get to work don't we, why does my life keep dragging me into things like this I want to know." She's not about to run off now but she's feels so tiny when compared to everyone else...