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Playing the Lute
Date of Scene: 07 November 2014
Location: The Citadel - Pleasure Palace
Synopsis: Fer gets the Lute Experience (tm)
Cast of Characters: 188, 516

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The 'Pleasure Palace' wasn't the sort of place that Ferham would have found herself at often, at least not for herself. At the moment, she seemed to be looking for someone, though who was anyone's guess. The sound of heeled boots going 'click clack' would herald the femmebot's approach, guiding herself around the throw rugs here and there as she seemed to be checking who all was here, though there didn't seem to be many people at the moment. The place she found was actually sorta calm and kinda nice without too many noisey organics around, though the decor could probably use some work. It was like stepping through a macho museum from decades--no, centuries past!

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is in the pleasure palace, mostly because he is bored. One can only spend so much time at the Team Rocket base and its own fun activities until one gets bored of it. Granted, his activities at the base have mostly been him just working on his training. Though Lute is a bit of a moron in many ways, he actually spends most of his free time working on building his strength, and the strength of his Pokemon.

     Currently he is sitting at a table with some other Confederates, playing Magic the Gathering. He's mostly playing against some of the lesser military members. And he's mostly losing, because, sadly, he has learned that a deck which focuses on using 'one of every circle of protection' card is not super useful. Even with a Black Lotus in his deck.

     He sighs, losing yet another game.

     And then he notices Ferham. He has heard her on the radio a few times, but has yet to actually see her in person. He doesn't even recognize it as her. And, despite the incredibly dangerous look of the Reploid, he decides to be a bit stupid.

     As per usual.

     Ge decides to make a catcall at Ferham.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham looks up, not just because of the catcall, it was likely also due to the presence of magic cards. The last time she ran into someone who played those she was with Staren and Bitter Medicine and the bar and grill, the other time it was Morrison summoning a man with a giant soup that tried to run her down.

     Those heeled boots of hers stopped dead in her tracks, before she looked over her shoulder past her wings at the source of the come-on, then turned and walked calmly up to the seated male, a hand on her hip. "Can I... help you?" it's that same deep feminine alluring tone as he'd heard over the radio, though she didn't alway seem that calm or collected on there, not always. Course she didn't recognize Lute without hearing his voice, either.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute recognizes the voice, though the tone is different than usual in that it is a bit calmer, definately. Perhaps alternate universe Ferham? It's something he never rules out, because he has had to worry about alternate versions of himself before. And most of them were total /jerks/.

     He was going to motion for her to come over, but hey, she came of her own free will. That alone is already a good sign for him. He smirks.

     "Yeah, just needed you to come over here, so I could get a better look. Don't see a build like that quite often."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh, you're Lute," those long dark lashes of the femmebot batted lightly, tilting her head lightly. "My build...?" she had a hand on her hip as she stood there, her wings folded behind her back and out of the way. She frowned just ever so lightly, before speaking up again. "I take it you mean my figure, and not any of my technical specifications, you're telling me I'm that rare to you?" she might have been peering at him a little suspiciously, as if not believing him.

     Standing there, she seemed towering perhaps, if Lute was just of average height. She had been around six feet it seemed before the addition of those heeled boots of hers, bringing her up even higher. Course it did help give her a delightfully feminine posture and stance.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute himself is about six feet, but still, most women don't reach the six foot range, even if they are wearing heels. He just smiles at her. Well, at least his 'subtle' come on doesn't fly over her head.

     "Yeah, I don't know much on technical specifications, but whoever built you, well. They built you well. Nice figure. I mean, just nice."

     He motions to the guy he was playing cards with, trying to signal for him to get out of here. Which he does. And then Lute smiles at Ferham.

     "Have a seat. I think I wanna get to know you a bit better."

     His gaze keeps lingering on her chest more than anything. Granted, with him sitting and her standing, it's easier for him to look at that than the face. Or at least that is the excuse he would give.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "You play that game?" she replied airily to the cards that had been spread over the table. She's familiar with them, but her tone doesn't make it sound endearing or loathing, just more curious or wary. "If you're curious on technical specs I could tell you sometime, but I won't bore you for now," her heels clicked as she stepped around the person Lute told to go take a hike and sat herself down, folding one leg over the other. If she noticed where his gaze was directed, she didn't seem to show it.

     "You were the one asking for someone to go beat up Raven, right? I remember," she nodded, folding her arms over her chest, over her belly more specifically. "You don't look at all like I imagined you would, much taller," she smiled a little, leaning back and relaxing in the chair. She seemed to not fall for his guile, though she was not going to act like she was above anyone, apparently. And certainly not turn down hospitality. "Well, what would you like to know?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just shrugs at the comment about the game, "I'm only starting, and mostly playing it to annoy nerds. See, I read about this one ridiculously expensive card, worth 100,000 dollars? And so to annoy people I'm actually planning to get okay at the game, and put it in my deck. Already got one. Great way to piss people off."

     Lute stretches a little. Mostly it's an excuse to stretch out his legs, and try to play footsy with Ferham a bit. Yeah he doesn't expect it to work, but hey, any contact is good.

     "Yeah, I want Raven to beat me up. She kept luring me into traps of falsified seduction for a while. So kind of have a lasting grudge against her."

     He just continues to stare at Ferham, at her body more than anything. Smiling.

     "And, well. I just like to get to know all of the girls in the Confederacy. If you know what I mean."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "So you use it as a way to frustrate others, hmm?" Ferham smiled lightly, perhaps detecting a bit of sadism there. It was something she could relate to, at least. As the foot brushes hers under the table, she inclines her's away from his. "Sorry," she intones lightly, though likely it's still quite near his, he only had to tilt his to brush it against hers again. She did have smallish feet, and those were some delicate looking stiletto heeled boots she wore.

     "Sorry to hear that, that sounds... rather devious, really," she raised a brow at the mention of traps of seduction. That was not unheard of apparently, though she was taken back by it. "And they say we're the bad guys, hmm?" she smiled lightly, but then frowned again. "All the girls? I take it that means you aren't aware that I'm an android," she almost smirked at that, as if her form had fooled him somehow.

Lute (188) has posed:
     "Yeah, frustrating others with it is the main goal. It's kind of fun to see card game nerds squirm a bit.."

     And he sighs. Well. They /did/ just meet. Guess he'll have to back off on the physical contact for now.

     "And yeah, she's fairly devious. Like, offering me sex, telling me where to go, and then setting me on fire. Real bitch. I mean she /is/ attractive but still, not going to fall for that one again."

     And ah, perhaps that is why Ferham doesn't want physical contact. She is viewing herself as 'just an android'. He laughs a bit, out loud.

     "Pfft, who cares if you're an android or not? To me, you're a hot woman. I mean, seriously. Like, seriously. Why else would someone /build/ you that way, if not for guys to enjoy looking at you?"

     A Pause. "We totally should go on a date sometime."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I can understand that," she nodded casually, then seemed to be a tad disturbed, though it didn't seem to be due to the foot brushing against her boot. "That... doesn't sound like the actions of someone who's trying to be affectionate to you, that sounds more like some kind of pathological hatred of complex," she was silent for a moment, though after what Lute said next she looked up, her green eyes looking a bit surprised. "So... you didn't know before?" she seemed a little unsure there, looking off to the side and the back to the male across from her, as if trying to see if he was making fun of her or putting her on.

     "So you really don't care if I'm not human, then? I've had... unpleasant reactions from humans who didn't enjoy the company of my kind before, I'm sure some of the shinkis can empathize..." she looked rather fixedly on him after that, as if trying to figure him out. "A date...?" she seemed quite confused at this point. Of course, Ferham had never met Lute before.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute nods a bit. He's kind of started idly shuffling his cards in his hands, without looking at them. He is, specifically, doing the bridge shuffle.

     Oh god thankfully no card game nerds are here to see him do that.

     "Yeah, she basically just maliciously hates me, so that's why I'm kind of looking for someone to beat the crap out of her, or possibly kill her. Honestly either would get the message across."

     He actually seems a little bit surprised by the fact that she didn't think humans would be attracted her her. And so he smirks more, leaning forward, looking straight ahead. "Well. Really? I don't care what people are most of the time. So for you, even if you're a robot? I'd be willing to take you out for a night on the town, and take you back to my place at the end. I mean if other humans didn't like your body, they don't know what they're missing out on."

     Again, he is staring at body more than face.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The noise of the shuffling cards distracts her gaze for just a moment from him, but soon those green eyes of hers are back on his. "Huh, you're a pretty rough guy, aren't you? Funny, I had thought you wanted to terminate her to begin with, then you said just some physical harm, but now you said actually deny her of life, hmm..." she rapped her clawed, gloved hands against the edge of the table. "I guess you really must hate her then," again, something Ferham can relate to, likely even feel sorry for Lute for. If such a thing was possible.

     The faintest of blushes creeping into her lovely cheeks, the femmebot seems to have not had this happen before. "I... appreciate the fact you disregard my race, not many people do that, in fact outside of yourself I've had very few individuals even act this way or show interest," she sighed a little, candidly telling the truth apparently. "If you wanted to go dancing that might be arranged, sure," she seems receptive to the idea, at least! Score?

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute laughs, "Honestly, if murder gets the problem solved, I'm all for it. But really, to be realistic? Killing her would be a lot harder than it seems. So a beating is a more realistic end goal."

     He sets the cards down, and stretches a hand forward, to touch her cheek. Smiling.

     "Yeah, like. Not everyone is as awesome and attractive as me, but, like. Hey, all the better that I /am/ showing interest, huh?"

     And a smile. Wow, this /is/ going well. "Well, awesome. Dancing sounds fun. It'd be an excuse to hold you tight and grab you a lot."

     Yes he did in fact say that out loud.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well, I'm not all about murder, even if my armor screams combat type, but then I can't know all what she's done to you, either," Ferham looked down a little, not realizing he was brushing her cheek till it was already done, looking up surprised. She seemed to not know how to react with it, though what he said after that definitely seemed to get her attention.

     "Are you for real?" she asked, her eyes going a bit half-lidded, asking him this in a dead-pan fashion. "Somehow I get the feeling you say that to all the girls, robot or not," she had to laugh just a little there, leaning back against the chair finally. She was a robot sure, but not born yesterday, or made yesterday, however the case may have been. He was treating her like an equal, which she seemed to like.

     "I guess what they say around the base really is true hmm? you hit on everyone?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute chuckles a bit, "I don't murder just for no reason, mostly cause people get mad? But still, I'm not above it, So I don't really worry that much. I mean, everyone in the Union wants me dead, may as well want them dead back."

     And now she is onto him. OH CRAP. She knows the rumors! SHE KNOWS THE RUMORS!

     He just nervously laughs, "Oh, of course I don't say this sort of stuff to all the girls! Not all the girls get my attention. Like the ugly ones, or the anthropomorphic animal girls, or that kind of thing. See! I'm not a pervert. I only go for girls I'm actually attracted to!"

     A pause. This isn't coming out right.

     "Besides, you're, like. Extra hot."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I understand that sentiment at least, but I'm afraid I'm not an assassin, at least not in this case," Ferham smiled, shaking her head idly, then her eyes were alight with excitement when she saw she'd made the Lute squirm, more or less. A cat-like smile of mischievous satisfaction dawned on her face as he rambled on, trying to dispell her fears. She nodded lightly to some, then tilte dher head curiously to the others.

     "Well, it's entirely up to you whom you're attracted to, I think... though maybe you should also look at someone's personality? or their intelligence?" she might as well have him on a hook at this point, and she's totally enjoying it. "I do appreciate the compliment, and your... open-mindedness, as I said before. Some men don't give me the time of day," she nodded, apparently satisfied at least, for now.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute shrugs, "I don't expect everyone to be an assassin and murderer. I mean, it's not something everyone is into really."

     Lute doesn't notice the excitement on Ferham's face. Yeah, he can be bad at reading people at points, and this is one of them. Though in general he doesn't know women that well in general either way. Hence, you know, how he acts with them.

     But, he is picking up that she is flirting with him. At least a bit.

     "Yeah, well, I do like personalities, too. I mean, if people don't like me, they'll hurt me, after all. Personalities don't always mesh! I think ours are meshing! Like, in general, I really like tough and strong women, who stand up for themselves. Firey personalities. Though nice and meek women can be nice too. I mean, my wife is kind of both."

     Yes, he doesn't even think that's a weird thing. Though Ferham may of heard of that anyways. Feds are a bit looser on this stuff. Though they still mock Lute for it anyways.

     "And really, more men should give you the time of day. You deserve it."

     He doesn't point out that if most men in the Feds knew she was interested, at least some others would go for her too.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Personalities aren't as black and white as just wanting to hurt you or not..." Ferham hangs her head a little bit. She realizes a robot is explaining the intricacies of human behavior... to another human. It's irony beyond irony. Her eyes go wide when he mentions nice and meek, and then wife. What, the, hell.

     "You're married?" she suddenly looked up, the smile proverbially as well as literally wiped off her face. This had gone down a dark road suddenly. MARRIED?

     "I uh... take it that is some kind of open relationship?" she blinked up blearily, as if still trying to recover from that blow, but then he's flattering her again. Coming from Lute or not she doesn't seem to ignore it, exactly. "That's kind of you to say," she replied with a nod, peering over the cards on the table, though, she must be thinking 'Oh jesus he's even worse than what they were saying about him before!' or something of that variety. "We mesh huh? that's... interesting," she smiled a little again, her curiosity still there and amusement, though it might have turned a little morbid.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute... Does not get people. So it's no surprise that he stares a bit blankly as she talks about personalities aren't black and white. He views a lot of people rather two dimensionally.

     And he sighs. Yeah, why does /everyone/ always freak out about the marriage thing?

     "Yeah, it's an open relationship. My wife and I are both pretty open, and both like... certain things that keep it open. So yeah, it's pretty cool."

     And a look straight at Ferham. A smile.

     "And yes. We're meshing, I think. You, at least, seem to get me, and maybe even like me a bit, maybe."

     Lute is so used to people hating him, that 'not hating him' tends to be the closest he gets to someone liking him.

     And so Lute gets up a bit, leans closer to Ferham, and moves in for a kiss.

     Hey, this turned out well with Crona! Crona didn't slap him or anything, just ran out of the room screaming!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I do understand why you were angry, yes... I think we're a bit alike there," she has to admit that... because after all, she still had that baggage with X... and she couldn't ignore that forever. Lute was just the first person she'd run into that actually seemed to be alike her in that manner, though she was aware it wasn't necessarily a pleasant thing. Speaking of pleasantries... It would appear the sudden kiss may have been a bit... much.

     The table rattles as Fer pushed back, one of those dainty but nonetheless armored high heeled boots are soon pressed against Lute's chest as if to stop him, her hands grabbing onto his shoulders reflexively and...

     She tosses him across the frickin room. Either by luck, or her own design, he'd find himself tumbling harmlessly onto one of the bearskin or lion rugs that litter the place, having used his own weight and inertia to throw him right over her head. There is a clicking of those heels as she's suddenly standing over him, and looking down. She can tell he's not hurt, at least, though the expression on her face is a little hard to read.

     "Sorry about that, force of habit," she mutters, before seeming to be walking out.

Lute (188) has posed:
     And Lute goes /flying/ across the room. It still hurts a /bit/, even with the soft landing, though. Yeah, okay, he probably overdid it again. But hey, at least the lips touched! That's always a good sign!

     Her walking out though is less of a good sign though.

     "Hey, come back! We can cuddle on these rugs a bit!"