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Kotone Yamakawa is a recent graduate of a cutting edge tech school in New Port, Japan. While working a job with a courier company, she was assaulted over the contents of a package she was delivering. Her injuries necessitated her being converted into a full Prosthetic (or as some might call it, cybernetic) body to live. She's generally a chipper and somewhat excitable person with passion for mechanics and restoring old cars and motorcycles. She's still coming to grips with having a fully prosthetic body and all that it entails. She's trying to make the best of it and perhaps one day will come to accept the changes in her life, perhaps even coming to enjoy them.



Cyborg Body: A large part of Kotone's body is made up of cybernetic replacements. This gives her improved strength, endurance and speed beyond human norms. However, these are just high end civilian grade implants and are not on the level of those used by military or paramilitary groups. She can, however, deal with injuries to anything that does not involve her head by simply swapping the part out for a replacement of the damaged or destroyed part. Additionally, she's able to connect either with, wireless or with hard connection to machines or even completable information networks.


Mechanical Skills: Kotone is a skilled and talented mechanic who has notable skills in vehicle design, mostly for civilian ground craft. She's got a talent for making use of ideas inspired by technology not from her world to try and make her own designs better. She is limited to an area of civilian design for the most part, even if she might be able to improvise a few things if she were truly forced to.

Computer Skills: While not a genius at it, Kotone is a fairly talented computer programmer. Given as how vehicles have used more and more integrated computer systems, she has become quite adept at designing the software needed for use in the vehicles she designs. She can even apply it to some other applications as well for personal computer use and the like. She also has a basic understanding of security for computers as well but is not on the level of a professional. It does, however, help her understand things when working with someone who is far more skilled and able to assist them in their work.




Hackable: A major flaw of Kotone's cybernetic body is that she can be hacked. It's not to say she does not have failsafes and protection, such things are standard in the day and age of the world on which she lives, but they are civilian grade. It is possible a hacker could past them and manipulate her senses, render her unable to act and if they were really good, could puppet her entire body to their whims. The easiest protection against this is to turn off her wireless connections, but this leaves her without the advantages of being connected.

Cyborg Food: Kotone is a very heavily modified cyborg, and while she can consume more mundane food, she needs a specialized diet to keep her remaining organic parts, and mechanical system in good working over. This food - specially processed protein bars and things like that can be found easily on the world of origin. However, in the multiverse at large it might be harder to find. Additionally the stuff tastes foul to most people, though this is something that can be counteracted with some effort.

Non Combatant: Kotone is not trained in combat, she is at best able to pick up something like a gun, point, shoot, and pray. She has some offensive power from her body's raw strength, but it's no real match for any form of combat skill.

Nightmares: Given the violent nature of her injuries that lead to Kotone's cyberization, it's been a traumatic experience that still causes her problems. Someone aware of the nature of the event would be able to make use of it against her either with psychological warfare or some other means of getting into her head.

Maintenance: Given her heavily cyberized nature, she needs to get maintenance every once in a while to keep her mechanical parts running in good order. If this is not done, she will start to suffer performance problems with normal tasks. It could pose a threat to her life if she goes for a long enough period without maintenance.

Swimming: She can't really swim anymore due to the weight of her body without additional equipment.