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Revision as of 03:10, 8 November 2014

Death, Swords and Lasers
Date of Scene: 07 November 2014
Location: Dun Realtai
Synopsis: Sieg says, "that is ominous as shit"
Thanks to: Sieg for the scene description
Cast of Characters: 560, 591, 614

Assassin (614) has posed:
     Graveyards are spooky places. People dislike spending time in them for any length of time, and for good reason. The standing stones, the looming statues, the memorials to long-forgotten men and women whose faces have faded from history, they bring the living closer to death than any other place on Earth. They are a grim reminder of the fate of all living things, of the inherent mortality that even the world itself must one day submit to. For all things are transient, and all things are eventually doomed to die.

     Normally, all that haunts graveyards is the dead. But in the village of Dun Realtai, a presence has appeared - a magical signature, unique to those who have surpassed the limits of mortality by the power of legend and deed. A Servant lingers amidst the graves of Dun Realtai, and it makes its presence known to those with the skill to sense such magics. It hides all but that lure - its appearance, its sound, its very smell, all are veiled except the trickle of mystic power.

     What sort of people will come to investigate?

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou doesn't have much business in graveyards. he's more concerned with the living than the dead, overall. But with Bedivere holed up and sick, he's been doing what he can to do some kind of work in his place. So, working 'make sure nothing's out of place' into his afternoon workout jog wasn't too much. He's got to make sure all of the new barricades will hold up if there's a mudslide or something similar, and it just so happens that the best path from A to B happens to be skirting through the edge of the graveyard.

    It's a somber place. Reminds him of a certain dreary park that used to be his home. Why? Hard to say, ut he gets the feeling when he strolls into the outskirts and has a look around.


    Something's out of place, though. There's no chance of the redhead picking up on assassin directly. But something's different since the last time he came through, and so he carefully walks through the paths with a bewildered expression, glancing around. "...Hrmngh. Maybe I'm imagining things..."

    ...If he were just a better Magus.

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    One AOZAKI AOKO happens to be in Dun Realtai today.

    She had agreed to help dig a few holes here and there, and generally just check if people needed help with magical items or whatever around the place. Nothing big! It would make Bedivere scream about witchcraft again. But, well, maybe next time he pays attention he'll notice a villager seems to be wearing a nice wool coat of warmth +1. And that other guy, over there, he's eating with a fork that makes everything tastes like bacon. Some other guy has a glass of water that, as long as you put a bit of mana inside, is never empty, but only has a handful of refills before needing a recharge.

    SHE IS A COMPLETELY NORMAL GIRL and not at all a good magus.
    She wears a white t-shirt and jeans, she couldn't be fancy if she tried.

    This is why she is suddenly behind Shirou, in a spooky graveyard.


    If Shirou is spooked: laugh.
    If Shirou is not spooked: laugh awkwardly and grin.

    "Did you pick up on something too? Maybe it's a ghost! A ghoooooo~st, Shirou. In a graveyard! It's so spooky. Well now, come on! I think it's that way!" Ignore danger, advance recklessly.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:

    Shirou FREAKS.

    He sort of stumble-leaps straight forward, sailing clean over several graves while lightly flailing an arm. He does have the sense to turn around on landing at least, though he looks like he's... well, seen a ghost, really. The boy's heartrate just went out of this world!

    Blink blink. Still, once he gets a good look at Aoko...

    An exasperated grunt escapes the boy's throat as he regains his posture. "Wh-what was that about? You almost gave me a heart attack! -- eh?"

    ...Is she serious? There IS something here?

    He peers with doubting eyes at her. What...?

Assassin (614) has posed:
     Shirou enters the graveyard first. Nothing changes as of yet - no fell force unveils itself, no great magic warps the cemetry. There is no real change to the area, and yet, there is the sense that something is watching carefully - something from just beyond the shadows.

     Aoko arrives. She lets out a loud and cheerful /boo/, fearless in this place, laughing in the face of death. Shirou screams, Aoko laughs at him, and suddenly, as Aoko sets off towards the hill in the center of the graveyard, something just sort of unveils itself behind Shirou. There's no warning, no tell. It simply...is. It's like the curtain called 'reality' was pulled away in an instant, like the blue sky and green grass and gloomy overcast is drawn aside to reveal the figure.

     There really is no other word for it than 'figure'. It is tall, taller than Shirou or Aoko, taller than a human has any right to be. It broaches seven feet, clad from head to toe in a long and flowing black robe. That robe dangles over its face like a shadow, just as it dangles over the body, concealing gender, weight - everything. Slung over its shoulder is a long, dark grey scythe, clutched in slender, pale fingers.

     The massive figure leans over Shirou's shoulder.


Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "Hahaha~! Don't worry, don't worry! You're with me. What's some ghost going to do, try to spook us? Let's be mystery hunters, like on those TV shows! But without the equipment, cameras, or being lame," Aoko insists, oblivion to the changing tone, scenery, or even the figure.

    Or maybe she's fully aware, and choosing, wisely, not to startle it-- not to offend it-- not to do something stupid in this sort of place. Never. NEVER. NEEEEVER. Disrespect the dead. Aoko doesn't have a lot of mottos in life, but respecting life, and respecting the dead, those are two rare ones, ones she has passed on to at least one student, but that's neither here nor there.

    With an elegant twirl, she spins on her feet to suddenly face the Reaper, with complete disregard for Shirou's reaction. "Ooh, Shirou, look! It's a wild psychopomp, and it has my sense of humor! I'm gonna try to WRASSLE IT! ... that's what that guy on TV would say, right?"

    She does not in fact try to wrassle Death.

    "I would try not to make sudden movements though. Yo, spooky ghost!"

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    'No sudden movements,' she says. Whether that was to Shirou or to the newcomer... well... it's in one ear and out the other for Shirou at least.

    THIS TIME, he honestly gets the chills, and fearfully glances over a shoulder--


    This is NOT his day. Trembling and shaking almost right out of his skin, the boy DIVES to the right and executes a stunning tumbling manuever... SOMEWHAT coordinated, at least. he rolls past a grave, NEARLY clobbers his head into a gravestone, and springs to his feet.

    Only to then spot the scythe.

    Without thinking much...

    "Traaace ON!"

    Skipping over half of the steps needed to make a really stable trace, he projects EXCALIBUR GALATINE in his right hand and brings it up defensively.


    ...It takes him a few seconds to realize... there's no hostility at all from this figure, is there...?

    "......huuuah?!" So he just stares, dumbfoundedly...

Assassin (614) has posed:
     The spirit laughs, just like Aoko did - it's a musical, gender-neutral giggle, as Shirou stumbles backwards and nearly hurts himself. The big figure reaches out a hand to Shirou as he falls, as if to pull him up - or as if to invite him along to the afterlife?!

     But then Shirou draws Excalibur Galantine. The wild psychopomp springs back onto one of the statues, raising its scythe defensively. It holds it between Shirou and itself, carefully, until Shirou realizes that there's no hostility whatsoever in Assassin's presence. Once Shirou realizes Assassin isn't going to spring down and kill him, Assassin relaxes its guard. It crouches on the statue - a statue of /itself/ - letting its oddly misty black robes fall around the stone. It cocks its head to the side at Aoko.

     "What is 'wrassle'?" The Servant inquires, in its lilting, mid-pitched voice. The scent of musty catacombs washes through the graveyard a moment later, as Assassin leans forward to look at Aoko and Shirou from its perch.

     "Are you maguses? Are you Masters? Do Masters wrassle?"

     It pauses for a moment.

     "Do you call me Spooky Ghost? That isn't what the last one called me."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "Way to go on the no sudden movements!" Aoko says.
    She's not mocking Shirou, just stating the obvious.

    Her eyes do observe, very carefully, the tracing process. She's ever as curious about that ability, but there's a time and place to ask for a demonstration, and this isn't it. Instead, her eyes wander back to the Assassin. She's no master, and she doesn't know how to look at a Servant's stats. Sure would be a handy trick to learn.

    "Nah, nah. We're magi, yeah, but not masters, sorry. Do you have a name? Spooky Ghost isn't much of one. What'd the last person you met call you? Ooh, wait, priorities! For that matter, what are you? Servant? Ghost, spirit, Death itself? If it's about the Gate and the Red Shadow you can tell it to go to hell and also I'm not sorry."

    She's had run-ins with ominously draped, Death-like shadows before.
    Not fun ones.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Such weird questions. Shirou's gawking bewilderely... but only for a few moments. He shakes his head quickly, as if to clear it, and the crappy projection vanishes with a much tamer little flash of prana. "What is this? Pick on the newbie magus day?" He lightly complains... no, not very serious at all. He's not so bothered now that the tension's over... but he's gonna get revenge one of tehse days. Maybe.

    "... Come on, that Western holiday's ov...er..." Peer. Stare.

    It doesn't take long for him to realize that Aoko's really on to something here. "...Spirit? Servant...?" The tense atmosphere returns a little. Finally, thouggh...

    "I'm just a novice Magus. Emiya Shirou. What about you..?"

Assassin (614) has posed:
     "You aren't Masters?"

     There's a note of disappointment in Spooky Ghost's voice. It slips off the statue and stands at its full height again, the looming, nearly-seven-foot-tall thing. It leans against its scythe, head dipped low. There's a vague sense of it staring at them, again.

     Spooky Ghost suddenly reaches its hand into its cloak. "The last one called me Assassin. He called me other things, but they weren't quite right. Is Assassin much of a name? Do you like it?"

     "I don't know about a Gate, or a Red Shadow. What are they?"

     The psychopomp Servant considers them again, hand still in its cloak. "Hello, Emiya Shirou. Do you know where I can find a Master? I have something very important to give them, and I need to find a Master very soon. That's what the last one said."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "It's always pick on the newbie day! Sheesh, Shirou, have you never worked anywhere or been to school?" There is no such thing as a day where picking on the newbie isn't okay. Usually! It goes for magi too.

    "Assassin, huh? So the sneaky stealthy Servant kind. I guess your old master bit it if you need a new one? We're not masters right now, but if I understand the whole thing correctly we could be masters if you wanted."

    Aoko's eyes trail towards Shirou.
    His Magic Circuits are a bit rough, but... he could probably, very roughly, handle it. That's a big choice to make on the spot, though.

    "Oh, oh! I'm Aozaki Aoko. It's nice to meet you, Assassin. It's not much of a name, but you should be the one to name yourself if you don't like it. Pick something you like! Or something striking and cool. Now, now! Becoming a master is a big responsibility, like having a supernatural cat you feed with your life force and that can choose to kill you-- oh, wait, that's implied in the cat part, sorry. How do you feel about picking up a stray and bringing it home, Shirou?"

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou raises his hands, openly showing... no Command Spells, oh well. "Sorry. Besides, you don't want to be in this Holy Grail War-- wait a moment! Assassin?!" Shirou's making stupid comments again. Like a Servant has much choice.. well, maybe they do here, but even so!

    He peers all the more questioningly at Assassin now. "... Then... what IS your name...? I know a few Masters but what do you want to give them?" He's just SLIGHTLy wary of this now...

Assassin (614) has posed:
     "I didn't like the last one," Assassin says immediately, its cloth-covered head swinging around to stare at Aoko, "I didn't like him at all. He forced me to wake up and told me I would fight to make his wish come true. When I asked him about my wish, he laughed at me."

     Assassin's slender fingers come forth from the robe. Something falls on the ground in front of Shirou and Aoko, and the slender fingers vanish back into its robe.

     Laying there, on the ground of the graveyard, perfectly-preserved, is a man's hand. On the back of it are drawn the Command Spells, pulsing with prana. The hand is clenched tight, its knuckles white, as though it was trying to fight something terrible.

     "I have to give them this, so they can be my Master," Assassin informs Shirou matter-of-factly, perhaps even /cheerfully/, "Otherwise I won't be able to get my wish."

     "I'm not supposed to tell my name, am I? I think that that might be a rule. Will I have to fight you if I tell you my name? I saw that you have a Noble Phantasm. It's Excalibur, isn't it? The Sword In The Stone? Are you King Arthur?"

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "Man, who goes and summons a Heroic Spirit and then laughs at their wish? That's asking for trouble, unless your wish is the punchline to a joke. Is your wish the punchline to a joke? Like knock knock, who's there, it's wish, wish who, wish I didn't have to explain this every time!"

    Aoko laughs. She is probably the only one.

    "No, no, more seriously... Shirou over there, I don't think he's ready for that yet. And besides, he doesn't like fighting. Hm... the Mage's Association would probably flip its shit if they heard I had a Servant... hehe... sure, why not!"

    Aoko picks the hand up. Not bothered at all.

    "I know someone. Another Assassin, good with surgery. She can transfer the seals over, I've seen her do it for a friend once. Oh! Questions. Answers: you don't have to say who you are, that's fine. I like a good mystery. Aaaaand, he's not King Arthur! That's just... his magecraft. He's very good at making swords appear. It's baffling, really."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "...What Miss Blue says. I'm not King Arthur, just Emiya Shirou. But some knights are looking out for this region if you like them." Shirou points out good-naturedly... despite his obvious... worry over the severed hand. He edges a half-step back there.

    This Grail War business is bloody. "... I hate to ask how thiat happened... er-- Aozaki?!" With her just up and making the choice like that, he baffles at her!

    "... hrmngh. Say, Assassin... what is your wish, anyway?"

Assassin (614) has posed:
     Assassin laughs. It is the awkward laugh of someone who does not fully grasp the joke, but does grasp that it's funny to others, and thus has chosen to laugh because it's /probably/ funny even if the person laughing doesn't get it. It's a very polite Servant.

     Assassin stops laughing abruptly. It just.../stops/. One moment, the awkward laugh, the next, utter silence. The effect is as bizarre and inhuman as the Servant. Its hood focuses on Aoko lifting the hand, like it's the most important thing in the entire world. For Assassin, maybe it is. For Assassin, Aoko is literally taking Assassin's life, Assassin's wish, Assassin's every reason for being into her hands. It is a moment of intense focus for the Servant, a moment of intense curiousity.

     "Are you a good Master? I like you more than the last one. He was cruel," Assassin repeats firmly, "I don't want a cruel Master."

     Assassin sweeps around to stare at Shirou.

     "My wish..."

     "My wish is to be alive, Emiya Shirou. Is it..."

     Assassin seems like it might be frowning under its hood. "Is it humorous?"

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    Aoko does laugh, but it's not a funny laugh. And she's quick to explain, too, after catching her breath. "Ooh, Assassin, we will get along just fine! That's not a funny wish at all, it makes you so interesting! Being alive, huh... what a thing for a reaper to say. Now I'm even more curious who you are."

    Keeping the hand in tow, it seems Aoko mentally busies herself with some communication, and then looks back to Assassin. "She's on her way. Hopefully you last until then! I don't know if I'm a good master, I hope you like to travel a lot. You might not be alive right now but I promise by the end of the month you'll feel more alive than ever."

    Especially with the people she tends to hang out with.
    Psyber won't be much better an influence.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Why would that be funny?!" Shirou blurts. It's honestly probably the sanest wish he can think of for a Heroic Spirit, who's... dead, right?

    His expression does waver a bit with the creepy Assassin staring at him, but he doesn't turn his gaze away.

Assassin (614) has posed:
     Assassin looks at Shirou for a very long moment. "Because it is hard to understand a desire to live if you are already alive," Assassin says simply, "Living is...precious. Life is precious. It is a gift because it is fragile - it is a gift because it can be lost so easily."

     It floats over to Aoko. "I am glad we will get along, Master. I am glad that we will be travelling. If you will make my wish come true, Master, then I will serve you faithfully."

     The lanky, tall creature bends one knee. It lowers its head, its scythe over its shoulder, bowing like a medieval knight before a queen. Granted, most knights didn't bow to queens holding disembodied hands, but that's a technicality. "I will honor this contract. Please teach me, Master, what it means to truly be alive."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "I'll be sure to teach you the joys of being alive, Assassin! And maybe inspire you enough to find yourself a real name," Aoko says, eyeing the hand now. "So huh... is there anything else I need to do? I don't know a lot about Servants and their summoning. I guess if you're agreeing the contract's already through? Just need to transfer the Seals."

    Ah well, she'll worry about that when Jack is along.

    "And good, good! That's an awesome outlook. Life is sacred. That's why living in the present is so important. Tomorrow you might not be alive! Do things while you still can and die without regrets."

    She also hands Assassin a generic radio model. He can get a telepathic one later, when he's used to it. For now, let's make the Reaper be social!

    "Right then, this is settled! I have no idea where your Grail War is happening, so we can worry about that when it does pop up... until theeeeeen! You should feel free to wander around if you want. Giving you prana isn't going to be a problem for me, so you'll have enough to do whatever you want whenever you want."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "...." It's not going to be noticed by all, but Shirou's sudden uncomfortable blink hides a sudden flash back to a scene from hell itself. Hard to desire to live when already alive, huh?

    That's not true. He can understand it perfectly. "...is it really that hard..." The boy mutters uncertainly. He doesn't want to discuss That Scene too much or the things he tries to Not Think About involving it.

    So instead he shows a hint of a smile for the new pair. "Heh. You're not what I expected an Assassin to be... h-hey, hold on a moment! Did you come from Fuyuki City?!" All of a sudden his entire demeanor shifts into some franticness!

Assassin (614) has posed:
     Assassin's 'gaze' never wavers. "Yes," Is all it says, agreeing with Aoko. The Contract can be properly made when the Seals have been transferred. It's the symbolic act of acceptance that matters. The mystic bond can be delayed. Assassin seems perfectly content to hang about the graveyard without any undue urgency, after all.

     It takes the radio in its slender fingers. The radio vanishes into its cloak a moment later. "Yes. No one should die with regrets."

     Assassin converses over the radio for a minute before its hood turns to face Aoko. "I am not a He, Master. I am not a She, either. I am what you wish me to be. Do you desire me to be a man? A woman? It matters not to me."

     At the mention of Fuyuki, Assassin swings its head around to stare at Shirou again. "Yes," It confirms simply, "I am from Fuyuki City, Emiya Shirou."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "I get to decide your gender? That's awkward. I guess most people think of death as a horseman, and angels are usually depicted as male... on the other hand the reapers are just skeletons in robes, right?" Hm. A lot to think about.

    "I bet if I tell you to pick whatever you want you'll say you don't have any particular leanings, so why don't we go with male, but don't feel forced to change your form for me? I usually wander around modern places, so... we should get you a nice, classy suit! You'll look great, and you'll blend in. It's not the same as being alive, but to anyone looking, you'll be just like that. It'll almost be like you're human. You can get a feel what it's like."

    Aoko eyes her Servant, paying no mind to the Fuyuki matter. That seems to be Shirou's thing, and he'd know more about why it's important than she would. "Oh! Maybe... don't be seven foot tall either? You could be tall and handsome at six, or a more average around five ten. This is weird, telling someone how to look. That's just for when we go places, though. Around a lot of people, you can take whatever form you want. Like with Psyber's group, you'll be treated like a full person no matter what you're wearing or look like. That's a good thing about him, he doesn't care. Everyone's equal."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "..." All through Aoko's rambling, SHirou's staring incredulously at her. It's like Taiga, except EVEN CRAZIER. Is this even possible? He doesn't have a clue WHAT to say to her... geeze, will this Servant be alright with such a crazy master?

    Come to think of it, the Servant's a bit weird too. Geeze.

    He'll just focus on the thing that he can work with right now! "... Do you know how you got there?! I've been trying to find my home in Fuyuki for over a month!"

    And this is way more important!

Assassin (614) has posed:
     Assassin stares at Aoko. "I am what I wish to be. Such is my gift."

     The tall Servant...shrinks. It stops at six feet, tall and thin. The cloak winds upwards and into itself, curling up into a black suit in the modern style. A black tie dangles down across its neck like a hangman's noose, a white suit behind it. Its pale fingers cover themselves in black gloves. The ephemeral image of the Reaper fades away, replaced by a six-foot, handsome man in a suit-and-tie. His hair is black, his eyes are a pale and steely grey, and his gaze is as distant and hard as the cowled face.

     "I am handsome at six feet," Assassin confirms after a long moment, before turning back to Shirou.

     "I am sorry. I was awakened by my former Master. He made fun of my Wish, so I broke from him and took his Spells with me. I followed the power of other Servants here. I could not find my way back without a Servant to follow."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    Why is Shirou looking at her like that?
    This truly puzzles Aoko, who is just kind of being impulsive and happy-go-lucky. Does no one else know how to do that anymore? What a dreadful future she must have jumped to.

    Assassin's antics bring her smile back, as she inspects his new form. "Oh my, you're handsome at six feet indeed! But I think calling you Azzy is better."

    And then the explanation of how he found this place. It... makes a lot of sense. "Yeah, I guess this place must be hard to miss, huh? Last I heard there's something like four Sabers living here, all famous and powerful knights! That must be pretty easy to lock on to from afar."

    See also: spotlights, forest fires, fluorescent pink vehicles.

    "Right, right! Formalities are out of the way. So, besides live, Azzy, what would you like to do right now? And you're not allowed to answer you don't know, or that you'll do whatever I choose to do. Pick something! We'll go do it. If you're short on ideas, this is a pretty typical middle-ages village that's trying to prepare for the coming winter, so I'm sure we can find something to do." Just... don't tell Bedivere she had Death run errands in his village.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou tries to hide his suden scowl, but it's pretty hard. So much for that idea. More disappointment! "... It's just not gonna be easy no matter waht I do, huh." yeah, he'll just have to keep toughing it. Can't be helped, huh?

    "...Thanks anyways. ...O-oi, Blue! Don't do anything too crazy. Sir Bedivere'll have a fit if there's any trouble! You know that." FRIENDLY REMINDER TIME!

Assassin (614) has posed:
     Assassin considers this for a long time. "Yes. There are many Servants here. I found my way here with ease. It was exceptionally helpful - if there had been no graveyard, I would have discorporated."

     Assassin's scythe slumps back against its shoulder as it watches Aoko carefully. "I do not know. What would you wish me to do, Master?" Assassin doesn't seem to realize how dangerous it is to give Aoko Aozaki a blank check for mayhem and amusement.

     "I am sorry," Assassin tells Shirou politely, inclining its (his?) head gently. "Forgive me. You are a friend of my Master. Were I capable of aiding you, I would grant you my aid. I hope that you find your home soon."

     "What is 'too crazy'? Will Sir Bedivere be angered that I have taken up residence in the graveyard?"

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "No! ... I mean, yes, probably. Oh man, Bedicakes is going to be MAD that a Servant showed up on his doorstep and I adopted it. Okay, okay, hang on, relax, think about it. What would I have you do... let's start by putting that scythe away, you might scare the villagers, showing up from the graveyard with a scythe. Well, maybe not, I bet they're used to seeing knights with swords out at this point, but let's stick to the safe road. Ditto while in a modern world, definitely no weapons out. The cops won't like it."

    Then she looks at Shirou and scratches the back of her head sheepishly. "Right, right! I know, don't worry. Nothing crazy, nothing dangerous. Just mundane stuff to help villagers out. Hey Shirou, you come along too. I bet they have tons of stuff to move around, I can show you the basics of Reinforcement while we're at it. Put those arms and legs to good use. All those big stones the castle's made of, you could balance them on one finger."

    It will help pass time, while they wait on Jack.
    This will admittedly mostly happen offscreen.

    "Oh, and plan B, if Bedivere sees us, we run and deny everything."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "It's not your fault." Shirou points out in a light tone. Why does everyone want forgiveness for things they didn't do? It is a mystery!%R    "Well, if you do find it, please tell me." What more can he say except that?

    Plenty, it seems, after Aoko starts yammering about ideas. Shirou's eyes go wide, but--

    Well, he can't deny that. He wants to learn, he'd love to help, and... he should keep an eye on these two. "All good ideas! We're shoring up some sandbag barricades and other things in case there's an autumn mudslide from too much rain right now. Extra muscle's at a premium right now!"

Assassin (614) has posed:
     Assassin's scythe vanishes in an instant. It just discorporates, coming apart at the seams. As bizarre as Assassin is, it at least seems to follow the general rules of Servants, and isn't some kind of weird future version of someone with a million Noble Phantasms or anything like that.

     "Very well," Assassin replies peacefully, moving into step behind Aoko like a great big butler, "I will help repair the castle until the Ripper arrives to perform the surgery."

     Assassin quirks its head to the side at 'plan B'.

     "Yes. I will run and deny everything." Assassin has zero problems with this. Aoko has gained an excellent partner in crime.

     "What am I denying?"

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "Moving sandbags it is!" Aoko exclaims, ready to lead these two to, well, grand sandbag-related adventures. It's not going to be half as amazing as it SOUNDS right now, sadly.

    To Assassin, she says with a grin: "Exactly! There's nothing to deny because we didn't do anything. You catch on quick!" Or she's oblivious to his obliviousness. Take a pick.

    "But! Assassin, it's very important that you develop the ability to make choices yourself. I like to wander a lot so sometimes I might not be around for a few days at a time. Supplying you with magic won't be a problem, but I don't want you just sitting on a couch doing nothing because no one is there to tell you what to do. Also, the sandbags will have a very important lesson I may reference one day."

Assassin (614) has posed:
     Assassin considers this carefully as they walk. "If we did nothing, then I deny everything, because there was nothing done," Assassin repeats thoughfully. It considers this carefully, like it's mulling over this concept in its head. Finally, it nods.

     "Understood, Master. When you are not around, I will explore. I will travel and see life and make my own decisions. This is your will. I will follow it."

     "But if you are in danger, please call me. I do not want to fade away and find your hand reaching up to mine. I would like you to live as long as possible." There's a note of distress in Assssin's voice - the Grim Reaper, distressed over Death? Surely a first for history.

t "And you, as well. I would like not to find myself hovering over you, either."