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The Rookery - Toph vs Alpha
Date of Scene: 08 November 2014
Location: TARGET: The Rookery (TR)
Synopsis: Toph decides to fight for the Rookery, and Alpha Centauri accepts her challenge.
Cast of Characters: 20, 613

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Behold the majestic rookery! The dragons flying up above in the sky! The great mountains are hard to get around due to the rocky cliffs, as no normal human being could possibly get around here without plummeting to their deaths.

    Then again, Toph Beifong never considered herself normal. And even a novice earthbender would be able to get around in this place easily enough. The self proclaimed greatest earthbender of all time stands on one of the cliffs, hands on her hips as she feels the wind tug at her clothes and hair, and she hears the cries of the dragons around the area. With the Feds having been close to having all the target zones lately it might be better if she pulls her weight around here. This place is perfect for her to fight. Not just because of the earth around here, but the patchwork fortress here also have many different materials that could do the job.

    For now the blind girl stands as a sentinel there, perfectly visible to anybody who dares to face her, who has the guts to accept her challenge.

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
    As soon has Toph shows up, you can pretty much believe the place goes on alert and the call is sent out. The one who responds to the call is one of the newest members of the Confederacy and the Accretia Empire itself is still ever the enigma, as they have only made themselves really known to the Confederacy and the fact this very Accretian who has deployed in this part of the Multiverse has only shown up once.

And that was to hunt down one of his own-- which caused a bit of attention, but hard to do when you have to use lethal force and your a nearly ten foot tall robotic walking arsnal.

It wont be long till there is a loud 'pop' in the air, which spooks some of the dragons. Soon a blue streak can be seen in the sky from multiple thrusters sending the robotic life form into the skies above. It also wont be soon that very robotic life form suddenly descends down, killing all of his thrusters as he goes to land and his feet slamming heavily into the very ground, shattering the rock under his feet and causing a bit of dust kick up around him.

Those gold optic lens flash under the curved crest. The pylons slide in tight as he slowly stands up to his full height. The HUD scanning everything in the area rapidly, making what was hostile and what was not. There was a low rumble from his vocalizer as he looks at Toph standing there. "Toph Beifong.." He says with a calm tone in his voice. "You have entered Confederate territory. Leave now or I will make your weak flesh /burn/."

The shield is popped off his back and goes into the air, before he catches it. The clasps hook around his left arm, raising up is then the rifle, which he takes into his right hand. There is a low hum from it as it starts to power up.

Though he gave the warning, it doesn't seem he has any plans to just /stand/ and wait to see what she does either. As his photon rifle is already being aimed toward her and a shot is fired in her general direction, impacting the ground near her feet and behind her.

Though the moderator does try to make some sense of what is also pulled up as well, it is all data they do not fully understand yet. So really, for the Moderator overseeing Alpha Centauri and for Alpha Centaur himself-- this will a few more lessons about this area of the Multiverse.

(( Picture of AC: RF+Wallpaper+Accretia+Mercenary.jpg ))

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The sound is the first warning Toph gets that the Feds are responding to her challenge. The sight is lost on her unseeing eyes, but she hears the thrusters well enough, and she feels the metal easily enough. But it's when he crashes into the ground that her eyes widen slightly. They sent a big one, didn't they? And even if he is big, Toph doesn't seem overly concerned. No, she looks slightly amused for some reason.

    "Oh, this is Fed territory? I didn't know that when I openly challenged you guys on the open channels," she snorts, shifting slightly as he grabs his shield and raises his rifle. And when he fires the ground near her, the earthbender frowns a bit as the earth around her is struck. The rocks that are fired up are brushed aside, leaving only minor scratches on the girl's arm. "If you know who I am, you should also know what I can do." Seriously, aren't these guys going to learn? Sending somebody with /metal/ on them to fight her? That same hand she brushed the rocks aside with is raised further, her open palm facing him... and then she throws it forward.

    In response the earth shifts right in front of Alpha, and three earthen pillars shoot out diagonally towards his torso with the intent of upsetting his balance. Considering how big he is, she doubts it will do much... At the same time Toph moves one foot, sinking into a defensive pose and ready to follow up.

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
Alpha Centauri's sensors alert to something odd happening to the ground under foot, and soon the tag of 'earth bender' makes sense! The Pillars slam into his body, scuffing up the armor a bit, but as soon has his goes to lose his balance for being caught off guard. The thrusters along his back and legs bolt him up right and then skid him across the surface to the side.

Those gold optics stay pretty much locked on her. At least for tracking him wont be hard, given all the noise he makes with the thrusters and slightly heavy steps. Including the hum of both his shield and weapon. Though for the sound of gears and motors-- those are almost dead silent. Sure perhaps the gears can almost be heard, but for a power source? There doesn't seem to be one of any normal convention.

He skims around, his foot dragging across the ground, as he then leaps up into the air. One foot impacts the side of the mountain cliff, then he leaps over to another spot. The thrusters seem now only used for added speed instead of flight.

However on his next jump he leaps off and then takes several more shots for Toph with his Photon Rifle. Aiming now more for her, then just the area around her.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "At least you got balance for being so large, buddy! Whoever you are..." Toph comments. Just who is this guy? He has lots of machinery and stuff, but still, he's really quiet compared to other machines, isn't he? His steps are heavy, he's got a lot of metal to lug around, but those thrusters help.

    As he drags his foot Toph narrows her eyes... and then she turns slightly as he leaps into the air and kicks off of the mountain cliff. As his foot sends vibrations through the earth it's easy enough to sense where he is headed, and she kicks into the ground herself, raising an earthen wall. The rifle shots hit the wall easily enough, sending cracks into it and pushing the wall against Toph, who grunts and slams her hands into it. This makes a large earthen plate shoot out of it, aimed at Alpha's torso.

    Well, she doesn't intend to let him dictate how this fight goes! So the earthbender rushes forward and leaps off of the cliffside herself, in freefall before she throws her arms out, causing an earthen plate to shoot out underneath her from the cliffside. Better take this fight down, it ought to be harder for him to fight down there and easier for her!

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
As soon as Alpha Centauri lands he uses his shield to take the first bit of impact. The plate against the shield, the emitters flickering with a bit of a blue-white light. Though when Toph goes for her second attack to bring them both down, Alpha Centauri isn't quiet ready for that and gets knocked right off!

He slams down hard onto the ground, sliding along his backside, though with a curl of his body, he leaps right back up to his feet from a near hand spring and notes that the sheer force caused him to lose his rifle for the time being.

Those gold optics flicker. "My designation?" He says calmly still. "That is not of your concern. Surviving however..." Though the Moderator was telling him to watch himself. Given if Earth binding was being demonstrated-- it was hard to say /what/ metal bending would do to an Accretian on the long term.

Alpha Centauri then reaches for his side hip and pulls out a hilt. The plasma blade flares to life with a bright, almost blinding glow. Then with the thrusters he rushes right for Toph moving in at almost his top speed of 300 MPH with a massive dust trail behind him in his wake.

As he pulls in close, he dashes to the side, before striking out with the plasma blade with a hard sideways swing. The light trail following it an almost ghostly image in the very air itself.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It seems like he's taken the bait and follows after her down the cliffside, and Toph hears him babbling well enough. So he doesn't want to give her his name? Too bad. "Then don't go crying about what I call you, tin can!" she calls, hearing his thrusters kick in and sending him towards her. He is tricky, dashing to the side. Even as they continue on their downwards descent, Toph throws one arm out, bending a large slab out of the hillside to deflect the strike somewhat, though the plasma blade does slice through it and strikes the blind girl's arm, causing her to cry out in pain.

    At least this opponent doesn't underestimate her by the looks of things. Which means she can't afford to hold back either! So Toph concentrates... the metal in this Fed's armor is a bit weird, but hopefully she can get a decent feel for it. Her arm aches as she throws her arms out towards him and jumps, sending the plate she was just using as a simple elevator flying forward and towards Alpha!

    Once again Toph is freefalling, but the ground is far closer now, so she brings her hands down and up, causing an earthen slide to shoot out of the cliffside. Sure, her landing is a bit rough as she slides down and is sent flying down to the ground, crashing and skidding along the rocky bottom of the valley and whirling up dust. But at least she doesn't seem to be hurt from her landing, getting to her feet and ready for Alpha, as she doubts that the earthen plate will be enough to stop him.

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
Alpha Centauri chases after, but this to prove a problem as Toph changes things up on him and the next thing he knows is he is falling and she has tossed a far larger earth plate in his direction. Alpha Centauri actually puts away the beam saber and goes to grab it with both hands.

It slams into his hands, shoves him back and then he makes a large impact into the ground. Dust blasts upward from the probably large crater in the ground, but that doesn't seem to slow him down! As Toph will then notice that same very plate is being thrown right in her general direction.

Though as for him, he leaps right out after he throws the plate back at her. It was easy to see that his armor was rather banged up by that move while he takes a moment in the air. Including some of the thrusters probably needed for flight as well.

As Alpha Centauri hits the peek of his jump, he then starts to come right back down. The plasma blade activating once more as he comes down and with both hands and the shield flipped around to be out of the way. He goes to try and cleave the very sword down on her. Though as he lands, he then shoves forward, leading with another strike and another. Before at last turning around and then moving to bash her away with the tower shield on his arm.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    When the earthen plate is thrown back at her Toph steps forward, her expression serious as she reaches out, slamming her hands into the plate and tearing it apart, sending the two pieces flying past her and crashing into the ground, whirling up even more dust. The vibrations travel through the ground, and she envisions her opponent leaping towards her, judging from where he jumped from and the force he kicked off with.

    The sound of the plasma blade is cause for alarm, and Toph lashes out with her right arm, erecting an earthen pillar that shoots out of the ground in an attempt to block the first strike. The plasma blade cuts through it however and strikes Toph's arm again. "AH!" It's not often that she backs off, but she takes a step back, dodging the next two strikes, but the shield comes too quickly, and the blind girl cries out as she is thrown back. Flying through the air, Toph doesn't stop until she crashes into one of the cliff walls, upside down before she falls onto her side. A pained sound leaves her as she pushes herself stubbornly up, and she frowns.

    "Right...!" she coughs, reaching a hand up to wipe at her mouth. "You want to see some /real/ bending?" Her right hand extends, and she focuses on his left arm... and twists her hand, doing her very best to bend his arm so he will smash himself in the face with his own shield.

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
When Toph goes to actually /take/ control of Alpha Centauri's arm, his whole wired nerve system goes off like a candle light. Backfired signals alert him of something being /very/ wrong and he can feel it. He actually roars out, it a very mechanical sound really, almost like a mix of static combined into it.

Why does he roar? Because like a person, he is fighting against someone trying to control his own body and like a person, he resist, but what does shred off is the shield which slams him in the face before it goes flinging back behind him.

Part of the crest broken off and those gold optics stare right at her. "Do I look like a puppet for you to control?" His voice though calm, has a tint of the temper behind it. "Some being you can simply pull the strings of?"

Six ports then open up on his shoulders and as his optics glow brightly. "Perhaps I should hook strings into your flesh and see how you take it." About then missiles fired out from the six ports, one missile from each. They fly about and go directly for her.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Hearing her opponent roar out doesn't seem to bring a smile to Toph's face, who actually /winces/. Sure, she loves bending... but she isn't out to /maim/ people! Or other living beings. And just because she doesn't sense a person inside all that metal doesn't mean that he isn't alive! Does it hurt him? She hopes it doesn't. And his words does show that he at least didn't like this. Not that she can blame him...

    "You think I like having my flesh cut and bleeding?" she retorts. She could go further, but... no, that would be /wrong/. Even if she doesn't like most Feds, mutilation would be going way too far! Especially since this Fed hasn't shown her any disrespect. "You are an opponent, and you're made of metal. And I'm a metalbender."

    Feeling the ports opening up, Toph kicks into the ground and raises an earthen wall for defense, but it's not enough as the missiles fire right into the wall, the explosions powerful enough to go through it, and Toph is knocked back, assaulted by the force and the remnants of her own wall. Pained, she grits her teeth together, getting to her feet even as she throws her hand out to the cliffside behind Alpha. The earth rumbles, and then several large rocks fall down towards him.

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
Alpha Centauri makes a strange 'click' sound at Toph's words and question. Though he was starting to get a feel for her pattern and when she goes to pull upon the mountain above them, he is already on the move.

With a hard kick off, he leaps out, his thrusters kicking off to give him that extra 'omph'. Some of the larger rocks clip his leg, scuffing his metal and denting parts of the exterior armor. He uses his other hand to spring himself over and then lands down on the ground. Alpha Centauri then seeps his leg around, to kick up his Photon Rifle that he dropped earlier and takes aim at her.

"Earth and Metal binder. I pulled up the file on you once I tagged your Designation, Toph Beifong. Though your skills are impressive." The Photon Rifle started to power up once more. "You are still flesh and thus you are impure."

"..and impurities must be cleansed.." He rumbles lowly and calmly still. As soon as he finishes speaking, his finger pulls the trigger and he sends a heavy blast of Photon energy directly for her.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As he avoids the falling rocks Toph can't help but frown, standing tall even as he grabs his photon rifle and aims at her. Even if he recognizes her skills, he doesn't seem intent on going easy. Or sparing her life, for that matter... his talk about cleansing earns a slightly surprised look. "You're talking as if I'm some insect or something..." she mutters, then quickly reaches out to bend the shield up and around, pulling it into the air between her and Alpha. The photon shot hits the shield, and in the meanwhile Toph moves her arms out, focusing on the earth under and around Alpha. The earth rumbles, and as Toph throws her arms up and out, several large and sharp spikes shooting out at the large metallic Fed, threatening to crush him and keep him from moving!

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
Alpha Centauri narrows his optics ever so slightly. "To the Accretia Empire.. you may as well be a virus.." Though he can feel the ground move and quickly goes to take action. One of the spikes scratches across his armor, tearing into a part of the exterior armor.

He tries to spin around to open fire, but as he does, he feels the ground shift once more and engulf him. The tomb seems to hold him, trying to crush his armor frame within. Splinters form in his armor and from outside, dust can be seen shifting against the rock.

Soon though the very rock explodes as Alpha Centauri roars out once more in defiance, almost going down to his knee shortly after. Those gold optics of his blaze with bright color as he then charges right at her with all his speed. His hand extended out to reach for her very forehead if she doesn't move quickly and try to slam her into the very mountain wall itself.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Accretia Empire? Toph snorts. "Never heard of it before, tin can." Might as well remember it for the report after.

    It was too much to hope for the rock to hold him in place, wasn't it? Toph feels the earth being torn as Alpha puts some metallic muscle into it and tears himself free. Though she can feel that the metal has been affected. As he charges at her, the earthbender summons up several large spikes from around her and towards him, though it seems that the additional speed provides Alpha with enough force to break through them, and Toph gasps in surprise, doing her best to duck away... but despite his size, the large Fed is able to grab her, and the tiny earthbender finds herself hoisted off of the ground. With the mountain wall behind her she knows she only has moments to react. Throwing her arms out, Toph winces, feeling herself slammed into the mountain wall, and it hurts no matter how much she bends the earth there to be soft and dampen the impact. Her entire back aches, crying out in protest as she moves her arms, reaching up to grab at Alpah's hand, and she winces.

    "And you just made a /huge/ mistake...!" she croaks, her small fingers digging into the metal of his arm and doing her best to tear it apart!

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
Alpha Centauri watches as Toph shifts the mountain around her, then he looks at her as she takes a hold of his hand. When she speaks, she goes to crush his hand. The armor bends under her finger tips, but it is amazingly resilient, though it does start to snap.

Alpha Centauri however in turn goes to reach for he arm that has taken a hold of his hand. If she doesn't let go and his grasp holds, he will break her grasp from his now spassing hand as the system will have to use its internal repair system to /try/ and fix it.

If the grip holds he lets out a low static like growl, before attempting to apply pressure himself onto her arm. "I've been ordered to not kill or bring permanent harm.. for this..you are fortunate." True to that, he doesn't try to actually crush her arm, instead he will simply throw her aside if he can get away with it.

Though he does leave off that he also is getting orders to fall back and his systems are flashing integrity warnings on the edge of his HUD.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The earthbender might be small, and she does look rather frail in some cases. But stubborn as she is, she refuses to let go of his arm, tiny fingers tearing into the metal as best as she can, and she grunts when he grabs at her arm, but she is forced to let go as he tears her aside, and she hangs from his grip like a little ragdoll at first before her other arm reaches out. "Like you could even do that, scrap metal!" she challenges him right back with as much brattish defiance that a teenager could possibly muster up in this sort of situation. Before she can bend some more at him though, she is thrown aside again, and she tumbles along the ground with a yelp before she manages to get on her feet, skidding to a halt. And at the same time she slams her bloodied and brusied hands into the ground as she raises her head, blood running down the side of her face.

    Two earthen walls rise on each side of Alpha, threatening to slam into him unless he moves quickly enough!

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
Toph summons the two walls and they come to slam against him. Apha Centauri pulls out his plasma blade once more and chops one apart before it impacts him and while the other impacts. He moves with it, sliding himself around it and then kicking off its surface.

While in midair his thrusters kick on to bolt him right for Toph at his full speed. He goes to pass by her, his plasma blade sweeping, but it simply strikes the ground and kicks up the dust around her. His feet skim across the ground as he pulls a hard one eighty turn, taking hold of the other plasma blade in his hand, forcing it to clamp down, even though all sensors are telling him that this is a /bad/ idea.

Then with thrusters back at full burn along the ground. He rushes at her once more, this time using his force to slam into her at first, to knock her off he feet. Once done, Alpha Centauri follows in quickly after Toph hopefully before she can recover. He sweeps one way with a sharp twirl of a blade, before coming down with another, then flipping over to bring them both down in a hard cleaving strike that leaves burning streaks of light in the sky ever far after the plasma blades sweep by.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Damnit! Toph slips into a defensive pose as she feels Alpha slicing apart the wall before he kicks off. As he slices at the ground with his blade and whirls up dust she can't help but wonder what he is thinking, as dust doesn't bother her at all. But when he rushes at her again, Toph is ready, bracing herself as best as she can and with a determined look on her face. Bring it on!

    While Toph might not be knocked off her feet she is pushed back, her heels digging into the ground as she does her best to stand her ground, but she doesn't fall at least. It is harder to deal with the plasma blades however, and Toph lets out a pained cry as it cuts into her mid section, burning the skin and clothes there before her arms get some more cuts.

    Okay, she has to do something about this right now!

    Toph kicks into the ground, and earth and rocks shoot up, but instead of going towards him, they cover the blind girl, only leaving her mouth exposed. The earth hardens, easier done when the earth is this close. And that's not all. The earthbender kicks into the ground, and the earth underneath her pushes her up and very much right into Alpah's face as the earthen clad girl leaps up to land on his chest, her left hand grabbing onto his shoulder. Then without further hesitation she brings back her right arm to punch out at his face with a rock hard fist, only to punch again and again!

Alpha Centauri (613) has posed:
Alpha Centauri suddenly watches the human take on a rock armored form. His optics flicker gentle. His only thoughts were that this Multiverse was fascinating-- yet far more mysterious then they could ever have imagined.. at least he could ever have imagined.

Quickly putting away his plasma blades he moves himself into a defense martial stance. Her first punch comes in and he catches it with his good hand, the sheer force slamming him back however. Her next attack, he braces with his injured arm. The exterior armor behind under the blow and pieces of it shattering off.

Then as he tries to get ready for the next attack, it comes by a means of a kick, which knocks him nearl off balance and crushes part of his already weaken chest armor, this leaves him open for when she leaps in and then proceeds to punch the living /hell/ out of him.

Each swing brutally denting it parts of his facial armor and breaking off parts of it. Though he does eventually get away, one of his optical lens as been completely blown showing the optic from under it. Parts of his external armor broken off along his arm and hand, showing some of the internal structure of further body parts of a mechanic being.

It would seem the Accretians were robots who wore armor over their already existing metal bodies. So an internal armor and external armor. These guys-- were indeed built to survive.

His voice ruffed up from the damage, but his voice remained ever calm, if not only colder. "Enjoy your victory. For the next time, the scenario may turn out far different." It was hard to say if that was a threat or an honest remark.

Either way, Alpha Centauri uses what thrusters that are still in order for flight and leaves out of the area. Leaving Toph a standing victory over The Rookery.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The close encounter isn't just painful for Alpha, but for Toph as well. She's bleeding and bruised by now, and it's mostly her stubbornness that keeps her going at this point. But finally it seems he has had enough, and Toph lets go, heaving for breath as she kicks off and lands in a crouch. Damn thing really pushed her, didn't he?

    And when he accepts his defeat, she can't help but snort. "Maybe. Or maybe I will make you dance some more."

    When he leaves though, she keeps still until she is certain that he is indeed flying away. And then she lets her armor fall off of her, taking a deep breath. Okay, that hurt, but at least it was a good fight.