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The Program and the Black Mage
Date of Scene: 09 November 2014
Location: A Tavern in the FF14 World
Synopsis: A Tavern along a major road has an odd meeting of a powerful black mage, and a program.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 605

Deelel has posed:
So it's a tavern a little out of the way tavern along a road that leads to one of the major cities it's not the point of where or really what sort of tavern this is but what's going on. There's a strange woman there dressed utterly alienly and very much standing out. From her strange clothing to the tattoos on her one exposed arm. She's up agians the bar chatting with one of the locals possibly a highlander from the looks of the rugged man about some busines deal or anotehr but there's also something strange a strange glowing item sitting on thier table as they talk. After a moment the man departs with a nod and the woman remains. She's also getting a lot of looks, they knew about outsiders sure but something like this? ALso there was a strange warble to the woman's voice as well.

Shantotto (605) has posed:
    Meanwhile, at the far end of the bar, A Scene is in the early stages of being made. A tiny figure - two and a half feet tall to be generous, and not entirely unlike a child in shape - stands atop a bar stool, gesturing angrily at the bartender. With a raised voice, it takes little effort to discern the cause of the trouble.

    "... old enough before you were born, you slack-jawed dunce! I demand that you bring me my drink AT ONCE! It has already been trying enough to find myself stranded here; if you refuse to serve me I shall teach you the true meaning of fear!"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel humms for a moment as she looks at the strange being she's never seen something quite like Shantotto as she tilts over them for a moment. She has to wonder about just how old she is but humans and the like well took a long time to compile she mused.

"I think she's old enough and lets not have a brawl in here humm?"

Ya her voice has this strange warble she has to her voice.

"I'll cover the drink if you let her have it humm better than a brawl that does damage to the bar right?"

Shantotto (605) has posed:
    It seems that the bartender is not in a mood for any trouble either... offering a curt "Fine, if ya wanna take r'sponsibility fer th' kid it's yer problem," he turns to collect the requested drink.

    It is probably for the best that he doesn't see the vicious scowl that is directed at his back as he does so. Little angry midget creature doesn't seem to be happy to be winning this on a technicality, but in the end...

    "Next time, you'd better be willing to take me at my word. You wouldn't want to see me when my anger has been spurred!"

    Of course, now that the drink is on its way and tiny bar patron has nothing to do but wait, she turns to face the apparent savior of her pub crawl. Even standing atop a stool, she only manages to stand eye to eye, but she certainly looks like she's TRYING to loom.

    "As for you, I should thank you for offering assistance. It seems that this twit doesn't respect simple persistence."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks to the woman for a moment and she shrugs a little bit as the woman takes her drink.

"No problen and sometimrs I find there's cross species or culture confusion. I heard of a world where humans look like another species infants."

She tilts her head a little bit and gives Shantotto a look over.

Shantotto (605) has posed:
    "I can't say I'm used to humes making this mistake, but I have to admit I can see how it's one they might make. I suppose I should get used to explaining what I am, if I'm going to spend much time in this dreadful land?"

    The short little person, drink now in hand, climbs down from the barstool with surprising grace. Obviously this is something she's had time to practice. Not everyone builds to tarutaru scale, after all.

    "So, hello there, I'm professor Shantotto of Windurst - among tarutaru black mages, I am foremost and first!"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "At least the owner was tying to be resposible right? Better than one who doesn't even think to check. Humm a Profesosr and I'm afrid I never heard of your species. As for Black mages? I do know what they are and I'm Deelel, a program."

Shantotto (605) has posed:
    "But to deny me simply for an absence of height, ignoring all other clues just sitting in plain sight!" Shantotto seems to simply assume that one should KNOW she's an adult tarutaru by looking at her... one of those weird cultural things. She takes a sip of her drink before continuing. Some sort of grape-cherry wine?

    "I fear I may have gone just a little to far this time. Normally, my warp spells follow some reason or rhyme. Until now, I've seen only parallels of Vana'diel - I must admit, some place so different seems somehow unreal." Shantotto gives Deelel a curious, appraising sort of look. "... you don't look so different from the humes from my home. Is a 'Program', then, a new page for the adventurers' hefty job tome?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel Says "Humm fair enough you shoul explore more there's a lot to see. I may look the same on the outside but trust me. You'd find me very alien within in. I don't even bleed in the same way as you might. Humm I have to ask do you know what a computer is first?"

She tilts her head curious about the reply she might get.

Shantotto (605) has posed:
    Shantotto tilts her head in the universal gesture of noncomprehension. "I can't say I've ever heard that word before. I do hope you're ready to explain a little more?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "I do I was just finding out how much I'd need to. Just think of me I'm from a plane of existnace think of it existing just under the material world like this. Information, data, there's an entire world of it and humans maniplate and ... so far as I'm aware created it more or less. My people were ... an accident of creation. Given life and our makers not entirely aware of what we were given they only interacted with it via their computer terminals."

Shantotto (605) has posed:
    "Hmm... that is quite a great deal all at once to take in. Though, I must say I can see where some parallels begin. My people have created artificial creatures as well, though not nearly as conscious as you, I can tell." Taking another sip of her drink, Shantotto spends a moment thinking over her next statement. After a moment, she shakes her head, visibly choosing not to share whatever had come to mind. Instead, she continues on along a slightly different track.

    "So, if you have come from some underlying plane, were you summoned here - bound by some magical chain?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel shrugs. "My useer never finished me." She sherug for a moment "So no I'm not bound or summoned here. I came here of my own accord there have been problemst hat have been in need of solving here and I can't stay on Afterus all the time even as much as I'd like to."

Shantotto (605) has posed:
    Shantotto takes another sip from her drink. One theory down... probably for the better though. "Well, I'm certain this will make perfect sense after some further explanation. We have plenty of time for chitchat anyway, before I can retry that incantation. However, before we delve further into your origin and purpose, I simply cannot help but ask about those problems hidden beneath this world's surface."

    Having apparently decided this is no longer a 'standing' sort of discussion, Shantotto reclaims her barstool, and climbs up to sit down atop it.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel Says "It will but some always have problems getting it. My world is alien ot this one in certain ways. We don't have a sun for example."

No sun strange no? She sips at her drink for a moment and she seems amused.

"There's a lot going on would be gods called Primals, there's a powerful empire muscling in here but shockingly they have the sense to see that the primal are an issue."

Shantotto (605) has posed:
    "A world wrapped in perpetual night? I imagine that must be quite a frightful sight..." Of course, were Shantotto an adventurer, she would certainly have similar stories of her own to share... perhaps it is best that she doesn't.

    "An empire, you say, overtaking the land? Why, that sounds like fun, I should try my own hand! O~hohohoho!"

    Ideas. Do not give Shantotto ideas. Bad Things happen...

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Yes, it's not. Everything there generates it's own light it's quite the thing to see."

Shantotto might notice the strange tattoos on her expose arm are glowing faintly.

"I wouldn't consider it fun and i'd be more worried about the Primals. Etheric beings with delious of god hood and egos to match."

Shantotto (605) has posed:
    "I believe you've given me something to study when I can next consult the Orastery's lore. I'm sure this sounds like something I've seen before..." While there may not be any digital space in Vana'diel, there are certainly a lot of places with a similar motif. Why, it could seem positively homey!

    "As for beings that fancy themselves gods... well, I doubt even they would appreciate their odds! O~hohoho!" Ahem. Everyone sure Shantotto's NOT one of those?

    The glowing doesn't go unnoticed, but it does seem like the sort of thing that might just be a little rude to comment on. Though what if that's just some sort of fancy new adventuring gear?

Deelel has posed:
Deelel Says "I see. I heard of beings like them or encounted some, on some worlds I know a few gods who';d rather just baically sit back in a tavern or ... adventure of all all things."

She smirks a little bit and finishes up her drink.

"They seem to have powers that are strange I'd suggest you ... rearch on them before you go hunting."

Shantotto (605) has posed:
    "I wonder what my world would look like if its gods took a more active role... I fear the conflicts that would cause would take quite a toll." Shantotto doesn't seem terribly worried about this particular scenario; she seems like exactly the sort to think she'd have fun fighting some gods. If she only knew...

    "While it's tempting, I fear hunting would-be gods simply isn't in the schedule. Still, I'd hate to be in their place if they wanted to oppose my rule! O~hohoho!" Jolly little thing, isn't she?

    Noticing that she may not have company for much longer, Shantotto digs around briefly in a pocket, withdrawing a small coin pouch and pushing it across the table toward Deelel. "While I appreciate you securing me a drink, I simply couldn't let you pay - what would people think?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel Says "I do not know but I can safely say the pantheon of Afterus does look out for their creations. They don't nanny them but they do care. Or the gods are smart and don't always let it be known it's them."

Deelel after all is considered one for her actions in the creation of the world.

"No insult taken I think I get it but money, what a strange concept."

Shantotto (605) has posed:
    "It's fair to say it's for the best. If gods solved mortal issues, life would hardly be a fitting test." Shantotto takes another drink, and settles in at the table.

    "I should think it stranger to have none at all. How better to bring others to your beck and call?"

    With a drink, a seat, and a table, it looks like Shantotto is set to stay here for a time. However... "It looks like you've finished your business here tonight? Perhaps we can continue this talk some other time, if that's alright." And so saying, the tarutaru hands over one more price: a small shiny purple bead: a linkpearl.