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Latest revision as of 02:30, 10 November 2014

Too Far
Date of Scene: 09 November 2014
Location: Fuyuki Zero <FZ>
Synopsis: Kiritsugu is recovering from the effects of using Triple Accel. He gets a visitor he has been wanting to meet for awhile.
Cast of Characters: 253, 603

Emiya Kiritsugu (603) has posed:
Kiritsugu Emiya is in a castle owned by the Einzbern family, in a part of the forest near Fuyuki City. Despite suits of armor and tapestries and the sorts of things one would expect to find in a castle, particularly a property possessed by a Mage Family, there are modern accomodations as well - if limited. Medical equipment, beds, traps, a security system, computers, and - obviously - electricity. Running water, heating, so on and so forth. Kiritsugu is lying in one of those beds, after having some additional medical treatment applied to him by Maiya, after a Servant representing Death took care of his most immediate life-threatening injuries.

He had pushed himself too far, for a conflict that had nothing to do with his Grail War. As he lies in bed, feeling the continuous throb of pain throughout his body, wrapped in bandages in numerous areas that can do nothing for the damage to his skeleton, let alone the tissue and nerve damage, Kiritsugu wonders what's wrong with him.

The Fourth Holy Grail War was supposed to be his last battle - the last time he would have to kill, the last time he would have to fight, and for a goal that would save everyone.

Since entering the multiverse, he had already found himself making a list of people who needed to die and had nothing to do with him. He was ostensibly participating in all these other battles to gather information that can benefit him when it comes time to fight. To find tools to add to his to his arsenal.

The problem, he determined, was not that he was fighting other battles, but that he was not fighting them his way. He had gotten tangled up in group combat, he had entered enemy territory without adequate preparation, and he had (sort of) trusted others to handle any major threat so he could employ his own tactics. If it had been just him, he might have taken an extra day, tried to sneak a missile battery within range somehow, and just bombard the cemetery until nothing was left. Even if he knew he had to go in himself, he could have brought C-4 once he felt that weird presence under the ground. Going forward after feeling that was incredibly incautious.

But he believed the rest of the group could handle it.

He was acting as stupid as Shirou. And this is the price he pays. How is he supposed to get back to Illya if he dies? While Kiritsugu has concerns about the Grail, he is still focused on obtaining it or finding a way to destroy it without killing a lot of people. *And if either of those becomes untenable...*

Kiritsugu struggles up into a sitting position, as his body protests in every way it can. Breathing in and out measuredly to deal with the pain, Kiritsugu reaches for a pack of cigarettes on a night table next to the bed, and sees the Danger Tanuki doll that Yunomi had delivered, at Kiritsugu's request. Illya would be eight soon. He wanted to give her something for her birthday, even if he couldn't be there.

*...Thousands to save billions.*

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber doesn't knock or announce his presence so much as simply be there. Despite his normally loud combat presence, he's a pretty quiet approacher. Still, someone like Kiritsugu, with his skills and training, probably knew he was around long before he spoke. He's standing in a doorway, calmly leaning against it as he watches the man think. It takes a long moment before Psyber speaks.

    "Second Corinthians, Chapter Twelve and the Ninth Verse says 'And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.'" He pauses for a moment and then continues, "But I always thought it was a silly way that people justified getting hurt and was used to convince soldiers not to exacerbate wounds when they should rest."

    Hands are in the pocket of his long coat as he looks upon Kiritsugu. He wears gloves on his hands, concealing them because he still pretends to be a Master for now. He sets his gaze upon the man and adds, "I'm sorry, that's properly not very helpful for you, Emiya Kiritsugu. You don't seem like a religious man. Or perhaps you are, since many of those who do grim acts find their solace in a higher power. Who am I to know?"

    "I heard you wanted a meeting," Psyber says, cutting through his philosophical ponderings to get right down to business, "I'm usually very busy, but I find myself with a rare day of downtime while we all lick our wounds from the conflict yesterday. And so here I am."

Emiya Kiritsugu (603) has posed:
Kiritsugu finishes picking up the pack of cigarettes, draws one, and just lets it hang in his mouth without lighting it as he regards his visitor/guest. Maiya probably would have been the one to show Psyber in, if for no other reason than, 'So traps that may or may not even be able to hurt him won't be set off accidentally'. "The Church in this world is an organization I try not to have dealings with if it can be avoided. But I understand perfectly well that there are many variations between universes, and that things are likely different where you're from." Kiritsugu turns his empty-looking eyes on the wall across from him and says, "You're a more-than-capable fighter, well-armed, experienced at eliminating supernatural threats, by violence or reformation. Your organization, Heaven or Hell, seems to specialize in that, and in helping beings with unusual natures and abilities to fit in to human society - at least in some cases." A small lip quirk graces Kiritsugu's face, though it doesn't reach any further than that as he glances back towards Psyber without moving his head. "I haven't had an opportunity to look too deeply into everything about you, Psyber, and the information I have may be inaccurate. But based on all that I have seen so far, you appear to be the equal of most Servants, and to have experience commanding them."

Kiritsugu does not really want to get up, and he was mostly just going to see if he could limp his way to his laptop when he sat up to begin with, so he abandons the idea of standing and just works to swing his splinter-boned legs, wrapped in bandages and plaster, back onto the bed. "I'm a human. You're something else. To me, that doesn't hold any stigma. But it means you're able to do things I can't. It seems that the Fourth Holy Grail War is going to be longer than I originally intended for it to be, and to have uncertain results even if it reaches its intended conclusion. You're familiar with Saber, right?"

Kiritsugu holds up one of his arms, no indication of the pain that brings him evident as he puts his hand out flat, and mockingly says, "The little king?" Any amusement leeches from his face as he puts the arm back down and thinks for a bit while staring across the room like he forgot he was having a conversation. Pain tolerance is great. But it still hurts when you're in pain, because there is something wrong with your body if you are suffering like that. He may just need a moment.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Don't pry to deeply into my past. Researching who I am and what I've done is a deep rabbit hole," Psyber says simply, watching Kiritsugu with the same blank look that he's getting from the trained fighter, "But your assessment is not incorrect. Paranormal investigator with a specialty in urban warfare situations and high-stakes combat deployments. Served with the Union for 8 years. Real name classified. No wife, no kids, I live in Boston-666 at an address found in the average phone book. My business has a 4.75 on yelp because people I bust keep leaving negative reviews. I live with the General of the Union, an ex-Naval Quartermaster, the Great Old one Xasstur, a funny little talking owldog, a ninja, and a tiny robot. I run the largest investigation firm in the Multiverse." He gives Kiritsugu things that are mostly public information and that Psyber has no real reason to hide.

    After a moment, he says, "You are correct that I am not human. I am a half-angel on my mother's side." He confirms this for Emiya, continuing to give a pretty even-tempered stare. The idea of someone researching him is troublesome, but he is confident enough in the Union to bury the more troublesome skeletons like Annu and his true name.

    "Saber, yes. I helped her reconcile with her son. It was a very stressful afternoon for me, all told, but it worked out well enough," Psyber confirms once more, hands kept in his pockets. He speaks after a few more moments, "Emiya Kiritsugu. Judging by our limited experience in the field, I'd say you are a weapons expert who specializes in urban warfare." He smiles slightly, "So what can I do for you?"

Emiya Kiritsugu (603) has posed:
Silently and patiently waiting until Psyber finishes speaking, Kiritsugu eventually replies, "Ah. So even that part of the legend has some truth to it. I'd thought so, when Gawain revealed that Saber of Red was named 'Mordred', but couldn't be certain. I'm not sure he realizes how much he gives away. You might want to warn him about that. I don't think Arthur and Fionnlagh approve of me knowing much about them." Kiritsugu's gaze returns to Psyber and he says, "The Holy Grail War I plan to fight in, I do only so that I can secure a world free of war and killing. I have a daughter I want to protect. Already, as the very basic principle of this war, the mother of Illyasviel, Irisviel von Einzbern, is going to die to make this wish possible." No matter what he may feel about that, he doesn't let it show in his voice or his features. But it hurts worse than his injuries every time he thinks about it.

"But I'm lacking information, and it's possible, based off of what Saber has said, that winning the Grail may result in much of the world being destroyed, and if the Grail itself is destroyed, it will still cause a fire that will destroy half the city." It's not clear where he's going with all this, beyond making the half-angel aware of the facts. Why did he want to meet Psyber specifically? The Magus-Slayer finally explains what he does, in a very succinct fashion. "My specialty is assassination of magi, using methods of asymmetrical warfare that capitalize on their psychological blindspots and by forcing fights to happen on my terms. I can use some magecraft, but it generally turns out like this." He gestures at his ravaged body. There's still blood-stained cottonswaps and bandages in a trashcan in the corner.

"If I'm going to solve the mystery of whether the Grail is corrupt in my timeline, and how to achieve my wish of saving the world, I need more information - about not only the Grail, but about the multiverse. Your agency seems like an ideal place to use as a tool for that end. In exchange, I'm willing to serve as a tool for your own efforts. An employee, an associate, whatever you wish to consider it." Kiritsugu looks around for a lighter, finds it, and flicks it a few times before turning the tip of his cigarrete into a glowing ember. He takes a drag off of it, holds it in his still-healing lungs, and lets the smoke out. "I used to want to be a hero of justice when I was younger. The Kiritsugu that Shirou knew instilled that dream into him. I won't ask you to trust me. But I think we can both agree that there are times when evil magi make themselves a target to be eliminated, and that even someone like me, who holds nothing but contempt for the idea of there being 'honor' in taking a life, could be useful."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    The no-wife-no-kids statement was a half-truth. Psyber has no biological child, but Kiritsugu talking about his daughter does pull at Psyber's heartstrings, particularly the talk of sacrifice and a world of killing in relation to her. It brings his thoughts to Homura, making him ponder if he would fight a war for her.

    The answer was that he already had. And would again without hesitation.

    His face remains neutral through this thought. He keeps his gaze level on Kiritsugu, taking a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket, "Want one?" He offers a filterless cigarette to the man before putting one in his mouth and lighting it, "I see. You are not suited to fighting a war so much as you are specialized in the elimination of singular targets. And while assassination is a valuable tool, it cannot win a war by itself, yes?"

    "So what you seek are two-fold," Psyber affirms, looking to Kiritsugu as if to make sure that the half-angel has the objective understood properly, "You want to make sure that the war in your world is safe to engage in as opposed to corrupted like numerous ones from other worlds. Likewise, you would like to win that war. In exchange for providing services to my business, whatever associates and employees I have who are willing will aid in your research and handling your world, yes?"

    "Honor is a word. I believe in actions over codes and I believe in results over rules." Psyber bluntly states, "You don't start taking innocent lives in the field, I don't care how you conduct your missions."

Emiya Kiritsugu (603) has posed:
Innocents are never the target. They're just in the way sometimes. He has no doubt that if he feels it's necessary, he'll use whatever methods he has to... But he also feels like he isn't quite as ruthless as he used to be. He isn't sure if he can be as cold-hearted as he was 9 years ago, before he found the Einzberns and met Irisviel. He may be willing to use any method... But he's not sure he's able to take out bystanders in the process anymore. Especially in a Grail War, where keeping the existence of magic secret from the public is one of the requirements. He may not trust the Church, let alone its supposed 'neutrality' as mediators - the son of the mediator is a participant after all. Kotomine Kirei still sends fear racing through him when he thinks about him. He has no idea what he could possibly want from this war.

But he knows what he wants. And he knows who he's fighting for. "You have the right of it. Eliminating enemy Masters, I can do. But without a Servant of my own yet, and no idea if what I'm fighting for is even possible, I'm not inclined to summon a Servant. The other Masters seem to have similar misgivings, because the War has been postponed by the Church. I doubt the Mage Association cares about the multiverse much, but interference could endanger their chances. Tohsaka Tokiomi, Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, the Matou family's Master, Matou Kariya... Any of them would use the Grail without hesitation. Even telling them of the possible danger probably wouldn't dissuade them."

Kiritsugu waves off the offer from Psyber, since he has a cigarette of his own lit already. He knows they're bad for him, but it's habit now. One he started many years ago. "I agree. I won't target innocents, and will make every practical effort to keep them out of harm's way when I do what I do. I felt we shared similar views during the ambush of Rider of Gold. That means you're very dangerous to me." Kiritsugu breathes in again and lets out another stream of smoke. "But you also don't seem like the type to break your word, as long as I don't break mine." Kiritsugu lowers the cigarette and lets it hang between his fingers. "Psyber the Half-Angel, I, Emiya Kiritsugu, the 'Magus-Slayer', look forward to working with you as soon as my body is healed. However, if you have anyone in your employ capable of magic healing, that can happen a lot faster."