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Latest revision as of 08:46, 11 November 2014

A Fancy Dinner
Date of Scene: 11 November 2014
Location: Boston-666
Synopsis: See title.
Cast of Characters: 253, 591

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber had a simple condition for his helping Aoko with that mission, and it was that she dress nice and come out to get dinner with him in Boston. After the massive injuries he took doing said mission, it was both a testament to his humility in request and one of the things to look forward to from healing. His wings weren't fully better, but they weren't out right now.

    Psyber had told Aoko to meet him here, and the place is pretty nice. Psyber is dressed in a black sports coat, slacks, some nice shoes and a white shirt with no tie. Business semi-formal, really. The restaurant itself is the kind of place that specializes in seafood and nice cuts of meat, so someone like Aoko has no shortage of nice things to order. The table is a out on a patio with a nice view of the water.

    Psyber is having a scotch and soda and pretty much opens the conversation with, "So hey, thanks for meeting me here."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    Let's be completely honest, Aoko has no closet.
    She has a briefcase, with maybe two three different sets of clothes, but it's hardly what one would call a great and varied repertoire. Fortunately for Psyber one of those outfits does meet his standards, and is one she wears when it starts getting cold too.

    The red-haired magus is wearing a big red coat, over what's a pretty formal looking black shirt(blouse? player is as awful as the character at fashion) with a white skirt, which goes all the way down to her ankles. Her boots, black with red lace, probably go up to her knees.

    Once the coat is off the black and white outfit contrasts her hair a lot.

    "No worries, no worries! I like food, and I especially like it when it's a victory meal because lives were saved and some monster's a pile of dust. This is a nice place!"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Definitely nice to celebrate a victory where you can," Psyber says pretty cheerily, in a pretty good mood for having gotten to do this social meetup without there being a crisis in the balance, "Nice outfit, by the way. Weird seeing you without the shirt and jeans."

    Psyber takes a dinner roll and snags a bite, "So I don't know if you remember, but the first time you met, you asked me some questions about my past and this city. I wanted to turn the tables." When a waitress comes to take his order, Psyber gets something like steak and shrimp for his meal.

    "This time I was hoping you'd tell me about what you were like before you became a wandering moocher." He asks jokingly.

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "I travel! It's nice to have something for the colder nights. I have a swimsuit too, I bet you'd like it," Aoko teases with a grin, before tapping her chin, wondering how to answer the question.

    "I don't know, there isn't much to say. My parents aren't born with the ability to use magecraft so I lived with my grandfather and older sister, but then around high school I moved in with my two best friends. Not a lot happened, really. I guess at some point big sis flipped out over something dumb and killed our grandfather so I kicked her ass outta town. She went on to study at the Clock Tower, and I got told I could have travel funds without strings attached if I didn't blow stuff up too much. Great deal, really!"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber huffs a bit at the teasing comment about the swimsuit, but lets it slide. He is more curious to hear about Aoko's sister, "I think I heard your sister once on some radio band. Seemed like a gruff lady. Way the opposite of you." He notes, taking a sip of his drink.

    "So you travel a lot and kinda enjoy the gig?" He ponders over it, thinking, "I guess I can see some niceness to that. I don't get to travel as much as I used to, since the business really took off in recent years. Too much obligation at the tower to get to do week-long travel missions or anything like that. I miss it." He admits.

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "Yeah, she was always super serious about everything. Never really got over the fact I kicked her ass. She's a better magus by far, and I mighta overdone it a bit. Well! That's what she gets, anyway, so whatever."

    A shrug. Aoko could care less what Touko thinks.

    "The travel is nice! I try not to spend more than a couple of days at a time at any place, always gotta be somewhere else so it doesn't get old. Helps me forget! Helps me live! Costs a lot, a bit less now that Warp Gates are a thing and all. On the other hand I could talk to you about most places on Earth, and a few places from alternate dimensions. There's one populated by nothing but tiny cat people, you know? And I don't mean like, catgirls, or cats, I mean like, tiny midget cat people. Foot tall!" She considers, and then laughs. "I guess I should have mentioned sometimes I travel with people with really weird tastes."

    Then a look back towards Psyber. "Take a vacation! I mean, not for a long time if you can't afford it, but maybe start taking days off now and then and go see places you've always wanted to. Or places you've wanted to see and only got to see because of bad stuff happening."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Tiny cat people? That sounds like a truly strange world," Psyber admits to her, looking absolutely baffled at that explanation. He should expect it in the Multiverse, but that's still pretty strange, "I guess that makes sense. There's that horse world and all," Psyber remembers, rubbing his chin.

    "Maybe I will take a vacation once in a while. Maybe I'll drag you with me to keep it interesting, though," He grins at her and sets his drink down on the table, "You can be a travel guide. Or a vacation buddy. Or whatever." Whatever being any other number of things.

    "Still, while the travelling is nice, don't you ever miss having ties? A place you can come back to regularly, even if it's just for pit stops?" He wonders to her, asking out of genuine curiosity, "Seems like if you just travelled solo all the time it would be pretty lonely."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "Sure, I'll come along. Might have to bring Assassin sometimes, he needs more positive influences in his life and you fit the bill pretty well!" Aoko answers, and then gives another shrug.

    "It's not really lonely when you're too busy sightseeing and exploring! Besides, I just had bad luck with ties, so I avoid it. It's nice, not having any ties, obligations or responsibilities. You just wander around free and never have to care. Sometimes I'll stop to help someone, but it's never for so long they end up tied to me. That'd be bad for them anyway," she admits, and then remembers, "Oh, but I have Assassin now, so I guess it's literally never going to be lonely anymore even if it was, right? Death's a curiously lively travel partner."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "I will try to be as good an influence on him as I can be," Psyber says to Aoko with a thumbs up, "Strange to be asked to do that for someone I spent most of my career avoiding, but eh."

    "Ties don't work out well for you?" He asks curiously, almost absent-mindedly, "Maybe you're not making ties to the right people." Psyber coyly sips on his drink and ponders aloud, "Maybe you should consider a charming half-something willing to tolerate your shenanigans. Tie with him a little~."

    He gives her a grin and a laugh, but then she's back onto Death as a topic, "The office seems to take well to him. He has made his mark on a few people already in a positive way."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "Nah, they were to the right people, just... I don't know, being around me's dangerous. It got one of them killed. I mean, for a while. It's complicated, hahaha~." She dismissively waves a hand in the air. Moving on!

    "Oh? But where would I find a half-something willing to tolerate my antics? Oh! A newspaper ad, maybe. Idiot girl in blue box looking for travelling companion! Naaaah, too meta," she says with a grin, and then eyes Psyber. "Well, if anyone's sturdy enough to travel with me long-term it might just be you. That's not a bad offer. And you're a whole two digits older than me so I'm not the awkward one for once!"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Travel with you. You could also visit regularly." He muses on the idea before saying, "Past a certain point, the age is just a number. I like to think I've kept my looks well-groomed over the years," He preens a bit, smirking before saying, "Offer's on the table. I like you, you're fun to be around. Besides, if I rule out associating with people who are dangerous to be around, I'd be very lonely. Have you seen my employee roster?" Psyber says, leaving it at that.

    "So what's the deal with your power? You say you're a crappy mage, but I see you punch lasers like it was going out of style."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "If you're talking about the extremely mysterious underground nova that shook Chicago I swear that wasn't entirely intentional. I mean, I might have overdone it, but it was an accident! Harry forgave me you have nothing on me!" Aoko declares, looking left and right and then settling down a bit.

    Right, she might be a bit too used to the Association's prodding.
    About 'unexplained blue lights'.
    And craters.
    In public areas.

    "Ahehe, sorry. I don't know, have you ever met someone who's kind of below average in all respects but really good in another? That's me! When it comes to just throwing raw magic out of my body, I don't think I have an equal, but I couldn't do something complex without a guide. Usually! I have some other knacks, like turning horrible things into a familiar, but that might have been a fluke. So yeah! Third-rate magus. I can't do all those awesome complicated tricks, but I can shoot lasers."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Well if Harry forgave you, then I suppose it worked itself out," Psyber says pretty flatly, a mix between not thinking it worked out and not wanting to press the topic. That whole series of incidents was pretty rough, so not bringing it up is his best method for that project.

    "Well I think lasers are cooler. You get to be all pew pew zap." Psyber makes some faux-punching and laser noises and gestures with his hands, "And it's pretty badass. Way cooler than crazy complex spells and rituals. Way more applicable, too."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "Yeah! There isn't a single problem I can't fix with a big enough laser and some fire. Don't tell the Association I said that." They'd probably flip a table. Or five. Ah well. Aoko grins.

    "I have a knack for simplifying magic. It'd probably be really unfair to every other magus if I could do complex stuff. You could say my gift isn't being good at lasers, it's being able to go from A to Z without passing by every other letter on the way. I don't need insane incantations or preparations, I don't even need spell circles most of the time, it's just point and shoot."

    "Although, it's not as convenient as how some of you guys just kind of will magic into existence."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Well I've never really been a mage. I've been told I have a large capacity for magic due to being a half-angel, but I don't spellcast. I'm awful at it. Most I can do are rituals, seals and exorcisms." He says, "And those more rely on powers external to me."

    "I think everyone has their talent and that it's pretty amazing to see them all come together for plans that use everyone's abilities," Psyber says pretty seriously, folding his hands under his chin, "That's, I think, the real essence of what we should all be doing. Utilizing individual talents to solve bigger issues." He laughs a moment later, "Sorry to make it so serious suddenly."

    "Still. Lasers. Awesome."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "And that, that'd make any magus jealous. Not me! But you know, any other magus. Having inate stuff like that, it's pretty unique. Anyway, it's fine, it's fine! Serious is okay as long as it ends in an agreement I get to laser things and get paid for it, right?"

    She puts on her best =D face.

    "That's me in a nutshell, at any rate. Nothing much to say, nothing much to see. Just a third-rate magus who keeps getting swept into things because she can't stay still five minutes. Or that's the story I'm sticking with anyway~."

    It would be pretty trivial to strongarm the real story out of the Clock Tower, for someone like Psyber. She hopes he never bothers to check.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber smiles at Aoko widely, "Story works for me. I find that when I like someone, it's best to avoid digging for skeletons in their closet. Past is the past, focus on the present and the future, yeah?" After all, Psyber has his own reasons to hope Aoko never goes digging to deep about him.

    "And yes, Miss Third Rate Magus. You will get to laser things and get a paycheck for it," He waves a hand as if to tell her not to smile so wide about it, "Especially if you keep hanging around and being good company. I like you, Aoko. Stick around."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "Now now, sticking around is the part you can't ask me to do! I like to travel, but you're free to come wandering with me! Just don't ask me to settle down long-term, I don't like making those sorts of promises," Aoko answers, and then finally actually looks at the menu for the place.

    Miracle she didn't sooner, really.

    She wonders how much she can get away with ordering.

    "I don't like to dig so you're safe. When you dig for stuff is often leaves the context out, and that's more important than anything to figure people out. Better to get it out of them directly."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "I didn't mean it literally. Geez, I meant 'stick around' as in..." He waves his hand vaguely, "I dunno. You make hitting on you immensely hard, you know that, right?" He says in an exasperated tone.

    The answer is that, her being her, Psyber would probably let her get away with ordering half the menu if she did it right.

    He does get a slightly somber look when she talks about getting things directly, "That's not a bad policy. To get context, I mean." He shakes his head and takes another sip of his drink, "I appreciate it."

Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
    "I don't know, maybe I'm doing it on purpose! Maybe I'm playing hard to get~," is Aoko's playful reply, before she simply nods. "I mean, hey, without context I'm just a walking force of nature who likes to blow stuff up." She pauses. "... okay even with context that might not be completely false! But you get the point."

    She will then proceed to ORDER FOOD.
    Probably a lot of steak.