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Latest revision as of 16:25, 13 November 2014

Date of Scene: 11 November 2014
Location: The Citadel - Front Gates
Synopsis: Gaius Van Baelsar takes a stroll around the Citadel to find himself meeting a young woman practicing her arts.
Cast of Characters: 522, 573

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The afternoon is rather beautiful out in the gardens. The weather was cool thanks to winter coming in and the the area was rather quiet beyond a few people who also found themselves here for one reason or another. Some to just relax, some to talk with their fellow Confederate members, others to just lounge around on the benches in the sun.

Perhaps the one may not expect to see in in such a place, was that of tall man in dark black armor that seem to just absorb the light, with deep crimson red 'leather' cloth around his upper arms, parts of the body the armor did not cover and down the Kama along his backside.

He had black leather pants with high metal boots that protected a great deal of the thigh with that of knee joints to allow for freedom of walking. Each step he took across the paved side walk, was a calm step. The sound of the metal on rock was very faint and yet on things was very different about Gaius Van Baelsar this day.

For the man normally wore the helmet over his head, this time he had it tucked under his arm, exposing his Hyur like face of a man who look to be at least in his early to mid forties. Those gold eyes examining everything as he walks by, and his black kept hair showing though the signs of aging with pepper of gray here and there.

Why the Legatus was here was anyone's guess. Perhaps-- just to get away for a moment given the very recent event yesterday within Ala Mhigo-- the very city he is viceroy over.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    One thing that has become increasingly common among the Confederacy, are various races from Eorzea wearing similar outfits, and carrying large books tied to belts, or slung across backs. Mihk is guiding one such group through various arcane geometries, picking the Confederate base as both a safe location, and as a test of Aether manipulation, due to the rather weak flow at this distance from its source.

    The sounds of metal on stone, and the reactions of a few of her charges, gets the dusky skinned woman to turn, ears pinning for a moment before she forces a smile. "Legate, a surprise to see you here." she offers, motioning to the small, mixed group to disperse.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Legatus takes note of the sound and soon several mages whom seem to be trying their best to toy with the aether that has slowly started to work its way into the Multiverse. "Should not be of a surprise, given we are both under the Confederate banner." Gaius says with calm words. Those gold eyes looking directly at her own, before he eyes wonder over to the other mages whom now leave the area.

"Taking a moment with your fellow arcanists, I gather?" As he stands one hand goes behind the small of his back at rest. His stance was though relaxed, it was still very military in posture. "Though I can not blame you, Lihzeh-- It is a beautiful day for any form of studies or conversation."

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    "Initiates. They are learning quickly. I decided to bring them here to avoid any unnecessary entanglements with the Alliance or the Union... and to test their control by limiting the pool from which they can draw." she offers, standing in a much more nonchalant manner, one hand resting on the large tome at her hip, leaning over on one leg while the other cocks the knee out to one side. Her tail lashes behind her, and her ears, while no longer flat to her skull, aren't exactly perked either.

    "Taking a stroll? That seems very unlike how I imagined your free time, Legate." she offers as an attempt at civil conversation.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"I take strolls rather often actually. Be it upon my own dreadnought or within locations far beyond Garlean reach." He motions out with his free hand then that comes from behind the small of his back to represent the point of some distant land.

"After all, one must always have a moment to clear ones head to keep ones own wits about them." Gaius then raises an eye brow, "Though if you concerned over factional ties with either Confederate or Union-- as in truth, the Eorzean war is /far/ smaller than what these two giants do... why not take them to a location such as the ruins or to perhaps that of the land of Fall or even Spring?"

The Legatus then shakes his head, "Yet it does not matter in the end to me, I am sure your leaders of your underground movements allow you all to roam as you see fit, just that be if your caught to often with that of the Confederacy, you may weaken any ties any of you may have to requesting the aid of the Union of keeping the Eorzean Alliance's hands back."

Gaius then tilts his head slightly, "After all-- just as we of the Garlean Empire outside of Hydaelyn must follow the laws of the Confederacy-- so must the Eorzean Alliance follow that of the Union's beyond Hydaelyn as well." He shrugs faintly. "Something to keep in mind perhaps."

Gaius then smirks every so faintly, "Speaking of the Confederacy.. you came up in conversation last eve."

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihks ears flick subtly. "Oh? Do tell, I fear I have been most pressed by many things lately, my Li-- Radio, has mostly been deactivated." she replies. "As for Guild business, twas the Guild Master himself who suggested we leave Hydaelyn for a time, especially after the sect in Ul'dah lost two members recently."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"Two members in prison under the disguise of being Conjurers." Gaius remarks calmly. "I read of it-- and let me guess, the organization not have the funds to release them nor their families.. or possibly their families have cut ties with them, aye?"

The Legatus shakes his head faintly, "One simple thing shake the fear of men to cast away what could be the greatest of assets." He inhales deeply and returns to the lighter topic at hand. "But yes, one whom you have met, Lady Ariah. We spoke a touch about you. Including myself taking a moment to research into some of your underground's schools abilities."

"You Arcanist remind me greater of once mystics of Allagan known as Summoners. Mystics with the powers to harness the very aether the primals were made out of and bind them to their very will until dispose of and returned back to the aether at which they came."

Gaius shifts his weight slightly as he speaks. "Though such a art has been lost to that of simple records which lie in one of our great houses in Garlemald. Texts and books that remain unreadable due to the fact we lost the very man who could easily read the texts itself."

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    "Interesting. Lady Ariah has shown me much kindness since I joined." replies the Miqo'te, relaxing just a touch, though her ears perk up at that mention. "Perhaps, should you still possess the texts, one of our number might be able to interpret them? We study our arts based on teachings from the Southern Isles, perhaps they were derived from the same or similar teachings." she poses, lifting one hand to tap her cheek thoughtfully, while her other hand supports her elbow. "I would not mind taking a look, should your archivists be willing."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius smiles ever so faintly, those gold eyes watching as Mihk becomes highly interested in such knowledge. "Or perhaps the other way around," He says with simple ease. "Given the Allagan Empire dates back to the Third Astra Era and ended on the Third Umbra Era, nearly a thousand years or so ago."

The Legatus inhales deeply before he continues, "Though I would be most curious as to what lies within the archives of such a legendary mystic art, they are for the eyes of Garlemald alone." He frowns a little then. "And given that you have made rather clear that many of your fellows, including yourself, have no desire to work with the Garlean Empire, I can not sway the laws which bind the texts."

Gaius then shakes his head. "Though in some part, I wish that to not be the case, but I am sure you understand given my title as Legatus."

His bangs move slightly in the wind, giving away for a moment that third eye that sits in the center of his forehead. An oval white with no iris or pupil, almost like a stone embedded into the skin really. Mihk may notice as she has been standing with him that the Aether itself does not move in the Legatus, or what there may be is so little it is nearly void.

"But if you ever desire to change your mind, Lihzeh.. the offer will always be there." The Legatus shifts the helm in his leather-metal gloved hand a bit. "..though in truth be as well.. there are many secrets that lie in the archives of the great house. Those on the Summoners, that of many of Primals we never heard of... and even information on Odin himself. Technological wonders.. including even one pressing matter we have yet to master which is that of flight into space."

Gaius smirks a touch, "But I've probably said to much on the topic for such idle chatter."

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk's demeanor shifts notably. The excitement drains like water from a broken bottle, and a frown mars her features. "We shall see then, Legate. I highly doubt the Empire has secured all such documents. T'would be an undertaking far beyond even the reach of our new allies, to explore and secure every little nook which could hold some shiny artefact." she shrugs then, before folding her arms over her chest. "As I have said before, while we have little love for the Alliance, we have as little for the Empire. Was it not one of your own that brought Dalamund down upon us, and released the Elder Primal Bahamut? Or are the rumours all false and it was the Alliance that brought about their own demise?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius chuckles lightly, "I fear when it comes to the records of the summoners you shalt not find any, for I will freely say that our very technological might is due to the Allagan Empire, as we backward engineered what they had and it this very reason our Emperor sits on the throne.. given before our Emperor rose to power, the Garlean Empire was simply that of the Garlemald Republic."

The Legatus shrugs, "And I was but a boy when the Emperor took the throne and changed everything-- including bring nearly all of Hydaelyn under our control.. all but one place.. the continent of Aldenard. Our only foot hold there is that of Ala Mhigo."

Gaius then gruffs gently at his own thoughts, but silent they remain.

The older man then shifts his stance once more, still remaining rather at ease. "I shall also never deny what Nael Van Darnus did.. nor will I deny my own actions during that coarse of it..." Gaius then closes his eyes for a moment, when he opens them, there is a hidden pain behind them. Emotions he is shoving back with all his power, but only so much any man can do. "..Though only a handful will remember the actions takens.. and a good deal of those were striked from the records, another whom hides and she may not even know.. whilst the other.. is missing.. Cid Garlond."

"Aye, the Cid Garlond who once runned the Ironworks in Limsa Lominsa before the Calamity and now not be found by any.." His voice carries also a different tone when he speaks on Cid. Turmoil really, hidden emotions burned deep. Yet the Legatus goes to place his helm back on once more.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk remains passive, though her tail lashes back and forth with her emotions. "Be that as it may." she replies stiltedly, then furrows her brow a bit at the change in the Garlean. "I knew of Master Cid, but never had chance to meet him. A shame really, he was said to be as kind as he was inventive."

    When Gaius goes to replace his helmet, the Miqo'te offers a slight bow. "I will take my leave. I have to find my Initiates before they get themselves in tro--" she's cut off by an angry shout in the distance, and the distinctive chirp of a Carbuncle. "... Thaliak's beard..." she groans, that long suffering sound of one who's been through the same pattern so many times. She then turns and runs off down the walkway.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius pauses before putting on his helm and watches Mihk run off. His words are soft as his eyes dim of almost any light. "Little do you realize how good of a man he was... is.." He glances off to the side before putting his helm back on and then taking his own leave.