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Latest revision as of 16:31, 13 November 2014

Meeting On An Island Home
Date of Scene: 13 November 2014
Location: Tropical Island (TI)
Synopsis: Ariah wishes to speak with Gaius Van Baelsar a bit about Hydaelyn, but also perhaps a chance to work with him in the war.
Cast of Characters: 56, 522

Ariah (56) has posed:
     It's a nice home. A surprising place for a vampire to live. The invitation was given, to talk Eorzea and possible incursions. A boat leads one to the island from the Citadel's dimension door, and a stream leads one further into the shaded canopy of the trees under the afternoon sun. Sitting on the dock by the waterfall pool is the white-haired witch. Her legs are folded under her and she cradles a book on her lap. Ariah's staff lays on the wood at her side and her posture is relaxed, eyes open. She's not in a meditative trance today.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius Van Baelsar will not turn down a summons from a fellow member of the Confederacy and nor will he hide information asked about his world of Hydaelyn and what the Garlean Empire knows about the Eorzean region.

He wears his full armor, from head to toe. The black armor that seems to absorb light. the gold trim that glistens against the sun ever so slightly. Crimson leather-like cloth where the armor does not sit and yet he moves with simple ease once he steps onto the dock. Not seeming hindered by the weight of the armor.

Once he steps up to the white haired woman, he gives a proper, respectful bow that one may expect to see from a roman knight or England. "Ariah I presume? 'Tis a pleasure to meet you face to face." As he goes to stand back up. He has yet to remove his helm-- perhaps for personal reasons right now.

Ariah (56) has posed:
     Ariah looks towards the armored man, feeling the dock creak under his weight. Slowly, she sets the book aside, rising to her feet. The towering Gaius is even more imposing when compared to the witch. She's at least two feet shorter, and possessing of a slim build. But the bow is returned, respectful, polite. She leans down to take up tome and staff, and begins to walk towards the sand around the pool. "A pleasure to have you visit as well. I do not often take visitors, as I am a private person," she says quietly, that cold, accented tone even more pronounced off the radio. "But it is preferred when speaking of certain endeavors to keep them away from other ears. My home is always open to my fellow Confederates," she states.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"Privacy is indeed something I can fully understand, my lady." Gaius says with that calm tone of his, the helm causing a slight reverb in his voice. When he follows her his boots give a momentary glow as if adjusting for something. That becomes obvious when he steps onto the sand and what should be a deep impression, is no deeper then a normal man's foot being pressed in.

"I will be glad to answer any questions you may have to ask." Gaius says with a slight bow of his head. "For our world of Hydaelyn was once a large world.. now seems to be a mega continent within the Multiverse itself. Many secrets the area still holds and that of the Eorzean region still recovers from an ordeal that was unwisely chosen by one of our Legatuses."

Gaius then tilts his head, "So it is all the matter of where you desire to start-- and I will say," He then looks around, "You have a beautiful home area. Pristine, alive.. a paradise it would seem."

Ariah (56) has posed:
     The witch does seem somewhat surprised at the weight, or lack thereof, of the armored figure. SHe doesn't speak of it, however. "An unwise ordeal?" she asks, "If I may press the inquiry, that is," she then states quietly. "That is a good a place to start as any. Though I do understand the nature of the uniting. Worlds becoming one with the Multiverse. It can be jarring, though it would seem there are hundreds of worlds almost exactly like the one I come from..."

     She shakes her head, "I find myself more interested in worlds unlike my own. Hydaelyn bears many differences, from what little I know from yourself and Mihk." There's a pause at the compliment to her home, and she looks around as if taking it in again. "The illusions of the Citadel allow for nearly any sort of home. I chose one where my guests may find comfort, and where I may find a peace I have long wished for. It may be an odd choice for one of my kind, but I am not limited by certain other factors that others must endure."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"Your kind?" Gaius asks with a curious sound in his voice. It seems the Black Wolf missed the memo she is a vampire-- which will probably bring some hilarity to this, given one of his best people working for him is Vi'Sharra whom is also, well, a vampire.

He needs to stop hanging around these vampires! It could get bad for his health!

"The conquering of Eorzea was given over to a Legatus by the name of Nael Van Darnus," Gaius goes to explain. "Nael was able to convince his Radiance, our Emperor to reactive Project Metoer." His voice sounds a bit more grim. "..this.. Project started to pull the moon of Dalamud out of the sky and Nael had it planned to ram the very moon into Eorzean soil. It would have.. wiped out everything south of our nation."

Gaius then lowers his head. "It would have been a victory, but a victory I did not agree with and the thought of it still leave a taste of fowl in my own mouth that I had to play even a slightest of parts within it." He then looks to Ariah. "For you see, Dalamud was no moon-- but a prison constructed by the Allagan Empire-- Prison that held the Eikon known as Bahamut."

Ariah (56) has posed:
     "I do not know if you have them in your world or not, but I am of a bloodline of the vampiric variety..." she tilts her head slightly, openin her mouth to an angle that shows a hint of her fangs before she hides them again. "...not a detail I oft show off, but as an ally, and my superior in rank, I see no reason to conceal it from you." Then she listens. Her head tilts slowly as she listens, and then her lips curve slightly downwards into a frown.

     "Eikon? Bahamut? It sounds as if some great titan were summoned, the purpose of causing the moon to descend being far more sinister than even that act..." she says quietly. "Genocide and devastation..." she sounds displeased, then shakes her head. "Word of the atomic bombs from my time is bad enough. Were the moon to fall upon my world, it would leave nothing left."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"We do not have vampires, at least none that I have seen, within our world of Hydaelyn.. though I know of another Vampire mistress within the Confederacy." Gaius says with continued calm, but back at the topic at large he inhales deeply before he speaks.

"You are correct. A land left in dust-- a land not worth conquering in my own mind, but for Nael-- at least on the surface it is what he wanted.. on the surface.. but none could see what lied behind and even now, our public knows not him as a monster, but as a man of some valor.. as none wished to shame his name-- and perhaps-- rightfully so.. as his mind was coiled by the stench and claws of the very Eikon that released from Dalamud." Gaius then looks ahead for a moment.

"An Eikon you see, are false gods, worshipped by those whom have no strength to stand on their own. These Eikons have the power to corrupt the minds of men, twisting them to their own control and making them loyal servants. An event we call tempering." The Legatus then looks at her. "Bahamut tempered the mind of Nael Van Darnus.. and as such-- Nael unleashed his new Eikon master upon Eorzea.. and with that very power of the Eikon-- its power was so great.."

Gaius then extends out his arms. "..it caused all of Hydaelyn to come here to the Multiverse itself." Gaius then lowers his arms, "But no either Eikon has proven as powerful as the Dragon Bahamut.. and where this dragon lies, we do not know."

Ariah (56) has posed:
     "The power of the atom being split is what unified my world with the Multiverse. A catastrophe by the hands of men and still others the world had not seen until then..." Ariah says quietly. "There really are parallels I can draw between our worlds, even with so many disparities. I offer my sympathies, regarding the corruption of your emperor," she states with a respectful nod. "And I will not speak of his true fate."

     She takes a seat on the sand, the fine white grains sticking to her clothes as little more than dust, her gaze directed towards the clear, clean water. "You require help with rebellious forces, then?" she asks, shifting the subject. "I apologize if it sounded as if I had taken some personal offense to your words the night prior. Wars in my world have been waged over who or what is inferior or even human... and I myself have been a victim of such for being 'different'."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"Not our Emperor-- he is healthy in mind. A Legatus, same rank as myself.. a general, if you would. For we Legatus hold much power in the Garlean Empire.. which is why for one to become corrupted, made known, could injure the hearts of our great people." Gaius explains with a mild shrug. "But it is history. Nael is dead and the world moves on."

Gaius listens then to what Ariah has to say and tilts his head faintly. He does not sit on the sand, but she could probably forgive that-- given the armor and all. He does cross his arms over his chest as he listens to her words, staring out over the ocean as well.

When he does speak, he looks upon her. "The war we wage is one of conquest, not of indifference. Many nations we have take command of, we integrate their people into ours, we rebuild many of their cities with greater technology and employ them into our services." The Legatus then shakes his head softly. "But for some-- such as the rebels.. they still see us as cold tyrants and cruel masters. Feeling as if we had brought them some wrong."

Gaius then looks back out over the ocean. "It is because of this, is why the Eorzeans fear us so. Why they fight to linger upon the rotten cloth of their ways. They believe we would strip everything from them, when my attention is to make them better, stronger, then ever before."

The Black Wolf pauses for a moments in his thoughts. "I respect them as people, but they do not realize the dangers which they cling too. Their love for their Eikons and false gods taint their lands and by the very corruption could bring the world to its own knees."

Gaius then looks at Ariah fully this time, "'Tis why we destroyed the Eikons in our own territory-- for we know what they will do if left unchecked and yet they will not take the actions needed to end the very threat itself." He then looks away once more. "..and that too is the trouble with the rebels-- for they also king to their false god and they wished to summon him upon us.."

Ariah (56) has posed:
     "Then they do not realize the peril they bring to not only themselves, but the rest of their people. I have no love of tyrants, and empires have risen and fallen in my world, but there are those who truly do seek better lives for the rest..." Ariah says quietly. "My masters were not of such a mind. And humanity continues to tear itself apart while the strong feed upon the weak and the shadows snap at the light." She looks up towards Gaius. "Do you believe, then, that it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak? Though some would argue that 'whether they like it or not' is oft appended to that statement."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius hms at the question presented to him. His arms come to rest at the small of his back as he looks upward with those void lens of his helmet that hides his eyes. The Legatus is quiet for a moment, in thought perhaps. "I am but one Legatus whom can not speak for all, but we as the Garlean Empire work on the system of merit. If one is willing to work, prove themselves, and strive to be ever greater.. then they, no matter by what creed, may gain prestige and rank."

The Legatus then looks at her, "We as the military though, do protect those whom can not protect themselves, until such time as they can. For not all men are warriors, yet all have their strengths in some fashion."

Ariah (56) has posed:
     "That's enough for me. My loyalties to the Confederacy are enough for me to offer my aid without much concern... but I always wish to hear from those who bear the burden of leadership..." Ariah says quietly. "It is my desire to lead one day, but I must learn from those above me before I can teach those below me." She looks up towards Gaius, then back to the pool. "I would aid your conquest, and your military. You seem a man with good intentions, and the best interests of not only his own people at heart... I know not of your methods, but I desire to learn and thereby maximize what I myself have to offer your cause and its greater whole within the Confederacy."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"Being a commander is no easy task," Gaius admits looking at her. "There is a great deal to take in, including the well being of your men, being an example to them, and learning to not judge quickly at their mistakes, but give them a chance to explain themselves before casting judgment."

Gaius then goes to rest his hands along his side. "I thank you for wishing to bring your aid to our side. I will probably direct you for the time to Vi'Sharra, as she has been with us the longest since we have arrived here and is my most loyal from the Multiverse."

The Legatus gives a gentle nod of his head. "She knows both about the Empire, that of Eorzea, and what is needed to achieve victory as she works closely with me." He then goes to step away, "If you have any further questions, please do ask of them, if not.. may I be excused, as I feel it is my time to take leave."