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Latest revision as of 19:44, 13 November 2014

Node: Of Flesh and Steel
Date of Scene: 20 September 2014
Location: The Homeworld
Synopsis: Kotone generates her Node.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 38, 279, 347

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    The White Wing seems almost featureless. Even moreso than the other rooms. It's small, relatively speaking, and terminates in a simple, cube-dimensioned chamber. There's another Mr. Welcomes kiosk here, with the man standing as he usually is.

    The other thing that's is here is a pair of containers, of sorts. The front of each is some clear glass-like substance, and there's a mirrored, soft-looking substance behind each. They're set vertically into the walls. To the left of Mr. Welcomes is the smaller of the two containers, only containing a gauntlet of some sort. It's a rounded white right-handed one, looking like a particularly modern piece of technology in the shape of a glove. At the wrist, about where a clockface would be, is a small hemispherical crystal. It's almost pure black, with only a horizontal line of light. An Abstractum with the eye shut and darkened.

    Over the face of the container, a wreath of flowers can be found.

    To the right of Mr. Welcomes is something a bit more familiar. A much larger container, about the size of a coffin. However, this one has been violently destroyed; blackened glass shards are all that remain of what previously covered it, and the light residual signature of a stasis effect that was forced open.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa wasn't sure about this but it was too late to turn back for her, she had jumped into this and should find out more about it, right? So Kotone was here and she looks about the White Wing she's not certain what to think of this place after all she's only been here once. She looks about for a moment. She looks about for a moment longer and calls out.

"Hello I came to see about making... a node?"

She does seem curious about the glove and goes to take a look at it while she waits.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine's come along with Kotone since she was curious about the creation of a node. Plus, it couldn't hurt for her to have a friend along for this right? Still she's heistant about giving Abstractum access to Fundroids technology so this was likely the safest option. She waits patiently for a response to her question.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Noble Six is already here. She's taken to sort of hanging out in the Homeworld in the hopes of finding ways to level up Enforcer. Sure she might not get to access all of the cool powers like Psyber does, but she just wants to help. This is important.

    "I'm not sure how you make one, but if you want help with it, I can come along." She offers to Kotone, rising up from where she had been sitting.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Hi there!" Mr. Welcomes says with a wide grin. The middle-aged fellow's graying, styled hair is quickly adjusted a little and he gives a friendly wave, mostly to Kotone Yamakawa, but also to her companions here! "I'm the guy you'll talk to, about making that! You here to make one out of yourself, or do you have a Node Seed?" His hands clasp and he leans forward eagerly!

    The little module Kotone has speaks up. "Get ready, I hear this guy's really into dramatics. He's gonna try to get you to ask for it with some kinda, I dunno, 'gusto' or something. Don't need to, but, you know, might wanna!"

    Enforcer, the module at Six's arm, makes an encouraging sort of noise. "This is a good social sort of situation too, you know. Always good to come along and give a little support."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa hears the bit from both Mr. Welcomes and Overclock she takes a deepo breath, more out of habit thne need and speaks.

"I am here to mke a node and the lack of having a seed I must make one from the very make up my body!"

Okay so she's hamming it up already but it's a bit of humour and she's gery glad to some people along for support the young cyborg could very much need it.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"We should see about making one of these for me." Six says to Enforcer after he speaks up, "Though lets focus on this one first, so we can try our best to help." She moves towards Kotone, "I don't think I introduced myself. I am Noble Six, and this is Enforcer." She motions to her left arm, "Whatever kind node you end up making, we'll help you out."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine giggles a bit at that. "You mean it's possible to grow a node from a seed? Where might one of these be found?" It might be worthy studying after all. Of course she's also wonders if Kotone's node will be a mixture of organic and artifical materials. There was only one way to found out about that. "I'm Maxine Sandberg, it's a pleasure to meet you Noble Six." Kotone already knows who she is, but the other woman doesn't.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    A different voice speaks now. This one's Mr. Answers, and he's completely disembodied! His tones are of a very old man, with a particular sort of scholarly energy. "A 'Node Seed' is what we call the base object that you can use to affect the nature of a Node. Using yourself imprints your own identity on it and makes you its 'owner', so to speak... Using an object does the same, but can change its parameters somewhat." He says, to answer Maxine's question.

    Enforcer speaks up, to Noble Six. "Would probably be a good idea." It says, frankly. "Easy way to invite other people too. I mean, I'm not gonna devalue this saying you should use it as social networking, but it'd be a good way to link up with the rest of the Users!"

    Overclock makes a few approving noises! "Good, good! Got some feeling in there. This'll be good for you!" The little module seems quite encouraging here.

    As for Mr. Welcomes, we'll get to what he does in a moment.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I see we do not have a seed I'm afraid so we're going to have to use myself so we might as well get to it right sir?"

She looks at thim and then back to Noble and Maxine tilting her head a bit.

"Well ... it's too late to back out now isn't it?"

She pauses at Overclock comment before she looks back to Mr. Welcomes.

"Well I'm ready! Six? Maxine? You'll get quite a show I suspect..."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Yes, I'm ready." Maxine nods in agreement. She wonders what happen if she made a node through Maxi now. There's so many questions to be answered now. Still, she should focus on Kotone's node for the time being.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
Noble Six nods her head, "Agreed. I'm ready for it when you guys are." She says, as she looks to the other two, "And it's good to meet you, Maxine. Good to have you along." She preps herself to see how on earth a node gets made in the first place

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Alright!" Mr. Welcomes says, eagerly! He claps his hands together and rubs them eagerly for dramatic effect. "We'll get started, then!" His hands then go wide, and back, palms facing that glass over his booth. And then, as is, by now, the norm, he shouts his <span class="underline bold_fg_c bg_n ++ atchphrase:

    "chu">LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS THIS TIME!!</span>"

    And then, with a quick, firm motion, he slams both palms onto the glass in front of him. For everyone else, they'll see is a sudden rush of light that blasts over Kotone's body, completely obfuscating her with its brilliance. For Kotone, she'll see reality appear to break, like a mirror. The shards split and fall away from the shattering that spreads out from Mr. Welcomes' hands. It's almost like he's the one who broke it!

    What happens next isn't seen "live", but Overclock does give a quick holoprojection of the events that happened shortly after, since Kotone seemed to want to share it, so the other two here do wind up getting to see what's going on without much trouble.

    Kotone herself sees it live, and immersively; her disembodied perception is suspended in a deep black void as she experiences a brief vision while consumed by the light. She'll only be alone in the darkness here for a short while, though.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    What eventually seems to suddenly rise up below Kotone's feet is the ground. There's no sensation of falling, but there certainly is the sight of it. A lush, flora-saturated environment, a wonderous mixture of jungle and forest densely populated with life. There's even a regular old human here, wearing the sort of adventuring gear that's apropos for this sort of lightly humid dirty environment, the modern sort of exploration outfit.

    A strange, glimmering black insect, beetle-like, or perhaps more like an extremely sturdy sort of wasp, eventually flits into view. Landing, lightly, on their arm while they fuss with navigation around a tree, it gently brings down a stinger-like appendage. In less than two seconds, large portions of the man's flesh appear to have decayed, as if the life were being sucked right out of him, rendering the arm useless before he realizes what's happening and swats it away in a panic with his remaining usable arm. Horrified and frightened, the man can be seen fleeing back towards the lights of some sort of civilization.

    The buzzing sound the insect makes is much more vigorous as it flits away, bloated on whatever it seems to have taken from the man. That, or perhaps it's mixing with the ominous buzz of dozens of others approaching. It's an awful noise. Kotone's capacity to sustain this vision appears to reach its limit and collapse, snapped back into reality back where she started as the light fades. Overclock is the one who helpfully provides the replay to the others now, though it's rather uncertain of doing so.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is not sure what's about to happen and the next thing she knows reality breaks it just frekaing breaks around her. A broken Mirror an she's not sure what's happening she's never had an experiance like this as she's drowning in light. She doesn't say a thing she's just wtching for a moment stunned at all of this. She looks about at the jungle she gets a bit wide eyed about it. She sees the man she finds everything reeling for a moment, its kinda scenergy whiplash at this point. She reached out to try and help, she really did but then comes ... the visions end. She's just left looking kinda shaken.

"What...what just what was that?!"

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine's finding this all rather strange, of course she hasn't witnessed any other nodes be created so she has nothing to compare it too. She cringes a bit as she watches the man's flesh suddenly decay. "I don't know, is that normal?" There's a bit of delay in her response since she's seeing it after Kotone. The image suddenly vanishes as quickly as it came for her. "Did something go wrong?" Should it just end like that she wonders.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    The light fades, and Kotone returns to perceiving reality as she saw it before. Mr. Welcomes looks a little frazzled. He looks energized, and yet, exhausted, like someone who just did a workout or, say, went skydiving! "That!" He says. "Was some Resonance backlash I'm not actually able to control. Gives you a quick vision of some of the info of the Node. Don't worry, though! Harmless vision. Anyway!" He makes a broad, sweeping gesture. "You have created your Node, Kotone! The Woods of Change await your reconstruction."

    A brief little bow-like nod, and then heavy exhaled breaths of exhaustion and relief!

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"That was somewhat unusual." Noble Six says, after looking at that view that was provided for them. She looks at Kotone once everything has passed, and moves up to her side, putting a hand on her shoulder, "If that was a vision of your Node, we will have quite the feat ahead of us, particularly if those insects are as numerous as they sounded."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Why are those insects there to begin with?" Those seemed rather out of place? "And the fact that's it's a jungle?" Maxine thought it was suppose to be an extension of the person. Would they be in danger by going there? Still, she plans to come along she promised she would be there after all.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa shudders still at what she saw. "Harmless to the body but that... wait did I cause all this to happen to some world?!"

There's a sense of guilt about the young cyborg and she is snapped out of it by Six by distracting her somewhat.

"We're going to need more than raid."

She tries to shake the mental image of the bug bite really.

"IT's going to be a biohazard that's for sure...."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa listens to Mr. Welcomes she nods and then she hears she made a world and it was from her. She takes a moment to think about that and there's this look on her face of stunned realization.

"...I'm God...to this ...world."

Kotone then promply faints in shock.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Mr. Welcomes peers over the desk of his kiosk, his grin still pretty much unbroken, maybe even only intensifying. "Well! That's a new reaction. Seems like she's appreciating the weight of the situation!" He points at Kotone. "Can one of you take her to the Green Wing or something? Plenty of beds there. I would, but I don't actually exist."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Solutions to it's problems? You mean she doesn't have to worry about her flesh being eaten alive?" That's all about Maxine can figure from what she saw. "Kotone!" She's suddenly concerned about her reaction to it. She doesn't blame her for being shocked but still she hopes that's all it is. She tries to help her friend back up but the weight is clearly giving her some trouble.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
As soon as Kotone goes down, Noble Six moves to try to help her. Maxine is there too, however Six is much stronger and is able to lift Kotone with a bit of effort. If the girl can flip a tank she can probably lift Kotone, "I'll get her to the beds over there."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is heavier than her build might suggest but not /too much when all things are considred. The Sparent would have no issuse alone to get Kotone to the green room. The shock was a lot as the entire weight of what she'd done had come down squarely around her head.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Of course Maxine's a squishy scientist so she's not able to lift that much to begin with. Still she's there for her friend as Kotone is carried by Noble Six. She'll give the woman a look over before letting her get some rest. They could solve the problem of the node when she comes to.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
After having dropped Kotone off, Noble Six will step back to give her room to breathe, see if she wakes up, "I could shock her awake, but that's probably not the best way to handle it right now."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine's making sure it's just shock and not something more serious. "Let her wake up on her own. She has a lot to think over right now." She's not sure how she would react in the same scenario.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
A little time passe and Kotone starts to come too she seems to have a very grave look on her face.

"Just ... what did I get us all into."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"Just some sort of horrible jungle filled with super-deadly animals." Six replies. She dead-pans it, but she's a bit nervous too, "I am sure that we will be able to handle it...I just might have to go dig up a flame thrower."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"I better bring my power armor." Maxine figures going there without any protection isn't a good idea. She wonder how Kotone's equipped to handle this. She's pretty sure the woman isn't a combat model. "I wonder how anyone could survive in such a place."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "... Yes full of things that have no right existing..."

She frowns about this and looks to Maxine and then to Xi before sitting up and she shakes he rhead. "I have no idea..."