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A Little Help From Her Friends
Date of Scene: 16 November 2014
Location: Earth-1207
Synopsis: A mysterious distress beacon is activated, leading several interested parties to a newly converged Earth on a mission to save the Human Anomaly.
Thanks to: To everyone for being utterly wonderful and sticking it out.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 319, 385, Ziggy Grover, 560, 578, 617, 621, 623

Iji (621) has posed:
~~ Elsewhere ~~

A distress beacon becomes active on the newly joined world of Earth-1207. There's a message attached to it,

"A friend needs help. Favors and guns to anyone who rescues the Human Anomaly. Coordinates as follows." The message repeats, giving coordinates to a warpgate and an anonymous address to receive the money from upon completion of the job.

~~ Earth-1207, The Facility, Sector 5 ~~

The Warp Gate, oddly enough, is just outside of the Facility itself. All around, rain falls, acidic enough to burn the skin if one is too exposed, though only lightly. The Facility itself is massive, with several towering windowed sections jutting two to four stories up. There's no conventional entrances here either; merely a massive, gaping hole in the purple metal wall. No soldiers guard the entrance or warpgate, nor are there any sounds of fighting. The coordinates, however, are deeper into the building...and downwards. Above, purple and green ships hover and occasionally make passes at each other. They don't fire. Tension is all but visible, the pure numbers of ships almost enough to blot out the sky. The hole in the building is enough to admit a tank. Inside, the purple metal continues, a simple straight hallway leading deeper in. There's damaged boxes, chairs, tables, and the occasional long-dead human body. They seem to have been shot, or in some cases, hit with explosives of some form. Others are simply bludgeoned or cut apart. It's a grisly scene.

Seto Kaiba (623) has posed:
     Seto Kaiba walks throught he warp gate. He doesn't bother to try and shield himself from the rain. Instead, he simply walks forward, towards the hole in the building. It's hard to tell what exactly he is doing here. As the owner of a massive corporation, why would he be responding to something like this?

     Well, he won't be giving anyone answers anyways. And so he marches into the buiilding, flanked by two bulky men in suits and shades. Obviously bodyguards.

     On his left arm, there is a gigantic piece of technology with flat bits on it. It's really hard to tell exactly what this might be.

     He does briefly glance at the ships in the sky, mostly out of vague curiousity.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    The beacon happens to catch the attention of one of Fayt's ships. Knowing help is needed, the crew quickly passes the news back ot Fayt.

    Cue the pale mage walking out of the gate, wincing a bit as the rain falls on him. Carefully he surveys the sorroundings, that holle is worrying and...

    Gods DAMN that's a lot of ships up there!

    Frowning, Fayt speaks into his radio. "Fayt here. I'm at the gate, anybody here?"

Freya (578) has posed:
"This is a morbidplace..", Freya says hit by adcidic rain, a bit annoying but bearable. Looks at all the ships up there! TShe holds out her hand a ball of light apparing in her hand illumiating the area around her. She blinks as Seto Kaiba flanked by her guard pass her. "..and hi to you too.", why does he look familar?? Mabye she saw it on a cereal box..

She hears a familar voice over the radio. "oh Hi Fayt! I'm near the enterace. Follow the glowing light.."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Favors and guns don't excite Shirou... but the prospect of saving people who need help is sure to get his attention. This is what the Union does, and it's only natural for him to go and be helpful.

    Although more money to put towards Dun Realtai is not a bad thing.

    He wasn't expecting Acid Rain. It's stinging enough to make him pull up the hood on his jacket - he's running out of things to wear that haven't been torn up, AGAIN...

    The boy does stop running after he gets a look around, but now he realizes... "...Err... what here even needs rescue...?" Onwards and inwards, he supposes. Though he does move somewhat cautiously - stopping to glance around corners before advancing, for instance - the redheaded magus remains unarmed.. and is quite glad to get in and out of the view of all those ships in the skies.

    What he finds inside is not at all inspiring though. He grits his teeth at the corpses, though is keeping his cool well off...

    Each mauled corpse is getting his nerves tenser and tenser. But he is NOT going to panic or lose his cool at the sight.

    He's seen far worse already, at his young age...

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is a bit later in arriving at the report of what was going on it would take a moment for the wandering program to adjust to here. She had a cloak on over her aqnd only a tiny edged symbo, of Skyia might give away her identiy and that's started to fade from constant use od it. She move ahead now following in after Shirou and tilts her head to him.

"That I do not know I just know we're needed."

Her voice is a bit odd and has a digital warble to it.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Ranger Green. There's a district call coming in over the frequency from a newly joined Earth. Respond." Dr. K's voice crackled over the intercom.

"Mmmphhh," Ziggy grunts, face-down in his cereal. "Tired, been training all week."

"You trained a total of 6 hours this week, Ranger Green, not counting the time you spent trying to avoid training. You have also have optimal levels of sleep. Get going."

"Don't... YOW!" Ziggy leapt up, before holding his butt, spinning around to face a deadpan Dr. K. "What the hell did you do to me, doc?!"

"Injected you with a vitamin compound. That should keep you pepped for a while."

One hop later:


"Get in gear, then, Ranger Green."

And now here the Green Ranger was, staring at the scene, voice sounding constrained and almost as colored as his uniform. "There's a lot of bodies. Uh... heading in towards the source of the signal..."

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
Favors and guns huh.

Guns are not exactly Chloe von Einzbern's style, per se; due to REASONS. However, earning favors is a valuable expenditure of her time. It's funny... How Shirou arrives- and then she does too. She just shows up. No warning, no explanation, no transition. Just a small, dark-skinned girl with pink hair at his side, from out of seemingly nowhere.

"Hi, big brother~. You left me behind again, that's getting kind of mean, really." She is, for the record, holding an umbrella; but that's not going to last long against the hiss and sizzle of the rainfall as she holds it over both his and her head, and she pauses only briefly at the sight of the dead bodies. "Those look like they've been laying out for a while." She comments almost idly, despit the completely grim subject matter.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
    -- Planet Ruliezes, in the 'Fraulein Sector' --

When the transmission goes out, Yuna is in class. Not that you'd know it just to look - it seems like just two girls, sitting in what could have been an ancient temple, and talking to each other. But Ryudia is always watching Yuna closely, and listening just as intensely when the blonde young woman speaks. And she's listening now, as Yuna frames her answer to what she was just asked.

"What's most important to me ... I don't want people to suffer," Yuna says, her voice clear and her intonation precise, as focused on how she speaks as on how she's sitting - perfectly straight, hands folded just so in her lap, her feet together on the floor in front of her bench.

Ryudia nods. "And how do you reconci--" She's interrupted by a blink of light as a little, faerie-like figure materializes near the two of them. "-- I trust this is important, Emissary of Light."

"There's a distress call," Elner answers. "I'd like Yuna to investigate it. If I may?" A handheld comm device materializes next to Ryudia's seat; she picks it up, and they listen as the beacon's message is repeated.

"'Anomaly'?" Yuna has a pained look. "How can anyone call somebody that ... ?"

Ryudia looks at Elner, then at Yuna. "You can ask yourself when you get there ... Elner, record everything - not just what Yuna does, but the others who respond to the call. This is something to grade her on. Don't take the rest of the Matrix, though - if combat is required, Yuna's own equipment will have to do."

"Understood. Yuna?"

Yuna nods, rising to her feet even as the Light Suit materializes around her in place of the simple white tunic she wears for her classes. "Then let's go!"

    -- Earth-1207, the warpgate outside The Facility --

Yuna lets out a soft yelp as the acid rain tingles against her exposed skin she has; fortunately, the Light Suit's protection keeps it from being too bad. Yuna starts looking around immediately, sorrow growing on her face as she sees all of the damage ... and the occasional corpse, which makes her blanch. She may have learned to fight, but she deals with dead bodies about as well as any girl her age. She quickly focuses on the others who are here: she knows Fayt and Freya and Deelel, at least, so she's not entirely among strangers. Yuna takes a moment to bow to those she doesn't know - Kaiba and the Green Ranger and Chloe - and then turns her attention back towards the wall with the hole in it. "Elner? Which way?"

"In and down," responds the tiny robo-faerie. "Be careful of edges, they may be hot or bearing corrosive residue. Or just sharp."

"Right .." Yuna looks around at the others again. "Shall we ... ?" She moves towards the opening into the facility. "Oh - and for those of you I don't know, I'm Yuna." She smiles, bowing again (briefly this time) before starting to move onwards.

Iji (621) has posed:
There's a click over the anonymous radio channel given to everyone. A voice, obviously scrambled, comes over. It's language is very much not human.

"The Anomaly is deeper into the facility. We don't have an accurate map. Favors and guns, humans. You'll know her when you see her." Another voice cuts in, less confident.

"Just be careful. She's...jumpy. Put her on the line when you find her." Then, there's a click as the voices synch out.

~~ Outside ~~

Closer inspection of the general area outside would show signs of environmental devestation; once fertile ground being eaten away slowly by the blighted rain, the crunch of dead, brown grass everywhere. The sun is high in the sky, but there's still a shadow cast by the acidic rainclouds and the ships doing their best to blot out the sun. One can spy a downed green ship, somewhat oblong, and rain-eaten armored bodies off in the distance. Hard to tell what they are, at that range though.


The long corridor's floor suddenly ramps up, shattered metal ramp now quite the stepping hazard for any of the Elites present with the sharp metal (or Seto's bodyguards!). It wouldn't be too hard to clear away though. After a two foot hop or clamor, the way would be clear.

Mostly. At the end of the hallway is a solid steel door, with a hand-scanner on it. There's strange writing on it, definitely not english or any earth language. Up above, there's an overhanging ledge some ten feet up. Those observing might be able to catch sight of what looks like a very, very shifty looking lift atop it. There's no doors, just a metal bottom, and a raised dias with a button.

At the end of the hallway, just before the door, is a very, very tall figure. Easily seven feet tall, the massive creature is covered in armor, and hefts a large black weapon in its hands. Its skull is revealed; long, reptilian, with grey scales and sharp teeth. The creature is leaned against the door, head tilted back, and blowing smoke from its nose. There's what looks like a blue cigar in its mouth about the size of a can of pringles. So far, it's too occupied with its smoking to notice the large group.

The coordinates, seem to point slightly upward and straight on towards the direction of the door and beyond for some time!

Deelel has posed:
Deelel notes Yuna's arrival and pulls her hood back at this point and she litens for a moment.

"Understood find her get her in contact."

Oh why oh why does she think this is going to get glitched up before all was said and done. She pulled out her staff and it expanded as they went onwards she makes note of all the other arrivals, Freya, Fayt, Ziggy and Yuna she knew. Seto she had no idea baout and Chloe was also an unknown to her as well but she needed to focus on the task at hand as they moved in.

"Hmm I'd suggest we split up to cover more ground but that's never normally a very good idea."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    upon hearing Freya's instruction, Fayt does indeed head twoards the light, still wincingas the rian slowly eats at him. As he approaches Freya, he nods. "There you are." he speaks up over radio. "We should hurry inside, the signal seems to be coming from in there and and the rain." He winces again. "...Hurts."

    That said, Fayt would fall in line behind Freya, reaching around to pull his staff off of his back as he speaks over radio. "Whatever we end up doing here, I'll do my best to back you guys up. Just tell me what you need me to do."

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya is glad there are few famailar faces here, that makes her feel a bit more comforable. She smiles a Fayt hides behind her she blushes just a bit. "I-I can heal you if it hurts too much Fayt..", she says. "We really should hurry inside. I'm worried we might be noticed.."

Seto Kaiba (623) has posed:
     As the metal ramp is approached, Seto and his Bodyguards just work on casually walking around the more dangerous parts. Honestly, the level of how unflinching they are in response to all of this is a bit disturbing. They're barely even looking at the dead bodies laying around.

     The first sign of Kaiba even actually caring much about the inside suroundings, though? It's upon spotting the creature at the end of the hall. With the signal being further down, though? He assumes this creature is an enemy. Even if it isn't, though, it's not the target /anyways/. So, attack first, ask questions later.

     Or more accurately, draw first, ask questions later.

     For the first time, he glances at the other. In a rather cocky tone, he casually says, "All of you, do what you please, but just don't get in my way." He then reaches into a rectangular holster on his side, and pulls out a deck of trading cards. Slotting it into the device on his left arm, the Duel Disk. He draws a set of five cards, holds them in the same hand his Duel Disk is strapped to, and then sets one on it.

     "RyuKishin Powered! Attack!"

     A large red beast appears, much like a bipedal dragon, with gigantic talons of black and black spikes across its body. It is similarly sized, if not larger, than the creature at the end of the hallway. RyuKishin Powered immediately moves in, trying to stab its gigantic talons into the creature.

     Even if this does turn out to be an innocent, Kaiba /really/ doesn't care. It's just in the path to the door. May as well take it out and then get to the door.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Oh, um, I'm Ranger Green," the Power Ranger responds. "You can call me Ziggy, though." The introduction is suited to all the others... at least until he yelps, at the summoning of a ... "Oh, he's on -our- side this time? For a moment I thought it was one of those surprise attacks that always seem to happen on these things."

Since Yuna seems to have set out instructions, along with instructions from the little robo-fairy, he simply waves a hand at the Galaxy Fraulein. "Lead on, then. Um. I'll be right behind you."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna grimaces at the transmission referring to the rescue target as the 'anomaly' again ... although the fact that the speaker doesn't seem to be human - not to mention calling the group 'humans' like that - probably helps to explain some of it. And for all she knows, maybe it's meant to be a compliment or something ... ?

Anyway, Yuna continues onwards, being careful where she places her feet. Rather than looking scared or worried at the towering reptilian, she looks curious - at least until Kaiba summons a monster. "Wha -- HEY! Don't just attack like that, we might -- !!"

She trails off with a sound between a groan and a sigh and goes running ahead. "Shugoseiheki!!!" she calls out on the run, materializing her kite shield; if she can get ahead of Kaiba's monster, she'll try and take the hit instead of letting the reptilian get clobbered. She's *pretty* sure she can take it - or rather, her shield can - more readily than the alien ...

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Uwaaah!" SUDDENLY, CHLOE is enough to rattle Shirou's alertness. He up and LEAPS away from her, landing nimbly atop a table in the messed-up room and grabbing at the air. Though in a few seconds he calms back down and regains his composure, dusting himself off. He opens his mouth with a sharp expression, though... clamps it shut again a moment later... instead his face grows ever the more bewildered.

    "..." Well, he can't complain to CHLOE about how he feels. It's the fault of whoever raised such a young girl as a magus... otherwise, why would she be able to so calmly regard corpses...?

    The disapproval does flash across his face for a moment, but he swallows it down and climbs back down.

    ".... and I keep wanting to look out for my sister and not bring her to dangerous places... I get the feeling you're even more skilled than I am... not sure whether I should be happy about that!" He does sound bothered! But it's for her sake!

    Sighing, the redhead looks about, noticing others are also here... and scratches his head.

    "... guess there's no helping it if you're going to run out after me into every dangerous place," He says more lightly and warmly as the group now moves along down the hallway. "Let's go save this person together?"

    He can smile about that much at least.

    ... until they come across a massive creature in the way. Shirou doesn't feel any hostility from them, but he halts to consider his options...

    Maybe they're friendly, after all.

    They won't be for long though, thanks to Kaiba, will they?!

    "Wh-what are you doing?! Whoever that is hasn't done--" Anything, right?

    "...Trace, ON!"

    Like Shirou can risk it. If a fight starts, he has a sister to protect. Golden light fills his grasp, stretches out, and with a *SIZZLE-CLANK* noise becomes Clarent.

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya not impressed with Mister Kaiba attitde, She spots the monster at the end of the hallway "Mabye we should say..", and then Kaiba summons a monster. "Ah never mind.", then Yuna jumps in as well ,to protect the monster. "Oh dear.", she says waiting to see how this plays out.

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
And Chloe can only smile at Shirou's sudden jump, closing up her umbrella and just kind of tossing it aside. There are other matters at hand, and now that the group is inside, it's not like it's even needed at all anymore, anyway. "Hohhhh... Is that how you feel, Shirou?" She's nearly pouting. "I can take care of myself, you know." She notes almost idly as they come aross the armored creature.

Her big brother wanting to be such a hero is pretty cute. But when Kaiba initiates hostilities and Yuna leaps into the path, the small girl simply crosses her arms, folding her hands together behind her head, leaning back on one foot' not even taking cover, with a lazy clicking of her tongue.

Iji (621) has posed:
The large draconic creature standing before the equally tall lizard has one heck of a standoff in the making. Or it would, until a kite shield rams straight into the summoned creature's claws. The large lizard-person goes bug-eyed as he stares first at Yuna, then the dragon, and then the many creatures beyond. He takes one final puff, pulls out his cigar, and looks at it.

"...Alright, that's enough for one day. Hallucinating claw raptors /and/ some kinda human. Mom was right. Stuff'll rot your brain." He mutters before slapping the hand-scanner. Turning his back, gun heft, he drops the cigar and steps on it.

If one looks around past the retreating lizard-person, one will notice simply a wall, a box with blinking lights, and a ceiling. The way forward seems to be blocked by a wall, though the metal seems somewhat weak and blaackened. The door hesitates before starting to close. Still enough time for shots in the back, /if/ one can get around Yuna, and possibly stop it from closing!

Speaking of, Yuna and anyone else who takes a whiff might just start to see purple at the edges of their vision. That's no cigar.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Look out!" Nevermind the edict that Yuna has the lead, it was combat time, and the Ranger Green simply plays leapfrog over the Galaxy Fraulein. Hands onto Yuna's shoulders, one mighty leap, and Ranger Green holds up his Battle Axe. AW YEAHH. "Come on, let's... ... are you breathing -poison gas- out at us?" the Ranger quieries at the lizard person. "Hey, wait, wait... where you going...?" And yes, he -tries- jamming that battle axe into the door opening.

Freya (578) has posed:
Ooh pretty lights! Freya shakes her head trying to get rid of the visions. She blinks. "umm the the lizard man just ingore us??", she ahs. "Door is closing!", she doesn't have really anything on her that can stop it from closing..

Seto Kaiba (623) has posed:
     The RyuKishin Powered is stopped rather readily by the shield. And Kaiba just gives Yuna and Freya /incredibly/ annoyed looks. He, obviously, is looking down on them quite a bit.

     "We are in a place where we have encountered /countless/ dead bodies, and a war going on in the sky overhead. And you want to assume that those we encounter /aren't/ hostile?"

     The Ryu-Kishin Powered is still present, though. And so Kaiba speaks, "Ryu-Kishin Powered, move there and then lift me up."

     He can see past the door. Nothing of interest. So, instead, he is moving towards the one ledge and the lift. Once lifted up, the RyuKishin leaps up with him.

     His bodyguards, though, have to make a bit of a run, and leap at the wall. They try to grab at the ledge and pull themselves up, more or less.

     Kaiba does add one more thing, looking at the others. "Also. At a guess. You better not of inhaled that."

     Kaiba then casually sets a couple more cards on his Duel Disk, just in preperation, it seems.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt frowns as Yuna and Seto seem to square off for a moment, but shrug it off as the lizard leaves. "I think there was a ledge a short ways back, it's several feet up, but if we can't find a way up to it I'm sure I could open a teleport to get up there. Unless someone has a better idea?"

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
That's it huh? A soft whistle filters through Chloe's teeth as Yuna facetanks Kaiba's monster assault. ... And the smoking creature decides it's a hallucination. What better timing than that.

In the ensuing havoc and confusion, as the lizard turns to start leaving... Chloe smiles.

It is not a nice smile. At all.

Because in an instant, she takes just one step... And then the girl is off like a bullet, once the cigar is stomped. A little hop, and she's going to try and attach onto the lizard's back. "Excuse me, don't mind if I do..."

One small hand simply touches onto a shoulder if she makes the grasp. That's all it takes to initiate the process of a one-way energy transfer. To Chloe. A simple matter of sucking on the creature's life force until it just passes out.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Don't mind Yuna; between tanking RyuKishin Powered's strike on her shield, being in proximity to one of the foulest cigars in the galaxy (and a small coughing fit), and the Green Ranger - Ranger Green, sorry - vaulting over her shield and her shoulders, she can't respond to much very quickly. "I've breathed worse," she gasps as she overcomes the coughing. "... not in a while, though."

She leans on her shield as Kaiba's monster backs off, and turns to see how the Ranger is doing. "If this is a dead end, Fayt, then that sounds like a plan ... Elner, can you scout ahead while we have the chance?"

Elner bobs slightly and zips ahead - trying to fly through the gap in the door while it's still open, particularly if Ziggy's axe can KEEP it open. However, the robo-faerie is also scanning the door's material to see if it would impede teleportation. If it *would*, then Elner won't go as far ahead as she/it might ...

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Didn't I say only awful brothers let their family members get hurt?!" Shirou counters, as if this should be natural. He doesn't like it, but what choice does he have but to accept that Chloe's gonna folow after him anyways?

    He tenses, waiting to see jsut how this strange lizard-creature's gonna react and and -

    And there goes Chloe.

    He freezes in his tracks right as he's moving to follow and.. STARES, gaping at Chloe stupidly. "Wh-what the--"

Freya (578) has posed:
Did that girl just kill that lizard guy with a touch? Scary.. Freya looks to Fayt. "I could give you a boost up to the ledge Fayt."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks at the hostiles ahead for a moment she peers a head not certain what to make of this and she looks ot Shirou for a moment.

"Family issues I see fair enough."

She notes but presson on and looks to Shirou.

"Shirou are you all right?"

She powers the tips of her staff but if the others have less lethal options she'll let them use it.

Iji (621) has posed:
~~ Ground Floor ~~

The large lizard man doesn't seem to really notice Ziggy's words. At first. There's a slam of metal on metal, and the door pauses. Then goes up! Slowly, very slowly, the great lizard-man starts to turn around to face one Ziggy Grover. Or at least it tries, because suddenly, Chloe. She successfully latches onto the creature's back. He wobbles lightly.

"What the...HUMANS! KILLLLLLL!" Screams the creature. Then its life force is starting to be devoured. It struggles mightily, the nanofield about the creature sparking, quivering, and generally making for a rough ride.

Between the cigar, and now the life-draining, poor Lizardman is having a bad day. It starts to collapse, all of its bluster going out. Its nanogun drops.

But just before it konks out, it activates a button on its gun with a toe. A burst of pure kinetic energy blasts around the creature with enough force to kick a small car into the air...nevermind a small child. Worst of all? The lizard is spinning as he falls. Where's Chloe now aimed if she can't escape? Towards the blinking box in the room.

Worst of all, even /if/ she escapes, that nanogun goes flying towards the box too. When it hits? There's an ominous beep-beep, and the box explodes. As do the three others up above it, filling the room with a tiny cascade of pain. Elner, and likely Ziggy as well, might want to get out of dodge. Thankfully, that door /doesn't/ hinder teleportation.

Unless someone yanks out the large, heavy lizard? Cue a fourth explosion as its body and weapon tear themselves apart from the implanted bombs.

~Upstairs, Ledge~ As Seto and his men step onto the ledge and lift? There's a pleasant ding sound.

An alien voice speaks up pleasantly, 'Welcome to Komato Conquest Site #3501779. Days since last lift accident: 3. Total number of lift-related fatalities: 4. Please press button to engage lift.'

Then, tinny elevator music begins to play, along with words to a song.

'Welcome to to Ciretako~'

'It's a pleasant place for all~'

'Tasen wasted by the dozens~'

'And gorey explosions for all~'

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    As soon as the beeping starts, Fayt's eyes go wide. "Gotta go, NOW!"

    Fayt charges up towards where the others are and SLAMS his staff into the nearby wall, focusing for a moment as a black hole pops up on it. "Gotta move! Everyone through here!"

    going through the hole would lead to an identical hole in a different wall, only. said wall is up on the ledge fayt saw eariler.

    Fayt meanwhile, will wait untill everyone else is through before jumping in himself. assumeing people actully go through it.

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:

Not exactly as planned. But Chloe isn't exactly going to say Mistakes Were Made. She's prettymuch done feeding by the time the lizard deals that eruptive blast of concussive force. Her grip is horrifyingly strong, but this does not mean she's immune to getting caught by surprise.


Flung head over heels by the kinetic blast, Chloe is launched.


Seto Kaiba (623) has posed:
     Kaiba, honestly, would rather trust in his own ability to go up than use the incredibly sketchy looking lift. He /might/ offer a method for the others to go up, too, if not for the obvious incompetence. He looks at the others, and shakes his head a bit.

     He doesn't care about the explosions and shit that they are happening, either. It's everyone else's own fault for letting this shit happen. What is more, the enemies are probably /aware/ of them now. He sighs.

     "Make your own way up."

     He flips over one of his face down cards, revealing Saggi the Dark Clown card. The monsterous clown appears, albeit /incredibly/ briefly.

     Instead, Kaiba is using the power of the two monsters to summon something else.

     "COME FORTH! Blue-Eyes White Dragon."

     The incredible powerful dragon appears before Kaiba. It, really, is one of the most glorious of all creatures. It just radiates power.

     And then Kaiba climbs aboard the back of this dragon, and it begins to take off at a fast speed, flying up the shaft.

     He is under the assumption the others will be following rather soon. He's trying to make sure he isn't going past where the signal is, though.

Freya (578) has posed:
..and then stuff starts exploding.Great. Just another day in the mutiverse. She watches as Fayt make a portal, well anwhere is better than here. "You better come thought too Fayt!" She not going to complain and jumps throught the portal!

Ziggy Grover has posed:
The door was doing a grinding awful sound, and Ranger Green was bemoaning, "The Axe! My Axe! How am I supposed to stay cool and confident now?". And then it goes up, and Ziggy breaths a sigh of relief, before spinning around. "How about that...?" he proclaims, before the ominous bepe beep beep sets in. "Uh oh..." And then he taps frantically at his morpher. "C'mon, c'mon, teleport... where's Dillon when you need him...?"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Elner stops short as the lizard man reacts ... well. Violently. A shimmering, gold-hued forcefield flicks into existence between the robo-faerie and the alien; Elner would gladly protect Chloe as well but she's on the wrong side of the room. Ziggy, on the other hand, is *behind* Elner, holding the door, and is thusly protected from stuff blowing up.

The sound of the explosions in the room behind her makes Yuna flinch a bit, although she makes an amused noise, "What, are they shooting off fireworks ... ?" she wonders aloud - although the yell which preceded the explosion sinks into her awareness just after that, and her attempt at humor evaporates like a snowflake in a supernova. "Ugh ... okay, not so friendly then ..." She pushes herself to her feet, tugging her shield's bottom point free of the deck, and looks up to the elevator shaft. "Portal. Okay. Be there in a moment, Fayt. - Don't go too far ahead, Freya, somebody may need healing."

She's not leaving Chloe behind, or the Ranger Green ... even though Yuna seems to have a little trouble navigating in a straight line. Once the explosions have subsided, though, Elner can 'retrieve' Chloe if the girl's too badly injured to move - teleporting her to Freya's location, once Elner gets a new fix on her position.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    EXPLOSIONS! Shirou doesn't have time to properly answer Deelel. He instead... acts without thinking and rushes in towards the flying Chloe, arms outstretched and yelling wildly. Even though he's pelted by debris from the blast, Chloe's body is the projectile that bowls him over and slams him into a wall.

    This leaves him pretty dazed, all things considered. The boy's stunned, and it's a few moments before he can start getting up - and see Kaiba summoning a dragon. ".... I don't know what's going on anymore." He declares, almost like a curse.

Iji (621) has posed:
~~Above the Ledge~~

With the summoning of the BEWD, Kaiba has a rather nice ride up about four stories worth of air. When he emerges? There's a somewhat short hallway, leading to yet another Incredably Shifty Lift.

Scattered between the lift shaft, and the new lift, there's signs of more violence. No bodies, but there's scorch marks, shotgun shell casings, and what may well be automatic weapon cases as well littering the floor. Part of the lift seems melted at the metal, as if something superheated went off there. It positively stinks of gunpowder and heat. It'd be an easy fly for the summoned dragon up the next shaft, and out.

~~Ledge Lift~~

It seems that teleportation and gate-like spells seem to work oddly well here. Indeed, anyone attuned to such may be able to feel the residue of such having been used heavily within the last several hours. Thus, the group as a whole would have an easy exit upon the lift. A lift which then beeps when the last member of the lower group finally steps on.

Said lift continues to play Welcome to Ciretako as it launches upwards at speeds that are likely to flatten anyone who /isn't/ bracing themselves. The lift arrives at the top in less than three seconds. Hopefully someone can keep the group from simply getting flung up into the ceiling.

~Chloe, Yuna, Shirou~~

Yuna's mechanical friend, and Shirou's body prove effective shields-slash-cushions for the flying young woman. The blast, though horribly stinging, aren't likely to kill anyone thanks to all of that. There's even time, should one wish, to still board Death Lift.

Once the group recovers, it wouldn't take /too/ long to follow the dragon-riding card-user. The second lift is slightly more tame, and doesn't launch anyone towards ceilings. Dragon-rider or not, the group would eventually come to another blown-out section of wall. It leads outside, to the roof. Across a long stretch of rooftop, there's an emergency escape with an open door. It's guarded by a single blue-clad, vaguely human-like alien. The emergency escape leads downward, directly towards the source of the coordinates. One person, however, has a very different route down.


It may well seem that Ziggy's teleporter works utterly without flaw, as if some constellation and planet has aligned perfectly. You know, minus being upside down, and hanging by one's stomach across a metal bar that likely once contained a light fixture. Ziggy would get a lovely view of the action. Should he check the coordinates?

Down, and to the left. About five feet below, Ziggy would get to see the tall, brown-haired visage of a young woman as she deftly ducks a rocket that flies over her head. Slamming to the ground behind her trusty wooden box she's using as cover, machinegun chatter keeps her pinned down. The hallway that Ziggy finds himself looking down upon is, as seems typical of the place, straight, filled with broken debris, human bodies, and lots of wooden boxes to hide behind. The woman isn't too far from a door similar to the one Ziggy saw earlier, and the explosion from that ducked rocket licks at her heels. A shimmer of blue appears around her body as it does so.

"I'M REALLY GETTING TIRED OF YOU TASEN JERKS!" Screams the woman, notable for being the only human (alive) that Ziggy's seen in the facility.

On the other side of the hallway? There's lots of boxes, and general debris being used equally for cover by a group of at least ten people. With narrow, somewhat boxy skulls, these ones look almost human. They're covered head to toe in armor. One of them, in red, is easily seven feet tall. The others are around five, and wearing blue. The larger one seems to have fired the rocket, while the others keep the woman pinned down.

That doesn't last long, as she pops up from behind the box. She fires a rocket, bullets hitting her...and simply plinking off of the shimmering shield around her. The bullets fall, flattened as an explosion hits the other group. The large one in red falls to its back with a grunt.

Iji (621) has posed:
Two of the blue soldiers simply dissappear with screams of pain.

The resulting returning fire once more sends Iji to the ground, that shimmering field shattering, and she takes a bullet to the shoulder. Cursing, she clutches her wound. The door behind the alien soldiers open, and more reinforcements rush in.

Seto Kaiba (623) has posed:
     And Kaiba simply has the Blue-Eyes White Dragon keep flying further up. With all of the battle damage here, he is under the assumption that things are only going to get worse once he gets to the top of this lift. And so, he puts down two more cards down. One of them is the Lord of Dragons, a man dressed in dragon-like garb. The other two cards he places are face down, and either spell/trap cards.

     Yeah, he doesn't know what he is about to see, but. He is /ridiculously/ repaired.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is caught off guard by the suicidal tactic at this point she's blown off her feed and goes flying she hits the ground andf move to get up at this point it doesn't take long for her to start pulling some parkour stuff to catch up with hte others she's not very happy at this point.

"...so they enjo...why does this remind me of something?"

She shakes her head but can't get a hit in her personal memory files at all at this point. She then sees the power of the Blue eyes white dragon and she's impressed her staff however at this point It's time but she's still with Chole, Yuna and Shirou she's hot on the heels of Kaiba"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    BRACE yourself?

    Cue Fayt slamming into the floor as the lift starts up, and unless someone can stop it, the poor little guy will get thrown up into teh cealing as it reaches the top of the lift. once things settle down, Fayt jsut sort of lays there in a heap, looking a tad stunned. "O...ow..."

    Not really cut out for this kind of thing, is he?

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya going to have that ear worm in her head for days. She eeps and the lift goes flying upward and tires to grap onto somthing as it flies upward, she manage not to hit the ceiling but is still jotled by the trip. "Next time I'm taking the stairs.", she helps Fayt back up. "You okay?"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
'I don't want people to suffer.'

Even with the buzz from second-hand alien cigar smoke making her light-headed, Yuna's own words come back to memory as she makes her way up with the others - and Yuna keeps Shugoseiheki, the 'Wall of the Guardian Star,' held ready, even against getting tossed into the ceiling by an overeager and possibly homicidal elevator platform. Alien conqueror muzak leaves a lot to be desired, even compared to plain old human ear-pablum from Ipsmena or whatever that place is called, she thinks.

'I don't want people to suffer.'

A purplish shadow of a RyuKishin Powered charges through Yuna's mental field of view; she has to blink and shake her head to make sure it's not ACTUALLY coming at her; the motion prompts Elner to give her a worried look, followed by a medical scan. "... some kind of hallucinogen," the robo-faerie states; Elner's face may be incapable of expression, but its voice *isn't*. "Are you sure you're all right, Yuna?"

"We've got somebody to rescue," Yuna replies, smiling briefly at Elner. "I'm well enough for tha--"

The elevator stops ascending. Yuna doesn't, but she's fast enough on the draw to bring her shield up over her head, taking the spikes on its surface instead. "I still owe you one, Niv-Mizzet, wherever you are," she murmurs, despite landing on her butt. "Fayt, are *you* okay?" She uses Shugoseiheki as a prop to get back to her feet, then offers Fayt a hand up (although Freya gets there ahead of her) ... and then she gives the sounds of gunfire in the not-so-distant distance a worried look.

'I don't want anyone to suffer.'

"The faster we shut that firefight down, the less hurt there'll be to go around." Yuna closes her eyes briefly. "Anyone got area-of-effect sleep or paralysis spells? Selective ones, I mean - or something we can bring one person out of without freeing the others. If not, we'll have to do this the hard way ..."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    The situation has gotten so weird that, even for Shirou, it's almost surreal. Still, he'll take the crankety lit if he has to - but he'll vastly prefer any gate someone makes. Because he's likely to be in the same position as Fayt if not!

    There's such a clatter of WARZONE SOUNDS as Shirou emerges into the upper levels and glances around. He's not stupid, but he really has NO idea what's going on in here!

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Finding himself miraculously teleported out of an explosion for -once-... even if he was doing the horribly balancing act of having nothing between him and the ground but a single metal bar. And look... some girl down there. Though he had no clue what was going on.

The whole screaming and such, plus the announcements of death and mayhems, and a _lot_ of swarming soldiers and...

Squirming around, Ranger Green manages to untangle himself long enough to...

... lose his balance, and fall. tumbling head over heels to land on his back in between soldiers and the girl. "... owww. Uh..." Stumbling to his feet, Ziggy waves his Power Axe. "Ok, hold it! Uh... one of you had a distress signal, and... I have no idea who...! So, um, you guys mind holding your fire while I figure out who's calling and who's the good guys here and who needs help and all that?"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt wobbles a bit as Freya helps him up. "Thank you.. I-I'm fine, I'm fine..." He blinks at Yuna. "Sounds spells, I can fire off a bunch of them, stun everyone for a few moments, would that work?"

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
The frightening thing might be that even after the sudden deluge of fire and brimstone, the tumbled bundle of little girl that slams into Shirou is... Mostly fine. A little singed and worn, however despite eating enough force to launch a car, while armored and unarmed, she sits herself up from the sprawl as well, one hand running fingers through her own hair to get the soot out.

"Ah... Well that was kind of fun." Announced before dabbing at her lips like she just finished eating something particularly tasty. "Thanks for the meal~." That is to the now very exploded lizard, as she stands. "And thanks for catching me, big brother~."

Moving right along though eventually on the roof with that one guard. How to get by him?

"Ah. Hm~." Chloe only spends a thinking before issuing a singgle utterance. A two word chant of power.

"Trace On..."

In a bright flare of red light, a formation of boxy gridlines forms in her grasp before taking on a more coherent form. In her hand she is holding a GOLF CLUB. And again, she chants, words humming with power as the golf club reforms itself.

"Trace overedge."

The shaft is instantly reinforced by the addition of metal bands coiling all the way down the grip, the heavy nine-iron head forming into something much more akin to a sledgehammer with which Chloe... Attempts to just clobber the guy with truck-stopping force. Her speed in getting in the guard's face is almost utterly inhuman.

Iji (621) has posed:

The card-wielding young man definitely gets the Single Alien Guard's attention. He gives a wild yelp, and aims for the Blue Eyes White Dragon, firing off round after round of machinegun fire! Who knows if it'll actually do much damage!

~~Lift Group~~

After various smacks to heads, the way is pretty much clear to the rooftop. There's still that single alien guard, but distracted as he is by the Large Dragon courtesy of Kaiba, it'd be trivially easy to blitz past and down the emergency stairs. Should one do so?

~~Ziggy, and anyone who follows down~

Those coming up behind would have a nice opportunity to sneak up on the aliens currently trying to pump the brown haired woman full of holes. Every time the woman is forced to leap away for another box? They advance, in clean, efficient squads, three at a time.

But the arrival of Ziggy Grover causes a momentary halt to hostilities. Fifteen different guns train on Ziggy, swiftly followed by the young woman's. It might be unfortunate that the armor the Green Ranger wears isn't /too/ far off of that the aliens wear.

"Oh, like I'm going to fall for that! The only distress signal I gave was to the Komato, and you know damn well what that got me!"

The aliens look confused. One nudges the other.

"...Hey. He one of ours?"

"Dunno. Let's just shoot him and take his armor. It looks really cool!"

There's a general sound of agreement, and guns being warmed up. Three rockets, and several machine guns start to blast in the general direction of one Ziggy Grover.

The woman, however, remains on the ground under cover. She taps buttons on her large gun, her nanofield readout changing.

Weapon Type Rocket--->Shift---> Weapon Type Nuke.

Shifting internal mechanisms. Ready in 3...


Too busy to notice little girls, particularly inhumanly fast little girls, poor Lonely Alien Guard looks over to see a sledgehammer like club smacking him in the face. The impact is enough to send him flying up and over the emerency stairs and through a window. Wham! The underpaid soldier lands on a drink dispenser, and slowly gets to drown in cans of superheated Superjuice 5000 mugs. The way is clear!

Seto Kaiba (623) has posed:
     The Blue-Eyes White Dragon isn't just powerful: It's incredibly tanky as well. The machine gun fire does cause it some damage, but the single guard, well. Kaiba is just laughing at him a bit. If Kaiba /really/ wanted to, he'd flip the Mirror Force trap card he placed earlier. IE, completely reflect damage card. But. He is saving that for the others, if they decide his methods aren't appropriate.

     Instead, well. He does have one other Monster up. The Lord of Dragons. And he flips another card over. The Flute of Dragon Summoning.

     Now there are three Blue-Eyes. Granted they are taking up a /lot of room/ especially seeing this is inside, but still. They are currently unleashing their force upon the one enemy, sending out massive bursts of super-intense breath attacks.

     For Lonely Alien Guard, this is probably way past overkill.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    'Trace On?' Wait WHAT?

    Shirou hears the words that nobody else should be using for magic, ever, and ends up staring. It's a slightly cosmetically different way of assembling a projected illusion, but he knows Projection when he sees it - he's done it enough by now. "Wh-...at...?!"

    It's just not his day for staying on top of things. The boy's left staring at Chloe's sudden assault.

    The redhead stammers, and finally gets his wits back after this long chain of unreal and bizarre events left them scattered.

    "No way, that's my spell...?!" He's still holding Clarent but not really using it. Chloe seems to have this UTTERLY covered.

    Is she... really... his sister...? What is the other Shirou she might know DOING then? "How did she end up so violent..."

    This is not the thing to be worried about right now, Shirou!

Iji (621) has posed:
Three blue eyes /after/ being clobbered by Chloe? Three blasts of superheated plasma ram into the poor downed alien, and body as well as gun are melted to slag, as are much of the ceiling and walls.

The Superjuice 5000 machine, as well as its Collectible Mugs, merely sizzle and give off pleasant little puffs. Each and every mug ding's! Little tinny voices can faintly be heard,

'Your Superjuice 5000 is ready! Please be careful, as this drink is hot. SuperJuice5000NotResponsibleForDeathOrTastingLikeBatteryAcid.'

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna looks over at the guard who just got whacked in the face with a golf club ... and at the guy whose cards summon monsters, and most specifically who's ganging up on the guard with THREE dragons who breathe beam cannons.

"Okay, Fayt, you're up -" And it sounds like things just got worse in the next room. "I've got one idea, but if it doesn't work, throw those sonic stunners at everyone who points a gun in our direction!" Yuna hefts her shield and runs for that door, heading through as quickly as she can go. She doesn't even stop for a mug of Superjuice 5000, she's in that much of a hurry. And as soon as she reaches the room with the Tasen, Ranger Green, and a terribly overweaponed young woman, the first words out of her mouth are ...


Yuna is pointedly NOT hiding behind her shield, much as she wants to; if anyone points a gun at her, *then* she'll take protective action. "Specifically, we're looking for somebody called the 'Human Anomaly' ... if you can point us in the right direction - not with your guns, please - then we can rescue him or her, and get out of your way all the faster." She looks around at the people (alien or not) that she can see, and the boxes, and - ugh, more corpses.

Hopefully nobody's going to start shooting - at her, or at ANYone.

Freya (578) has posed:
Looks like all heck as broke loose on the floor they arrived on.. She looks over at dragon's taking care of the lizard things, and then Yuna speaks up. Hopeflly everyone will listen but she isn't all that hopeful.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel keeps with Emiya and the rtest she looks and isn't sure she's getting ready to get into the mixed.

"Worry about it later Shirou! I don't want to have to ... bring your body home to your sister! Focus on the mission at hand human!"

She has her staff and is thinking of how best to get this moving.

She moves in at this point and nods.

"We're just here to extract them..."

She's ready to right however, the staff is powered after all.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"What... hey! I... you know, you're right, this -is- cool armor. But I'm kinda attached to it. And... you're lifting your guns, and that means I'm getting going... move over...!"

Reflexes born of running -away- from angry Cartel members with guns kick in, and Ziggy makes for cover, diving in next to the woman who clearly had issued the distress signal...

Unfortunately, he'd forgotten that he was the Enemy, and finds himself trying to fend off angry clubbing with a reconfiguring rifle. "Whoa, whoa, I'm on your side, I'm on your side! AIM IT AT THEM! AIM IT AT THEM!!!"

Iji (621) has posed:
People simply don't waltz onto a battlefield and tell people to stop shooting. Which is precisely why the already confused aliens' guns fall slack. A good third of them don't stop pointing their guns in the brown haired woman's direction. The others? Turn about and /stare/ openly as a human walks in, asking about the Human Anomaly.

One of the soldiers, wearing purple armor, stands up, and calmly walks over to the human.

"Huh, and here I thought all the humans were dead aside from her. Alright. You've got five clicks to explain where you came from, and why I shouldn't just fill you full of holes. And that's just because I like people who don't go shooting everyone they meet, unlike certain psychopaths."

The brown haired woman glares.

"HEY! Maybe if YOU FILTHY ALIENS hadn't came down and turned my world into a half-dead husk, then went and tried to kill me FOR A WEEK STRAIGHT, MAYBE I'D FEEL..."

Cue one Ziggy Grover. The woman's gun is pointed at his chest. Finally, something registers in her mind. That voice.

They're humans. "W...wait. Where...how? You're...you're a human. What is going on!? The Tasen killed everyone here! What...?" Comes the woman, all of that bluster draining as shock fills her features.

The gun finishes reconfiguring. The end looks more like a coil, than a gun. She hesitates, and her finger goes off the trigger.

"Somebody just tell me what's happening. Please?" Comes the suddenly very, very quiet voice of the human woman.

The purple-armored alien just huffs. "/That/, is the Human Anomaly. Come on, don't leave us all in suspense." No one's fired a shot since Yuna walked in, and Deelel's words only have them equally looking confused...and wary.

Seto Kaiba (623) has posed:
     Kaiba smiles. Well. Yuna has done one thing well: She has distracted the enemies for long enough.

     He flips up a face down card.

     "Burst Stream of Destruction."

     The three Blue-Eyes White Dragons suddenly /burst/ with an extreme amount of energy, firing out an incredibly powerful attack. Their breath attack is aimed only at /enemies/, though. So despite this being an all powerful, all destructive attack, it won't hit Iji.

     And Kaiba basically does not care if Yuna gets pissed at this, because he has planned for her as well.

Freya (578) has posed:
wow. They acutally stopped shooting. Freya is impressed. These aliens are pretty reasonable! She looks at the brown hair woman. "Well that pretty long and compliated answer..", and the Kabia blows everything up.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Somebody transmitted a distress signal from this world, asking us to rescue the 'Human Anomaly' - I hate that phrase, by the way - and we're from a bunch of different worlds. As for 'not filling us full of holes,' um ..."

Yuna looks around at her allies. "Because a lot of us have friends who wouldn't be happy if we come home dead? But seriously, rescue mission, I'd much rather not fight. And if the fight was between you and her," she nods at the brown-haired young woman, "then, well ... if we just go ahead and rescue her, you don't have to fight her any more, and she won't be here to fight *you* either. Right?"

Seems logical enough to her. Yuna starts to make her way over to the woman with the big gun. "Like I said to the other guys ... uh, have you got a name? I mean, a real name? I'm Yuna Kagurazaka." She smiles - disarmingly, she hopes -

Right as Kaiba BSDs every alien in the room behind her.

"....." Yuna is still smiling in Iji's direction, although it looks VERY strained at the moment. "... and that *IDIOT WITH THE CARDS* just wasted a perfectly good explanation ..." She slowly turns to GLARE at Kaiba, although she's offering a handshake to Iji anyway.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Um. Yeah. Name's Ziggy, I'm totally from another universe, and if we just... take the anomaly, you can have it all to yourself, yeah...? Because I would like to avoid having to fight, but if we -had- to fight, I could really take you on. I'd be that baby that never stops crying in the night, keeping you awake like a nightmare that never ends..."

Striking a hand-on-hips pose, Ranger Green -extrudes- that reek of sentai-ness...

... and then follows it up with a "does that one-liner work? I've been practicing these lines in a mirror."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Could this POSSIBLY get any crazier? Shirou raises his traced Noble Phantasm just in time to see Kaiba... wiping everything out.

    He is SO lost right now.

    He's definitely up for 'hold your fire,' but again, Kaiba's apparently not up for that.

    "Are you kidding me?!" ... Kaboom. End of the aliens, probably.

    He now turns Kaiba's way to GLARE at him... "What's your problem?! They'd stopped shooting!"

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
    So violent? Chloe's not THAT violent. She just bashed a guy's face in with a reinforced nine iron. It could have been worse. She could have used a sword on him. But; reinforced or not, the club is severely dented, bent and mangled from the sheer amount of force put into the swing. So she simply tosses it aside, causing it to deconstruct, strripping down back to that wire-fram look before fading away completely.

"Way's open!" The girl chirrups as sweet as sugar as she... Grabs herself a mug of superjuice. She proceeds to start blowing on it to cool it down, because she does not like her drinks as hot as a bolt of plasma to the face, taking slow sips as Yuna tries to defuse the situation and Kaiba enacts plan 'Laser everything dead'.

It is pretty entertaining to watch.

Iji (621) has posed:
The purple-armored alien actually pauses to consider.

"See, that'd be great and all, but if you didn't notice there's a bunch of Komato right above us. We take out the Anomaly? We can bribe Komato High Command to let us all get out. Forget we exist. So when they decide to Alpha Strike the planet into dust, we get to live. If we just let you take her, then our ticket to STAYING ALIVE goes up in fire and smoke. Nothing person. I'd be lieing if I don't respect a woman who chews through Komato like that. But we've got family here too. Someone's gotta lose here. And the humans here are already screwed. Planets don't recover from Alpha Strikes. Even /if/ the Komato doesn't finish the job."

The human woman doesn't seem to hear the Tasen. She's staring at Ziggy, then Yuna, then the rest of the party.

"Iji. Iji Kataiser. It's...kinda terrible, huh?" Comes the woman weakly, her grin forced, and her body shaking.

Then, she looks at Ziggy. Right as the explosion goes off, and the group of Tasen simply puff out of existence as these aliens seem to do when they die. Silence.

Iji looks to the now empty space where aliens once where, and then back to the man everyone's yelling at.

Iji frowns lightly. "Hey. It isn't /nice/. But take a look outside. These guys did all of that." Her face hardens, staring at a spot where a Tasen once was. A nod to Kaiba. Hate burns in her eyes for a moment before she looks to Ziggy.

Long, long stare ensues. Then, finally, Iji smiles as her body begins to shake harder as adrenaline and combat stress finally wear in.

"...You are crazy, and ridiculous, and that sounded like something out of a comic book. But God am I glad to see another human...humans." Yuna and Ziggy both get to be the victims of a sudden, tight group hug. For the record, Iji is very, very strong, and isn't really minding herself right now as she descends into mute, exhausted silence. From the looks of things, she's half way into shock, and the lightest nudge might put her out.

For the record, the Superjuice tastes amazing, and only like 10% battery acid.

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya smiles and walks over to Iji. She give her a light poke. "You okay? I can heal you if you have any injuries. I'm Freya by the way.", she pretty well ingores everyone else at the moment.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Hugs are good. Especially when nobody brings a dagger into them. Yuna hugs back, although it's mostly with one arm - specifically, the one that doesn't have a kite shield strapped to it, at least until she can dismiss the shield and hug Iji (and Ziggy? ... sure, why not) back. "Iji Kataiser ... it's good to meet you, Iji," she says, "even if things could be better. - Oh, and somebody wanted to talk to you ... once Freya's mended your injuries, anyway."

She's running through the added facts in the back of her head, though. Tasen are the human-like aliens, apparently; that probably means the Komato are the reptilian-looking ones. And it's not just a two-way (if one-sided) war, but a three-way fight ... this planet is going to need a lot of help. But -

"And your Earth might be savable, even with the damage that's already done," Yuna adds. "I don't want to get your hopes up *too* much, but ... I don't want to - I *can't* leave you thinking there's no hope at all." She hugs Iji a bit tighter, to support the young woman who is so clearly out of her depth despite surviving long enough to get a terrified nickname from at least one group of aliens.

Seto Kaiba (623) has posed:
     Kaiba just... Basically ignores all of the reactions that everyone gives him. It really /doesn't/ matter to him if they thought he acted wrongly. He knows, without a doubt, that he picked the right option, thogh. Of /course/ he picked the right path.

     What matters /more/, though? The positive reactions to his actions. Particularly from Iji and Chloe. He makes a mental note of these two. After all, what he is looking for, right now, are people in the Multiverse similar to him. Judging the various factions, and seeing who all might have potential to work for Kaiba Corp.

     He is /really/ glad that Iji isn't hugging him though. The fact she needs that support is a strike against her.

     But, he glances at her either way.

     "Even if your world is doomed, there are other Earths. Kaiba Corp would be willing to shelter you in a place which is more safe, though."

     He is looking to rack up some favors.

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
For the record Chloe is not yelling at Kaiba.

She is sipping her superjuice, pushing through the battery acid taste because... Holy crap it's delicious. She's not too lost any more as Iji begins explaining the situation her earth has been left in. "You know. He is kind of right. Maybe someone should get her somewhere she can at least catch a break." She points out.

What. It's logical.

Ssssssip. Sucks for the Tasen though.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Hey, I'll have you know that I haven't read comic books in a -long- time. Though I did watch anime... and I kinda pilot a giant fish with big goggly anime eyes, but... um, is it safe to take my helmet off now?" Pulling back from the group hug, Ranger Green taps his morpher... derazzing back into a plain skinny lanky man with wild hair and a leather jacket. "There. And you know, you're not the only one with a planet that has a few humans fighting off a whole bunch of monsters. I mean, _my_ earth's down to one city, but that's okay, we're the good guys. We'll find a way to do it."

Trying to take Iji by the arm, and Yuna by the other, Ziggy proclaims, "Okay, onwards! It's time to get out of here... and uh, I really hope everyone else isn't planning to stick around to clean up after the party, because really... ugh, I don't want to be nice to the hosts here...!"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Yuna's plan worked, Goo-

    What... the... "They we're talking, and you... you..."

    Fayt, snaps out of it and he sounds... weird, shakey, like he's trying really, REALLY hard not to react to this "Their first major interaction with the multiverse was us killing them when they were about to talk it out. There's a massive fleet of ships above us, and we just showed them all that the Multiverse doesn't do reason..." Fayt just stands there, twitching, he's not saying anything else, not doing anything else, jsut... twitching.

    That might be a bad thing.

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya looks at Fayt. "I can take care of a fleet of ships Fayt.", she makes this sound like an everday thing.

Seto Kaiba (623) has posed:
     Also worth a note, Kaiba's bodyguards are downstairs still.

     Kaiba didn't even have to tell them to do this, but they're carefully bagging up the remains of the cigar to analyze it as a hallucinagen for future uses.

     They totally won't use this for evil.

     (They totally will)

Iji (621) has posed:
Iji is somewhat slumped, but manages to lift her head as she's poked by Freya. "Hey. I, uh...Hi. Hi." She repeats, blinking several times. Not a good sign.

She's bleeding from that shot to the shoulder, but it seems it's just a flesh wound. Through and through, she /definitely/ needs to be bandaged. The woman barely seems to notice, but Freya might want to see to it!

"I'm fine, Freya, nice...nice to meet you." Again, more weak mumbling.

Yuna offers hope, and it banishes the hate in Iji's eyes. Iji stares at the Saviour of Light for a long silent moment. She clings a little more, feeling her strength leave her by the second.

"...Really? You're not just saying that?" Ziggy's words strike her.

"Don't...wait. Other universes? Hnnngh." A hand rubs her head. She feels a headache coming on.

Ziggy gets stared blankly at. She does latch onto /one/ bit. "Wait, so...other Earths?"

There's a round, tired look from Iji. She sucks in a breath, flexes her legs, and very slowly manages to stand somewhat on her own power.

"I am /really/ confused. But I've not slept or ate anything besides stale candy bars for a week. I take it you're Kaiba? Alright. I'll owe you one. I need a warm bed and..." She finally looks at her arm.

"Oh, Dan is going to /kill/ me for getting hurt like this. Crap. DAN! Uhh...no. Iji. Calm down. Calm down right now." She mutters to herself, the burst of emotion being wrangled down.

"You're hurt, tired, and can barely think. Right. Okay. You can do this."

Pep talk over, she looks at the group and nods.

"Let's go. I need to heal up, then I've got a planet and family to save. I don't know where you all came from, but I owe you." Then, she's being draged along, courtesy of Ziggy.

"...Really thought you'd look weird. Without that armor, you're pretty normal you know?" There's a smile as she focuses on trying not to faint.

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya smiles and nods at Iji just taking in all she says. "Just hold still for a second okay?", she puts her hand over Iji wound, she start chanting something and her hand start to glow with a blue light and Iji would start to close up!

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna gives a sidelong look to Kaiba. "There are a LOT of places Iji can find a safe haven, and allies if she wants them," she says rather pointedly. She looks at Iji. "If you'd rather not owe him one, I know a couple of places you could go which'd be safe and away from here. But ..."

As Ziggy starts leading her and Iji off by the arms, Yuna digs out her smartphone, dialing in the frequency Elner got from the earlier signals. "Here - I don't know who was asking after you, but they wanted to know you're all right. Or .. something, I think they just really wanted to hear your voice."

She's trying to come up with a good place to suggest Iji can go to rest up, but she REALLY doesn't like Kaiba and would rather Iji not be anywhere near his none-too-tender clutches. She's just too polite to come out and say it to his face.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel ius looking to see if she can get out of it, she takes a step back and sees what sort of person this Kaiba is. She half debates jumping into duel disc and just wrecking it's systems buyt they don't need another fight right now the basic powers down her staff as she speaks up.

"Greetings, Human. I'm Deelel."

She gives Kaiba a look for a moment. She sucks it up she's seen worse people and well if he's offering to help get people out? She's not going to attempt to ruin that. She goes th diplomaic route at this point.

"All right then id your offering to help get people out I can't agure with that."

Deelel is a program and gets sometimes your just going to have to cube some one.

"It might be saved but having one's alternatives set is a good idea I admit."

Seto Kaiba (623) has posed:
     And Kaiba just smirks, glancing at Yuna.

     "Well, we'll see where she chooses to go. After all, would she rather go with the ones who may of let her stay with the aliens in order to make a good impression, or the one who took care of her captors?"

     It's worth noting that the three Blue-Eyes are still hanging out.

     He does glance at Chloe, though.

     "Girl. What's your name?"

     Yeah, she too seems like just the right level of interesting for Kaiba to look into her more for recruitment.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Hey, I'm pretty normal. I just wasn't supposed to be a Power Ranger, but you know, they're stuck with me, so I'm doing my best," Ziggy replies, grinning widely. "So let's get you somewhere where... okay, you're being healed. So the infirmary is out. Unless you want a place to sleep for a while, or something to eat...? Uh, can we take her home, Yuna...? I mean, maybe feed her, rest her..." He makes a waggling sound and an expression like "Awwww, c'mon please...?"

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
Things seem about as done here as they're going to get. For now. Chloe can't do much for Iji beyond pointing out the obvious, and lets Freya handle first aid. So she is literally as useful right now as a little girl happily sipping some REALLY HOT (but seriously delicious) juice.

"Hm?" That is to Kaiba, asking her name.

"Illyasviel von Einzbern~." She gives by way of introduction. "But call me Chloe~."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    See Shirou over there, despite all of this crazy?

    See him staring at Kaiba?

    That's a big brother keeping an eye on suspicious people taking an interest in his sister.

    There's a very disapproving stare at work here.

Iji (621) has posed:
Iji offers a soft smile to Yuna. "Kinda too late for that. I owe /all/ of you guys." She sighs as arguments threaten to break out. "But honestly? Whatever's closest. I'm too tired to think about who's right, and who's wrong. I've had enough aliens playing moral hackey-sack with my head. You guys want to fight over where I'm sleeping tonight? Go for it, I'm flattered. Just make it quick then throw me in a bed. I'll work out what I owe who when my head isn't throbbing and I don't have a bullet hole in my body." Now she's just sounding salty and tired.

The phone is taken, though. "Hello?"

There's long silence, then, a giggle. "Anomaly. Good to hear from you. Uhh. Thanks. Let's meet one day when you're ready. You've got friends." Then, the line goes dead after transmitting a mailing box and instructions on how to contact the mysterious voices in the future.

Freya touches her wound, and Iji watches as it knits together. Her eyes go wide. "H...what are you? How is that possib..." Iji faints dead away, the sight of /magic/ the final straw.

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya blinks at Iji. "Oh dear. mabye that was a bit to much for her.."

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
"Good job on that." Chloe says pretty simply to Freya.