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Latest revision as of 04:17, 18 November 2014

Bedside Manner
Date of Scene: 18 November 2014
Location: The Citadel - Medical
Synopsis: While not the greatest, Taro is treated to some of Ferham's bedside manners.
Cast of Characters: 399, 516

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The sound of high heeled boots filled the halls as Ferham made her way down through medical. She wasn't here to see one of her more squishy friends at the moment, however, thus the lack of any snacks or get well cards. In fact, it wasn't even for any conventional injuries. She waited while the air-sealed doors hissed open before stepping through and waiting for the decontamination process to cycle through, then stepped out daintily into the containment ward. She was in her armor, so it seemed as if she was on official business, but really she just wanted to see if a sertain friend of hers was--ah, there he was.

     "Father Taro?" she asked, her usual deep feminine purr apparent. "I hope you'll pardon the lack of a nurse outfit, couldn't exactly find one with my waist," she smiled just a bit mischievously, perhaps she thought her containment bound friend here would appreciate the humor.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Father Taro is in fact here, though he's been forced to exchange his usual attire for a set of sterile (both biologically and aesthetically) blue surgical scrubs and house slippers. In many ways, he got off easy - he took proper precautions, and most of the contamination was on his armor anyway. Which is no doubt off somewhere getting an extremely thorough decontamination as well. His small oval holy symbol dangles openly outside his shirt; small surprise that it's sturdy enough to be worn into battle and through a decon treatment.
    He's somewhat slouched, eyes closed and expression blank when she first sees him on the other side of the containment field. When she approaches, however, he straightens, eyes fluttering open and focusing once more. "Ah. Good evening. I wasn't expecting any visitors." A ghost of a smile is all he normally expresses, so that is what she's given. "I've seen enough of duty nurses anyway," he says with a hint of amusement. "You are well, I trust?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Her smile, at first mischievous becomes a bit more pleasant and relaxed as she notes his amusement. "Well then, here's a break for you," she sidled closer to the containment field, peering in and about the area that Taro had been 'confined' to. "I'd heard of monks cloistering themselves away from others, but I must say this is rather extremee..." she muttered casually, before her green eyes rose back up to greet his. "Me? I'm fine, I was worried about you more than anything," she explains, with a hint of sincerity in her voice.

     "I'd only just seen the short report you posted to our mission report logs, must say I got a bit worried," Ferham leaned back on her heels, her left hand resting against her hip. "You're not ready for the scrapyard yet, are you?"

Taro (399) has posed:
    It's spartan accomodations, to be sure - a lightly padded table that doubles as a bed, pillow, and a side table that if he needed to eat would serve for dining. It's more of a waiting space between treatments, or while waiting for tests results to be returned.
    "Hardly," Taro replies, making a dismissive gesture with one bare hand. Apparently gloves are not part of the basic medical attire, at least when he's the patient instead of the surgeon. "I have survived far worse than this. This has merely been inconvenient."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "The report was pretty brief, what exactly happened on this... mushroom planet?" Fer raised an eyebrow, likely thinking about it. "Or mushroom war, whichever. I take it that meant something nuclear?" she narrowed her eyes as she peered a bit closer. Apparently her sensors couldn't detect anything else untoward radiation wise, so it seemed a lot of it had been cleared out already. "Radiation can be pretty deadly to our kind too, so was hoping there was nothing wrong with you," she nodded, leaning her head gently downward in a nod in his direction.

     "I guess I can read the rest of it when you post the rest of the report?" she turned away lightly, then looked back at him with a grin.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro slides off of the table-bed, showing off that catlike grace of his in the steps it takes to reach the forcefield. It appears that neither the contamination nor the treatment have affected that much. He also seems to be mostly decontaminated - no radiation, just a bit of lingering heavy metals above what's standard for their kind. "I'm all too aware, yes. That's why there are such stringent equipment requirements for anyone venturing outside Neo Arcadia's walls. and why I did take some precautions before sortieing last night..." A slim-shouldered shrug. "Though had I known just what we would have encountered, I would have taken more."
    He slips into a comfortable stance, not quite parade rest, but with the same sort of purpose. "It wasn't really a place of mushrooms," he clarifies, just in case. "However, the explosion had the tell-tale mushroom cloud of a high megaton blast..." he casts a glance to the side. "I do not have a chair to offer you, Ferham, but I think there's one over there if you'd like one."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I've made efforts to steer clear of high radiation areas myself, like that one Mojave desert area, pretty desolate and cruel place," Ferham shook her head, yes, she'd tried not to venture into Fallout-Earth if she didn't have to. "Ah, I figured as much, when you said decontamination in your report I was imagining giant fungi that fed off the radiation," she stared for a beat. "What? I've heard of places like that!" she said, almost as if she worried he might be looking at her funny after that statement.

     "It's alright, I wasn't planning on staying long, I'm just glad you're alright," she might give a little hug there, but, forcefield, plus some latent radiation. Hugs later! She did incline herself forward as if to give the idea she'd like to at the moment, but couldn't.

Taro (399) has posed:
     Taro in fact does not look at her funny, or even oddly. He's veteran enough to believe such a place -could- exist, even if he hasn't been there himself. Plus, there's the fact that...
    "We did find some kind of strange growth, but it appears to be closer to that 'chewing gum' so many organics like chewing on. Isn't that the oddest thing?"
    He tilts his head slightly at her implied gesture. He can guess at the meaning, though he isn't quite sure why she'd want to hug him. Reassurance? He holds out his left hand, palms up, close enough to the forcefield wall to make it hum but not enough to push him back. "I will be fine. More than likely I'll be cleared and sent home by morning."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Chewing gum? like a pulsating pink goo mass? Yes, I'd say that's odder than motile or giant fungi," Ferham nods. Taro did have her there. "Unless it was white, then I'd supposed it was spearmint, and not bubblegum," she winked a little slyly. "Well, I just hope you get out of here as fast as possible. It's technically fit for organic habitation, but..." she shrugged. "I don't like seeing people confined like this, I guess," she shrugged, walking around the length of the forcefield wall.

     "I'd be upset if something happened to you, so if you could be more careful that'd be nice... but I rather think you're the fearless type, eh?"

Taro (399) has posed:
    "As in actual chewing gum." A fact that surprised him as much as anyone else, a hint of which is still in his voice. "Not that anyone has gone as far as tasting it, but some the chemicals match the flavors the confectioners use." His hand drops back to his side, his head turning to follow Ferham as she paces. "Better to be safe than sorry. I would rather not unintentionally poison any of my allies."
    "I wouldn't consider myself fearless," Taro continues, switching topics along with her. "Being a soldier yourself, I imagine you know only fools and drones feel no fear..."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Straaaange, so you're saying it was just sitting there, or had been affected by the radiation osmehow?" Fer stepped back just a little, she tilted her head, the wing-like fins of her helmet tilting along with her. She nodded a little. "Yes, it would be good for you to worry about them, first even--they're not as untouchable as we are when it comes to biological concerns," she seemed to agree there. "Things would be so much better if we were more friends and guardians of this planet, but things haven't turned out that exactly, yet," she shook her head.

     "Did Europa fall in your history, then? Would explain why Neo Arcadia is in such a wasteland," she thought about it for a moment. "I feel fear sometimes, no need to remind me of that," she gave a wink again.

Taro (399) has posed:
    "It's a good question...though I do not plan on returning there without much better environmental protections, and so the answers to that will have to wait." Another graceful shrug. All things in their own time.
    "Europa?" Taro tilts his head again, brows knitting faintly at the unfamiliar name. "No, the destruction, at least as far as I've been able to dig out from old files, is the result of the the Maverick Wars, though the last few and most brutal years were called the Elf Wars." He shakes his head, old frustrations bleeding into his voice. "So much of Neo Arcadia's history was lost...much of it can be rightly blamed on survival being more inportant than archiving, but there are times I must think that it was in part deliberate."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Hmm, was just curious, nevermind that," It's a good thing Ferham isn't the sort who travels around in time, she might have just busted the time stream there pretty bad, if she had blabbed about something before it even happened, that is. "Well, that is one potential cause of it," she nodded, a taloned, gloved hand rising to her chin as she thought about it a moment. "So you think your government suppressed or trashed information from the time periods up to then, in your world's history?" she didn't seem surprised about the prospect of such, at least.

     "I could see that, humans like to lie, sometimes a lot," she nodded sourly.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Unification rather fouls any natural progression of a world anyway. See: SHODAN as the chief deity of Neo Arcadia-00001 and her loyal Bishop Engineer in the seat of power.
    "Not -my- government." There is a definite emphasis on the possessive when he speaks. "-My- government has been tasked with returning the city-state to its intended path, a place where reploids and humans live together, equal in the eyes of the law." It's Taro's turn to pace now, taking measured steps till he reaches the corner, and then turning. "While I would like to heap all of the ills on that tyrant Weil, he came to power too late to have been responsible for the collective loss of so much history over a couple of human generations. No, it had to have been sometime before Copy X's reign."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Right, I'm sorry, I spoke out of turn there," Ferham turned her face away, her tone apologetic, as if she might have expected Taro to demand her wrist for a ruler swatting there, or something. Thankfully there was a forcefield in place! "Hmm, so it was someone else before him, then? interesting..." stepping back though, she nodded to the priestbot again.

     "Well, it was nice to come down here and see you, hope you're out of here soon," reached over and patted a hand to the wall next to the forcefield that might have been hemming Taro in. "Make sure they don't do any sloppy repairs or diagnostics, if they do, speak with Dr. Wily, he's been brought up to speed on Reploid physiology so far... well, more or less," there was a sheepish little shrug there. "See you tomorrow?" she looked to be ready to head off.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro makes a dismissive gesture, "No, it's quite all right, Ferham." His frustration doesn't appear to be directed at her anyway. It is instead the frustration of a seeker of knowledge being stymied at every turn. "Perhaps my next foray into the wastelands will turn up some new information."
    He drops the subject then, and turns to face her, raising a hand close to but not quite touching the forcefield. "Trust me, they know better than to skimp on my care. Though I will keep him in mind." Then, a nod. "Of course. Thank you for coming to visit me."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Anytime, and don't be afraid to ask me if you ever need assistance out there," Ferham nodded, giving the priest bot a little wave as the clicking of those heeled boots of hers could be heard going down the hall, the door of the decontamination airlock hissing open and shut down the hall.