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What A Jackal
Date of Scene: 13 November 2014
Location: Middle La Noscea, Hydaelyn
Synopsis: Some Jackals are causing issues near the roadway to Aleport, so some request to handle the problem has been sent out to the Outsiders and Adventures alike for aid.
Cast of Characters: Crys Gattz, 27, 307, 513, 522

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The roads have become unsafe as of late and the wild dodos have become extremely skittish. It would seem some wild jackals have been pushed into the area by the changing aether flow and losing of some of their homes during the Calamity.

Now the wild dogs are chasing after the dodos who normally roost here, after travelers who come or go to Aleport on the roads, and are being a general problem for the locals who once just let the wild dogs be.

It is this reason the request was filed out, not so much a flat out extermination of the jackals, but to run them off, so they will go find someplace else to go settle down at or learn at least to fear the roads. Thus keeping the roadways safe for the travelers. Jonothon was one who decided to respond to the task at hand, along with perhaps others who either decided to team up with mutant or came on their own desire to win a few gil for competing the task.

Though how they went about it was entirely up to them, so long as the results were the same. One of the yellow jackets also stands watch, sitting a bolder over looking the roads. Musket in hand and eye patch over a scarred eye. He looks to be a rather normal human other wise.

Yep. He is the one up there to make sure the task is done and also the fellow to ask questions, but the problem does become obvious as some dodos go running across the open fields flailing around as they get chased by at least five jackals. Five more are seen up another hill and a few more scattered about.

Though when they get in to close, the Yellow Jacket raises up his rifle and opens fire, the shot rings across the white mountains and startles the dodos and the jackals a bit. At least enough to knock off the chase before it gets to close in on the road...

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
It seems to make sense to Jonothon that these jackals might have just made their lair/den/whatever too close to the area. And sure there can go run them off. But if they don't run them off at their den it's not going to do much good. So as Jono heads for the site he gets it in mind that they need to find out where those things are nesting.

His motorcycle might also startle some of the local wildlife! It's not too loud no. But a combustion engine is likely to be a strange sound for the wildlife to hear. Jono heads for the guy on the boulder and brings his bike to a stop near it. "Oi there," he 'calls' up to the man on the rock. "Got a question ter ask yer." Jono doesn't really have to yell thanks to his telepathic speech. He does however raise a hand and wave at the man.

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz was a hunter she took jobs like this all the time but off world not as often she did however follow the money when it didn't well cause issues with her own ethics. It's a pain to be and adventure capitolist sometimes when you still had something other than the mesta to guide where you go. Wither way here she is along side Jonothon and she looks ove to him for a moment as he calls out ot the other. She also does call out.

"HEy you there!"

She's a bit odd it's not the white hair but the clothing and the ears she has, hot pants tank top, and thigh high leggings. Also an eyepath but the ears are the strangest thing really.

Allyn (307) has posed:
After what went down with the last mission and all, Allyn had decided to prowl about a bit more, mainly as he was plotting some kind of mischief in that city they were near. Jackal,s hmmm? terrorizing travelers and such? Well, that sounded like fun and a way to blow off some steam. As the group of five jackals start chasing the dodos, something rather large and horrible stalks out of its hiding place, a large, three headed wolf and while the pack of jackals give chase to the dodos, the large creature chases after the jackals, growling and snarling at them. For godo measure its left head turns to look at the fleeing dodos and growls at them to see if that chases them off more.

The creature stops when the shots are fired and all three heads turn to look at the Yellowjacket and then raise into the air and howls. Then looks back to the five jackals it was chasing, <<hey ook over there, looks like they might be fun to play with, lets go say hello.>> With a wag of his tail he starts to chase the jackals towards the others.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Phenomenal divine power and what am I doing with it? Relocating dogs." Finna grumbles to nobody. She did tell Allyn she was coming to, although she broke off from him at an earlier point in this venture to go investigate the situation. Namely, she's been flying around the area as an eagle, getting a bird's eye view of the local habitats and likely food web relations. Where could one bring some dogs that need meat and lots of it?

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Yellow Jacket glances over to Jonothon with his good eye, "Jonothon 'ight?" The mans ask with a mild smirk. "'E one 'at 'e Admiral gave 'at drinks ta?" He chuckles, "Wha' can I do for ye mate?" Then there was a pause before he snaps his fingers, "Oh righ', ye be taken up 'at job!"

The man looks over to Jonothon's friend and gives her a nod of his head. "We jus' need 'em Jackals cleared back, y-see." The Yellow Jacket then goes to stand up. He would make a comment about Crys odd features, but when you deal with cat-like people, little folks, elves, and sometimes goblins-- you get use too oddities. Not only that but Limsa Lominsa has had a few visitors from the rest of the Multiverse as well.%rThough as he gets ready to explain further, he hears the howl from a strange beast. He stares at the white three headed best and blinks his good eye. "Wha' in 'e Navigator's charts is 'at?!" He then takes aim with his musket for a moment, before looking over to Jonothon, "Oi mate! 'At beast seems ta be maybe 'e source of our problems. See if ye team can drive it back, maybe 'em jackals will follow it!"

Given that when Allyn address the Jackals, they snap their jaws, wag their tales, chant something about meat or-- who knows what-- and yeah, they are pretty much doing what Allyn says. Heading right /for/ the group. Including another pack of five coming down the hill to join in!

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jonothon's getting used to some of the weird things in the Multiverse. Crys's ears really don't faze him all that much at this point-- his doctor is a giant blue furry dude and his headmaster is a bald psychic dude in a wheelchair so pointy ears aren't really that weird in comparison. Allyn's appearance gets a blink-- a three-headed wolf? He's not aware Finna's here due to her flying about as an eagle though.

The man on the boulder addresses him and Jonothon nods. "Heh... yeah that's me," he confirms. Though he kind of facepalms when Allyn seems to be being mistaken for a beast. "I... think I know that one," he notes. "Not sure..." Pause. Sigh. "D'yer know where their den is? Likely they've just been pushed too close ter the camp. Relocatin' 'em will probably be what needs ter be done." Jackals eat pests too right?

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz got her own plans really this is a simple exterimation job and ther emay be money to be made off the meat and hides too she mused to herself as she moved in. Crys does not have the best relationshipo with nature. It may be in her head the most part but she was on a world where the entire eco system was trying to kill just about evything else kinda gave her a stileted view on things. She got the terms of the contract sure she'll abide by it but her eairler thoughts would lead to more mesta for her to burn on the weekend.

"Right and the hire actually seems to care about these things so we got to lure them away or drive em off right? Hummm..."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Well, Allyn is sort of leading the jackals away, at least away from the dodos, only his leading is leading them right in the direction of Jono and Crys. Yeah, he was with Finna for a bit until she took off as a hawk and went to look for a good place to take the jackals, but while he was relying on her to find a good spot, he decided to have some fun. The large three-headed wolf barrels his way towards the others with the jackals close behind him, barking and growling and generally making a show of it, since hre ally doesn't mean any harm to anyone. He's mostly playing distraction to the jackals anyway.

He stops just short of reaching the others and one of his heads looks up towards the sky to see if the hawk is anywhere to be seen as he ponders.

He then circles around the group and sniffs towards them as if looking for an opening, hoping the jackals follow suit, though he does growl out to Jono, "Finna is looking for a place to move them to, let's see if we can't keep them distracted?"

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna hears the howl as well, and IMMEDIATELY goes into a dive. What the HELL was that?

    She'd been looking for any disruptions that could be dealt with, but this? WOW.

    With a fierce screech, the red-tailed hawk drops down to near ground level and swoops over the group to get a GOOOD look at this beast...

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"Drive 'em, move 'em, kill 'em." The Yellow Jacket says to Cyrs from where he stands on his high and mighty rock. He then looks over to Jonothon. "We dun know where 'e Den is. Haven't had 'e chance ta really look wit' bigger problems on our hands."

He motions more northward, "Given we got 'em Garleans sittin' around up 'ere like 'ey own 'e place." He then spits off to the side and goes to take aim. "But if ye know 'at mutt, ye better tellin' 'em to knock it off before he gets one in 'e eye." The Yellow Jacket takes another shot which comes close to one of the Jackals.

The Jackal yelps how close the bullet gets, jumping back and barking at the Yellow Jacket in anger.

Though this was also just as Allyn gets up close and personal and when the Jacket realizes that Allyn is suddenly /right there/ and is /talking/ he calls out, "Bloody thing talks!" And about falls over. The Jackals that were following Allyn however break away cause of the shot and have taken a defensive posture, given they seem to understand that guns are indeed not your friends.

Another group of Jackals show up, but one of them has a few scars over its brown fur and one across the muzzle. It is also slightly larger in size and growls those massive fangs, before slowly striding with a pack behind it across the valley with simple paw strides.

It is not close to the group, but if someone was looking, they may see the possible alpha.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono looks to Crys and nods. "No reason ter kill 'em," he notes calmly. "They're wild animals. Only doin' what they know ter do-- be wild animals. They're just... bein' wild animals too close ter people is all." When Allyn speaks up Jono nods. Ah-ha. It is someone he knows. Keep 'em distracted? "Right then..." He heads in that direction. Though how he's going to do that Jono has no idea. He doesn't exactly have a lot of non-lethal techniques at his disposal! Hopefully there's a large enough stick on the ground he can pick up. And just like... maybe poke them or something? And hope they don't tear wht's left of his face off!

The appearance of the eagle though gets his attention and he looks up. "What the bloody...?" Suddenly more jackals are showing up! And Jono listens to the Yellow Jacket as the man explains. Haven't found the den and don't know where it is? Yeesh. Though he winces a bit at the mention of the Garleans... remembering something not too long ago. But he doesn't mention it. Instead he confirms to the Yellow Jacket of Allyn, "Yeah, 'e's... not dangerous. Much."

Jono pauses to take stock of the situation. And sees a jackal at the back of the pack. It's bigger. Scarred. And seems pretty at ease. Maybe the alpha. Suddenly he gets an idea. "Oi!" This to Allyn. Points at one of the jackals. "I think that's the alpha! If yer can get 'im ter recognize you're stronger yer might be able ter get 'em ter leave!"

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz looks at the jackles for the moment and she looks at they are comming right at them, she is totally not going to be unarmed here as a pistol materializes in her hand. Ya she pretty much sees nature like Allyn sees humans. Either 2way she won't fire unless they things attack and she ponders at this point where to lure them off.

"Humm posion bait would risk other htings you don't lost an if we clear them out it be damn easy cash real damn easy."

She eyes the hippies for a moment, how did she get stuck with them.

She dials the pistol down to it's lowest setting and it's still going to hurt like a bit...

She pauses think over Jonothon's idea.

"That's actually a good one..."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn blinks at the Yellojacket and then at Jono and Cry and then the hawk too of course. Hey, it's jsut him, nothing to be too frightened of. He was going to lead the jackals on a raid of Jono and them, but he'll behave today it seems. The three headed wolf nods to Jono, but then he's distracted by the shot the yellowjacket fires and he growls at the man, just playing a part as the jackals back off.

He sniffs the air with all three heads and blinks three sets of eyes as he turns and looks to the leader of the jackals and wonders if this is the leader of the ones that were with him too, or perhaps part of another pack? <<that boss?">> he asks the jackals and then looks to Finna, "It's just me Finna." he tells the hawkk, "Find anything suitable?"

He nods to Jono as he mentions that the bigger jackal is probably the alpha and that maybe Allyn can help by showing he's stronger. He stalks off a little ways and all three heads growl a challenge to the leader jackal.

Finna (513) has posed:
    things are about to get weirder. THE HAWK SPEAKS TOO! And in a girl's voice, no less.

    "How can I find a good place with this thing screeching everywhere! Drive off the alpha and you'll scare the rest away though!"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Two of the jackals growl back at Allyn before they bark. <<"Big boss!">> Yep, that is the jackals leader. Three of them however go to run over where the Alpha is, while two remain near Allyn. When Allyn goes to make himself threatening to the Alpha, the Jackal only gives him a look.

He then snorts softly, those long ears go back and those massive sharp teeth snarl in his direction, but he continues on his stride, before he raises up and howls into the air, causing most of the Jackals to come to his location that are here and a few of the Dodos to run in utter terror!

The Yellow Jacket just /stares/ the two talking animals. Ok then-- right.. "Righ', riiiigh'... Just keep 'em away from past this point. If they get by here, I'm shootin' 'em!"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"Yeah. Poison could kill other things besides the dogs," Jono agrees with Crys. As for the idea? He looks at Allyn as he says the next. "I jus' hope it works." Particularly since the only thing Jono has to defend himself with is a stick. And he can't really unwrap his face. The Yellow Jacket guy might not have been informed of that particular... trait of Jono's. And considering Yellow Jacket-man has a gun? Yeah Jono's not in a hurry to piss that guy off.

The hawk speaks and Jono recognizes the voice. Ah. Good. He relaxes noticeably. Looking to the Yellow Jacket he nods. "Multiverse," he says sagely. "I don't question it more than that." But of the talking animals he notes, "They're not really animals. Just people that can change inter animals." Might be somewhat innaccurate in both cases but it's close enough to keep the Yellow Jacket from shooting them!


Allyn (307) has posed:
Fine, fine enough of the three headed wolf form, it doesn't seem to impress the jackal pack leader anyway, he shifts back to his normal dire wolf form, besides, three heads would be too much of an advantage. He tilts his head as the jackal howls and snorts at it. He lifts his own head and gives another howl and then starts after the jackal pack leader. "Might need a bit of luck, keep a close eye open for anything that could happen them." he says as he wanders off.

Then he leaps at the jackal leader without too much warning to the other animal and snaps his jaws at it. <<ny territory, leave.>>

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz just says dryly to Jono.

"This isn't even up there for my strangest day."

This is far from the strangest day she's ever had to ber perfectly honest here. Crys is armed to the gills not that it's too visable other htan the alien tech.

"Things get strange out here really strange I admit."

She looks to him for a moment.

"This is nothing like the ragol jobs I was on."

She's here if team planetters fails. Seriously if one were to look up her job history she's got a pile of exterimated Xeno fauna to her name. Now they were infected by somerhing but still.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Since when can you change to things with multiple heads?!" Finna asks Allyn. It's kind of a creepy thing that even Lunars don't really do, after all!

    She swoops over to perch in a tree overlooking the issue.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Yellow Jacket doesn't reply he does look over to Crys taking note of the weapon she is carrying, "Oi! 'at be a nice stick ye got 'ere. Wha' ya call it?" Yeah-- he is admiring her weapon. What can you say though, Limsa is born from Pirates!

As for the Alpha it growls at Allyn as the shape changer tries to give him a challenge, then comes to a stop. That back fur bristles up and that tail hangs low. Those massive teeth display with high aggression. Yet the Alpha does not attack first, no-- he simply stands his ground now.

As for the other jackals around him, they bark, carry on, and hop about a bit. <<Our land! Our land! You go away!>> They seem to chant from behind their canine leader.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
This isn't her strangest day? Jono replies right back to Crys just as dryly, "Yer an' me both luv." His weirdest day involved his face exploding after all! But he does nod to Allyn's words. "Right then. Be careful."

For now he waits to see if Allyn can manage to get the alpha of the pack to leave the area. He's not fluent in canine speech so he just waits for a visual cue. It doesn't look good right now though...

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn looks back towards Finna and Jono once more and tilts his head at Finna, "I was angry and just happened to change into the shape, I'm not sure if I could do it again." he ponders and seems to shrugs.

To jono he nods, "They are saying that this is their land and for us to go away. Guess I have no choice, but to fight the alpha." Then back to Finna.

"Unless you found a good spot?"

He then turns his head back and bares his own fangs at the alpha jackal, <<This is your lad warning, find a new home, or fight.>> With that he lunges at the pack alpha, trying to grab it by the throat with his jaws to make it submit.

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz Says "It's a Ruby Bullet if you want the model type, It's an pistol, a pretty good rare one too saldy."

They make many due to the cost and well Corel is a smoking crater so far as she knows. She takes a moment to watcht hem for a moment and pauses.

"Heh the thintgs lower on the food chain just don't get it."

She muses watching the standdown.

"I could wipe out the whole pack in under 10 minuntes if I was being sluggish."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Northwest of here. Plenty of game, no signs of rivals. It would be a jog though!" Finna does not have a jackal form, but she CAN communicate with animals with a bit of Essence spent.

    She screeches down at the Jackals, bunching up her feathers and half-spreading her wings for attention while shifting about on her perch.

    "<This way,>" she points with a wing, "<Is open land with prey, no two legs and dangerous roads. Staying here will bring ruin. Will you lose your pack over a road?>"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Alpha snarls back at Allyn and as Allyn tries to press, the Alpha snaps his teeth in his direction. He goes to take a slow step forward, those massive claws digging into the soil. <<No. It is yours!> The Alpha then launches right for Allyn to try and pin him down, those massive teeth going directly for the throat!

Some other jackals break away and then go rushing right for the group that has been well, just standing around. Looking out Jonothon and Crys! Another jackal speaks up to Finna-- is that a female? The Beta of the pack perhaps? <<You work with the two legs! We know of your traps! There will be no game there, for these lands were ours before they came! Give proof and I will convince all to stop this.>>

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"Heads up!" Jonothon calls out turning in the direction of the approaching jackals. He's nowhere near as agile or quick as a wild dog. But he does have that stick. He uses this to deflect any of the wild dogs that may be jumping at him. He cares less about actually getting hit and more about not getting brought down.

Something weird for the jackals-- once they get close they'll note something. Jono doesn't smell like a normal two-leg. He doesn't sweat. He doesn't breathe. He doesn't have a heartbeat. There's a weird scent surrounding him... a little bit like the ground after lightning has struck.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn dodges to the side as the Alpha lunges for him, since he missed his own lunge at it and he growls, well if the alpha wont listen to reason, well he'll jsut have to best it in strength. He's probably as big or a little bigger. He snaps at the pack alpha again, trying to bite at it, then cirles around it a little, looking for a better opening, before trying to tackle it to the ground. To Finna though <<bring back prey?>>

Finna (513) has posed:
    The hawk nods quickly to Allyn! And answers with more screeches to the mama jackal.

    "<No traps. Saw prey! Will show! Wait here, do not kill!>"

    With another screech the bird of prey takes off, and -

    ... whoah.

    Like a rocket, it's up into the sky at godspeed, leaving only a trail of silvery light where it was.

    It's time to HUNT and hunt well.

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz is just hanging back at this point watching she seems amused as she looks at the jackles, they are lucky the others are here. It would not end well for someone if there is she waits for now watching to see just what Finna and allyn will do.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
One of the Jackals get knocked back by Jonothon, the other one snaps his teeth at him. The strange small, or lack of what they were expecting causes the Jackal to linger back a bit. Though they continue to snap their teeth in his direction, ready to perhaps go after him again.

Allyn bites and the Alpha steps back to the side, when Allyn starts to circle, so does the Alpha. Those fangs exposed and growling lowly. The tail sways side to side ever so slightly. It seems as if a bit of a stand off here between the two really.

The female hears what Finna says and her ears go back for a moment before she lets out a few yaps. They catch some of the attention of a few of the Jackals who hold there own ground, it may be the very reason why Jonothon isn't being over ran!

Some of the other Jackals also bark and snarl at Crys, threatening perhaps to come after her, if she is not careful.

As finna flies over, she will spot a small pound with fish in it, there are also some sheep like creatures and even a few dodo. It is just the choice of what she thinks will lure them over.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono's not advancing on the jackals. It should come off like he's defending himself. Which he is really. There's no aggression or fear in his attacks-- the jackals may sense this too. Jono's heard animals can sense fear and aggression. Nonetheless one of the jackals manages to bite his leg. Jono winces and hops to the side away from the snapping jaws.

He doesn't bother scolding the jackals since they can't understand him. Whatever it is that makes Finna (and presumably Allyn) able to communicate with these animals is something he lacks. He's holding his ground and waiting for Finna to return. He doesn't think she'll abandon them. At least... he hopes not...

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna spots prey... and doesn't have to think too hard on this. Folding both wings back, she dives for a dodo!

    ... and, moments before strikingg, shifts back into human form while retaining the eagle wings. Her sword is out and she strikes from a blind spot, driving her weapon straight into what she's sure is the dodo's heart.

    The creature goes down, and without even waiting for it to stop thrashing... she hoists it up with enhanced strength and STAYS AIRBORNE.

    It might be a minute or two, but she does return.

    OR, RATHER...

    There's a crash-thud-whumpf through some trees, and a DEAD DODO FALLS FROM THE HEAVENS, slamming down near the pack.

    A few moments later, the red-tailed hawk swoops down from the skies and perches on it again.


Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn growls at the alpha again as he circles, abring his teeth, but he's not going in to attack again, just keeping it distracted, while Finna goes in search of the prey. His ears perk as he hears the crashing and he looks back to the incoming hawk and gives a wag of his tail. Then he stops and stares at the alpha, glaring at it. Well, maybe that will prove that they weren't lying and maybe the jackals will move along now, besides, there's no real need to fight. He does stand his ground though, watching to see what the alpha will now do.

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz looks at them she's not moving in but she's confident as she looks at them. Living or dead they need to be gone, so she's going to sit back if they want pick a fight she will deal with them but her companions have ot them a chance to see the next day and she's not about to walk all over that.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Dodo comes crashing down and a bunch of the Jackals jump as it is brought to their attention. It is a pretty fat one! A few of the Jackals stare at it, before the look up at their beta. Which her ears go forward, she looks at the hawk.

With a deep inhale, the beta then lets out a howl that pierces the very air. Her ears go up as she then looks toward the Alpha. Which the Alpha hears the howl, though he was still ready to strike at Allyn he seems to stand back a bit.

Those eyes look to the Beta, before they look to Allyn. <<Very well. We leave. For now.>> Then with a howl in reply, it seems the Alpha takes off with the Beta. With soon the rest of the Jackals taking their leave as well.

The Yellow Jacket who has been watching this, gently claps his hands, "Colored me impress, mates. Ye Outsiders know w'at ye be doin' ta handle 'es situations."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono blinks as Finna returns with a dodo. How did...? Actually Jono's inner monologue has already been said! Anyway. Suddenly there's howling and Jono's ready to defend himself again. But then the jackals seem to be leaving? He waits until he's sure that the dogs are gone before he relaxes. His shoulders slump as if in a sigh of relief.

And he looks up as the Yellow Jacket speaks. "Helps ter bring people that can understand the local wildlife." Looking at Allyn, Finna, and Crys. "Thank yer all," he offers earnestly. "Anyone hurt?" He's a little gnawed but nothing that he can't put a bandaid on and be done with.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn watches the alpha and other jackals run off and he nods, before heading back over towards the others, "Don't always have to end in violence to get something done. Though the alpha said they would leave for now, so guess we'll have to watch the area for a while, make sure they don't come back anytime soon." he perks his ears and ponders, "Well, as long as nothing else happens and they have a good supply of food they'll stay gone."