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Finna Fishes For Philosophical Conversation
Date of Scene: 21 November 2014
Location: Boston-666
Synopsis: At the pier, Finna gets into some marine mischief until her antics are intercepted by Ineryon Valos, who has some things to say about the stunt.
Thanks to: Finna
Cast of Characters: 513, 615

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     It's midday, and Ineryon Valos has come to a pier in Boston to do a tidbit of fishing, yet, his method is different than that of other folks in the vicinity. He doesn't have a fishing-rod, or a line, or any bait whatsoever, yet, his eyesight isn't any better than that of the human folk who are pulling in a good haul!

     The drow, a master of the element of earth, manipulator of minerals, has a very peculiar means of locating things in the depths, beneath the waters, where sunlight doesn't reveal things immediately visible to the naked eye; he homes in on the presence of calcium, which is a prevalent mineral often found in metamorphic rock, which /also/ happens to have large concentrations in icthyoids and crustaceans, possessing either shell or bone. Lord Valos' spear lays claim to a stone-point, instead of metal, like the armor he wears, which endows him with the ability to manipulate the movement of his weaponry, even after he's thrown it! Raising his arm, his brows furrow as his mind focuses intensely on the shifting of different clusters of bone and shell in the water, above the sandy bottom, which is primarily a mixture of metamorphic and sedimentary stone, not just calcium.


     The spear hits the water, and impales a decidedly large fish, which Ineryon can levitate upwards, courtesy of a spear that harbors a fossilized tip.... the haft, being wood, is something he has practically zero control over, so he can only hope the jagged blade never comes loose whilst it lies in the water, else he'll lose the entire thing. Cautiously, he raises the wriggling fish through the air, with the pronged-fork pierced through it, hoping to collect a meal in just a few moments' time!

Finna (513) has posed:
    Beneath the water's surface... someone else is swimming down there, but not at all in spear range. Finna has been watching from beneath the waves, courtesy of gills on her neck and using shapeshifting to weigh her down a little as she swims lazily around the swimmers. It is PRANK TIME. It is very much prank time.

    Soon, other fishermen - some of which have taken to looking INeryon's way with serious curiosity, disdain, or puzzlement - are in for some weirdness.

    One of them will be reeling in a lobster. Another has snagged a very thrashy BOOT TO THE HEAD.

    One fisherman has caught another fisherman's hook.

    The next one down is literally reeling in a fishing pole that someone dropped several days ago.

    The pier is about to become very confusing.

    Especially because Ineryon's going to find something fighting against the spear's return. Something down there is... much larger than he thought it would be, approaching the spear and fighting. MAYBE SOMETHING IS AFTER HIS CATCH?!

    Nah Finna's just shaking the thing and fighting the levitation, assuming she's shaking a fisherman up there until she looks up and sees... no line attached... buh?


    In her surprise she lets out quite a stream of bubbles...

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     It becomes evident that something is amiss when various fishermen are struggling to get their quarries as they hoist different things into the air than expected. Finally, Ineryon realizes that his pike isn't returning as readily as he foresaw, causing him to blink, quizzically. He doesn't apply additional pressure to the spear, even if he's able to technically exert enough force to the maximum of lifting several tons, instead, favoring an alternate method of examining the contents below the waters.

     Just like what dolphins and other types of creatures can use to scan lightless regions, Baron Valos calls upon the power of electroreception to send pulses through the area, which bounce back in lighter or heavier caliber, depending on if his wavelengths are repelled by liquid, or solid matter. If there is something large beneath the surface which(who?) is causing those bubbles to surface. For all he knows, he might've somehow hooked onto a pillar of the pier and yanked something loose which released that air.... or-- mayhap there's a creature trying to snag the sumptuous feast that he's trying to collect!

     Whatever the case, even if he loses the fish, he doesn't intend to have his spear pilfered!.... The question is, approximately what physical dimensions does this thing possess that he's snagged, how dense is it, and is it composed of a soft matter, or a harder substance? His lips contort into a flat-line of annoyance as his successful 'hunt' is delayed, in any event.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Expecting another spear, or perhaps the fisherman himself to come down and investigate a weirdly dropped spear, Finna dolphin-strokes away from the Ineryon's spear and leaves it there upon realizing it was somehow lifting without any rope attached to it. There's a faint bubble trail from her movement, but for the most part? Nah.

    You'd have to look REALLY hard with normal eyes to see her motion down there. But with Ineryon's other senses... yeeeaaaah there's a person down there being a weirdo.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     The nobleman pulls up his spear, along with the catch, and can tell something is swimming about, causing mischief. From what he can tell, it's a 'person' of some fashion, but why would she be causing trouble, unless she belongs to a mischievous race, like a goblin, or a mermaid....?

     That in mind, he becomes curious about this 'creature' who keeps playing games, after all, if Ineryon is to keep hunting, he cannot expect to succeed if this creature keeps interfering. What's the best method of finding out if something is sapient or not? Why.... to see how it reacts to 'pain', of course! Wild animals only know fight or flight, but beings who have enough 'self-control' to forego succumbing instantaneously to instinct are sometimes capable of verbally expressing disappointment when injured; this doesn't guarantee she'll speak the same language, even so.... he wants to see if this fiend is innocent, and acting on sheer programming, or if it is consciously causing trouble for the sake of its personal amusement! Picking up a rock he has on hand, being that he has several, he lobs it into the water where he can sense Finna.

     He can see the faint bubble-trail, but more importantly, he can feel her 'mass' within the water. The catapult isn't designed to be bone-shattering or anything, though, it should create a small bruise, being that it's more sizable than a mere pebble!

Finna (513) has posed:
    AUGH! Finna was expecting a spear to another fish, or a dude jumping down after the spear... but instead, a rock strikes the water and doesn't slow down enough to matter. She's clobbered in the side, and OW, THAT STINGS. With a spark of anger she swims up towards the surface, but-- but doesn't quite get all the way there. After all, the prank's over with if peopel figure out what's going on down there!

    So instead...

    Instead, she sucks in a lot of water, puffing out her cheeks and--


    Much like some fish do, Finna squirts a sustained jet of water up out of the sea and at Ineryon's face!


Ineryon (615) has posed:
     What was this, a Kirby-fish? Now it was sucking in things and spitting them back out at its enemies! The water hits Ineryon in the face, which causes him to scowl as he quickly tries to wipe away the liquid that struck him-- being splashed with nastiness which probably had all kinds of human-made litter and animal excretions who lived in the body of water was a surefire way to gross out the drow. After he uses a handkerchief to dry his face off, he focuses on some of the igneous rock deep on the under layers downwards, and rips free a /massive/ chunk, the size of... well, a marlin! A disruption in the water causes a tremendous volume of bubbles to burst at the surface, but more importantly, Ineryon can play 'Green Lantern' except with things made out of stone!

     The gobs of long-cooled magma become reshaped into a sort of giant two-fingered claw one might see in contemporary cranes used to assemble skyscrapers and houses alike. This pair of talons, not extremely sharp, are designed to capture, but leave unharmed, whatever it is that is provoking everyone on the pier-- then again, Ineryon is doing this mostly for his own benefit, not that of the other fishermen. If he was more like the rest of his bloodline, or Astos himself, Ineryon might be partial towards simply trying to slaughter whatever was in the water without bothering to try to raise it to the surface.... but this particular dark elf is more merciful than his brethren.

     So it is that he tries to lock in on Finna, utilizing the massive stone-claw to encircle her waist(or what amounts to a place where it can get a grip), then excavate her so that all can see who it is that is harassing the locals! Technically, if anyone has any disparaging intentions, they will qualify as being the initial party to cast the first stone, because Ineryon's stunt didn't really qualify as such, seeing that his own hand never touched the rock formation trying to ensnare Finna!

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Whu---" Sensing - through vibrations - the disruption in the ground beneath her, Finna kicks at the water and gets to motion swiftly. She's not gonna stay there to be grabbed by whatever WEIRD thing's going on down there. And this is just in the nick of time. A claw of rock almost grabs her legs and tail but with all her might and reflexes Finna whips her body just out of the way. Then... her foot strikes the igneous formation and gains purchase. Using it, she vaults UP...

    UP, and out of the water. Erupting from the surface with a spray of water in her wake, and absolutely sogged - not to mention utterly naked save for what seems to be the lower part of an icy blue bikini (if you'd like to imagine soggy hair draped over her front, you totally can!)

    She executes a spectacular somersault, lands nimbly on the pier, and whips a scowly gaze left and right until she spots... Ineryon.

    The only person about - many others have cleared away by now - who looks REALLY DARNED WEIRD.

    Ineryon, mind you, will probably easily see something weird about her. This young woman has white fox ears atop her head and a fox tail of the same fur color sprouting from her rump. All of it's utterly waterlogged and--

    And... and... oh.

    Yes, she wastes no time stomping towards Ineryon.

    "Aaaaaaalright. A rock's one thing. What's the big idea, turning a little prank into a war?!" For a human, she's doing a marvelous job of growling and snarling as she storms forth, stopping about three feet away with her cheeks puffing up!

    Almost as an afterthought, she demonstrates the same ability to shake herself dry that dogs do, flinging water from her body in a spray!

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Upon failing to snatch up Finna, Lord Valos allows the large stone hand to sink back into the depths, where it'd be bound to be covered over with the passing of the ages. On the other hand, Finna was a sight to see, since, in spite of being able to hold her breath for extended periods of time like some kind of cetacean, she had vulpine ears, aside having a tail to match, which struck Ineryon as mismatched-- the Multiverse certainly did draw out folks from all walks of life!

     While the drow doesn't cringe noticeably, an exhibition of fear in the wake of her bitterness, neither did he try to react defiantly and patronize the woman as someone full of overconfidence, who always felt the need to have the upper-hand, which was also the very definition of 'bada55'...no, Ineryon did not disdainfully dismiss, and further condescend her fury as something insignificant, as though presuming himself to be superior in all forms of potentially accessible firepower to use against a threat. The actuality is, he's more muddled than afraid, conceited, or competitive; a trait of the inquisitive, and not so much of the self-assured. Ineryon Valos strokes his chin for a fraction of a minute, trying to determine what to make of her words, appearance, and demeanor, until she sprays him with a hailstorm of water-droplets, soaking him in that putrid, unclean stuff from the body of water below.

     Now he adorns a hint of a frown on his face, "I had no indication prior to your current method of speech-craft to enable a determination of your level of intellect, although, at present.... my first evaluation, which has come to manifestation as of this very moment, tells me there is a margin for much possible improvement, despite the fact that /some/ does reside within your being." For all he knew.... she was some kind of rare specimen of sea-creature that he could've hauled in for a good sum of cash, and maybe a chance at naming a new species! No such luck. He points accusingly at her, "I suggest next time you strive to communicate distaste at rocks being swept in your direction, that you seek to use words instead of squirting hydration to convey your opinions on said solicitation by way of stone."

     The tall man sighs, "The primary language of terrestrial beings is scarcely identical the media employed by maritimes."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "...." Blink, blink. Finna's looking like she's about to yell for a moment, but she's forced to pause and work hard to translate Ineryon's words in her head. What a weird, WACKY way of speaking. It's wacky enough to make her lips twist about left and right in several shades of perplexion.

    Finally, she folds her arms over her chest and just stares sourly into his eyes.

    The woman's fury is quickly quenched though when she breathes in more of the seaside air. She doesn't seem bothered at all about her state of dress - or lck thereof - and instead her attention sweeps over INeryon more and more frantically while he's speaking.

    Eventually, though, she ends up frowning at him. Then bursts out with a wordless exclamation of frustration and disgust.

    Bt with a few deep breaths to regain her composure - an almost certainly irrelevant thing at this point, she manages to grin. "That wouldn't be nearly as much fun!"

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     For Ineryon, his way of transmission was as natural, and probably as unconscious as breathing itself, when one factored into the whole equation such variables as what his ilk did to transfer information back and forth. They even had their own philosophy about not necessarily needing to become angry if someone presented 'information that they didn't find valuable', which, in conventional terms, would be viewed as someone 'talking trash' about the listener. Postponing personal prejudice was a core procedure in relating to others, and one the Valii took seriously, though of their pedigree, Ineryon was only a notch above the average curve, so it was that he was hardly the most educated or wordy of his race!

     Eventually, Finna gets to the second chapter of her story in the chronicles of Ineryon and the Icthyoid Imposter, which causes Baron Valos to rub his forehead as he took in her complaints about absence of fun. Folding his arms over his chest, he finds a wooden pylon, and uses it to seat himself; the drow has a sinking feeling this woman isn't going to leave him alone unless she receives a replica of an apology, which is something she will /not/ be granted. Ineryon, confident as ever that he made no error, decides to yoke a primitive means of compensation to dispense with her, thereby causing him to pluck a dead fish from his bucket, and proceed to toss it at her, "Adequate reimbursement." If this doesn't work, he suspects there will be a discussion where neither side will inevitably walk, or swim away satisfied.

Finna (513) has posed:

    Ineryon probably might not've realized it, but that might be the best way to calm Finna down! FOOOOOD. She loves food. One of her biggest vices, really!

    "ApologyBlondesamurai (talk) 16:27, 25 November 2014 (CST)-" A hand swipes out to snatch the fish from the air by the tail and raise it up. "Accepted~! Down the hatch!"

    Her jaws open wide, though seemingly no wider than any normal person would manage. And still, SOMEHOW, she manages to gulp down the fish. Ineryon can see it if he looks, a bulge going down her throat before Finna lowers her head again, and licks her lips.

    Now in a MUCh better mood, she hops in a litle closer and circles the dark elf a few times, examining his gear, ears.... especially the ears. And for that one brief moment her whole body frezes up with fear. "ahahah.... out of curiosity, just where does a longwinded guy like you hail from, hm?"

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     The drow winces upon hearing Finna pronounce his actions as a form of apology. For the sake of redefining the nature of his 'reimbursement', and the intentions behind his appeasement, he grunted, "...I think you have misunderstood me." Scanning around the area, seeing if he can find someone who looks more peculiar than himself, he inwardly prays for an opportunity to pass her off onto someone else in favor of a shinier trinket for the woman to fawn over, or nag. In light of what happened, most of the pier has been forsaken, leaving so few residents that if there was someone more interesting than Ineryon or Finna, they've vacated by this period.

     "The reimbursement was a means of sating whatever dues you might have insisted on were I to have manually requested you depart my company. Since this is not my property, I was of the hope that... I could bribe you into going somewhere else to eat in peace, since it would've been an unfair imposition on my part if I'd asked a favor without rendering some fee to justify the labors you might funnel into my request." He shakes his head, "I, in no way, feel I sullied your 'fun', in wake of the fact that in my point of view, this thrill you indulged in was contingent upon the fact that you held the advantageous position relinquishing control to you, while thieving it from others who were ignorant to the nature of their plights!" Baron Valos gives a pause, and nibbles on one of his own fish, while knowingly ignoring her remarks about being long-winded, since he felt it was hypocritical for a woman able to hold her breath so long submerged to be making such remarks about himself! Resuming his explanation, he went into detail, "Let us examine, for instance, the varied modes of extracting ecstasy from any kind of event, and how elements related to perceived personal power play into the maturation of sensations welling up, that may be defined holistically as 'having fun', shall we?" No, he was not going to allow her to think she had attained an apology, not by a long shot!

     "In a random environment, where one is fraught with danger, and one constantly has to assuage the entity with a greater magnitude of persuasion over who experiences pain, or probability of death, the one in the weakened position experiences things like panic, terror, anger, indignation, even prior to whether one has yet felt a large extent of pain or decline in health. It's the mere belief, or prediction that one is at risk, whilst being disadvantaged that causes them anxiety. Worse, supposing this individual were being chased by one lion, and another, larger lion spontaneously erupted into the clearing, causing the quarry to be shocked at first.... which would have to be enacted /before/ processing the new conditions and figuring out that they were in even worse trouble."

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Ineryon then clears his throat, "But... surprise, shock, and amazement, can be converted into fear, anger, or mirth, all hinging on who controls the environment." He opens his arms wide, to illustrate his story, "Let us say that lion two suddenly turns on lion one, not because lion two, the larger one.... wishes to fight over you as prey, but because lion one trespassed on lion two's territory. Suddenly, this massive beast is trouncing the original pursuer, turning the tables in the favor of the prey, who was up until that point, feeling helpless, only to feel a sensation of utter bewilderment upon the emergence of the second lion."

     "This could have turned into further terror, utter depression if the prey gave into weeping in the face of certain demise, or rage, if they built up enough courage to consider taking one of the beasts with him. On the other hand, because of the illusion that the prey was in a position of power over the one who had formerly been hunting it, lion one, who was now being trounced by lion two... to the mind of the prey, this instead resembles some forgery of temporary alliance, the prey becomes amused, even exuberant that not only are they out of trouble, but now.... they are in some control. Underneath this, they still worry about the second lion, and presumably back off slowly, but in an even /more/ ideal arrangement, where they had all the control to begin with, such as you befouling the toil of the fishermen here while they unwittingly had no recourse, or so you assumed, it offered pleasure beyond this, which served to validate your sense of personal power over those on the pier.... up until I outdid you. Then, it was no longer fun, because you became the loser.... I /did/ see the negatively-charged expression on your countenance, at least on the onset, and it was not a positive one demonstrating you were complacent, or even favorable in lieu of my usurpation." He cocks an eyebrow, trying to stress the legitimacy of this observation of his, and drive home the notion that her fun was fun for her, and not necessarily so for others.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Never before has Finna met someone who will speak to such great lengths towards a stranger - perhaps a stranger who had even annoyed them. And though annoying Ineryon has, at most, simply amused her - she does her best to listen politely. Eyes wide, bright, and alert, and ears perked, she stands while leaning in slightly... and slowly, through the explanation, shows a sly and increasingly smug grin.

    "In short, being on top's all fun and games until something punches you in the nose. Oh yes, I know that. I guess that begs the question of, between us, which lion's won out? All the prey seem to've scurried off!"

    Finna rises up to a full standing, poses coyly, then... TWIRLS about! Silvery light flows from her skin and solidifies into a somewhat skimpy leather attire that's quite like the outfit a northern tribal huntress might wear... but stripped down to make it far, far better in warmer climates. And stylish enough to draw the eye.

    This girl has no body shame whatsoever.

    "Also, lighten up a little. Fifty breaths of philosophy over a fish and opinion nitpicking's a bit much! Don't speak to people much, hm?"

    Now smiling brightly, all the previous mischief gone from her expression, she folds both hands behind her back and tilts her head while her tail starts wagging idly!

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Ineryon Valos shakes his head when she asks which lion won out, and he remarks, "I had never presumed to take up the mantle of the lion to begin with, as my objective was not 'fun', or 'power'. My ambition was to unveil what precipitated all those strange phenomena that had resulted in the deprivation of others collecting their nutritional dues, as well as my own."

     Then again, he's failed to be open to the possibility that some of those present were sport-fishermen, trying to outsmart the fish they hunted, which to them was exciting, in essence, making them hypocrites to have any reservations as to the entitlements of Finna to pull the joke that she did. This drow assumed the people were fishing for food, and would've been disappointed if he'd learned that probably half of them were fishing for sheer joy, and not strictly survival purposes! Such is the mindset of the dark elf who Staren had initially pegged as some sort of 'robot'; practicality was all that mattered to Ineryon, so it was that he automatically assumed, until proven wrong, that others were more interested in utilitarianism! Out on the pier, unlike in Baron Valos' dark chasm, it was not a dogfish-eat-dogfish world. Lifting the bucket, he cants his head, in the direction of the container, "...My prey."

     As if to say 'HA, my prey didn't escape', except while delineating the guise of one being falsely modest, by showing hardly any expression filled with pride or smugness. Another intriguing thing about Ineryon was that he had no concept of 'shame' as far as revealing one's body, whereas, on the contrary, he was more interested in Finna's ears and tail than her lack of 'appropriate' attire! "How is it that you evolved to have those ears, yet, you are able to remain underwater for such a duration? Do you have non-subdivided lung sacs like the hippopotamus? I cannot see how a mammal can stay under water so long without specially designed lungs for extended suspension....."

     It didn't make sense to him that she'd have ears and a tail in the form they took, which were hardly streamlined!

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Oh pft, they're just here to relax and blow off steam! People in this world come across fod pretty easily, haven't you noticed?" Finna can't help but laugh at Ineryon's misunderstanding! The foxy tail starts wagging faster as glee at his consternation shows on her face. ... or at least, amusement!

    "But enjoy what you caught, sure. As for that...hehhhhhhh."

    The smile turns almost... predatory here, as does the way she narrows her eyes. "So you can see them, can you?" Not only can he see them, but they sparkle silvery in the slightest light despite the white fur...

    "Ssssshhhhhh, the other people around here've not figured it out yet! These fuzzy ears are a mark of my goddess' favor. No, I don't have lungs like THAT, but..."

    With a moment of concentration, she manages to do something weird.

    Gills open on her neck, briefly... then close just as fast.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Ineryon's brows adopted several creases upon hearing that folks were fishing to relieve stress, which to the dark alien, was a totally alien concept-- or rather, not something he hadn't heard of before, yet it /was/ something he didn't approve thereof. As if people didn't have short enough lives, they had to stymie productivity by engaging in behaviors that didn't prove purely functional? However, to people.... having fun was a functional endeavor due to anxiety being a source of anguish that could slow progress, but, on the other hand, Baron Valos would have considered the expenditure of resources as well as time to marginalize tension to be a medium of squandering. "Ah... How unfortunate that people must lack the introspection which is needed to fund a purge of emotional toxins that accumulate in their system from the 'daily grind', as it has often been referred to; what I mean to say is, there are ways of conserving energy, and fixing a problem simultaneously, rather than throwing around gobs money, or resources, in order to recharge one's batteries."

     He strums the side of his cheek, in consideration of the problem at hand, "What causes uneasiness at the end of a day's labor is rooted in one's mismatched ideological worldview, versus the materialization of the world that is...." The drow nibbles a tad more on his fish, and resumes, "Everyone, in their mind... has an image of themselves as they 'should' be, in the ideal... an image of what they fear becoming, or what they actually are, at the present, and none of these ever match up, I guarantee!" He nods, "Thus is the same with the world,... they have perceptions of a perfect world, versus a dystopia, versus the world that they live in." The dark nobleman grins, revealing edgy incisors, "Over the course of a day, one measures how close they themselves lived up to their expectations of their idealization of themselves, or how they veered towards the realm of failure, which taxes their reserves, causing guilt or pride. At the same time, they do an assessment on whether the world around them met their expectations, or demonstrated itself to be faulty, and insufficient."

Ineryon (615) has posed:

     From here, Lord Valos bobs his head from side to side, "On particularly 'bad' days, a person both encounters problems the environment provided that caused them stress, in addition to having amassed unfulfilled accomplishments which demonstrate to oneself that in spite of whatever happened, they /still/ ended up acting unskillfully... Anger towards the world, and shame towards oneself-- one despises the world." Finishing off his seafood morsel, "Then again, if one overcomes a problem, the world may have evidenced itself to be inferior, but the victor thinks themselves all the greater because they rose above, and acted admirably. Beyond all this, one has days where things go their way, in light of also achieving, so one feels they've made progress towards their ideal self, and they may invest in the view that the world has shown itself to be worthwhile; either of these are 'good' days." Pointing at Finna, Ineryon remarks, "....In essence, all one has to do to truly 'blow off steam' is to manually re-calibrate their perceptions of self and environment to being more realistic, instead of clinging desperately to optimistic beliefs of what the universe's contents /could/ amount to, in sum, which would then allow them to appraise their situation differently, to the point that almost all things are better or worse than absolutely nothing."

     The nobleman nods his head, "Which, obviously, brings one to the bottom line-- non-existence is the most balanced contingency that could be, even though non-existence would not be, since, to be, is a state of being, and non-existence is a state of not-being." With the appearance of the ears, Ineryon widens the opening of one eyelid every so subtly, implying that he wasn't expecting what he saw, in defiance of the fact that it wasn't so peculiar that it was outside the realm of all reason, ".....The... Aquatic-Ape Theory... has merit?"

Finna (513) has posed:

    That about sums up the expression Finna's developing bit by bit through Ineryon's speech. Shoulders drooping, mouth gaping wider, ears flattening... her tail even stops wagging. It's clear that Ineryon's words are definitely having an effect.

    But as before, it's quite a bit before she replies. If nothing else, she does ponder on her answer. She even rubs at her chin.

    "You could make an amazing scholar. NO doubt about it! ...because like them, I'm having a terrible time keeping up with your words.... umm... in short, you're saying.... thatb lowing off steam is silly, that people should just tough through it, that a lot of people's problems stem from having the wrong expectations..."

    If anyone with magical senses is paying attention, Finna's consuming a great deal of it as she rubs at her forehead, putting her thoughts into overdrive to try and process this speechbomb.

    "... The what theory...? Uhhh... I don't know... but thinking about what you said, you've got a problem, don't you? To launch into a speech like that at a stranger... about such complicated stuff... you must not know anyone who can understand you, huh?"

Ineryon (615) has posed:
When Finna began to become fatigued from trying to slog through Ineryon's spiels, he could mildly decipher a change in her mana levels, causing him to grimace a touch. Finally, he arises-- both of them are beginning to tire, although Finna more noticeably so; the dark lord grunts, "What I am saying, is.... All things that can experience sensations both positive or negative have a problem, because the likelihood is that if something has the capacity to experience good as well as bad, they will, until they are no further."

     This was a pretty straight-forward explanation, for a fellow like the baron. Shaking his head, Ineryon sighed, "The agenda behind describing the nature of pain and pleasure was to facilitate your comprehension of the very viable possibility that the people here were being wasteful, and that had they been reacting to their problems in a pragmatic fashion, they'd've sought to re-align their internal structure, which is from whence all anxiety emerges. When there is no mind, there is no stimuli that is perceivable, thus, when there is a mind, and an atmosphere full of conditions which do not cater to the desires contrived by the mind, the mind recognizes this as incongruence."

     He starts to walk away, picking up his pail with fish still contained inside, "....Ergo, why find roundabout media of resolving the problem via temporary bandages, instead of fixing the interior wiring, which perceives the mismatch from the onset?" All he was really doing was justifying his contempt for all life, and more so for the fishermen who didn't behave as studiously as Ineryon believes they should've, in that 'perfect world' he'd just mentioned-- which he consequently concluded, could never earnestly comet to pass. Looking over his shoulder at Finna, the dark elf scoffs, "...Bleh. There are those who interpret my words properly, but have such lack of hope for a brighter non-future that they are consumed by the dealings of this plane, trying to scavenge off of anything or anyone that they can take advantage of, to quench their thirsts, albeit temporarily. I am the hopeful one of my race, who thinks there may yet be an antithesis to that which is."

     Chuckling lightly, he slaps his knee, and faces forward now as he continues to walk away, bound to leave the woman to her devices lest she follow, "....And there I go, both condemning and also subscribing to idealism, in the very same oration.... This.... is why I was banished.... yes...."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Hah...hahahahaha...." Ineryon actually chuckling - showing that he at least understands humor - gets Finna bursting into a weird, twisted bunch of giggling. She doesn't even bother bringing a hand up near her mouth at first, ut soon she's snorting into it... then bounding after Ineryon. "WELL YOU!"

    And then, quick as the wind and just as light as it, she smooches him playfully on the cheek and BACKFLIPS into his path, hands behind her back and tailwagging. "So people stress out when the world doesn't match what they expect of it, hmmm? You're pretty silly. Trying to get what we want out of it, and having fun, that's what life's all about. Yooou're thinking too much. But ugh, I can't keep handling these crazy words you use... anyways... the name's Finna! Please don't tell me yours is as long as your speeches. I'd rather something I can remember!"

Ineryon (615) has posed:
Her snorting wasn't something that he'd expected to hear, which made him wonder if she was related to a pig? Right now Ineryon was at a loss for words as to what plethora of animals spawned her, yet in a place as diverse as the Multiverse, there were more plausible possibilities than in a place where evolution was consolidated within a singular solar system. Prompted by his premature departure, she gives him a peck on the cheek after halting his recession from the pier, then acrobatically bounced back so that he'd be unable to effectively bypass the woman without some effort.

     "I'm not just referring to people. All organisms are situated in a certain location where conditions match their desires, or make things less preferable. A tree ends up growing near a shady outcropping that juts from a cliff, so it adapts by growing towards the sun. A big-horn ram finds that above the tree-line upon the peaks that there is not enough vegetation to feed upon, thus it treks into areas with more nourishment.... even if predators lurk about. A person sits in one position too long, and they decide to move something." He shrugs, "Pain most often precedes pleasure." /HOPING/ this is simplistic enough for the girl to convert into sensible information without causing an overload, Ineryon then accommodates furthermore by relinquishing a name, "Ineryon Valos.

     Black sheep of the Valii." The drow shrugs indifferently, "Address me however you wish, but unless I've foreknowledge of what handle you intend to apply, you may find that garnering my attention could be more difficult, or less full of tedium."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Ineryon... not the sort of name from around here, heh. Not that you look the part. Don't let me hold you if you've somewhere to go!" The girl then teases, waggling a finger.

    Yes she's fully aware she just did that on him.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Looking sternly at Finna for a few instants, he says nothing about how he looks, whether his name is standard, or any of that stuff.... On the other hand, when she admits that she blocked him, he rolls his eyes; he'd suspected as much, but unlike some folks, he wasn't liable to pronounce a verdict of guilt unless innocence was first disproven.... and a confession was just that. Simply nodding to her, he side-steps the woman and continues on his way, hoping that she's less prone towards trying to meddle with his fishing technique on the next juncture where he elects to visit the pier.