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Latest revision as of 14:18, 26 November 2014

The Quest for Bacon
Date of Scene: 26 November 2014
Location: New York-199999
Synopsis: While on a quest to earn tasty goodness, Grumble runs into Toph. Besides treats, she also has words of wisdom for the enthustiastic pug.
Cast of Characters: 20, 620

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Late night Malibu is bustling with life. Then again, California is a rather nice place with warm weather, even this time of year. Some are heading out to get some late night dinner, hit the bars and just enjoy life. Though of course there are other things to enjoy as well.

    The blind earthbender heads out of the store, stuffing the rest of her change into the pockets of her cargo pants with the hand that is not holding the bag. It doesn't seem like the paparazzi are out and about too much at this time, or perhaps they have learned their lesson after the first weeks of trying to bother her for interviews. Either way she intends to not spend too much time here before she heads home with the stuff she bought to make sure that she has what she needs for her breakfast and lunch in the morning. It is getting late, and maybe she /should/ be in bed, but she has been up later than this before. And her radio is on too, so it's not like her adoptive parents need to worry.

    And hey, she is even bringing home sandwiches and cookies!

Grumble (620) has posed:
Grumble sits upon the roof ledge of a single story building across the street from a hotdog cart. Tilting his head he considers if it is worth the risk to attempt to trade with the vendor for one of the delicious smelling hotdogs wrapped in crisp bacon. Bacon! Of course it was worth the risk! Decision made Grumble pauses a moment to scratch his chin with his hind leg before sitting up and giving a snort. Setting himself and wiggling his buttom he makes a short awkward leap off the roof intending to slow his fall to land safely on the sidewalk. Sadly distracted by the prospect of dining wonderful bacon wrapped hotdogs had distracted him sufficiently to forget looking before he leapt. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, a certain Miss Toph Beifong just happened to be the individual the pug was falling quickly towards.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Perhaps it would be easier for the girl to notice if her eyes actually worked. Or if the pug was leaping from the ground or something that gave her a better sense of 'vision'. But instead, as Grumble has the noble purpose of bacon in mind, he takes to the air and might find that his leap won't quite take him to the hot dogs he so desires. Instead, he lands perhaps softer than he might have expected.

    As the pug lands in her hair, the blind girl startles and lets out a loud yelp and stumbles to the side, reaching up to grab whatever it was that landed on her head. "What the CRUD?!" she yells, her hand finding the back of his neck. What is this? A pig bull or something?

Grumble (620) has posed:
Bacon was so close he could taste it already! All he needed to do was, "OOOMMMPPH?!" Landing somewhat unexpectedly in a human's hair was definitely not in the plan. The wind knocked out of him Grumble could vaguely make out an explicative as he is suddenly plucked up via his scruff and set face to face with his angry landing pad.

Someone angry was bad, he had done a bad thing, it was best to apologize. Waving his paw shyly as he spoke, "Hello, I am Grumble. I am sorry I landed upon your head. I do not know what a Crud is miss."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It talks?! Not only that, it speaks with a familiar voice too! And Toph never forgets a voice. The annoyed look on her face shifts to one of surprise, all before she blinks and then laughs. "Grumble?" She doesn't seem to doubt that it's him however, and she grins before she crouches down and sets the pug down on his feet. "What are /you/ doing in Malibu?" she asks. The dog should notice that she's not looking at him, though she remains crouched in front of him. She's clad in civilian clothing... and she smells suspiciously of /a cat/ in addition to earth. "And crud... well, you could say it's the same as shit, dirt... stuff like that," the earthbender replies with a shrug of her small shoulders.

Grumble (620) has posed:
Grumble knew that voice! Its miss Toph! Subconsciously wagging his tail he gives a little hop and a bark! "BRAP! BRAP!Miss TOPH MISS TOPH! It is you! It is you! I have met you!"

He finally met another person from the union! Staring at her face he gives a deep wiff....then blinks. Trotting closer he sniffs again...... "Cat? Cat? Where?" His poor doggy mind has been completely sidetracked and focused on the chaseable kitty smell! Running around Toph in circles he seems lost in excitement prancing and yapping happily.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Woah, talk about eager...! Toph blinks, then can't help herself and lets out a laugh of amusement, grinning widely. "Yeah, it's me. Toph. You don't need to be so formal!" Sheesh, for a dog he's really stuck on titles, isn't he?

    His mannerisms are kind of cute, and she reaches her hand out, wondering if he will let her pet him. But then he seems to have smelled something on her, and she arches an eyebrow. "Uh, the cat isn't here, he is at home. And that's Buster, he's Goldie's cat..." When he begins running around her she sighs, then stands up.. and kicks into the ground, raising a small pillar underneath Grumble. "Calm down, buddy! There's no cat here, and really, if you ever want to visit me at home you can't go like that, you would freak Buster out!" she warns him and reaches out to keep him still on the pillar. "You never told me just what you are doing here in Malibu. Out for a late stroll?"

Grumble (620) has posed:
Nearly losing his footing as a pillar of rock lifts him up. He is snapped quickly back to reality as a hand rest on his back to steady him. Attention drawn back to Toph he finally listens. No Cat...aww....

"I am sorry miss Toph. I got excited. This place, you called it Malibu? I am here because...I...I SMELLED people doing things. I like people. They make the sad go away. Then..then I smelled yummy sausage..and bacon!" Looking directly at Tophs eyes he readies to beg her help to acquire bacon, when he notices she is not looking at him. Or anything in fact. "Miss Toph?" he whines softly and waves a paw. "Why are you looking at nothing?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Don't worry, there's no way Toph will let Grumble fall off of the pillar. Her hand is steady as she keeps it in place, and then she ruffles his head. "You get excited easily, don't you?" she grins. "And yeah, this is Malibu. It's Goldie's world, and there will be other versions of Malibu out there." This is the best one without doubt, though.

    Well, most dogs seem to like people. That's not so weird, since they say a dog is a man's best friend. Something he does say causes her to blink though, and she arches her eyebrows. "The sad...?" What does he mean by that?

    Trust him to talk about food though, and she sniffs the air herself. Yes, she can 'see' the hotdog vendor nearby. So he's hungry, is that it? Well, perhaps- huh? The question he asks her catches her attention though, and she blinks before she reaches out and takes his paw in her hand. "I'm blind." It doesn't seem to take the smile away from her face however.

Grumble (620) has posed:
Tilting his head Grumble considers what the nice human just said. Blind, but she isn't! She can see! He could tell! Maybe she was like those....those bat things. She sees without using her eyes! Like he could sorta see with his nose. That must be it! Nodding to himself happy that he had figured it out he immediately stopped worrying.

Now what was he doing? Oh yes! BACON! Maybe miss Toph could help him get one of the bacon sausages? Rearing up slighly he places a paw on Tophs arm and asks, "Miss Toph! Can you please help me trade for a bacon hotdog? I can trade one for you to! Or share if you help me!" With that he instinctively uses a dog's greatest weapon. He whines softly and stares at Toph with the biggest saddest puppy dog eyes possible.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Perhaps Grumble will learn just how perceptive the blind girl can be sometime. But right now Toph thinks the eager canine has enough with dealing with this new world and her clothes smelling of cat.

    When the paw is placed on her arm she can't help but think about how Buster begs at times, and even if she can't see those puppy dog eyes, she hears the whining. Her own expression falters, and her eyes widen just a bit. And she sighs, digging her free hand into her pocket, the sound of coins and dollar bills easily recognizable. No, she can't say no to a begging animal. As she pulls her hand back she makes a gesture with her fingers, and the pillar underneath Grumble sinks back into the ground, and she turns and heads over to the hotdog vendor. "Two bacon sausages." The vendor nods and begins preparing the first hot dog. "You want anything on that, miss?" In return Toph forwards the question to the pug. "You want ketchup or mustard on that one?"

Grumble (620) has posed:
With a happy Yip Grumble follows miss Toph across the street to the hotdog bacon vendor person! She was helping him! Such a nice person. He would make sure to repay her somehow! Now for the trade. Human's seem to love those shiny metal discs of precious metals. Focusing on the ambient energies of the area he gathers them up and starts forming a quarter sized disc of gold. Vaguely hearing Toph ask him about ketchup and mustard he doesn't respond for a minute as he focuses on his task. Finally having completed materializing a golden coin he pants and looks up. "I'm sorry what was that miss Toph? I was making the trade item for the hotdogs. I do so hope this is of enough value."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    For now the two humans don't notice how Grumble is seemingly making gold out of nothing, though Toph does notice how there's suddenly something metallic there, and she blinks in confusion. "Uh, I have money to pay for it, don't worry. This one is on me. These guys only accept cash anyway..." Wait, is he making /gold/? She takes the golden coin and puts it in her pocket, looking slightly nervous as she hands some legal cash over to the vendor and takes the two hot dogs after applying some ketchup to one of them. And then she hurries on down the street, gesturing for Grumble to follow her. "Come on!"

    And once they are out of earshot of people, she swallows. "You should be careful about making stuff. Especially gold," she warns him.

Grumble (620) has posed:
Grumble follows Toph in confusion. She seems nervous and hurried. Had he done something wrong? Hearing the question confuses him even further. "Miss Toph? What is wrong with making the yellow metal human's seem to like? Is it bad? Have I done bad?" Drooping and staring at the ground his tail dips back between his legs as he whines softly. "Will..you not be my friend anymore and leave?" He literally looks as if his world is crashing down around him.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The whining makes Toph halt, and she sighs before she crouches down and holds out the hotdog for Grumble to bite into. "No, you didn't do anything bad. And I'm saying this because I don't want you to get into any trouble..." Man, is this how Tony and Pepper feel when they reprimand her? "Most people would really want to be able to make gold. Which is why you have to be careful about not making it unless you have to. If people knew there was a dog who could make gold, they might take you away and force you to make gold for them. I had forgotten you could make things really..." Toph sighs, her expression worried, and it doesn't look like she's mad. "I won't leave. Promise."

Grumble (620) has posed:
Nods as Toph explains and Cheers up immediately as Toph promises not to leave. Pouncing the hotdog he takes as big a bite as his small puggy mouth could do and chews up before swallowing.

Between bites he responds, "So its the go...gold? People like it so much they might try and ...force? me to make it for them?" He takes another bite then barks happily. "Then there is no problem! Because I can get away!" With that he literally disappears and reappears atop Toph's head. Flopped on his belly on her hair "See! I will also try and not to much gold. Would it be alright if I make another metal? Humans also like that not yellow shiny one. I think its called....silver?" He blinks away again back down to ground and resumes eating the bacon wrapped hotdog, "Bacon is delicious!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The girl's face is serious as she nods. "Yeah, many people go crazy over gold. And it's not so easy to get aw--" When he disappears she startles, only to blink when he reappears on her head for some reason. "What the...?" She does do her best to keep her head still however, and she reaches up to steady Grumble. At least until he blinks down to the ground again, and she can't help but smile wryly. "Even silver might make people turn their heads. Just to be sure you should only do that if an officer tells you to create valuable stuff, okay? And as I said, people prefer to be paid with coins made in this world." Once she is certain he is busy with his hotdog she resumes eating her own. All while she continues talking, even with her mouth full. "Besides... some humans might think they can do whatever they want to you because you're not a human."

Grumble (620) has posed:
Finishing his hotdog he sits down and makes happy noises. Listening to Miss Toph he considers her words very carefully. Humans were so complicated, so much didn't make any sense at all. The best way to learn is to ask, so he does. "Miss Toph? What is an officer? And and if cannot make metals anymore what can I use to trade? Will people accept sausages for trade? Or maybe they want chewy things, like shoes? Also, why would people do things to me? I did not do anything to them. I do not want to hurt or make anyone sad." Tries to lick his own nose clean, before pawing at Toph's foot. "I am a good dog. I am sure if I am good people will be good to me to."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    What is an officer? Toph grins at that. "An officer is somebody who holds rank in the Union. Or the Confederacy, but we don't listen to those dunderheads who want to mess things up! Listen to Union officers, we know what's going on! I'm an ensign, which means I can give orders to allies and enlisted members of the Union. Then there are the senior officers, like Goldie... he's a major, and there's general Nathan Hall and Parthurnaax or whatever his name is... anyway, if they speak up, you ought to listen."

    What is he supposed to do for trading? "Well, if you need stuff to trade, then you should make it where nobody can see you making it so they don't learn that you can make valuable stuff. Then they wouldn't have a reason to try and hurt you or kidnap you. You could keep the coins in a purse or something around your neck, you know?"

    As for why people would try to do things to him? Toph sighs at that. "Because some people are stupid and don't care if they hurt others as long as they themselves can get stuff. I know, it's stupid. I know you aren't bad." No, she is inclined to like the lively and earnest dog. And she shows this by reaching out to scratch him behind one ear with a wide grin. "We will help you if you need it, Grumble," she reassures him. All before she goes serious again. "You talked about being sad without people... are you sad often...?"

Grumble (620) has posed:
Listens intently as Miss Toph answers his question eyes focused on her face as she speaks. His head tilting occasionally. So much information that he has trouble trying to digest all at once! Officers and Union...good. Hide when you make metals. Purse? He paws at the ground as and lays on his tummy as she mentions people being stupid. But they are so smart. So the bad people are stupid! Thats why they are being bad.

Hearing her tell him that the union would help him if he needed them he hops to his feet and gives happy bark as he makes a quick happy twirl. That means they are friends!

Then she asks about the *sadness* and he flops back onto his buttom and stares at the ground. Looking up for a moment he stares at her face before staring back at the ground. He remembers the days if being alone, he could make all the meat he could want, had a warm place to sleep, and furry things to chase. But no one for company. The sadness grew inside his tummy. He only had one answer to her question. "Yes..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Man, this little guy gets excited easily... Toph lets out a laugh, grinning as she gives him another pat on his head and then finishes up her own bacon hotdog. Though she notices how he reacts to the question as well. And it's clear he gets sad quickly too. Talk about wearing your heart on your sleeve.

    The physical changes in his heartbeat is noticed too, and she winces when she realizes that she sort of made him sad for some reason. "You... don't like being alone? Me too. I was alone too, even..." How to explain this? "I was alone even if there were people around me. Because they wouldn't let me do what I wanted and thought I was somebody I was not. If that makes any sense." Okay, time to cheer up. "But you're with the Union now, and you don't have to be sad! Okay?"

Grumble (620) has posed:
Stares at Toph as she explains she had the sads too. But she doesn't ahve it anymore. Tilting his head as he doesn't understand what she means by being alone around people. But she was human, they were complicated and smarter so it must make sense somehow.

Hearing her last sentence he perks up happily trots over and rears up, resting his paws on her leg. "Union is good. I can make many friends like you Miss Toph! So I won't have sads anymore!" Wagging his tail he licks at her feet/shoes in affection.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Even if Grumble gets saddened it seems like it's just as easy to cheer him up, and Toph grins. "Call me Toph. No need for miss or whatever. I'm not about to call you Mister Grumble," she points out in good humour. "The Union is awesome like that, I am glad I joined them and made so many new friends. And that we get to fight for what's right. So... did you enjoy the hotdog?"

Grumble (620) has posed:
"Yes! The hotdog was very very good! I am happy I had one. I have never seen them wrapped in bacon before. Now I can make them whenever I want. Thank you so much for your help M...Toph." Tilting his head he as he realizes something important. "Toph? You said fights? The Union fights?" He didn't realize there was fighting involved in the Union. Does that mean he had to fight? He didn't want to fight...but, if someone wanted to hurt his friend Toph. He didn't know what he would do! Unconsciously he begins to growl a little at the thought "grr..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Good, so he likes decent food. Toph is about to rise to her feet again, then she blinks at the question. "Yeah, we fight people who want to bully others and try to tell them how to do things. We fight for justice and freedom. And only those who want to fight. I /love/ fighting, and nobody can control earth like I do, so..." She shrugs, only to look confused when he's growling, arching an eyebrow. "... uh, you okay there, Grumble?" It doesn't seem he's angry at her though, which makes it slightly weird.

Grumble (620) has posed:
Snaps out of it as his name is called. "Fighting is so dangerous Toph. I don't understand how someone can enjoy it. Why don't they just share food instead? Or maybe groom each other. That is better." Sniffing her earthen smelling feet he decides to demonstrate by trying to lick them clean! They are so very dirty, maybe friend Toph can't reach down and lick them clean? That must be it. Good thing he was here to help her. He was such a good friend!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Fighting is dangerous, but somebody has to do it! And hey, most people can't touch me when I'm doing my thing. And sneaking up on me is practically impossible." Unless they attack from the air or somewhere where vibrations don't carry. Then they cheat.

    When the pug licks at her feet though, she lets out a loud yelp and steps back, eyes wide. "H-HEY! Don't do that!" She doesn't seem mad though, and she quickly clarifies before he starts thinking that she is mad with him or something. "I... my feet are ticklish," she warns him.

Grumble (620) has posed:
Stops and stares straight up at Toph, tongue still out. "But Toph, you're paws are dirty. Being ticklish should not stop you from grooming them." His speech is interrupted by a big yawn, his back stretching. Licking his nose then shaking himself. "I must find a safe soft warm place to sleep Toph. It is very late and I need to find a place without predators to sleep. I wish to explore this, Malibu, more tomorrow. But if I do not find a good spot I will be forced to teleport home. So I must apologize because I must go for now. Perhaps we can meet again tomorrow?" His head is already swiveling around trying considering if a nearby alley might have warm safe spot? A roof is usually safe but always so cold and windy.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Yeah yeah, I know my feet are dirty, that's how they are!" Toph snorts and points down at her feet. "I'm an earthbender, I walk around without shoes... I'll pick them clean later and shower before bed."

    Then he states he needs to sleep... Toph seems to consider this, then she sighs. "You... could tag along and sleep at Goldie's home. You're Union, so you're allowed to stay as a guest. Though you better sleep outside on the patio or something so you don't spook Buster..." Yeah. It would be bad if he began chasing the poor cat around the house. And accidentally woke up Tony and Pepper. Still, it's probably not safe for the pug to sleep out here on the streets. Who knows what might happen to him here?

Grumble (620) has posed:
Grumble Perks up. "Really? You will allow me to stay this Mister Goldie's home? You are so nice friend Toph." Yawning he wobbles a little bit before snorting and shaking himself. Squinting he starts to walk without even waiting for directions. His path meandering and aimless. Clearly he is a very tired pug.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Hey, the Union sticks together," Toph explains with a smile, then turns and motios for Grumble to follow her and not just wander where he thinks the Stark mansion might be. "Come on, I'll lead the way. Let me know if you get tired, I'll carry you."

Grumble (620) has posed:
Grumble seems to be wandering further away...slower, then he falls on his face as he passes out to sleep. Seems in his excitement at making a new friend he had stayed up far later than he usually does. Grumble's only reply to Toph would be a snorting snore. As he has splayed out on the sidewalk asleep.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Man, he /is/ tired, huh? Toph smiles slightly, then walks over to where Grumble has flopped down... and picks him up, craddling him against her chest as she begins carrying him home. She'll just have to explain things to Tony and Pepper in the morning, she guesses.