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Latest revision as of 00:56, 27 November 2014

White Mage in Castlevania
Date of Scene: 26 November 2014
Location: The Great Mountains
Synopsis: Someone's gotta buy bigger traps around here!
Cast of Characters: 516, 635

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    'Not all who wander are lost,' or so the saying goes. Quentyn, very possibly, is lost. The sort of lost where he doesn't really care that much. He has his hood pulled up and his full adventuring gear, just in case, but mostly the teen just looks around. Taking in the sights serenely, even if the sights might be tending towards a little unsettling. Perhaps making sure he doesn't accidentally trip over some monster, at the same time.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The land was haunted. Not by any one creature, no, the earth here was little teeming with spirits, old gold left by brigands and would-be conquerers, secrets, unholy or not. Some would be known, others would never be known. Right now Ferham was out here as she had been in transit from the Commanding Officer's... estate, fortress, what have you. It was easy to think of it as both. Despite what some may think, the fact she used a whip was not lost on her, due to where she was. Tragic irony perhaps? it however maybe didn't win her any extra favor in the CO's presence.

     Right now the countryside howled with wind off and own, not storming, the skies were clear, but it wasn't quiet, either. Even in midday the land looked like it was rugged and seldom travelled, and depending on where you were, it was. The main trade routes were handled by a network between towns, but other than that...? Raw wilderness.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Further into this place, Quentyn's eager step gradually starts to slow a bit. Glancing around but this time more thoughtful, perhaps wondering if it might have been a good idea to keep better track of where he was going. He eventually winds to a halt, a hand reaching up into his hood to scratch the back of his head.

    Then he straightens up as he catches sight of another figure in the distance. Well, red and pink aren't subtle colors. Quentyn gets off the road and stands semioccluded by a tree. Fingers brush against the weapon at his hip, but he doesn't draw. After a moment's contemplation, he opts to hide behind the tree completely--small stature helps with that, at least--and see if the traveler just passes by.

Ferham (516) has posed:

As Ferham turns, she seems to pause and point to something... at Quentyn? one would hope so, her lower jaw dropping just a bit. If Quentyn would turn, he would be able to spy a apider the size of a basketball that was slowly and silently rappeling down from an almost invisible length of gossamer thread. It was sort of like a big tarantula, the kind with two main spherical black glassy eyes up front, though with it so close Quentyn might be able to see the reflection of the thing's pupils as they raced about from side to side in anticipation.

     "Watch out!" there was a deep voiced yell from the woman in red, and she seemed to be reaching for a weapon behind her.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    At first Quentyn doesn't get it, but when he turns and sees the spider he lets out quite the squeak! But to his credit he doesn't freeze and reacts reasonably fast. He drops backwards-ish to the ground while drawing his PDW. Safety clicks from, well, safe, to single and then auto and then--

    BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM! Better a few extra bullets than too few, right?

Ferham (516) has posed:
     If spiders could speak, perhaps in some form of arachnoid screeching, the reddish striped one hanging over Quentyn likely had been starting to say, Ohfu--before the sudden autofire began to drill parts of it into nonexistance. Because that's what a spray of bullets does to something made out of chitin and carapace, sort of... eradicates it a bit at a time. This of course does not mean there is not any expulsion of body fluids in the process. No really, this thing pops like a waterbaloon! Ew...

     Soon, it's husk falls to the ground with a small thud and there is another set of noises--footsteps. The kind of subtle, barely there soft snapping of dry pine needles and leaves that a pair of stiletto heeled boots make as Ferham is suddenly standing over the man, giving him a worm's eye view up said boots and legs. "Having fun down there?" she asks, her whip coiled in her left hand.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    The boy keeps the gun aimed at the spider even as it falls. Just in case--some monsters, even seemingly small ones, can be hardier than it first seems. Only once Ferham interrupts his focus on the moment does he take his eyes away and shiver at the spider gore now splattered all over himself.

    Ferham gets a momentary blank stare, then Quentyn does a sort of motion involving twisting and pushing with his feet, getting himself to a squatting position first and then standing without actually using his hands. The hands holding the PDW. Quentyn doesn't do anything so foolish like point it at her but he doesn't look ready to give it up just yet either. Not even to wipe off his glasses. "H-Hi..." he murmmurs shakily.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The length of her whip handle seems to retract into the whip handle just a bit, but she's still standing there with a hand on her hip, gloved hand still clasping the whip grip. She seems to be sort of peering down at him with a nonchalant expression, nodding just a little bit at his greeting. "Hello," her voice is deep and feminine, like a cat's purr, definitely sexy.

     "The insects around here get a little large, you should be more careful," she inclined her head to one side, reaching down with her right hand as if to help him up. Her hands were gloved of course, but slender, feminine.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Still a little spooked, Quentyn hesitates... but then gives in and takes her hand to help himself up. Unless that's not what she's actually doing but-- one way or another, once standing, he looks around just to make sure another spider attack or something isn't about to happen... and then he sets the weapon to safe again and holsters it. He nods in agreement, "Yah. Um. Sorry."

    It's only then that Quentyn takes his glasses off, rubs it clean on his hoodie (he'll need to wash that anyway), and then slides them on again. Looking up to Ferham he asks, "Um. Where is here?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     She seems strong--able to actually help pull him right up to his feet even with that one gently offered hand. Her whip goes back behind her as she watches his gun get holstered, clearly thankful for that. "You don't know where you are?" she sudden;y frowns at him, sounding incredulous. "You're in the Transylvanian countryside of Castle Dracula, is where 'here' is," she turned and gestured. The castle wasn't visible from where they stood, forests and mountain ranges blocked it from view.

     "Bit of a young adventurer, aren't you?" she peered down at him again, apparently fascinated by the sharp blue eyes of his. Course, hers were green, it wasn't as if she hadn't seen interestingly colored eyes before, but something seemed strange about this one, maybe. "Where are you from, then?"

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn turns and looks to the direction she gestures in anyway, standing on tiptoes and moving a little to one side, then the other, as though any of this might help. But it's only a few seconds before he gives up. "Yah. There's a castle nearby?" Despite the spider thing just before, he sounds curious and interested already. "Are there monsters?"

    Quentyn nods and grins, "I'm Quentyn, from Alexander Academy, top adventuring school in all Galianda." The pride in his voice suggests he's either forgotten or just hasn't realized that maybe getting caught alone and off guard isn't something most students would consider their proudest moment. "Um, Galianda's the name of my world..." He looks around at the countryside again, then back to Ferham. "Are you from around here?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Yes, multiple," Ferham nodded a little matter of factly, turning to look at the youth. She watched him for a moment before doing a double-take. "What, you're not interested in trying to go there, are you?" she asked, her tone implying this as an extremely poor decision. "Alexander Academy!? I think I've met one of you already," she seemed to be surprised by that somehow, but then again not so much. "You guys seem a little too curious for your own good, so there's a common trait there," she walked around him, shaking her head.

     "No, I'm not from here, this world is too archiac for me ontop of that, I'm from a technologically advanced world," she might as well have added 'no duh' after that, but this wasn't 90s slang time, it appeared. "Galianda, huh? you need a lift?" she seemed curious.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    'Yes, multiple.' Quentyn's eyes light up probably a bit more than is entirely healthy, or will be entirely healthy. He also looks pleased she's heard of AA already. "Who did you meet?"

    He looks back a ways, perhaps to some warp gate he arrived through, when Ferham asks her last question. "Um, I guess. But first--can you tell me how to get to that castle?" A lopsided grin tugs at the edge of his mouth. "Don't worry--I wouldn't go alone."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh, some mousey little kid with a book, mistook me for a pleasure model," Ferham rolled her eyes at that, remembering the cowlicked Oberyn, apparently. She doesn't mention him by name, however. "Actually, doing that would be really dangerous, also probably treacherous for me, if you're going there with the intent to rob or hunt the creatures there--I'm a member of the Confederacy, and so is the master of the castle," she shrugged a little. "So... maybe you should buy a map or ask the villagers instead, they seem to know him," she smirked.

     "That's of course assuming you live long enough to get there, it's pretty dangerous, and even if you get inside... well, have you ever fought a demon before?" she frowned again, peering at him. "That firearm of yours... might not be enough."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn looks thoughtful for a moment, then shakes his head, "Don't think I know..." Trails off with a shrug. "Could be half the Ogre or Elemental girls." And at the next explanation he looks very, very puzzled and confused for a good few moments... until, at last, "Oh, it's inhabited..?" His tone and expression turning a bit disappointed.

    "Demon..." he looks aside in recollection for a moment, then shakes his head. Then Quentyn glances down at his PDW and back to Ferham with a kind of sheepish smile. "Oh--Yah, well--I'm only a white mage, and even then that's not my main weapon. But the others are a lot better at the frontline stuff." His eyes drift back to the direction Ferham motioned to before. "I guess we'll have to find someplace else..."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Yeeesss?" Ferham replied after he asked if Castle Dracula was... inhabited. "Inhabited is a funny word for it, but it's more haunted. A haunted castle, you could say," she giggled a fair bit after that, then stopped herself, placing a gloved hand over her mouth. "Ahem, I apologize... but to be serious, a powerful vampire lives there. Several, actually... if he has any of his 'brides' around," a small shiver ran through her, through whatever synthetic spinal column she had. It perhaps served only a small comfort she was robotic, and had no lifeblood to sap such as the humans around here.

     "Yes, you know. Infernal entities, some languages refer to them as 'outsiders', from other planes of existence, or dimensions," she shook her head. "I believe the people around here liken the master of the castle as one himself, as a demon, and not just a vampire, though I think vampires are sort of... separated from those, in other worlds, aren't they?" she seemed a bit puzzled there herself.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    "Oh." Quentyn takes a moment to digest this, curling a finger and tapping it against his chin while taking a few paces back and forth. Never mind the spider ichor still splattered over his clothes--he certainly doesn't. "And you're, um, friends with this vampire?"

    Quentyn just shrugs helplessly to the rest. "I've heard of them but I never Encountered one." With a capital E, for some reason.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "'Friends' is a strong term, I'm an ally of the confederates, which he's the commanding officer of," Ferham shrugged. "I've never actually met him in person, but I've had to go to his castle several times, usually, I just see the door man," though which entity she means by 'door man' is somewhat ambiguous here. Igor...? Or Death? "Hmm... well either way, you probably could use some guidance to the nearest gate out of here... before some spider mistakes you for a very pale grasshopper, or something," she gestured for him to follow her, it seemed.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn falls quiet as he digests all this political information. And he obediently follows along while he contemplates. Eventually he comments, "...I guess I hadn't really thought about fighting a kind of hume 'monster', especially one with an army. I think we'll stick to normal monsters."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Hume monster? ah, that's a word for human from your world," Ferham grinned a little, perhaps thinking that cute. "Don't worry about it, just don't trip, okay?" she was apparently thinking on just leading him back on foot. "So, this academy of yours, it has... instructors, right?" dun dun duuun.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    "Yah, loads," Quentyn answers without hesitation. "I mean--the academy covers most of the moon," he explains as he walks along.