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Latest revision as of 20:27, 27 November 2014

Welcome to Alexander Academy
Date of Scene: 26 November 2014
Location: Galianda
Synopsis: A bearer of a Keyblade wanders into Galianda's foremost academy. It's not the kind of school she expects.
Cast of Characters: 624, 627, 633, 635, 638

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Another day at Alexander academy, students coming and going to their classes or other activities. Quentyn is sitting in the courtyard under a tree (but with his hood cowling his head anyway), bag at his side and sketching out something in a notebook.

Beatrice Marshal (638) has posed:
    Beatrice is making her way from the cafeteria, head craning down to look at her tablet PC. She is currently wearing a... Moogle ear (and pom) hairband, for whatever reason. She's also dressed in her uniform, which she tends to wear even when she doesn't acually -have- to.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    After a few awkward moments at the Warp Gate involving the words 'I'm sorry, I don't know who I am except my name' and a handful of questions to ascertain she is not here to cause trouble (in fact, the thought of causing a mess at a school disgusts her, but she's not sure why), AQUA wanders right along the school courtyard. Given her casual black, dark blue, blue and white outfit, with the detached sleeves and all, it's likely the blue-eyed blue-haired girl blends in... insofar as casual dress code goes. Since she's not in a school uniform she absolutely wouldn't blend in!

    She seems lost-- completely lost.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn glances up from his notebook for a few moments, tapping his pencil against his chin. But it so happens that his eyes wander over to Aqua, and he shelves whatever was on his mind. "Hey--are you lost?" He calls out, though not very loudly. In his tone is an offer to help if she is as it seems.

Beatrice Marshal (638) has posed:
    Beatrice coincidentally passes by the tree Quentyn is under! She glances up from her tablet as she hears him speak, glancing at him. Someone's lost? She looks in the direction Westwind is looking, tilting her head. The fake pom on her hairband bounces - it's on a spring after all.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    Upon being called, the blue-haired girl (well, young woman!) wanders over without ceremony. "A-Ah... yes, sorry. Where I'm from, worlds are very small. To think there's a school that's as big as an entire world... I really wanted to see it. But now I'm not sure where to even go," Aqua admits, eyes wandering up and down to examine the teen.

    "Your guards were very welcoming though. Is there somewhere you'd suggest going to see first? Oh, sorry, manners... I'm Aqua. I'm not from around."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn flips the notebook closed and rises. The bouncing pom on Beatrice's head draws his eyes for a moment and if she's looking the same way, he'll give a polite nod... but no sign of recognition crosses his face. Back to Aqua. "Oh, um. Nice to meet you and welcome. Quentyn. Um... Yah." He grins, "The Sky dungeon's pretty neat, but don't try that one if you're scared of edges or get motion sick easy." He looks at Aqua thoughtfully and adds, "...I guess you wouldn't have a team either but there's always parties looking for fill ins. Anyways they've got this floor that looks like you're walking on nothing and... Yah, just gotta see it."

Beatrice Marshal (638) has posed:
    "Upperclassman Westwind, are you really suggesting an off-world visitor you just met participate in a -dungeon run-? Simulated or not, that's somewhat dangerous for someone who has no idea what to expect." Beatrice coughs, stepping forward. "Honestly. I'd suggest just -watching-, if she's interested. Although first, ma'am, it might be a good idea to inform the staff that you're visiting..."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"There are many places of interest on Chocobo."

Huh? Where did he come from? The dark figure of Souji Murasame is there, walking quietly over the grass. "And many others in Galianda. The world is rich and plentiful for those with the foresight and will to find it." He looks over those present, and then inclines his head slightly towards Aqua. "Greetings. I am Souji Murasame. Welcome to Alexander Academy, the premier center of learning in the world."

He then glances over to the others. "Westwind. Marshal." He offers by way of greeting.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "Parties? Fill-ins?" Blink. Blink. She thought this was a school, but now that she pays closer attention... all the difference outfits and uniforms, it really does look like an adventurer hub too. Just a bit. She should have probably figured it out already, but she was too busy being amazed at the scope single worlds can have. That's what she gets, coming from worlds that are roughly the size of a castle and surrounding forest and village, without much else.

    "Sorry, you erm, you lost me. W-Wait, dungeon runs? I thought this was a..." School? Maybe they teach adventurers here. She has to admit, she's curious now.

    "Oh, sorry, I... well I spoke to the guards at the gate and they said this was open to the public, just don't... you know, make a mess. That place with the transparent floor sounds pretty, though."

    Suddenly, tall handsome man.
    "O... oh! You're the man from the Heartless attack. You were with Roxas and Xion, right?" She never did thank him. That's kind of rude.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn's gaze jolts over to Beatrice and realization dawns and he puts voice & name to face. Then he shrugs, "She seems capable." He turns suddenly again towards Souji's voice and straightens. "Sir." He gives a respectful nod. He opens his mouth to say something to Aqua, but closes it again, tilting his head at the mention of heartless and looking back to Souji instead.

Beatrice Marshal (638) has posed:
    Beatrice doesn't even flinch as Souji approaches. Obviously she knew he was approaching! Physical Scan is a hell of a drug. "Murasame," she acknowledges, nodding to him. Then she turns to Aqua! "...He does make a good point. Although the majority of Galianda is currently closed to foreigners for the time being. You could visit parts of Ramuh, but... it's a long walk, so you might as well check out Chocobo first, hm?" She gives a faint smile.

    "We are definitely open to visitors! Alexander Academy has nothing to hide." Pause. "That I've been told about."

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "I guess capable is a word you could use. I don't like showing off, but if I get caught in a fight I'm not totally helpless," Aqua explains, looking between Beatrice and Quentyn. She nods at the idea of visiting the Chocobo sector and the academy; she's sure there's enough to see here she won't be halfway done in a month if she starts now, so why make a fuss over the closed sectors?

    "Ramuh... I almost feel like I've heard that name before, but not here. Can't place it. Sorry, I'm rambling. So what do you learn here? For dungeons to be part of your school activities it must be pretty rough."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"This school prepares its students for all of the rigors of proactive life on Galianda. The various ruins and dangers of the lands must be secured in order to allow civilization to flourish." Souji states in a businesslike tone.

"The Murasame sectors of Ramuh are working to ensure Multiversal guests can be entertained and gain access to goods, services, and trade as they like. While others shy away from the possibilities, we embrace them."

He turns to look to Aqua once more. He is silent for several moments, and then nods faintly. "They are recent acquaintances. Xion informed me of the Heartless threat and I moved to counter it when it made itself apparent. Combat data has been sent to our Research department in order to better understand and combat the threat. I assure you, Murasame will stand against the threat these beings represent." What, did you think the glasses were for show?

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    See, she is capable. Quentyn just gives a thumbs up to Aqua and Beatrice. He curls a finger and taps his chin at the question, and answers Aqua, "Um... well, depends on the student. I'm usually taking white magic and gunner classes, and the usual things like math and tactics and quest info gathering and... Yah, usual stuff. Sometimes it's harder than others, I guess." He falls silent again, following the talk of Heartless with more than a passing interest.

Beatrice Marshal (638) has posed:
    Beatrice, meanwhile... does not seem interested in the talk of 'Heartless'. She gives Souji a slightly annoyed look - does he really need to bring business into every conversation? She looks down at her tablet, poking at it a bit. And wishing she wore glasses.

    "Alexander Academy trains students in how to effectively utilise their 'Jobs' to combat monsters and explore ancient ruins and so forth. I guess you could say it's a 'Hero school'."

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "I-I see. That's good. I'll never turn away help dealing with the Heartless. Where I'm from... if you look at the sky, every star is a world. They shine, and when they blink, it's because of the Heartless. When a star fades from the sky, it means they won there. I can't be everywhere. There's a lot of worlds," Aqua answers Souji, with a bit of weight in her voice.

    Right then, let's switch to something less...
    Dreadful, to talk about.

    "That sounds interesting though. So you do train heroes and adventurers, but also those who support them. I didn't think this sort of school could exist. It's so big too. So you pick your classes, or do they get assigned to you based on talent?"

Beatrice Marshal (638) has posed:
    "Yes," Beatrice answers. Mathematician's answer! "...Th-that is, we do both of those things. It, sort of, depends how you enrolled, too. If you're on a scholarship it might have rules on which classes you can choose, and so forth..."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"A considerable issue." Souji states simply. "We will do what we can to assist." Even if Souji is an asshole, he doesn't want to /destroy the world/. That would be insane.

"Most students choose classes that meet with their natural talents. There is also a core required curriculum to ensure basic competency. Such as ensuring Mages have a baseline level of physical endurance." Souji totally did not glance in Beatrice's direction, but you can feel it.

"In addition to skills related to our Jobs, there are also courses on basic magitech, mathematics, and language skills. Those who graduate from Alexander Academy are often considered the finest in their field."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn opens his mouth to answer, then closes it again, and does his chin tap thing again. "Sky full of worlds..?" He pauses for a few moments, but then adds his own answer to Aqua. He nods to Souji. "Umm, Yah, like he said. There's electives, and, I guess you /can/ do any program? But I don't know anyone that goes against their talent..." He shrugs. "Seems kinda pointless to take a black magic course if you haven't got talent to shape elemental spells." Pause. "Have you been to those sky worlds?"

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "Thanks," Aqua nods to Souji.

    Then she listens to the way the school works. It makes sense. "So I take it... everyone who lives here has potential to be someone great, if they try? For a school to thrive on those things, it would take a population capable of handling it, right...?"

    She isn't sure! Hence asking.

    "Do you also make sure your students only use their gifts for good? Or do you adopt a more live and let live approach?" Then to Quentyn, she nods. "Yeah, that makes sense. If you're no good at swinging weapons around it must be kind of counterproductive to take a class for people who want to be swordsmen. A-Ah, the worlds? I've been to some, but not all. There's too many. They're very varied, You usually need protection to go from one world to the other using the sky. The darkness between the worlds corrupts easily. I should check... to see if Warp Gates have appeared on all of them."

    Well, that can wait.
    This place is way more interesting right now.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     "Ah, that would be up to them!" Soan Sagittarius says.

     He clearly wasn't there moments ago, the young thief stepping out of the shadows of one of the many trees in the courtyard, hands stuffed into his pockets, giving a relaxed, yet knowing smile at the assembled student, including the Extradimensional visitors. Visitor. "Altought there is a strong current of making us productive members of society, the trail blazers, the torch bearers. But in the end? An individual is an individual, they are who they wish to be, deep down."

     Soan pull a hand out of his pocket, handing it toward Aqua. "Sorry for the interruption, spying is what I do. Name's Soan Sagittarius." His attention turn to the other students, including Souji. "And a wonderful day to all of you, as well!"

Beatrice Marshal (638) has posed:
    Beatrice flinches with surprise a split-second before Soan reveals himself, as he suddenly appears on her 'radar'. She resists the urge to place one hand over her heart from the shock. "...Sagittarius," she greets him, in a slightly strained voice. She mutters something about Thieves.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji is about to speak when he is interrupted by Soan arriving like some kind of /Thief/. A faint flicker of annoyance is immediately suppressed. "It is as Sagittarius says." Souji replies. "The school takes a fairly hands-off approach to attempting to instill a specific value set, which is necessary in a land as... culturally diverse as Galianda. What is accepted in Shiva is not necessarily tolerated in Ramuh."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Another person coming out the woodwork, which at first Quentyn mildly doesn't give much attention... even if the voice sounds naggingly familiar. But when Soan gives his name Quentyn looks again. Name-to-faces day, it seems. "Yah, speaking of that, we got any plans?" Curious and eager.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    Well, Thief.

    Aqua actually jumps in surprise-- but in the same motion turns around and-- doesn't do anything. Her hand looks like it's holding an invisible weapon, although there really isn't anything there. She relaxes and sighs a bit, lowering her hand again.

    "You're... impressively quiet. Sorry, I'm a bit high-strung lately. Nice to meet you, Soan. I'm Aqua," she finally manages, and then nods to his comment. So then the school doesn't exclusively train heroes... but it's true, it can't be helped. People are people, free to choose.

    "Ah, so you mean that... each of those sectors are actually worlds unto themselves? Or... cultures, if not worlds?" Kind of hard to tell, from afar! But that just makes the scope of this place even more incredible.

Beatrice Marshal (638) has posed:
    "Until a century or two ago, each Plate was effectively a world unto itself, as travel between Plates was... tricky," Beatrice answers Aqua's question. "That's no longer the case, but globalisation takes time. We still have very different cultures."

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan gives an embarassed grin toward Beatrice's and Aqua's reaction. "I am quiet when I wish to be quiet. My apology for startling you both. It is simply what I do as a Thief. Wonderful to meet you, Aqua." He also notice Souji's brief flash of annoyance. Okay. His day is made, right there, right now.

     "Very different cultures, and good for it. We strive on the differences, in this case." The thief say, looking upward, then down at Quentyn as he asks him a question. "For the moment, nothing in particular, altought we do have some plans, exploring possibilities. Kyra and I have already went to investigate a cursed island. I did, however have spotted a nice place to go at soon."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn gives a thumbs up, but taps a curled finger against his chin while thinks on it for a moment. "Um... Is that island where the Heartless are?" While waiting, he kneels next to his bag to finally slide the notebook back inside, then slings the bag over his shoulder and stands again. And double checks the contents of his bag because, you know, Thief.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "Thief... so the Job system is as literal as it sounds? You have people calling themselves Thieves, Warriors and Black Mages, and everything inbetween?" It's not THAT surprising but it's certainly a quirk to get used to.

    She nods, at the comment different cultures make for a good time. "The diversity is what makes the world beautiful. If everywhere you went was the same, what would be the point in travelling at all?"

    To Quentyn she shakes her head. "The Heartless aren't in this world. I... I think, anyway. It must be hard for them to spread beyond mine too much. But, even if they were... it sounds like you have a whole school of people who could push them back. They're dangerous in my world because people who can fight are rare. You don't see like you have that probem."

Beatrice Marshal (638) has posed:
    Beatrice raises a hand. "Arcanist. With a dash of Time Mage for flavour." There's a pause. "...I haven't introduced myself, have I?" Cough. "My name is Beatrice Marshal. A pleasure to meet you, miss... Aqua." She's looking a bit awkward, surrounded by so many people now.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Quentyn will find that there is nothing amiss in his bags. However, he will find a neatly packaged lollipop that he was pretty sure that wasn't there an hour or so ago. "Nah, it's not, clearly not by what I hear of what Ms. Aqua just said." He says, nodding at the visitor. "It had more zombies and crab-mutated people, anyway."

     He shoves his hands into his pockets again. "Yes, I do call myself a Thief, altought I rather preffer the term 'Rogue' by my specialties. I am focused on traps, among other things."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Suspicious peering at the lollipop. Then a sort of mental shrug and he takes it out and sticks it in a pocket instead.

    That done, Quentyn listens to both Aqua and Soan and nods. Funnily enough he doesn't seem to particular care about crab people. His head tilts a little as the school bell chimes in the background. Quentyn lets out a long breath. "I have to meet some friends in the machine shop." He holds up a hand as a sort of wave in farewell to the group. To Aqua in particular. "Nice meeting you and," he grins, "You should try that dungeon." A second wave to the group, and then he turns and starts walking towards another part of campus.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan gives a brief, sharp nod toward Quentyn, then as well toward Aqua, Beatric and even Souji. "I'm afraid I have to get running as well, this was only a brief stop on my way to something I need to do. I do certainly hope I'll get to speak to you again! Meanwhile, enjoy the academy!"

     The thief then walks right back around the tree he came out of -- and don't come back on the other side.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"It would be wise to meet with the local administration before asking to participate in one of the dungeons. There are requirements one must meet before accessing them, and they will want to ensure that you meet those requiremebts." Souji supplies. "In the meantime, please partake of the area as you wish, Aqua. I must take my leave as well. It would not do to be late for my next class." Souji gives a slight inclination once more, and then strides away towards one of the buidings in a smooth motion.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "Zombies, huh..."

    Sounds like a pain. Aqua considers offering to help, but if it's school activities she might just get in the way. Well, it can't hurt to leave the offer pending, at least.

    A-Ah, I'll... I'll go see, sure," Aqua nods to Quentyn, and then back to Soan: "If you need help dealing with monsters and I'm around, I... got one of those radio things in a shop. It seems to work."

    Everyone runs off! Aqua glances about-- well, Souji is still about. She nods. "Thank you. It's a wonderful area to be sure, I'll try not to make myself visible and get in people's way."