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Latest revision as of 23:33, 30 November 2014

Gymnastic Encounter
Date of Scene: 30 November 2014
Location: Earth-1207
Synopsis: Faruja meets Felicia in Njorun's gym. It turns out, Burmecians don't make good barbells!
Cast of Characters: 152, 480

Felicia (480) has posed:
     Njoran station, for as huge and overwhelming as it could be sometimes, it at least had a good gym. And so, when Faruja approaches, there might be a sound of weights and machines clinking, though it's not raadily apparent just who's in there... yet. That is of course, until one walks in, and spots just a few steps in a long black and white armored flightsuit, one with what looks like a fur strip pattern over it in a /very/ familiar arrangement. And there was Felicia, apparnetly on her back on one of the weight benches, long fibrous legs and arms flexing as she was right in the middle of doing a few reps with what looked like a couple hundred pound barbell!

Faruja (152) has posed:
Another day, another round of the daily ritual. Recently, that's involved trips to the Njorun gym. Faruja has to admit, the place is rather well equipped.

The rat-mage is dressed in gym shorts and a muscle shirt. Clearly the Templariate assures their mages don't get fat and useless physically! Whistling a tune as he enters the gym proper, he casts his single eye about.

And spies a flightsuit clad woman. Blink. "Dame Felicia! Lord's blessings mine dear!" He calls out warmly. He wanders on over, watching her heft that massive barbell. The rat catches a glance at the exact weight. Cue a brow rising far too high.

"...I see ye art not exactly a stranger to a gym." He says somewhat lamely. "I wouldst offer to be thine spotter, however..." Squint! So. Much. Weight! Kitty is not exactly weak.

Felicia (480) has posed:
     Of course, by now Felicia wasn't wearing said suit of hers, it was on the floor, and Felicia was currently not wearing anything to speak of, well besides her fur. "Oh, heya there... father? is that what I should call ya?" Felicia puts the barbell down with a little grimace and it clinks into place, the catwoman pulling herself up. Standing up of course, the catwoman (and her hair) almost towers over the rat man, the latent predatory instincts of the feline femme perhaps getting the better of her for a moment as she grins down at him. "Come here Sir Faruja, I got another way you can help me train," she grinned, and would proceed to try and grab the Burmecian by his shoulders and liiift him up, carrying him over to the weight bench.

     "Now ya see, I don't always have a spotter with me on these sorts of sessions, buuuut I think I can make an exception this time," Felicia sat down and with a whoosh those red nailed feets of hers were pressing against his sides as she continued to hold onto his shoulders, balancing him on the soles of her feet as she began bench pressing him up and down using just her legs, folding her arms back behind her head and relaxing them. "Ho ya doin' there, fadder?" she grinned.

Faruja (152) has posed:
"Father, Inquisitor, Ser...any shall be most appropriate, mine Lady" Responds the rat, even as he watches Felicia going at it. Mentally, he thanks the Lord for fur. Even at that, there's a flush beneath his own!

Hair and cat alike loom, and he feels a sinking bit in his stomach. "...And how exactly...SQUEAK!" Hoist! The rat is grabbed, lifted, and hauled over to a weight bench! The rat squirms and wiggles in her grasp before he's finding himself held upon by feet!

A single eye glares hard enough to cause Heretics to spontaneously combust, and horrible Sinners to flee to confessionals. Sadly, Felicia is neither of these things.

Instead, there's one upset, wiggly rat!

"I...I am /NOT/ a barbell mine Lady! Fie upon thee!" Squirm, tail-flick! Ever thoughtful, that tail of his reaches for those busy feet to tickle at toes and ankles!

"Take this, fiend! Let us see if thine muscles shall show control as well as strength!" A most horrid assault of fuzzy tail-tip! Oh yes, he's utterly blushing now.

Felicia (480) has posed:
     Thankfully, Felicia isn't curling her toes or the like, as those nails would likely be plucking at his light training shirt while she continues to prop herself on her back and proceeds to bench him with just her legs, feet and thighs. "You alright there fadder, you look like you just lost the lottery, or something," upon the assault of that tail against her feet however, it's apparent the cat hadn't thought Faruja's tail was as... prehensile as her own.

     "Egghh... h-hey whatcha doin' there, fadder, I--" she is making a sound as if she's choking just a little as she stifles some sort of noise in her throat, that grinning face screwing up a bit. The benching of her legs is also getting a bit dangerously shaky and unstable too, and it looks like she's losing her balance. Ever tried to rub the peds on a cat's feet? yeah they don't seem to like it very much, and it looks like Faruja is finding out the reason why! ohoho.

     "Ahhh!" Felicia winds up rolling off the weight bench, with the rat ontop of her, thankfully trying to roll that she takes the fall and winds up with Faru well... on some kitty cushioning!

Faruja (152) has posed:
Up, down, up down! The rat, without his armor, is actually somewhat light! No doubt the good kitty-pilot could go for quite some time with this one as her weight!

If not for that devilish tail! "Hmph! Ye art the one whom shall lose thine shirt in this gambling establishment! Taste the strength of mine fluffy tail-tip of righteous fury!" Tickle tickle! Flick rub flick! That tail is a horrible brush of torture, it is.

Whump! They both go tumbling, and Faruja lays in a daze atop Felicia. Dizzy, the rat lays out for a moment.

"Fluffiest bloody landing in quite some time..."

And then, he looks down, as sense returns. He all but leaps off of Felicia, nose bleeding and quickly offering a hand! And a tug of gravity to help her up!

"Art ye quite alright, Lady Felicia!?"

Felicia (480) has posed:
     "What are you sa--uughh!" Felicia winds up with the rat indeed atop her, her humanoid pawed feet sticking up comically over the side of the weight bench. "Uhhnn..." she's been in much harder scrapes than that of course, and hair only can break your heads fall so much, though she has what looks like a beach ball's worth. Once Faruja is able to pop his head free, she's relieved of his weight. "Ow... yeah, I'm fine," she does take his hand, getting to one foot and then the second carefully.

     "Oh boy, hope I didn't hit my head too hard, I might get amnesia or something! ...Would be convenient for you, eh father?" she snerked over at the priestly rat, who had just gotten all up close and personal with her. "Thaaaat never happened," she straightened up and crossed her arms, peering over at him at last finally. "My apologies there, Mr. Senra--but it looks like you're just too heavy for me to use as a barbell," she winked.

Faruja (152) has posed:
There's a look of relief that he hasn't accidentally hurt the good feline, and he laughs nice and awkwardly.

"What happened? I saw absolutely nothing. Impressive lifting, however! 'Tis natural to thine species, or art ye simply one to train to extremes?"

Felicia certainly looks as though this is more than a one-day a week event! The rat can't help but feel a bit scrawny when compared to her.

"I wouldst challenge ye to a run, but methinks ye wouldst win hands down." Grin!

Hands go to his hips. "I am /not/ heavy!" Huff! He turns about, tail wiggling in indignation.

"Ye clearly require more training if ye cannot heft a squirming runt nezumi!" He prods, tail-tip waggling as he teases.

Felicia (480) has posed:
     "Well, all Catwomen are usually pretty strong, but I'm also somewhat of a body builder," Felicia winked and grinned at the mouse priest, nodding a little. She interlaces her furred fingers and flexed them a bit before her, popping the knuckles. "Oh, I wouldn't say you're /that/ heavy, don't worry about it, actually you were pretty light," Felicia however doesn't add that that kind of makes him lousey as a weight. Felicia, out of her uniform and in her more... default state, is quickly beside the mouse priest to give him a little tickle in the side as she is teased by that tail.

     "Better be careful there, father, I've heard that a mouse provoking a cat can be kinda... dangerous," her own tail, quite prehensile, like his, whips around to gently wrap around his and tickle it back just a bit.

Faruja (152) has posed:
There's a long nod from the rat priest. "I shall spare ye the over-done, if pious, cliche. Ye couldst teach a few of our monks a thing or two!" For all of his levity, he can't help but imagine a big, poofy-haired cat woman terrorizing young laymen monks. It has him grinning.

Faruja stands a little taller. "Good. I half worried those crumb cakes Acolyte Berri bakes for me was not being worked off." Even the humble rat can have image problems. But then he's being tickled!

Squeak! His tail yanks back, before it ripostes! Fuzziness to the base of the tail!
5r "I fear neither man nor feline appendage! Do thine worse, little kitten! Ye art one hundred years too young to face mine tail-fu!" Someone's been watching some movies lately.

Tail trapped, it wiggles, reaching back to assault that tail-base even as he squirms!

Felicia (480) has posed:
     "Maybe! my fighting style isn't organized, however, when I used it," Felicia nodded, cracking the knuckles of one of those large furry hands of hers. "Course, it's possible I could give lessons, but if you need health instruction Mister Senra I could probably help with that too," let it be said that fish was amazingly healthy, just a raw deal it was so expensive at times. Felicia then jumped as the base of her tail was given some return fire from Faru's tail there.

     "Little kitten?!" there is perhaps some fightin' words detected there, Felicia grinning but with a bit of a flash of one green eye, not taking that counter-tail assault laying down, no sir, she's fast wrapping one one of those large furry hands around Faruja's sides, trying to trap one of his arms as her tail and other hand tries to tickle back.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja considers, and smirks. "I /do/ suppose I couldst use a gym partner!" There's a hand offered to the much larger one for a shake!

Ack! Faruja might be squirmy, but Felicia is an entirely different weight class! He wiggles and writhes, too polite to resort to Time Mage cheatery! Eventually, he goes limp, laughing and squirming about!

"Ahhh...ye win! Mercy, oh great huntress, mercy! The rat is caught!"

Felicia (480) has posed:
     "Sure father, if we do I'll go easy on ya," hearing the cry for mercy, Felicia lets the rat man down on the floor, then moves to grab a sweat towel and wraps it around her shoulders. It looks a bit unusual likely with her huge plume of blue hair, but she doesn't seem to mind. "Well, time to hit the showers for me mister Senra, will catch you later, alright?" she gives a little wave to him and soon she's quickly stepping off, grabbing her flight suit off the floor of the gym room, cat swaggering off.