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Latest revision as of 05:51, 4 December 2014

A Welcome Home ft Psalm and Miaka
Date of Scene: 03 December 2014
Location: The Citadel - Residential Islands
Synopsis: Psalm welcomes an old friend home to the Confederacy
Cast of Characters: 181, 645

Miaka (645) has posed:
    Miaka Uchiha had long been a staple of the Uchiha District, the girl living quietly in her kinsman's shadow, but the old mannor had been eschewed in favor of... smaller, cozier digs.

    Miaka was puttering around the kitchen, a kettle plugged in on the counter as she plucked a few graps from a bowl. There's music playing on the radio, some classical bit with woodwings singing jauntily as Miaka looks over recent reports, leaning over on her counter. The door is left open to let the air circulate.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Smaller, cosier, and if you ask Psalm, much more suitable places to live... says the lady who has a wizard's tower made out of obsidian. Moreover, the bard is carrying a rather large basket up to the door of Miaka's new apartment, humming merrily to herself.

    A knock at the door, and Maggie's lovley contralto sings out. "Package delivery for ninjas!"

Miaka (645) has posed:
    "Ninjas don't take delivery~" Miaka warbles in soprano, but she does come to the door, and opens it, "But I do have tea going, and two cups, and it would be a shame to waste the second cup. Won't you come in?" she asks, opening the door wide.

    The place is still sparse; there's a few boxes. A cat clock hangs on the wall, along with a few black-and-white photographs of a few Konoha ninja.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie smiles around her tongue and kisses Miaka on the cheek as she passes by... long enough to set the basket on the table and then wrap Miaka up in a big, very big and happy hug. "Ooooooooh goodness pretty girl I was worried the 'Verse swallowed you up!"
    A happy giggle as she releases the hug though and a grin. "Tea would be lovely!"

Miaka (645) has posed:
    Miaka gets a kiss on the cheek, and ebarrassedly rubs the back of her head as she adjusts her stance, and hugs Maggie back. "I had to finish some business at home after chasing ghosts. I'm glad to be back." she replies to the songstress, and disentangles herself to putter about the kitchen. "So, how have you been faring? I'm still catching up on news."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie smiles and hops on the table to set the basket on her lap. It's got fruit and cookies and what looks like a few magical bits and bobs jammed in there. Is that a materia? Maybe.
    "Oh, well, honestly quite a lot. What's the last big thing you remember?"

Miaka (645) has posed:
    Miaka frowns a moment, and she shakes her head "That's a pretty tough question to ask. 'Big' can have a lot of connotations... but really, what have /you/ been up to lately, Maggie?" she asks, and sets two little paper pouches in the bottom of the cup. "I have echanacia tea -- is that all right?"

Miaka (645) has posed:
    Miaka gives an embarrassed sort of smile. "I've not had the chance to do shopping yet."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie smiles. "That would be lovely. Okay, so." She bites at her lip and adjusts her outfit. "Let's see. I helped end two Death Games, was named a minor deity on a newly formed world, struck out on love, helped start a new majot Multiversal power, got a magical mystical companion object, and that's wrapping up a LOT of ground."

Miaka (645) has posed:
    "That..."Miaka blinks those red eyes of hers... "That /is/ a lot of ground. Goodness." she replies, and takes a seat at the table rather than 'on' the table, sliding a mug over to the songbird. Her eyebrows rise up "Sounds like everyone's been busy... I'm afraid I haven't much to show for it."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    A snicker from Maggie, who slips a hand into Miaka's hair as she plucks up her cup. "Well yes. I also helped a group of kids ascend to greater power-dom at the same time as solveing one of the death games." She sips at her tea and smiles.
    "And I wouldn't feel bad about not having anything to 'show'. You've been gone and doing personal things, or so has been insinuated. Nothing at all to be embarassed about."

Miaka (645) has posed:
    Miaka ducks out of the hand in her hair, and gives a small shrug. "I wish I did have more to show for it." she replies, but gives another shrug as she sips her tea, undeterred by the heat. "I had to wrap up some loose ends. Nothing more than that."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    And Maggie's hands return to herself as she smiles, setting her feet on a chair to rest and give herslef more of a lap to work with. That's where she plants her tea cup as she reaches around into the gift basket to pull out a big ass cranberry muffin for the nin. "And no one is judging you. Or they better not because I'll mes them up."

Miaka (645) has posed:
    The Med-nin accepts the muffin, and breaks off the cap. "Oh, people will judge. They always do. They judged me before, they'll continue to judge. It is the way of people, my friend." Miaka breaks the cap in half, and then in quarters, and pops a piece into her mouth. Nomf. "And you'll be terribly busy if you begin to mess people up simply for judging."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    She's right of course, but it's Maggie's job to try and... well, be Maggie. "I'll still sing them into the dirt." A sage nod, as she goes for the base of the muffin, and munches on cornbread and berries. "Anyways. Really i just wanted to see that you were in one piece, you know? I mean..." She taps the side of Miaka's head with a finger. "Some of us got pretty worried before."

Miaka (645) has posed:
    Miaka lifts her head away. "I'm /fine/; I went off and stupidly tried to chase Sasuke down, and then had the startling realization that perhaps someone who was willing to stab me in the stomach was probably /not/ a good choice for a housemate, let alone any romantic inclination. So I went Elsewhere and now I am back, where I belong... where I never should have left." Miaka replies sourly. "What more could you ask for? In a few days, I'll begin on my rounds in Medical and in a matter of weeks it will be as if I never left."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie huffs and sighs, and sips at her tea. "Alright. Sorry, I... sorry."
    Those eyes look down at her tea and she grumbles. "I reall don't have much to compare with in re that sort of drama so... Sorry for digging it up again."

Miaka (645) has posed:
    Maika's face sours, then she calms down, and just sort of neutrally down at her tea.

    "... I'm sorry, Maggie. I didn't mean to be short... just... stressful. Coming back."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    The redhead smiles quietly. "WEll. I'll put it this way. No one is asking questions yet. And they won't unless someone else brings things up. So, until they do. Please don't twist yourself into knots worrying about what might happen, okay?" Maggie's face lights up, and she sips her tea. "That doesn't help anyone, least of all yourself."

Miaka (645) has posed:
    "Inevitably someone will." Miaka frowns, and she shrugs, and takes a long sip of her tea. "But you /are/ right. It won't due to worry about it until it happens, ne?" she offers a wry smile. "Besides, there is the holidays coming soon, and I fear I may be needed as more and more of ours get /alcohol poisoning/."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie sticks her tongue out again, and grins. "I've got a big bottle of wine with my friend's names on it for when they come over to the Tower. That might be /you/ with the poisoning." A happy little giggle, and she sits back and murmurs.
    "Anything you want, let me know."

Miaka (645) has posed:
    "If I need anything, you'll hear about it." Miaka promises. "... also, after my last experience with alcohol, I think /moderation/ is in my future concerning it." Miaka laughs.