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And Tonight's Camp Game is...
Date of Scene: 10 November 2014
Location: The Great Forest
Synopsis: Lu-Mey organizes a fun camping trip for The Confederacy! Complete with activities and s'mores!
Cast of Characters: 234, 299, 330, 336, 611

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    It's late afternoon in this particular sector of the Multiverse, and Lu-Mey seems to have set up a nice little diversion for the members of Human Resources. And for the Confederacy in general, considering it's not just an HR outing. BUT... On a particularly densely forested world, she has...
    Set up camp!
    That's right. There's a bonfire, some tents, there's a stream nearby and it looks like it's provided some snacks in the form of a slew of small fish set up to grill on sticks.
    Lu-Mey herself is pointedly very far away from the fire, but that's there.
    So yeah... Camping trip!

Starless Night (336) has posed:
    By now nobody in the Confederate side should be at all surprised that there is a strange, hard-looking woman by the fire, watching the fish. She wears a broad hat shadowing her face, which sports an eyepatch and a scar over one eye. Her lightweight armor sits nearby, sword propped up... and she's nobody that anyone has seen before.

    Which means she is almost certainly Starless Night, in yet another disguise. She seems pathalogically incapable of coming out in her real appearance.

Lance Benson (330) has posed:
    Lance shows up a little late to the camp. When he does, he's in his full fluffy appearance, with the black labcoat uniform he used to wear quite frequently around the Citadel. He strides up to the fire, and stares into the flames at the fish like a hungry cat. He rumbles for a moment and, almost without thinking, reaches toward the fish. He stops himself, bringing his hand back, because he doesn't know whose food it is.
    He knows he'd chew the arm off of anyone who stole HIS food, after all.
    He looks over to Lu-Mey and gives her a cheerful smile. "Hey there," he greets. Awkwardly, he turns to look for a place to sit down, mindful of his tail so that he doesn't accidently heat it up in the fire and end up catching the nearby wilderness aflame with a burning tail blade.

Charity Whiteheart (299) has posed:
    Charity is already here, and looking pretty intent on her task. That involves catching more fish in the stream. They're small fish, so she's probably doing it more for entertainment than actually expecting to eat them. It's good practice, though, because she's catching them by sitting next to the stream and watching them go by... and then darting her knife in and spearing one. She isn't really doing it a lot, since she expects that decimating the population would be a bad idea, but she's gotten a handful next to her.

    Maybe they would make a good snack after all?

    She doesn't look up when Lance shows up. "Evening, Doctor."

The Copper (611) has posed:
There is a shadow wobbling toward the Human Resources Campsite on the far horizon, with the look of a bird or dragon. Its flight is extremely unsteady, and every so often the sun glints off it, reflecting like metal.

A few minutes later there's a tremendous CRASH from deeper in the woods.

A few seconds after that, there's a Very Large Head poking its way through the pines, copper eyes regarding the gathering from a copper-scaled head. The left one is half-closed and clouded as though blind, but the right one is bright and intelligent.

The Copper regards his fellow Confederates as though nonplussed. He might still be trying to understand the point of this silly hominid recreational activity.


Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Well it looks like everyone's here. Charity's spear fishing with a knife, Lance is being socially awkward... As soon as the tremendous form of the Copper makes his loud landing, Lu-Mey looks up from where she had been snickering and hissing some jokes of poor-taste in Starless Night's ear. This final arrival seems to please her the most.
    Hopping up to stand with a clap of her hands, the oni is already tittering. "Oh good, you're all here! We can begin for real now! Okay everyone, gather 'round!" By the fire, she means, though she's still keeping her distance from it. "Thank you for coming on such short notice to our fun little outing! Later tonight we'll tell scary stories and make s'mores! But for now, we're going to play some fun outdoors camping games!" Boy does she sound happy. And you wanna know why?
    "Tonight's game is called 'Political Hunting Accident!'"

Charity Whiteheart (299) has posed:
    Charity is utterly unsurprised at the 'game' being offered, given Lu-Mey and her own occupation. She flicks the final fish onto the pile and scoops up the cloth she was using to hold them, dropping them near the fire for later cleaning and cooking... maybe. "You want any of these, Doctor?" It's not said as a tease or insult, just general curiosity. She knows they wouldn't be useful to the Copper.

    Speaking of which, she peers at the dragon thoughtfully. "Better looking than the one that hangs out with my boss," she finally says, giving a little wave. Then she looks back to Lu-Mey. "So who is dangerously out in the area without proper precautions?"

Starless Night (336) has posed:
    "This is why she's my second," Starless says lazily, hands folded over her middle. "She's so good at finding work for the group, saves me all sorts of trouble." Of course she probably discussed it with Lu at some point. It's equally likely she doesn't remember, since she gives the oni a lot of leeway.

The Copper (611) has posed:
The dragon keeps just his head in the clearing, probably because he's bigger than a tank, and getting into the clearing might involve some shoving and squashing. Easier this way, mostly.

He tilts his head to fix his good eye on the assembly of Confederates, cocking his head slightly at Lu-Mey's explanation. His regard is kind of blank, at least until she gets to the meat and potatoes of why they're here. The reasons that don't involve scary stories and s'mores, anyway.

"Oh." He's not sure what that means, but he can make an educated guess. "'Accident.'" The airquotes are just about obvious.

His good copper eye rolls toward Charity, as though he were deciding whether or not he's being insulted or not. Apparently he doesn't mind either way; he doesn't say anything to that comment, flicking one of the armoured fans below his jawline in what might be an approximation of a wave. Metallic plates fall and then rise again, tucked back into a fold of skin out of the way. Convenient, those. It looks like they're meant to guard his jugular and ears.

"Indeed. Who are we hunting?"

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    "See about that..." Lu replies to Charity and the Dragon with a waggle of her finger. And then she spreads her palms. "Somewhere on this forest planet are four powerful men who don't like the Confederacy! --And their ex military bodyguards. And they're hunting!" She chirrups with glee. Pausing just a moment to look at her watch.
    It is a gold rolex.
    She likely stole it.
    From someone she murdered.
    "Right about now they should be hitting the hunting trail which is one mile due north of us... So the object of the game is to..." Here she pauses for dramatic effect. "Youuuu guessed it! Kill them! I'll stay here at the camp monitoring your progress and keeping score. You're all allowed any means necessary to get your kill as long as there's not a single hint of their existence left behind. Though you get bonus points for each one you kill with another's gun. It'll be like they really had an accident!" She titters, motioning in the northern direction.
    "Get going~."

Lance Benson (330) has posed:
    Lance was more interested in the food until Lu-Mey began explaining what the task here was. He looked up from the cooking fish and toward her as she told them to kill the people and leave no trace. So he blinked slowly at her, considering her words... then he got up and carefully removed his coat, and then lept into the trees and began leaping from tree to tree, moving with eerie and measured precision due north, not bothering to stay in the line of sight of anyone. Goodness knows it is hard to track something up in the treetops at night.

    Lance sniffs and listens out for any of the hunting parties, trying to locate them. Seems he's trying to be much more subtle than his allies might be. Or maybe just being in an environment like this brings out his alien hunting instincts.

    He sure is good at hiding in the trees and bushes around here.

Starless Night (336) has posed:
    Starless Night smirks at the challenge, though she isn't sure if she'll participate at first. After some thought, she gets up and stretches, then hands her sword to Lu-Mey. "Watch this for me, please." Then she turns and walks northward, through the forest.

    It's another few moments before she starts running, crashing through the undergrowth with no attempt at stealth and breathing harder than she really needs to. That's because she looks about fifteen now, with scratches and nicks, and possesses the appearance of a pretty young girl in a fine but torn kimono, as if running desperately away from someone... or something.

Charity Whiteheart (299) has posed:
    A challenge! This could be interesting. Charity as always takes the most direct route she can while still being stealthy. That is, Lance is joined in the trees, though Charity focuses more on speed than stealth. This is because she doesn't actually rustle the branches and leaves that much on her way through, phasing through the branches until she needs to land a foot on one, darting from one tree to the next in leaps of inhuman length. Once in a while, a branch rustles as she puts her weight on it, but it's a rare event. She's mainly aiming to get TO the target(s) so that she can assess the situation first.

The Copper (611) has posed:
The dragon blinks somewhat owlishly. Hunting is good, but arranging it to look like one of those hominids killed another one of the hominids with their own weapons, well... he's not small enough to accomplish that.

Only after the others leave does the Copper pull himself into the clearing, squirming and shimmying between trees, and ignoring the odd crack of branches broken. He curls himself up with his nose in front of the fire, cocking a huge copper eye at Lu-Mey.

"I'll leave the chase to the others. It would be easy enough to kill them, but I can't make it look like something else." He holds out one forefoot, flicking the wicked, curved, blackened claws tipping each toe. "You are... Lu-Mey, yes?"

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    A mile's travel is absolutely no work for the assembled team, so we're going to skip a sequence involving tree jumping, swinging on vines, and fording a river with oxen. The hunting parties aren't too hard to find by the respective assassins and doctor. Though they're a little spread out. Charity is the first to find a mark, an older man in a set of green camoflage, with a green military hat. He has a hunting rifle in one hand. He SEEMS alone, but any trained assassin worth their salt will spy the two large and armed figures that trail him. Despite their bulk, the turian soldiers move in utter silence, professionals no doubt, and while the man is wielding a civilian hunting rifle, they are pakcing mass driver military weaponry.

    Lance soon enough finds himself directly above a young man who looks so out of place. He's nerdy and wearing glasses, and tailed by a pair of Kroot clicking to each other and generally mocking how pathetic the guy looks.

    Starless is likely going to literally BUMP into her mark's bodyguards if she doesn't slow herself down. But that seems to be what she wants isn't it?
    "The fuck's this? Who the hell're you and what're you doing out here, little lady?"
    He's a big man, armored in black, an assault rifle in hand, and an old ODST tattoo standing out on his neck. Just beyond him is an old man, lazily fly fishing.

    MEANWHILE BACK AT THE CAMP, Lu dares get close enough to the fire to steal a fish and start gnoshing away on it. "'Getting mauled' to death is a perfectly valid accident to have in the woods." She points out jovially to the copper. So is getting eaten, getting squashed, getting impaled by tail spines, getting-- "Yes! I'm Lu-Mey!" She confirms, stuffing the fish into her fanged maw as she rips open a bag of marshmallows and spits one on a stick, apparently perfectly fine with hanging out with the huge metal dragon. "--Do you like s'mores?"

Charity Whiteheart (299) has posed:
    Charity stops, narrowing her eyes at the guards following her target. She could probably take them out fairly easily, but that would be an obvious hit. She's trying to be more subtle, which is something she's still learning. So she considers and works on a plan, first by scouting out the terrain.

    Silently, the Gifted leaps ahead of her target, sticking to the trees. She's looking for an embankment or serious dip in the terrain, anything that is of significantly lower elevation.

Starless Night (336) has posed:
    Pant pant pant. Starless, looks around wildly, then up to the armored man she ran into before stumbling back. "D-don't hurt me!" Moving back like that quickly causes her to fall on her ass, where she flings her arm up and starts attempting to crawl away as if in mortal terror of the strange, armored being that is swearing at her. It's all an act of course, but it'd be pretty natural for a terrified girl bumping into an ODST in the forest, right?

Lance Benson (330) has posed:
    Lance observes the Kroot and their guarded politician. One of his ears tilt, a brief feeling of guilt washing over him at being on the other end of the vicious mauling he once received. He lets the feeling go as the trio continues along their path. He carefully tails them, and waits for the pathetic-looking guy to turn a bend, hiding in a bush.

    Not wasting time, he lunge out of the bush with his claws and yank the poor guy into the foliage with both arms and his vicious strength. If he has the poor sap in his clutches, it's a simple matter to claw him up so badly that medical attention would need to be Now, so he's unlikely to survive while the bodyguards are trying to deal with the strange predator that found them.

    If he gets away with the mauling for long enough, he just bolts in the direction that is obscured by the bushes, so the Kroot have a hard time spotting his fleeing and leap into the trees.

The Copper (611) has posed:
The copper dragon curls himself up a little tighter, winding his long, stiff tail around his body. It ends in a simple whiplike point, with no spikes or fans or armoured plates. No frills or ornamentation; although the rest of his body is coppery scales that seem to have reasonably sharp edges. At least he could squash something by sitting on it, by the look of it.

"Maybe. But I don't think I'd be able to leave much." He flexes his claws again by way of demonstration. His claws are pretty big. So are his teeth. His body alone is the size of an extremely large tank; he can barely squash himself into the clearing without squeezing against some trees. The heat of the campfire doesn't seem to bother him at all. "Besides, I'm too big to get between these trees."

"I don't know." He cocks his head, fixing his good eye on the spitted marshmallow, blinking slowly. He eyes it somewhat dubiously. "I've never had that before. What is a... 's'more?'"

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    The turians are unaware of Charity stalking her quarry nearby. Two of the best snipers this side of the galaxy, simply wait in the bushes, keeping careful vigil over their employer for as long as he wants to be out here. It just so happens, he's standing at the edge of a rock ledge, which means Charity doesn't have to look hard to get beneath him. It's only a seven or eight foot distance to the ground though.

    Meanwhile, Starless' act seems to be working. The man, trained professional he may be, looks bewildered. Puzzled that there'd be another person out here aside from the hunting party. "Calm down, I ain't gonna do a thing, sugar. The hell are you doing all the way out here, this is a private reserve." His gun is still at the ready and the safety is off, but he is not directly aiming at her, while the old man across the way peers back over his shoulder at the commotion.

    Meanwhile the Kroot click and whistle, squealing almost too amused when their spectacled nerdy ward is YANKED into the bush. It only takes them all of three seconds to realize this is very not funny, and he is seriously getting mauled, as the young politician is pulled into the foliage with a strangled yelp, proving that mauling is a very valid woodland accident.

    "Hmph. And I thought I had a fun activity picked out for everyone." Lu seems to pout when the Copper decides to sit and hang out with her. But it's okay, because the marshmallow is now very toasty. So she proceeds to sandwich it between some graham crackers, with a piece of chocolate. "This is a smore! C'mon, open up! Open wide, give it a try~." She urges. Before a nearby bush rustles. And then a blonde man in safari gear comes out and he is carrying a HUGE RIFLE. Looks like that explains where the fourth man is, and just behind him are two very disgruntled looking marines.
    "--...! Croikey! I found me a beau'y! I'mma wrestle 'im and mount 'im on mah wall!"
    Lu-Mey looks up. "... Ara ara..."

Starless Night (336) has posed:
    "Please," Starless pants. "There's something... something chasing me! You have to... I don't understand what it is!" She's staggering to her feet, gesturing wildly at the forest, arms flailing about all over. She's still maintaining the panicked look of before...

    But it's all an act of course. In the middle of her flailing, from 'somewhere' nearby, a spray of sticky webbing erupts toward the marine, trying to plaster his weapon to his chest uselessly and hopefully coat his helmet to blind him as well.

Charity Whiteheart (299) has posed:
    Near a ledge? How simple! It's not a big deal that it's a short drop, as even short drops will be- er, CAN be lethal, you know. Charity just has to time it right. She mentally sighs, since she really doesn't like killing... but it is her job. Maybe she can spare the two bodyguards, without drawing suspicion on herself.

    The Gifted woman vanishes, fading into the soil with her phasing powers, then pops out below to make sure everything goes as planned. The sudden whistling buffet of wind from behind should be enough, but if not, she'll just reach up and trip the hunter over, aiming to send him tumbling down the slope...

    Where his neck will be 'accidentally' broken in the fall(or by two hands) before Charity leaps into the earth again to get far away from the scene of the crime.

Lance Benson (330) has posed:
    With his first target thoroughly mauled and hidden, the symbiote-enhanced monster man navigates between the trees, keeping quite cautiously out of the immediate view of the Kroot, who seem to have quickly spotted his work and have become much less amused by the state of the person they're guarding. After this, the alien monster named Lance squints down at one of them, and then jumps to drop down behind one of them.

    And then he pounces on the bodyguard, and just begins to claw the ever-living hell out of him, not bothering to stop because he WANTS the other Kroot to shoot him. He needs that Kroot to do that, so he can do his next terrifying trick:

    Playing dead.

The Copper (611) has posed:
"Some white thing, partly burnt, between some brown things. It smells like fiber. And something sweet," the Copper observes dubiously. "It doesn't look very appetizing, but I guess I can try it. But that still doesn't really tell me what it is..."

He's just about to open his toothy maw to delicately take the s'more and stick (without taking off Lu-Mey's hand) when something rustles nearby. The dragon's head swivels around just in time for the man in safari gear to come crashing out of the undergrowth, and he comes face to face with a very perplexed-looking dragon.

The two stare each other down for a moment.

Slowly, oh so slowly, the armoured fans behind his jaw drop down into place, like a knight flipping down the visor of his helmet. They rattle, like the hollow scales of a rattlesnake's tail; a shivering, metallic sound of challenge as the Copper bares his formidable teeth.

"Mount my head on a wall, will you? /Try it/!" the dragon booms defiantly. "I've had my fill of you hominids taking what you please. You won't get so much as a scale out of me!"

And then he explodes into movement, turning himself about to face the hunter properly, issuing a bellowing roar in war-cry; a flurry of snarling, claws, and teeth as he throws himself at the man with every intent to bite him in half. He's not big enough to actually swallow him in a single bite, but he's big enough to reduce him from one piece to two. Or at least put him to an extremely messy end.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    The 'thwip-hiss' of webbing catches even a trained killer like the ex-ODST off guard. A grunt, and he's too slow as the sticky substance pins his battle rifle to his armored vest. With an open-faced helmet, too, this means he gets his face full of webbing with a choked snarl of confusion. He still has one hand free so he's going for his knife to try and cut his other hand out of the tangled mass of web so he can pull it off his face but...
    Let's face it, he's not going to get that done in time.

    Meanwhile, the other hunter is bringing a pair of binoculars up to peek off his vantage point on the ledge. It's the sudden kick of wind that staggers him, and shoves him closer- dangerously so. But he manages to regain his footing at the last second.
    Before Charity trips him.
    With a flail and a cry of trying to regain his balance, he topples over the side with a howl, ending bery suddenly in a very bad -CRACK-.
    He won't be getting up from that one.

    Meanwhile, the Kroot arrive in time to see the result of their failure- and have Lance DROP down on one of them. The two are quick into action, but not quick enough as one is brought low by the doctor's vicious clawing, the other raises his rifle. With the first prettymuch dead already he cracks off a shot...

    A shot that resounds through the forest, audible back at the confederate camp, where the fourth is taking to a knee. Lu-Mey at least finishes feeding the Copper the smore before she gets her hands up when guy's bodyguards train their guns on her.
    But as the dragon bellows his roar of challenge and death, the huntsman is sighting his rifle, looking through the scope at the impending onrush of scale and claw. "... Ain't he a beau'y... Gorgeous..."
    His gun doesn't go off. There is a fairly horrible crunch as jaws clamp down in that vicious, bisecting bite.
    This gives the bodygaurds pause. They're kind of fucked now aren't they.

Lance Benson (330) has posed:
    THWACK. Red blood(!) spills out of Lance's side, and he collapses, mostly from the horrible feeling of shock of the projectile piercing his torso. He slumps to the side and lays there, perfectly still, on the forest floor. Blood drips out of his wound... and slowly comes to a stop, seeping out as if he had just met his maker, so to speak.

    He waits for the second Kroot to grow complacent with this fake victory.

Charity Whiteheart (299) has posed:
    Looks like Charity... is done. She rises from the earth some distance away, shakes her cloak out, and leaps back into the trees to head toward camp again. No real reason to stay put with the target down and no sign of interference.

Starless Night (336) has posed:
    As the man fumbles with his knife, Starless SCREAMS loudly! "IT'S HERE!" This likely confuses the fisherman, because... there's nothing there but her. That's when Starless sprays webbing at /him/ and reaches out to... pull the pin on the bodyguard's grenade. Twirling it on her finger, she strolls lazily toward the victim, spraying more webbing as she approaches, and extends one of her talonfangs.

    "Nothing personal," she says in a cool voice. "It's just a job. Now hold still and I'll make this as painless as possible."

The Copper (611) has posed:
The dragon spits out the half of the huntsman as though disgusted by the taste, but that might just be anger and disgust at being slaughtered and mounted on a wall like a trophy. Not an uncommon fate for any dragon of his world, honestly. But that doesn't make him like it any better.

...He does nose the man's large rifle, though, sniffing at the delicious scent of powder-blackened steel. And then he simply picks the thing up in his claws, inspecting it as he turns it this way and that, before setting it carefully aside. He's been doing some reading, and these 'firearms' are dangerous if mishandled. He nudges it carefully towards Lu-Mey. "Do me a favour, if you would be so kind. Disable that thing, if you can."

That he's covered in the huntsman's blood doesn't seem to bother him in the least. Finishing the remains off doesn't take him very long, either.

The safari hat flutters down to the ground, thoroughly bloodied, as the Copper settles himself back down in front of the fire as though nothing at all had happened.

"Now, then." He lifts his slightly bloodied chin, frowning as he turns, where a loose scale hangs awkwardly. Claws reach out to delicately pinch the thing, and pluck it with a distinctly metallic 'ping' from his hide -- leathery and normal-looking, beneath it. The scale he hands to Lu-Mey. "Here. I hear hominids place a high value in these. Consider it a gift." See? He's being nice! She'll find, if she takes it, that the thing is really and truly made of solid copper. The metal is not quite pure, but it's still very close to it. "Smelt it or use it for decoration or whatever it is you hominids do with them."

"You know," he adds, "you Confederate hominids... you're not all bad, are you? Strong as a dragon, some of you," he says, almost cheerily. "I--oh."

And then he hears something. His head flicks back around, armoured plates dropping from his jawline to protect throat and ears, rattling menacingly as he regards the bodyguards. And his very /scales/ stand on end, bristling like the hackles of a furred creature, making a crackling sound as metal scales shift and realign themselves over one another.

His voice reverberates as he growls into the clearing, so deep and low that tiny pebbles and debris jump from the earth.

"Which one of you is next?"

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Charity is in fact done. By the time the turians find their man, he's already stopped breathing. "God what a fuckwit." "Did he really die from that?" "Looks like it. I mean humans are pretty fragile right?" "Yeah. Well I guess it's time to work on our resumes again."
    There are smores waiting back at camp!

    The Kroot snorts, rumbling a low guttural clicking to himself as he inspects the damage. His employer is a a bloodied hunk of shredded meat. His companion is dead. And so is the strange beast that attacked them. A low, almost mournful whistle for his fallen compatriot and he kneels. He may as well gut and feast on the kill.

    Meanwhile the ODST flails, he has his knife out and starts cutting himself free. "Hrmf?" And manages to free up one eye in time to see Starless twirling the grenade pin. "Urgh fhkch." He grunts, muffled. But the 'helpless' girl's shout now gets the older man standing, looking very antsy- until she webs him down too...

    "Ahahahahaa! Ahahahahahaha!" Meanwhile Lu-Mey is absolutely extatic at the display, the huntsman- shorn in two and spat off is a sight that just elates her for some twisted reason. "Yeah! Yeah! Show those humans why THEY'RE not the hunters here!"
    That girl really has some problems when it comes to humans. But when faced with the snarling dragon, scales standing on end, and their boss now very dead, the bodyguards drop their weapons, hands lifting in an attempt to placate and appear non-threatening. They've lost this before they started.
    Spoiler: They'll be dead by the end of the night, too.
    But the scale seems to get a squeal from the oni, who proceeds to tuck it in her hair. Decoration indeed.
    Glancing at her watch again, lips purse in a faint moue of thought. "The others should be done by now, I think..." So she plops down to sit on a log, because what she asks next of the Copper is very important.
    "Know any scary stories?"

Lance Benson (330) has posed:
    Lance waits until the remaining Kroot is in range. The beast that had been shot becomes the beast that came back from the dead, clamping onto the remaining Kroot with claws and teeth, and wrenching him to the ground with a vicious jerk of his whole body. His jaws squeezes on the poor alien creature's throat. As opposed to this Kroot getting a snack of his own for the night to honor his fallen brethren...

    Lance gets something to eat, mauling the poor alien bodyguard so he can have his own dinner. Anyone listening that direction might want to ignore whatever they're hearing, because it doesn't sound very fun.

    He's totally doing this for the legitimate 'these people were mauled by an animal' look. And not because he's never eaten a Kroot before. Nope.

Starless Night (336) has posed:
    More webbing shoots from Starless Night, mostly to wrap up the fisherman while she walks away from an explosion with her back to it. Just as promised, her talonfang makes a small incision in the webbed man, and she latches onto his throat to suckle his blood away, drinking until she's had her fill... which is probably enough that he's going to lose consciousness.

    Either way, she nicks him with a small syringe before dropping the body and wiping her mouth, strolling back toward camp while the still living, unconscious target's body is converted into live bees.

Charity Whiteheart (299) has posed:
    Charity drops down from the trees and walks toward camp. "My target was very clumsy. He just tripped and broke his neck. Should have been careful on ledges in this wind, you know?" She flops down and smiles, "Everything boring back here at camp?"

The Copper (611) has posed:
The Copper seems content to lounge in front of the fire, apparently unconcerned by the bodyguards staring at him. Hominids, once sufficiently cowed, are not enough to worry him. There's nothing they can do to punch through his scale, and if they so much as move, he'll be on them like a whirling dervish of copper scale and black claws.

For now he simply cocks his head at Lu-Mey, blinking owlishly, though he seeems pleased that she values the scale enough to tuck into her hair as ornamentation. (Dragons are pretty arrogant, you know. Even the Copper, who's less arrogant than most.)

"I don't know." He cocks his head to the other side, blinking that big, liquid-copper eye. "What do you find frightening?"

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Like all ODST, he does not go down in a blaze of glory. It's mostly just a blaze, when the grenade goes off, making a mess of the soldier across most of the trees around him. A perfectly natural accident in the woods. His grenade lost the pin. The old fisher passes out quickly, succumbing to blood loss, before Starless pumps him with initrobeedril.
    What's left of him is already working on making a hive.

    Lance gets Kroot meat. It is very weird and alien. And as Charity arrives, Lu-Mey is already sliding her a s'more. "Funny thing, we got assaulted by a dragon hunter, while you were gone. You know dragons are -very- dangerous creatures to hunt. I don't think his trip went too well."
    But one hand reaches outm lightly patting that metal-scaled hide. "Try me! That's what's fun about scary stories!"
    Boy it's a good thing Lu has a load more of fun activities planned for this outing. Though there will be less killing involved now.
    "Wow. You're all really good at Political Hunting Accident. We should play this again sometime.