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Turkey Trots
Date of Scene: 03 December 2014
Location: New York-199999
Synopsis: Thanksgiving with Pepper's family, her mother Carrie, her sister Georgia, their husbands Stan and Steven, little tyke Elizabeth and newest additions Tony Stark and Toph Beifong? ... bring on the scotch, what could possibly go wrong?
Cast of Characters: 20, 204, 301

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    'Twas the Day of Thanksgiving, and through Oregon, all three Pottses were pretty content that their mothers didn't name them after Oregon.

    The radio was playing some Z Z Top as Potts drives through the mountains, past bare-limbed trees and conifers garbed in a coating of frost. Groceries are set in the way back, along with overnight bags and gifts for the new-to-the-family Elizabeth Rodgers. The quiet hum of the engine is hidden beneath the crooning about /totally/ appropriate topics, and it's not long before Potts takes a side road off the highway, and there's pleanty of bumps and rocks, leading up to the tan and gray home of Martin and Georgia Rodgers. The vehicle pulls up and engages park as the door opens up and Carolina Potts can be heard /through/ the closed windows, followed by the barking of a dog.

    POtts steps out of the car, clad in jeans and a jacket and light boots, all smiles on her face. "We're here."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Normally Tony would want to drive, but since it's Pepper's family they're going to visit, he conceded to her -- as long as he got to control the radio. He behaved himself pretty well on the trip over, mostly playing with some holographic autocad program on his phone.

When the car pulls up in front of the house and Carrie's dulcet tones reach his ears, he shuts down the program and looks up. "Brace yourself, Toph," he warns in a low voice that his mother-in-law to-be won't hear as Pepper opens the driver side door. He slips out on his side, grunting and stretching the stiffness out of his limbs. He's also wearing jeans, of the $800 variety and a tailored shirt. "We would've been here an hour earlier if you'd let /me/ drive," he points out. Then plasters a big cheesy grin on his face for Carolina's benefit. "Hi Mom~," he singsongs. "We didn't miss dinner, did we?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At this point she's learned there is precious little she can do about the car driving and her lack of control. But at least they are not flying.

    It was slightly boring at the end of the trip though, so the blind earthbender had decided to close her eyes a bit, looking slightly tired where she was sitting in the back seat. It's not like she could look out of the window either... But Toph isn't completely asleep as the vehicle comes to a complete stop. "Finally...!" She exclaims, only glad to stretch her legs again and get a 'look' at where they are. Tony's warning makes her arch an eyebrow. Brace herself for what? She of all people can hear Carolina easily enough, but the woman seems to like her well enough. Bare feet touch the ground, and Toph stretches as well, wearing long cargo pants as well as an oversized sweater. It's interesting to get a look at the surrounding area, and she lets out a slight yawn before she heads to the back of the car to pick up her own bag as well as one of the other bas with stuff they got for Pepper's niece.

    "At least we are here safely, Goldie," she asides to Tony before she follows after Pepper. Oh, they have a dog here too?

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    The ground here is cold, and rocky, with veins of granite running deep. Most of the animals are in hibernation mode, and Toph could pick up on everyone around, including the many dogs in a kennel at the back of the building. There are trees that are narrow and reach skyward, and the air has the bite of snow in it.

    "ANd you would have been bored out of your mind watching us keep the turkey in check. Dreadful bird." Carolina replies, and after she hugs Potts, she grabs Tony and hugs him tight, planting a big wet kiss on his cheek, then moves to Toph! "Toph! It's so good to have you here!" she exclaims, then reaches down and hugs Toph against her, full perfume and everything!

    Two guys come out to help with the luggage, one of them much younger than the other. Martin Rodgers is spry, a bit younger than Tony's age and walks with a spring in his step born out of the nervous excitement. "Tony, good to see you again. Glad you get to see little Liz finally. It's been kind of hectic for us between the baby and a few conventions we've gone to -- oh, hey, you must be Toph--"

    Toph is released by Carolina's buxomous figure, and Martin reaches to help with the baggage. "I guess that makes me your uncle -- or Martin. Or Hey You. I respond to most things." He adds good naturedly, and begins to reach to shake her hand when he appears to remember that she's bnlind.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony 'wuffs' softly and turns his face pleadingly toward Pepper so that she but not Carrie can see his expression of somewhat helpless panic as he's engulfed by her mother. Once released, he rather exaggeratedly wipes his cheek where she kissed him and pantomimes a sigh of relief, feeling his ribs for any cracks. But hey, it's better than being threatened with death or castration.

"I made chocolate bacon," he announces, adding in a conciliatory tone, "Toph helped. Although mostly by eating it," he qualifies. "Hi, Martin. Yeah," he teases lightly, "I think Pepper's been looking forward to holding the baby. Toph's a little big for cuddling," he reaches out to ruffle her hair as he turns to help unload the car. He has to shepherd his bacon safely into the house.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There she is! Toph grins as Carolina leaves the house and greets them, not saying anything as the woman hugs her daughter and then her future son-in-law, but she does grin a bit. But said grin fades when she herself is hugged, and her nose is assaulted by perfume! The blind girl tenses up a bit and does her best to not breathe while she is hugged, and Tony might notice the expression on Toph's face that tells just what she thinks of old lady perfume.

    "I didn't eat /all of it/," the earthbender mutters at Tony's comment. At least Martin doesn't reek of perfume... And Toph grins slightly when he makes it clear he isn't too strict on what he prefers to be called. One might even consider that she takes that as an invitation to think of a nickname for him. "Heya! That's good, because I end up calling people many different things, really," she explains, and she reaches out with her right hand to shake Martin's hand, not hesitating not having trouble finding it and giving him a firm handshake. "Here, I think this one was filled with gifts..." And other various stuff. She will carry her own bag herself, though! As for the comment about her and cuddling, as well as the hair ruffling? Tony earns a punch in the side for that one. At least she doesn't punch him in the arm so he might drop the bacon.

    With that done Toph heads inside, a bit curious about whether she will be able to see much in this house... and meet the others. She still hasn't met Georgia yet, after all! And Stan should be here too.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "I can always cuddle Buster." Potts replies from the back of the car as she pulls out another bag.

    Stan makes it over, accepting a few bags with a smile. "Good to see you all made it safely, probably because of Pepper's driving. I hear you're a bit hell on wheels, Stark. No sense putting precious cargo in danger, mmm?" he questions. And he blinks his watery eyes. "... oh, chocolate covered... bacon?" he questions, his eyebrows rising up before his lips purse. "That... should be a most interesting desert." Stan manages to reach over and pat Toph's shoulder in passing as he helps in with a few things, Martin and Pepper behind him.

    Pepper sets overnight bags to the side, and glances up the stairs.

    Georgia's hair has a more auburn tint than her sister's, and it's puylled up in a quick pony tail. She's carring something delicate in her arms, a big grin on her face as she comes downstairs.

    "Oh my gosh... just... she's so /tiny/ Georgie..."

    "Careful, she just woke up. She might be a bit gassy..."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Danger," Tony scoffs. "I fly around in a tin can at excess of Mach 4 and you think I can't handle a little car?" He sidles up behind Pepper so that he can whisper in her ear, "Such a sweet widdle gas monster... careful, Potts, or you're going to want one of your own. Hi Georgie," he flashes one of his beaming wink-and-smile combos at his fiancee's sister. He moves toward the kitchen to deposit his contribution to the meal, but hesitates first, glancing around. "Where's Able? Or do you have a new dog-in-training now?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Buster /is/ very cuddly," Toph agrees with Pepper. And there is Stan! Even as he reaches out to pat her shoulder Toph smiles and offers a somewhat lighter punch to his arm than Tony gets. Because Tony can handle a punch. "Pepper can drive quickly too when she needs to."

    As Georgia walks down the stairs it's a bit difficult for Toph to see her properly, as well as the precious bundle in her arms. Though Pepper's reaction does catch Toph's attention, and she blinks. "Heya. You're Georgia, huh?" She will have to shake her hand when she's not carrying the baby. And while she is a bit curious, she will let Pepper say hi to her niece first. And no, she has nothing to say to Tony's comment to Pepper. Nope. Not after the conversation they had the previous day. Nuh uh.

    With the lower floor having tiles it's a bit easier to see things up here... but the upper floor seems to be made of wood. Hopefully they will be spending most of the time on the lower floor. But for now Toph stands there by the stairs along with Pepper, not really sure where to go or where she should drop off her bag.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper and Georgia look at one another, and Georgia entirely nonchalantly hands the gassy little diaperbomb to... Stan, who sets the bag on the floor and coos at the baby.

    "Able's been passed on to another family; he graduated his good citizen courses and though we couldn't train him for seeing eye, he's happily the companion dog of a kid with autism. Worked out in the end. Now we have Trigger."

    And at the sound of his name, there's barking from the direction of the back, and the scrabbly sounds of canine nails on tile, and the attempting-to-brake sounds of a dog playing waxed tile bowling.

    /Martin/ goes to get the dog, giving a soft 'ah no no no no!' sound before the dog can hit a pedastal holding up a bust of some important philosopher or another.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Georgia and Martin keep BUSTS? Man, Tony thought they were cool. Then again he might have busts in his house. He wouldn't kow. Pepper does all the decorating. "Do ya like bacon, Trigger?" he calls out, and holds the dish up high where the dog can't reach it. "Well too bad, dogs can't have chocolate." Toph and Pepper might recognize this overly teasing, blustery Tony as one who's a little nervous and trying to hide it. Bad enough being the boyfriend last time. He could be all cool and aloof. Now he's invited himself into the family.

He ventures into the kitchen only to put the bacon down and skitter back out into the living room, hopefully before he can be asked to help with any cooking. Because that would not end well. He moseys back to Pepper's side and looks between her and Georgia. "What? Was it something I said?" he asks, sounding more amused than concerned. "I wouldn't want to kick up any sibling rivalry here."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There the dog is! Toph blinks as she feels the dog come scrambling, though she can't fault the dog for the energy. But Martin doesn't need to worry, as Toph is ready to interfere if anything should hit the pedestal. Then again, he might not know just handy it can be with an earthbending master around.

    For now Toph steps up next to Stan. "She's small, huh?" she asks, then reaches a hand out to touch Elizabeth's arm. The little baby is technically her cousin, and it's not like she's gotten to 'see' many babies before either. So she can't help but be a little curious. Also about the dog too, but that's because she likes animals.

    And Tony isn't the only one who's slightly nervous, as Toph hasn't met some of these people before, and well... it's not like she's celebrated Thanksgiving before either. But why not try to do the best out of it? "Don't most people react to what you say anyway?" she teases him.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Is it still uncool if it's an Iron Man bust?

    "Oh, Ginny didn't want kids in college." Georgia replies, pulling a binkie out of her pocket and looking at it accusingly, she shunts it back into her jeans, and makes her way to the kitchen, but she gives a smile to Toph. "Hello, Toph. I'm Georgia, but everyone calls me Georgie. Potts smiles, putting a hand on Tony's shoulder and brushing a kiss to his cheek as he returns out of the kitchen. "I'm going to help mom. Think you can watch the kids?" she laughs, pointing at Stan who is making faces through his thick glasses at Liz, and then, being caught, gives a blush.

    Trigger is caught, and calmed down before let loose, and he pads up to Toph, sniffing the stranger's hand. He's a decent sized dog, maybe sixty pounds.

    "She is. You were this small, once. So was I." and he leans over slightly "I think Tony might have been bigger, but mostly his egghead. Right?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Mostly," Tony agrees absently, watching Pepper's back(side) as she goes to help in the kitchen. College was a long time ago. Well, longer for him than for Pepper but still. Well, just as well she doesn't want kids. He doesn't either. The very idea is terrifying.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm the /best/ babysitter," he calls after her before turning back to Stan and... the kids. "Buster was smaller," he points out, and holds up his hands to cup an imaginary four ounce kitten. "I bet Liz can poop on her own, though, so she's got that on him."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Georgie it is then!" Toph grins at the woman, glad that Pepper's sister and brother-in-law seem like decent people. They did invite them over to stay at least, and it doesn't feel like there's a bad mood in the house, which eases up her nervousness somewhat. Not that she'd ever show it to begin with.

    And there's the dog. Toph crouches down a bit as she senses that he doesn't seem tense, just curious, and she lets him sniff at her hand. "Heya there Trigger..." He's bigger than Grumble, that's for sure. But still far smaller than a badgermole. She will wait with petting the dog until it gets to decide whether he likes her scent or not. So she remains crouching when Stan leans over, snickering just a bit at the last comment. "Wouldn't surprise me!" And when Pepper leaves for the kitchen? "And I will watch Goldie, so don't worry!" she calls after Pepper.

    So Buster was really that small? Well, he's bigger now at least, and he certainly feels heavy whenever he's curled up on her legs. "Cats are generally smaller than humans though, so it's not so weird that kittens are smaller than a baby..."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "I'm sure Buster was smaller. But no where near as cute." Carolina replies from the kitchen. Georgia laughs.

    Trigger seems contnt enough to sniff, and then headbuts Toph's hand, tail wagging so hard that his back claws are scratching against the tile.

    "Well, ladies and gentlemen, it appears that we have dodged the bullet another year and that we should abscond with the baby and the kiddo to the library where when the inevitable call to war occurs, we won't hear it. Shall we?" Martin motions with a hand.

    "You /will/ have to let the others have a turn with the baby, Stan. It's only fair that they get an equal chance."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"That's okay, I am perfectly fine not holding the baby," Tony only half-jokes, holding up his hands as if to ward off an attack. "God knows I'd drop her and then we'd never hear the end of it." He looks thoughtfully at little Elizabeth though. He doesn't know. It's pretty tough to beat out a newborn kitten on cute.

Making a noncommittal little clicking sound inside his cheek he turns from the baby and claps Martin on the shoulder. "Yeah let's hide. She doesn't still have those electric carving knives does she?" he asks, deliberately loud enough to be overheard from the kitchen. In a more comfortable tone he asks, "So how's the freelance business treating you?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph can't help but laugh at Carolina's reply, and she relaxes a bit when it's clear that Trigger seems to like her, so she begins petting him on the head and scratching him behind the ears with both hands. At least she can play with the dog later if it gets boring!

    Off to the library then, huh? Toph gives Trigger one final scritch behind the ears before she sets her bag down by the stairs, and she rises to her full height again, sniffing the air. Well, it's gonna be nice to eat later when the food is done. And well, Martin is right. "Can I hold her in a bit?" she asks. Don't worry, if she gets gassy Stan will be given the baby back rather quickly, most likely. But at least she isn't doused in old lady perfume, which is worse. Tony's comment earns a snort. "She's your niece, you're supposed to be her cool super hero uncle or something, aren't you?" For now she will follow the guys into the library though.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "She got two new ones. I keep trying to hide them. She keeps finding them." Marty replies conspiritally, and leads the way to the library, and opens the doors. Inside it's a mix od wood-like ceramic tile and rugs. There are overstuffed leather chairs and couches, a tall bar on one end and the smell of books and electronics equipment. Trigger follows the group in, tail a wagging.

    "Now, Tony might not have very much experience holding babies, so you'll have to show him how it's done. Take a seat, Toph, I'll hand her off to you like the old pro I am. And then Tony can sit down and get some practice, since holding you is a little more difficult than holding little Elizabeth." Stan chides, but gives a wink to Tony.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
That thought gives Tony pause, and he hesitates before taking a seat in the library. His niece? Yeah, he supposes she will be. "...She'll get to make all the kids at school jealous," he muses. "Telling them her uncle is Iron Man. But I don't do birthday parties," he cautions Martin with a wag of his finger. He is... mostly joking now. "I had to shut down Fury there when he started trying to hire me out to buy political favors for SHIELD."

Stan gets a sardonic look. "I don't know. The only time I have to hold Toph is in the pool for swimming lessons. And she doesn't weigh much there." He clicks his fingers to attract Trigger over to him and scratches the dog's ears. "I don't need any practice, except the spoiling her with unnecessary gifts kind. Gotta find that balance between being the awesome uncle and not overshadowing her grandma," he smirks.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Heaven help you if Carrie feels overshadowed. It may come to blows with the giraffe."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony's face goes momentarily bleak, though it's mostly for show. "You have NO IDEA how I agonized over not outdoing the giraffe."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Stan smiles wryly. "I'm a psychologist, Tony. I probably have some idea."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"A child psychologist," Tony shoots back, realizing too late how he's opened himself up for the counter.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Stan just keeps smiling at Tony, knowingly, and Liz makes a happy sounding burble in his arms as if laughing at her uncle-to-be.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I have only met a few babies before myself," Toph explains as she follows the group into the library, looking a bit curious about the room. And she does as bidden, sitting down in one corner of the couch. Okay, hand over the baby! She's ready! "If Goldie won't do birthday parties, then I will." Screw balloon animals. She can bend metal animals for them. Or metal badgermoles at least. As for holding her, Toph snorts. "At least you caught me when I fell that one time..." Stupid dinosaurs.

    She has no idea what they are talking about when they mention a giraffe, and she doesn't think she needs to know either. Tony's attempt to shoot back at Stan earns a grin from her though. "Then he should know you well enough, shouldn't he?" If Stan won't say it, she will! But Toph holds out her arms for Elizabeth, just slightly nervous. Then again, it's not like she has butter fingers, and she /is/ sitting. What could possibly go wrong?

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    With Toph sitting, Stan stoops slightly, and leans over, easing the tiny baby wrapped in the soft, pink blanket into Toph's arms. "Easy there, bring your elbow in a little bit. She doesn't have any neck muscles to hold her head up quite yet, so you have to support her."

    THe bundle is warm to the touch, small inside of the cloth wrapping, and it burbles curiously, heart beating quick in comparrison to the older guys around them. Stan is brimming with confidence, Martin pouring scotches all around -- except for TOph. Toph doesn't get a scotch. But he does hand one to Tony to help calm the ol' nerves as Trigger happily tailwags and gives a wuff!

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony graciously looks embarrassed, to let Old Man Stan have a chuckle at his expense. He's awesome enough to give him one now and then. "I'm only young at /heart/," he points out with mock dignity, and looks gratefully to Martin for the scotch. He watches Toph with the baby with what's almost a morbid curiosity, over the rim of his glass. No don't make the joke about how if she drops it, at least it's in the offended party's own home so that would help with the lawsuit.

When Trigger whuffs, his hand, which had fallen still for a moment, resumes its scritching. "Do you like scotch, boy? Too bad, you can't have that either." He needs it all.

Still, Toph has given him an opening to talk about his favorite topic: how awesome he is. "That was kind of an extreme case," he remarks with false modesty. "I mean you fell off a battlestation. Hundreds of feet in the air. Of /course/ I caught you."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Okay, raise her arm a bit to support the head... Toph is a lot more careful than she usually is, and there's a curious expression on her face as she feels the little bundle being placed in her lap and arms. Okay, this feels a bit weird. But still cool. It's a bit strange how fast a baby's heartbeat is compared to an adult. She's attentive, and she uses her right arm to support the baby against her chest, her left hand seeking out the small baby hands.

    It is a bit weird to think that she was once this small too. "Keep on doing that and you'll be talking soon enough," she responds to the Liz with a slight grin. It's a good thing she can't see the look on Tony's face nor know the morbid joke he's considering. For now she's curious about the wriggling bundle in her arms and doing her best to make sure she supports the head. It doesn't look like she's worried about dropping Liz at least.

    "If you hadn't caught me Pepper wouldn't be happy." Nor Lao. But let's not talk about her biological family right now. How often does the Potts family get this kind of work talk around the dinner table? "Good to know that your aim wasn't off, though." Toph smiles a bit and takes the baby's hand in hers. Man, she's tiny. Like... real tiny!

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "I imagine she wouldn't have." Stan agrees morosely, and Marty agrees while sipping his scotch.

    Meanwhile, little baby ELizabeth's hand fels the slightly dirty hand of Toph, and her itty bitty hand wraps around a finger, squeezing lightly as she gives a happy sounding coo up at Toph.

    "I think she likes her cousin." Stan states proudly."

    Meanwhile, the discussion must have heated up in the kitche. Georgia can be heard yelling something indistinct, with her mother yelling something back.

    And there's the miraculous electric knife wirrrrrrrring!

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony stiffens, though he's quite sure Carrie isn't about to murder one of her own daughters. Still, that knife sounds ominous given how she's threatened to use it in the past. "Well, that's why I'm a superhero after all," he breaks the morose mood with a casual wave of his hand, and grins. "To keep Pepper happy with me."

He then adopts a stiff faux-British accent. "But in any case, you well know that Jarvis is in charge of the targeting systems, Miss Beifong, and HIS aim is never off."

He can't help but turn and look in the direction of the kitchen, as if he can see through the library wall. "What the hell ARE they arguing about?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's a good sign that the little hand has strength in it, and Toph's smile widens as she hears the sound from the tiny person in her arms. And Stan's comment? "What's not to like? I /am/ the greatest earthbender of all time. I gotta teach her proper attitude at least when she gets older," Toph declares.

    "Here I thought you were in it for the fame and glory, silly me." Or to fix his mistakes in the past, rather. And Jarvis does help out a fair bit, doesn't he? The faux-British accent earns a brief snicker. "I'll make sure to thank him then instead of you, then!"

    The sounds from the kitchen does catch her attention though, and the blind girl turns her head just slightly. "... you weren't kidding about the Potts women, Stan." And that knife sounds kinda nasty. Good thing they are here. What are they arguing about? "You don't want to know." Toph's hearing is as sharp as a human ear can be, after all. For now she is more occupied with Liz. "You really have to hold her, Goldie." She turns her head a bit towards Martin. "So how much did Carolina nag you to name her Dakota instead?" Would have been a cool sounding name, but then again, Toph isn't exactly familiar with all the state names.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Ah... Carrie did make a sort of insistence... so her middle name is Dakota. Her first name is Elizabeth, for my sister." Marty explains. "She was in the military police before unification." he gives a smile. "Elizabeth Dakota Rodgers, first of her name, may she reign for many years as queen." Marty sips the scotch with a grin.

    "No, no I wasn't. Tenacious woman, those redheads."

    Stan and Marty make a 'hmm' sound, and both sip from the scotch. "Dinner should be underway in a bit though; you pulled in just as the turkey was finishing."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"No I don't," Tony replies reflexively to Toph. Why should he have to hold the baby? He's no good at holding babies. If she was a robot, maybe. Or even a kitten. He gives his adopted daughter a thoughtful look though, considering her sharp ears. Maybe she can give him some good gossip later.

"...Just as well Pepper and I aren't planning any kids. I don't need to have the 'No we're not naming it Nebraska' conversation with Carrie." Smirk. "Unless you decide to change your name after all, Toph."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Not too bad for a middle name, really. "Carolina knows what she wants, that's for sure..." Toph grins. Tenacious redheads indeed. "I don't know if I should pity you three." Stan, Martin and Tony all getting hooked into living with these women. Poor fools.

    When Tony declines her suggestion, the blind girl's expression hardens. "You're her /uncle/. She's supposed to be the baby, not you." But fine, if he doesn't want to... Toph wriggles her finger a bit and readjusts her right arm to make sure Liz is comfy. She isn't about to add to Tony's comment about not planning on any babies, not after the talk they had. But when he brings up name changes? The look on Toph's face should say it all as she adopts a deadpan look and speaks in a calm, yet huffy tone. "I am not changing my name to Toph Rocket Bullet Nebraska Beifong Stark Potts." This is just getting sillier and sillier.

    Good thing it's dinner soon.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Why not. It could be worse. You could be Toph Rocket Bullet Screaming Eagle Bitchin' Camero Nebraska Maryland Maine New York Hampshire Township Allegheny County Beifong-Stark-Potts-Steinmeitz-Jingleheimer-Schmidtt." Stan suggests playfully. "And we can call you 'The Smasher' for short. I think all the lovely names for states are taken, Tony, but /London/ is a beautiful name for a young lady should you have one. I'm quite fond of the city myself."

    "London is a boy's name. Like Jack London, Stan." Marty protests. There's a knock on the door of the library, and Pepper sticks her head in -- and espying Toph with the baby, she gives a smile. "Dinner's just about ready and the table's set, if you're not too dizzy to find seats."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Dizzy? Honey it'll take more than one drink to do that," Tony smirks, regaining all of his bluster at once, it seems, in the face of having to show off for Pepper. He downs the remainder of his whiskey and stands. "Baby Liz got a playpen or something to chill in while we eat?" he asks briskly, so he won't have to answer Stan's suggestion that he might have to name his own kid.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "... okay, 'The Smasher' would be an acceptable title," Toph agrees, snickering a bit at the stupid long suggestion from Stan. Even if she doesn't get all the references if there are any. And man, poor Tony with nearly everybody here talking about babies. Mental note; talk about Tony later to cheer him up.

    When Pepper arrives though Toph turns her head a bit towards the door, and then grins. "Great." Considering how much Tony and Pepper have been talking about Thanksgiving food she is rather curious. Toph takes a few seconds to make sure she has a solid grip on Elizabeth, and then she rises from the couch, making sure to rest the small bundle against her torso. It's good that she treats the baby more carefully than she usually treats most things. She turns to Martin, about to ask what to do with Elizabeth. He is the dad, after all, so he should know. But then Tony asks first. "If she can't hold up her own head yet, then what would she do in a playpen?" Wouldn't it better to put her in a crib or something?

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Oh yeah, that is kind of obvious, huh. "I don't know, play Sudoku or something," Tony quips airily. "What do babies even do these days?"

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "We have a holder for her at the table so that Georgia can keep an eye on her." Martin replies, and he stoops over a little to take up the precious cargo, and the whole group moves to the table. "Oh, you know, the same thing that we do. Lay around, produce flatus, drool and make women smile. And occasionally soil themselves." Marty ruefully replies to Tony.

    THe first thing that Toph would pick up pon are the smells. The rich, caramel-brown smell of a roast turkey, basted in butter and wine. The earthy-sweet smell of squash, mashed with butter and maple syrup. Scallops wrapped in bacon and drenched with more maple syrup. Buttery, creamy mashed potatoes with fresh cracked white pepper. Huge stuffed peppers filled with rice and tomatoes. The cold, sweet smell of cranberry sauce, with real chunks of cranberry. There's a fish dish that smells like crackers and salt and lemon. Sage and oniony stuffing, rich gravy, all spread out around a centerpiece of orange crysathimum and yellow roses. Near the side of the table there's a stand with one of those baby carrier-carseat things, and a mishmash of colorful pastes to feed the baby.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Wow, babies have the good life," Tony replies with a grin. "Sounds like my perfect Saturday." He steps into the dining room with the others and pauses to appreciate the spread. "Ladies, you've outdone yourselves again," he announces. "But what are the rest of you going to eat?" He takes a step toward the seat he was assigned last time, but hesitates, looking to Pepper for guidance.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Tony is seated between Georgia and Potts. Coincidentally, right next to the baby. On the other side, Toph is next to Marty and Stan. And Carolina is at the head of the table like the prima donna she is, beaming, finishing up arranging the sliced turkey on the platter.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph lets Martin take the baby, smiling a bit at his reply to Tony. "She smells better than you do though." For now at least.

    The scent from the dining table is more alluring though, and Toph seems curious as she walks on over and sticks close to Tony. "You really don't want to fight over the food when you don't have the suit on," she asides to him and sits down in the seat she is guided to. It looks like she's less stressed about seating arrangements than Tony is.

    "It smells awesome," she says to the Potts women, using her nose to figure out where the tastiest foods are. Hmmm.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Well, while I'm finishing up with this..." Georgia begins, as she sets the baby in the seat, and stirs up a bit of something with a tiny spoon. "WHo wants to start with their 'I'm most thankful fors'? Tony? Toph?" she grins, stirring up something and offering a bite of it to the baby.

    "Ooh, these are the best parts. I'll start." Stan states, and holds his hands up in thought as he sits down. "I'm most thankful for Captain America, my future step-son-in-law, and that I am surrounded by family."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony frowns quickly at Toph's comment and lifts an arm to sniff at his pit. Nonsense, he smells fine. He showered this morning and he only used a dab of his preferred cologne, nothing overpowering. He sticks his tongue out at Toph, nevermind that she can't see it.

He smirks ruefully as he finds himself next to the baby again, but at least he has Pepper on his other side for backup.

...And his hand reaches for hers under the table as he's reminded that he has to give a speech. Well, not a speech, but he has to think of something poignant but not too mushy on the fly. Dammit.

Stan's opening foray brings the grin back though. "Really? You put Captain Spangles above me? Geeze, what's a guy gotta do?"

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Someday maybe I'll tell you, grasshopper." Stan replies ruefully, but there's something in his eyes. It might be a tear that's threatening.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony senses that this is not, perhaps, a conversation he wants to have at the dinner table. "Well I'll let him know you said that. I'm sure he'll be tickled pink," he quips instead. Of course that might clash with his uniform and he has whole reams of material he could use on that subject, but now is not the time. Even he has SOME sense of propriety.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Wait, what?! They are supposed to give little speeches now? This seems to strike Toph with surprise. No. No. She doesn't get emotional and sentimental like that, what does she look like, a wishy washy feely weely waterbender?

    Even as Stan starts and gives her an idea of what they are supposed to say, the blind girl looks like a deer caught in headlights. Like Tony she has no clue what to say, her mind racing. No, either it's stupid or it's mushy, and there is no way she can go with any of the things. What to say? It's not like she should really care if they think it's stupid, but what would Pepper think? It's her family after all...

    But she will keep quiet and let Tony speak up first, just to get a better idea on what to say.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "I'm thankful for Tony, and for Pepper's borrowing of some of his clothes." Carolina states. "And that I'm made a grandmother twice over this year! Remarkable!"

    "I'm thankful for epidural drugs and Gebers. Oh, am I thankful for pumps too." Georgie grins. Marty blushes. "I'm... thankful for my family, and that the work I was doing took off. So, go consumerism!"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Some of his... oh, yeah, Greenwich. Another topic he doesn't want to discuss right now. Tony manages a rueful smile instead. "I'm... thankful that Pepper said yes in spite of my horrible choice of venue." His hand still clasping hers under the table, his thumb rubs over the ring on her finger. "And that my junior officer seems to think I'm cool enough to call me Dad. That's one rank I never thought I'd get."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    One by one the others state what they are thankful for, and it ranges from deep sincere stuff to lighter things. It's really a lot. The fact that Tony clenches Pepper's hand isn't lost on Toph, and... that's unusually soft for Tony. But don't worry, she won't give it away. The next comment though does take her by surprise, though it doesn't show on her face. It's a bit weird how Tony reacts so differently to that now compared to the first time when she blurted it out by accident, huh?

    Finally the earthbender clears her throat and speaks up. "I'm thankful for my bending, that I invented metalbending this year, uh... the multiverse... and Tony and Pepper." That's how mushy she can allow herself to get. If it wasn't for the multiverse she wouldn't have met all of these people, after all. And without her bending, well... she would still be stuck back in Gaoling. And if she hadn't discovered metalbending at the time, then there's one person who wouldn't be sitting at the table right now.

    Guess that only leaves Pepper left to say something.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper squeezes Tony's hand back, smiling. "I'm happy that my whole family can be here with me to celebrate all the accomplishments we've made." And she looks to Toph pointedly. "All of them. I'm thankful to have you all in my life, because without you... I don't think there would be the Pepper you know." Potts replies. And she takes a deep breath. "That wasn't too mushy, was it?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Just mushy enough," Tony assures, and leans in to give her a tasteful but extremely oogie kiss.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Now it's even more mushy," Toph asides to Stan under her breath. But fine. Let Tony and Pepper be oogie for now. There's food to be had.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    And that is precisely when Lizzie decides to projectile spit-up some mashed squash.