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Latest revision as of 20:08, 4 December 2014

Slice Is Right
Date of Scene: 28 November 2014
Location: The Brines
Synopsis: Odin has shown up once more, this time he is attacking the Brines.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 95, Reina Kinney, 560, Ayako Hasekawa, 576, 627, 628, 633

Odin (576) has posed:
The swamps are already a dark place, but with something coming-- the swamps grow even darker as an unnatural fog rolls over the area. Motes of aetheric light start to rise from the ground and murky waters, and creatures of all kinds fall silent.

Soon a huff of a mighty steed gives way to the silent as a war horse of some kind walks across the mirky lands. Those red eyes glowing like fire. The steed's rider covered in dark armor from head to toe. Those glowing white eyes piercing the very shadows created by the fog that he has brought with him.

As the rider moves across the land he extends out his hand, as the dark energy of aetheric mist rolls across his finger tips, to form his legendary blade. The Obsidian blade itself takes on an eerie glow for a moment, before it simmers down.

"Why.. have you summoned me here.." He speaks to none, but himself. "..What has called me to this foreign land..."

He tilts his head ever so faintly. "..Battle is on the wind, but from whom..?"

Image: OdinXIVRender.png
BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAp8U5z9cjQ

Sagat (95) has posed:
A day without training is a day wasted, never to be reclaimed.

That's one of the maxims by which Sagat has always lived his life, no matter what other factors guided him through it; having heard that the Brines were host to a number of hostile fauna, the Emperor of Muay Thai figured it would be a good place to come and train. The fact that the 'ground underfoot' is more of a hungry marsh is actually a welcome addition to the challenge - moving through water is intrinsically harder than making the same movements through air, and combining that extra resistance with the rigors of actual combat is enough of a workout to make even Sagat push his limits. He's actually just as happy not to go near the villages or their inhabitants; they clearly don't believe in hospitality to strangers to judge by their defensive statues.

But the warning from his radio, combined with the shadowy outline of a mounted swordsman in the sudden fog, provokes Sagat's attention, and he turns to look, staying wary in case anything jumps him from another direction while he's distracted.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Even as the fog rolls along the ground, lightning rakes the sky as thunderclouds race across the sky. The wake of the Ame-no-Torifune, the great ship of the Murasame Family, rides the storm with great and terrible majesty.

Standing at the prow is the heir to the corporation himself, looking down intently at the fog below. "Such intense pressure..." He whispers to himself as the stormwinds whip past him. "It must be confronted."

Without a second thought, Souji vaults from the ship, flipping through the air. He hits the fog like a thunderbolt splitting the air, but the dployment of a Float spell allows him to settle upon the ground, facing away from the mighty Odin.

"It is your presence I feel. It reeks of blood and steel." He says simply to the Primal. "I must test my blade with your own." He turns to face Odin, his hand dropping to the handle of his dark weapon. "Murasame. It is time to feed." The crimson ribbon tying the blade to its handle parts of its own volition, and Souji draws the katana in a smooth stance. The blade of is of an ominous black material, crimson sigils cut deeply into the weapon and humming with a crimson power that seems... hungry. Mana is guided around Souji in a crackle, the ozone heralding the oncoming storm.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Reina Kinney had been orbiting from way above beyond the clouds (or whatever you might see up there) in her shuttle, just chillaxing since she had really little to do. That was until her scanners picked up something down on the surface, and she found herself getting out of her pilot's chair and teleporting down to the swamps below. Unfortunately, she came up empty handed with any sort of action, just random swamp beasts and what not. Nothing Reina was interested in.

    "Wasted a good amount of my Falzing time," Reina mutters to herself, attempting to get her teleport coordinates set up and return to her shuttle. But for some reason it's not responding, causing Reina to mutter a few Gurhalian curse words and try again. The next few attempts also fail, but then she sees why.

    The dark fog is rolling in, and now there's that huge guy on horseback coming. Reina can only stare in disbelief, eyes wide open and her jaw hanging open, unable to think or speak anything for a moment. Then she blurts out, "Holy Falz on a Gurhalian Dragon! WHAT is that son of a De Rol Le?!" Keeping her eyes trained on Odin, Reina takes a few steps back, then looks around, realizing there's nowhere to run, and her shuttle can't pick her up either. Sighing and rolling her eyes, she snaps her fingers, causing her rifle to materialize in her hands. "No chance in Gurhal I'm taking that thing on melee style! It's time to show him what us GUARDIANS are made of!"

Deelel has posed:
A strange small one person jet can be seen making her arrival here she's riding some sort of light jet form the looks ot it and she's trying to get an idea of just what she's going to be facing, so he's name's Odin? Wasn't that the name of the leader of Inga's Gods? Deelel wondered? No time to worry about that as she's moving in making for the impending fight she drops from her craft, it vanishing in a burst of light. She catches the baton an drops to a bit of land below her, well if you could call this land.

Kamon Lionward (628) has posed:
Kamon was studying, as per usual, when he heard the alert that some kind of 'Primal' thing was running around. Apparently, this is kind of like the equivalent of a giant monster attack wherever it is. When he heard the /name/, well... there was no way he was missing out on this.

A bright yellow shape rushes through the marshlands. A great bird darts across the muddy ground, jumping from dry spot to dry spot, planting its feet on the few solid places it can find. It finds pretty much all of them. The chocobo's speed and course are sure, and the rider -- one Kamon Lionward, one of the new Galiandan Union Elites -- has a pretty good idea of where it is he's going. Someone like that is practically a beacon.

The chocobo pulls up short, the summoned creature staring dead ahead. Kamon does the same, marvelling at the Elder Primal that waits in the clearing not too far from him. He reaches back and draws his sword, though a mediocre one it is, the dulled practice blade held tightly in his hand. He raises it high, a respectful salute.

"Hail, First Blade!" he calls. "Though you are not from our lands, we raise our weapons with regard and respect for your strength!" Kamon lowers the plain katana, holding the reins with one hand and the sword with the other. "Why do you come here? If it's a show of skill you want, we'd be honored to oblige."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Well, Odin might be here seeking battle, but Shirou's here seeking Odin for hopefully NOT a battle.

    Yeah. We'll see how long THAT idea goes on. He has questions for the Elder Primal, and he wants to try talking to him. If he can only manage that!

    If he can beat Odin though, he can earn that right. If he can beat Odin without using Zantetsuken, that is. He doubts the Elder Primal would show him respect for beating him using a ripoff of his own weapon.

    So this is an impossible mission for Emiya Shirou. Emiya Shirou cannot Fight the Elder Primal. He's only ever managed to Just Barely Survive.

    But he's come anyways.

    Though the others are arriving raring for a fight or to prevent one, Shirou's pretty sure he'll be lucky to just get a few words out of the spirit. But he will try.

    The redhead comes barreling out of a warp gate at speeds that could compete in the Olympics with prana circulating furiously through his body.

    At his side, the sword that Elidibus crafted for him rests quietly in its scabbard. He's not drawn it, but he's defintely ready for battle. A blue vest-like garment covers his torso, a different model of armor. Flexible and tough, though mostly suitable for just elite soldiers, not Elite soldiers.

    He doesn't take too long to home in on the wandering Primal and call out, "Odin! I'd like a word with you if you have a moment. It's about that thing you said last time."

    Because he never got an answer to that question.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     It was supposed to be a very simple evening! Sit around. Do his rounds around the streets by triffling through the pockets of some bullies of his age. Plan an Operation over at an Equipment store. Then, in the night, go do some patrols as the DRAGOON MAN, that he definetively is not. That is silly. Why would he be Dragoon Man?

     No, instead, Kamon brings his attention to something that is happening elsewhere. The sight of Odin, the First Blade, the one and only, has appeared... somewhere, in a swamp he hears. While this put a hamper on the plans for his evening, Soan knows the first tenet of a successfull Thief: Opportunity is better than the Gold you earn by being the first to steal.

     He's still not fully sure what that means, but it sure felt profound.

     Soan's chocobo appears a few feets away behind Kamon. He, too, has a summoning matrice that allows for some nice, cheap transporation aboard smelly birds. For some reason, his is wearing a fancy cowl over it's head, it's feathers are black -- or appears to be painted black anyway -- and walks just as silently as a Thief would.

     "What my friend said here!" The Thief shouts out, lifting his black steel blade. "We are here to meet your valiant challenge, to chip our blades in noble battle!"

     Murasame is here too. He don't have a chocobo. Bastard probably used that Airship of his, yerch. Rich folks.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako flies on in quickly, riding sidesaddle on her broomstick. She's right behind Shirou and several pale blue flames float around her, bringing some light to the dark, now fog covered swamp. She has already cast Water Bubble on herself and Shirou, she's not wanting to take any chances. Especially when Shirou and Odin are involved!

    Speaking of Odin, she spots him very quickly along with the other people that aren't with the group. She stays a bit back-fighting in the frontline isn't her thing. Fighting at all isn't really Ayako's thing! She quickly traces with her fingers in their direction. "Water Bubble." A sphere of water surrounds them each for a moment and then vanishes.

    Water Bubble is a soft barrier that actually doesn't really do anything. It does slow attacks, but on a very negligible level. Rather, it's the foundation of Ayako's other barriers, and is an analysis tool!

    Ayako stays at a safe distance behind Shirou, still floating on her broomstick. She waves hello cheerfully to Odin. "Hello Odin!" She bows politely to him and smiles happily at him. What? Nothing wrong with being polite.

Odin (576) has posed:
Odin sits idly on his steed as those from around the Multiverse start to show up. He watches as Sagat silently observes him. Then his eyes train over to Souji as he comes down summoning forth his own dark blade formed as a Katana.

Then another comes, spotting nonsense in the distance as the summon forth a long ranged weapon. His eyes only glance in their direction, before watching as a warrior drops from the sky as well, with strange glow about their body.

It was not soon that he senses another coming, at great speeds. He pulls the reigns ever so slightly to turn to face in that direction. To spot the warrior upon a chocobo hailing him with great respect. Though no words are met for him-- not yet.

Soon there is another who graces their presence before him, also with respect in their words, but then-- there is Shirou. Odn's eyes fall upon the young boy who has been stalking him from battle to battle. The one who took some essence of his blade to create a clone and he spots the blade built for him by the hands of those who are-- another.

His eyes do shift over to Ayako as she summons her magic upon others, a low rumble could be heard from him. Then he looks across the group. His steed stomping it hoof into the soft mud. "You come to challenge, I, Odin? Then I shalt not hold my hand for any of you."

With those words he steps off his steed with simple ease, the cape behind him bellowing out for a moment, even as his mighty warhorse seems to vanishing back into the aether itself. He twirls his blade around with ease in his hands.

His eyes looks over to Shirou. "If you should defeat me, thief.. then perhaps I will answer what you seek to know."

Odin then points his sword out toward the groups, slowly turning the blade to face them all. "Come, non-children of Urth! Face me and seek the power you wish!"

Meanwhile, a white robed figure seems to float above the water in the distance with his arms crossed. Observing for a moment, though when Shirou seems to agree, sis hand extends out with his metal clawed index, thumb, and middle finger. As he extends out his hand, dark flames draw around his fingers as he makes a rune of some type in the air.

Soon the blade crafted by the very figure starts to shimmer slightly with dark flames and the runes carved into it glow with an aura of dark light...

Sagat (95) has posed:
Sagat stalks closer to the mounted 'swordsman,' or wahtever Odin is; he's giving the alleged wargod a thorough looking-over in the process, judging the size and the probable dangers of facing this opponent.

It perhaps bears mentioning that as a dedicated martial artist, one who carries no weapons but has made his body the only weapon he needs, Sagat has little respect for those who need to use swords - or worse, guns - in combat. BY the same token, though, a blade or a bullet carries a danger all its own, different and distinct from the contusions that Sagat may inflict with punches and kicks. The question, at the moment, is whether the risk of engaging Odin hand-to-hand is worth the rewards of experience.

... which, really, is the only 'power' Sagat has any desire for. He doesn't care for magic or supernatural boosts, either, as a rule. As sujch, the Water Bubbles spread about by Ayako just draw a brief glance before Sagat focuses fully on Odin. And as soon as Sagat gets close enough, he leaps up with a brief yell, twisting just a bit, and straightening his leg in a single, smoothly violent motion, aiming a kick squarely at the side of Odin's head.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako smiles brightly at Odin, "And I wouldn't expect you to hold your hand. Everyone, let's do our best!" She raises her left hand up into the air cheerfully while she makes a 'V' with her pointer and middle fingers of her right hand hold horizontally by her right eye, while winking with her left. Her head nods when Odin tells them to come and she lowers her hands.

    "Shirou! I got something for you! Since I got to see you practice... and I know you're about to charge in... here!" Ayako thrusts her palms towards the projection magus. "Whirling Maelstrom of the Sea's Depth!" Clear water suddenly begins swirlling about Shirou violently!

    This particular barrier strengthens slashing weapons! It also happens to strengthen thrown slashing weapons! The swirlling thick water will protect Shirou as well!

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Odin accepts the challenge.

This suits Souji well. This is going to be a battle that will require a great deal of concentration and power from him. He does not bother speaking again. This is the time of action. There is a swift movement, a single strike from Souji's blade. The weapon parts the air, ceacking with lightning as a powerful pressure wave lashes out at the the Primal. Any normal person would be blown away. Souji is not so arrogant that he believes it would be enough to even phase the being. He quickly follows up with two more slashes, lighning arcing through the air to strike out repeatedly in a storm. He has not yet. The weapon greedily devours any life force or Aether released as he does so.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     This is one thing going to Odin, the continent. Soan has been there once, as DRAGOON MAN. It was not a pretty place, it was unforgiving with it's metal demons and wasteland. Being in front of the First God -- or at least something that seems to share quite a lot with the notions of that very First God -- is another thing at all. What trouble him most, however, is the Smell he have. It feels... wrong. Darkness. Unholy. This troubles the young Thief somewhat.

     "ALRIGHT THEN!" Soan Sagittarius shouts out, lifting his blade as he urges his Chocothief foward. It makes a distrunted, cynical Wark at Soan, but obeys the command all the same. This is not the first fight he's been in, far from it. It is, however, probably the first against an personnage like this! The Chocobo charges, darts past the mighty Odin as he leaps off the bird. It vanishes in a cloud of technomagical sparks as he swings his Blacksteel Blade at Odin's articulations, in a full flank for Kamon -- and others -- to take full advantage of.

Kamon Lionward (628) has posed:
Well, okay, that's a challenge all right.

Kamon glances over to Soan, and then to Odin. He adjusts his grip on his sword minutely, unconsciously. He murmurs into his earpiece, coordinating with both Soan and Deelel and, to a lesser extent, everyone else. He's trying to get them into some semblance of order in a situation where they could be in serious trouble if they lack it.

His last couple words aren't quiet at all. He raises his sword, the chocobo pawing the ground. "Let's go!" Kamon rushes in, breaking to the right instead of going straight at Odin. He keeps his rust-colored eyes on the Primal, riding low in the saddle and then suddenly swinging his legs up and kicking off as he dismisses the called creature. The chocobo vanishes, and Kamon hits the ground in a slide, ducking low under Odin's enormous blade and going for a hit on the side opposite Soan. He may not have an edge, but enough speed and force behind a big ol' chunk of metal will do the job.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel chose to stick with two of the relativly new elites by the name of Kamon and Soan. There's some feeling she has about them it feels like she's met them in another life almost. As silly as that sounds, but the feeling is there. Either way she was going to coordinate with Soan and Kamon. She fell in looking to the pair for a moment and then pulls the disc off her back and makes a high speed run at Odin throwing her disc, whith edge powers up, humming with light.

"I suggest we don't sit still!"

No Odin looks like someone you try to dodge tank and not try to endure his blows, that does not seem to be a healthy thought to her.

With Kamon and Soan wit he they now can hopefully play off eachother well enough...

Reina Kinney has posed:
    That rifle may be nonsense or something like that, but it's saved Reina's hide quite a few times. It's useful to have a long-ranged weapon in situations where you can't get up close and personal. At first, Reina attempts to activate the scope, but then realizes that Odin is big enough that she could land a solid shot on him without needing to steady her aim. There is the issue of friendly fire, which is why Reina restrains herself from firing at first.

    "Hokay, I definitely did not intend on turning this into an opportunity for a huge battle," Reina comments to herself sarcastically, "But now that I'm here, I'm gonna have to shoot first and save the questions for later." She then steadies her rifle, attempting to aim carefully to avoid injuring any allies, and then fires off a single shot.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou frowns rather heavily at Odin's opinion of him... and ten different sarcastic opinions form behind the redheaded magus' amber eyes. But he bites his tongue on all of them, as he usually does. As he did except for a few breaches of his manner, anyways.

    He's got his footing in the Multiverse again, he can't excuse making nasty comments!

    "Yeah. Using your own sword against you was a really stupid mistake!" Shirou admits as the blade at his side flares with dark energies and his flesh is shielded by water. The latter surprises him more than the former does.

    Still, Shirou doesn't draw the obsidian blade. Instead... "Trace ON!"

    Light sizzles and crackles in his hands, forming into matched shortswords with a Yin-Yang theme.

    "Then I'll just beat those answers out of you!!"

    If he can. If he only can. he will not use Zantetsuken this time, even if it means he loses. As long as he doesn't lose his head... he can try again.

    This is going to hurt SO MUCH. Even with Elidibus and Ayako at his back.

    He sends Ayako an almost apologetic glance. He'll be depending on her! Perhaps she'll feel that.

    But with that, he CHARGES!

    It's not some simple charge, though. Shirou's footwork has VASTLY improved from previous fights. As he nears Odin and swings the two swords in a rapid flurry, well... his style is a bit wild, but these weapons suit him FAR better than Zantetsuken does. Even better than Excalibur Galatine does. Or the half-dozen other weapons he's probably used against Odin at this point!

    It's nowhere near Odin's level, but this time he might just be able to KEEP UP for a few exchanges! Slash parry, slash parry! ... The only question is, can he land a blow?!

Odin (576) has posed:
Odin stands at ready, just in time to see Sagat rushing in to leap right in with their foot. The impact slams into Odin's gauntlet which almost knocks the Elder Primal back. Though now Sagat is in close, the Elder Primal, swings his sword around in a quick slash motion. The edge of the blade almost gleaming in a hot white color for the moment of the strike.

Though as Ayako goes to buff Shirou, Odin decides to remind her that she too is not out of this fight, as he then swings out his free arm to the side as a dark aetheric energy starts to spawn around his finger tips. He then swings out his hand as suddenly an Obsidian lance is thrown from the aetheric energy looking to graze by her and slam into a tree nearby.

That is then when Souji comes in to slash at the very air, which slashes across Odin's backside. The armor itself being cut as dark aether tendrils form out, before folding back into the spots impact. The Elder Primal spinning around with sheer grace and speed.

The next strike is met dead on by the Obsidian Blade as Souji brings down his own, the two blades causing a great spark show in the air, but the second strike impacts Odin across the chest armor, grazing the metal. It takes a moment for this to repair itself, but the glow in the eyes says all in the world that Odin is not pleased with Souji's weapon.

The Elder Primal steps back in that moment before stepping in with a swing of his blade. The strikes moving at a speed that is near inhuman with only a trail of where the strikes land with a flash of dark aetheric light, before spinning around to palm slam Souji back with his free hand.

Soan then leaps in and catches Odin slightly off guard-- or so it would seem. The youth slashes across the arm of the Elder Primal, only for Odin to spin directly around and with an upward cleave his own sword. "You are able too.." His thoughts however do not finish, as the next attack distracts him from whatever he was about to say, as Kamon goes to follow suit, though as the strike is successful, the armor does not chip away, but only heals itself. Yet for the man's efforts he finds himself being striked out at in a more downward strike of the blade.

The edge of Deelel's disc strikes at the shoulder of Odin. He flips back to break away from Soan and Kamon. Another Lance appears in his hands as he goes to land. This one he swimply swings outward and as he does so, the lance swings out on an Obsidian aetheric chain as it goes to sweep Deelel right off her feet if she is not careful.

As the Lance swings, Reina's bullet clips the side of Odin's horn. This in turn places her in the path of the lance as well, though he hooks it hard to cause the very tip of it to slam down for her like a bashing strike.

Then comes in Shirou and his cocky words, which only gets a simply 'hmph' from the Elder Primal, "We shalt see, boy." As Shirou draws in closer, Odin goes to match the speed of the mortal boy. A few strikes are parried, but a few more get in. The aetheric energy dancing off his armor for those moments the impact hit.

On Shirou's final swing, Odin meets the blade dead on with his own, he then goes to shove Shirou back with brute force, before suddenly vanishing into a dark fog of mist, then reappering the same manner behind the boy to knock him aside further with a hefty back hand.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
The Hungry Blade gets a lot of unpleasant looks when it is drawn. They usually stop looking when they see what happens to whatever caused him to draw the blade. However, Odin is being who can be considered a bit of a coneisseur of blades. The Zantetsuken answers Souji instantly, the massive blade smashing through his guard as he attempts to divery the weapon and leaving several deep wounds upon Souji. The backhand is simply insult added to injury as he ie left sprawling in an undignified manner.

He isn't sure if Odin would feel satisfaction at Souji lying there in pain and groaning, but Souji does not bother to give it to him anyway. He immediately rolls to his feet, his jaw clenched as he feels the burning pain of the wounds. He touches one of the wounds and looks down at the redness on his fingertips for a moment, and emits a low, "Tch."

He draws the fingers across the weapon, and the blood vanishes. Hungry blade indeed. He beings up his hand, shifting his stance to an iaijutsu style, and then thrusts one of them forward. There is a moment of disjointed time, and he blurs forward, a clock appearing under him in shining light as he Hastes himself. "HAAAH!" He yells, as he cleaves past. Lightning cources through his path, radiating from his blow as he appears on the opposite side... And then twists, unging upwards into the air with a slashing motion. One might expect him to come back down, but he does not. He hangs in the sky, lightning surging around him as he stares down at Odin. "Thunder-3." He intones simply, and a massive lightning bolt cracks the air as it flashes from him to the Dark Primal.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako knows better than to expect being out of this fight! She still eeps when Odin suddenly flings an obsidian lance at her! The lance blasts by her, grazing her with the aetheric energy. Said graze tears away at her black muffler severely. Oddly enough, this seems to be far more effective against her than actually hitting her! She whimpers softly, "Uuu... for a warning shot, that was brutal..." Ayako sniffles as she forms several balls of water to patch up her muffler.

    Once that's dealt with she looks up just in time to see the devastating combo that Odin unleashed on Souji! Yikes! Odin really really doesn't like Souji! Well, she can do something about that! Ayako's hands cup together in front of her body and she closes her eyes. Purple water fills her cupped hands. Her eyes open swiftly and she spins in place once to wind up. "Healing Water!" And she flings a ball of purple water at Souji to heal his wounds!

Reina Kinney has posed:
    That is one huge weapon. And it's coming right at Reina no less. She tries to stand tall, but even with her shields, it still hurts like crazy. Reina is sent tumbling across the area, landing on her side... then somehow skidding to a stop on her feet, her boots helping her slide into a standing position again. "That was worse than taking on three De Rol Le creeps," Reina mutters to herself, trying to keep her aim steady as she attempts to level her rifle. That attack didn't really hurt her too badly, but her body is hurting a bit.

    "You want to fight with me, you got it!" Reina says, unable to think of anything more creative as she fires again.

Sagat (95) has posed:
Sagat sees the blade coming, and despite the fact that momentum and gravity are not in his favor, he manages to twist - slapping the flat of the blade as best he can on its way past, and reducing just how much damage the blade's edge can do as he lets the sword push him a bit faster.

That's not to say it doesn't cut him as a result, mind you: it *does*, a significant but not severe laceration dripping blood into the swamp below. Hopefully nothing in these parts takes to blood in the water like, say, sharks are said to. But that's a fairly minor problem next to the sword and its wielder.

Rather than launching another airborne attack, though, Sagat stays at ground level this time. Odin is pretty big ... and in fact, has projected a sufficiently imposing air thus far to surprise Sagat with the fact that he's *shorter* than the Muay Thai fighter himself is.

Not like that's going to stop him; Sagat ducks around to the side a bit, clearing his allies' lines of attack, and launches a quick two-hit punch combo at Odin's shoulder and back.

Kamon Lionward (628) has posed:
Kamon's strike barely damages Odin's armor, nevermind actually hurts the Elder Primal underneath. He swings his center of mass forward, turning the muddy slide into a short dash -- and Odin's Zantetsuken comes down, swung casually into his back. Kamon throws himself into a spin and then a roll, hitting the ground and tumbling away.

He jumps back onto his feet, bashed and left with a bloody mark for his trouble. It is not as instantly deadly as some average fighter's wounds might be against /this/ foe. Kamon takes a breath, spinning the katana's blade once in his hand to flick mud off of it. He tracks the battle as it rages ahead and around him, trying to get a feel for the flow. Thrown lances of obsidian, agility his armored form belies...

"Okay," he says, in barely a whisper. Then, immediately louder, "Elemental assessor! Soan, on me!"

Kamon blitzes back into the battle, charging at an astounding speed right into the forefront of the fight. He passes Shirou, giving him a quick glance and a little grin, and spots Sagat on the other side of the Primal. He keeps his focus on the armored man(?), bringing his katana up to his shoulder with both hands on the grip.

"BREATH OF SHIVA!" The edge of Kamon's sword flares with a sudden blue radiance. He swings it up and then down in quick sweeps, leaving a V-shaped pattern in the air. Kamon dives at Odin, thrusting the blade at the chest of the armored figure in a lightning-fast lunge. Say what you will about his equipment, his skill is undeniable.



A wave of frigid cold and freezing ice suddenly whips through the air all around Kamon. It strikes at Odin in multiple places, a rapid, chilling pummeling delivered on the end of a sword. Kamon moves with it, seeming to strike where the ice will a fraction of a second later -- the same ice that should coat the joints of his armor, and start to freeze him momentarily to the cold, damp earth.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
Of course, what comes with challenging the First Blade is to be hit by said first blade. As one would expect, it hurts. Quite a lot. It's this sort of times that Soan is glad that he wears a light-weight polymer armor beneath his clothing. A true tribute to the modern age and modern defensive technologies of Gallianda. The young thief get launched up in the air by the upward swing, sending him flying a few feet backward where he tumbles into the mushy ground of the Marsh. He grabs on the ground, scrapping along the decay of the earth, skidding himself to a halt on a knee. He scrambles back up to his feet.

     "Heh!" Soan lets out, rubbing his mouth off with a sleeve. He's not bleeding yet, he's made of far tougher stuff than that, even ignoring his armor. Quickly, he fishes into his pockets as he dashes against Odin, leaping on a particularly long root punctuating the marsh's path. This gives him the nessecary ramp to leap off again at the Primal, producing a trio of small, glowing, pulsating crystal cores.

     Kamon made an opening for him. Sagittarius swings his blade at the giant armoured creature, but they are mostly distractions.

     STEAL > PLANT ITEM > BOMB SHARDS His other hand flies around his armor, finding crevices, cracks, as brief they might be created by previous attacks, to deposite the tiny shards of crystals. Soan probably wouldn't even remember where he put them after the fact. The Hand moves by itself, at times.

     Shards that promptly explodes into a fiery detonation moments later. Bomb Shards are one of the most wonderful thing that comes out of Bomb. Well. /The/ only/ wonderful thing.

     Soan, in the past, experimented with shouting his attacks. He still bears the scar on his chest of the result when his victim turned around. Technically, anyway.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    With everyone rushing in with all kinds of stuff at Odin, Shirou barely had his moment to squeeze in a skirmish! The two exchanged blows several times, casting sparks of Aether and shavings of meteoric iron swords into the air. Yet Shirou needs to use both arms to parry Odin's blows and all he can do is deflect them or catch them at odd angles, then scrape forward into Odin's guard for a light blow or two! It's probably only successful because he has so many opponents... and Shirou realizes that when his final assault's parried. Shock shows on Shirou's face, his legs bunch up and balance shifts instantly as he prepares to disengage and---

    "Hwuwgh--" He's thwacked HARD. and not with a sword, but just a shove and clobbering. Maybe that's Odin taking it easy on him! But it still sends Shirou speeding back about five meters and crashing into the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of him. It'd probably do more, but he has Ayako's protection to thank that he'll get off from THAT one with maybe just some bruises.

    Shirou wastes no time though. Even breathless he forces himself to his feet... glances about... then...

    FWOOOSH! He crosses his arms strangely and then FLINGS them both ways outward, releasing Kanshou and Bakuya in a forward circling arc. There's a reason for this! The swords are drawn to each other like magnets...

    So, get the angles right and they swerve INWARDS to converge on Odin!

    And if they strike, things are gonna get messy. A few people might've felt the power that Shirou packed into the twin swords...

    Okay, a LOT of power. More than a Noble Phantasm can bear, that's for sure. The two swords are all but GLOWING to magical swords. What does it mean?!

    "Huuuagh!" The redhead CHARGES again, drawing the obsidian sword, but his charge is a feint. He doesn't finish it and instead crouches into a skid!

    ... Just as Kanshou and Bakuya close in on Odin.

    If he does nothing to stop them, the swords will EXPLODE on contact. Well, they'll do that even if he attempts to parry them. Touching them at all is pretty bad really, because any impact will set them off. They are now BOMBS in the shape of swords.

    The explosion is pretty dramatic too! A blast of pure crude magical energy without spell or reason to shape it. It has no grace or technique, but with that amount of power it simply doesn't NEED IT.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is more careful than one might expect her to be she's just about able to entirely evade the strile from ODin and lands a bit away over all non the worse for wear all things considered but she's noticing many of the others is not fiiring so well, a brief plan is talked about but for now Deelel just catches her disc, locks it back into place on her back.

She defly pulls a rod off her hip and it expands into a full out staff, techo starts to play as she raise it pointing it's end almost like a gun and that's when? Shots start firing in time to the music, the enery blasts start flying at Odin. She's not one to sit still for very long, no that's asking to be cubed.

AS Kamon and Soan do thie thing which is quite a bit of creative magic and use of explosives she cna only hope it works.

Odin (576) has posed:
Souji thinks he will be safe in the air. Odin only glances up as he goes up into the air as the lightning crackle. "You could be called the son of Ramuh.. if not in a mortal coil." As Souji then goes to blast down a massive lightning bolt, the Elder Primal steps around and raises up his hand.

The Lightning strike slams into his armor, the dark aetheric energy creating black tendrils around his hand and lower arm as the lightning surges around his form, including a few points zapping into the water near him.

As Odin lowers down his hand, to look at the electrical current that flows through his finger tips, he rumbles lowly, before he swings his body around. That dark obsidian chain forming around his arm and into his hand as he lashes it upward like a whip and if gets around Shinji's body in some way attempts to slam the youth into the ground.

As Ayako goes to heal Shinji, Odin glares in her direction. Though the bullet impacts into his chest from Reina, which bites into the armor-- yet it heals back up seeming to just 'eat' the bullet really. With a slap of the Obsidian chain into the water, he spins it around to snag Ayako if she isn't quick enough and then goes to toss her right for Reina-- though if it misses one, the other has to worry about a whiplash from an empty chain.

Sagat's punches come in right after the chain is whipped outward. The impacts cause Odin to stumble, but like before the blade comes swinging around, this time with a harder cleaving strike behind it then earlier.

Kamon then comes charging in. The ice blade slams into Odin's chest armor as he goes to spin around to meet the young warrior. The ice does cover over him for a moment, enough time for Soan to drop the shards of explosions. Together the attack seems to work, only however Odin suddenly breaks free from the binds of ice causing a dark burst of energy to flash outward with a great deal of force.

Odin rumbling at mild annoyance at their tactical choice. "Interesting." He rumbles out in words, before his attention then spins around as Shirou comes rushing in. He can sense the swords as they spin away. The magical energy about them, even in the air of so many other magical beings around him.

It is oddly-- making him hungry.

Odin stares as Shirou goes to use the Obsidian blade as a fient and Odin dances around the fake strike. In time to see the two weapons coming for him. He rumbles low, before he waves out his hand outward to actually /halt/ the blades.

They make impact, but the magical energy then swirls around Odin, before seeming to be absorbed into his very armor. His eyes glowing ever more brighter. Then that electrical energy that impacted him early, he suddenly blasts out a dark energy shockwave right at Shirou to knock him up and away.

That is also when Deelel starts to play her music to perhaps upset the balance of Odin, however the Elder Primal doesn't seem to bothered by the soundwaves and as they may disturb him slightly, he steps forward, seeming to form into dark mist before appearing behind her and then striking out with his very sword for her.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako meets Odin's glare with her own calm amber gaze. And then she yelps as she's suddenly taken for a ride on Odin's obsidian chain. She gets swiftly grabbed off her broomstick and then tossed into Reina. "Eeep!" Luckily for Reina, Ayako is fairly light and very soft. Not so luckily for Reina, the obsidian chain isn't nearly as light nor soft. "S-sorry!" Ayako awkwardly untangles herself from Reina and hops back onto her floating broomstick which has followed after her.

    She then smiles brightly, "Then here! Since you use guns... A barrier for your trouble!" Ayako sweeps her right hand in an arc towards Reina. "Bullet Maelstrom!" A watery whirlpool forms in the air in front of Reina, with the tip of the cone pointing outwards towards Odin.

    Bullet Maelstrom is an odd barrier that boosts gun fire that is shot through it! It also helps protect against projectiles and messes up attackers that stand inside it! The orientation of the cone follows Reina's gaze as well.

Sagat (95) has posed:
Whereas Sagat is relentlessly, tenaciously non-magical ... unless you count modest amounts of chi focusing, or even just sheer stubborn bloody-minded force of will, as 'magic'.

The downward slash from Zantetsuken is spotted coming in, and Sagat responds with the back of one fist to 'parry' the blade. Again, it doesn't prevent him from being cut at all, but it's enough of a deflection this time to minimize the injury, only spilling a few more drops of blood. It doesn't even force Sagat back all that much.

In fact, while it opens up enough space for Odin to cycle his attention amongst his other opponents, Sagat closes right back in with a snapping kick aimed at Odin's leg - specifically at the side of his knee, armor or the appearance of same notwithstanding.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel has no idea if Odin has any sort of elemental weakness not that she tends to think along those lines. It's not how her world workds really she dalls out ot him however.

"You seem dead set on this."

the music is still playing as she fires a few more shots but then ceases fire. this time she's cuaght and the blast does do some prety bad things.

Deelel screams but keeps on her feet she rolls away she powers the end of th staff and launches at her.

The after effect of the strike has left a glowing wound in her body, before she moves in. To try and strike him with the powered end.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Ayako's healing water does not go unappreciated. "Thank you." He replies to Ayako. One must always be gracious to the healers. It is proper behavior.

Meanwhile, there is the matter of Odin. "The blood of Ramuh runs in my veins alongside that of my Family. All of our people carry the mark of the Divines in our heritage." Souji replies. He brings his blade up to parry the chain, the weapon spitting up a gout of sparks as the chain lashes past him... And then whips around to catch him in the air. "What?!" He yells, moments before he is sent slamming into the ground.

The physical damage is bad enough, but the dignity damage is significant as well. His sword is trapped, and he needs a moment to get himself free. There is a wrenching motion, and Souji pulls himself partially out of the chains. He grimaces for a moment, and he reaches into his coat. "... You leave me no choice..." He mutters for a moment, and he pulls the hand out of his coat.

Gleaming golden coins glint in the stormy sky, before the air hisses, Souji beginning to launch a torrent of Gil at the Primal.

Thousands and thousands of Gil.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Oh blast it. Shirou could almost curse at the outcome. He was NOT expecting Odin to know what was coming. Eyes wide and his previous show of improvement momentarily vanishing, he's caught head-on by the lightning blast! The only thing that saves him from a full-out blast is hunkering behind the obsidian sword! Even if its strange powers do not apply (maybe they will! this thing's surprised Shirou before), it's a physical barrier and obsidian does NOT conduct lightning terribly well! ... So...

    Shirou just avoids getting fried to a cinder, and instead gets scorched as the lightning splits - perhaps is absorbed? - or at least heats the blade more than it does him! He's driven back whilst biting down on the pain. He's left smoldering where he stands and struggling to just breathe, but he didn't fall. Instead he's leaning on the sword that he barely knows how to use.

    And one that he doesn't feel is really suited for him either. Why does Elidibus put so much faith in it?!

    "guess I've only got one way to find out..." Shirou needs both hands to handle the weapon properly! Which means he can't afford to overextend himself. He launches in at Odin again when there's a brief opening, hoping to slash him a good few times with the obsidian edge!

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Reina finds herself a bit tangled up after that last attack. Once she's regained her senses, she glances at Ayako slightly while recovering from that impact, and says, "Don't worry about it. Things could always be worse." She gets back up and finds she still has her rifle in one hand. Apparently, being a member of GUARDIANS (or just being a Gurhalian) means you can hold onto a weapon even while you're being seriously injured by someone knocked into you. Not caring about that, Reina checks to make sure she still has enough power left in her rifle.

    "Should let me get off a few more shots," Reina thinks to herself out loud, while surveying the general area and trying to take into account what's just happened as well as what Odin is capable of at this time. "Maybe if I aim a little more carefully," Reina thinks, trying to keep her shoulders and arms steady as she aims more carefully at Odin. "I hope this works," Reina thinks as she fires off another shot.

Kamon Lionward (628) has posed:
Kamon stops before he rams straight into Odin, reversing direction in an instant. He brings his blade up into a guard position, the young Parivir keeping light on his rather heavy feet. He glances up to keep Souji's position, and shields himself from the blast of the bombs -- and it doesn't /quite/ crack the shell like they wanted.

"The Ramuha aren't the only ones with tricks up their sleeves," Kamon states. He stands his ground, sword to sword with the armored figure. He sends his into a dazzling display of swordplay, full of dizzying, distracting sweeps as he tries to engineer an opening.

Dark energy erupts off of Odin. Solid force rolls off of him in waves, coming at Kamon in a tempest. Kamon's eyes widen a touch in alarm, and he moves without thought. The Parivir raises his sword and sweeps it straight down, leaving a metallic streak in the air for a fraction of a second. It meets the dark wave, cleaving into the energy burst with a clear ring of steel. The tempestuous blast breaks apart as it comes at him, going from a solid wall to something resembling a hail of stones. He's battered, but he stands his ground. His now-chipped sword's tip nearly touches the ground --


-- and Kamon charges directly at Odin, blade reversing in his hand. He's swift and low to the ground, swinging the practice blade upwards in anticipation of the Zantetsuken barring his path. He lets his lower body continue moving, rotating his upper around where he expects the blade to travel a fraction of a second before it should get there and then stepping past. He gets in close, hacking the katana downwards again in a demonstrably shallow cut across the Elder Primal's armor...


...and then jumping upwards, a rising blow that crosses the same seemingly-inconsequential scratch and carries Kamon above Odin's head and backwards in an impressive leap. A seemingly-inconsequential scratch that is necessary for his sword, dull as it is, to breach armor and strike the weak point it conceals. It should open a hole. It only has to for a second or two, if even that.

The Children of the First Blade, the Odynari, fight nightmarish golems that rise from the iron body of Odin every hour of every day. Suffice to say they know how to break through an armored shell.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     This is however not terribly new. An opponment that strikes out of it's magically created bounds by the sheer FLEXING of his power, that is. Heck, Soan has done it to some foul binding magic that some Chaos Cultist has inflicted upon him as DRAGOON MAN. Still, the lingering Stench that he's had from the Elder Primal is rather considerable. It's not something that he's smelled before, yet it certainly has some familiar variations to it.

     Soan is blown back by the shockwave, backflipping over the marshy ground, hitting a root to launch himself back upstraight on the way to a tree. He lands a few feets away, glancing upward with a calculating look on his face. Fire, Ice, Lightning didn't work. Darkness is right out. Air is unlikely. This leaves one that he has access to, but one that he cannot easily use. Still, consumable items exists for this precise purpose when you don't have a White Mage around. Souji also display the vast wealth he possess to bear in an offensive move. Soan can't help but to look left and right, shiftily. An opportunity may arise.

     "Murasame's words are correct! Ifrit's blood runs through my veins! Kamon, come on! We're just getting this scanning started!" Soan shouts out, fishing out two vials of a glowing, serene liquid. He rapidly climbs up the diseased, twisted tree, charging up. Again, Kamon will make an opening to him, but with Holy Water, you just need to spray 'n pray. The thief flies with some nice air time directly over Odin, pouring down the purificating vials that explodes on contact.

     Additionally, a good handfull of coins never makes it to Odin. It's not like Souji is going to miss a few thousands in that, they are not gainfully stored in his pocket, snatched out of thin air during his aerial manuvering. Again, a Thief's hand often go snatch things long before his brain even realized he wanted to steal something.

Odin (576) has posed:
Sagat doesn't let up it would seem as he snap kicks for Odin' knee. The impact slams into the Primal legs and nearly brings him down, but he seems to recover with a spin of the impact. Yet there is no counter attack. His eyes drifting from the lance in the tree and to the one implanted into the ground.

Odin reaches out with his left hand, as both lances seem to whisk away into aetheric energy. Wrapping around his hand until he holds it once more. This summoning is enough for Deelel to get in and strike him hard enough that he staggers to the side slightly.

His foot sliding across the muddy surface as he then glares in her general direction.

This doesn't help when Souji unleashes a gil storm on him. It causes Odin to raise up his lance arm in protection as the gil 'cuts' away at the armor forcing whatever energy gained to be spent in repairing his own form.

Though as Shirou charges in with the Obsidian Blade, Odin swings his own sword around to meet it. The two blades impact, but Odin slightly slips on the mud under his foot which allows the blade to slash at a part of his armor.

As it does so the runes glow once more and though aetheric energy not completely lost from Odin, the Obsidian blade's energy seems to 'repair' some of Shirou's skin with a slightly dark layer of energy. Magical forces at work in exchange to keep him going.

Though how long, was entirely unknown.

Reina's own shots impact Odin before he has a full chance to recover, but he sweeps his sword around to actually cut one of the bullets in half as he recovers. His cape at this point bellowing out as it becomes aetheric energy that dissipates away from him.

Odin then spins the lance in one hand, as he looks at all those around him. Where they stand, how they have been moving. So when Kamon comes in with his attack. The blade strikes too, however unlike golems-- his armor is not made of metal. It only acts as if it /was/ metal.

Something the young man may realized as he flips over and the armor actually goes to repair itself with tendrils that grip together and quickly re-tighten themselves back into the proper form once more. Though as Soan goes to drop the water on Odin, the Elder primal swings up his sword as it glow brightly.

The blade cleaves the water seeming to just evaporate it on contact before it has a chance to fully explode and what does explode is delayed as Odin then starts to /walk/ calmly. He twirls the lance in his hand once more as he does. "You have all shown me your courage. Your strength-- even the one whom has wronged me of making a mockery of my weapon and stands along side /Them/."

"Now let me test your true resolves." As he says this he then twirls his body around before he throws up the lance into the air. It sky seems to part as the lance goes into the sky, before it suddenly darkness with unnatural clouds. The lightning shifts to that of dark crimson thunder strikes.

Ayako and Shirou will know what comes next. Yell they might. Warn they can-- they know what is to come.

Obsidian lances suddenly come crashing down at the locations of each member in the battle field, none excluded from Odin's fury. He reaches up then with his hands, taking ahold of the Aetheric cords that tie each Obsidian lance to him. Each aura field seeming to freeze them all into place for those it impacted. Then with a pull of those strands. The hard yank, the Obsidian lances explode, as the aura field implodes, catching those who are so unfortunate in the sheer blast of power.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Reina is hit with the blast of power, and her shields are no match. She is knocked down and falls to the ground hard. She tries to get up but can't. "Damn it... injured..." She says, trying her transport coordinates again. In a stroke of luck, Reina is able to teleport back to her craft. "I'm a goner if I don't leave now..."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako's eyes widen when she notes Odin readying his lance and then twirlling his body. "Incoming!" She grips her broomstick and a burst of mist blasts out of the brush as she tries to evade the falling obsidian lance aimed at her. Unfortunately, she fails to move fast enough and a lance lands right in front of her. She winces visibly and braces herself, knowing exactly what's about to happen. The explosion hits her directly-but she firmly grips her broomstick as she's sent flying!

    "Kyaaaaa!" Ayako winces as she slowly regains control of her broomstick. She shakes her head quickly and wipes the tears out of the corners of her eyes. As she regains control and flies back towards everyone, her hands cup in front of her body once again. "Healing Water!" This time, she flings the purple water towards Kamon, who she just so happens to be closest to at the moment!

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji is bound up just a little too long. The lances crash down, Souji pierced multiple times by Gungnir. Blood flows freely down the lances, moments before he is engulved by the conflagaration. He is thrown clear, and Souji hits the ground in a roll, coming to a stop on one knee. Blood stains his suit, red splotches visible on his dark clothing. "Then I will show you my resolve."

He stands, bringing his blade to one side and turning the weapon sideways. "Murasame Sword Art... Circle of Judgement." There is an explosion of lightning as Souji slashes past Odin at high speed once more... But then he does it again, and again, and again, leaving sizzling trails of lightning as he cleaves past the Primal repeatedly. This continues for several seconds, until finally he stops. Viewing the assault from above, one might see an almost spirographic shape of lightning that suddenly collapses inwards with a thunderous detonation.

Sagat (95) has posed:
The crash of a lance exploding contests with Sagat's yell of pain, the shockwave hurling the Muay Thai fighter into the murky water with enough force that he briefly vanishes beneath the surface.

Only briefly, though - and when Sagat comes back up, he's visibly the worse for wear; steam seems to be curling up off of his body as he closes in on Odin again. The steam seems to glow, even ... and then Sagat gives voice to just two words.


Water explodes away from Sagat's position as he abruptly rockets forward, driving a knee towards the Primal faster than a mere leap would have propelled him with or without the water slowing him down ... and whether the knee connects or not, its momentum has only barely started to subside when Sagat's movement abruptly shifts from horizontal to nearely-vertical, his fist rising in a devastating uppercut that lifts the rest of Sagat's body into the air behind it.

And if either the knee or the uppercut connect cleanly enough, odds are very good for Odin to go flying as well.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan lands on the other side, richer for certain, yet not successfull in his primary mission. Did he get a few duds? It's possible, they were kinda... cheap. After this, he will have a few strongly said words against that seller. This train of thought, sadly, is rudely interrupted when Odin decides it's about right time to stop messing around. The spears skewers him over in the shoulder, launching the young thief back straight into the marsh. This time around, however, he is not nearly as lucky as he was before: he lands in the fetid waters.

     Soan rises, lightly annoyed by this development, decides that it's perhaps a good idea to fall back on basics, even if Odin don't seem to possess any kind of organs whatsoever, at all, according to Kamon. He leaps out of the water, charging straight at the First Blade before tumbling to the side to reach for his back.

     Blacksteel is drawn with a flourish as he slam his other arm into Odin's back, right where someone's kidneys would be, wedging his buckler the best he can, then pull like a crowbar.

     The idea of a Backstab is partially to do it when the victime is not aware of it. In the case of a heated battle, when he least expects it, viciously, with ferocity into vulnerable organs. When the foe lacks organs, the best you can do is this:


     Blacksteel dives into whatever it can find it's way into, hand disassembling, pocketing whatever it can get it's hands on. Who cares it comes back: there's a split moment that it's not there.

Deelel has posed:
Pain they name is odin Deelel is not quick enough to avoid this attack she is however able to endure it. Had this been when she first arrtived she mighht be nothing but cubes to mourn over. This is not the case however the blast does hurt her horribley but she endures it, clearly uin pain and that rent from earler is worse and is bleeding a strange teal light.

"Not done yet..."

She follows up soan with two hockey puck like things which will attempt to latch on to Odin's back aroudn theat spot thats hard to reach they will start ticking down if Deelel can get them to stick. Whatever happens there? She's going to flip the heck away from Odin, she does not want to be near him one way or another.

Kamon Lionward (628) has posed:
The lances come out. Everything gets kind of sideways.

Kamon's body is tossed away from Odin by the blast, and then pulled into the swamp by the subsequent implosion. His sword goes in two directions: the hilt and guard go with him, and most of the blade goes flying off into the treeline, the broken metal slamming into a tree-trunk and left quivering for someone else to find. Kamon is abruptly battered, bloodied, and broken-bladed. He /can/ fight with this, but it's hardly ideal.

Ayako takes care of the worst of his injuries. Kamon pulls himself up, raising his busted sword in salute to the water spirit as she zips around on her broomstick. He slides it back into the scabbard, taking a cord from his belt and functionally peace-bonding it to keep it in place. He's momentarily unarmed. Soan points out new options, though. He bends down, reaching into the mu<span style="color:k.

    cHBwhite"> EQUIP-R: Pointy Stick </span>
     EQUIP-L: Jagged Rock

"Alright." Kamon hefts the rock and holds the stick. He feels them for a second, and then flips the rock around in a different grip and shakes out the broken branch with his other. His stance suddenly resembles a fencer's. "Round four."

Kamon goes in for another frontal assault. While Soan and Deelel go for rear attacks, Kamon approaches Odin in a dead rush, the injured Odynari aiming to take up much of his attention so they can take their shots. He doesn't bother trying to bust through the armor; instead, he hits it like he was hammering a nail, striking it over and over with the stone, his surprising strength and uncanny skill turning even this into an effective weapon.

His stick-laden hand, meanwhile, goes for stabs and thrusts instead of repeated short-range slams. He aims for anywhere remotely exposed: eye-slits, armpits, knees, elbows, places that he can jab an object at and hit a seam in the armor or cause injury for what's underneath it. He's relentless, hitting him just as much with the /stick/ as he is with the /rock/.

Maybe he should've stuck with the broken sword?

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Look out for the lances! Don't get near them--" Shirou does indeed try to warn, but he can't do anything about the one that's coming down near him. He feels the dark power flowing through his flesh though, and it's giving him a weird case of the willies. On the other hand, this boost of energy's proving quite handy!

    Especially so, because when the lance comes down and pins him in the stasis field, he grimaces. This is gonna be bad. And he has to hurry!

    "My body is made of swords!" Again with that strange chanted line. It helps him focus tremendously, that's for sure. Shirou calms instantly upon reciting it and focuses hard. In this instant between instants he works his magic...

    "Analyze structure, analyze composition materials, augment materials..." Prana pours through his armor and, oddly enough, his SKIN. Magical senses will detect a thick circuit-like pattern of prana flowing all over him and through his clothes, EVERYTHING!

    Some of it's badly done. A few chunks of armor explode off, and flesh rips open on his legs and arms, but this is much less than what Odin's attack brings a moment later.

    The blast that should've torn him apart instead just tears off chunks of flesh and rips apart some clothing and armor. Shirou survives the blast thanks to the Reinforcement and Ayako's barrier and ISN'T a ravaged, quivering heap of bleeding agony. He's still standing!

    Though he emerges from the blast staggering and limping. Between Avalon and the sword, though, light wounds aren't gonna slow him down too much.

    Not just yet, anyways.

    "What's with all of this darkness, Elidibus?! I hope it's safe!" He lightly complains to the wind - though the strange figure can probably hear him - and turns his determinated gaze onto Odin again.

    This fight is WAY behind him. But he has to hold out!

    "Trace, on!" With another wild flare of energy, he produces a copy of the strangely shaped black sword, all twisted up like a unicorn's horn. It's an ominous weapon indeed, but he needs only one hand to wield it for what comes next.

    Shirou rushes in and calls out, "Hrunting, Hound of the Red Plains...! Let's do this!!"

    Prana pulses through the projected weapon and he leaps at Odin, slashing with tremendous speed as though his arm was on autopilot!

    Hrunting is not an especially powerful sword, but its ability lends well to this use. SHirou doesn't have to think about that hand at all! Hrunting will fight for him at a blinding pace until it FINALLY lands a blow. All the while its swings trail leaking crimson prana...

    He just waits for Hrunting to expose an opening... and will use that opening to THRUST with the Obsidian blade, even if he has to discard Hrunting to do so!

Odin (576) has posed:
Odin watches as the explosions claim his victims. He seems to inhale deeply as he watches each of them carefully for what they do. As one leaves the battle field he only simply narrows his eyes. Those his attention shifts to Souji as he says he will test his resolve.

"You said the blood of Ramuh runs through your veins-- but I sense no aether in you." The edge of Odin's sword then starts to glow with a gentle light. "Curious this place has become.." As Souji comes in with swings of electrical strikes, Odin goes to meet him head long. The first spiral is met which causes a massive thunder clap that shakes the very air. The next slashes across the whole body of the Elder Primal, while the final gets him across the back.

Though if Souji was to come in once more, he will notice that the marks do not recover so quickly, the armor attempting to weave itself back together at a slow rate. Yet for to much staring one may suddenly miss the repayment in kind as Odin swings his own blade around with intense speed that leaves a streak of white glow in the air as it comes around.

This was all in time for when Sagat comes rushing in. Odin slides his foot to then not only allow the martial artists to strike at an 'afterimage' of Odin's own form, but soon find the Primal coming to strike from above, dropping down with the sword with a hard cleave, before slashing upward with maybe enough force to knock the man off his feet.

That is where Soan charges in and tries to backstab Odin. Oh the blade digs in, but no blood comes, only a slight painful grunt from the armored Elder Primal. As the young man then attempts to 'steal', he will find that no matter how his hands may search-- there is nothing there. The aether moves around his fingers like a mist.

A distracting mist perhaps, as Odin suddenly spins around and goes to reach for Soan by the throat. "You DARE to turn what /you/ called a battle of honor into a battle of pilfering!?" Odin's eyes then burn brightly before he goes to slam the young man into the very ground if his grip holds, "I Should make thy my servant for your indulgence!"

Odin goes to recover, only for Deelel to slam his back with the two rods. The Elder Primal staggers forward as Deelel attempts to get away. He roars out with some sense of primal fury, before the chain is summond and goes to lash around Deelel to not only swing her back if it should hold, but slam her into-- and maybe through-- some trees.

As then Kamon comes in, the young man smacks Odin a few times with the items, causing the aether to 'bleed' slightly in motes of energy. However the assault doesn't last long as Odin's blade cuts a part of the rock off and then turns the blade around to slash right down at Kamon.

Between all the assault though, Shirou comes in with his own attack. The strange weapon causes Odin to suddenly stand on guard. Parrying each of the strikes with either great success or only partial. However Shirou manages to dive the Obsidian blade in and the runes once more light up.

Odin sneers in sound in pain. His body nearly bends with the impale. Though he lifts his head up to stare at Shirou directly. His words hard to make out or-- some foreign tongue that not even the Multiverse itself can understand. Howver, Shirou will not be able to stay there long as Odin then goes to shove the boy back, before cleaving at the very air itself, as the silver lining slashes across and with an explosive force goes to knock Shirou back-- and probably right into Ayako as that same slashing gust comes racing in for her as well!

Sagat (95) has posed:
While Odin's descending sword does indeed connect with Sagat, it doesn't do so with enough force to knock him back off his feet; he staggers a little bit, then -


- comes rocketing right back up, trying to nail Odin with the full force of his fist before any distance can develop between them again. After landing from the Tiger Uppercut, though, Sagat actually seems a little bit winded; he may be a damn tough fighter, but he does have his limits, and he's lost a fair amount of blood by now.

... which doesn't explain the fierce grin on his one-eyed face.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako winces as Shirou gets hit by silverish slashes and gets knocked back-right into her! She cushions Shirou considerably against the attack, taking the impact and the followup slash directly. "Kyaaaaahh!" She cries several tears and is knocked cleanly off her broomstick and into the swamp water.

    She emerges out of the water behind Souji. "Uuu... that hurt... but... I have an idea! That lightning sword... it can be helped with this!" Ayako gestures towards Souji with her hands. "Ocean Storm Mist!" A very gentle mist of water surrounds Souji quickly.

    Ocean Storm Mist greatly boosts electricity attacks and slows down incoming attacks! Hopefully it will help Souji out!

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     On the plus side: it worked. It totaly distracted Odin, landed some very solid blows, and as he figured, nothing was... really there to /steal/ at all. On the less good side, this really seemed to have angered the Primal, the young thief gets grabbed by the throat by the vastly strong entity, Soan letting out a gasp for air as his eyes widens out in the pain. It's not fear that goes into his eyes, the eyes that stares back at the burning glare of the might of Odin: it is defiance, an ounce of sarcasm and a tiny side-order of annoyance. That gaze meets the ground, moments later.

     "Oh, is that what you think, First Blade?" Soan wheezes out as he straggle back to his feet, holding his throat as that same look of defiance flashes over his eyes. "/Pilfering/ is what you think I was doing? I am /offended/! This is the solemn, holy duty of a Thief, my Job, to make it easier on my fellows to battle their foes!" Soan picks back up Blacksteel again, brandishing it up at Odin. This is incredibly stupid, Soan, don't get too hot blooded. Indeed, he does not. Instead, he moves on along, rolling between Odin's legs to slice at his ankles. "You know Martial Might comes in many form! Finding the weakness of your foes is what I do, as well as removing their weakness! I saw armor deflecting or blows -- then there needs to be armor no longer!"

     He rolls again, slicing at the other ankle by stabbing it. "I am a Thief, the One That Confounds Chaos! Warriors disarms weapons -- I disarm armors!"

     It's at this point something beeps beneath Odin's feets, before blowing up into a gigantic explosion beneath him. The slices were mostly distractions for the real thing to be worried about: landmines.

Kamon Lionward (628) has posed:
Kamon clenches his teeth when Odin calls Soan on his 'dishonorable tactics.' He doesn't like it when people talk down to his friends like that. Soan, however, is capable of handling this himself.

He has other problems. Problems that begin with a 'Z' and end with an 'antetsuken.' Kamon jerks to the right, the blade's edge shearing off the nice, jagged point of the rock he's holding. It comes perilously close to just cutting him in two, but Kamon's quick reflexes thrust both stone and stick against the obsidian edge, the crossed 'weapons' slowing it enough that he only gets a surface cut across his leg instead of being dehalfitated. They're shredded in the process.

(Technically, this means he just parried an Elder Primal's weapon with a rock and a stick. Technically.)

Up close and personal with Odin, Kamon is in a bad position, but he's saved from it by Shirou being Shirou. He has a second to re-arm. He hurries around Odin's side, hand sweeping through the muck and coming up with several somethings both muddy and shiny at the same time. They must not have been down there long.

     EQUIP: 20-Gil Coin x6

Kamon promptly starts flinging them at Odin with flicks of his wrist and fingers. They're well-aimed and whizz through the air before impacting blade or armor. Kamon expects a noise along the lines of 'flikk-flikk-flikk ptang-ptang-ptang' and a prompt cleaving for his improvised impertinence.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"We come from beyond your world." Souji replies simply. There is nothing more he needs to say on the matter. There is, however, another matter, which is that Odin is cleaving him the hell up. The gleaming blade doesn't seem to do anything for a moment... and then the wound opens, Souji struck with a critical wound across his midsection.

He staggers, hissing. "Is this the limit...?" He is about to shift his grip on the blade, but Ayako offers an augmentation. The stormy barrier forms, and Souji thinks for a moment, before his grip returns to its original place. "Heaven and earth torn asunder..." He says, lunging backwards and raising the blade for an overhead strike. "SKY RENDER!" He pronounces, as he cleaves downwards. The weapon cleaves downwards, and an intense electrical pressure wave slams downwards upon Odin with full force, carried upon the blade as he drives it down upon Odin with everything he can muster.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel day is getting even worse, really s she's now only grabbed with a chain and she's lahed she lets otu a sceram as it does hold her and she's goes flying into a stree with a thump. Her body cracks aloing the back at the force of impact. She starts trying to get up very slowly as she attemos to pull her disc off her back and takes a moment to line up another toss. She's not thinking too much, she's hurting way too much for that right now.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    This would maybe be so much better if Shirou could reinforce the Obsidian blade, but he's not willing to risk breaking it. His flesh will heal, but he can't fix the sword and Elidibus would probably be angry! "Huap!" The weapon's brought up to parry the slash... well Shirou hopes this awkward posture will somehow 'parry' the blast, anyways.

    Wait, screw Elidibus being angry, he just bowled into Ayako! "A-ack... sorry!"

    He springs back to his feet while fighting the urge to project something he feels more competent with...

    He somehow cannot get the image of Kanshou and Bakuya out of his head.

    And if he's going to beat Odin he's gonna need to work harder. a LOT harder. "Gh....!"

    Shirou focuses so hard that his brain's threatened with overload. PAIN surges through his thoughts and his head throbs, but his magic circuits also spring into overdrive at the same time.

    If anyone's got a sense for such a thing, Shirou's up to SOMETHING. Something big.

    But it's not ready yet!

    With agony all over his very strained face, he rushes in at Odin again with just the weapon in his hands. Easy to parry, right?

    Maybe. Try five blades though.

    Above Shirou and slightly around him, a half-dozen mundane weapons appear. There's an estoc, several knives, a great sword, a katana, a scimitar and a khopesh.

    For a brief moment they were simply hovering in the air, but seemingly at Shirou's will they rocket at Odin at tremendous speeds!

    Chances are some will shatter on impact. They'll all shatter if countered.

    But if Odin focuses on deflecting them, can he stop Shirou from delivering a powerful slash to his side!?

Odin (576) has posed:
Odin has to step around quickly to try and black the upper cut as it comes in. The sheer force of the impact nearly knocks him off his feet. He rolls along the ground and slides back up. The muddy water gently runs down his armored form, as he looks directly at Sagat.

Odin then shoves off the ground and goes racing right at Sagat with a passing slashing strike with near inhuman speed. This same speed is also transferred as he nearly seems to 'teleport' right on Ayako to carry out the same strike.

As he then goes to back flip away, he finds Soan attempting to play thief games again. The strikes come, they seem to hit, but what Soan will find is it is an aetheric after image that has been left behind. Odin seems to have changed up his tactics.

Worse, Sagat and Ayako may notice, that though the attacks came-- no strike was honestly given. It was all a front for position. Though Kamon's gil attack, does cut up Odin's armor, which in reply to this the Elder Primal, sends a wave of a slash in his direction, but it was that-- a warning.

Though Ayako may see it first-- the blade is glowing. It is starting to charge up.

Souji's attack slams down onto Odin striking him down to where he nearly falls to his knee. The Elder Primal's form starting to disfigure a bit as the dark aura radiates around him. Those eyes glowing ever brighter however. "I am Odin..." He slowly starts to stand, "..this is not the limit of my power.. granted to me.. given to me.."

The Disk clips Odin in the shoulder and causes him to stagger step to the side, only rumbling in slight anger for the continued assaults. His humanity-- slipping away. As Shirou charges in the young man is met with the glowing blade. Each strike deflected in some manner.

Shirou may notice now this close into the battle. That glow-- that power...

Though as the final strike cuts into Odin, the Primal uses his energy to blast Shirou back, before he twirls the blade and then slides it along his finger tips. "With this Obsidian blade..."

The water seems to start to rise up unnaturally. The Motes of light slowly starting to be drawing inward to Odin himself as the power of his sword gathers. An aetheric shield can be seen flickering from time to time around the Elder Primal as he continues to pull on everything he has and the area around him has. "...I shalt cut the very twines that bind all in time and reason.."

        WARNING: Zantetsuken Charging!

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako flinches when Odin appears to teleport-and startles when the 'attacks' are feints. Her eyes blink quickly... and then she realizes what Odin is doing. He's placing himself in the perfect spot for Zantetsuken to hit everyone. "Everyone! Get ready to pile on him and hit him with everything we have!" She then spots Odin's sword starting to glow and then winces, having confirmed just what Odin is trying to do.

    Ayako floats out of the swamp water-her broomstick has caught up to her underwater! A torrent of water bursts out from the brush as she flies quickly over to Shirou. "Shirou! Time to show me your cool side!" As she gets close, she flies in a quick circle around Shirou, tracing the ground with her foot as she does so. She then hops off her broomstick, and lands right behind him. Her palms gently press against Shirou's back. "Born of Water and Pneuma!" A green haze forms around the both of them, stopping at the perimeter of the circle drawn in the ground.

    Born of Water and Pneuma is not a barrier at all. It is a powerful support magic that restores Shirou's magial energy with green healing water and greatly amplifies his own magic!

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji bleeds. He is at the limit of his strength. However, he still has an option. "Power is not given. Power is /taken/."

Souji brings up his glade before him, putting his hand against the blade, at the hilt. He closes his eyes and quiets his thoughts. The battle ceases to exist to him. The screams and chaos of combat, to him, no longer exist. "Ancient blade of my heritage, obey my call..." His hand closes around the blade, and crimson spills across it. The runes upon it glow with terrible power as he begins to draw his hand down the length of the weapon.

"Through storm and darkness, the crimson calls you." Souji's eyes snap open. "AWAKEN, MURASAME! SATE YOUR HUNGER WITH THE LIFE OF OUR FOE!" The red runes flare brightly... And then go dark as a terrible force is unleashed from the weapon.

The sky and earth rip open around Odin. But the storms do not come. Instead, they are jagged tears of depest shadow, in which glimmers of blood red can be seen. A deep moaning can be heard... And then a blood-red claw lashes out, inhumanly long as it seeks out Odin to tear at the Primal. There is a shriek as it launches. And then another. And another. Like a torrent, the hands come endlessly, red hunger shredding at him, attacking not his body but his spirit as the claws seek to rend his life essence and draw it into the abyss surrounding him, to attempt to sate the Hungry Blade's spirit for only a moment.

The attack lasts only for seconds, but for some it might seem like forever.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel gets a moment to rest but she guesses one thing, Odin's getting ready to drop the hammer on eveyrone. She listens to Ayako with a nod and now is the time to not hold back at all. She takes the disc and launches it at Odin, as it returnss she'll take it like a meele weapon in hand and leap upon Odin attemping to drive it into him as deep as it can go. She's got nothing really to say at this point.

Kamon Lionward (628) has posed:
Kamon jumps backwards when he runs out of gil to toss. It's probably for the best; Odin is warding him off with that blade of his, and for good reason.

That shield starts to gather, flickering here and there, apparently unstable and made of some kind of weird energy. Kamon doesn't recognize it; complex magical theory isn't his bag. He's a fighter. He fights. That's pretty much all he does well. Without a proper weapon, though, his options are... limited.

"Better give it a shot," Kamon mutters. He reaches over and undoes the bond on his broken sword and its scabbard. He slowly lowers himself into a proper fighting stance, breathing deeply and evenly. The smell of the swamp comes strongly to him. Blood follows shortly after. This kind of battle is... refreshing, in a sense. He doesn't have to worry about the outcome nearly as much as he usually does.

Kamon's hand hovers over the hilt of his sword. He watches for the proper alignment of things: the barrier, his body, the world. It all comes down to finding the proper instant. He rarely has trouble with it. He wishes he had a proper weapon, not for the first time and not for the last. Against someone like Odin, it pays to fight at his best.

Banishing all thought but for what is ahead of him, Kamon waits. The instant before that devastating technique that Odin possesses is probably the best time to make his move. He intends to do it just then. The path between the two of them remains clear as the seconds tick on, and as he wills the microcosm of this otherworldly First Blade and himself to stillness.

Something falls from one of the trees. A leaf floats towards the water. Before it gets there, Kamon moves. He springs forward, a powerful, blindingly-fast movement setting him into motion. He grips the sword. Everything seems to narrow, bringing with it the epitome of tunnel vision.

Kamon ends up on the other side of Odin in less than an instant, his broken blade extended ahead of him. He does not turn to face him. He is utterly still once again.

Behind him, the falling leaf abruptly splits in twain.

Sagat (95) has posed:
Feint or not, Sagat backs away a little and brings his forearm up to block Odin's 'slash' at him - not as big a defensive move as you might expect, considering that Sagat's fighting style makes nearly every part of his body a usable weapon. So even with one arm moving defensively, he still has his other arm and both legs that he can attack (or block) with.

And then it becomes clearer, between Odin's words and the brightening glow of Zantetsuken. Sagat's smirk widens a little bit as he rumbles - speaking directly to Odin for the first time since the fight began - "I'd almost like to see you try ..."

Then he charges, finding his gap between his allies' assaults, and begins laying into Odin with a series of punches, kicks, and knee and elbow strikes. Every blow is aimed at a major joint on Odin's body, too - whether they're covered in armor or not, Sagat is hitting hard enough to batter his way through sheet metal, never mind what those blows would do to *bones*.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
The battlefield changes. People knows what Odin is capable of in Gallianda, in myths anyway. A peerless swordsman, warrior and general. "/Given/ to you...?!" Soan repeats, watching, feeling the darkness gathering up in a maelstorm of power! He can smell it. It's a Stench, different than what he used to, perhaps milder, a change. He can't place it on this Odin being Chaos, but what he CAN is fully consider it to be vulnerable to things that would be in that case. He's quite willing to bet the few thousand gil he stole from Souji on it.

     Soan looks down at his gloved fists, tightening it up. He's got to give it a shot, he can cover it up for himself. Besides, everyone that he don't want them to see will not see the finer details. He's better than that.

     Soan removes his glove, then fishes into his pocket his one last vial. Maybe the others were duds. Maybe this one wont be. It don't matter. All he need is a cover for his own channeled Light.

     The Thief charges foward against Odin. This might be unwise, but at least he takes an indirect route again: going over by the roots of the marsh, up to a branch to gain some altitude as he squeezes the vial in his hand. His eyes burns with fury, just for a flash, as he pools into his inner power, the elemental rage of the Dragons, to pool into that reservoir deep inside his soul.

     Soan says no platitude or sassy words. His mind is sharp, leaping off the tree to launch himself at Odin. Only a few seconds before impact, reeling his fist, tightly woven around the 'Holy Water' vial that he lets out a battle cry of defiance, throwing his balled fist against Odin's face.

     The Holy Water explodes into a shower of sparks and lights. This, by itself, cover the discharge of purificating light Soan unleashes through his naked, bleeding fist. Glass cuts, after all.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou's forced back - and goes skidding, grunting and stammering the whole while. He's surprised that Odin didn't blast him hard with something... but then he sees why.

    And his stomach sinks.

    He was expecting this, though now he'll have to actually deal with it. It's terrifying. And if he fails...

    He doesn't even want to think about the sight of everyone around him, diced to ribbons.

    So he can't fall here, even if he has to burn up everything he's got!

    And so Ayako asks to se his 'cool side.' He'll have to do his best all the more. "Heh... if you ask that way... then you got it! I'll bring that guy down to his knees!" Cocky, a bit, but you can't get a fighting spirit going without being UNREASONABLY HOT-BLOODED, now can you?

    If Shirou has anything besides this weird talent, it's plenty of that.

    power flows into him. The cooling, yet quenching power of water.

    Shirou's been working hard all this time, even as he fights! His mind's cranking out designs at a blinding pace and shunting them through his magical circuits. Over a dozen times he's muttered something under his breath to guide his focus, but now he exclaims at the top of his lungs, "My body is made of swords, and my heart is a forge!"

    Then it happens.

    The previous sword rain was only a prelude of what was to come. Shirou stabs his obsidian blade into the ground forcefully and clenches both fists, taking a ready stance. Prana flows out from him and into the world around him. A LOT of prana. Thanks to Ayako, he can manage this. He can manage it very well!

    Light flickers all around him like fireflies at night, but the golden flashes are simply signs of SWORDS APPEARING. Lots of them.

    First a dozen, then twice that many more are added to the mixture.

    There's Clarent and Auron's heavy katana. There's a greatsword and Wuyin Tsai's elegant Jian. Kusanagi no Tsurugi hovers ominously over Shirou's head, angled in at Odin witht he others. the Dragonslayer Spear of Ornstein has found a place next to an enormous Katana called Shiratori-Maru, wielded by a digimon.

    A thick, great cleaver wielded by inhuman monsters from Priscilla's world floats alongside the great chunk of temple foundation crudely carved into a sword that Heracles once used.

    The Scythe of the Grim Reaper dangles above Excalibur Galatine, Gawain's prized holy sword. Vruasa's Aerodynamic Rocket Shockspear is just below Kirika's blessed Kinugiri katana. For some unnerving reason, a chainsaw that simply EXUDES horror's way up above, revving for a brutal kill.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Naegling and Hrunting are side-by-side, and Kanshou and Bakuya are paired up just below them. Continue looking up, and Souji's bloodthirsty Murasame and the Wishblade halberd Amalthea wielded before Shirou have also made an appearance. Priscilla's Lifehunt Scythe and Dagger are on the fringes, ready to kill what cannot be killed. Shirou's own Obsidian Blade also has been reproduced in this great endeavor.

    It's a wall of floating swords, all angled in at Odin. The only blade Shirou knows of that he has not thrown in is Zantetsuken itself.

    "I've created over a thousand blades like this, just for this moment! haven't you figured it out yet, Dark Divinity? Imitation... is the sincerest form of flattery!"

    To most people, this would be an impossibly floating wall of irreplaceable, priceless treasures. Aeons of legend and reverence, skill and caretaking, and perhaps even fleeting things that would be found once in the world and never again.

    To Shirou, they are projectiles.

    The boy lets loose with a loud, guttural yell and the assault begins!

    They fly like missiles in great bunches, first a few then more and more!

    And the assault doesn't stop when he runs out of swords. For Shirou does not run out of swords. Not this time. Drawing deep on the well of energy that Ayako's provided, his first follow is reproduced again and again. The wall of sparkling treasures, holy swords and demonic swords floating side-by-side appears briefly only to fly as a hundred bullets at Odin again and again.

    Pure prana flows out from Shirou all thanks to Ayako's empowerment. But it's not water - it's flame. The ground around him seems, at least for the moment, to be engulfed in a low-burning forge flame. Sparks from cast-off slag drift up into the air and the sky behind him - whichever angle one looks from doesn't matter - is like an eternal sunset radiance.

    In fact, his blade creation's happening so fast now that perhaps it's overflowing? For along with this strange phenomena... blades spring up from the ground-flame by the dozens, impaled into the ground.

    This imagery won't last long however. A few seconds and it begins fading away...

    But over a hundred copies of legendary swords have been hurled at Odin like so many arrows. Even if they are copies, they cannot be ignored.

Odin (576) has posed:
The energy continues to gather. The Zantetsuken continues to charge as it glows brightly against the darkness. Equally as bright as the Elder Primal's own eyes. His hand tightening around the hilt of the blade.

The White robed figure continues to observe the taxing battle. He comes to rest his fingers against his chin, "A great deal rides on you all...and far more on you, young Shirou..." He then lowers his hand slowly. "..do not disappoint me.."

Souji's attack impacts true, the claws tear away at the aetheric shielding forming around Odin. Ripping it apart as ever quickly as it tries to pull itself back together again. Deelel's own strike slams against the barrier and almost gets to Odin himself, but the Elder Primal does not move.

Almost like a statue caught in his focus of what he is doing. The ground under him slowly starting to rip apart as dark energy arcs around the ground at his feet. Odin though behind his helm grits his teeth. He is fighting /children/. Capable Children indeed, but children still.

Odin's hand tightens on the hilt, even as Kamon dashes through the breaking barrrier. His sword cleaving past his aetheric form, cutting a gouge in Odin's side. Yet Odin continues to stand. Continues to pull upon everything he has.

It is when Soan brashly charges in first and swings his fist, does the barrier seem to give in, as it is not the 'water' that does the trick-- though some may believe so-- it is the holy energy at which Soan calls forth with the srike. Cause the dark aether to almost reel back and the impact, causing Odin to lose his footing.

The Aether that has been summoned suddenly fluxing like crazy with the channeling being interrupted as it has. Odin's own humanity on the edge of tittering to non-existence as he roars out in some strange conflict of emotions. Somewhere between the anger of the Primal he is-- but also the sorrow of whatever source of humanity that makes him.

The sheer impact was also enough to cause Odin's helm to seem to dissipate in the moment, revealing the elven like features and dark purple skin. A tattoo of some kind glows along the side of his face and lilac-white colored hair is held back in a pony tail. He looks almost to be in his thirties and those blue white glowing iris lacking any pupil in sight stare at Soan in that moment as he tries to recover.

That is when Shirou's own sword works is unleashed. The Blades slam into Odin, cutting him apart at last. The Aetheric form ripping apart, before it seems to shred into not existence as his hand extends up into the air, his teeth bared, and words whispered on the wind that carry no sound.

Once Odin's form impact the ground it bursts into dark aetheric motes which explode outward. The fog blasts back and vanishes. The trees shake by the sheer power and what aetheric fog is left soon finds itself wrapping around the white robed figure who has his hand extended out.

It gathering around his form, before he dissipates is aside. As the figure floats there, his feet go to at last touch down on the slightly dry soil. That red mask hiding his upper face from view, before he starts to clap. Clap gently at the accomplishments of those here. "Well done. All of you. It seems not only has Shirou grown-- but all of you are fine warriors indeed."

Soan may pick up something is-- off about this guy.

"You have all defeated Odin, which means you all have gained his favor.."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
As the power of the Murasame is spent, the crimson runes realight upon the blade, though... subdued. Pehrps, or a moment, it has sated itself upon the power riven from Odin. Souji himself looks considerably invigorated as well. As Odin vanishes, Souji simply inverts his weapon and sheathes it, the ribbon being tied immaculately around the hilt. "It is done." He states simply, and then looks over towards Elidibus and Shirou. Something about what Shirou did seems to have brought a disapproving frown to Souji's expression.

He says nothing for the moment. There is little gain to opening up further commentary.

Sagat (95) has posed:
Sagat bows his head slightly. "You were a very challenging opponent," he replies to Odin. "I'll admit, if I had faced you alone, I doubt I would have prevailed ... I'm glad we had this chance to fight."

He glances around at his allies of the moment, incling his head to them as well, then looking back to Odin.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
Soan breaths, landing, holding up his bleeding hand, then staring up at the clapping masked man with a brief scowl. He stands back up, narrowing his eyes at the person, clapping for them.

     The Dragon inside him does not like this man.

     The Thief sprinkles the glass remains on the ground, reaching for another vial to pour on it, inciting a wince from him as it heal. Potions.

     "And you are?"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako exhales and whews softly in relief as the green haze dissipates. She removes her hands from Shirou's back and whimpers softly. "Uuu... that was exhausting... I feel like taking a nice nap in a lake somewhere now..." Her head then shakes quickly. "But there's time for that later! Right now... I have to treat everyone's wounds!"

    Ayako begins to visit everyone, tending to their wounds with healing water. Nevermind that she looks pretty tired herself. Wounds need to be treated quickly so no infection sets in after all!

Deelel has posed:
Deelel Lpulls back from her attack lookins at ODin and pauses for a moment. She stares for a momet and tilts he rhead a bit.

"A Favour...?"

She just kinda scare and mentally banks that if Afterus ever needs some heavy artillery in defending it it seems they got a tool.

"Ugg I think I'm losing cubes here..."

Losing cubes? Odd term either way she's looking pretty banged up and should get going once Ayako tends ot her.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    The Hill of Swords that had appeared briefly around Shirou - for no further than a man could jump - is gone just as quickly, taking with it the forge sparks, the flame, the swords, and the strange view of the 'sky' around him. Whatever it was is gone now, and it's not even damaged the ground around him.

    Really good magical senses that weren't overwhelmed or focused elsewhere might've picked up on that as being Something Quite Weird.

    But senses will probably be turned elsewhere if anyone's paying attention to Shirou, anyways.

    As he witnesses Odin dissipate, literally ripped apart by the blade sorm, he staggers.

    Chunks of broken swords litter the ground around him and where Odin fell by the dozens. Souji will even find a copy of his Murasame embedded in the ground nearby, so perfectly reproduced he might wonder if he's actually holding his sword.

    But most of these copies are visibly eroding. Some fade, some blow away into motes of light like sand in the wind.

    And Shirou's body is burning hot, hotter than it's ever been. Unhealthily lot! It'd be easily mistaken for a sudden intense fever. It's not quite at the danger point, but that... and the massive mental strain of that undertaking, is enough to bring him staggering forward and dropping to his knees.

    He's gasping hard just to breathe and cling to consciousness! Such was the strain he just put on his Circuits and limited human mind.

    It's hard enough just to produce ONE copy of a sword. But he just did it dozens of times for many. Ouch doesn't come close.

    "W-we did it... we beat Odin...!" And he hardly believes it, really! That worked. That really worked.

    They won!

    They won.

    Though Shirou's not smiling about this. There's relief, there's shock, there's exhilaration visible upon his face in droves, but no victor's satisfaction.

Odin (576) has posed:
"My name is Elidibus," The white robed figure says with ease of his voice. "One whom cares about the future of my world and the future of perhaps others, there in." He waves his hand then simply to the side. "The threat you faced was the Elder Primal Odin. A being whom dates back thousands of years ago, sealed away by a woman named Urth."

Elidibus then extends out his hand to the side to create a portal made of dark energy and black flames that spin around it. "Far strong is he, then the other Primals who slowly kill my world.. but not stronger then another force who slumber in the bowels of below.. and neither as powerful as a form whom is the ring leader of all corruption."

"But fear not.. Odin is only a fraction of himself.. the favors you use, can be.. beneficial for whatever purpose you may desire... whatever you desire." Elidibus then looks away from the group and then back at them. "But keep in mind, that like all Primals.. his mind is twisted by the corruption. He is a being whom no longer stands as he should.. but that.. is the corruption of the false gods for you.."

That is when Elidibus motions to Shirou, "Which is why this young boy has been working with me, you see.. and perhaps in time.. all of you can as well. To end this corruption and set proper order to the world once more."

Elidibus then lowers his hand, as he stares at Shirou. There is a slight frown on his face, he goes to speak, but his lips only part slightly. Then there is some concern that follows. "Do take care of the boy.. I am sure we can all speak again soon enough..." He then starts to step into the portal. "...you did well, Shirou. All of you..." He then fully steps through and vanishes.