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Latest revision as of 17:36, 6 December 2014

Another World
Date of Scene: 06 December 2014
Location: The Grid <TG>
Synopsis: Deelel along with Kirito, Staren, Zephyr Windstar, Auron, Aqua and Reker. Go to check out a location noted in a recovered part of Deelel's memory, what they find aside from a heartless in a very bad mood, is Deelel's home world of the Grid. Thanks to Aqua's Keyblade the world was restored from whatever had locked it away and now the Grid is exposed to the Cybercore.
Cast of Characters: Kirito, Deelel, Staren, 162, 236, 624, 631

Deelel has posed:
Accessing Archived Data:

The Program Deelel went on quite a trip when her world unified and something went wrong. Deelel ended up in a strange place with no memory of who she was or even her function. She found purpose after her escape from the gaming arenas of a virus.

She even helped a few people out doing a few small improvements on her world but now some lost information has been recovered and Deelel's come with some support seeking out the truth of her lost memories. She's about to find more than she or likely anyone along with her expects.

So Deelel had recovered some data from her corrupted memories which had got her attention it was coordinates in the cyberspace core of all places. This was at the place where the material and data seem to merge properly to the point it's hard to tell which is which. There's no real civilization out here but she looks down at the hand held unit.

"Humm this has to be just about the place but I'm not seeing anything."

The landscape is barren very barren it's like there was nothing here a digital wasteland and nothing more a flat almost wire frame like plane stretched out as far as the eye could see. There seemed to be nothing there but there was the damnedest feeling the group was being watched.

"Are any of you having better luck? This is the location that was in my recovering memory but I don't see anything here."

There's a look of frustration on Deelel's face. How could she explain the fact she seemed to have issues with not having an innate function to those who were born without such. Still she was missing a chunk of her life possibly and she wanted answers.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    AQUA is not unfamiliar with the plight of wanting to know where you're from. She herself only knows which universe she's from, but not which world, so she can relate-- or that's how she feels on the matter, anyway. This is why it wasn't hard to convince the wandering knight to come help, although technology-illiterate as she is she couldn't have promised to be of much help.

    The young woman (or very late teenager) with blue hair and blue eyes is not far behind Deelel; she is, from neck to toes, in damaged, worn out blue, grey and black armor, which looks more pieced together than anything else. This is definitely not a suit of armor, it's more like the remains of ten or twenty scrapped together. There's a cape, at least, which isn't too tattered. That, it turns out, is easy to replace.

    Otherwise unarmed, she shakes her head. "Sorry, I... I think I might have been somewhere like this before, but it's blurry. Do you know what we should be looking for? All I see and feel is a wasteland, and... a bit of darkness, but I can't get a good lock on it."

Staren has posed:
    Deelel is, like, a physical program or something. That's unusual and interesting, so of course Staren wants to see where she's from! The catboy has accompanied her, and looks a bit disappointed at the lack of... anything, ears splaying and tail drooping, then swishing irritatedly. "Maybe they moved. Maybe the coordinates are from before the Multiverse reorganized a few years ago. Maybe... something happened." He looks at the ground and changes the subject. "Maybe they're underground." Then up. "Or in the sky." Then ahead. "Or invisible."

    After a moment, he kneels and pokes at the ground. "I wonder what this stuff /is/, anyway?"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr isn't much to do with technology, not this kind anyway. And her Area Search is turning up little more than anyone else. "I've got nothing on my end. No magical signatures, or energy readings beyond ambient that I can detect." she calls, recalling the wisps to her Device. She's got it in Mistral form, just because its easier to carry in the smaller, more compact shape.

Kirito has posed:
    This situation is not unknown to Kirito. he's had to search for his home in a strange place like this before, and it was only the Union's help that got him back on track. Now he's here again to help another Union member get back onto her own tracks, and it's...

    Not going particularly well yet.

    The Black Swordsman's floating above Deelel, arms folded and frustration written all over his face. "uweh... nothing yet. A whole world can't just disappear! Where would it be..."

Reker (631) has posed:
    Reker hadn't ever tried to hunt down a home, or his memories. But that didn't mean he couldn't sympathize with Deelel's situation. The soldier is nearby, though he's taken a knee, as he tries to look for something.

    "I don't think it could disappear without a trace...There has to be some sign. Something we could use to track down where it went.."

Auron (236) has posed:
    Technology is not Auron's strong suit. Neither is finding technological... well, anything. So really, he's only along if the people here need any muscle. There are people here that can figure out what's gone wrong better than him, so he merely waits, and follows the others.

    He has thought ahead a little, though. Since he's supposed to be muscle, he's worn his SENTIMENT'S SLICKER from the Sburb session. Should help him not get flattened if he needs to help defend the others here.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks to Aqua and nods tilting her head a little bit.

"I know how that can be, that's part of why I'm here but darkness? Really? That's strange, Aqua. Maybe we met in a past life or something like that?"

She admit to the other woman and hums before she looks to Staren and blinks.

"I think that was before my time wasn't it? It's digital ground what else would it be really. I know thats the thing if it's even a world or not I'm not sure."

She thinks about the mention of Darkness that Aqua mention3ed has her looking to Auron, to Reker and the others.

"I wonder if..."

That feeling of Darkness that Aqua feels is getting /stronger/, actually there's a pooling form about their feet and it's starting to take shape what can be seen right away is a baleful pair of yellow eyes.

The thing takes form a hulking semi humanoid creature with red glowing circuit line much like Deelels own and it just /stares/ at everyone.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    <DANGER! INCOMING!> alerts Divine Wind. <MISTRAL SQUALL AREA MODE!> Two spinning 'turbine fans' flicker into existence then flit out to about 150m from the Mage, forming an area where the air within follows her will, boosting her speed and those of her allies within the area zone. "I don't like the looks of this... Deelel, what the hell is that thing?!"

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "I don't know. It's possible. I don't really remember anything before a few months ago, so--" Aqua's train of thought is interrupted by the gathering darkness. Her instinct makes her clench her right hand; with a metallic sheen noise, and a flash of purple and blue light loosely shaped like a sword, the Master Keeper, her Keyblade, forms in her hand. Red and white hilt, black and grey blade like a skeleton key, evidently made for someone larger than Aqua to wield, although not by too much.

    "Heartless...? Why here? There's nothing here for them!"

    What with the lack of people! And thus hearts. Heartless hunting here would definitely starve, unless... the reason it's empty is that they're already done? Please don't be that.


    Aqua twirls her blade, green and blue light spiralling around it before shooting out at everyone but herself and the Heartless. The defense of all those present increases, as blue (for physical) and green (for magical) hexagons form almost invisible shields around them.

    "Don't try to talk it down, it's pointless!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren's ears perk up when Divine Wind alerts them. He reaches for his laser pistol but doesn't draw it yet. Watching the being suspiciously, but... it's not attacking, so he doesn't either. "Who are you?" He asks, backing away...

    "A Heartless? /This/ is a Heartless?" At Aqua's warning, Staren draws the pistol and aims it. Finger not on the trigger yet. Watching...

Kirito has posed:
    "Wh-whoah!" The sound of scraping steel rings through the air as Kirito draws his one black blade. The strange red.. 'thing' is giving him awfully bad vibes, and that's saying something. He's quick to trust his gut feelings about things, and for good reasons!

    The others know what it is though. "Heartless?!" What's a heartless? "The coordinates might be right after all!"

    He lands down near Deelel, weapon out protectively in case the creature runs at her..

Auron (236) has posed:
    Okay now that is something Auron can do something about. Not the feeling of growing darkness -- he's no Summoner -- but the fact that there's a glowing dark person-ish thing staring at them. He doesn't attack immediately, no. He just moves towards the front of the group, prepared to cover someone who needs it.

    Aqua's statement confirms it, though. This thing isn't going to be receptive to negotiations. He looks to Aqua with a nod of thanks as he recognizes the barriers going up around him. In addition, he concentrates, and the emblem on the back of his coat glows. Just as an extra bonus. Now he can take more punishment before he falls.

    Ah, that speed boost from Zephyr is going to be helpful too. Particularly to Auron, who's kind of slow with a weapon the size of the one he uses. He also gives the same quick nod of thanks to her. He draws his sword, shrugs his left arm out of the coat, and shifts to take a beattle-ready posture.

Reker (631) has posed:
    What in the hell is that?! Reker is quick to jump up once the weird creature shows up. It's not attacking them yet, but it also sure as hell doesn't look friendly. The soldier is quick to move into position near the other Unionites, his assault rifle coming off of his back.

    "What the hell is a Heartless?!" He yells out at Aqua, since she seems to have a pretty good idea of what it is. He knows that thing is a Heartless, but that doesn't make it any clearer what the thing is.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "She's right these things hit Afterus! I have no idea why it's here!"

Aqua's wall goes up and it helps a good deal the barrier should give the party a fair bit of protection while the heartless is now making any real sound. Something this big should be bellowing, yet it does not. There is no sound and Deelel's pulling the disc off her back at this point.

"Heartless like Aqua said, Zephyr. Bad news take it down."

The creature now lunges for them Deelel is forced to break off her attack and leap clear with her power disc in hand, meanwhile Kirito would also come after attack with Aqua.

The others are not forgot about either as it causes a shock-wave from it's most recent impact as it races along the ground.

Also it's a good thing Aron is adding to the support too because this heartless means business.

"Maybe we do have the right place but we have to deal with this thing first!"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "So beat the shit out of it. Right." confirms Zephyr. She shifts her grasp on her weapon, sets her stance, then sweeps it behind her. <MISTRAL CUTTER!> THe edge of the blade begins to glow bright purple, while a quartet of pixie-like wings form from her shoulderblades and she lifts up off the ground, shifts to a horizonal axis, then BURSTS forwards at high speed, doing a rapid flyby of the Heartless. Somewhere on that fly-by, her axe flashes and she's leaving a glowing purple slash across it's body... if it doesn't move out of the way at least!

Staren has posed:
    Staren fires each of the two barrels in quick succession as the monster is identified, then activates his armor and takes to the sky with what look like Cait Sith wings to avoid the shockwave -- then charges forward with his beam sabers, trying to slash, then power-assist elbow tackle to knock it back and follow up with a stab with one sword and a horizontal slash with the other. Shouting as he strikes. "Ha! Hoo! Haaaa!"

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "The Heartless--" Aqua begins before the aforementioned monster makes its move. The Keyblade in her hand shines with bright white and gold light, but the knight, rather than strike, chooses to leap back a good dozen feet, for the time being avoiding being in melee with the larger creature, and hopping over the shcokwave too.

    "Are creatures from my world. They consume the hearts of people, which creates more Heartless, and when enough of them are present they can consume the heart of a world itself, darkening it and dooming all those on it. They Multiverse is a buffet for them, but I think it's one too large for them to really threaten. Still--!"

    Still, well, don't underestimate them. It goes unsaid.

    "Light-elemental attacks will hurt them! So will anything else, so use whatever you have!" Speaking of, she points the shining Keyblade at the monster. "Holy!" A beam of light shoots from it, attempting to slam into the Heartless with its obvious weakness. The beam intentionally re-angles itself to avoid allies going into melee, most likely heading up and then crashing down if that's easiest.

Staren has posed:
    Staren's swords glow white when Aqua says to use holy element. Hooray for the elemental function finally being useful again!

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito can easily parry lunges and strikes, but the shockwave catches him head-on flat-footed. He's almost bowled over, and ends up rolling and sliding then springing up into the air with his wings at full speed. "So it's one of THOSE monsters," The boy mutters with burning and growing irritation. Aqua's explanation has him on edge now. "In that case... huap!"

    FWOOOOSH! He dives straight at it, hits the ground, skids up close and delivers a swift series of sword strikes from a suddenly shining blade! Each slash sends cerulean light every which way and then gusts of wind!

Reker (631) has posed:
The shockwave makes Reker dive for cover, rolling over the ground and then coming up to his feet, "Okay fuck this guy." Reker says, mostly to himself, as he gets up onto a knee.

Great, everybody's closing into melee range. Nobody ever considers how hard it is to shoot at targets that are being engaged in melee. Switching his weapon over to semi-auto, he squeezes off two quick shots at the target, aiming to bypass Kirito by mere inches and hit the target in roughly the same spot the swordsman is striking it.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Rather than attacking immediately, Auron is forced to steady himself to avoid being knocked over by the shockwave. "Does anyone have magic?" Auron inquires. Though Aqua casting at the Heartless sort of answers his question. "I'll take that as a 'yes'." He knows Kirito's abilities are at least partially magical. He's not too sure about Deelel or Staren, though, but he remembers Staren talking about magic, so maybe he can use it. Reker's abilities are probably mainly physical, though.

    So cutting up this thing might be less useful than making sure his allies' attacks will hurt more. He'll handle physical defense when he next can. Auron pauses, concentrates a moment -- long enough for Reker to shoot around him -- and then darts forward. As he moves, a blue gleam slides down the edge of his blade. And when he swings, should the strike hit, the Heartless may find a small explosion at the site of the strike. And it may also find that magic hurts it worse! Presuming it works as intended.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is having a bad time of it but the others may be fairing better with this heartless. Aqua gives some very valid information such as a weakness and that should be useful very useful they know how to hurt it and soon Staren's blades are going to be very effective as he gets into thing.

"I'd keep moving this thing seems to be a bruiser!"

The Heartless is an up close and personal with Kirito and that distracts it from what Auron's trying to do as Kirito's high speed attack as it's attention? Auron's mind break works, so far as in weakens it's defence against magic which should set the others up quite well.

Sadly Deelel has no magic /at/ all. Still given the things weakness to holy? Well Auron set things up nicely for when the holy magic starts flying.

Reker slips in capitalizing on Kirito and Auron's actions. His shots cause holes to form briefly which seem to reseal but is part of it wisping away in the process? It looks like it /is/, as there's smoke almost wisping away from the wounds.

Zephyr's own efforts do quite a bit of damage and he heartless is forced back, however it's leaping up into the air trying to bring it self to land in the middle of the party, unleashing a huge shock wave when it impacts.

Staren has posed:
    When Deelel shouts that it's a bruiser, Staren remembers that melee can be dangerous and backs off before the Heartless can attack him -- the beam sabers merge back into one and are holstered, and Staren takes to the air, flying up above the Heartless, his arm-armor transforming to cannon mode and raining down on the heartless with a full-auto spray of light-aspected plasma bolts.

    It's hard to hit jumping around, but on the bright side at least he's out of the way of the shockwave.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    Its magical defense is lowered...?

    Aqua gives a nod to Auron, a brief thank you.

    The Heartless comes crashing down; Aqua's Keyblade shines a bright blue, and then forms a thick barrier of blue hexagons around her. As the creature impacts, the Protect spell breaking completely but absorbing most of the nasty impact. When the dust clears, it is to the sight of Aqua, weapon raised and pointed towards the sky, flames and generic energy circling her.


    The energy and fire shoot into the sky and disappear. There's a rumble, and then a meteoric swarm of non-elemental fireballs and plasma lights the area up as it heads straight down for the Heartless in waves, the assault letting up after three or four of those waves. It's pretty destructive, but as before, is directed well enough allies are not at risk unless they intentionally try to hug the falling blasts. (Protip: don't do that.)

Reker (631) has posed:
Okay bullets don't seem to be doing a lot of damage, at least not enough for Reker's taste, "EVERYBODY GET BACK!" He yells out to the gathered group, as he quick swaps weapons, rifle vanishing into digital nothingness as it's replaced by the six shot grenade launcher. Once the launcher is out, he drops back to a knee, and brings it up to his shoulder, pulling the trigger repeatedly to send all six of those 40mm high explosive armor penetrating grenades raining down upon the beast.

There ain't much in GGO that can survive that kind of onslaught, and somehow Reker doubts this thing will be able to either. Especially whem you combine it with all the damage the rest of the team is doing all at once.

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito hops back slightly with his single sword still at the ready. He's being cautious with this enemy... he expected some kind of reprisal, but they're just keeping it too busy it seems! He brings his weapon up to guard, revvs up his wings... and resists being blown back so far this time by the impact. He simply staggers a little. "Sword skills are kind of magic!" He grunts out, lowering the arm that shielded his face from the blast. "It's not too imaginative, is it? But this thing's tough! Keep at it!"

    Keep at it indeed.

    Kirito doesn't HAVE big finishing moves anymore. But he has plenty of tricks. The first of which is his most reliable. He charges, readying a weapon, and--

    Takes off like a rocket. SHWOOOOOOOOOOSH!

    One moment he was one place, the next he's a few leaps past the Heartless with a brilliant streak of light bridging the gap between starting point and where he ended up. Another gust of wind flies from the impossibly swift slash....!

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron unfortunately can't defend against area-of-effect attacks. And a shockwave attack is most definitely an area-of-effect attack. So he's not able to shield anyone from it. Hopefully they can manage. Though he's going to be keeping an eye on them all as best as he can. While they attack, Auron reaches into his coat and extracts a small, fiery gem. This he concentrates on, and the gem shatters in his hand.

    It's not useless, though... a moment after the gem shatters, a large burst of fiery energy explodes around the Heartless! It may or may not look familiar to a couple people here. It's the equivalent of casting a third-tier fire spell at the thing. Thank the Fayth for Fire Gems...

Deelel has posed:
The Heartless is just about to get wrecked here Staren is upon it first as he opens fire with holy plasma which sets the heartless ablaze it does not scream it makes no sign of pain but it's clearly getting the heck beat out of it. As it reels from the attack Aqua Gigaflare just guts the thing visibly hurting it and even cracking the ground causing strange glowing lines to appear in those cracks, much like Deelel when she's badly hurt.

Reker does not mess about as he opens up with the heavy weaponry and the beast is caught in the explosions and it's missing an arm, it does not seem able to reform it. It just kinda stares at for a second at the stump as Kirito moves in to just flying at it cutting off the other as Deelel follows him up slamming her disc into the thing's head leaving it open for Auron to make his move setting it ablaze even more on top to the raving that Aqua and everyone else have already done to it.

It finally explodes in a cloud of shadowy smoke melting away and leaving what seems to be yellow crystals that Aqua may or may not know but there's something else an old plate a disc looking like Deelels but like it's a much older model. Aqua's Keyblade is also clearly reacting to it, in some fashion Aqua would get the feeling this thing is /locked/.

"...why would there be one here and wait that disc...?"

Staren has posed:
    "...Is it gone?" Staren looks at where the heartless was suspiciously, then at Aqua for explanation. Then at Deelel. "The disc?" He looks from it to Deelel. "Oh, no..."

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "I don't know," Aqua says between breaths, though with the creature doesn it's possible to relax a bit. Well, physically! Mentally she's hoping this isn't a bad omen. She looks around; the wasteland. That disc looks like Deelel's, so this isn't the wrong place.

    The Keyblade hums lightly, and she eyes it, before walking forward towards the object. "... I hope I'm right with what I'm about to do, though."

    The crystals don't really interest her compared to the disc.

    She extends the Master Keeper. It's a KEYblade, after all.
    "Deelel, put your hand on my Keyblade's guard, please."

    Let's open this up.

Reker (631) has posed:
Rising up to his feet, Reker pops open the cylinder on his grenade launcher and ejects the empty shells, letting them clatter to the ground. He reloads the weapon and then slings it back onto his back, "Well that was weird." He says, as he looks at whatever it is Aqua and Deelel are doing, "Uh. I assume you guys know what you're doing...But I'm just gonna...Move over here.." He takes a few careful steps back from them.

Kirito has posed:
    After slashing at the air with some flourish, Kirito slides his blade back into its sheath across his back with a *CLICK* and turns to look. he's quiet, but his eyes are on Deelel, Aqua, and the strange debris left after it all. Concern and curiosity mix across his face, and his breath's caught in his throat. He's not sure WHAT's going on and so, now a bit nervous, he says NOTHING. He just waits. And watches.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Once the Heartless explodes, Auron pauses, waiting for another enemy. He doesn't see anything, and once he's sure they're no longer in danger, he relaxes. He doesn't put the sword away yet, though. He places the point of the sword on the ground, and straightens his stance. Staren's odd reaction gets a raised eyebrow. "...What is it?" he asks, since Staren seems to have some idea of what's going on. And it doesn't sound good.

    Uh... yeah. Auron also realizes that standing too close to Deelel and Aqua is probably a bad idea. So as Reker steps back, so does Auron. Better safe than splattered, right?

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "They tend to go up like that."

She looks at the older model disc and feels like she knows it. She listens to Aqua for a moment, nods once and moves to place her hand on the guard and she'll follow Aqua's lead here, she hangs on as the other watch on for a moment, it might be a good idea to step back who knows what could happen at this point.

A beam of light from the key blade fires off like a laser hitting the disc and then things start getting /strange/ there's a massive flash of light it's bright and it fades but something else, is happening something seems to be happening now the party seems to be falling for a moment but a world is taking shape rapidly for everyone there may be a moment where everyone might black out for a moment and feel a bit strange but the entire group would come too on the floor of what almost looks like an old arched though Reker and Kirito would be the ones most likely to catch on to that.

Deelel is layer out on the floor and she's twitching her eyes are also moving rapidly like she's seeing something at rapid speed.

The question is where /is/ everyone? Deelel seems to be having something happening to her.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    Aqua knows what an arcade is!
    It's, uh, Soan's fault, actually.

    Wow who'd have thought that would become relevant so soon.

    That does not, in the slightest, help her figure out what just happened or where they are. She has a vague inkling, obviously; locking, and unlocking, worlds is... well, common. And it's a defense mechanisms against the Heartless, so maybe that's why it was there. It was trying to get in, but couldn't. That's... a huge relief, actually.

    She thinks.

    "S-Sorry, I didn't think... well I wasn't... sure what would happen at all. Is everyone alright?" Deelel does not seem to be. "I-Is she alright?"

Staren has posed:
    "Hey... hey, hey, hey!" Staren tries to back away from the light but--

    "Wake up! Wake up!" Dawn is waving to Staren as an AR projection. She floats away and disappears as Staren sits up. "What..." He looks around. Where are we, he wonders, but he sees what he recognizes from pictures as old arcade game machines. "...An arcade? Deelel, what's... are you okay? Are you dreaming, or..." He doesn't know how to medically diagnose a computer program!

Reker (631) has posed:
"What the hell?" Reker asks, as he looks over at the arcade as it forms out of nowhere. Reker stares at it for a few moments before everyone starts showing concern for Deelel, which makes him turn his attention from the arcade to her, "What the...That's not supposed to happen, right?" He asks as he looks up at Aqua.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
<MASTER! MASTER! WAKE UP!> chimes Divine Wind. Zephyr blinks, and pushes herself back up, having been a little /too/ eager in her initial strike. She looks around, at the others, then at Deelel. "Th'hell happened? Did we win?" she then registers that things have changed. "Uh... when did we...?"

Kirito has posed:
    "No." Kirito says firmly as he takes in the sights of the new surroundings, after that amazing lightshow and REALLY strange falling experience. He's looking around only briefly though. "Pretty sure it's not-- Deelel?!" He rushes her way the moment he sees her in... a seizure? Convulsions? "That's not normal at all! Hey! Pull yourself together...!"

    For the first time in a while, he actually looks pretty frightened... he doesn't know ANYTHING about helping people like her in a situation like this!

Auron (236) has posed:
    When things start to go weird around them, Auron tenses, expecting another battle. But the weirdness around him forces him to close his remaining eye, or risk a case of vertigo. Once everything stops spinning he opens that eye... and blinks. This is... not where they were. It almost looks like it's the modern world. Not only that but how did he get on the floor?

    He stands, and then turns to Deelel to find out what's happened... and finds her on the ground. He doesn't know how to help her, but he goes to her side nonetheless, and kneels down next to her. Does a program have vitals? Probably not like a human does. He could fix an imbalance of chi in a human body. But he can't do anything for an imbalance of data in a program!

Deelel has posed:
Those who are not avatars might find some slight changes to their clothings the addtion of white glowing strips in a few places like Deelel's normal body suit does. She's twitching still but it's slowing down still Kirito's right it's much like a seizure she lets out a gasp.

What's going on? Deelel is getting a rush of memories from her view centuries of life that had been lost to her until now, finally the massive deluge of information she's clealry alive as people check her, she's not showing any physical signs of damage she goes limp for a moment and then finally speals.

"Hello, world. Ugg my mind, my memories. My name is Deelel I am a multi media program."

That should be a shocker to those who know Deelel she always claimed she was an unfinished program.

She looks up to everyone here.

"...I'm from a system known as the Grid, creted by one Kevin Flynn..."

Deelel's memories seem to have been restored when she came into contact with this place...she'll get up if nop one tries to stop her.

"I... by my user I'm over 500 cycles old..."

She's stressing cycles like a human would years. She seems to be okay but where are they? Deelel's getting her bearings still.

Staren has posed:
    Staren gasps. "You got your memories back! Congratulations!" He smiles. "You can meet your programmer!" Then she says she's over 500 and his expression saddens. "Oh... Well... now you know, at least..."

    Then he notices the glowing lines on people, then looks at himself. "What are these?"

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "I... don't know," Aqua admits to Reker, looking at Deelel and those moving to help her. When she rises and says she's alright, though, Aqua lets out a sigh of relief. "O-Oh. Then... yes. I think this was supposed to happen. You're... awkwardly old," she manages, not sure quite what else to say.

    What else do you say to someone who JUST found out they're five hundred years old? That's a lot of time! Especially if all of that was repressed or forgotten. It's not now, but that's not the point.

    Aqua does not seem to mind the neon strips all over her armor.
    They're kind of stylish, truth told.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    <MASTER. COSMETIC SHIFT IN BARRIER JACKET DETECTED.> notes Diving Wind. The weapon doesn't look different, since it already had blue 'running lines' anyway. But her Barrier Jacket has the motif... even if the plain white kinda clashes with the bright orange and yellow. "Huh... weird. Five hundred huh? That... that's a lotta time, right?"

Reker (631) has posed:
"How long is a cycle in normal time?" Reker asks, as he looks at the weird lines he's sporting now, "White's not really my color, I admit. Is there like, a barber shop we can visit to change colors?" Ah yes, always thinking in game terms.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Some of Auron's clothes have convenient lines for power -- down the front of his pant legs, around the hem and outside of his coat, the straps and soles of his boots, and the piping on his breastplate. The gold parts of his sword are white too, and glow.

    While it's a cool effect, it all just looks plain /weird/ on him, though. He's noticed it, too, and frowns slightly. What in the...?

    Suddenly Deelel seems to be waking up. Auron steps back, helping her to her feet if she requires it. She remembers everything? "I'm glad to hear you've gotten your memories back." Pause, and he looks around. "...Where is this?" he inquires.

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito's pretty perplexed at this series of events. They... revealed a world. Deelel's having memory issues and... now a few people are glowing with weird designs.He snorts faintly, but beelines over to Deelel. "I don't know WHAT's happening here... but it looks like we found what you were looking for? Are you alright?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks a bit amused as she replies to Aqua and tilts her head.

"This is a lot to take in but it doesn't mean that much here, look wait where /are/ we this does look like the Grid."

She takes a look about and she looks to the others for a moment.

"...She's not had access to this system since the cycle I arrived so far as I know. A full out Cycle is about like a year so far as I know."

She doesn't know about the time differential before her world unified after all.

"The colour is more related to function, bluish white for non combat. White's was for security or Flynn, light green's medical, dark green's military, red's got other connotations but not viral, yellow's system admin and a few others and ... anything else might be viral. "

"Oh this is bad, very bad. We're in Flynn's old arcade which means we're in the middle of Tron city. We need to move and move quickly, we need to get out of town as quickly as we can before your snatched strays. We shouldn't delay here at all."

With that Deelel's shaking her head and making for the door.

"We'll keep on the move I know the city well enough we can slip out into the outlands and hopefully make for Argon City my home."

She heading for the door and notes

"What ever you do don't panic or run as that will draw attention. I have a friend there in Argon who can help us blend in. Still with everything we ... found my home and ... we might be able to ... stop Things here from getting worse."

Lucky for everyone it's a low time of the day and there's not very many people around it should be mostly not too much trouble to get moving so long as they act ordely and do not panic.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "Well, that sounds ominous..." she says dryly, "So, Lemme get this straight," she enquires as she follows the Program out the door. "We're in some... cyberspace world, and we're in danger?" The mage grumbles something about never getting to go anywhere nice... but with the world being all bright lines and dark solids, she probably sticks out like a sore thumb with her bright colourscheme.

Staren has posed:
    Staren's eyebrows raise a bit as Deelel explains, then he nods and puts his hands in his pockets. "I see. Lead the way then. Anything else we should do to blend in?" He's already pinging the Multiverse radio network to try and locate the nearest warpgate or relay. He can remain calm as long as he has a plan to follow.

Deelel has posed:
By luck, or fate? The group is able to get moving before they get noticed by someone the city is massive a very orderly and clean place, there's no dust, no trash no kibble you'd expect in an organci world. Everything's clean cut and clearly has a purpose from the looks of it the next big thing there is no sun, there are no stars in the dim sky above eveyrthning emits it's own light the programs, the buildings, everything does, it seems that Deelel lucks out as a light truck stops and the driver calls out.

"Deelel? What are you doing out here? Don't you got a show soon back in Argon."

"It's a long stoy Bit, but if you could my friends and I could use a lift."

Bit agrees letting the group get ont eh truck and it drives out along a highway through a very digital looking rocky wasteland there's ground terrain here but it's all digital liek very alien and there's no sign of anything akin to animal life btu there do seem to be some clouds over head. The ride very quict nothing much happens along the wya save Deelel catching up with her friend and talking with the others, the finally arrive in Argon some time later and Deelel says "I suspect there'd be a gate here in Argon and we'll need to make use of it, we can duck into my home if needed or my friend who can help us to blend in better still? I owe you so much it's hard to put into worlds, I have my self and my home back."

Staren has posed:
    Staren just gives the truck driver a nod. As he watches the city and rocky wasteland go past, he whispers, "But what does this possibly represent? Why is this here?"

    Once they're out of earshot, he's more direct. "So... what is this place? I know we're in some kind of cyberspace... you said you were programmed. How does it all work here? And... did that guy say you had a show? What, do you sing MP3s? Perform AVIs?" He's not joking.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "I work as a Deejay in one of the clubs ... I have to get ahold of VS on this she's going to flip. As for yes think like a club we have more in common with you than you'd expect also don't bring up your not a program its going to end badly I need to give a site rep to the union."

She notes as she makes for her home to let the others inside.

"It's the grid it's my home but it's ... far from being free of problems..."

Staren has posed:
    Staren rubs the back of his head. "You know Scratch?" He nods a little. "I get it. Makes sense. You're a media player..." He shrugs. "I can be a program. I /am/ a program. What's this bunch of connections up here?" He lifts his right index finger to the side of his head. "A program. We're all programs. ...But I get what you mean."

    He takes a deep breath as he looks around Deelel's house. "...You're gone for years and that guy wasn't at all surprised to see you. Your house is in good repair. Didn't the users of the system miss their media player?" Staren scratches his head. "Or would they have just reinstalled you from backup?"

    Staren shakes his head. "Nevermind. I don't have enough information. Do you want to explain how it all works?" He looks for a place to sit down.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks at Staren for a moment "... my world was frozen it's about the same time I fell out of it for lack of a better term. Backups? Those have not been online for a very long time, before it unified I think somehow my world and I unifed but something went wrong and it needed to be woken up like it was. As for the backups those are offline so far as I know only Flynn could do it and he's in hiding."

She makes a face there seems to be some level of love /lost/ for Flynn.

"Clu the system admin program turne on Flynn some time ago. Flynn is hiding if he's even alive still."

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks as Deelel explains. "Your whole world, frozen in time..." he nods. "Stranger things have happened." When she starts going on and on about Flynn he holds up his hand. "Wait, wait. Can we... start at the beginning? ABout your world... I know you're a program. I know there are other programs. A programmer created you. But beyond that... I don't know anything. I can guess, but making assumptions is dangerous."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel tilts her hed for a moment she moves to sit down in a chair and she looks at him for a moment. "This system was created by Kevin Flynn."

She uses a tone like one would refering to a deity really.

"Yes I'm abasic and ... not all programs are. There were others but I'm ahead of my self. Flynn was working on this system for hundres of cycles and then one day...they startec marching out of the Sea of Similation. the ISO they just came into being, through no act of Flynn no functions much like you."

She leans back and then looks back to Staren for a moment longer.

"He ... turnd upon Flynn or he says Fynn betrayed us. Given Flynn's focus on the ISOs to the point that he started ignoring a lot of the basic's concerns so far as I can see. Things got bad there ere riots and a ISO went viral and things just went to hell at that point..."

Staren has posed:
    Staren listens. Hundreds of cycles? Then a cycle can't be a year... assuming Flynn is human, any way. "So... Clu started a resistance against Flynn and the ISOs, and then one of the ISOs was infected by a virus, and now it's hell?" STaren looks at the door. "Didn't look that hellish to me..." He prompts for elaboration.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks at Staren for a moment "Clu ordered his forces to exterimante the ISOs you can get cubed for helping them." She shrugs for a moment and says "Nothing can be done about what's alredy been done I admit. Still ... there's some rumors about that ... the head system monitor who was loyal to Flynn, Tron. Isn't dead, and he's said to have stopped a horror of a system admin gone mad once before ... a great old one like progam or so I hear. If he's alive ... there's hope then."

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods. "I see... so... aside from Clu's followers... where do the others, like you, stand on the ISOs?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks at Staren for a moment "If I was like Clu, I'd have brought the guard down on all of you. After all your functionless like the ISOs, from that view point."