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Latest revision as of 16:45, 8 December 2014

Safety Dog Dance
Date of Scene: 08 December 2014
Location: Mushroom War Earth <MWE>
Synopsis: Marceline is bored. Grumble is looking for sausage. Adventures happen!?
Cast of Characters: 620, 622

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
Right now, Simon and Marcy are living out of a Union quarantine facility, located relatively nearby to the world that the two come from. While they have MOSTLY been cleared, health-wise, they do not really have anywhere else to go, and the progression of certain mental and physical changes in Simon have given cause for concern. Already identified as magical in nature, a method of reversing them has yet to be determined. So, partially due to that, and partially out of sympathy for an old man and a little half-demon girl, they are being granted temporary asylum. This is helped along by the fact that Simon is actually TRYING to find a job and alternate living situation, not just mooching off the Union's good will.

However, since Simon is so busy going through books to try to regain his memory, and looking up real estate and apartments, and job fairs, and so on, that sort of leaves Marceline to look at stuff on the computer or pester the facility's staff or sit around bored. Right now she is doing the last thing, on the bed.

"Bored." the pointed-eared girl says outloud as she sits on the edge of the bed, with her legs hanging over. She looks to Simon, working at the computer, surrounded by books. "Bored, bored, bored, bored, boooooored~!" she sing-songs while kicking her feet back and forth. When this still evinces no response except a furrowing of Simon's eyebrows, Marceline stops kicking and addresses her friend directly. "Simon, I'm bored. Let's do something cool!"

"Not right now, Marceline!" Simon sing-songs back distractedly. Marceline scowls, and asks acidly, "Should I play in the snow and make you a snowman?" Simon frowns and looks up in confusion. "Huh? What are you talking about?" Marceline felt bad as soon as she said it. She knew Simon was wearing that dumb Crown when he had said those things to her before. He wasn't him when he had it on. He didn't remember the things he said. He didn't remember HER. But she was still a child, she was still huffy over her boredom, and too immature to admit to her mistake. Simon didn't know what she was talking about anyway. So the half-demon girl hops down from the bed huffily, and says, "Never mind. I'll go find something to do by myself!" "Don't go too far, and stay safe." Simon calls after her as she leaves their room.

Then she is all by herself in this facility, with nothing to do. The scientists and workers had already made it clear that they needed to work and couldn't be bothered by her. She sighs, and mumbles, "Bored." Then she sets off to try to find something to entertain herself with.

Grumble (620) has posed:
Grumble was once again on the trail. The trail for delicious things! Nose pressed to the ground he sniffed out his prey like his ancestors of old! He could sense it near. A new type of sausage! He had to have it. Trusting his keen sense of smell he closes his eyes and focuses on following only by scent.

A casual observer would would wonder about the pug busily sniffing along the sidewalk. A more keen observer would realize the pug was making circuits around an empty parking spot by the sidewalk. What no observer would realize is the pug is making circuits around a parking spot once occupied by a meat delivery 1 hour prior. Thus making the poor pug's efforts an exercise in futility. Regardless, said pug making circuits around empty parking spot occasionally mumbling about sausages would raise anyones attention. Specially bored little girls.

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
Marceline exits the sterile hallways and flourescent lighting - that she was originally so glad to be in after the filth and disease and garbage and dead things she had been around ever since the War ended. Now she just wanted to get back out into the world again! Though hopefully not the one she had left so recently. In her tattered dress (because she wasn't going to keep wearing sterile scrubs or whatever when she was not even sick), she stands at the entrance to the facility, hands on her hips and looks out upon the surrounding territory. Mostly more ruins, just like the world she came from. Only, hopefully without monsters and stuff. She announces to the world at large, "I am Queen Marceline, and I rule over all of this stuff!" She makes a dramatic sweeping gestures with one hand before returning it to her hip.

There is no response, of course, but she has her IMAGINATION so she is okay with it. She turns and start walking up the sidewalk that encircles the building, leaping over cracks in the pavement to avoid breaking her back, duelling with shrubberies she encounters via a stick she picked up that is totally a laser sword or something, and eventually she comes across a pug snuffling along the ground. She pauses where she is, someone cautious about other beings after her experiences, but eventually raises a hand and greets Grumble. "What's up, dog?"

She is not expecting a response, just to see if the dog is friendly or not.

Grumble (620) has posed:
Hearing an unexpected greeting Grumble reflexively replies with the first thing on his mind, "SAUSAGE?!" His mind catching up after a moment he shakes his head and snorts before sitting his buttom down and looking up at the odd little girl and replying properly, "Oh..Hello! I believe birds may be upward Miss!"

Taking a moment to lick his nose clean from having been pressed to the ground he notices the oddity of the little girl before him. Pale skin, tattered dress, was this perhaps one of those burrowless humans he had heard about? Maybe he could be of help to her somehow! He was part of the union and his union friends have told him helping others is what they do. But what sort of help could he provide? Maybe he should just ask? Yes! That was the right thing to do. So tilting his head he addressed the young human once again, "Do you need help Miss Little human?! Maybe I can help you?!"

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
Marcy takes a step back at the sudden declaration of sausage, but settles down when Grumble does. Her eyebrows go up when the pug starts talking more normally. She crouches down to be more on eye-level with Grumble - not that their sizes are that far apart to begin with, given she is only just getting close to turning 8. "You can talk?" she asks in amazement. Then smiles, showing her pointy, fang-like teeth, and declares, "COOL!" She shakes her head at the question of if she needs help. "Nah! I'm okay. Just bored. Simon is looking for a place for us to live. I think things will be way more funner when we're out of THIS place, and away from all these broken houses!" She gestures at the ruins that surround this area - the destroyed remnants of the civilizations of entire worlds, that lie just beyond the border of the Union perimeter.

The little half-demon holds out her hand and says, "I'm Marceline! What's your name?"

Grumble (620) has posed:
Tilting his head as the little girl replies in amazement he's surprised a tiny bit by her sudden fangy grin. Though he quickly shrugs it off as many living things including dogs have differently shaped teeth. At her mention of boredom he nods sagely in understanding. The reason he had left his comfortable nook and burrow to explore the multiverse was because of boredom and the sads. Looking around for the first time he realizes the little human was right. Everyone around WAS broken. Had something really bad happened to this city? He didn't know. So the little human was named Marceline. Humans had such funny names. They didn't describe them at all! But it was polite to respond with his own name and he was feeling a little bored as well.

"Hello! My I am Grumble! Would you like to play?!" Barking eagerly and bouncing a bit as he responds.

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
The little girl giggles at hearing Grumble's name. "Neat name! You don't seem very grumbly so far." She stands up and excitedly answers, "Yeah, let's play!" She tries to think of what they can do, and then notices she is still holding her stick. "Hmm... Do you know how to play fetch? Maybe we can use this laser sword once I shut it off." She holds the sword up in front of her face with both hands, and closes her eyes. Then she makes a sound effect of the 'laser sword' turning off. "Bwweeeeooop." The stick is lowered when she does this to simulate it 'collapsing down'.

Then she grins and holds the stick up. "You can be the dog, and I'll be the human! Okay?" Because defining roles in a game of fetch is apparently important when one of them is a dog and the other is not.

Grumble (620) has posed:
Tilts his head as the Miss Marceline mentions fetch!...He's never heard of this odd game before. But it sounds enjoyeable! The stick is a laser sword? It did not look like a laser sword. Perhaps the she was mistaken. Whining softly as she makes funny noises and lowers the stick she suggests they be themselves for the game. Human's were so odd. Who else could they be but themselves? But she looked quite serious about it so agreeing was probably for the best.

"Okay! I am a dog and you are a human! How do we play fetch Miss Marceline?" His tail wagging happily his hips wiggle as he pants and yips excitedly. Playing means she was his friend! He had made another friend. YAYS!

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
"Ummm..." Marcy thinks on it. "I throw the stick, and then you go run after it and get it, and bring it back, so that I can throw it again! I think it's a normal game for dogs to play with people, but I've never really done it before. I don't know what the rules are exactly." She squints and scratches her head with the end of the stick. "I don't know! Let me ask real quick!" Then she gets out Simon's radio that she snuck off with, a clunky thing tucked into a pocket of her dress, and fiddles with the dials whil she tries to tune in to the multiversal broadband.

Grumble (620) has posed:
A game where the human throws the stick and the dog chases it and retrieves it. That was a very strange game. It didn't sound very fun. But if Miss Marceline wanted to give it a try he would give it a try to!

Looking up from his musing he stares at her as she fiddles with the radio. He was still unsure exactly how to work it but he could talk to people from far far away if he hit the button. He would wait for her to finish. Then maybe they could play the game. "Okay miss Marceline"

As he waits, that which gives him his name grumbles. Deciding to have himself a snack, he focuses on the ambient energies of the area, the sun's heat, the movement of the wind, using these he forms them into matter, in moments he a delicious chicken filled sausage drops in front of him, warm and ready to be eaten. Taking a quick bite he considers. Perhaps Miss Marceline wanted a sausage as well! "Miss Marceline? Would you like a delicious sausage?"

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
Marcy asks some questions, like if fetch uses a point system, or is to the death, gets varies answers and eventually decides to go with, 'it's just for fun and exercise'. "Okay, Grumble! Fetch is just until we get tired! I'm not sure if it's really fun or not, but-Oh, wow!" Marceline nearly drops the radio, but fumbles and catches it, upon seeing a sausage appear out of nowhere. "You're a magic dog!?"


"Cooooooool!" Marcy puts the radio away in her pocket again, with some difficulty, because her hand are small, and so is her pocket. "Sure! I'll try a sassage! What is it exactly? I've never had one."

Grumble (620) has posed:
Yips in surprise and bounces backwards as Marceline's exclamation. Calming himself as she agrees to have a sausage he focuses himself and materializes a sausage in front of her. Hovering it in the air at about her chest height as he replies, "I am not magical miss Marceline. I don't know any magic at all. But please! Enjoy this delicious chicken Sausage. A sausage is preserved smoked meats! Delicious and often in tube form! Please please! Enjoy the yummies!" He barks happily and hops in a twirl in his excitement. He was sure his new friend would love the yummies as much as he did! Then maybe they could find new sausages TOGETHER!

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
The half-demon shrugs at Grumble's insistance he is not magical. Seems like magic to her! But most of her experience with magic has been a creepy Crown turning her best friend into somebody else, and also ice lasers, so she is not exactly an expert. When the sausage appears, she utters, "Oooo!" Then she tosses the stick back into the bushes alongside the building, wipes her hands on her dress, and takes it out of the air. "And you can just make these as much as you wanted?" she asks as she takes a bite out of it and chews thoroughly before swallowing. "That'd sure be useful back on the world I come from!" she says, again, after taking a big bite and chewing. Talking with her mouthful is something she was apparently not told to avoid.

Once she finishes with the sausage, she wipes her greasy hands on her dress and then her mouth with the back of her arm. "That was pretty good! Hey, do you have a home? Simon and I are looking for one. Maybe you can come live with us if you don't have anyone else to go to."

Grumble (620) has posed:
Sees the stick get thrown......and without being able to help it he zooms off after it, leaping into the bushes with an impossible telekinetically boosted leap. Retrieving the stick he floats out of the bushes before touching down softly back on the sidewalk and dropping the stick. "STICK!!! STICK!!!" He barks happily before shaking himself. Unsure at what just came over him he he blinks at Marceline's questions.

"Yes. I can make as many as I want. As long as I can find energy to make them with. A home? I have burrow far far away, not on this world! It is cozy and warm! Miss Marceline doesn't have a burrow?" Tilting his head he thinks..."Maybe we can dig you one! My burrow is far far! So when I'm here. We can stay in your burrow!"

Simon Petrikov (622) has posed:
Marceline giggles as Grumble apparently finds chasing a stick fun after all. That's good to know! At the explanation, she says, "Oh. I guess if you're a talking dog, you don't really have an 'owner' like normal dogs, huh?" She hmmmmms thoughtfully. "Well, I've slept on dirt a lot. It's not very comfortable. I like beds a lot more! Though I am still like, 'whoooah! It feels like I'm going to sink straight into the floor!' because it is so soft. Maybe I'll come sleep on at dirt at your burrow sometime though. And when you come over to wherever we're going to live, you can try a bed! How does THAT sound? Fair trade? Yeah, I think so!" Marcy nods her head, and then, without waiting for an answer, says, "I'll go tell Simon! You can come with if you want, so you can meet him! He's smart and stuff, so I'm sure he'll love to meet a talking dog that can make sausage energy!"

She leads the way to the door of the facility, making sure to jump the cracks in the sidewalk along the way. Maybe Grumble isn't a pet, but he's still a dog, and a friend, and that's also pretty great!

Grumble (620) has posed:
Barking happily Grumble nods at Marcelines suggestions. As she starts heading off into the big building to meet this Simon. He follows eagerly! Who knows what fun he'll have meeting another new friend?!