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Purgatorio's Defense
Date of Scene: 26 September 2014
Location: Earth-1111
Synopsis: Possible defensive measures for Purgatorio are discussed.
Cast of Characters: 183, 238, 359, 520, 541, 554, 570, Ayako Hasekawa

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Earth-1111, a world at once similar to and unlike most modern iterations of Earth. It would appear perfectly normal if it weren't for the influences of Paradiso and Inferno, who have conquered nearly every stretch of the planet and demarcated their territories among human civilizations with swirling clouds of blue or red, respectively. Those who live beneath these clouds are subject to the influence of either Paradiso or Inferno, their very souls goaded into performing acts of good or evil so that they will end up in the afterlife that has claimed them and eventually add to the ranks of the angels and demons that fight in an endless war.

    One particular location is spared from this: a certain forest where the wind blows fresh and clear and the sky lacks anything abnormal. Though it is far from any city, the forest is nonetheless silent save for the wind rustling through branches and leaves; no wildlife roams the landscape, from the smallest mosquito to the most majestic deer. It could be the large lake deep in the forest that causes it, which those who have come to visit Purgatorio have been directed to. The waters feel suffused in a power at once blessed and cursed, and despite that oddity, the Union members who have come to visit have nonetheless been informed that they must enter the lake until they have been fully submerged.

    Strange as it is, there's no need to hold one's breath. A transportation begins immediately after entering the lake, lending a temporary yet disorienting feeling of displacement. Only a moment later, those who enter the lake find themselves strangely dry and standing right on the beach of Purgatorio's lone island in the center of the endless ocean.

    What's readily apparent at first is the unchanging time of day, marked by the black sun hanging in the daytime sky to the west and the white moon brightening the night to the east, their skies melding into an eternal twilight above Purgatorio's single massive mountain. That towering spire stretches for miles straight up, divided into eight layers accessed by stairs carved into the mountain's steep cliffsides. The island itself is gigantic to match, though it has to be, as its purpose is to provide enough space for every single soul that has died on Earth to live comfortably enough there. Those hundreds of thousands of ghostly spirits can be seen lingering on the beach or ascending the spiral staircases up to the higher levels, each one only dimly recognizable as human through their smokey forms.

    What about Beli herself? Well, the transportation to Purgatorio places those entering it right in front of one staircase leading up to the second level, and Beli sits waiting on one of the lower stairs with her legs dangling over the edge and gently swinging back and forth. Her wings and halos aren't visible at the moment; save for the faint glow of her marble-like skin, she doesn't look like much more than an abnormally tall and strangely dressed young woman. Not a terribly imposing guardian, is she?

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko Shinobu has arrived. She had little trouble entering the water, but is appreciative of the fact that she's not still soaked after having gotten through it. She's no convenient way to dry off that isn't also wasteful, even dressed as she is--in her 'uniform' as a Puella Magi, though yet unarmored.
    "Beli." It's been some time since she's been to this Earth, but her memories are still vivid, as she gives her host a nod--perhaps too respectfully for their acquaintance, but that's her usual mode.

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
    Elasaid finds the transportation to be very against her instincts... or perhaps they're Hood's instincts. Either way, she finally pushes herself to submerge, then kinda staggers out of the portals. "Ach, Bloody hell that's disconcertin'." she grumbles softly, then straightens herself out, glancing around at the others, then to Beli herself.

Zelda (520) has posed:
    The young princess of Hyrule arrives with little fanfare, after setting foot within the lake. She's oddly used to such means of transport. She doesn't have much insofar as less formal attire, so her usual regalia is what she's chosen. Still, this isn't her kingdom, and she is a guest. So, she offers Beli a polite bow of her head, in greeting.

"Good evening."

Marrik (541) has posed:
"You two sure about this?" Marrik fretted as he looked the pair of ghosts over. Both had vouched for him and had his back when he wound up in Russia when he unified, a cold Russia full of zombies.

"This place wishes to war with Heaven and Hell just to keep its people free to govern themselves," One of them, a blonde haired woman dressed in loose fitting fatigues gave a small laugh. "If I become fettered to such a place I gladly would give myself over to serve.

The other merely nodded. He had no hair to speak of and wore dark tinted glasses over his eyes.

Marrik's bike rumbled low as he looked on at the warring cloudscapes and frowned at what it represented. Angels and Demons should never have that much say on mortal affairs. It angered him, but only until he found the lake he was supposed to step through. For a moment he hesitated. What if he couldn't leave?

"Big baby, we have more to worry about than you." Miri dove head first in followed by her companion.

Nothing for it but to walk through.

The transition felt strange; not good, bad, or anything. It just was.

When Marrik found himself on the island he stepped out of the way in case others followed before looking to Beli. The two spirits that came with him bowed slightly before trotting off to have a look around.

"So, this is�.. Huh." Marrik hrmed thoughtfully as he looked about. "Interesting place."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Well, that was quick! While Ayako herself gets lost easily in the Mulitverse, it seems that Purgatorio's watery entryway was something easily found for the water spirit once she was told what it was and how to enter. When Ayako finds herself on the beach, she's... blushing and her palms are on her cheeks. "Kyaaa... what a wonderful way to enter a place!"

    She seems to care little about the ghostly spirits that are lingering on the beach or that are climbing the staircase. Rather, she quickly turns around and views the endless ocean instead, seeming to find that far more interesting than say, the black sun, the incredibly high mountain, nor the enormous staircase. Even Beli Klum and other arrivals are ignored for a moment in favor of that ocean. Just for a minute or so, though!

    Ayako excitedly turns around and finally notices Beli sitting on the staircase. "Hello Beli! Such a nice place! You definitely have good taste!" She almost positively beams!

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    As much as Mizuki would love to be entirely invested in the excitement of seeing another new world, she can't be. Not because she doesn't believe that Purgatorio will be a dissapointment, though! Quite the opposite: Mizuki has run into no small number of artistic and beautiful places lately - Anor Londo was a particularly good example - and she's starting to get a bit self-conscious. What with all of the phenomenally poetic landscapes that litter the Multiverse, she can't help but wonder how her own world holds up against them.

    So for a while after she arrives at the coordinates sent to her, she stands before the pool and broods behind the trunk of a tree so as to avoid the prying eyes of other people on their way in. No matter the state of this 'Purgatorio', she must be certain to maintain her composure, and that is something she cannot do until she has had ample time to contemplate every scenario that she possibly can. Since she doesn't have the time to be quite that comprehensive, however, she settles after musing on the 17th possibility, and steps back up to the calm waters.

    She stares at her reflection for a spell and exhales, dipping a few of her toes into the water to test it. The resulting sensation elicits... a blink! She can't really chalk that up to 'cold' or 'warm', can she? That only worsens her apprehension -- a world where she would literally be hit by a cascade of proseworthy beauty is... well. That's absolutely -brilliant-. It's a pun like none other, and the sheer cleverness of it gives her pause for a few moments more. But slowly, bravery churns from the nonexistence furnace of her heart, and she gently steps in.

    And then she's on the other side, and looking up at a divided sky. Twilight in the epicenter, with day and night colliding on the opposing sides. A sudden vertigo hits her, and some degree of deja vu; if she didn't know any better, she would think that she was back home! But she most certainly is not. Glancing around, she's quickly captivated by the light of the moon, and she stares at it dumbly for a while before noticing the girl who is most certainly her host on the steps beyond. After taking a final breath, she begins her climb, greeting Beli with a small bow when she's a bit closer.

    "Miss Klum, I presume?" She smiles. "A happy twilight to you. Seeing the sky has only made more certain that my coming here was a good idea, if not one that I was fated to have -- it bears some similarity to my home, I would have you know. But I shall save that banter for later, when we've all had time to settle." With another bow, she steps off to the side, and resumes her gawking.

    A 'happy twilight' indeed.

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Beli's neutral expression warms to a broad smile when she sees Kimiko emerging in front of her. The rephaite hops off her perch to land on the white sands, standing tall and upright. "Ah, Kimiko," she greets the puella brightly, her soft voice backed by the gentle ringing of small bells and the dull rumbling of a live volcano. Strange, definitely, but it only serves to make her inhuman nature even more apparent. "It is very good to see you again. It has been a while, too; I hope things have been going well?"

    Then come others: Elasaid is greeted with a slightly awkward smile. "Sorry. I guess diving into a lake is not the most pleasant thing for a ship, is it? I hope you will not mind going back the same way." Zelda's bow is returned, and while the angel-demon hasn't met anyone from that particular world before, she's aware of it enough to know Zelda's station and attempt a more formal greeting. "Princess Zelda, hello. It is good to meet you. Thank you for coming to join us."

    Ah, there's Marrik. He gets a smile and a nod, too, as well as the spirits beside him. "Welcome to Purgatorio, Marrik. Are these friends of yours? They...seem like they might be at home in a place like this, I admit." Surprise quickly comes over the rephaite's expression when Ayako comes in, though; she's clearly not used to such exuberant compliments. Beli chuckles with some slight embarrassment, one hand lifting so that her slender fingers can comb through her dark hair. "...ah...thank you, Ayako. I am pleased to know that someone likes it so much." Mizuki's approach is a good distraction from Beli's flustering: the angelic demon turns to her, then smiles warmly, letting her arm drop back to her side. "Ah, really? I am glad that you are so fond of it, as well. I...have not had the chance to see your own home, but I will have to do so sometime soon, definitely."

    With greetings out of the way, Beli takes a breath and crosses her arms over her chest, looking around at the group assembled in front of her. "...well. Welcome to Purgatorio, I suppose. You have seen about the sum of things, at this point. That lake was the only defense it had against any intruders, since I doubt anyone would expect to go through that to get here, but now the Confederacy knows exactly that. So...our options are starting to be limited."

    She frowns slightly at the thought, concern clear on her expression. "I am very much open to suggestions. I do have some preferences of my own, though. This place is supposed to be a sanctuary, a place where the souls here can feel at peace, so...I would rather not have anything blatantly weaponized if I can help it, but I will take what I can get. Keeping the lake inconspicuous is a more pressing matter, since Paradiso and Inferno still do not know about the location, and I would like to delay that as long as possible. Otherwise...if any of you have suggestions or questions, please feel free to voice them. I admit I am not experienced in these matters at all."

Elasaid Hood (359) has posed:
    Elasaid grins softly. "Aye, tis nay. But I'll get over it. Dunae ye worry lass." she replies good naturedly. Then to business! "I could come up wi'some traps. They'd be li'l threat te an Elite like us, but it may slow 'em down enough fer backup te arrive. Nets, pitfalls... that kinna thing."

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik mmed softly, "Can spirits enter and leave the lake?" Briefly he looked to where the two that came with him wandered off to. For a moment he considered trying to get them to test that but reconsidered. "Warning, even if not by much, can help." As he considered this he paced while looking at the waters around the island. "Is there any reason these waters are so empty?"

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     At the sound of Beli's wish to avoid anything blatantly weaponized, there's the distinct, vaguely imperious tones of someone who many of them might only know through the radio chatter. "Then you risk compromising your defensive strength." Armsmaster.

     In his midnight-blue powered armor, with his Halberd slung against one shoulder, he looks like he's spoiling for a fight. Of course, that is how he always looks.

     "If you draw up designs, plans, I can work on them to make them more efficient beyond what you might expect. How long must the defenses last for?"

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko gives a nod. There's a little flicker of emotion across her face--a returned sense of gladness in seeing Beli again--but the girl's quiet soon resumes, her voice quite calm as she responds, "It is good. I have been well, not to worry." From her, that might mean 'I haven't been seriously injured too often lately.'

    She turns, taking in the others as they arrive. A short, stiff nod to each. One or two familiar voices, but not so much familiar sights. The extra spirits are unusual, mostly in that their presence contrasts with how the island's spirits are otherwise uninvolved in this meeting. So far, at least. That thought has her looking out again, spotting the nearest groups of souls. More memories surface.

    Then, to business.

    "How controlled is the position in which new arrivals will appear?" That will determine how much of a 'border' they really have to worry over.

Zelda (520) has posed:
    "Likewise, Beli.. I hope I will be able to provide some assistance." Zelda replies, "And.. hm.. insofar as the lake.." She takes a moment to consider, "I'm not sure, but a seal may provide some protection.."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako notes all of the people that have shown up! She bows politely towards all of the people, "I'm Ayako Hasekawa! Please call me Ayako! I'm a water spirit," Her eyes sparkle lightly with gold, "And a new fan of this place!" She catches herself quickly and glances away a bit embarassed at her outburst. "A-Although some people know that already... I-I just didn't want people to have to refer to me with adjectives..." After a moment, she recovers.

    Her head inclines to the side gently as she listens to Beli. "Hmm..." Her expression brightens, "If that's what you want..." Her ponytail starts swishing side-to-side on it's own. "Then... isn't the best option to use the water? Both on this side and the other side?"

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko turns, inclining her head to Ayako. "Hasekawa-san." Yes, she'll be using that form of address until told otherwise. "Kimiko Shinobu." Her introduction is rather short. It should serve to identify her to the other's she yet to meet, as well.

Zelda (520) has posed:
    "Ah.." Zelda seems enthused, as she nods to Ayako and the others, "A water spirit would, no doubt, be most helpful, in this case."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki turns when Beli greets them all, deciding to let the conversation regarding the similarities between their homes wait until after their main reason for being here has been addressed. She waves her hand at the words 'blatantly weaponized', allowing that to serve as her foray into the discussion. "Oh, absolutely not. Having something obtrusive like a cannon pointed at the entrance is deplorable in ways I cannot hope to encapsulate with mere words. Fear not, for I feel any suggestions offered by our company this evening will be far more tactful." Or she hopes, anyway; she's not exactly well acquainted with most... actually, wait, does she know -anyone- here? ... apparently not.

    Anyway. "As others have already suggested, it might be best if we make access to Purgatorio via the lake selective, if possible. Also, if anyone is versed in crafting illusions, perhaps the island on which the lake rests could be made invisible? But that would only be effective on non-elites, wouldn't it." She cups a hand around a cheek, and contemplates. "Funny that this should be so vexing in a world where possibilities are infinite and resources on both sides are so plentiful, but alas."

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Beli gives Elasaid a vaguely pensive look as she considers that offer. "...mm. That may not be a bad idea, but...I would only want that if you could make sure it would not affect anyone here. Or at least that they would be in positions where anyone that is not an enemy would be safe enough. I will consider that, definitely."

    Then to Marrik. "I do not know about the spirits of my world, but others should be able to. My world is bound by several rules that cannot be broken, like the laws of nature. Anyone that is not an angel or demon in my world cannot pass between the afterlives." She glances out to the water, then. "...well. I do not really know why they are so empty, honestly, but the other afterlives are like that as well. Paradiso hovers in an endless sky, and Inferno swims in an endless sea of magma. I suppose it is just an effect of these alternate dimensions."

    Armsmaster's appearance gets a surprised look from the rephaite. When did he come here? His words don't seem very comforting, either, judging by the light frown that returns to her expression. "...yes, I am aware that there are risks, but...I would still rather avoid ruining the purpose of this place. Perhaps I am overly sentimental." She gives a quiet sigh, lifting a hand to rub the side of her head. "...an eternity, if at all feasible. I do not know how long it will take for Purgatorio to fulfill its purpose. It could be centuries before the souls here have finished regaining their wills, and even then it may still need to remain present. Even if Paradiso and Inferno were to be taken out, there would still be the Confederacy to worry about."

    Kimiko poses a much easier to answer question. Beli's arms cross again as she shifts slightly where she stands. "It seems to be the exact same space every time. I do not know /why/, but...no matter where you enter in the lake, it seems to drop you off at the same spot here, and the other way around. That makes things a little easier, I guess."

    A nod is given to Zelda. "A seal may not be a bad idea. Even if they know where it is, that may make it harder to pass through." And Ayako offers an insight that makes Beli look up with some confusion. "...well, that...would not be a bad idea, of course. I had no real way to do that myself, but I suppose you are a water spirit. What do you think you might be able to do with what is here?"

    A brief nod to Mizuki, too. "Illusions have been suggested. Those would likely work for the lake, at least, to make it more difficult to find. I doubt it would be practical or useful here, considering..." Beli glances back, craning her head to the peak of Purgatorio far, far above. That should speak for her.

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko gives a nod. "This makes things easier. There is only one access point. It simply needs to be made defensible. Restrict it so that an army cannot pass through at once. Place walls around it." As she talks, she turns to look at that place of arrival, slowly pacing around it. "Then make it hospitable. A welcoming room. A place to greet arrivals, if arrivals must be greeted. Indoors, hiding one's defenses is far easier. Those who are invited need never know how strong are the walls surrounding their place of entrance, nor what active defenses hide behind them."

    She nods to herself a few times, the topic bringing more talkativeness out of the Puella Magi of Armor.

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     "You are," Armsmaster replies, without a hint of shame. He crosses his arms, studying the area around him. For better or worse, the blank visor of his helmet hides his eyes and most of his expression. Who knows what he's thinking under there. "If you are truly set against weapons for whatever reason, there is always the option of emplying Protectorate containment foam. Standard-issue, non-lethal. We might be able to conceal the projectors. Without much modification of the projector designs, maintenance might be required every six months. Possibly less."

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik nodded slowly as he paced about, apparently lost in thought. Then a glance to Elasaid. Then to Ayako. Pondering. "Why do they not yet know about this place?" He had a lot to diguest and the forest was small. "If they consider it contested grounds it should be the center of heavy fighting. If we arm it we might call attention and cause the two factions to stomp this place neither holds sway over flat." A frown as he let his train of thought flow. "If we could keep the bodies from collapsing I could prepare shells for spirits to inhabit and leave at need." That was stretching his skills. it would be possible, but bloody difficult. "And if my theories are right because the bodies are innert when not used they shouldn't attract attention on their own."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako blinks her eyes quickly as she turns towards Kimiko, and then pouts softly. Her cheeks puff out a little bit too. "Call me Ayako, please..." She then smiles brightly, "Or. Or. Or Ayako-chan!" Her smile tones back down to 'merely' cheerful. "Nice to meet you, Kimiko!"

    She smiles softly in response to Beli's question, "Umm... I might be a water spirit, but... don't count on me for knowing anything about water magic that hurts people." Ayako thinks quietly to herself... 'Hmm... something with water to keep people that aren't supposed to be there out... but won't mess with things too much?' Of course, Ayako being Ayako, her train of thought goes off the rails fairly quickly. She suddenly says out loud, "But isn't a mop without any water just a weird broom?" She places her hands on top of her head, "Argh, this is anno-Ah!" She brightens all of a sudden. "What if we simply made the entrance really annoying? Like a maze or something similar?"

Zelda (520) has posed:
    "We need not hurt anyone," Zelda remarks to Ayako, "We only need bar their path, if that is what it takes." She glances to the entranceway, then strokes her chin thoughtfully, "I do not know how well my magic might work here, but if it was combined with the magic of others.. and perhaps yours, Beli.. it might prove sufficient."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki shakes her head faintly when Beli mentions sentimentality. "No, no. This place is meant to be a den of peace where the inhabitants can feel at ease, isn't it? In that case, placing an instrument of war -- the very antithesis of tranquility -- in a place like this is illogical; it would ravage the atmosphere as much as any invasions would, and completely invalidate the reason for its existence. That isn't sentimentality. Rather, you're being cognisant of your realm's purpose." She gives a calm smile to the rephaite, along with a gently disapproving look at Armsmaster. Not one meant to invite confrontation if noticed, though.

    She listens attentively as Kimiko gives her suggestions and nods. "Clearly it would be best if any such fortifications were built outside, yes, but if they do manage to enter... and those entering are always delivered to the same point..." She taps her foot to the ground for a few moments. "If you had forewarning, you could easily set up an ambush point there, along with some magical incantations that activate on contact. Most of the time those leave no marks on the land more obtrusive than runic circles." Grin~. "And those are rather appealing if I do say so myself. But if you are not aware that they are coming, perhaps some more permanent binding magic that could detect hostile intentions. That sounds ridiculous, I know, but it was the first thing to come to my mind." She makes a vague shrugging gesture.

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Beli gives Kimiko a thoughtful look when she speaks. "So...you are suggesting building something around the entry point? I suppose that would not be a bad idea, all things considered. A point of welcome for non-enemies may not be the worst idea anyway."

    To Armsmaster...Beli just gives a weary sigh, letting her arms fall to her sides. "Well...I am not against weapons entirely, I just did not really want them lying around obviously everywhere. I did have an idea for golems that could be set up on the various levels, perhaps even empowered further with the souls I have taken from the archangels and demon lords of my world, but...I do not have the first idea how to do that, honestly. What exactly does the foam do, if I may ask?"

    Beli looks to Marrik next. "Well, you saw the approach here. There are no humans for miles, so it is essentially worthless for the war and they would not waste soldiers fighting over it. Furthermore, there are no outside ways of entering any of the afterlives save for gates on Earth, and the only entrance to Purgatorio is...very different from the several entrances to Paradiso or Inferno. I also have not made any real impacts in my world since Purgatorio was created, so they have not been able to find it yet. As far as the bodies...that is an idea, though it comes back to the issue of needing people to arrive here rather than having defenses innately established. I would not want to bind anyone here unwillingly."

    A nod of agreement is given to Zelda's response to Ayako. "Harming anyone who wishes to attack Purgatorio is just one way of preventing them from causing harm to this place. If there are other ways, I am definitely open to them. A maze..." She frowns slightly in thought. "...not a bad idea, though I wonder how that could be set up. I do not know that I can influence the teleportation from the lake to here, but perhaps there may be some other kind of enchantment that could be put on the lake to make it more convoluted for those that are not wanted? My own magic is...particular, but I may be able to do something to help."

    Mizuki is given a soft, grateful smile. At least she's not alone in her thinking. "Thank you, Mizuki. I appreciate that." Then more insight lends a seriousness to her expression as she considers the continued discussion. "That...actually is exactly what would be helpful, I think. Something to tell those who wish Purgatorio harm from those who are benevolent." A brief pause of thought as she rubs the side of her head. "...some of my own magic is already influenced by my intentions. My demonic powers are more potent if I wish to harm someone, and the shield I can create from Raphael's soul has been stronger the more I wish to protect people with it. Perhaps there is something there we could use."

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     If Armsmaster notes Mizuki's look, he gives no sign. He isn't looking for approval. "It ejects from the projector as a liquid and expands into a foam upon contact with air. It is flexible and porous, allowing people caught within it to breathe. It holds its shape and resists impacts and tearing, even from capes with super strength. It is also resistant to high temperatures and is a strong insulator, elimanting any possibility of being burnt or electrified by the people within it."

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko's head tilts to one side as she stares blankly at Ayako. "Ayako-san." That's the closest the spirit is going to get to her fulfilling that request.

    To Mizuki, Kimiko reminds, "There are many entrance points, on the outside. The lake is large, and defending it is difficult without proving obvious. Though," with a glance around, she acknowledges the means outside her knowledge, "there are ways."

    Returning her gaze to the spot on which she and the others had appeared, "This is the natural choke point--the point to which any invasion must be funnelled. If nothing else, placing walls around it will require that those who come through do so one at a time, to avoid tripping over each other." She frowns. Magic could render that point irrelevant. The magic of arrival--how would it interact with blocking the entrance? She doesn't know. It sounds like Beli doesn't, either.

    After a few more moments, Kimiko nods in Armsmaster's direction. "A restricting weapon could be set up in a welcoming room, unobtrusively, to deal with unwanted guests. Many things could be set up, knowing the location of the target. With forewarning, they can even be made ready. But that means... placing some sort of... alarm spell on the lake. Can that be done?" Another glance around.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Nor would I." Marrik stated as he continued pacing. "Through my travels I have seen many that linger that still feel they need to give something for the union. It would take work, but How I animate bodies pretty much makes the spirit independent so it doesn't matter what vassel it uses. So anyone volunteering wouldn't be stuck waiting." He saw it the same as any other term of service. "Folk rotate out between shifts, check in if anything strange happens, but other than an outright invasion it's mostly just to keep eyes out. Unobtrusive and without making a population center to be fought over."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    "Hmm... but if the outside gets too developments all of a sudden, that'd attract attention from other things in your world, right?" Ayako inclines her head to the side, her mood suddenly serious. "So maybe a little bit of subtlety is required here... I mean, we should prepare for invaders from your world too, in case the Confederacy spreads the location and method around for their own interests."

    "Teacher, teacher, question!" Ayako raises her hand like a schoolgirl in class. Where did that seriousness go? "How do the spirits-" She gestures to one of the nearby ghostly spirits, "Know how to get here or get here?" She smiles cheerfully, "Knowing the rules of your world might actually be the key here!"

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki widens her smile at Beli's thanks. "Think nothing of it." She remains quiet throughout the rest of her response, her eyes slowly growing larger as she hears that her ideas might actually be viable. "Oh, really? Well, then we've certainly found a nice point of beginning. If we could perfect some heuristic for identifying malicious intent reliably, we could simply apply that to the lake itself and have a fine way of preventing their entry without massive fortifications or weapons. And if you have any special control over your world, you could apply it on a more grand scale to limit what certain people are capable of doing within Purgatorio's boundaries." Her expression dips a bit shortly after she finishes. "Though if it were that simple, I'm certain we wouldn't have been called here to deliberate..."

    And to Kimiko, a blink. "... ah. So there are." That final suggestion really makes her eyes light up, though. "That's brilliant! If we could do so much with forewarning given the static point of arrival, an alert system would be tremendously helpful! Not only that, but it wouldn't necessarily have to be limited by an intention detector; doorbells don't necessarily hurt people, yes?" She glances to Beli. "I, too, would be interested to know whether that could be done."

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    A nod is given to Armsmaster and Kimiko in turn. "Yes, that definitely sounds like a useful addition. If you might be able to provide that, Armsmaster, I think it would be good to set up, if we go forward with the choke point at the entrance. Thank you." An honest smile is given to Armsmaster, at least a small sign that she doesn't /dislike/ him. This just seems to be something that she's not experienced in at all.

    Marrik gets her attention next as Kimiko considers their current options. "I guess that may be useful, depending on how things are set up. We will have to see how things develop, but I will definitely keep that in mind, if you think there are people willing to do such a thing."

    Blink. Ayako gets her attention with a method that briefly confuses Beli before she gives a quick shake of her head. "Ah...how? Well..." She pauses, frowning in thought as she crosses her arms over her chest. "...for Paradiso and Inferno, they claim various regions on Earth, and anyone who dies there will be sent to their respective afterlife. It is not something they know about or control. I suppose I could end up doing the same, but...for the moment, these souls only came here because I killed about half of the archangels and demon lords that lead the afterlives and the souls that were assigned to them...basically came into me. Then I placed them in here when it was created. Right now...I do not think anyone will be brought here normally, because I have not claimed any regions on Earth. Otherwise...I do not think spirits or humans of my world in general can freely cross between dimensions of their own accord."

    The rephaite looks to Mizuki next, pursing her lips together. "...well, that is...part of the issue. I will admit, I...do not even know most of the finer points of my own world. The demon lords and archangels no doubt are much more experienced than I, but...well, I cannot exactly ask them for help, can I?" A quiet sigh before she looks between Kimiko and Mizuki. "Perhaps...? Combining our efforts may be able to create some sort of sensor on the lake. We have a water spirit helping us, so perhaps that could be a start. Supplementing Ayako's skills with our own may be able to do exactly that. Then it is just a matter of building the entryway and installing defenses inside it."

Zelda (520) has posed:
    "Hm.. Something capable of sensing malicious intent, that disturbs the water, which would trip this.. sensor? I might be able to devise something that would be able to sense such a thing, but.." Zelda again looks to Mizuki and Ayako, "I would need a water spirit's help to tailor such a thing to the environment. From there, it would depend on what defenses you wanted to have in place.."

Marrik (541) has posed:
Ayako raised a good question. Given the spiritual war going on how did ghosts no where to go, and why did that not attract attention? Surely seeing the dead, even a competitive trickle, not going to either plane, should attract notice. Absentmindedly Marrik pulled a thermose out of his coat and poured himself tea to sip while watching the infinite waters.

"Aye, I like the idea of a welcome house that can double as a choke point to box an invader in. Makes a great deal of sense. Unfortunately it also means you only have one point of removal of any threat and there is nowhere the locals can go to." He took a breath while considering. "Is there any way to make it look like this is not all there is? Like perhaps this island is merely the first step and the real heart is somewhere else?" His voice was thoughtful. "Even a series of illusionary islands would require tremendous magic that I am unsure exists."

More pacing before turning to look at Beli, "Do you draw power from this place? As in does the realm gain as more souls fill it?" The wheels and cogs turned in his head. Visions of ghost fleets flanking grandiose islands designed to draw enemies away from the heart of this place as the souls of a thousand worlds rose up to defend their new homeland.

Boy does not think small does he?

"What I am thinking is likely impossible, and a simple gate house and some kind of alarm, possibly with watchers stationed regularly near the lake, is the most straightforward and best immediate answer."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    "Un. Un." Ayako listens carefully... nodding her head once with each sentance that Beli says to answer her question, as if some sort of spiritual period detector. She happens to close her eyes and nod her head thrice when Beli pauses for a longer moment as well. "I see, I see." She smiles brightly, "Then, the outside lake really is the key! We have to figure exactly-and I mean exactly, what we want the lake to do!"

    Ayako glances away for a moment in embarassment, "Beacuse you know~." Her gaze returns to the group, "Water's flexible, you know. If you give it too much ground, it'll do whatever it feels like." She giggles softly.

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     Armsmaster gives a short nod of his head. "Then I will see to the necessary arrangements," he says. He promptly turns on his heel and leaves. No pleasantries, no goodbyes - he said he was going to do something, and he does it.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    "In earnest, I'm not entirely certain how my abilities could be applied here. I'm most versed in the manipulation of time with some exceedingly modest wield over illusion, but even if those things could be helpful somehow, most of my powers are quite... transient. That's to say, I doubt very much that I could aid you in the creation of permanent fixtures." She sighs. "That said, that is no reason not to try. Ah, and not to mention, I happen to have a few friends with some influence over space. Arthur Lowell knows more than I would presume some fathomlessly large portion of the Multiverse knows about portals and magical transportation, for instance."

    She cups a hand around her chin again. "Come to think of it, my sword has the ability to rend reality and create portals as well, and though that can typically only be applied to access my home from a distance, perhaps it could aid somehow in the transmission of a warning signal from the lake to Purgatorio. And perhaps my temporal abilities could be used to quicken the transfer of the warning, if it wouldn't be inherently instantaneous?" She glances between Beli and Kimiko. "Or perhaps if the same alarm could also be tied to a major Union installation so help could arrive more quickly? At the very least, that would be helpful if some variety of fortification were to be built; that would take time, and some alternative would be necessary in the intervening period."

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Beli looks between Zelda and Ayako, nodding slightly. "So Zelda and Ayako can likely work together to apply a sensor to the lake. That is definitely a good start, to limit the ability of hostile forces to enter in the first place. Thank you both, definitely; the sooner you can get started putting together something like that, the better."

    The angelic demon's brow furrows slightly as she tries to consider Marrik's question. "...I do not think I gain power from it, no. I do know that if I were to die, then all of the souls here would be granted to whoever killed me, if they were from my world. Or, otherwise, they would hang around aimlessly until Paradiso or Inferno claimed them. The realm would not shift to accomodate more souls either, I think; it started out this large, and I think it has predicted how large it must be to accomodate all the souls in the world. As far as fooling anyone..." Beli gives a tense sigh. "...I feel like it would not fool the angels or demons. Purgatorio follows their structures; Paradiso is a castle with eight levels, and Inferno is a worm with eight sections. I am not sure they would care about other islands, with how significant this looks and how it matches the other realms."

    And then Armsmaster offers assistance and walks away. Beli blinks and opens her mouth to respond, but he's already vanished through the ocean! A vaguely confused look settles over her expression before she rubs the side of her head. "...well, I guess that is taken care of...

    Her arm drops again as she turns to Mizuki, nodding slightly. "That would also work, if you think your temporal abilities could affect what Zelda and Ayako set up. Making the alert instantaneous would ensure that we can arrive as quickly as possible, if nobody is here at the time. In the meantime, we would need some help building an actual fortification for the entryway, but that should not be terribly difficult to manage with Union resources."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako nods her head once. "Okay, Beli!" She cheerfully smiles and turns towards Zelda, bowing politely to her. "Zelda, was it? I'm in your care." She glances off to the side and scratches her cheek with her right pointer finger. "Umm... I don't know much about your magic, so... just tell me what you need and-" She raises her arms into the air, "I'll do my best!" She smiles a bright smile.

Zelda (520) has posed:
    Zelda nods to Beli, "I will certainly do my best, as well." She smiles at Ayako, "Simple, or so I hope. Adapting the spell I come up with to respond to the water. I can get it to respond only to malicious intent, but tuning it to the water itself will be your task, in this case. I will return, once we conclude here, and get to work as soon as possible."

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    "If an attack comes in force, from outside this world," Kimiko begins, "it will get through. Nothing should be considered impenetrable against the Confederacy. If it were otherwise, the war would not still be fought." There's a hard edge of respectful wariness in her tone. "Delaying tactics, and an alert, sent outward to the Union, are the only actions of use in that case." A nod, then.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki smiles, wrapping her arms behind her back with just a hint of pride. "Then I would say that this is a plan made~. But I would appreciate a moment or two before we do anything if it isn't too much trouble." She paces closer to an edge, fixing her gaze on the horizon. "This place is not charged with the same melancholic energy of which I am usually enamored, but this is still an exquisite view. And its similarity to my local Leviathan... I could swear, it is akin to the reorchestration of a song; the same melody that you so love, but with different instruments to convey its brilliance. Nostalgic, in a way, but the differences are enough to give everything an aura of renewed incadesence." She draws in a breath, looking back to Beli. "In case I hadn't been overt enough before, I shall reiterate: it is a lovely place, this one you call home."

    Hey, it's a miracle that she stayed on topic as long as she did.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik grunted, "Maybe so, but outsiders or the confederacy might." Another sip before he continued, "the effort could better go elsewhere." He looked about and hrmed. "Best I can do is offer interested folk a seat at the table here if they want something to do and aren't ready to leave. Won't be much against elites, but against regulars probably would work out."

Beli Klum (238) has posed:
    Beli gives a nod of understanding to Kimiko. "It is something, at least. Maybe in time I will grow strong enough to provide a stronger defense, but...at the moment, this should at least resist any smaller forces coming through, and buy time for defenders to arrive."

    Mizuki is given a small, grateful smile in response to all her praise. "...thank you. You are free to visit whenever you would like, if you enjoy it this much. I am never opposed to appreciative visitors." She turns to everyone else, then, nodding her thanks. "All of you. Your aid is greatly appreciated, and if there is anything I can do for you in return, please do not hesitate to ask. This would not be possible without all of your assistance. Thank you all, truly."

    The rephaite sighs softly, leaning back against the cliffside as she folds her arms again. "If you all would like to stay for a while longer, please feel free. I...think I will need to take care of something soon, however, so forgive me if I do not stay around for very long. Hopefully these defenses we have come up with will prevent anyone from causing too much of an impact...at least before aid can arrive. It is just a matter of time now..."

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko turns to Beli, closing her eyes a moment, then nodding. "You know that I will come to your aid, if you call." She does not phrase it as a question.

    Her eyes turn to the side, then, as if looking out over the world for the first time. Mn. "It is a nice place. Not like Paradiso. A different landscape." She nods. Nn.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik bowed slightly to Beli. "I would like your permission to start gathering volenteers and possibly to look into something to act outside of the lake." His voice was soft as he spoke. his body language subdued as he put his drink away. "I assure you any that come will be of their own free will, and I will give them the truth and whatever time they need. Having resentful help is worse than useless."

Zelda (520) has posed:
    Zelda certainly seems to agree with Kimiko's opinion, that if the Confederacy wanted, it's not a matter of 'if', but 'when'. "As I said, I will be returning to begin work on my portion of the spell. If you'd like to accompany me, Ayako, or at some point meet with me, then let me know."