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Latest revision as of 15:53, 17 December 2014

Meeting The Real You
Date of Scene: 17 December 2014
Location: Alfheim Online <SAO> <ALO>
Synopsis: Kirito wants to know why Reker isn't logging on from any of the secure sites. The answer is not quite what he was expecting.
Cast of Characters: Kirito, Tomoe, 631, 656

Reker (631) has posed:
    So Reker has not been logging on from the required logon points that Kirito set up. Naturally Kirito wants to know why. After unsucessfully trying to convince Kirito not to worry about it, Reker gave up and offered to meet him at the Cafe. Kirito made him swear not to come in Wander mode after the last time, and Reker agreed. Of course he hasn't shown up yet, so he's probably already running late.

For now the cafe seems quiet, it's not late enough for the usual crowd to be showing up, after all.

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito's not here. Kirigaya Kazuto's here instead. And he's waiting patiently at one of the tables. He's got a glass of water, nothing more. Not that Agil will mind much!

    He's not going to make any smart-alec remarks about this. Yeah. He knows something fishy is up, but coming to the cafe wasn't his idea exactly. If there's a reason to not login from a secure spot... it'd have to be a nasty one.

    Kazuto's sharper than he looks, after all.

Tomoe has posed:
Sheena is tall nearly six feet but she's still abit on the gaunt size she's still not regained all the mass she's lost. She's got red hair that's in a long pony tail she's wearing a jacket with an old but very huge MMORPG from Aemerica, which ironically was getting a reboot boot due to the seed. Soon man and Orc would be butting heads once more.

She however seeme ot be in a fairly good mood and she had a santa hat on, she's milkshake of some sort shich she's just sipping at. She also suspects as much as she looks over to Kirito.

"Kirito? My father wants to make an actual tradtional christmass dinner for your family rather than say KFC."

Reker (631) has posed:
    The door to the cafe finally opens up again, letting in the light from the outside. Nobody comes inside for a few moments however, the door looking like somebody is propping it open with something. After a short bit of time, though, the back of a set of wheels appears, and soon the rest of the chair they are attatched to follows.

    The guy sitting in the chair resembles Reker's avatar almost exactly, save for several differences. This guy looks like somebody blew up the right half of him. Deep scars across his face and an eyepatch covering where his right eye should be, a few missing fingers on his right hand and, of course, the leg missing from just above the knee. Once he's inside, he turns the chair around to take a look at the cafe, spotting Sheena and Kazuto, "You have no idea the favors I had to call in to get all the way over here from the Naval hospital, man. But I know this meeting place was my idea."

Kirito has posed:
    "Oh?!" Kazuto's just as interested in the prospect of good food as anyone else. His face lights up when he turns to face Sheena! "Joining up for a double family meal doesn't sound like a bad idea. We'll have to see what Suguha thinks." He'd love to have Asuna there too but she has her own family... and family troubles...

    Either way when the cafe's bell rings, he turns to look and... face blanks at Reker.

    It's a full five seconds before his expression changes to. It goes from casual to ... a bit shocked... then damned serious. "... R-...Reker?!" Yeah. His face is even a bit pale. But all the shock drains away soon enough. "...I'd wondered if it was something like this... the reason you weren't moving about as yourself. Sorry, I shouldn't've asked about this!"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks to Renker and pauses for amoment she had a friend in SAO who was pretty messed up but not even /this/ badly she has a look of shock on her face it's not bad she's just stunned and now she understands for a moment.

"I... Reker. I didn't even think, I'm sorry and ... I'm Sheena."

Her face is identical oddly to Tomoe's minus the hair and the ears.

"It's good to meet you and I can suspect the level of favours you need to fall in."

Reker (631) has posed:
Reker waves his left hand a bit as Kazuto tries to appologize, "It's fine, it's fine...And you can call me Blake, if we're going to be doing introductions out of the game...Blake Brooks, to be specific. At least I wasn't a girl, I'd probably be Brooke Brooks, knowing my folks." He laughs a little bit and pulls his chair up to the table the two are at.

"I figured you guys would find out sooner or later about this. I'd kinda rather you find out on my terms than stumble into some hospital room where I'm laying unconcious in a bed hooked up to an Amusphere." He looks between the two of them for a second, "Besides I'm not so bad off anymore that I can't get out and about from time to time."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe snickers at Blake's joke and says "Sheena Armstrong. AKA Tomoe the Iron Lily and Eisen. I can understand and honestly it still shows what the technology can do for good. Then again this is comming from someone who sat down to play game with friends I'd made here on exchange and ... we get trapped in a mad man's murder game for over two years. Funny how that goes the cafe's owner he's surivor as well..."

Kirito has posed:
    "..." Kazuto springs an uneasy but friendly enough smile. "Kirigaya Kazuto. Nice to meet you, Blake." He's far younger than Reker, no doubt of that, so there's a new level of awkward here. But he gestures towards the table for Reker to pull up. "yeah. I'd probably feel the same way in your position. You want anything? It is a cafe!"

Reker (631) has posed:
"Well I didn't drive, so a beer would be great." He says, as he grins and shifts his weight a bit, "Anyway. You wanted to know the real reason I hadn't been logging on from any of the designated zones, it's because I'm in one that's secure enough." He says, "Though if the Union wants me to move into one of their facilities, I am sure they could convince the Navy that a transfer is in order."

Older or not, Reker can tell just by looking at them that they've seen their own share of combat. He knows they're both SAO survivors, and while that might not leave the kind of physical scars that he has, mental scars can be far worse.

Tomoe has posed:
The things you could live through as an avatar like what the laughing coffin did to Sheena? She'd have died quickly had she been in the flesh. She thinks for a moment losing her self in the terrible memory being impaled upon a tree the blade being twisted and being froced to watch worse things she snales out of it after a moment.

"Its your choice I don't think deathgun would have the resources to get past but then again if Deathgun's from the multivse?"

Still it's clear Sheena had flashed back to something and Reker is more right than he knows right now.

Kirito has posed:
    Agil'll probably react not too dissimilar to Kirito, but he's older and more professional. Since he's now played though Kirito's player won't think of spoofing him.

    "Yeah. A military hospital's no joke." He's seen his share of things, that's for sure. Because Kazuto's deducing a lot very quickly. No naive and ignorant nonsense from this kid! Because... yeah, he's kinda just a kid.

    "Sheena's right though. ... If you're willing to risk it then what can I say on the matter...?"

Reker (631) has posed:
"I think it's for the best if, for now, I stay put. Don't take it the wrong way, but I really don't want most of the Union knowing about me. At least not this me. I'd rather they just kinda know about Reker. At least for the time being." He takes the beer once it arrives at the table and has a quick drink.

He looks over the two of them again for a few moments, and then takes another drink. This is how he knows they've seen terrible things, way worse than someone their ages should have seen. Most people almost immediately ask him what happened to him. He doesn't usually like to talk about it, but he trusts these two.

"Since I know you're wondering...I was on a mission in Korea. Group of terrorists had planted a bomb in a truck outside of a big diplomatic meeting...I couldn't disarm the bomb, so I jumped in the truck and drove it as far away as I could. I figured I was dead either way but at least I could save people..Lucky for me the explosion didn't kill me outright."

Kirito has posed:
    The face Kazuto makes isn't really pleasant. But it's full of sympathy even as it darkens and his lips tighten up. He hates hearing of people put in such miserable situation. It puts him right into a fit of terror that he has to put every effort towards suppressing - lest it make him VERY visibly flip out.

    "What a thing to be through. Now I see why you prefer FullDive. So you're here in Japan to recover?" He tries to lighten his tone and stay friendly, but man. THAT... that is augh.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "Right we might ask command to post an elite or two the hospital just incase right?"

That would be the best soultion if Deathgun was from off world even a pair of minor elites would be able to do some good there right? She won't press it however. She takes a moment o listen and she listens and stares a littke at what she heard and understands as she hears the tale.

"That was beave..."

Reker (631) has posed:
"I appreciate the gesture." Blake says to Sheena, before looking back over to Kazuto for a second, "Well the unit I was with was based out of Okinawa. I was actually going to pick up SAO when it launched...But we had an operation and I was out of the country at the time...Initially I was pissed, but I figured I'd get it later.." He shakes his head a bit, "Anyway. When I got hurt we evac'd back to an aircraft carrier based out of the base on Okinawa and from there I got moved to my current residence after I was stable. Or so I'm told, truth is I was unconcious for all of that."

Kirito has posed:
    "...." Kazuto's face turns flabbergasted for a bit. Then he can only sigh out his disgruntlement at that arrangement. "A slight difference in release dates or other things..." And maybe Reker would've been in SAO? And probaly died? Instead he saves people in reality and gets his body shredded?

    Kazuto's rarely ever encountered such a nasty twist of fate. He forces a smile. "Well, with any luck, the Union can have you walking and more later, once you've recovered!"

Agil (656) has posed:
    The door into the back of the cafe swings open and Andrew walks out, wearing his usual white shirt, black paints and waist apron. He walks up to his lovely wife, who had been serving up until now. Giving her a quick kiss on the forehead, he says, "Thanks dear, I can take it from here."

    As his wife heads into the back, Andrew walks over to those still here and nods in greeting, "Hey guys. Sorry about that." He chuckles quietly, "Sometimes I wonder which is harder, facing down a raid boss, or balancing the books."

Kirito has posed:
    Kazuto stands up, raring for a fistbump with Agil in greeting! "Definitely the raid bosses! You ever heard paper roar?" Though once greetings are over he'll seat himself again. And exhales wearily. "Here we go again.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks up to Angil and grins for a moment.

"It doesn't roar but it does however crush you none the same. It's good to see you Agil you know. This ia Agil one of our friends from SAO, heck of a tank and a merchant who saved a lot of lives."

Agil (656) has posed:
    "Only in my dreams!" Andrew returns the fistbump, naturally. He then grins at Sheena, "It also draws real blood! I'll take a whack from a boss over a papercut anyday."

    Greetings exchanged, Andrew picks up a glass and a cloth and begins to clean it. He then nods slowly in agreement with Kazuto, "I swear, it's like trouble seeks us out." He hadn't been directly involved in the ALO stuff, but he still helped in the background.

Kirito has posed:
    "You don't have to help with this one, you know." He offers tentatively, uncertain just how Agil's taking this. Well no, he knows how Agil's taking this or he wouldn't e speaking like that. But still...

    Someone could really get killed.

    "Especially with Christmas right around the corner!"

Tomoe has posed:
Sheena smiles a little bit at Agil for a moment and then says "You ahve a point and yes that dinner offer is still there. Seriiously KFC was devous with how they did their marketing on Christmas here in Japan. You know where I'm coming from right Andrew? Anyway I don't think we're going to talk him out of this one Kiri."

Agil (656) has posed:
    Andrew pauses in cleaning the glass at Kazuto's words... "This is some bad stuff. Not SAO bad... But probably more than ALO bad. Assuming it's not all just a coincidence."

    At the mention of Christmas, Agil sighs and rubs the back of his neck, "Yeah... Hell of a time for it." He then grins at Sheena's words. Especially the last bit, "Damn straight. You guys are like-No. You guys ARE family. No way I'm sitting on the sidelines." Andrew smiles, "Kathy's behind me on this. She'd hate to see any of you hurt too."

Kirito has posed:
    Well, Kirito's gonna take that as 'Agil's going to go straight at it.' His expression flickers towards uncertain briefly, but the solemn nod he offers Agil only slightly hides his worry. AgilIS family. He doesn't really want to risk family more than is neecessary.%R    So it's back to working extra-hard to keep everyone safe, isn't it?

    But his words bring some confidence to him, and Kirito manages to smile. "Well, then we'd better not disappoint her!"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe Says "Yes we're one bizzar extened family ain't we? Then we fell into more insanity, I still wonder why I kept logging on if that make any sense and your wife needs to play with us when things are not crazy seriously Andrew. Also I met this guy who /bigger/ than either of us seriouly Gamagori is /huge/."

Agil (656) has posed:
    Andrew gets a mischievous glint in his eyes as he smirks, "Besides, I've already converted my ALO avatar and scored myself some gear."

    Andrew then chuckles at Sheena, "But if she's playing with me, who's going to look after the cafe?" He then raises an eyebrow, "Oh really?" Bigger than him? Psh!

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito's eyes go wide momentarily, showing... a bit of nervous awkwardness. "A-already? Sheesh. I hope you aved your appearance for the return trip!" Well, the instructions on how to do that were made pretty clear thankfully... "I plan on making a few adjustments when we're all done. Yui's been complaining about Kirito's hair being too spiky." And he, unlike the others, never did take the original offer for restoring his SAO appearance... he just got lucky and came 'kinda close' when he converted to ALO.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "Heh I'd been playing GGO on an alt account since March si I'm going pretty good I kinda wanted a game to get away from ALO when I wanted to you know get away form being that ALF who played SAO you know?"

Agil (656) has posed:
    Andrew nods quickly at the mention of saving his appearance, then says, "Plus, I got my GGO avatar looking pretty close too." He looks at Sheena, "I considered going with a different look, to differentiate myself from ALO and SAO." He grins and shrugs, "But then I figured it wouldn't really be Agil then."

    Andrew turns to eye Kazuto for a moment, then chuckles, "I thought the spiky hair was more badass. But then you can't say no to the little lady, right?"

Kirito has posed:
    "Hoh? Yeah. Oddly enough, I've gotten so used to everyone looking like they do in the flesh that seeing otherwise is a bit disorienting." Kirito points out, slightly chagrined at his own silly quirk. And carefulyl saying nothing about his own predicament.

    He does nod to Tomoe though. "Uweh, you never even told me."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks at Kirito and makes a face.

"What it's a western made shooter games they histroically are not that popular I figured it wouldn't be your thing As for Gear Agil I can hook you up with some things and stop giving me that look Kiri..."

Agil (656) has posed:
    Andrew nods in agreement with Kirito, wiping his clith around the edge of the glass, "Yeah, all that time in SAO... Even in ALO, we weren't all that different. Plus the time we see each other here... It would be kind of weird."

    Andrew nods to Tomoe, "I've heard of GGO before and considered it. But I don't have a lot of time as it is so until now figured I'd just stick with ALO." He then waves her off, "Thanks for the offer, but I should be good, for now. I know a guy who owed me a favour. Managed to get myself some decent stuff." He grins, "I think you'll appreciate it..."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "I can't wait to see and I got to wonder about what you'd think of my avatar hummmm? I don't think your going to expect how I look in GGO." The randomizer had an interesting sense of humopr indeed.