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Latest revision as of 22:17, 17 December 2014

Operation Morbid Chant
Date of Scene: 16 December 2014
Location: Earth-115
Synopsis: Aliens invade Munich in Germany. XCOM + others go wreck face.
Thanks to: Thanks to EVERYONE who attended. You're all awesome.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 27, Staren, 62, 112, 647

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:

CRASH, skitter. Plasma bolt.


The Skyranger circles in over an open area, descending low enough to deploy rappeling lines. Elise, Marilyn "Smokey" Hawkins, Olga "Viper" Zayseva, and Bessie "Freud" Donaldson leap out and grab the lines, sliding down them before bringing out their weapons. A pair of MECTs leap out afterwards, slamming down hard enough to fracture the concrete, Kalia "Piledriver" Malhotra and Donatello "Rome" Mancini. They check their miniguns, and test fire the Kinetic Strike Modules on their left arms, the jets flaring for a moment.

    Elise calls it in. "Strike One on scene. Big Sky, disengage and return when we call for you. Bradford, task Rec-sat Delta to our location... I wanna know what we're up against. Strike Elements, fan out and get in cover!"

    Anyone that comes with the team is allowed off the dropship, before it pulls away to take up a holding pattern high overhead, and the ground team fans out to duck behind low walls and parked vehicles... a strange high-pitched whistling/warbling sound emits from a building nearby, along with the deep roaring of some large animal a bit further off.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"...Ruddy 'ell. Do I just 'ave a knack for bein' in the wrong place at the right time? I think I'm secretly a bleedin' trouble-shooter..."

Jonothon Starsmore happened to be in the area-- that seems to happen a lot-- when the distress call about Munich came in. He'd been heading in the opposite direction but when he heard about the trouble he turned his bike around so fast he almost laid the poor thing down on its side. Thankfully he was skillfull enough not to end up with a face full of pavement.

But he's heading into the area probably faster than is strictly safe to travel. He's not worried about the speed. His only real concern is that the people cordoning off the area might not let him in. He does look like 'just some guy' when he's all wrapped up like this. But he doesn't want to approach people who are very likely already on-edge with his face on fire-- he might get shot. Ah well. He'll explain-- if needed-- when he gets there.

Yamato (112) has posed:
    Hitching a ride on the Skyranger itself this time is a completely ordinary (if a bit unusually tall) japanese girl in casual clothes and a windbreaker. The only thing denoting the reason for her presence is the patch on the sleeve of her jacket, a black and silver military patch sporting a naval warship in shilhouette and, in golden embroidery: '1st FLEET MIDWAY - IJN SBB YAMATO'.

    The XCOM troopers disembark and Yamato follows after the departure of the two massively armored MEC troopers. She might have chatted a bit with Piledriver on the flight over. General curiosity about the cybernetics, nothing overtly rude or invasive. But now it's time to see these things in action. And to show them what she can do, too.

    She jumps out, rather than using the cables, just like the two MECs before her. In midair, the girl is wreathed in light that replaces her regular clothes with the haori and hakama of a samurai warrior, gleaming silver-gray armor materializing around her arms, legs, and shoulders. By the time she slams into the ground, cracking the asphalt, she is fully Deployed and sweeping up the distinctive triple gun turrets affixed to the yokes of her shoulders.

    "Battleship Yamato, deployed on site and beginning radar sweep."

Noiela (647) has posed:
Braced for impact, the landing itself leaves one of the elites looking rather frazzled and wobbly footed when she emerges from the vehicle. Rather incongruously low tech admist the group, the most sophisticated item in her possession the radio bulging from a firmly stitched inner pocket of her dark coat. Needless to add, her contribution to the conversation on the way over was notable by its absence, focused on keeping her mouth tightly shut.
Forced to rappel unlike her other two comrades of the hour, the trained MECs down below might be amused to see her snails creep as she inches to eventually reach the ground with a shudder and deep gulp of wonderful, life giving air and to probably lapse into a private debate about whether it would be worth another lecture from her a certain Pegasus Knight simply to avoid this harrowing event ever again.

But, time is ticking. Squaring her shoulders and yanking her hood up to cover the head and most of the face, off she scurries to locate the closest vantage point.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone is here she'd been called up very quickly suitd up in armourm, and grabbed one of the SHIVs from the armory she's also sporting some odd gloves on her hand hopefully they'd be of use but then again given the nature of Arc Throwerss and the like but she's still ready and she's got a rifle incase she's needed. As ever it's loaded with reaper rounds and she's alredy moving to hook up her self to comm and computer systems within the skyranger as she orders the SHIV off and out.

Staren has posed:
    As the Skyranger pulls away, what looks like a chrome-colored jet fighter flies in, then in a blur of moving parts, arms and legs deploy under the duselage and it slows down to look over the area. Staren would land, but... well that guy asked for a sweep, so why shouldn't the heavily armed and armored robot do it? Remaining in hybrid mode for now, Staren flies his machine around the area, making note of any aliens he can see from above!

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Bradford chimes in over local comms. "RecSat Delta will be on station in two minutes Commander." Elise nods, then signals the MECTs forward. The pair exchange glances with Yamato and Noiela, Piledriver clapping a giant armoured hand on Yamato's shoulder, before stomping off down the middle of the street.

    The interference sound, the whistling/warbling, stops suddenly, then plasma bolts lash out from an abandoned shopfront, one of those little 'corner shop' dealies. Within are a quartet of Thin Men, hissing as they scatter behind cover.

    Staren's sweep would earn plasma fire from below, and the sight of a Muton group banging their chests, before leveling heavy plasma cannons at his aircraft.

    Kotone's SHIV is a welcome addition, and Viper 'tags' it to follow her, while she advances on the revealed Thin Men.

    Meanwhile: Jonothan would encounter a roadblock, and the police officer signals for him to turn around. "You don't want to go that way, friend... find a hotel for the night." he suggests.

Staren has posed:
    Plasma fire comes in from below! Spots on the armor heat up and melt a bit, but... this /is/ a vehicle, so they're relatively small spots. The left arm deploys a beam shield and shifts position to block followup shots, while the right arm draws its missile launcher. With a sort of rolling motion, the Star Hawk fires a few missiles down at the Muton group then flies back towards the others to reinforce them.

    The missiles try to home in on the mutons and then airburst next to them -- plasma shots could easily pop them early, though! Either way, when they detonate, the plasma warheads superheat the surrounding area in about a fifteen foot radius to turn the air into plasma! Staren hopes they don't like that!

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Roadblock! Jono is forced to bring his motorcycle to a stop to avoid hurting anybody. Jono expected that so he's not upset. Shaking his head he notes, "I'm actually here ter 'elp. I'm an Elite. An' besides that..." He pauses and reaches up to his face to pull down the wrappings there so they rest loosely on his shoulders. When he does so the not-fire leaps free to billow and crackle up about his neck and face. He returns that hand to the handlebars of his motorcycle (in keeping with 'leaving his hands where the officer can see them') and waits for the officer to decide what he wants to do.

Yamato (112) has posed:
    The bulky MEC hand resting on her shoulder is acknowledged by Yamato, though she simply nods at the gesture and steps forward. With the two MECs sporting melee weapons, while Mikase herself lacks a (dedicated) close range weapon, she brings up the rear of the heavy armor formation, the barrels of her main battery angled forward and up in readiness.

    Plasma bolts as a greeting. One of them splashes across the Maiden's Barrier Armor, smearing across the surface along the forming crack but not penetrating. Taking one more step forward so that she can plant her feet side by side, Mikase leans forward to level her battery's main guns. The explosive staccato of 46cm cannons fills the street in front of her with smoke. Her aim isn't particularly accurate. It's more intended to send the alien agents scrambling for cover in a way that they won't be too keen on shooting back, for their own safety.

    It also might have shattered every window within about 20 feet of her.

Noiela (647) has posed:
Noiela is stealthy, or simply a far more ordinary type of Elite. No flashing eyes, no floating hair or giant robotic marauder. So, it is with little fanfare she sidles into frame where the man gently blazing away is trying to convince the officer of his worthy intentions.

"We could use the firepower. Let's not get bogged down in procedure, sir." She says in a quiet voice that achieves the feat of penetrating through the gunfire and other ambient racket. "Another explosive talent? Let us stick together to thin any ranks...not that I can do much."

How did she cover the ground so quickly without being seen, remains a mystery. At least she looks marginally less white in the face, relatively speaking.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone's SHIV moves out and follows after VIper at this point moving to keep watch and taking any clear shots it might get at the thinmen but watching for friendlies as always. Kotone meanshwile is listening to the comm chatter and paying attention to those whom are alreayd fighting.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    The officer steps back and reflexively goes for his weapon, before it registers. "Elite... right... uh." Then suddenly Noiela! The poor cop spins around and stares for a moment, the others in the roadblock looking bewildered. "Um... well alright, sure. Head on through." The blocking cars back up to let the motorbike through.

    Yamato's barrage blasts the front of the store clean open, shells shattering brickwork and leaving a crater in the street outside. It has the desired effect of the Thin Men all scrabling out of the wreckage to get behind cars and dive into surrounding buildings, letting the MECs close in, and Viper, Elise and Smokey, along with the SHIV to lay down a hail of bullets. The weedy infiltrators and pilots don't last long, erupting into noxious clouds of poisonous miasma. Staren's assault gets the Mutons to scatter, their armour melting a little from the sudden returned plasma blasts, but they don't seem too badly hurt by it. Damn things are TOUGH. Staren would then get a surprise, as a pair of floating pill-shaped things rise out of a side alley, transform into a strange almost crab-like form, and lay down a stream of pulse fire. It isn't /quite/ laser, nor plasma, it's something unique. THe yellow beam-pulses come in from the side, hoping to strike the Star Hawk in a vulnerable spot.

Staren has posed:
    Staren's on his way back when suddenly, cyberdiscs! A few shards of armor fall as the Star Hawk flies by. It's not dangerous damage /yet/, but... it's not like Staren can afford to just stand there and take it!

    "Ohh, you have flyers? You wanna dogfight?" The arms and legs pull up and the fighter flies away, but the missile launcher fires a salvo... seven missiles curve around and speed back towards the cyberdiscs, three to one and four to the other. Their aim: to ram into the armor at supersonic speed and explode inside them!

    And then, Staren finishes his loop and roll, the Star Hawk flying back towards them, railgun blazing... and then bringing the arms and legs out again to SLASH at one of the discs with a beam saber! "I was never big on conventional dogfights."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono looks up at hearing the woman's voice. And then nods to her suggestion. "Good idea. Yer need a ride in?" he inquires. There's room on the bike if she wants to get on. Looking to the confused officer he pulls a salute. "Thank yer. Take care officer." While he waits for Noiela to either get on the bike or not he takes a moment to pull at one side of his coat. "Oi. Gabby. Get out 'ere. I need your 'elp."

And then suddenly there's a tiny robot girl climbing out an inside pocket. "GAAAAAAAOOOO~!" she declares as she climbs out and rests on his shoulder. "What's up Partner?"

"Got a bit 'o alien trouble," Jono replies. "Think yer could do some recon an' tell me where they're at?"

The robot girl nods. "Right! On it!" With a flash of Slipway energies her armor materializes. And then with a "GAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOO~!" she's away!

Yamato (112) has posed:
    Her objective fulfilled, the Thin Men driven out and summarily cut down by XCOM's concentrated fire, Yamato swings her guns upward. The barrels still billow with smoke, even while the mechanisms inside the turrets on her shoulders click and wind, loading fresh ammunition and powder. With the smoke around her clearing, she skims over the devastation wrought by herself and the people around her. There's a nod. A brief conversation via her communications gear, and a few marks made on the chart occupying the back of her mind.

    There's a glance towards Piledriver, a jerk of her head, and then Yamato hauls off to a steady walking pace. Not in a particular hurry, at least not on land, the avatar of a battleship is not a creature that is known for speed. Rather, she is the steady and unrelenting fortress of steel armor and heavy guns. The faster MEC is probably better suited to the forward scouting than Yamato herself.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Oh dear Noiela shows up and She's got no idea whom she is but she marks them as friendly for the moment, and she also moves to pact into comms. She mnotes something even as she's issuing commans to the Shiv at a rate a normal human on her world would be unable to do. The mutons woulf find they are geting pot shot at by the SHIV trying to give the living personel some back up.

Noiela (647) has posed:
Noiela hitches her coat tails in lieu of skirts and swings her booted legs over the saddle in a blaze of bravado. "Yes. I'll cover your entry...that way, you can focus on not crashing into the enemy." Pause, humour drier than bone "Battlefields. Like market day. Only more death." Jokes keep her nerves from jittering, grinding her knees grimly into the metal 'flank' as she unties the strap binding tome and belt.

From thereon she would blast anyone who poses a threat with short, sharp bursts of white gold fire that crackles and jumps like a live wire coiled beneath her fingertips, pages fluttering madly when she summons forth the energies. Also perceptible is the faint ripple of illuminated text twisting to reform the flesh scorching power.

For dignitys sake, the rather revealing look of round eyed wonder and sheepish smile when hopping onto the machine and coming face to face with cuteness will be kept to a minimum.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    The Cyberdiscs aren't true aerial combatants, They can hover, sure, and act more like gunships than fighter jets. So when missiles come screaming at them, they attempt to jink to the sides, earning several hits each. This forces them to transform back to Defender Mode, as railgun slugs rain down on them, scoring up their armour plating but not penetrating the reinforce plates... it's forcing them down again though, seems the missiles exploded outside the armour, but might have damaged the null-grav units.

    The SHIV receives return fire from those heavy plasma cannons. They're built for anti-heavy infantry work, so are really innacurate against such a small target. Their focus lets Viper to sneak up and POUNCE on one of them, stabbing it in the exposed fleshy parts with her knife and cackling madly as it tries to shake her off, roaring in defiance.

    Rome rounds a corner, which Freud stays behind, and charges his KSM while advancing on another Muton. They grapple, and a big armoured leg smashes the beast back, while the Module deploys booster jets. It fires them as the Muton leaps at the MEC, slamming the Pilebunker into its face and sending it flying away into a parked car... which then summarily explodes.

    Piledriver charges forward, keeping her minigun aimed as she rounds the corner and finds another group of Mutons. This time there's one in red armour, and it doesn't seem to be holding a weapon.

    Jono and Noiela ride in, and find the /other/ heat signature, a mass of about twenty Sectoids, which skitter out of the bike's path with panicked chittering. They're cut down easily by Noiela's lightning whips, fragile grey bodies falling apart under the assault.

Yamato (112) has posed:
    Shortly behind Piledriver, Yamato rounds the corner as well. Her arrival is, however, announced well ahead of time by her forward-extended cannons and thus the aliens have plenty of fore-warning that the MEC trooper is not alone. However, Yamato does not immediately advance. Rather, she plants her feet and swivels the guns down once more. The elevations change, spreading her angle of fire slightly in an effort to target both of the mutons surrounding the red-armored trooper.

    Her intention is to either kill them or destroy the cover they're using to make matters easier for the trooper she's escorting to finish them off. The Berserker itself she specificaly avoids, to see what it does. If it is a non-combatant of some kind, capturing and interrogating it may yeild valuable information!

    With a roar of guns, Yamato's battery hurls high explosive ammunition downrange, to either side of Piledriver as some sort of insane announcement to the woman's presence.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono actually chuckles at the joke. And responds, "Heh... depends on which market you're goin' to." He waits until Noiela's settled and then heads off into the fray. Noiela's whippy lightning surprises Jono, but he manages to stay on the road. "Whoa. Cool."

Hers is also not the only firepower being brought to bear either. Gabby's taking potshots with an incendiary pistol whenever she can. And not only that but Jono can fire over his handlebars since his bike doesn't sit deeply. Hopefully the fact that his energy's kinetic force rather than actual fire will work in his favor.

With the idea over the radio Jono makes for the biggest pile of debris he can find. "Hold onter your arse, luv," he warns. And then just GUNS IT.

Staren has posed:
    The cyberdiscs very noticeably fail to have exploded to bits. Well, Staren didn't really expect it to be that easy -- that's why he's come back, after all, and plasma-sworded one at close range. But instead of flying past he stops, the legs shifting orientation to direct thrust forwards and stop him, just before the Star Hawk spins and transforms to humanoid mode -- and then it shuts off the sword. And Staren just tries to GRAB the discs and THROW them at the ground and STEP on them. At which point the laser drill and electromagnetic pylons in the foot tries to pound through them -- it's not normally a weapon, just a stabilization device, but... Staren's annoyed at how tough these things areand has decided to stay up close and personal instead of dogfighting at long range, to see how well it works out!

Noiela (647) has posed:
Gripping solely via her knees and equal grit, the girl feels her stomach pretty much lose its figurative bottom when they lift off, falling away as the forces conspire to make her for mere seconds, utterly weightless before the gut wrenching arc towards the ground begins and she must act swiftly. Out shoots her bolts, aiming strictly for jagged metal debris that pokes upwards, the not exactly lightning rods and charged pylons of death for anyone touching them or the adjoining objects. Also frying those who simply were not prudent enough to seek cover from targets set above, face a mask of concentration; forehead beaded in sweat.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
The Cyberdiscs are more weapons really in her experiance and she knows she's gong to have to worry about these thingd quite a bit. The SHIV can't dodge and its' being hit from time to time and it's armour is holding for the moment, it can't hold forever however but it's holding up well enough at this point. Kotone is making sure to make each shot count and every bolt drawn by the SHIV is one less at anyone else.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
Staren goes and stomps on the Cyberdiscs. One gets crushed and just goes dead, the other, however, wriggles under the Star Hawk's foot, before it seems to trigger some kind of self destruct, detonating in a rather impressive explosion, for the size of the construct. It's power source being a very potent thing. It might be enough to shred the leg apart!

    Jono and Noiela get massive air, and Noiela's lightning continues to tear apart the Sectoids. Some try to return fire, plasma pistols firing wildly as the little cowards panic.

    Yamato's shells strike true, holes appearing in the green-armoured Mutons and sending them flying backwards, spewing smoke and spraying yellowish 'blood' all over the place. The Berserker, meanwhile, just ROARS and punches itself in the chest, before CHARGING at a speed a being that size shouldn't be able to achieve. It's lucky Piledriver's there, as she parries the punch it throws, and shoves it backwards, the MEC and Berserker becoming locked in a melee battle with the new hostile.

    Viper manages to cut her Muton's throat, the thing gagging on blood before slumping over. Viper hops off it and pouts. "Aww, I broke 'im." before she dances out of the way of the remaining Muton as he swings a heavy maul down at her. "Too slow~." She returns the favour with a buckshot facial, making the thing stagger, then roar defiantly. Freud and the SHIV get in on the action, and pepper the things armour with bullets, forcing it back so that Rome can come in and pound it flat with a STOP sign. Hitting it literally hard enough to stop traffic.

Yamato (112) has posed:
    Direct hits. The Muton soldiers are literally blown away, to Yamato's satisfaction. This will give her a chance to see what the red-armored cretin is inclined to do--which is to enrage and just hurl itself face-first into the nearest thing that's not on its own side. That is definitely NOT a non-combatant. More like some kind of berserker warrior, who is currently pounding on Piledriver's reinforced hull.

    Internal mechanisms clicking through their reloading process, there's not enough time to reload her battery with her companion under the hammer already. So instead, she takes a page from Piledriver's book. She leans forward, guns sweeping back behind herself. In a commanding tone, she barks, "Turn him towards me!"

    That's all the warning the MEC trooper gets before Yamato kicks off, accellerating rapidly. She leads with her heavily armored right-side turret at a flat run, intent on just bowling the Berserker right over with the sheer weight of her Deployment. A straight on blindsided body check with the sturdy flat surface of her turret housing.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Massive air is pretty damn cool. And Jono would be grinning at the reaction from Noiela if he still had a mouth. But sadly getting peppered with plasma bolts while hurtling through the air at the mercy of gravity doesn't exactly make for the easiest time in dodging. Jono gives a "Ghn!" as one of the bolts goes through his chest. It's likely to NARROWLY miss Noiela. On the other hand aside from that sudden jerk and wince of pain Jono seems fine.

One more thing-- since Jono's motorcycle doesn't actually have the ability to fly the 'flight' has to come to an end. He knows it's going to be one hell of a jolt if they land right on the ground. So he tries to aim his bike at a Sectoid or two as it comes down. While warning is passenger, "'Old on! This 's not gonna be a soft landin'!" Hopefully he'll be able to land on a Sectoid and it'll cushion the impact. If he can land on one it's going to get a tiremark ground into it too.

Staren has posed:
    KABOOM! The mecha's foot explodes! ...Oops. The Star Hawk starts to tumble over, then turns and catches itself on a building. Staren frowns. While the mecha can still operate, that's a hit to its maneuverability -- standing, the foot is used for stabilization, of course, and flying, the foot contains the vectored thrust nozzle that allows the valkyrie-descended machine some of its famed maneuverability.

    Note to self, he thinks, don't stomp on those things. Although, it did work pretty well on the one...

    There are teammates in trouble, though! The Star Hawk crouches and leaps, a bit clumsily, but it gets into the air and the rockets in the back packs and the left foot's thruster nozzle let it make a nice, wide arc as it leaps back to the main combat to support the MEC troopers! ...But Yamato had the same idea, and he can't get a clear shot with her fighting it. Well then. He looks around, searching for any more incoming targets. Wouldn't do to have them surprised!

Noiela (647) has posed:
Noiela inadvertently uses her ride as a meatshield, scrabbling to hand over a potion using the single hand before it hits; the man is aflame from within. Restorative fluid is not going to seal that breach, let alone aches and pains when the old boy cannot even swallow.

Instead, she loops her free arm round his waist in a panic, infusing the sword at her hip moments before she hurls the unsheathed thunder blade out in a sloppy aim towards the brutish berserker. Its bronze point would likely not pierce its chestplate, but it was worth a hasty attempt to be useful. Perhaps ensure a distraction from its continued sledgehammer punches crumpling the reinforced Piledriver bit by bit. If it even hits, with the numerous chittering foes and even comrades who might get in the way.

Then it is squint, hold on and pray furiously to Naga as the wind whips her cheeks raw. "Re...remind me never to attempt this again!"

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    It's a ballsy move. Piledriver can't get her KSM into position with the Berserker pounding on her like that. But as it rears back to axe-handle her again, she grapples it and hauls it around at Yamato's direction. She lets go as the Battleship plows into the red-armoured berserker, making the thing oof and roar in confusion.

    It starts pounding on Yamato now instead, while Noiela's sword goes wide, embedding in the ground. The rest of the team form up, but noone can get a clear shot on the Berserker while Yamato is there, except.

    Elise has been quietly watching from her perch atop a building. She's aiming at the Berserker, and speaks into her throat mic. Should Yamato manage to get clear, she takes the shot she's lined up, sending a red-trailed slug right for the things armoured head.

Yamato (112) has posed:
    The Berserker's fist weapons pounding on the gunhouse of Yamato's turret creates a racket that echoes off the streets of Munich. It also creates dents in the thick armor, but this does nothing to slow the Fleet Maiden down. She presses forward, keeping the Berserker on its feet and busy trying to deal with her weaponry. However, the turret is rotating.

    With little warning for a tunnel-visioned berserker warrior, the heavy cannons of Yamato's main battery swing around, aimed at the monster's side. The speed isn't fast enough to cause any serious damage from the impact. Rather, Yamato uses them to shove the Berserker aside and slam it into the wall.

    The same maneuver allows Yamato to blow right past the alien fighter, leaving it clear for the others to follow up.

Staren has posed:
    Upon hearing Elise's command, Staren has the gatling railgun start spinning up, and the panel covering it on the front of the right arm's pack opens.

    As soon as Yamato leaps back... The arm lifts and directs a hail of hypersonic metal slugs at the Berserker! And the ground under it.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:

The impact isn't as hard as Jono thought. Mostly because of the Sectoid that ended up being a landing platform. He also gunned it when he landed so the Sectoid probably has a fair amount of skin missing from anything it happened to have exposed-- and maybe a little bit of armor lost-- from spinning tires. A motorcycle's wheels aren't very merciful.

Either way Jono is trying to get back to the main group. That big red thing looks like it's giving the others trouble. For her part Gabby switches out the pistol for the missiles. The cylinder at her right hip swivels up to over her shoulder and she fires all four of the missiles at the Berserker. For Jono's part he leans forward a little and fires a large blast at the thing.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is keeping track of everyone as this is one of the rare time she does not fear what she is, she's making use of what she can do if she doesn't people might end up worse than she did she's not even aware really she's letting go in this point. The SHIV is working pretty hard still as she moving to bring it about try to help bring down the Brezerker because holy heck that thing's insane.

Noiela (647) has posed:
"Maybe the joints are where my electrocution can travel and wreck a measure of instability. Did not the cyborg mention his augumentations are fuelled by a harnessed circuit of lightning?" Noiela muses, mere seconds before the juddering thump and resultant squish underwheel, gritting her teeth hard enough to ache as in the foreground the slam is executed without a hitch. A fistful of lightning and she bides her time until both Jonothon and his little trooper have fired off their missiles. Then she leans back, bringing her arm up in a jerky underthrow and loosening several minature clusters of electricity balled up tight and ready to splinter into forked 'tongues' aimed straight at the places where the elbow attaches upper and lower arms, wrists to hands...wherever the hinted line breaks up the metal surface. Whether she suceeds is entirely immaterial. It would hit hard and travel far, hissing fitfully.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    While the Berserker's armour is far thicker and heavier than the 'regular' Mutons, it's no match for the combined firepower leveled against it. Yamato's slowmotion slam has it staggered, then the Reaper Round slams into the helmet, detonating and taking the armour with it. This just serves to piss the thing off even more, but it can't follow up on the instint to run up to and smash Elise.

    Staren's railgun peppers the armour, denting and staggering the thing even more, then Jono and his Shinki are adding more pressure. Noiela's strike makes the thing roar in pain as electricity arcs all over it.

    The rest of the team opens up as well, the sounds of gunfire not abating until the Berserker is just a mushy pile of meat paste, falling backwards with a squishy thump.

    Bradford chimes in then. "Good Work Strike One. We're reading no further hostiles in the AO, mission accomplished, come on home."