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Latest revision as of 22:12, 19 December 2014

You Are Unwelcomed Here
Date of Scene: 11 December 2014
Location: TARGET: DBZ Zone 92
Synopsis: Madara assaults Zone 92. Optimus Prime shows up to stop him.
Cast of Characters: 568, 651

Madara Uchiha (651) has posed:
Zone 92 is a battlefield that Madara Uchiha has fought upon once before. He found the motives behind his opponents did not lend to an entertaining battle, even if they were at least somewhat capable. Further, by giving up Zone 92 to the unaffiliaed party 'Zwei', who was only assaulting the Confederacy due to a deal with the Union, Madara removed that opponent as an obstacle. They no longer had any reason to come after the Confederacy in the future - something that would not be the case had he defeated the hive mind-like machine. But before he left, he had made a statement. 'I can take this place back any time I wish.'

Now is that time, and it is heralded by the soldiers stationed at Zone 92 suddenly coming under attack from gigantic planets. The earth just suddenly erupts with branches, roots, leaves - full-scale trees grown in moments and accelerating their growth well beyond any natural proportions, becoming huge. Most people do not see trees as dangerous.

Trees are terrifying. And as tanks are thrown through the air with casual strength, soldiers crushed between or beneath surging roots, bark repelling or ignoring attacks from conventional weaponry, that fact is not in question.

Standing atop one of the trees is Madara himself, with his long mane of spiked black hair, his red-on-black eyes, and his characteristic red armor. He is wielding the jutsu of his greatest foe, without any particular qualms. But this is merely to get attention and disrupt the soldiers. It is Elites he wishes to face.

The bloody smears on the huge forest he has grown in a matter of minutes are of no important to him. So he folds his arms over his chest, and he waits.

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
It would not be long till the warpgate comes to life and roaring out of it at speeds that no semi-truck should roll at, blasts out of the warpgate. The tires impact the ground, the headlights brightly illuminating the area ahead, even as the chaos breaks around the vehicle.

The insignia of the Autobots on either side of the sleek semi-trick, and it moves around the rising bark and roots as it almost seems like the very world turns on the Union members stationed here. Death was falling around him as people are crushed under the massive trees and slamming down roots.

As such, one tank goes flying ahead and collides down right in front of him. Those tires don't even break, instead the red semi-truck transforms as now the near thirty foot tall robot takes his place. He roars out with anger and his true blue optics gleam with bright light, almost on the edge of white by the sheer anger in his spark.

War, war was a brutal thing. Lives could be taken, but this-- this was not acceptable. This was taking over lives without even concern and the very man responsible for it was easy for the Prime to find. Standing there, arms crossed.

The center of it all.

For those who may have known Prime's before, or has it has been implied to him under other confrontations. The former Prime would call out, would speak-- perhaps even find a means to call for peace or even hold back. Though some of him desired to perhaps do the same, to hold back-- the sight of what was happening here...

...No more.

For no words came. No 'stand down' or 'that is the end of the road'. No, the only thing that came for the man behind this attack, standing on his tree was the massive machine charging straight for him, hand retracting as bright orange energy axe took his hands place and a hard cleaving swipe of his own energy bladed weapon. Showing all signs that he was out for blood in return.

Madara Uchiha (651) has posed:
Madara sees an Elite incoming - or so it seems, at least. A large vehicle of some kind, moving at considerable speed, and recently emerged from a Warp Gate. However, the legendary shinobi waits until he sees the vehicle transform into a large, mechanical warrior, before taking action. He leaps off his branch in a blur of movement, only to find an energy axe forming and swinging at him, extending his opponent's reach beyond what was anticipated. He is seemingly slashed in half, rent into two distinctly seperate pieces, which fall down in tatters, streaming some white or grey substance all the way to the forest floor.

In the darkness created by the forest, and among all the foliage, it may be that Optimus Prime loses track of Madara. Or perhaps not, given that he likely has sensory abilities beyond that of a mere human. Either way, however, in the shadows the bisected Madara simply reforms his body gradually over the course of several seconds. Dust and debris gather and repair him, the parts that were seperated disintegrating, and new parts forming in their place. There is no blood or viscera as a result of his injuries.

And then up out of the darkness, comes a huge, ephemeral, skeletal fist made of pure energy. It attempts to strike Optimus Prime right in his center mass with considerable force nearly on par with his own strength. A skull, ribcage, a second arm, and then two legs follow after that first appendage, and the bones vanish as the energy condenses around the giant construct's form, becoming heavily armored 'flesh' of glowing blue force.

A pair of circles shine from the center of the Chakra warrior's face, and another pair in the face on the back of its head. In each of its hands, a blade of Chakra flames erupts into existence. Madara floats at the center of his Susano'o, seemingly no worse for wear, aside from some cracks and tears in his body that are even now sealing up. "I see. You are not an opponent I can hold back against too much. I am Madara Uchiha. What is the name of the warrior I am about to face?" he calls out. Optimus may not have words to say, but it seems this shinobi does.

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
The Autobot Commander watches as the man is cut into two. He remembers what he was warned, attempting to observe how this was done, however such an observation would not be the case. As his senors on his HUD warn of him of a high energy spike.

Before Optimus Prime can even react accordingly, the massive energy fist slams the Autobot Commander back. The sheer impact cracking the glass chest panels, and causing the Commander to impact into the ground behind, smashing into a building and sliding along the ground.

As Optimus starts to stand up once more, those blue optics still glow brightly, even as they narrow. Listening to as the Shinobi introduces himself within a constructed form. "You have taken lives.. and you ask for my name.." Optimus huffs out, as he then widens his stance slightly. "Ask for it from your Confederate comrades!"

Optimus then charges, his heavy steps shaking the very ground, "Because you will not get it from me!" He then charges in to slam his body into the constructed form, attempting to knock it off balance, before swinging his mass around with the axe ready to try and cleave now into the very constructed body that Madara has given himself.

Madara Uchiha (651) has posed:
The Susano'o is rammed, and sent backwards into one of the giant trees, splintering its surface and sending deep cracks throughout its trunk. The Susano'o is strong and tough, but it seems not very agile, even though its scale is similar to Optimus's own. As the axe comes around and cleaves into the shoulder of what amounts to giant-sized armor, Madara attempts to thrust one of his Chakra swords up into his opponent's torso, underneath his arm, while the Autobot is still within range. Most humanoid organisms would suffer lethal harm from an attack like that - putting aside the matter of giants and Elites - due to all the vital organs stored in the upper body. Not only is Optimus an Elite, and a giant, but also a machine of some kind. Whether there is even anything in there to damage is unknown to Madara.

But he makes the attempt regardless, even as his Susano'o lifts its other arm with its other sword and slices downwards at the Cybertronian's head. "I already did, Optimus Prime," Madara replies, on the matter of obtaining names from allies. Then he says, "What would you have me do next time I assault the Union? Negotiate them off the battlefield?" His eyes have a design in them that is different from when Optimus first appeared. It seemed to emerge when he called upon his Susano'o.

"Perhaps play children's games for ownership? Do you honestly thing they didn't have any idea what might happen to them, what would be expected of them, when they enlisted? I am not killing civilians. They are soldiers, and they will die, one way or another. Moralizing isn't going to change that!"

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
The Autobot Commander attempts to swings his energy axe around in time to parry the sword, however he was not able to move in a defensive position quick enough and his enemy takes advantage of it. The sword slams into the chest armor, shattering the grass plates and the Cybertronian cutting into the Cybertronian steel behind it.

The sword sinks in and like a man of flesh, liquid pools out from the cut. Yet the liquid that pooled along the blade was that of a neon magenta color. Glowing brightly. Prime gritted his teeth behind his battleplate. Hissing in pain and ever equal frustration to the Shinobi's words. "Taking a life.. can be avoided.. no matter.."

He then pulls himself free as he roars out, "THE!" Then he swings his open fist around to slam into the construct's head, "COST!" Following the hook, his other hand returns, before he swings that one with a sharp uppercut.

"You give them the chance to run-- and they will run-- but for you.." Prime rolls his shoulders gently. "..I can tell you don't give a slag.."

Madara Uchiha (651) has posed:
The Susano'o's face cracks under the massive impact, glowing fissures appearing in its features. The uppercut slams into the construct's jaw, sending it up into the air, its back scraping the bark from the tree it is pressed up against as its feet leave the ground. Madara is definitely feeling these impacts, even if they are mostly impacting the construct he has built with his visual prowess. If he had blood in him, it would be surging with excitement. As it is, he is just enjoying the thrill of battle with someone who might very well be close to an equal - or stronger. He still feels he is better, but someone more powerful than him existing is definitely not impossible.

Infact, that possibility makes him glad. It makes the fight more entertaining than just a battle of words and fists would be otherwise. He is tired of facing foes he easily outmatches. Odin was a considerably powerful opponent. This Optimus Prime seems to be also. No matter which of them is stronger, he is going to enjoy this.

"Are you saying you have never killed soldiers who were prepared to fight you? You always insist they flee or surrender? How noble of you! But violence, death, hatred, and war are all products of this flawed existence we are part of! If you wish to change that, you should trying to change the world itself, not each and every opponent!" Madara retorts as he regains control of his movement, even as the construct's face is splintered like a spider web. The Susano'o lashes downwards with both hands, slicing with its swords towards Optimus's shoulders, while attempting to plant of its feet on his chest to push off of and leap away. Branches are shattered in its passing, shockwaves flying from the force of its swings that slice through the terrain. Perhaps it has some agility after all.

But Optimus is as experienced as Madara himself, if not more so, and they each of capabilities the other does not know of yet - even with coaching from allies. What strategy is best in a fight between titans?

Overwhelming force, yes. But some degree of thought has to be employed as well. If Madara is successful in changing his position so that he can land a distance away and turn to face his opponent, he will begin watching for something he can use. That glowing 'blood' may be just that...

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
The Susano'o lefts off the ground and Optimus Prime goes to follow. Not wanting to give Madara any quarter to work with. Which may not have been the right move as the construct is able to manage to get some control, even as trees and limbs snap as the two Titans move.

Soon Prime finds that the Construct leaps right back in and Optimus grabs for the chest of the machine, keeping the blades just inches away from his shoulder joints. He grunts under the strain, the wound still 'bleeding' and the pain sensors gripping at the Autobot for the continued strain.

"To change the world.." Optimus grunts out and pauses as the Construct kicks against his chest flip back and get some distance. Prime himself staggering back a bit from the impact. Lurching to one side a little from the earlier sword wound, compounded with the kick. Though he speaks ever still clear, "..You have to correct the lives around you! It has to start with the people! Not the world!"

Optimus Prime then steps around, his rifle coming into his hand from subspace as he goes to take aim. His optics narrowing. "My world's Megatron believed the same foolish way.. and look where that got him..." He says the last part far more quietly. Almost muffled out by the shot of the Laser rifle, as a green streak beams right out and goes right for the Susano'o. Not just once, but three different shots. Seeming now content to keep his opponent in the distance.

Madara Uchiha (651) has posed:
Madara's eyes are those of the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. The Sharingan grants him the ability to predict movement by sight, improving reaction time, and granting an assortment of other abilities and perception enhancements. The Mangekyou Sharingan granted him other powers, like the Susano'o he now wields, as the expense of eye-sight. And the Eternal form of that grants innate power rushing through his body and ensures that no amount of usage of the Mangekyou causes his sight to fade. He long ago obtained replacements for his Mangekyou Sharingan - the eyes of his own brother, who had the same power. He does not have to worry about holding back as he faces an opponent as strong as this.

One of Optimus's attacks from the unexpectedly produced weapon manages to score a hit on the Susano'o's chest, leaving a smoking hole in the ultra-dense Chakra and further weakening its structural integrity. Due to its sheer bulk, maneuvering is difficult, but Madara can see the trajectory of the attacks, adjusting to his opponent quickly. The other two shots are evaded, first, with a side-step, and then merely by ducking down almost on all fours.

A second pair of arms grow out of the Susano'o's sides, and they obtain Chakra blades of their own in their grasp. Madara calls out, "I don't know this 'Megatron', or his fate. But I know that there will always be hatred and war. Despair is an eventuality, when one realizes that. People can not understand each other. Even when hearts connect, they can't grasp the experiences of another anymore than they can do so for you. The solution is to take everyone out of this world, and put them in a new one, where they can be happy, and the very option of war is taken away."

The Susano'o rises from its crouched position, and stands straight. "There is no need to change people, or the world. All that is needed is for you and everyone else to sleep forever in the Infinite Tsukuyomi - the dream world where this broken reality doesn't hold sway." Madara lowers his arms to his sides. "Assuming, of course, a puppet like you is even able to sleep," Madara adds on with a condescending smirk.

The smirk vanishes a moment later as the Susano'o swings its swords, unleashing a pair of shockwaves that tear along the ground, before twisting in an acrobatic movement so its back is to Optimus - along with its second face, and second pair of arms. This second pair of arms do the same as the first, unleashing another pair of shockwaves from the sheer force of their swings, splitting any minor obstacles in their paths.

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
Optimus optics narrow. "..but you are far more insane.." He rumbles softly to himself as he watches as the construct twists its form and grows new limbs. The concept f what Madara brings up is-- a rather broken idea. Take those to some 'dream world'. It is only the concept of wiping out life, with a nicer ring to it then the hard cold truth.

The shockwaves however come and the first set slam into the Autobot Commander, cutting across his form and tearing at the armored body. He can only observe as the tall construct flips overhead, feeling the earth shake under his feet.

His optics catching the trees as they fall from the shockwave came before, and as the next is released, he can hear it snapping away at the trees from behind him. His optics dim in that moment as his processes turn to calculating the time.

One could say he even was holding his breath, for no further replies came to Madara about his twisted concept. For no more words would need to be spoken. As the next Shockwave comes, Optimus then leaps up into the air. He flips over the shockwave blast, watching as it streams past where he stood. Cutting the trees down around him, cutting across the rocks he kicked up and cement of the road that gave away to the sheer pressure put upon them.

His body twisted as he came to land down. His body going into a prone stand as he quickly fired off several more shots, before the final one took time to charge at which he stood. "Megatron," Optimus at last says breaking the silence, "At least knew where reality was." Then a heavy blast came streaking across the ground right for the Construct.

Madara Uchiha (651) has posed:
His idea is met with rejection. Because, unlike Madara, Optimus Prime still believes in the idea of 'hope'. Even as he is bombarded, his Susano'o breaking down into fragments from the furious onslaught, driving him back through the giant trees, staggering despite his attempts to evade, Madara reflects on that point. Hearts can not connect. And when they do, they do not grant understanding. "At least," the shinobi starts, as his heavily-damaged Chakra body seems on the brink of falling apart, and cracks are even appearing in his own flesh from the amount of sheer energy that is getting through his defenses. "You are able to prove my point."

His Susano'o holds its hands out straight, its swords vanishing. A string of Chakra forms between the two palms, and then a series of hardened, compressed Chakra balls - like over-sized commas - form upon that string. There really are no more words to say. They have each rejected the other's philosophy. There is no common ground. Even the desire to end all war does not suffice as long as they do not accept the methods the other wishes to employ.

The string, with its many concentrated Chakra constructs, seperates from the Susano'o's palms, and is launched at high speed. The circle of pure energy spins through the air, and whatever it hits is struck with a force disproportional to the size of the projectiles themselves. A detonation of force that could crack the ground asunder even if they weren't in Zone 92, with is looser physics.

The attack is aimed directly for the spot that Madara managed to strike earlier with his sword - the one that still bleeds.

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
Optimus Prime watches as the Construct charges up the attack and instead of standing still, he the Autobot Commander charges in. Ripping one of the trees completely from the ground as he passes. The explosions rock around him, even as he allows his rifle to return to subspace.

The ground blasts up around him. The earth cracking and giving away from the force of the barrage of explosions, and even as the one blast finds him, he does not stop. The sheer force explodes across his form. The outer armor rips apart across his chest. Blasting the red metal apart, exposing the inner metal and cables. Wires break and snap, the neon magenta fluid sprays outward and a core case of some kind exposed with a brilliant blue glow that shines from the cracks.

The blast ripples upwards, charring into his battle plate, cutting across his helm's 'visor' and denting up the metal work around his face. However Optimus Prime continues to charge forward, those optics burning. This will come to a stop. Right here. Right now.

With a roar, he leaps into the air, branding the large tree in both hands. Then he lets gravity take hold of his massive heavy form. Coming to crash down, as his knees bend from the heavy impact, the ground explodes outward as he feet meet contact with the world once more and that very tree coming down with all the titanic force he can give.

Not caring if it breaks under the sheer impact, not caring if the bark shatters even into his own injuries. It mattered not at this point. Only that of victory.

Madara Uchiha (651) has posed:
Optimus endures, charges through the attack, leaps into the air with a tree big enough to make at least ten houses, and then swings it downwards at the 'God of Battle' that is the Susano'o. His strength, his durability, his agility for his size, and his determination are all testaments to his prowess as a warrior, no matter how much he may not wish to be one. These are not skills or abilities that can simply be programmed in. This is an ability born from many, many battles. Just like Madara's, though he was himself a prodigy who excelled at whatever he attempted.

The Chakra swords in the first pair of hands vanished in order to use Yasaka Magatama, leaving them unable to counter-attack with weaponry against the incoming assault.

However, through precise timing, and observing the predicted movements of his opponent, Madara is able to have his Susano'o catch the tree-turned-club, enduring the mighty impact as the construct wraps its arms around the improvised weapon. The ground buckles beneath the giant, as the equally huge Cybertronian is pressing downwards with mechanical muscle, momentum, and the weight of his own body. The Susano'o is down into the earth up to its knees, and a crater forms all around the pair, sending a shockwave outwards that strips the leaves off many of the trees, and knocks down others.

However, there was a second pair of arms. And they still wield their swords. And 'any means necessary' seems to be a mantra that both Optimus and Madara share in this battle.

They are too similar. But also too different.

The two blades stab forward at Optimus's occular sensors, over the Susano'o's shoulders - possibly before the Autobot can recover from his attack.

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
The two titans continue to clash. The world around them buckling at their games of war and this will probably be an experience neither will forget. For both are indeed so similar, and yet so different. However though Prime may deny that part of himself-- he does in some way, enjoy the battle.

It has been some time since he has battled someone of his equal and though he fought the other Megatron from another Cybertron-- it was not /his/ Megatron. The movements, the words, they were not of his Megatron. This human-- this Shinobi is so close to his Megatron however.

The ferocity of the attacks. The constant push. The dedication. The power. To battle like this again-- to be in this moment of conflict. Though he denies himself that sense of dark pleasure, that dark pleasure still is there.

For when the massive creation takes hold of the make shift club, Prime realizes that trouble is coming and quickly lets go out of instinct. Which is perhaps what saves him from the brutal counter attack that comes his way. The two swords coming down from his optics. The Autobot Commander goes to shift his weight, sliding off to the side and down.

While one blade misses, the other cuts into his face. The tip digging in and slashing across the lens to shatter it, while digging into the cheekbone structure and cutting into the battleplate to show the slight face behind the plate. Though Prime manages to pull away, the cut is ever visible, including the gleaming of the very optic senor itself, as it whirls to a tight point of light as the other narrows.

Where a normal man or even bot would wreath in pain, Optimus only huffs out. Breaking past the pain receptors screaming at him. There was no time to think about the damage or the pain. That could come later and with all of his emotions for the time shoved aside, the Autobot Leader comes again.

His foot shoves off and he goes to slam his body into the Susano'o. Pushing to knock it directly over with all his weight. For if he is successful getting it to the ground, he goes to slam his foot down on one of the arms with a sword, while he roars out. His fists go to then pound down at the center mass, trying to tear into the wood energy, to create the crack. A crack large enough he could grab at--- grab at and try to tear the very fabric away to get to the man controlling his beast.

Madara Uchiha (651) has posed:
Optimus succeeds in his brutal assault. The Susano'o is weakened, cracking, and falling apart from the previous blows, when the Autobot Leader begins his attack. He knocks it to the ground, sending more tremors throughout the area. An arm of pure-energy is snapped off, with a powerful stomp. and dissipates in mid-air after several seconds. The construct's torso is slammed, over and over, with titanically powerful fists, mechanical limbs pounding into the solidified Chakra and then ripped it open, until Madara himself is in Optimus's grasp. The Susano'o begins to dissipate and fade away once he is pulled free of it.

Though his body may be immortal, with infinite Chakra, even he has limits to his durability. Being held in hand by a giant warrior with strength greater even than Madara's own Susano'o creates cracks in his body almost immediately.

And even so, he is still apparently free of pain enough to speak to his opponent. "You are truly an amazing warrior. Where I come from, I only had one equal. You are much like him in philosophy and mindset, and yet from what I have seen, even stronger. He was my friend once - my first - and together we dreamed of a ending all war, and building a world where people could live in peace. Now he is my greatest enemy."

Madara is smiling as he lifts his head to gaze into the face of his opponent. His gaze, which has a very different appearance to his eyes. Pure grey, with black rings radiating outwards from them. "You remind me of Hashirama. And so you have stirred my hatred."

Optimus may suddenly find himself rising up into the air, and not of his own accord. Madara, with just his head poking up out of Optimus's hand, seems to be doing SOMETHING... His body is practically thrumming with power, as he unleashes the visual prowess of his Rinnegan. And then he unleashes that power outwards, attempting to hurl Optimus away with raw gravitational force, up out of the mostly-destroyed forest Madara created, and a considerable distance into the sky... Before being pulled back down with an insane amount of power.

If it succeeds, it is as though a giant even greater in scale than either Optimus or the Susano'o just attempted to pick the Autobot up, and then throw him down into the ground with every muscle in his body.

The strain of just attempting this, either way, causes blood to leak from Madara's mouth, despite all his other injuries demonstrating his lack of such a life-giving fluid.

This is his final attack, it seems.

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
Optimus is thrown away and by the sheer force, Madara is released. The unseen energy throws the Autobot Commander back. His body slamming across the ground. Before he is then knocked up into the air, before he can feel the gravity pull of unnatural causes him to fall back to the ground at unthinkable speed.

The sheer impact upon the ground, causes the earth to tremble in the force. Building topple that are near, fortifications fall. The ground bends and breaks into the very crater formed. For Optimus lays at the bottom of the valley formed and the Autobot Commander does not move at first.

Yet soon, a beaten and bleeding robotic hand extends out and grips onto the ground. Soon the titan rises. the neon magenta bleeding out from the side of his lip, his battle plate fully missing now. Parts of his armor torn to shreds, and areas sparking from the brutal throw around and yet--- he still stands.

Slowly Optimus goes to step out of the crater. His body almost a bit limp from his own servos wanting to give in. "And you.." His voice rasps slightly. "..remind me of a once great gladiator.. who sought to overthrow the government of our world.. and betrayed me.. for his brutal desire to rule my world.."

"For I was a simple pawn.." He says as he starts to walk, his optics glowing brightly. "..but that pawn was given the power to change /everything/..and I returned.. and he lost.."

"..just as you are about to lose as well.. for like you.. see me.. as an old friend.. I see you as my greatest teacher and enemy.." A dark smile plays on those bleeding lips. For he doesn't finish that thought. He has no reason too.

For actions will finish it as he races in, caring not for his state of body. He simply runs in, ignoring allowing any field that Madara may try to use to hold him back, allowing it, if it dares, to rip at his armor further. For his hand reaches for the man and should he grasp the man again...

..He will slam him into the very ground with a titanic throw of his own body and fist. It is only after the impact, does Prime open his hand.

Madara Uchiha (651) has posed:
This is too uncanny. The similarities between Madara and his opponent, and at least one other opponent before him, since joining the multiverse are beyond mere coincidence. The circumstances may be different, and yet the personalities and relationships are the same. Is that something that the Uchiha legend would take as evidence that maybe he's wrong? That maybe people really can share a connection - even across universes?

No. He takes it as evidence to the opposite. Even now, even finding people similar to Hashirama, people he may be able to connect with, there can be no understanding.

Even when they see each other's guts.

Madara attempts to flee from Optimus - not the battlefield, but to put some distance between them. But with his body still repairing itself, he doesn't get far before he is grabbed up again and then smashed into the ground.

Optimus may, for a moment, feel the body of his opponent give out completely. Did he just crumble Madara into dust? Destroy him? Kill him despite his immortal or undead nature?

When Optimus's hand lifts and he sees what he has wrought, there is a crater, and what appear to be a few displaced limbs scattered about. There is no sign of life or movement from the disembodied remains.

Optimus gets to stand there and think about that for a moment.

Then, if he has thermal sensors sensitive enough, he may pick out that there is a building heat in his environment. Then ground practically EVERYWHERE begins to glow molten. That is all the warning the Autobot gets.

Then the ground explodes underneath him, a pillar of flames erupting from beneath the Earth, with Madara, intact - though covered in cracks and clearly damaged - standing at the bottom of the crater he has just formed, breathing out a tidal wave of fire.

The body parts in the other crater lose their color, and turn to wood.

Ah, right.

Madara can merge with his environment.

Someone DID tell Optimus Prime about that.

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
Optimus stares down at the limbs and broken form. His optics dim, cover and none. His own form was almost broken in itself. The Injury he has taken over the battle was start to at last take its toll as he believes maybe-- just for a moment-- maybe-- its over.

He goes to kneel down on one knee, his metallic lips parting to try and get a breather, to try and figure out how many lines he has broken or how much energon he has lost. But this matters not, as for his thoughts fade. That is when he notices the heat warning and suddenly the ground under him glowing, "..oh right.." He just mutters to himself.

There was no time to move, only the sheer force exploding around him and throwing him back. He slams into the ground and slides back a bit. His armor smoking with steam and some of the metal alloy glowing from the extreme heat.

Optimus coughs for a moment and reaches for his rifle. Both hands hold the weapon, even as he lays there to take aim down the distance. "Merge with this..!" There was a bright green glow from the barrel before a massive blast of laser energy streamed across the distance between them.

He may just lay there for a bit, slightly set up, just to make /sure/ this time, its over..

Madara Uchiha (651) has posed:
The original purpose of the Impure World Resurrection - the technique that brought Madara back from death, in this body that is an abomination before the natural order and thus does not obey the laws of the universe - was to take the enemy out with you. Madara has no fear of destruction. He only wishes to fight to the very end, to put everything he has into this battle, and see who comes out the victor. Even if it means both of them suffer destruction.

When offered a chance at evacuation or retreat over the radio embedded in Madara's body, he declines. Even as he admits that unless Optimus makes a grave mistake, it is likely the ninja who will lose.

As Optimus gets back up after facing a tidal wave of flame, it seems Madara's estimation is accurate. He is smiling as Optimus aims his rifle at him. "Ah, there it is-" he starts just as the rifle fires. The ground around Madara's previous position is obliterated, a furrow forming in the earth that trails back for about a mile, glowing with the energy expended in that shot.

Smoke rises, and whatever remains of the forest made with ninjutsu is left to live or die. It does not vanish just because its creator is gone.

And based on the fact that bits of dust and dirt and scraps of detritus are flowing through the air, away from this location, all along the same path - in direct contradiction of the direction the wind may be blowing - it seems he really is gone. Maybe not destroyed, but for the moment, his threat is ended. Though if even that failed to eliminate Madara permanently, what would it take to destroy him for good?

Zone 92 remains in Union hands, and despite the casualties, victory belongs to Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime (568) has posed:
Optimus lays there only part propped up, as he watches the dust blow away. He continues to /still/ sit there, unsure, but when it becomes obvious that all was in fact over. The thirty foot machine at last collapses over.

His blue optics stare at the sky above, as the flicker gentle. At last coming to the fact that his body has taken a heavy toll in this fight. In order to save himself from possible greater injury, he need to go into stasis lock and before he does. He makes the call out to the Union, then after that is done--- he lets himself rest.

Madara was trouble and if he had faltered once...

..This would have been a very different story.