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Two People Rock Into A Bar
Date of Scene: 18 December 2014
Location: The Great Mountains
Synopsis: In this scene, one rock meets another rock, and they talk about what it means to be rocks, then roll down two different hills.
Cast of Characters: 20, 665

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    The Sky-Breaking Mountain. The First Earth. The Pillar of the World. These and more are names for the land of Titan, a place best described as a continent-sized mountain, suspended upon a massive, floating plate. People live upon this mountain- they have built their city upon it and within it, transforming the harsh, vertical environment into a thriving center of industry.

This is not that mountain.

...Though that is not to say that a piece of That Mountain is not here.

    A few days ago, Artyom W. Valodjn was enjoying another peaceful day at Alexander Academy when he was suddenly struck by an urge to stretch his legs. Acting on this spontaneous impulse, Artyom decided to go for a bit of a stroll!


    Enthralled by his bout of wanderlust, Artyom finds himself wandering through not entirely unfamiliar territory. There is land beneath his feet, sloped at an incline- though whether it's harsh or not seems to vary from peak to peak and plateau to plateau. It's of little consequence either way- it's not as though his present means of locomotion will be impaired by a few sharp drops.

    Cool fog blends with whipping wind as he surges across the landscape, sliding down from high to low on a slab of unpolished stone. His thick travelling leathers twist in the breeze as he descendes, occasionally stiffening as currents of magic pour down into the the land to smoothen his journey. A track of hardened earth winds down the slope ahead of him, guiding him to a relatively flat section of land- more of a small hill built into a larger peak than anything else. His sledge grinds to a halt as it slides into a patch of greenery, allowing him to step leisurely from its surface. He leans down, hefting the flattened boulder up over his shoulders, and settles it in its place across his back.

    Artyom turns his eyes to the land before him, countless mountains springing up out of the Earth, covering it in a sea of stone, soil, ice and hardy mountain plants. He takes in a breath of misty air, settles down on a flat nook against the cliff face, and... Pulls a small notebook from a pouch on his side.

He starts writing, disturbing the tranquil peak with the furious scribbling of his oversized pencil.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It should be easy enough to tell that there is something going on there. Is that a slight tremor? Most people would not be able to pick it up at all, but for somebody attuned to the earth, somebody who is able to notice the small things.

    But there is something approaching Artyom. That should be easy to tell when suddenly the earth opens not too far away from the tall man, and a dirty, black haired girl peeks up with a wave of her hand. "Heya!" Well, at least she /appears/ to be friendly. And small. The earth shakes slightly as she gestures with her hand, making the earth push her up, revealing her far shorter figure. At about five feet tall and with not much muscle to her, the girl is far smaller than him. Still, she doesn't crane her head back to study him. As a matter of fact, she's not studying much at all. Unafraid she steps closer, a curious expression on her youthful face. "You're an earthbender too?" she asks and cants her head slightly to the side.

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    Most Titans tend to have some level of connection to the earth- it's simply part of their heritage. But when your family runs a mining company, you tend to pick up little things like tremors. Since they usually tend to precede landslides and caveins, a few seconds of forewarning can often mean the difference between life and death.

    Something shifts deep within the land. The vibrations pulse up and down the length of Aryom's spine, igniting a mild tingling sensation from the middle of his back right up to the back of his skull. He glances around, at first thinking that it might've just been a distant, unfamiliar movement of the land. And then a hole pops open not a few feet away.

    Artyom cranes his head over to peer at the strange gap in the world where there once was solid ground. He leans back quickly when a MYSTERIOUS GIRL emerges from within! A low sound of surprise rumbles in his chest as he settles back into position.

He is being spoken to! It is only polite to reply.

    "Hello," Artyom says, giving a small wave with his pencil-wielding hand, even if the gesture is probably wasted. "I admit, I was not expecting to meet another so far in the wilderness." Especially not one so... small. Not that there are not small Titans, but they tend to be closer to ambulatory cubes of meat and stone-bone than anything else.

He blinks when she asks that question. A difference in terminology? "Ah," Artyom replies, "I am not familiar with the term. Though if it is as close to 'Geomancer' as it sounds, then I am indeed one of these things." There's a pause as he takes a moment to scribble in his notebook:

Geomancer = Earthbender?

"I do move the earth as you seem to," he finishes, setting his pencil down in the spine of his book, "Why might you be asking, if I may inquire?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The surprised sound from the large man seems to make the girl grin, and she steps even closer when it's clear that he isn't hostile. For now at least. "You're jumpy for such a big fellow, huh?" she asks with a grin crossing her lips.

    As for other people out in the wilderness? She shrugs a bit. "I like the mountain. Never been here before, and I finished my lessons for today and wanted to do something fun. I didn't exactly to meet anybody myself."

    It probably makes it easier that Toph has heard the term geomancer before, and she nods her head. "Yeah, they're almost the same. I'm tutoring a geomancer from Ivalice, they use that term a lot there. Though maybe they use it other places too," she admits with a slight shrug of her small shoulders. Hmmm, seems like he is writing or drawing...? His followup question does nothing but make the girl grin even wider. "Oh, I saw you sliding down! It's a typical earthbender trick, and I was curious. I think you might be the tallest person I have met!" Then she straightens up a bit. "I'm Toph Beifong, the greatest earthbender of all time. Also a member of the Union. And you might be...?" Come on, indulge the curious little girl.

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    "Bit of a reflex," Artyom explains, shrugging his massive shoulders. "Normally when the ground rumbles for no apparent reason, it means either monsters or quakes. Not friendly girls." It doesn't help that an earthquake on a mountain also tends to imply worse things- like dragons.

Artyom can do many things, but he's not quite up to the level of 'soloing dragons' just yet.

    "Ivalice, hm?" Ivalice. He's heard the name before in passing, but... "I haven't travelled there yet. Maybe I'll need to make a trip." Especially if they have Geomancers there, too. But that's counting one's chocobos before they hatch, considering there's one right in front of him to converse with! He chuckles a bit as she brings up his height, "Yes. That seems to be the common opinion. Though where I hail from, there are many people of around my size. I am Artyom of Titan, explorer and student at Alexander Academy."

    His brow twitches just a little bit as Toph starts bragging. The corners of his mouth draw up in a wry smile, "The greatest of all time, is it? You seem a bit young for that yet, hm? I had imagined the greatest of anything to have a few more grey hairs."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Can't blame you. But this was very controlled, of course. When I'm around, it rumbles for a reason." Well, he seems like a decent guy... so Toph kicks the ground, and a small pillar rises up from the ground that she sits down on. "Ivalice... is an okay place. Except for some of the dunderheads in the church there." She snorts. "Some of them get a bit preachy, you are warned."

    It's not a surprise that more people haven't discussed his height before, now is it? People usually get concerned with small or big people, after all. "Oh! So your family is big too, huh?" But the name of his school does seem to catch her attention, and she beams. "Oh, you're one of the people from that school on the moon, huh? Cool! We have some of those in the Union!" Explorer and student?

    Who would Toph be if she didn't state her opinion? And it's part of her introduction too. "Hey, just because somebody is as old as dirt doesn't mean they know how to bend it," she states. "Besides, I am more in tune with the earth than all the other earthbenders I have met. Not to mention I singlehandedly invented metalbending," the girl adds in a near casual manner, as if the feat itself was less awesome than it truly is. "I might still be a kid, but I'm almost 14. I have been bending since I was a little brat."

    Turning her attention slightly upwards, but still not 'looking' at him, Toph is still smiling. "So what do you study at that academy, huh? I haven't really paid too much attention to it."

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    Earth shifts and rises at Toph's will. The rumble of the land pulses through Artyom's legs as she moves it, earning a quiet grunt of acknowledgment.

    "Preachy, is it? I can't say I'm unfamiliar with those sorts," the Church of Cosma back home can get pretty touchy feely sometimes with their door-to-door proselytizing. "I'll keep it in mind. Try not to offend the local clergy with my heathen ways," Artyom smirks, but the gesture is, again, likely lost. He does it anyway, because it's the kind of line you smirk to.

    "My family is... Large, yes," he says, then, thinking back to his brothers and sisters, parents, grandparents and so on. Not a single one of them is shorter than six feet, as far back as he can remember. "Though again, many Titans are simply this large. Or very, small, but stocky."

So basically, Giants or Dwarves. Pick one!

    "You know the others, then?" He asks, shifting to rest one leg crosswise over the other. "I'd heard the Light Warriors had been assisting your Union- I suppose the rumors are true." He shrugs, "Alexander is a nice place. Very good school, though I'm not too fond of many of the classes." And so he sleeps through most of them. "The ones that I like tend to be good, though."

    He laughs again at Toph's continued boasting- but it's a good natured laugh, the kind that roars out of the belly and carries up through the hollow of the chest. "That is very true. Sometimes age just turns into stubbornness instead of anything useful. It's like they get so old and stiff and grey that they're more like statues than teachers."

His expression grows more interested as she keeps speaking, the lines of his brow and face darkening as they furrow. "Metalbending, you say? Hm, interesting," he cocks his head to one side, popping open the notebook again, "Even most Odynar I know are only good with steel, they generally can't manipulate it like I can move earth. How exactly did you figure that out?"

"And, ah," he coughs into one hand, "There are... A number of classes. I personally am more interested in their practical studies. Geology, combat, astronomy, biology and so on. The other things, not so much."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "If it's any comfort, I have been called a heathen too," Toph snorts. "Too many people are too occupied with keeping their heads in the clouds rather than their feet on the ground." She leans back slightly and pulls one leg up to rest it on the small pillar. "And some people will get offended no matter what for no good reason at all. So I wouldn't be too worried about it." The blind girl smirks too.

    "I think I have heard of titans before. Can't say I've met one before. I have met many small people though, so I dunno." Does it really matter?

    As for some of the new arrivals in the Union, Toph shrugs. "I've met Landon, Beatrice, Dominic, Kamon... oh, and I helped protect Quentyn once." So it is a good school, huh? "Is the school open for everybody in your world, or is it a private school?" And for that matter... "How old are you, anyway?" Since he still goes to school.

    That is something she can agree with, for sure. The girl snickers. "You said it! And heh, the earthbending teacher I had knew less than I did!" Indeed, master Yu had been more interested in money rather than bending in itself. Why teach if you aren't doing it for the right reasons?

    "Who are the Odynar?" she asks in return. Though talking about metalbending is something she seldom says no to. "Oh, it was a bit hard until I figured out the trick behind it! And I had to sharpen my perception. If there is earth around me, I can sense it. And I can sense the earth that is present in metal." For now she doesn't decide to tell him exactly how she sees through vibrations. "At this point I can bend metal as well as I can bend earth and the variations of it. As for how I figured it out..." Her expression turns far more serious, and she lowers her head. "I... kinda had to. To save their life."

    Let's talk about classes instead. "Oh, I know the feeling. Practical stuff is more fun." Though she doesn't really have an interest for stars. They are just up there somewhere, and it's not like they affect her life in anyway. "Combat and geology is the best, of course. Except I don't go to school, I am taught at home." She does lean a bit closer. "So... what kind of crappy classes do you have to take at the academy? I have reading, guqin and swimming," she admits while making a face of disgust. Ugh.%

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    "I'm sure those kinds accusations will come more often than not. I imagine it may be difficult to reconcile certain theological precepts with our world's particular origins, but faith can't change truth," Artyom says with a low rumble of certainty. "But you are right. Concerns with substance are the only ones that should concern a world of substance."

In other worlds, he'll worry about Heaven and Hell the moment he has to step foot into either.

"There are other places that seem to have things called 'Titans,' it seems," he says, then, tapping the back end of his pencil against his chin. "But as far as I know, we're the only Titans associated with our mountain." But no, it's mostly semantics.

    "I'm familiar with those students," he produces another smile, but one that is almost somewhat distant, then he realizes-- "Ah. Kamon! Kamon is an Odynar. They are people from a different part of my world- a land called Odin. It is... Not a pleasant continent- from what I have heard and what little I've seen, it is a place of metal and very little life, with great ambling monsters made entirely of twisted steel and malice. The Odynar are born with metal within their bodies as well, just as Titans are born with the strength of the Earth."

But it's probably not best to dwell on such things while no Odynars are nearby. That is kiiind of talking behind their backs.

    "Everyone from my world is this way," he continues moving away from the topic, "Attuned to one elemental force or another from birth. In a way, it is... unfair, but life is as you make of it." Artyom scribbles down notes as Toph speaks, recording the secret of her metalbending arts- but his ears detect some reluctance towards the end there. Perhaps asking 'why' was too much? "It would interest me to learn of that skill," he admits, "Plants and earth I can move, but metal is somewhat... uncomfortable, for me."

And then he moves on. "It seems practical," he agrees. Just like biology is good for knowing what plants will and will not kill you, and astronomy is good for navigating! Though that kind of depends on having actual star-charts. "But if you're asking about the kinds of classes I don't particularly enjoy... Math, other sciences like most of chemistry. They tried to get me to learn how to swim, once- but water is..." He cringes a bit, scrunching his face into a wrinkly knot, "That much water is not comfortable. It is all far too... fluid, yes?"

    "The absolute worst class, though... I remember this one time," he goes on to say, staring up into the sky as he draws on his memories, "They tried to get me to learn magical theory and such, and our professor was so old that his beard was almost longer than he was tall." Artyom shakes his head, "I did not learn much in that class. I know my geomancy, and the feel of magic, that is usually good enough."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "You said it..." Toph mutters. Trust two people with earth skills to focus on more substance than airheaded nonsense.

    When he discusses Kamon, Toph nods. "Oh yeah, I was a bit curious about that when I sensed it... you know why they are born with that inside their bodies? And huh, metal monsters? That sounds a bit weird... You sure they aren't robots or anything?" Maybe they have just been mistaken for something else? It seems more logical to Toph anyway.

    Life is unfair, and whining about it won't get stuff done. And it does sound like there are themes that repeat themselves in various worlds, huh? "There are four nations in my world, and an element for each. Earthbenders have said that metalbending was impossible for centuries, maybe even millenia, but then again maybe they needed the greatest earthbender of all time to prove them wrong, heh..." Toph shrugs as she reaches a hand up to her face... and begins picking her nose with her pinkie finger. "I dunno if you can learn it, but why not? Bending plants is more in waterbending territory, though."

    It's understandable that he doesn't enjoy those classes. Toph knows she wouldn't. And swimming... ugh. "I know enough to not drown. But I still hate being surrounded by water... I... I'm helpless in water."

    So he isn't good with magic? "What kind of magic were they trying to teach you? And ugh, magical theory sounds booooring..." she sighs.

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    "It's..." Artyom thinks for a moment. He rubs at his chin as he slowly works through the information in his head, teasing it this way and that to piece out the best way to describe it. "I can understand magic. The flow, the directions it takes when I must call upon it, the formulas. But that is all magic as it pertains to the earth. Channeling raw destructive power, healing wounds and so on are not so... Intuitive?"

So what he's saying is that he's more of a transmuter, or perhaps a conjurer?

    "In any case, it was not a class I saw much value in."

Maybe that's because he kept falling asleep in the middle of it.

    "It's kind of like... Hm. I suppose it's as if I was stepping too far out of what I had already become familiar with," Artyom admits. "It's difficult to consider thinking outside one's boundaries if what one knows already works well enough in most situations. Hm."

He thinks for another moment, considering that, maybe, he can understand why none of these Earthbenders had considered the possibility of bending metal before. Interesting.

"It's something to try and work towards resolving, I guess," he says, "Perhaps learning metal is a good first step?"

    "In my world," he goes on to explain, "Plant-life, living things that grow from the earth, are generally more associated with it than with water. The strength of the land flows through the roots, and up into the body of the plant, so it's not too far from moving Earth." He begins scribbling again in his notebook, making little sketches of metal ingots and annotating the images with small, informative notes. "In our world, there are seven 'nations,' though they are more continents than anything. Each one with an elemental affinity-- plus the moon, Chocobo, where Alexander Academy is situated. Of them, Titan is associated with Earth, and Leviathan is of Water."

    "I do not like Leviathan," Artyom grunts his displeasure, "It is all ocean, very little land. It moves too much. Land should be stable, almost stationary, except when it starts to tumble and quake."

    "The others are not so bad. Shiva is very cold, Ifrit is very hot. I have never been to Bahamut or Odin, though I've traveled to Ramuh quite frequently. Titan is obviously the greatest of the Plates, but there are good points to most of the rest," Artyom says with another spurt of laughter-- and another abrupt moment of silence.

    "You know," he admits, "I've never thought about why the Odynar contain metal. I assume it is the same reason that we Titans are the way we are, or why the Shivans are the way they are. Each one of us is blessed by the power of our blood and its ties to our lands. The Gift of the Odynari is... Less pleasant than the others, it seems." He shakes his head, "Some say it is more of a curse. The metal monsters that haunt their land take shape from the scrap littering the Iron Desolation. As far as I know, they are not... Machines. They simply are."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Woah, he's talkative... Toph listens where she sits, nodding her head a bit. "Maybe it's because you are more connected to earth? I wouldn't like learning about other stuff either, then again... earthbending is the only thing I'm really good at."

    The talk about boundaries earns a snort from Toph. "If we only stay in our comfort zones and follow the rules that we are told to, then how are we going to learn anything? As long as you don't do anything too bad and don't hurt people, then why not bend the rules if you can learn from it and get more out of life?" she asks. "And the best way to learn just what you can do is to push your boundaries and try something new? There are similarities everywhere. Even I can see that!" Toph can't help but chuckle slightly at the joke she made on her own expense.

    Learning about other words is certainly something else, and one of the true pleasures of the multiverse. "I prefer dry land myself. Though I don't mind mud so much. But regular earth is best, yeah," Toph muses as she breaks off a part of the pillar she's sitting on, letting it crumble to sand in her hand. "And earth /can/ be stabilized too if necessary. I did help some people with making a hill more stable. It was being washed away by the weather..." It is fun to hear about those other continents of his world, and she listens with rapt attention. "Maybe it would be fun to visit those place sometime. Except Leviathan, I wouldn't like it there much either," the blind girl admits as she turns more towards Artyom. "So you're not in the Union, huh? I haven't heard your voice there before. I never forget a voice. You're not with the Feds, are you?"

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    Artyom is not normally this talkative! Or at least, he is not so when it comes to most subjects. It seems that, perhaps, mythology is one of those things that he can just go on and on about? Everyone's got at least one. "Could be," he says with a shrug, "But as you say, it isn't wise to close your mind to new possibilities, hm?" He chuckles, tucking his pencil away again, "I suppose that is why I've been travelling so much lately."

But perhaps he hasn't been travelling enough? Almost certainly not enough- there's an entire eternity out there to see, after all.

    "Hm, my culture is very... Traditionalist," Artyom admits, chuckling a bit. "It seems that, as far as I like to think I've tried to remove myself from that, it still manifests in rather inconvenient ways." It's certainly one of the reasons that Titan has been so successful- tradition and cooperation. But then again, he's nearly always alone out here, so why does he wander?

    "Mud isn't bad," Artyom shrugs, "It's a bit wet, but at least there's ground there." His toes wiggle a bit in his boots, tensing and curling almost by reflex. "Sand is... Alright. But solid ground is certainly the best." He nods in agreement, though his eyes watch with interest as Toph dissolves that chunk of rock. "It's intriguing that you mention stabilization," Artyom says with a smile, "My family has spent years perfecting rituals for the stabilization of earth and stone."

It helps a lot when you're a miner.

    Then, Toph brings up the matter of allegiance. Artyom blinks, then chuckles. "Oh, no. I try not to take up arms in too many conflicts. I am an explorer and adventurer principally," he pats at his notebook, "Though I have associates who seem to be leaning one way or another, and I suppose I am obliged to assist them when call is given."

    "Mostly my classmates," Artyom explains, "And my employer. We grew up together, you see. I am in Kamon's year. We're all about seventeen, eighteen, I'm the latter, myself."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It often helps being talkative when you have people whom seem to share your interests. And if there is something Toph likes to talk about, it's earth. Religious stuff though? Toph frowns at that and makes a face. "If you open your head too much, your brains will eventually fall out."

    Tradition is a common theme in most places, so that's not surprising at all. The earthbender shrugs slightly. "Eeh, aren't most cultures? People find something that works for them, so they stick with it..." Not that she agrees with all of it. "My family... well, my biological family anyway, they are a bit more on the business side of things. I'm the first bender in my family for several generations..." This is said rather casually as well as she lets the sand drizzle out of her hand. "So you use rituals to control the earth? From my world we use what people call martial arts movements. To move the earth you need to move your body and guide the elements the way you want them to move, all while visulizing it." Kinda ironic coming from a blind girl.

    "So you're neutral then? Cool." It's better than being a Fed, though she knows better than to hate Feds merely for being Feds. There are some nice Feds out there too. As for her? "Oh, I love fighting myself! I was the champion of the local earthbending fights back home! Before I... left anyway," she adds with a hurried shrug before she points at his notebook. "You writing or drawing in there?"

    Though she can't help but look surprised for a moment, turning her head just a bit towards him. "Man, you're the biggest teenager I've ever met." He's nearly twice as tall as she is! "How tall can a titan get, really?"

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    "Hm, that would be a problem," Artyom replies with the biggest understatement yet, "I need my brains to think." It does seem that being with someone you can relate to can loosen the lips a bit. That's... Usually pretty normal though, right?

    "True enough, though," he shrugs, thinking to the dozens of Ramuha he knows. "Seems like the moment people have a chance to settle down into a routine, many do," which may explain why the Odynar are the way they are. That is, their land never afforded them the chance to stop and take a break.

Interesting, that.

    "My family is... We're miners," Artyom explains in the simplest terms. "Though it's interesting that geomancy skipped so many generations- ours has been relatively consistent." He shakes his head, "It's not so much that we need rituals. It's just that it makes it easier to move very large amounts of earth at once. Our usual Geomancy is more... As you describe it. Feeling the world, guiding it as an extension of yourself."

"The rituals are just there to make sure that our large projects are more permanent, you see?"

    "But yes, I'm otherwise more or less neutral," Artyom continues, not having interacted nearly enough with the multiverse to decide on one massive faction or the other. "It's easier travelling that way, I think. I record my travels in this book. Writing, drawing, both whenever they're needed." It's a matter of cataloguing his adventures, putting the memories in a more permanent format. Maybe someday there'll be a book? "Fighting is... Interesting," Artyom continues, "But I prefer to do battle with beasts and monsters."

    "I can cut loose, then, without worrying overmuch," Artyom rumbles, his hands knitting together, rubbing fingers between fingers. "My blade does not usually do well with... Nonlethality."

    He goes on, "I am rather large, as you can see. My weapon is similarly large. As a Titan, I would say... That I'm likely among one of the tallest you will meet." He rests his hands on his notebook, "We top out at roughly eight feet."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I know that earthbending is an extension of my senses and myself," Toph says with a slight huff. "Many people use it just for bending, but I use it for everything and anything." It's how she is able to be so independent despite her disability, after all. "Maybe they were saving up the bending for me, who knows? My parents can't bend at all, and it doesn't seem they understand it all that well..." Somehow it seems to weigh heavily on the girl's thoughts as her head hangs a bit, and she dangles her foot slightly where she sits on the pillar.

    "Sometimes it's easier to bend with other benders, but given enough time and focus even a powerful bender can move a lot of earth on their own. But when you bend it will be permanent. Earth is stable, after all." It's easier to talk about other things, it appears.

    "So..." Toph flicks a booger from her finger. "You seen much of the multiverse yet? Any particular places you are thinking of visiting?" It must be fun to travel like that. Getting to go different places is quite the experience... "I prefer fighting against people, as they are most often making a conscious choice to fight. And kicking sense into dunderheads is always fun!" Toph states with an impish grin. And when he comments on his blade, Toph leans over to reach out and touch it. "Yeah, it's obviously too large for most people, huh?"

    The statement regarding his size and her seeing earns a snicker, and Toph reaches a hand up to pull down the lower eyelid on one of her eyes, showing off her pale green irises a bit more. "Of course I can see it." Her tone can hardly get more sarcastic, and she snickers some more, obviously finding it amusing as she shakes her head. "But yeah, you're big. Eight feet, huh? Must be hard finding clothes that fit. I'm more concerned with finding clothes that don't itch and scratch, and that I can move around easily in. And that don't get broken easily."

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    "Mmn," Artyom nods his agreement. "The Earth is a good friend to those who know it well. It is quite versatile, despite what some might claim." Anyone who looks at Earth Magic and thinks it's only good for digging holes clearly has problems. "It is possible that your birth coincided with some strange supernatural event," Artyom goes on to hypothesize, "If your parents do not understand it as well as you. Or perhaps it was fate?" He chuckles, moving a hand through the air as if to exaggerate the point. It hangs there for a moment before his expression levels, and he draws his errant limb back to his lap, "I, personally, am of the opinion that we must create our own fates."

    "Titan was not built in a day," Artyom says, half in continuation and half in agreement. "Though not all Titans are Geomancers, you see. Those of us who know the art are in high demand, but knowing the rituals makes larger operations possible when all you have is your own two hands."

A smile creases his lips, "But yes. Earth is enduring in almost all cases."

Unless it's mud. Or sand. That stuff just doesn't work too well- unless you hammer it really nice and dense.

    "I haven't had the chance to travel too far just yet," Artyom says when she asks about his adventures. He elects to say nothing about Toph's own spelunking, partly because ewwww, but mostly because it's probably rude. "Though I think I might visit this homeland of yours next. Or Ivalice. I've also heard good things about..." He thinks for a moment, "Ah, what is it called... Earth. A place called Earth."

Why they name their entire world after a single element, Artyom does not know.

    His shoulders roll, allowing for his weapon to slide onto the grass next to him. "It is," he agrees. "It has been in my family for centuries, but I've been the first to truly wield it in several generations," he touches the sword's stone edge, "But it is a good blade, no matter what others say."

Even if it /is/ more of a gigantic club than a sword.

    His gaze turns back toward Toph, the skin around his own eyes and nose wrinkling as his brow tightens. Those eyes-- is there something... wrong with them? He does not elect to ask just yet. "You have no idea," he sighs a long, frustrated sigh, one finger tugging lightly at his collar. "I can only shop at maybe one or two stores, and the rest must be custom made. I prefer wearing looser, more durable clothing, too, which only makes it worse. If I started asking for nicer fabric, too, I'd never be able to afford anything else."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The two seem to both know just what the earth is good for, and just how versatile it can be. Not to mention it is stable and dependable, especially for stubborn people who are able to use it well. "I dunno, I'm not one of those spiritual people," Toph snorts as she begins picking at her toes. "And I agree, we gotta decide for ourselves what we will do and who we will be. Because other people don't know you as well as they think they do at times." And if she hadn't decided for herself she would not be here today. Not to mention she wouldn't be the bender she is.

    There are so many destinations and places to check out, especially if he wants to learn more about the earth while he's at it. It wouldn't surprise Toph at all if he did. "My world is at war, just so you are warned. The Fire Nation killed the Air nomads, well, nearly all of them anyway... and now they are trying to invade the Earth Kingdom where I come from. So it's not too safe to travel there. Ivalice is cool... and there are sooo many different Earths that you wouldn't believe it if I told you. I live on one of them," Toph informs him and flicks some dirt away from under her toenails.

    It's almost as if she can tell that he's looking at her, and Toph decides to show pity on him as she grins. "I'm blind as a wolf bat," she grins. It's not something she hides, after all. But she easily latches back onto the topic of clothes. "It's better with sturdy clothing anyway... I only have some clothes made of soft and nice fabric, mostly because I am told I need them for nice occasions and such..." Then she blinks, her face turning pale. "Oh... CRUD, I forgot!" Instantly she gets up, a slightly panicked look on her face. "I can't believe I forgot!" A groan leaves her, and she kicks the ground, causing the pillar to sink back into the ground. "Sorry, but I gotta get going... I... promised I would be home for Christmas photos."

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    Artyom and Toph seem to be surprisingly alike for two people from vastly different worlds! Maybe being attuned to Earth just... does /things/ to you? Or maybe it takes a certain kind of person to be able to shape stone and soil as they do? "Mm, I have my philosophical moments, sometimes." He even writes them down on occasion! "But that is something I believe in firmly. Tomorrow is something you wait for- it must be built."

Metaphorically built. Not literally... In most cases.

    "I'll take it into consideration," Artyom says with a quiet nod. Travelling through warzones is a risky proposition no matter who you are, and given that he greatly resembles these 'Earthbenders,' the chances for a misunderstanding are great indeed. Still... "Even so, it is probably worth a trip."

"I had heard that there were a number of different 'Earths,'" Artyom says, after a moment, "Many of them are quite similar to one another, but... Not. Different. I wonder why it's always the same world?"

That question is probably not going to be answered here.

    And then Toph confirms his suspicions. His eyes widen in acknowledgment. "So that is what you meant when you said that your attunement enhanced your senses," he says, his thoughts drifting to his own earth-aspected talents. "I see. It must be much more acute than my own- for you to discern size so readily-- hm?"

Oh! She's late!

    "Ah, I see," Artyom nods, a short chuckle rolling out of his chest, "That would be bad. You don't want to be mysteriously absent from this... Christmas of yours." He blinks, "I admit I'm unfamiliar as to the terminology, though."

"Do you require a boost? I believe I might be able to be of assistance."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    They have something in common for sure, and well... Toph firmly believes that you need to be a particular type of person to effectively bend earth and rock. "It's always good to visit, as long as you're prepared at least. At least you wouldn't be too suspicious in the Earth Kingdom, though you should probably stay far away from the Fire Nation."

    As for her senses being sharp? "Yeah, I kinda learned how to see with my bending. I can even see those squirrels behind the bushes there... and those ants. It's how I can fight too. And figure out when somebody is waving and stuff. I haven't met others who can use the earth like that before." Then again, few people need it like she does. So it's not so weird really.

    Toph brushes off her clothes, shaking her head. "No, Christmas is next week. But my mother, um, my adoptive mother that is, decided that we need to take photos to make Christmas cards with and send them out to family, friends and allies in the Union. It's this... big holiday where they celebrate a baby being born by handing out gifts and singing silly songs. At least there's gifts and food, so... could be worse!" The blind girl seems happy though, and she waves briefly. "Thanks for the offer, but I can get back to the warp gate on my own. Nice meeting you, big guy! Catch you later!"

    With that she rushes off to the cliff edge, jumps off and falls down... at least until she throws her hands forward and an earthen plate shoots down underneath her, and she lands on it as it breaks, sending her forward until she hits the slope underneath the cliff. Then she surfs down, sand and dust whirling up in her wake as she rushes home.

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    "Probably wise. I only hope that I do not stand out too much," Artyom smirks, standing as Toph declares her intent to depart. As he draws to his full size, his shadow stretches long and broad across the plateau. Artyom really is a big man. "But I suppose there aren't helping some things, hm?" Besides, it might get him into some... Interesting places.

"I, personally, can detect the approximate size, location and shape of most anything attached to the ground, but..." He seems genuinely impressed, though perhaps maybe a liiiittle bit jealous, "Not as well as you can. It's certainly an impressive skill."

Talk of Christmas follows, Artyom nods along, quietly cataloguing the holiday in his notebook. He draws a strange diagram of an infant in a gift-box filled with music notes and various preserved meats. It... Is kind of right? Maybe? Sort of? "It was nice to make your acquaintance as well. The next time we meet, maybe you'll show me how to bend metal, hm?" But maybe not. It'd be like a magician giving away her secrets. "Go with speed, now. You don't want to be too late."

    Shortly thereafter, she speeds off. Artyom nods, tucking his notebook safely away inside a buckled pouch. He nudges his sword with the side of his foot, moving it just over a nearby slope. Then, he hops on, shifting his weight downward and onward. Clumps of soil come loose and tumble away, as the great sledge that is Artyom's sword finds its pace and carries him away toward what can only be MORE ADVENTURE!