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Revision as of 03:34, 23 December 2014

Winter in the Village
Date of Scene: 22 December 2014
Location: The Realm of Gensokyo
Synopsis: A play is held in Gensokyo to herald the coming of the New Year, and Hata no Kokoro is (re)introduced to the Multiverse!

Her friend, Mamizou Futatsuiwa, likewise returns after a long absence to poke fun several guests.

Miraculously, neither Sanae nor Faruja pass out religious pamphlets for the duration! Yaaay~

Thanks to: See board 20~. Everyone was so amazing. ;_;
Cast of Characters: 2, 152, 253, 619, 654, 665, 669

Hata no Kokoro (654) has posed:
    Wintertime in Gensokyo is quite a thing to behold. Snow falls as it would anywhere else, though, and small deposits of the stuff have collected all around the city, much to the delight of local children who see fit to dive into it face first. Now, what you're not likely to see anywhere else are the fairies who have joined the children in their play, summoning up even more snow to bury them as they attempt to wriggle their way back out. These sprites certainly get theirs in kind -- on occasion the human kids will band together to pelt them with snowballs, eliciting massive ice skirmishes that are only halted when mothers or more mature fae come to drag their respective kin out of the 'war torn' streets. At any other time of year this would likely be a great inconvenience to passerby, but in this one specific instance - or perhaps the specific interval of this season, failing that - most can excuse it. Though if a snowball happens to collide with the skull of an irate swordsman or visiting Youkai? Well. Then things get -really- hairy.

    Though we're going to work off of the assumption that you don't become embroiled in any such battles before reaching the stage at the North side of town. It's likely that the small mobs of swarming people, Youkai, and fairies, in addition to the festive flags and other decorations hung from ropes that stretch from posts at each of the stand's four corners, would draw one there fairly quickly! But just in case that doesn't, the resounding sound of a gong being struck might command attention. Or perhaps the scene it instigates would -- the crashing noise is followed up by a medley of snickers from a trio of fairies who are promptly chased away by a woman with a full mask of makeup on, comically swinging a broom.

    (But really, that's what they get for leaving the thing unguarded.)

    Perhaps of greater interest to any visitors, though, would be a girl clad in a blue tartan shirt adorned with a contrasting pink bow, and a ballooning skirt characterized by alternating frowns and smiles that, when reversed, would appear to display the opposite expression. Judging by the look of complete indifference that she greets the crashing of that almighty symbol with, one might rightly assume this to be the 'Expressive Poker Face' to whom the notices strewn about the greater Multiverse referred. The only response she gives to the aforementioned happenstance is to turn her head, tilt it slightly, and slowly, slowly raise a particular mask - Raiden - to her face. 'That was loud,' She would mouth to another girl beside her, earning the response of a shy giggle and a rather profuse blush.

    It would not be long hence before the blushing belle meanders away from the mask-clad girl to join with the other performers as they cycle about the stage, swirling 'round in their flowing, ornate outfits in a subdued sort of dance. The latter would remain in place, quietly and carefully watching the lot of them without a single quirk of her own expression. Presumably it will be her turn in the practice soon, but until then she seems perfectly content to wait, swinging her legs as she sits upon the easternmost edge of the performance area. Though occasionally she might look out to the crowd with just the ghost of an impatient glint in her eyes, as if expectant of something. Expectant of what? It's likely she doesn't know either, but she has as much of a right to errant, inexplicable feelings as anyone else.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    'Homura, come visit Gensokyo with me.'
    'Your classes are done, you need to relax.'

    These are the two greater naggings that Psyber had cited to Homura to try to convince her to come out and visit the place with him. It had been forever since he saw a couple of the people he knew in there. And so, bundled up in his usual coat and wearing some gloves, Psyber was wandering the streets.

    Or he was. He got distracted by snowballs being thrown. The half-angel takes one to the side of the head and lets out an 'rrrr' noise, scooping up a gloveful and chucking it back at a meandering faerie that he catches in the side of the head. Homura will probably never be touched by a snowball and remain pristine, being how she is.

    Soon enough, he's pulled away by an elder fae coming in and he's back on to go see the stage show. That was more the draw of the hour, and that was what everyone seemed to enjoy. It's a pretty good show, all in all, and Psyber kind of watches it quietly. He can recognize the mask-clad girl, he can't recall from where.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja Senra has finally managed a break from his priestly duties back home. And what better way to relax than to visit another world and enjoy a play! Thus, he's here in slightly more 'casual' clothes. Silver-colored robes, and a matching cane. Hobbling along through the snow, the rat has a tray in his free hand. Atop? A full tea set, complete with about five cups. Given the pure amount of tea he's been gifted, sharing and generosity is in order. Ears wince as that gongs sounds.

At the very least, he may well be mistaken for some Youkai. It's nice to not be looked oddly at.

Faruja sits down, studying the masked girl. He's already adding honey and cream to his steaming hot tea, turning to notice Psyber. There's a smile, and a nod to the man. Otherwise? He remains quiet, watching the fleeing lady and her 'Expressive Poker Face' companion.

"I wonder...masks part of the performance? Mmm, didst not Ordallia contain similar plays?" He mutters to himself as he pours more liquid into his tea from a hip flask. Yep, the rat's here to relax indeed. Sip~.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Like a certain maid, it would take a fairly extraordinary snowball tossing champion to pelt Homura without a great deal of surprise or superhuman speed involved. That's pretty much completely correct. We can fairly easily assume that's why she doesn't get involved in weird snowfights while following Psyber.

    Now she has to admit, 'Gensokyo' and 'relax' don't seem to go in the same sentence together. Not from her experience with its residents, anyway, but that's only two or three people, and hardly a worthwhile population sample. Or so she'd say. OOCly it is completely a good sample.

    Dressed in a thicker than usual black and purple coat, because fuck Winter and everything that comes with it, Homura would mock Psyber for being hit if not for the fact he is one of those who could nail her if he wanted to. Instead she just smiles. Not maliciously or anything.

    She is drawn to the spectacle too, although would not admit she's not too much into these. Of more interest to her is the performer herself and her mask(s) since she certainly looks unique.

    There is a vague greeting towards Faruja, but nothing loud.

Mamizou Futatsuiwa (669) has posed:
    A giant mass of pure, unrestrained fluff that some may consider of lethal quantities suddenly smacks the mask-girl in the back of the head.

    "Oh! Sorry about that, dear. I must not be watching where I'm going."

    The voice comes from the brown-haired woman that comes to a perch beside the girl in pink and blue, the giant fluffy tail behind her likely the culprit of that impact. She's dressed enough for the weather, with a long-sleeved white shirt, a dark vest, a long brown skirt, and an elaborate red scarf. Most notable, however, are the two furry ears lifting out from the sides of her head, the leaf perched on top, and the round pince-nez glasses perched on her nose. Her cheeks are faintly reddened, a jovial color matching her playful grin and the glint in her eyes.

    "Looks like I'm just in time, at least," Mamizou continues, glancing up and aside to the stage and the practicing performers. She shifts to a cross-legged posture, her tail flicking lightly back and forth in a much less dangerous manner than its abrupt swing from earlier. "Are you going up yourself soon? Seems like we have quite a few visitors coming in so far."

    At around the same time, several furballs start popping out of the snow around the village. Strange, brown little animals with poofy, blunt tails, pointed ears, and a single leaf perched on their heads, they shake out the snow from their brown fur before they scatter around to enjoy themselves in the festivities. More than a few settle into the crowd, but several are content to join in the war of snowballs.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    It's not so hard to avoid the snow wars, when one can fly - as many in this land do. Normally she might have chosen to pace the streets and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the village, such as they are in the season, but in this case Sanae Kochiya intended to close the distance from the reclusive mountain shrine more hurriedly. Wearing a slightly thicker set of her usual clothes, and the extra layers of a muffler and frog-shaped ear muffs, she finally comes to a landing on a street nearby to the stage - indirectly getting involved in the battles of any of the children and fairies that might be closeby, as her wind clears a good dose of snow around her, before settling down.

    Thankfully for everyone, this isn't a mission to gather faith for once: There'll be plenty of time for that in a little over a week's time when the Moriya shrine celebrates the new year. Instead, as a meeting where people of the multiverse will be gathering in Gensokyo, this is sort of a blueprint to study! And besides, even a miko needs a day off, every so often. What better way to spend it than hanging out and taking in some truly classical theater! "Hello, everyone," she calls in an enthusiastic but polite volume, beaming radiantly, before stepping on in to the seating (or standing) area and finding somewhere nice and close to the action.

    "It's too bad that Miss Kanako and Miss Suwako couldn't come relax, too," she says with some regret, in a lower tone. Is she speaking a private monologue in public over there? "I'll just have to make it a point to enjoy it enough for all of us!" Somebody get this poor girl some friends.

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    Wandering aimlessly through the worlds can often lead a traveller to some interesting places. It can also lead one to become hopelessly, terribly lost. Sometimes, the latter can lead easily into the former! This is one of those times.

    In a snow fortress overlooking the northern road through town, a pair of children plot the inevitable downfall of their archfoes- the vile bandits of West Fort, just on the other side of the road. Between them and their rivals, the group have stockpiled a truly impressive mound of snowballs. One could almost hide inside of those mounds! At last, as the dread adults finally withdraw with the ears of their respective offspring firmly trapped in their beartrap fingers, it is time to do battle.

    A lump of snow falls from a tree-- the signal! 'YAAAAAA' two children roar, leaping from their fort with both hands full of snow. 'RAAAAAA' their opponents scream, jumping from their own fortifications! 'AAAAAAAA' they all yell a furious battlecry--!

And then they stop.

    They stop because there is a shadow looming over them. Attached to the shadow is a giant- one whose height seems to scrape the very sky itself. Frozen solid, a snowball falls from one boy's mittened hand. "O--" He stammers, "ONIIIII!"

And just like that, all four children have a new thing to throw snow at, and so they do. They pelt the giant with snow! They fling more snowballs than they've ever flung before in their lives! The giant is pelted ruthlessly, mercilessly, by the brave defenders of the village! Eventually, ducking its head under the onslaught of frozen orbs, the colossus retreats, its tail between its legs. In defeating the terrible monster, the two pairs of rivals become friends, and the story of the brave warriors who defeated the giant oni becomes legend among the children of the village.

Of course, this is something of an embellishment, and the adults hardly believe that an Oni would actually just stroll into town like that. That's ridiculous!

    In reality, the giant was not an Oni at all, but rather a very, very lost Titan from a distant world. Artyom grumbles to himself, brushing caked snow off his travelling cloak. He mutters more as he digs some ice out of the creases of his boots. Artyom unfurls a slightly damp map and stares down incredulously at its contents, before immediately concluding that he probably shouldn't have bought anything from that shady guy and his ultra-sketchy cart of mysteries. That, he thinks, was probably a bad idea.

Eventually, he finds his way to the stage- and the people gathered there. At least he managed to travel back to civilization, it seems! Except... This appears to be a performance. Artyom makes a curious noise in his throat and shimmies over to a spare section of bench-space. He sets his colossal sword down, then rests himself in the seat. The wood kind of... creaks a bit, as he sits.

Then, a girl flutters down from on high. He inclines his head at her, and offers a bit of a nod. "Good day," Artyom says to the green-haired girl, not bothered at all that her hair is green or that she was flying. These things are apparently more normal than not, wherever it is that he's from!

Hata no Kokoro (654) has posed:
    That niggling feeling demanding that Kokoro keep her attention on the crowd is validated pretty much as soon as the Multiversal sorts begin to filter in to the area. She notices Homura and Psyber first, barely restraining what just might be an urge to pull Fuku-no-Kami over her face as she bears witness to the profound splattering of a snowball. She would return each of their looks as they draw closer, fixing her eyes on Homura in particular. There's a long period in which the girl would stare, stare, and continue staring, and when the time comes that she finally opens her mouth to speak --


    Kokoro would likely go vaulting off of the stage and land flat in the center of a section of the crowd who kindly clear out of the way to accommodate her. She would lay in a pile of snow for a while longer, utterly silent until she draws the same mask she had initially used - Raiden, for surprise - over half of her face while the other half stares down Mamizou. "Hello to you too, Futatsuiwa." She somehow maintains that neutral expression as she rises from the ground, dusting off her clothes along the way and grabbing the Fox mask from the circle of them levitating around her person. Then she would exchange that one with her current. "Yes, I'll be going up soon. Then we'll compete to see who the best performer is! I'm going to try to smile on my own in the middle of the dance. Like this." With that she would tuck Fox behind her ear, gennttllyy tugging at the corners of her mouth to make her expression turn upwards.

    Really, it looks like a parent trying to make a baby laugh. But at least she's trying, right?

    At this point she would likely notice Faruja, cycling her masks again to don Monkey, for confusion. "Huh, huh? Why is a Tesso here?" And then she would notice the balls of fluff congealing around the stage, and her eyes would be filled with something... distinct. The gleam of purpose, one could even say, as she draws her Naginata and points it straight at Faruja. "If you're trying to ruin this play, I won't let you get away with it! Holiday happiness is a thing that should never be interrupted! En garde!" ... though soon after this she would realize that these balls of fluff are not, in fact, a rat legion summoned by the ratpriest. Rather, they're just a legion of furballs that Mamizou brought with her. Without a word, Kokoro would lower her naginata, slooowly reaching into a pocket on her top and pulling out a piece of paper upon which a sweatdrop is drawn. She would tack this to the side of her fox mask and bow to him deeply. "... I am sorry. I thought you were an awful villain! I beg your forgiveness, not-villain!"

    Now a good portion of the people in the audience have likely fallen silent, and the practice for the play has most certainly paused in light of Kokoro's antics, so there's a bit of an awkward silence. This would likely mean that the -whole world- can hear it as Sanae monologues over there, and a child no more than nine years old would likely inch away from her to hide within his mother's embrace. Kokoro, though, would give her a much more gregarious greeting (or try!), stiffly raising her hand in a wave and cycling to her mask of joy, Ko-Omote. "Maiden of Moriya! I welcome you to the performance of the Crane and the Tortoise!" Shouted in some bizarre alternation between contrived emotion and monotone, as usual. Goodness knows if this gesture is helping or hurting Sanae. Or Koko herself, for that matter. Her gaze would cycle to Artyom next, to whom she would give a too-large nod and a thumbs-up before wandering back to the stage and whispering something to Mamizou.

    "Did I do good, Fluff-san?" She might be saying, but no one knows for sure.

    Awkwardly, the other performers attempt to get back in to the performance, though it's obvious that they'll all be a bit too distracted to continue in earnest for some time. Thank goodness this isn't the actual play!

Faruja (152) has posed:
Blink. Faruja peers slightly as the many-masked woman is collided into by a particularly fluffy lady. The Inquisitor looks confused at first, but finally just chuckles.

"My, my, my, such a cheerful populace!" Comes the rat again to himself, warming swiftly to those gathered.

Homura gets a wave!

"Lady Akemi! Blessings, mine dear!" Calls out the rat, somewhat lowly. Best to be polite.

There's fuzzballs everywhere. Faruja turns, looking to one. He can't help it. One of Mamizou's little pals gets a pet. Then he offers them spiked tea. This is clearly a good idea.

Sanae only adds to his general good impression of the place! "Lord's blessings, my Lady! Come, come! Here, warm thineself with some tea!" Offers the priest, crossing his chest and bowing in place in between petting Mamizou-friends.

Artyom is rather difficult to ignore. Mostly because he's huge. Faruja looks over.

"...By Ajora, a mere inch or two wouldst hath made me feel less a runt right now." Frown! The rat devours his tea-booze with indecent haste. Blasted tall persons!

Faruja winces as Kokoro face-plants right into the snow amidst the audience, and he's up and about with a jolt. He very nearly tips over his tea-set. He sighs as the woman seems alright. A glance from mask-lady to tanuki-lady.

"...Such a curious place." Mutter. He's about reaching for his flask itself at this point.

A hand goes to his chest. A weapon pointed!

"T...Tesso? Calm thyself, my Lady! Hmph! How dare ye! I wouldst never /dare/ tarnish the honor of the performing arts! The word ye seek, mine dear, is 'Nezumi."

Thankfully, with a switch of paper teardrop and mask, the rat's indignation ends. Cough. He returns the bow.

"Th...think nothing of it. Come, come! All is forgiven! Inquisitor Faruja Senra, at thine service mine dear artist and performer!" Tries the rat warmly.

Then, his eyes are back on the performers attempting to get into it. The rat soon produces parchment and quill, taking notes. Hmm.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    While they're hanging out and Homura gives him that smile, Psyber reaches up and puts a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it and then giving her a pat. It's an affectionate gesture from him, albeit brief, as his hand comes back to his pocket a moment later. There's a great deal to take in all at once.

    First Artyom. Or, in Psyber's mind, Big McLargeHuge. Blast ThickNeck? Fridge LargeMeat, for sure. No wait! Slate SlabRock. Psyber gives the man a nod of his head as he arrives, but won't say much since the large man seems more keen on returning the greeting of Sanae.

    Speaking of Sanae, Psyber gives her a nod in return to her greeting, "Hello. I'm Psyber. I came because I like to visit Gensokyo sometimes. I used to know Yuyuko. Nice lady." He says to her with a nod of his head. He sort of assumes that most people from Gensokyo know eachother. They seem tight-knit.

    The appearance of Mamizou allows Psyber to recall, "Oh right! Mamizou Fu-" He murmurs something under his breath, "And her friend Kokoro! Now I remember!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Homura mostly stares back.
    She's pretty good at blank-faced expressionless staring. Not quite as much as Kokoro, but you could say she's had years to perfect it! That is, until the wandering doomfluff smacks into the face-neutral girl, which Homura raises a brow at. Hang on, where has she seen that one before... Heaven or Hell's office? No, maybe it's just the voice she remembers. Or neither. Psyber has so many people living or hanging out in his 'house' that remembering them all is a pain.

    Then there's a green-haired girl who looks too energetic for this.

    Then there's a VERY LARGE MAN.

    Yeah this is Gensokyo as she remembers it alright.
    Slight frown.

    Then she looks to Psyber. "You know the other one as well?"

    She does not remember meeting or hearing Kokoro before, but maybe she was just not paying enough attention. Oh well. Homura will sit there nice and quiet next to Psyber. Well, mostly quiet.

    "Hello Faruja. I'm doing fine, yourself?"

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    Unwittingly becoming part of the show, in a peripheral way. That's about Sanae's luck! When she notices the eyes of some others falling on her, she blinks blankly for a few moments - but it doesn't seem to bother her at all, as she simply returns a smile to any that might be looking her way. It's also during this brief interruption that she is greeted, first by what appears to be a very tall swordsman. This is considering that while she's no slouch herself in Gensokyo's heirarchy, she has to look up, and up..wow, this keeps going..and finally she raises a sleeved forearm to shade the glint of the winter sky, as in her imagination lens refractions line along Artyom's looming visage. "Yes, it is going to be a great day, in fact," she says, sounding almost with the certainty of someone that has some hand in that, rather than just expecting it. She couldn't just let the size differential go without a word, though, "Looks like you'll have a good view, sir!"

    Then her eyebrows furrow slightly, as her expression quickly shifts with the sudden appearance of some unexpected tension, which for Kokoro somehow just comes off as..theatric. That's just how quickly this world of wonder can turn, though. She might have tried to help defuse things, but it just as abruptly passes, and she's back to smiling with a slight puff of relieved breath. It's followed by a bow at the waist to the presumed hostess of the festivities, though one not so deep or long as to be overly formal, "Thank you for having me. I'll look forward to it!" She's not the star of the show for today, and that's just fine. Settling in more properly, she meanders around to find some good seating - too bad she's not so presumptuous as to ask to sit on one of that giant's broad shoulders.

    During this, she happens to encounter Psyber, and by proxy those he knows. She's somewhat surprised by this, as the world outside she remembers wasn't as full of people that just come up and greet you, but that off-guard look doesn't last long before he gets a broad smile, as well, and a lowering of her head. "Ah, welcome! Mister Psyber. I'm sure I speak for many when I say it's an honor to have you as a guest. Ah?" His presumption isn't wrong, though there certainly are differing levels of familiarity, as is clear when she taps a chin thoughtfully, "Miss Yuyuko? I've mostly met her at parties, get-togethers like this one, but I do know her! You mostly see her gardener around for everyday errands, when she's around." Then she has a somewhat troubled look, but doesn't inquire further of the 'used to know' phrasing that she just realized. It's the multiverse she's dealing with now, she's come to realize. In a somewhat more hushed tone, as though 'they' might be listening, she leans in a bit closer and whispers, "She'll probably show up again when you're not even expecting it."

    Another lowering of her head is given, and a brief smile in turn to Homura and yes, even Faruja, before she finally has a seat, somewhere in a happy medium with all these fun 'new' faces! Her attention turns to the stage now, where she's looking on expectantly. No modern theatric scourge of cell phones to worry about, here.

Mamizou Futatsuiwa (669) has posed:
    "Oh, competition?" Mamizou adjusts her glasses briefly as she looks over the practicing performers, then glances back to Kokoro. "Well, dear, to be perfectly honest, I-"

    For a moment, Mamizou just...stares. It's difficult to look away from such a concerted effort to smile, especially when it ends up looking so...well. Like that. Eventually, though, she manages a grin of her own before she gives Kokoro a pat on the back. "...right. Good luck with that! I'm certain the audience will be /absolutely/ riveted. Just be sure to do your best."

    Well, this is going to be awkward. And it already seems like it's steering that way, with the reaction Faruja gets. Mamizou is just stunned for a moment or two, until she takes a moment to uncork the jug tied to her wrist, gives its contents a brief swig, and then pops the cork back on just as she floats over to land near Faruja himself. Business Lady Mamizou slips in, then, straightening her posture and folding her arms behind her back as she produces her most polite smile.

    "You'll have to forgive us, sir. We haven't had many visitors from outside lately, and you have a few similarities to a particularly nasty old fellow. But come, come! Join us, savor the festivities! Would you like a drink to relax with?" That large jug is lifted again, brandished alongside the cheeriest smile Mamizou can manage. "Futatsuiwa of Sado at your service, sir. Or you may call me Mamizou, if you so choose. A pleasure to have you with us today, Inquisitor Faruja."

    Her head lifts when she hears Psyber's voice, ears perking with sudden alertness. Her free hand follows suit, adjusting her glasses as her eyes narrow slightly to examine the half-angel again. It's only a moment before recognition sets in, sparking another smile. "Oh, Mister Psyber! Proprietor of the Heaven or Hell establishment, correct? Yes, excellent, such a pleasure to see you here again, dear. Sorry for my abrupt absence for so long. I trust things have been going well in the meantime?"

    A glance is given aside to Sanae, then, as if the tanuki has just noticed the girl with the vibrant green hair. "And welcome to you, too, Miss Kochiya! Did you bring your date with you out here today?" A gesture of her tail toward Artyom, followed by a slightly mischievous grin. "I suppose you /do/ need some company if your gods chose not to come down today. Why don't you try sitting on his shoulders? You might get a better view of the performance!"

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    Many things occur in swift sequence! Most of them are greetings, recognitions, and the occasional passing villager giving him the Suspicious Eye. It generally starts like a brief bout of paralysis, but once they focus on... something on or around his head, the look goes straight to being a much more relaxed wariness. Artyom tries not to pay too much heed to it. Instead, he turns his attention the more friendly greetings and goings-on around him!

    Artyom watches as the performer(!?) threatens a very strange looking mouse-man with a blade on a stick. He responds by reeeeeeaching slowly for the big slab of stone he'd set down, but retracts his hand once he realizes that everything is in fact just fine. Artyom flashes a thumbs-up, and he would reply with one of his own. Clearly, there are some gestures that transcend both space and time. "Break a leg," he says, encouragingly. That is encouragement, right!? Hopefully THAT statement transcends space and time, too.

    He looks toward Faruja, then. He feels a slight pang of guilt that he nearly helped start a... /scene/ at the unfortunate ratman. He's just about to apologize, when Faruja starts to mutter! Artyom blinks, then chuckles. "Maybe if you drink plenty of milk, good sir. But do not worry, I am sure you are quite tall among your people."

He has no idea if this is true or not, but it seems like a good thing to say.

    Artyom gives Psyber a nod and idly shifts his gigantic stone sword to clear up a bit more space around him. That last one seems to be pretty damn accurate, apparently. He glances to Homura, too, and offers a friendly wave as well.

    Then, Sanae. Artyom smiles, "Oh? I look forward to it, then." He inclines his neck to look down at her- it's quite a ways down, upon reflection. This... Reminds him somewhat of being back at Alexander, for some reason. "I imagine that I've got the best seat in the house, right now--"

Kind of.

Unless Mamizou has her way.

    A look creeps across Artyom's face. It's... awkward? Mortified? Possibly some mixture of both. He clears his throat- it's a pretty loud sound, almost like someone dropping something heavy down a rough slope. "Er. I'm... I'm not certain that would be completely appropriate?" He glances toward Sanae, "It... Would not be the first time, I admit?"

Has... Has he let people sit on his shoulders before!?

Hata no Kokoro (654) has posed:
    Kokoro might blink at being called an 'artist' and 'performer'. To her, that probably sounds as silly as that 'gentleman and a scholar' meme sounds to everyone else! So in the interest of accuracy, Kokoro corrects him: "Menreiki! Not really a performer. I mean, I'm the masks, so I'm somewhat like that but not quite." A small group of masks would fly out from her being levitating with the energy afforded them by distinctly heretical, cerulean flames. "See, see? Masks!"

    That probably inspired more questions than it answered, but oookay. "Oh, and sorry for almost stabbing you. I thought you were an enemy of the performance! And I must punish all enemies of the performance." Her expression would, of course, be static, but above her head there might be an anime-esque darkening effect to suggest a murderous, inordinately dour insinuation.

    Whether Faruja is becoming afraid of her, developing a sort of bizarre respect for her, or beginning to see her as one of Faram's most staunch and terrible foes is probably up in the air right now.

    Then she would turn again to face Psyber, nodding her head just faintly at the mention of her name. "Yes, yes. 'Tis I, Hata no Kokoro." She... totally doesn't know this guy from Adam, so she's almost glad when this is corroborated by Homura's statement. She would stare at the guardian angel afterwards, doing her utmost to mimic the puella's expression... or whatever there is of one. Mostly neutral expressions are good for practice, though, you know? Baby steps~.

    Then, Sanae! Kokoro would briskly swipe the sweatdrop from the front of Fox, slipping it back into the pocket from whence it had come. Then she would boldly deadpan: "Yes. Look forward to it! It will be the 'best'!" Did something sound off about the way she enunciated the word 'best' there? Prooobably because it was completely devoid of the usual emphasis that it's given by the people who include it as a part of their typical dialogue. But oh well -- it still seems like she meant it.


    And finally, she looks to Mamizou again, promptly shifting her mask to Hyottoko -- cheerfulness! Evidently she has no concept of 'sarcasm' or 'insincerity' yet. But that's like a college course for her, seriously! So for now she's relegated to a condition of innocent unawareness and, by extension, awkwardness when she has no idea what that word means. Poor, poor(?) Kokoro. "I always do my best! And 'riveted' is exactly what I want to make them!" More with that weird, imprecise enunciation, but in this case that may be more because she doesn't quite know what the word 'riveted' means. But at least she didn't think she was talking about fixing bolts into things! That would've been a travesty.

    She begins her ascent back to the top of the stage, now, but not before locking eyes with Artyom once more. Here again, she locks in to a long, deep, blood-curdling silence. An unseen aura might tease at her hair, making it float upward on the Westward winds of shounen. A particular red, horned, demonic mask -- Hannya, for anger -- might quiver beside her. 'Villaaiiinnn...' it would growl... before the tense aura fades completely. "OH. That was your way of telling me to do good!" Ko-Omote flies to her face on the new, rejuvenating, Eastward winds of relief. "Thank you, Big Person! I will do good! I will do my 'best'!"

    And with that, she does indeed meander up to the stage, where all the performers are awaiting her with bated breath... wherein 'bated breath' equates to nervous glances and whispering. Nevertheless all of them would take their places, the curtains drawing back and the world falling into an almost eerie silence.

    In the words of several audience members that might be overheard, 'Oh God, here they go.'

Faruja (152) has posed:
Two ears wiggle a bit in Homura's direction. "Quite well! 'Tis a busy time for those of mine calling, but fulfilling at that! A time for remembrance of our blessings in life!" Someone's chipper today!

At least until he's getting weapons pointed at him. Luckily, tanuki to the rescue!

Faruja turns, coughs, and stands. He offers a bow to the politely smiling Mamizou, and her equally polite words. Then she's offering a jug.

Faram bless this be-tailed woman. He ignores the urge to hug the fluff.

And takes the offered jug with one hand, while kneeling. The second? He'll take her hand, and offer a courtly kiss if it's allowed.

"My Lady, the err is all mine own! Lady Futatsuiwa of Sado, 'tis an honor to make the acquaintance of such a polite and hospitable Lady such as thineself! I wouldst be an utter bore were I to do otherwise."

Cue the short rat tipping back that jug with all the gusto of a proper party-goer. Glugglugglugglug! Then it's offered back.

".../What/ exactly is this? I shall get a bloody trade agreement at this rate." Faruja Senra approves. Then? He'll (likely in a wobbly state), sit back down to focus on the performance, with a thankful nod and crossing of his chest as the tanuki floats off. Such a nice person!

But Artyom doesn't help matters. He turns to the large man. Blink. Bliiink. Then? His head lowers, and he sighs.

"...Y...yes. Tall amongst mine people. Certainly." The rat swishes his tail, and tries to look convincing. It fails, horrifically. No, Artyom, a runt is a runt.

"Ye art the masks." Repeats Faruja after Kokoro, looking at her in abject confusion. Blink. And then burning masks are surrounding her.

Part of him wants to stand up and scream Heresy. The rest is just even more confused than last time. His head tilts, ears flatten, and the rat just sighs.

A glance over. He may well abuse Teleport to avail himself of Mamizou's drink again.

Glug. Better.

"Yes! Masks! Of /course/! How couldst I ever forget such an art of masked entertainment!" Smiiile! She's quickly shuffled into the category of 'Ordalian'.

But her next words have him smiling far more naturally. With lots of teeth.

"...Oh? Mayhaps 'Dame of the Mask' wouldst be more fitting. Knight of the Stage? Defending the uplifting performances given by all whom wish to bring stories to life through acting. /That/ much, I may fully agree with, my Lady."

There is indeed a newfound look of respect in his eye. A noted lover of the performing arts, a knight of such appeals to him greatly.

A wave of a tail. "All is forgiven." He promises.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Well this conversation has really taken off quickly, "Yuyuko is nice. She does have a habit of coming and going as her whim dictates. Such a strange woman," Psyber muses to Sanae, smiling at her in a friendly manner, "And I appreciate your welcome here. It is nice to see you again."

    Mamizou gets a response of, "Hey Fuzzbutt. Yeah, I noticed you kinda vanished, but it's not that big a deal. Employees come and go. You're welcome back with your friend again if you want, but 's no big deal otherwise." Psyber waves a hand dismissively and then looks over to Artyom as Mamizou teases him and Sanae.

    The half-angel looks over to Homura and asks, "See? Isn't this way more interesting than holding up in a room over the holidays and cleaning a gun?" He chides to her, watching the girl have a staring contest with Kokoro.

    To Kokoro herself, Psyber isn't actually sure what to say. It's clear she doesn't recognize him, so that's awkward. But he isn't really sure what else to say about it, so he just sorta waves.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    Public performances in Gensokyo can always be a bit of a risk. With so many ages old rivalries - most of them, thankfully, friendly - they can sometimes come down to being glorified excuses for trying out new spell cards. This..well, it didn't *seem* to Sanae to have that 'just strapped the belt of the rollercoaster on' feeling, which is relief. But that doesn't mean it's entirely free of tension, either, with most of it having come from Kokoro. It might be worriesome except these are expected growing pains, for a youkai trying to find a niche in society, and so this particular shrine maiden will be supportive, even as she's watchful for the moment it might boil over.

    ..one such 'rivalry' might be in its larval stages, in the present, as there's just a twitch of the green-haired girl's eyebrow to betray her sudden annoyance with Mamizou's playful insinuations, as well as the rising from her seat. "This is nothing of the kind," she says, managing to speak clearly with just a trace of warbling to mark her withheld embarassment! "This gentleman was merely being polite. I..I never would ask about sitting on his broad, supportive shoulders!" But she doesn't deny having considered it, though that would prolong this ruckus even longer, so she'll have to give a pass on it this time. She finally calms down after a few moments, lowering her voice after the fact to mumble an apology to Artyom for, once again, somehow calling even more attention to his giant frame.

    Lowering herself back into her seat, she lets out a deep breath, then is right back to smiling. She also realizes she forgot something, as she turns to Psyber, but speaking clearly enough so that Artyom may hear as well, "I'm Sanae Kochiya, by the way. I'm a priestess for the shrine up the mountain." She doesn't really need to specify which, much - Youkai mountain is a hard sight to miss, and all the locals would know which one is being referred to, were one to ask directions. "I think being strange is just part of being a reclusive noble. I'll have to ask how an everyday guy like yourself came to know a ghost princess, sometime." For now, though, with things starting, she turns again to watch the stage, her one regret being that she didn't have time to prepare a snack on the way here.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:

    She can't even ask for some of that alcohol. That would end...poorly.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Artyom's wave is returned, if only because Homura has basic politeness in her. She has no idea who this very large man is but when a very large man waves hello it usually doesn't hurt to wave back. Never doubt Psyber's method of making friends and powerful allies. Just... wave and greet everyone you meet, half of them will follow you home on their own.

    Kokoro doesn't get much more of a response now that the staring contest is over, though Homura continues watching the odd displays and the masks. Magical masks? Or just someone whose ability is to infuse masks with life and energy? Hard to tell! It's unique, either way, so it's worth observing.

    The Puella Magi shrugs towards Psyber. "I was perfectly happy holed up in my room. It's warm there and we have chairs," she insists, because this place is missing one of the critical qualifiers to make that true. In other words: screw cold seasons, it's awful no matter where you go.

    At least, she PROBABLY can't get sick.
    "What is this play about anyway? It seems to have attracted an extremely diverse and energetic crowd."

Hata no Kokoro (654) has posed:
    Eventually, the curtains draw back again to reveal Kokoro standing center stage, Ko-Omote now taking the place of Fox for a longer stint. Her hands would remain folded behind her back in an almost official manner as she begins the introduction. "Today is the day of the New Years Celebration, at the emperor's throne in China. As is tradition, the tortoise and the crane are brought before the emperor to dance. Since they are each symbols of longevity, this dance is thought to grant him, and all those in the nation, long life and prosperity for the next year. But what else might their dance bring?" With that, Kokoro would bow, going off to a corner whilst that kindly blushing girl from earlier takes the stage, approaching a decidedly aged man in exquisite Eastern finery.

    The group exchanges bows with one another and chants, before finally the whole of the on stage audience - and likely the off stage audience as well - would turn to a lighted area on the Eastern side of the stage. Here Kokoro would appear again without a word to play the pivotal part of both the tortoise and the crane alike in their dance. She would begin by bowing to the emperor as all the others had before turning to the rest of the group and opening two fans, one in each hand, with classical impressions of each animal drawn upon the length of them.

    And then, keeping her fans open, she would begin to dance. Though simple, each of her movements are sweeping, articulate, and bizarrely evocative of what they seek to demonstrate. Whenever Kokoro is dancing the part of the crane, she closes the tortoise fan and inclines downward, raising the still open crane fan as thought it were a wing held aloft. Likewise, when it's time to play the tortoise, she closes the opposite fan and twirls in a graceful, gradual manner that might bring to mind images of lilypads skating on a lake. This dance would continue for several minutes until Kokoro is joined by two children, each dressed as one of the animals themselves, who come bounding from the audience. They crawl up on to the stage and begin to circle around her until those playing the parts of the royal attendants, and eventually even the emperor Himself, rise and begin to dance with the trio. This performance would ebb and flow between graceful and boisterous, but the whole time it might actually manage some degree of goodness. Goodness enough not to inspire outright yawns, at least.

    ... and certainly not in the end. Once all the dancing has ceased, the emperor makes the bold declaration that he is 'pleased'. To this, Kokoro would add a little... improv. She would face the audience again, closing each of her fans to point at the corner of her mouth. "See, see?" And she would wrestle with them in a tug similar to the one she demonstrated for Mamizou until her face finally twists into some semblance of a smile. "Happy~!" She would chime in accomplishment as actors, actress, and audience members alike subtly facepalm here or sigh there..

    ... and it was going so nicely until then, too.

    Mercifully, the emperor takes charge from there on, bowing to Kokoro again. A few more solemnities are exchanged between the emperor and his staff as the metaphorical sun slowly descends over the palace, and the curtains close again. And then is the time for applause, which the omnipresent fae are all too willing to give.

    Shortly thereafter, Kokoro would emerge from the back practically bouncing on her heels. As usual, this comes without any sort of a smile that would be appropriate with the gesture. She would dash to Mamizou first, Ko-Omote only barely managing to stay attached to her head. "I told you! The 'best'!"

Mamizou Futatsuiwa (669) has posed:
    There is some slight awkardness for a moment; Mamizou's jug is tied to her wrist, and so she needs to keep her hand held out for Faruja to chug down its contents. But he's already made up for it with the courtly kiss and flattering words, and so, standing upright with a little more pride, she allows that difficulty for as long as it's needed before accepting the jug back with a courteous smile. "A tanuki mixture," she replies, popping the cork back into the jug and letting her hand come to rest on her hip. "I'd be more than willing to set up some trade for it, dear. We can do business after the show, if you'd like! My little helpers are eager to produce and eager to work, even outside of Gensokyo."

    A brow is raised slightly at Psyber when he replies to her. "'Fuzzbutt'? Ah, well, I suppose I can add that to a list of allowed names. But-" Her eyes close as she lifts a finger, almost in a lecturing posture. "-only because you are a former - and now, likely current again - employer, and I owe you certain freedoms for my earlier vanishing." Her following grin seems to dismiss any notion of that being a seriously firm statement.

    Her sly grin shifts to Sanae next, though her tone becomes a little more courteous, and she even offers a low bow. "Ah, a thousand apologies, dear shrine maiden! My mistake entirely; I did not mean to embarass you so in this situation. Please, accept my humble apologies, and I hope you will still be able to enjoy the evening. Here; would you like a drink, to make amends?" She straightens up, then, offering her jug over to Sanae next. A grin and a respectful nod are given to Artyom, too. "And my apologies to you, as well, sir. I certainly did not mean to get you caught up in all this! The offer stands for you as well."

    Ah, but the play's about to start! Mamizou's answer to Homura consists not of a direct response, but of her just plopping down right next to the Puella and offering a brief grin. 'You'll see,' it seems to say, before her attention is fixed on the stage.

    The performance that follows is actually quite wonderful. Mamizou even finds herself surprised a little...though not once Kokoro gives that incredibly awkward, forced smile. That just inspires a fit of giggling in the bake-danuki, barely concealed by the hand placed over her mouth before Kokoro charges down again. It's then that she manages to compose herself, standing and folding her arms behind her back. "Yes, you were wonderful, dear! An excellent performance on all fronts. Truly you kept the audience enraptured from start to finish with hardly a misstep." Her tail twitches; she's being honest, mostly, all things considered. It was a good show!

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    Maybe time and space is a little more impermeable than Artyom was lead to believe. His mounting uncertainty is only made worse by that... that /glare./ He's only felt something like that a handful of times before, and then only from the resident End Boss of whatever dungeon he happened to be raiding at the time. Fortunately, whether it's because he's not actually after loot today- or because Kokoro is mercifully perceptive- the glare dissolves in relatively short order. Artyom nods, quite happy to not have to deal with a surprise boss fight in the middle of a play. "Y-yes," he replies, nodding, "I'm sure it will be wonderful, Dame... of Masks?"

    He glances to Faruja. Is that right, Tall Rat? There's a sense that he's mildly out of his depth here. He also gets the feeling that he /might/ have said something he shouldn't have, because a sad rat is instantly recognizable to anyone who spends enough time underground. Will... He have to make it up, somehow!?

    For the first time tonight, Artyom's size seems to be paying off- if only because it keeps the color in his cheeks from being too obvious. "That... Is correct," Artyom says, even as a beautiful new feud seems to be developing between the raccoon lady and the mountain priestess- Sanae Kochiya, he notes. "It was only a matter of courtesy, really! Really." Perhaps it may have also been a brief bout of cold-madness, but this isn't actually all too bad compared to the wastes of Shiva. He offers Sanae an apologetic look, himself- this is probably tremendously awkward for the both of them.

"I... May take you up on the drink," Artyom admits with a long sigh. He's been walking for a while now, and after that embarassing episode, a drink sounds tremendously appetizing. He extends a hand, not at all familiar with what Tanuki are, or what their antics might entail, or how it might be a potential risk, "May I?"

    Talk of a mountain draws his attention, though. The girl is a mountain priestess? Interesting. "I am Artyom," Artyom says, inclining his head- and by accidental extension, parts of his shoulders and torso as well. "Artyom Wojciech Valodjn of Titan and Alexand Academy. It is a pleasure." While largely directed to Sanae, it's rather difficult for him to keep from introducing himself to everyone else, too.

He cranes his neck over towards Homura and Psyber as the conversation drifts in their direction. "I can confirm that," he rumbles, "Most of the... aristocracy I know have--" There's a brief, abrupt pause as he tries to think of a polite way to say this, "Quirks. Yes."

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    But then, the discussion is interrupted! But not in the rude way. This is in the 'there's a play going on' kind of way. Artyom shuts his mouth judiciously and turns his attention toward the stage. He also pulls a worn, leatherbound notebook from one of his many pouches and discretely begins taking notes. The last time he watched a fan-dance of any stripe was that one time on Ramuh. At the time, he was a bit too young to know how to appreciate it. Now, older and wiser, he finds that the situation is a bit different.

    Specifically, he can actually appreciate the metaphor, now. He can understand how motion translates into poetry, bringing a story to life. It is... beautiful, how each movement conjures imagery and narrative. Artyom's notebook pages fill quickly as he makes quick beginning-sketches of some of the more evocative stages of the performance. The addition of children is somewhat unorthodox, but, he expects, is expected in such a rustic setting.

It's definitely still /effective/ though.

And then Kokoro... Forces a smile? 'Uh?' Artyom says-- silently, because it's impolite to speak during a performance! It's... cute, he guesses?

Was that part of the performance?

    He claps, regardless, as the performance comes to an end. Compared to the relatively smaller hands of the fae, Artyom's hands make a sound not unlike very distant thunder as they clasp together. "That was a beautiful performance," he says, electing not to mention the incident at the very end. It was an excellent show otherwise! "I suppose I am somewhat more fortunate than I had previously believed."

Mamizou Futatsuiwa (669) has posed:
    "Of course," Mamizou replies to Artyom's request, uncorking the jug she holds and offering it to him for a sip. Or swig; considering his size, the latter might be more likely. It's certainly a very strong alcohol, whatever's in there, though it has a rustic, woodsy flavor to it as well.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Yes, Sanae. Psyber is a totally normal guy. That's the ticket. He actually doesn't correct it, because when your baseline is 'totally freaking weird', you start to view yourself as normal when you live with it every day, "Yeah, sure. It's a dull story, but I can tell you over coffee sometime," Psyber notes, turning back towards the stage as Kokoro goes through her performance.

    Psyber falls silent when the performance starts, though. His hand goes back to rest on Homura's shoulder despite her complaints about him dragging her out. He knows that underneath her bluster, she is possibly very glad to be doing stuff with him that isn't classes or a major world-ending crisis. So he just gives that shoulder a pat and a squeeze.

    Politely, he claps as the performance ends, watching as the slight break of the fourth wall occurs and then carries on. He smiles a bit and then claps his hands together politely. It was a great performance, and he can appreciate the slight mishap for having made it all the more unique, so that is nice.

    To Mamizou, he calmly says, "Oh I thank you for your gracious lenience. I'll be sure not to abuse this newfound moniker of yours, I promise," He vows to her before cautioning Artyom, "Beware, my friend. The Tanuki are notorious drunkards! Try not to have too much of that."

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    Saved from almost certain intoxication by the performance having begun, what a close shave! It's not so easy to refuse an invitation made by a tanuki; if that isn't true, she just decided it should be, like one of those old tales. Her eyes somewhat lose focus for a moment, as though she's remembering some very hazy memory, or perhaps more likely the tales told afterward, and she holds up her hands with a somewhat nervous, almost pleading smile. "Uh-uhm, maybe..some other time, Miss Mamizou," she quickly mumbles in only half-refusal - the usual out for youkai pacts - not wanting to disrupt things even further. "I'll overlook this, this time," with a somewhat feigned upperhandedness.

    Especially since, shortly after, she's treated to the most adorable stage show she's ever seen, and keeping in mind she was a school kid back when she lived in modern Japan so there were plenty of school plays. It's not that she's making mental light of Kokoro's presentation, it's just the kind of child-like delight she takes in everything of the sort. Her mouth gapes in unabashed wonder, that if not real is a perfect emulation of it, and her hands remain clasped almost as though she's fighting the urge to applaud right in the middle of it.

    Yes, this green-haired girl is a bit of an enthusiastic one. The quirky attempt to smile doesn't even seem to faze her one bit, and once it's over she stands and finally lets her hands do what they wanted to do minutes ago. "That was terrific!" Her praise seems as genuine as before, but she also keeps it brief, to avoid disturbing her fellow theater patrons. Settling back down and idly adjusting her hair bead, she seems quite content. This is just the kind of thing she needed after a busy flurry, following her introduction to the multiverse. "Hmm, coffee..how adult," she muses! "I'll take you up on that offer then, Mister Psyber." She hasn't missed his familarity with his friend over there, either, and not exactly a shy one, she leans forward to look around him, straight at Homura, with a smile, "Hello there! Enjoying the show? It's great, isn't it?" This only works when you aren't inserting your own opinion for people, Sanae!

Faruja (152) has posed:
Sanae's words catch sensitive ears. 'Priestess'. A single red eye peers briefly. Faruja then quickly looks away after getting a good look of her. Best to keep abreast of potential enemies in this world, like a proper Ajoran.

But then there was a play. And quite an interesting one. Faruja Senra is quite literally on the edge of his seat as he watches. The grace of the crane, the humble skirting of lillypads of the tortoise, and the work of the actors has the Inquisitor enthralled.

He can't help it. When Kokoro tugs her mouth to a smile and the rest facepalm? Faruja starts clapping.

"Bravo! Bloody well done, mine dear! Encore, I say! Lord Avon aught quake upon his grave, for such showmanship!"

"'Tanuki', 'tis so? My Lady Futatsuiwa, remind me to offer thee to tea. I wouldst like to hear thine people's tale. And a thorough discussion of such treaties and rights between our lands." Smile! Even /if/ he'd meant it a joke at first, it was only marginally so. The rat is well wearing his politician hat at this point.

Pause. There's a smile. "Very nearly as good as Burmecian rice wine! Almost~." There's a slightly teasing hint to his words. National pride, go~.

Blink. Blink! Faruja briefly turns to Artyom. There's a smile. Thankfully, Mamizou has quite cleared (or un-cleared) his head of any insults.

"What a wonderful performance, hmm? And not as dour as Ordalia's." There's a laugh, as if he's sharing a joke that Artyom might not get. He'll blame tanuki alcohol, if anyone calls him on it.

Faruja peers over at Psyber, and frowns.

"Oh, come now, Ser Psyber! The good Lady's drink is most adequate and utterly...divine..."

Wobble. The priest is feeling it by now. Oh yes, they'll make a killing with imports of this. Thankfully stubborn pride and far too much drinking in his life has gifted him with some tolerance. It's a struggle though.

Hata no Kokoro (654) has posed:
    And once Kokoro regains composure, she would meander back out into the crowd where she is eventually tugged aside by Faruja. 'Dame of the Masks'? 'Knight of the Stage'? Uuuuh. "How about /you/ be the Knight of the Stage? We can even make a mask of whatever that is for you! But me, I'm going to keep being the masks. Because I've always been the masks and it's hard for me not to be the masks." She nods somberly as he assures her that she's not at fault for before, though, drawing Uba -- the mask for empathy -- on to her face. "I'm still sorry, Tesso! Or... nezuki, or whatever thing you said you were." She'll get it right eventually.

    As for Psyber and Homura, they must have gotten her attention as well because they're the first pair she approaches after badgering (pun again~!) Mamizou for a critique of her performance. Or maybe it's just because they're closer to Mamizou than anyone else in the immediate area. Either way, she arrives just in time to hear the offer to return to Heaven or Hell. Was she ever -in- Heaven or Hell? Probably, but she's had a lot on her mind lately! So she might've forgotten. Still, she doesn't give a reply of any substance, instead electing to engage in yet another epic staredown with the both of them, though mostly aimed at Homura. This time, though, she would actually /not/ be interrupted by an abominable furball when she opens her mouth to speak. Though she might glance around warily, just to be sure. "Thank you for being so easy to imitate! I feel like I've learned a lot from you already." ... what exactly did she mean by that? Well, naturally, she doesn't take the time to explain.

    Nope nope. Instead she just moves right along, pestering Artyom some more first. "Thank you, thank you!" Ko-Omote would swivel its way to the front of her face, wiggling a little in some subtle expression of elation. "Do you think I won? Now I can be the best at stages, too! I was the best at those before I left, but I think if you're the best you have to defend your title sometimes. So that's what I'm doing now." She might glance in Sanae's direction after, but more pressing things are happening back with Mamizou and Psyber. So she breaks back into that discussion!

    She reacts similarly to Mamizou's 95.43% genuine praise, keeping Ko-Omote equipped. And at the mention of Psyber as her employer... well. She'll let that speak for her, too. Instead of being clear about her interest in re-entering Heaven or Hell, though, she just asks: "Do I get a stupid nickname too?"


Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    "Many thanks," Artyom replies, carefully taking the bottle from the Tanuki. A swig is definitely more accurate in this case. He tips the bottle back and takes a short draw from its contents. It burns all the way down- but the flavor isn't bad at all. He might appreciate it less if he knew how dangerous dealing with Youkai could get- will he get away without having to repay this favor!?

He wipes his lips clean as his chest and belly quickly begin to warm. Whatever that stuff was, it's definitely got a kick to it. "That was some fine alcohol," he says as he returns the bottle, "Is it made locally?"

    He glances to Psyber, then. "Oh? Hm, her people have good taste," he says firmly. There's an unusual amount of conviction in his voice- maybe he feels strongly about his alcohol? "If it doesn't burn even a bit, then it's not really liquor."

...Says the guy who's actually like, eighteen. Mining tends to lead to drinking, no matter how old you are!

    His attention is drawn elsewhere soon afterwards, when the mouse he might have insulted starts speaking to him. There is much about this place that he doesn't quite understand yet. Understandable, perhaps, given that he kind of just wandered in. He's not even sure if that Faruja guy is from somewhere around here or not! "Or...dalia?" Artyon squints at him, looking just a little bit uncertain, "I apologize. Is that a place I should... be familiar with?"

    He doesn't have much time to ask much more, because there's a Menreiki /right there/ in front of him. He leans back ever so slightly- did she startle him? Maybe a little bit. "Ah. Yes, I think so?" He say-asks, following the motion of that mask as it swivels over her face. "I was not aware that there was a contest, but if your position was under threat, then it's only right to give your best to defend it!" That's basically how he's still employed, after all. "Well, I enjoyed the performance regardless. You are quite a dancer," Artyom says, tucking his little notebook back into its pocket.

Mamizou Futatsuiwa (669) has posed:
    Faruja gets a look of interest from Mamizou at his words. "Oh, tea? Yes, yes, I can certainly do tea. Quite a common thing here, really." She smiles even more, then, lifting up the notepad from her waist and the attached pen to jot a few things down. Once she's done, she tears off the note and hands it to Faruja. It's a mailing address, and it's even done with English characters! Coincidentally, it's the Heaven or Hell address. "Just send a notice on the time and place you wish to this address, and I'll be there right on time. You should keep some of that rice wine handy, too; I'd love to give it a try."

    Her smile turns a little sly again before she bows to Sanae again. "As you wish, Miss Kochiya! Remember that I am always willing to offer aid in celebration and general merrymaking, if your shrine has need of it." Truth be told, Sanae probably did make a good choice at this time. Tanuki are tricky creatures.

    Her tail comes around to playfully bop Psyber next, as her hands come to perch on her hips. "Drunkards? Come, now, I'm certainly not an oni! Though," she adds, her mock offense replaced by a chin-tapping thoughtfulness, "I suppose that's not really a high standard to compare oneself to, is it? Ah, well." Her smile turns back to Artyom again as he questions the alcohol's make. "Why, yes! Made by myself and the local tanuki. They're quite fond of their drink, I will admit. Such things lead to being particularly skilled with the process, however." A moment is taken to shake the contents of her jug. Not much left; Mamizou breathes a quiet sigh of mourning, but at least she can pick up some more after this is all done.

    Kokoro's comment is the only one to send her bristling, though. Her tail poofs, and she looks back at the mask youkai with a slightly narrowed look. "We can call you Buttface, and make a mask to match," she deadpans, bopping Kokoro on the head with her tail.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Personal preference, I guess. I like my Scotch, so that's where I stick. Tanuki Moonshine isn't really my bag." He admits, giving a shrug of his shoulders. He smiles politely, anyway, not seeming to mind his age about the whole matter.

    He gets bopped by a tail from Mamizou and sticks his tongue out at her, "Saying you don't drink as bad as an Oni isn't much, no." He won't have much comment on Faruja's defense of the alcohol and its owner. Mostly because it's unrelated to his caution for Artyom. And because Kokoro gives him something to address a moment later.

    This is in the form of an incredibly bland question. Psyber's actually not sure how to read into it or how to really react. He frowns, "It'snot a stupid nickname. And besides, why do you ask? Do you WANT a nickname? I could call you..." He thinks for a moment.

    "Staremaster. Or Poker Face."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Cue nervous laughter from Faruja.

"Oh, my, mineself? Upon a star-lit stage, performing for such exotic masses as this wonderful land aught gather? Oh, my, surely ye jest mine honored Lady! Hah hah haaaah!" There's this awkward moment of wondering what /could/ have been. A performer, traveling the world, with only the care of the next performance. Wine, beautiful people, and...

Faruja shakes his head, and tips his own flask to banish such things. He was born with gifts. Best to use them.

Then, there's a sigh.

"...Nezum...nevermind. Worry naught, Lady of the Masks. 'Tis nay insult, I promise!" Comes the rat with a warm smile.


Faruja waves a hand. "Oh! Please, ignore this fool of a priest! Ordalia is a nation in the land of Ivalice. I shouldst not expect others to know. Merely pleasantries! Inquisitor Faruja Senra, of the Most Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glabados, at thine service!" Griiiin! Surely you can trust a wide, smiling face, Artyom. Ignore the awkwardness.

A Heaven or Hell address! How convenient! The rat inwardly feels like somewhat of a doof, but maintains a warms smile.

Tea. Faruja might be drowning in it, but he'll never turn it down.

"God be with thee, oh grower of such divine plants! Be it wine or tea, never shall there be a better crop than a nezumi's!" Boasts the rat. Then, a nod.

"...Our situation considered, of course. Eighteen bottles left, and ye shall hath three of them. I shall explain in more...polite venues." Smile! There's a promise in there somewhere.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
    Honestly, Sanae just wanted to avoid the scolding if Kanako would have had to fly down here, just to pick her drunk ass up and carry her back to sleep it off. Those aren't her most proud moments, and by now practically everyone here knows she's a lightweight..a significant problem in a land where the liquor flows almost as freely as the tea, depending on the nature of the gathering. There are even artifacts said to produce an endless quantity of it, the horror(*)! Ribbing by the thankfully good-natured tanuki aside, something she says does cause a mental light bulb, and she turns back to Mamizou, "Oh! Actually..I was talking to the people on my phone just earlier about trying to convince Miss Kanako to open up some of our festivals. That would be perfect! You are a real party animal, then?" Her use of the term is somewhat..strained, as though she's trying to sound hip but is about ten years too late to it.

    After a moment she somewhat second guesses herself, rolling her eyes to the side as her voice wavers in its conviction, ever so slightly, "Of course things couldn't get too disorderly. It's bad enough having to clean up when Miss Suwako teases Miss Kanako." Which happens..annoyingly often. Something else distracts her, though, and while she had noticed him earlier, it seems polite to get to know another of their guests. She gives a smile and nod of her head to the be-leafed one, before slipping past while it's between performances to step up to none other than Faruja, whom it seems at a glance is enjoying himself even more than she has been. "Hello, sir," she bows cordially, "I didn't get to introduce myself. I am Sanae Kochiya, of the Moriya Shrine!" She doesn't want to interject herself too much, though, since he and Mamizou are..err, conducting business? Well, she's used to that, again from Kanako.

    With that, she'll wander off to what passes for concessions around here, as the lack of snacks and denying herself beer is finally catching up to her. It being Gensokyo, it's all merchant-manned rustic wheeled carts and easily moved stands. That never gets old, ironically.

Hata no Kokoro (654) has posed:
    Hyottoko would meander back to Kokoro's face as she's showered in yet more praise by Artyom, who says she's a good dancer! Well. She doesn't exactly have a mask for shyness, but she does have something else! Ko-Omote swaps places with Hyottoko, Kokoro would apply a little blush -- yes, the makeup product -- to the cheeks of the mask. Mamizou can probably attest to the fact that she wouldn't have had any idea what it means to be embarrassed this time last year (or any other year, really), so as weird as this might seem to Artyom, it's progress to her! "Awww, thank you thank you~." She would gingerly hold her hands over her cheeks, swaying slightly in further expression of her being overcome by his kind words.

    Yes, totally overcome. That's why her face is as unmoving as Kaguya when she's sleeping in on a Saturday morning when she takes the mask off! We call this 'Koko Logic'.

    Then to Faruja. She tiiilts her head more than a bit at the mention of an insult. "Oh! An insult? Insults aren't nice!" Hannya would begin to quiver again, but in this case it would cease to do so fairly quickly, soon being replaced by Fuku-no-Kami. "Ha ha ha," The laugh is not quite robotic but still unnatural enough to be disturbing, "I'm just kidding! I know you said 'not' insulting. But I was trying to practice how I would respond if you were insulting me." That's... a weird thing to practice, but Faruja has likely learned to 'expect the unexpected' at this point, what with all the heretical abnormalities he's been encountering in this Multiverse. Madness, all of it.

    And then she's bapped by fluff again.

    Though this time mercifully, it does not send her plummeting into a mud facial. Rather, it's gentle and playful, and comes with a relatively horrific suggestion. A new mask depicting a man squinting in sheer anguish, Yoroboshi, levitates to her face and she begins a mock shiver. "That sounds horrifying. Please don't make me do that. I'll be good, I promise." Even in her monotone she somehow manages to sound heartrendingly genuine. Or maybe Mamizou is just used to her? Probably a little bit of both.

    Sadly, though, Psyber is -not quite so used to her, which would explain some of his confusion when she says something that would seem abrasive from any other source with her usual, dry, uncanny inflection. Another never-before-seen mask begins to wiggle in front of her countenance, here -- Monkey, for confusion. "Ummm. Do I want a nickname? I don't know, I don't know." A hand would meander to her chin... but then he says 'Poker Face'! She would practically jump at that, Fox practically bashing Monkey out of the way to reassert itself on her face. "Ooohh, that one that one! Other people call me Poker Face a lot already. So I guess that is my nickname? I didn't even know that I had one."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Sanae isn't forgotten.

Smile! Faruja bows, and will even offer the hand-kiss he did to Kokoro!

"Lady Kochiya, I am honored to make thine acquaintance. Inquisitor Faruja Senra of the Most Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glabados, at thine service!" Smile!

Kokoro draws his attention. A fluttering mask of anger! She calms, and the Inquisitor /stares/.
5r "...Well. While I endeavor to not insult pious souls, if ye /truly/ require one to practice with..." Offers the rat. He /is/ good at insulting Heretics and Heathens. It's almos a point a pride.

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    "'Oni?'" Artyom asks, brow furrowing, "Hm, the children were shouting that word on my way in." He shakes his head, certain that the younglings of this place probably do not possess some kind of strange alcohol-preference senses. That would be just about the strangest thing he's run into yet.

    "Hm, anyway," Artyom goes right on. "I wouldn't mind acquiring a bottle of that concoction," he muses thoughtfully, trying and failing to adequately categorize the drink with his (admittedly limited) knowledge of alcohol. "Whiskey? Sake? Hm." The fact that his cheeks are noticably warmer than they usually are makes the task a little more difficult than it usually is. "Ah, moonshine!" He snaps his fingers, "That could be it. I might be interested in purchasing a bottle, at any rate."

They... They do take his money here, right? It'd be bad if they didn't. That'd just be awkward.

Squeaking of which.

    "Ahh, Ivalice, is it?" Artyom says with dawning recognition. "I've heard of that place. You're part of the clergy, then," he was also... warned about the priesthood. This one seems to be not /that/ bad though- at least he's drinking! That's a good sign, right? "As I mentioned, I am Artyom, of Titan. It's a pleasure," Artyom inclines his head, judiciously not mentioning the... uncomfortable bits. If only because Faruja didn't jab him about his earlier discomfort.

Sanae departs around then, and he offers her a nod as she goes! Maybe he'll have to climb that mountain of hers sometime.

This... may be a bad plan- for several reasons.

    He looks back to the Menreiki, then. Her enthusiasm is... Actually, it's kind of heartwarming. Like a warm little dagger right under his heart- or maybe that's the alcohol? It was just a swig, though! The blush-painting is just kind of extra adorable, somehow. "N-no, it's just my honest opinion," Artyom protests, giving a bit of a sheepish laugh. "Really, thank you for the show."

Mamizou Futatsuiwa (669) has posed:
    A glance is given back to Artyom the moment he seems willing to actually buy something right at that moment. With hardly a second's waiting, a small, poofy tanuki suddenly appears right next to the towering man, holding up a jug remarkably similar to Mamizou's own. "That would be 2500 yen for a bottle, sir," she states with a professional air. "Or approximately 25 Multiversal credits. Other currencies can be exchanged as necessary, though that may delay delivery from 'immediate' to 'a few days', depending on your location of residence." Her grin is that of a well-practiced businesswoman, all charm and class mixed in with no small amount of coersion.

    "And an oni, by the way," she adds, lifting a finger, "is a large and powerful entity known for having the strength to break a mountain and the stomach to drink a river of sake. You'd quite fit the part, I must say!"

    She turns back to Sanae more casually, then, grinning and leaning in to nudge the shrine maiden with an elbow. "Party animal. That's a good one! Yes, though, that's an accurate title. I can make accomodations to ensure that your shrine isn't destroyed in merrymaking, though. All part of the deal!"

    The bake-danuki gives a pat on the shoulder to Kokoro, too. Seems she /does/ know the strange youkai well enough to be able to tell when she's joking. And there's even progress made in her ability to show emotions! Somewhat. It's something, right? "Don't worry, dear. Just be good and I'll spare you from the horrors of the buttface mask." It's honest, too! Even if she has no intentions of going through the work of carving a butt into a mask. That's just silly.