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Latest revision as of 15:53, 23 December 2014

Out on the town
Date of Scene: 23 December 2014
Location: Strait of the Americas
Synopsis: A hunt for a cyberpunk ends a little abruptly when Ferham runs into a dragon. I mean a human.
Cast of Characters: 516, 636

Ferham (516) has posed:
     There was snow falling in this version of New York, though from one look at ground level one might not notice just how hard it was trying to. See, in big cities, the exhaust from the rooftops of large buildings caused the snow to melt before it could hit the ground, so on the street it just looked like it had been dusted, an angry god having spilled flour which only collected in the gutters and corners of alleys. Right now, some kind of decker punk was on the run from Ferham, who had descended to ground level to chase him, and was doing a good job of showing off just how fast a lady could move in heels. The only ones about during this evening temperature seemed to be creatures of the night, which happened to be women in the warmer areas. One would see them around, usually sporting garter belts and heels.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    A man more than familiar with the dark underworld, Ryu found himself just talking to one of the ladies of the night like anyone might talk to a random stranger, completely comfortable with their profession. After all, the lady isn't evil. His criteria for people that are unacceptable is very narrow for a very good reason. However, he hears running off in the distance. Someone chasing someone else. He steps into an alley to check on what the commotion was, having become a nosy hero type in very little time since his introduction to the Multiverse.

    "Hey," he barks, to get their attention. He uses his military attire, his posture and his eyes speak for the consequences of just ignoring him and running by, in case that decker didn't acknowledge it. "What's this all about?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The cyberpunk rapscallion that Ferham has been chasing brushes past Ryu as he bolts out of the mouth of the alleyway, the dragon man would be able to catch sight of the ultraviolet red glow of one of his mechanical eyes.

     "Watch ouuut!" Suddenly, a huge red armored winged femmebot was barreling right toward him, and she had been going way too fast to stop!


     Sometime later, after the dust settled, Ferham pulled herself up, having apparently flattened the man under her, or at least he'd provided her with a cushy backstop. "Are... are you okay?" she asked, peeling herself off the poor man, offering him a gloved hand to get up. She briefly snapped a head up and realized her quarry was likely long gone, off into the night. She'd have to go skulking around bars or whatnot later to try and reacquire him. Till then... Time to find out if she accidentally killed a man.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    A clatter as Ryu shouts in surprise and Ferham stumbles over him, and soon the blue-haired youth is sprawled on his back, dazed and a little scuffed up from the spill, but endlessly thankful for training and the fact that he dresses so modestly to avoid any really bloody gashes. The fact that the person who fell on him is REALLY HEAVY made his butt hurt when he landed, and he made pretty sure to catch her in the chaos.

    He stared at her, blinking once in dazed confusion. "Yeah," he says, carefully moving her off the top of him and getting up to a stand. He groans, having probably gotten a couple of bruises, and then begins patting the snow and grime off of his clothing, looking at Ferham with something of a curious gaze. He looks off where the decker went, and back to her.

    "What was that all about?" he wondered, with an apologetic frown. He did end up ruining the chase, after all.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Thankfully, most of her heavier armor was on her shoulders and upper body, around the bust. If Ryu was injured, it would be the first fatality she knew of via chestplate. She wasn't however as heavy as she seemed, not at all--she was actually not that much heavier than some folks, definitely not as heavy as the average firefighter with all their gear (they typically carried 100 lbs of stuff) but light... not so exactly.

     "Sorry about that, was after some punk I wanted to shake down for information," Ferham patted herself off, then would do the same to him unless he seemed to reject. "Are you hurt?" she asked, apparently concerned for his safety, at least since she was the likely cause of such injury. "Don't worry about it, I'll find him later. Just got to watch the girly bars, the usual drug activity spots, men are easy to track," she smirked just a little, now standing up to her full height, which was around 6'4.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    The dragon man looked up at Ferham, impressed with the height difference at first. When she would reach over to help him with patting the grime off, he would accept it with an awkward smile, moving his hands out of the way for her assistance. Ryu has some patience, it seems! "My pride, if I had any. Maybe a bruised ass," he tells her, shrugging at her. He smiles at her warmly after that, to reassure her that he's not bothered by the impact that just happened, especially since she showed concern.

    "Name's Ryan," he introduces, as he fixes his yellow scarf, flicking one tail of the fluffy accessory over his shoulder. "You uh..." She gives the armor a lookover, his brows lifting. "You look like you were looking for a fight," he says, with a smile, gesturing at the armor with one of his gloved hands. "What's the deal? You some kind of soldier?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Hmph, a usual outcome of running into me," Ferham muttered dismissively, shrugging a little but nevertheless helping the man to his feet. "You didn't hit your head, did you? if you did I'm going to escort you to a hospital before I go anywhere," she said this as if it wasn't an offer so much as a statement, like she was going to do it whether he wanted to or not.

     "I was, well, moreso information," she shook her head. "This is just my combat gear, I was tracking a dangerous criminal," she did not however state what outfit she was with, or that she was with police or not. "I'm Ferham," she lent him a gloved hand daintily, he'd notice the tips of the fingers looked clawed. Her name had a silent H, as well, as much fun as the ham jokes were.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryan seemed to be accepting her pleasantly enough. Once the conversation got going, one of his hands found its way into a pocket in his coat, resting in there for the warmth. The other remained out for a reason that is addressed later. "Looked like a cyborg. Are you a cyborg too?" he wondered, his eyes sparkling with a kind of deep curiosity. She didn't have that obvious of a mechanical aesthetic to her, beyond the armor.

    Her hand was accepted, gently grasping it. Since she held it out at him like that, he brought it up and ducked his head down to kiss at her knuckles. Then he released the hand, as if this was completely normal. Considering the royalty he's had to suck up to, it may just be a reflex to do that. "A pleasure. I was just talking with someone over there," he explains, pointing over his shoulder, looking in that direction. "Looks like they're gone now... I heard the chase and came over to check it out. Guess this is what I get for being nosy, huh?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Not a cyborg, Reploid, it's like an android, but more advanced," Ferham shook her head, gesturing to herself. "I was built, not born, and then augmented, like the rest of my kind," she stepped past him turning to him again a few feet away. She would however, smile a little for just a moment at the kiss to her glove. "So, you're a gentleman, eh?" she seemed to be amused with this, apparently charmed a bit.

     The height difference between them was interesting, that was for sure. "Good samaritan, huh? I see, I appreciate it, but I'm not going to do anything to you, even if you did blow my chance at catching that person," she smiled a little. "If you play your cards right, however..."

Ryu (636) has posed:
    "'Reploid,'" Ryu repeats, just so he can remember it more easily. He nods at her, seeming to just accept her explanation at face value. No further questions about what she is just yet. When called a gentleman, all he can really do is blush at her and look self-conscious, because he didn't really mean to put off that sort of image. He shrugs at her, and then gestures as if offering to walk with her down the sidewalk.

    "That's good," he awkwardly replies, like he's not sure whether to laugh about her allusion to avoided violence. What he does get is the last comment... and he blushes harder, frowning at himself for the warmth in his face. "My cards...?" A beat. He has to actually think about the phrase. "Should I buy you something to eat, to apologize for the mistake?" he asks, just going off the 'maybe she's built to be as human as possible' theory judging by how she's behaving so far.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "You can just call me a robot if you want," Ferham muttered a little deadpan, but she didn't seem legitimately annoyed by it. She does however seem fine walking with him, her wings folding back behind her to allow him to walk along her side. Her heeled boots click-clacked as she went, sending the noise echoing down the street.

     "Hmm? buy me dinner? That'd be nice, if my preference wasn't E-crystals," Ferham grinned a little, looking over at the dragon man. "Down boy, I don't know how you can turn that shade of red in this temperature, even," she sighed a little and folded her arms behind her head a bit, stretching, before letting her arms down. "Guess it's just me."

Ryu (636) has posed:
    He keeps blushing when she draws attention to it. Ryu just draws his mouth into a line and hides half his expression behind his scarf. He doesn't call her a robot or anything of the sort. He looks over at her as the excess warm fades from his cheeks, looking at the armor, and then up to her face. "What's it like to be a Reploid?" he wonders, because he hasn't the faintest clue. Maybe she could explain more about it, if she wanted.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Men are so predictable," Ferham sighed a little, though kept her smile as she watched him hide his face with his scarf. "I don't know, what's it like to be organic?" she peered back at him, using just one green eye directed at him. "I can't really explain it, either way--it'd be like trying to explain how it feels to be drunk or in love to someone who has never been in that state, it's not possible," she shrugged, then looked to him again. "I have human-level tactile sense and emotions, so somewhat similar to you, I'd imagine."

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryu let out a heavy sigh at the answer he got. "You're a Reploid. That means something to you, or your world, right? Like how I'm hu--" he hesitates. He just... glosses over that part while he continues, "There's whole stories for what it means to exist. So do Reploids have anything like that?" He glances aside at her and smiles warily, "If you don't know, that's fine, 'cause that's how it works with plenty of people."

    He waves it off with a hand, "Sorry, it's just... I don't really know what I can talk to you about." He sullenly shrugs and looks down at his feet while they keep walking.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     She quirked an eyebrow at the man, at his sudden apparent faux pas there. "Sure, we believe we have spirits, if more.. radiation or electrically based than what a human's might be, there are robot religions too," Ferham nodded. "Taro runs something like that, well, more of a cult to an AI god, but there you go," she peered at him a little strangely.

     "What sort of things do you not think you can ask me?" they continued on, past an adult theater, chatting.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    "Well, starting with the one I should've asked: 'Do you eat?'" Ryu looks over at Ferham, smiling at her again, still in that uncertain way. It's mostly the way his brow creases like that, like he's constantly worried he's saying something wrong. He looked over at the adult theater once they passed it, a corner of his mouth quirking. Almost made him ask something else, but he decided the topic was not a good idea to bring up. "Could we find somewhere nicer to talk?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I can, it's not required like it is for most organics," Ferham was apparently self-conscious. "For humans, I should say," Ferham then peered at him as if he was being strange. "What's the matter? you want to get out of the street?" she said as if Ryu was being sort of needy or something, then looked around. "Alright then, here, hold on," she put an arm around his waist. "Grab my shoulder with your arm on your side there," she'd be lifting off the ground now, as if propulsed by some kind of jet--but there was no such thing on her back.

     "And awaaay we go," she said, raising her voice just a bit so he could hear her over the rush of wind. And they would be going up and away, too.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryu looked down in bewilderment when he was grabbed. He would've suggested a cab, or the bus... he catches on quickly, though. He does as she says and holds on tight, and once they start floating upward, flying up off the street, he closes his eyes a moment, then smiles into the wind blustering at his face, as if all the worrying had faded once they got airborne.

    Seems he likes flying.