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Garlean Mad Science Introduction
Date of Scene: 17 December 2014
Location: Garlemald Capitol, Garlean Empire, Hydaelyn
Synopsis: Taro and Fuki have answered the call to come help decipher old texts from a time long past and get to see a very classified project.
Cast of Characters: Fuki, 399, 522

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Taro and Fuki have been given two bracelets which act as ID tags. They are black in color and have some type of flat panel like device on the top. Though it has a soft blue to its color, though dark it may be.

They will catch an airship from the Confederate tower that will take them to Garlemald and once they arrive they will see the sudden mountains give way to a city far below. Structures that reach for the skies, roadways that can be seen below and hustle and bustle of both ground traffic and some aerial traffic as well.

Off in the distance massive mining and leveling machines that work tirelessly to continue to expand the growing city and continue to fuel the ever growing machinery of the mighty nation of Garlemald.

On landing which is rather smooth due to the VTOL type styling of the craft, they are met by not only Gaius Van Baelsar himself, but another man with silver sleeked back hair and wearing clothing that is somewhere between a scientist and a nobleman.

The man has a white oval in the center of his forehead and doesn't not stand to tall. Five foot nine it would seem. Far shorter than Gaius who is alongside him. The man gives a proper bow to them both, even as Gaius speaks, "Greetings Taro, Fuki. It is honor for you both to be here."

The man looks upon them both before he gives them a soft smile, "Indeed. A pleasure to you both. I'm Dorus, one of the heads of the R&D department here in the Garlean Empire and overseer for the time when it comes to any documentation from House Darnus and Allagan scripts."

"You two will be aiding us in not only translation of some of these scripts, but also unlocking the mystery of what they may have known regarding the Eikons and including the studies of the technology they used to battle against them."

Taro (399) has posed:
    One thing Taro can say about Garlemald - the scenery is breathtaking.
    The android priest has brought along some of the tools of his trade for this venture, all neatly tucked away in his belt or in stowed what some worlds would call a 'messenger bag'. The latter rests in his lap on the journey here, and he rests his hands atop it as he watches the scenery roll by below them.
    When they arrive, the bag is slung over one shoulder. The other serves as a relatively comfortable (or so he hopes) perch for Fuki. It's easier on the shinki than walking, and he does not mind. Mindful of his small passenger, his bow is more a deep nod of his head when the two of them are greeted. "Greetings, Legatus. A pleasure to meet you, Dorus." Shorter than Gaius the researcher might be, but he still has a few inches on the android. "I look forward to working with you." The smile goes unreturned, but his tone is pleasant enough.

Fuki has posed:
    The scenery of Garlemald, the huge towers, the airships... everything... makes Fuki look in awe of the Garlean's empire. "So...beautiful." she whispers while still in flight, her eyes taking a few photographs to send back to her Master. Though, not long before the landing, Fuki rests herself up against Taro's shoulder, nestling comfortably on her android friend.

    "Greetings Legatus, and greetings Dorus." she bows properly before the two, her tone professional yet sincere. "I've had my master install quite a many translation scripts into my memory from various different languages and dialects for this purpose. It'll be an honor to assist the Garlean empire with this endeavor."

    Fuki returns upright before sitting back down on her friend's shoulder, the armorless Shinki giving a curious look at her bracelet only to turn back to the two. "If it isn't too forward, we would like to know how much of this work has been done and how far along you are in terms of researching and translation so we know where to begin and who to harry with questions and data in relevance to this."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Dorus gives a gentle nod before he looks to the Legatus, "Lord Van Baelsar. I do believe I have things covered the rest of the way."

Gaius cants his head gently before looking over at some of the guards near the gate and motioning his hand in the air. One of the guards then open up the data-pad and types in several commands before the gate door opens.

Beyond the gate door is tall black city structures, with mirrored glass. The street lights seem to float in the air glowing a gentle blue-white light and some Garlean troops ride upon the back of mighty horses, along with a few vehicles that move along the streets hovering on the aetheric waves themselves.

Dorus then looks to Fuki, "Oh, it is not a problem at all to ask. After all, one can not learn unless they ask questions." He says as he starts to lead the way outside the very gates that have opened. "House Darnus has the largest records of Allagan history and texts. It is stored upon archive upon archive of data."

Once he steps out a vehicle of some kind pulls around the corner and the door automatically opens. Dorus waits for the two to enter first. It is much like a limo that may be found in other worlds, but a touch more high-tech.

Once they are in and he sits down, he continues to explain. "We are fortunate that they had broken the archives up into sections. So different heads of researchers handle different archives. Some of these archives have been moved elsewhere, but while you work-- you will be using the terminal system."

The older man then crosses one leg over the other, as the vehicle goes into an underground tunnel. "Any data you are able to translate will automatically be filed into the system and transferred for double checking-- we do this just to be sure. Once everything checks out, it goes back into the archive as corrected data."

"We have been working on this for years.. and it could take even more years before we discover some of the deepest truths, however because Lord Van Baelsar has my team focusing on Eikons.. and with the two of you-- it should not take that long."

He then leans forward, "..and there is also the case of the classified Machina." He then grins brightly, "A living machine, some of us call it. You both will have the fine chance to see it yourselves. It could, perhaps, be the ultimate weapon against the war with the Eikons.. if," He then frowns, "..we can figure how to make it work."

Taro (399) has posed:
    There's much to see. Taro does not gawk - he's too well mannered for that - but his gaze does wander quite a bit as all of them walk. A silent appraisal, the better to listen to Dorus as he answers Fuki's question. That is, until they reach their transport, at which he cants his head a bit - away from Fuki, so that she doesn't get a faceful of his hair. Interesting...
    "Mm. Not unlike a Neo Arcadian car," he remarks as he steps inside. If there's some sort of visible seat restraint, he'll fasten it; regardless, he'll set his bag in his lap once more. "That sounds like an efficient division of the labor," he says with a note of approval when Dorus explains how the archives have been sectioned. Then, one eyebrow arches as Dorus brings up the Machina. "A living machine, you say...in the manner of Fuki and myself?" Curiosity piqued? Oh yes.

Fuki has posed:
    It helps having someone else do the walking, she can save her battery power. She looks around with the new sights, ever the sightseer as she takes in where she'll be working with her friend and ally of the Confederacy. "Good, the data being seperate will help alleviate cross contamination of information."

    Fuki grips the collar of Taro's clothing as he buckles himself in the vehicle, listening intently to Dorus, "Terminal system? If I have a way to connect myself into it, it'll be well to do for my processing capabilities." a pause, "Double checking is always a good thing. Measure twice, cut once as my master likes to say sometimes."

    "Living machines to battle the Eikon threat... I assume that any information we gather upon that would be of the highest priority then?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Dorus looks to Taro, "We are not sure." The scientist admits. "We are not even sure how the Allagans controlled it. Best we can figure is we need to, excuse me for saying this.." He ahems a bit, "..strip it down some, put in parts we can honestly understand how to control, and bring it to our technological level-- because the trouble with the Allagans, to be frankly honest."

This is when Dorus frowns deeply, "Their technology makes ours look like child's play." he sighs, "Oh I am sure there are civilizations in the Multiverse who can match them, perhaps even either of yours.. but for us.. we far, far behind the Allagan Empire."

Dorus then sits back as he crosses his arms over his chest. "And just imagine.. what brought the Empire of that time to its demise was not weapons or dragons.. or even the Eikons.. it was simply the world shifting. A damn bloody earthquake that shook the entire world that brought their era to a closure."

"And though some Allagans had survived, such as those who were once of House Darnus.. their blood has been tainted by the sheer inter mixing of other species upon Hydaelyn." Dorus shrugs, "Though some say what made the Darnus family so special, beyond their connections to his Radiance, was that they were true, full blood descendants of the Allagan Empire. No mixing of blood in them.. though I have my doubts on that."

Dorus then looks to Fuki, "We may be able to hook you in directly," he peers at her closely. "After all, we can hook our data pads to the terminal system to offload and upload data." He then raises and brow. "..and it is in slight, aye. Though Lord Van Baelsar is very.. untrusting of it. Many are in truth. We know so little about it and all we can honest do it stare at it in wonder..."

Dorus inhales deeply, "So-- how you two handle that research is entirely up to you both. Either one of you can focus on trying to find the data on the weapon, while the other researches other information.. or.. however you two decide really."

As he says this the vehicle comes out of the tunnel into a large square, passing by two large gates. The area covers a great deal of land. Several buildings are lined here, easy to tell that some of these are indeed research facilities. Across the way is also what looks to be a several story mansion made of wood, black steel, and stone. The Emblem of Darnus imprinted into the stain glass window.

"And here we are. The heart of so much of technological wonders and research." Once the door open, the two are taken into one of the primary buildings. The floor that of polished marble, with the walls that of black steel and stone. Lights along the walls illuminate the area with a soft light and Dorus walks behind them with his hands in his coat pockets.

"Now then. You can either be settled to your rooms or I can take you to see either the machine itself, or the library holding at which you will be working." He then points over to a sign, "Also if you ever get lost, there is always maps along the way."

Dorus then taps his chin, "Also the mansion itself is off limits. Its by his Radiance's decree." He shrugs his shoulders, "I believe they have plans to turn it into a museum or some such. None of my business to be honest."

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro nods slowly, lapsing to silence again so that their host can speak without interruptions from him. He would make an appraising glance at Fuki, but being on his shoulder as he is makes it a touch difficult to see her. "So long as there are I/O ports, in terms of hardware, it should not be difficult to connect you. In terms of software, that may be more tricky, but I doubt impossible." His previous failure is not remarked upon. It was a lesson, yes, but not a deterrence, apparently. As for how to divide the work, perhaps we should decide that once we have a better look at it all..."
    His gaze shifts to the window as they exit the tunnel, coming to rest on the mansion as they draw closer to it. This time, he makes no comparisons.
    Bag is once again shifted to his unoccupied shoulder as they step out of the car and into the foyer, which again is taken in with appraising eyes. "I would prefer to begin working right away. With apologies, a room is a room when one is resting. Which would you prefer, Fuki?"

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki gives a light nod, "So, reverse engineering then upgrading using known controllable and understandable parts. Sounds like an... easy enough assessment there, but things like this are never easy." she gives a light nod and a smile.

    Fuki listens in to what is being said, giving a light nod. "We'll work on how we'll do the research for it, as for getting me hooked up, as long as I can interface with it, it'll be fine. I'm sure I can rig up a compatability program, more so with Taro's help.

    When they arrive into the heart of the research area, giving a light smile, "Taro, this is where we'll be working quite closely with each other, more so than the raids and such for the power armor." she thinks a moment, "I would love to see the machine itself, and Taro, as for room. if you don't mind me resting on a desk in the same room, should do well over keeping me in a seperate room, easier on housekeeping and operational costs."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Dorus nods his head, "Then very well. I will make sure those in charge of your room and board are aware the two of you wish to stay together and see it done." Dorus then motions for them to follow, as he walks down a hall. "Then let us go see the living weapon, so you can see just what we are truly hoping to find out about."

As they wall, they pass by several other halls going into several other rooms. The facility was large by the looks of things and as they walk down a ramp, it was easy to see they were passing into the underground part of the complex.

The ramp itself was slightly dark, but it soon lit back up as they entered into the next complex, though underground they still were, but now surrounded by black steel, blue glowing lines and above soft white light gave clarity to the area to be seen with ease.

As they walked, more rooms could be seen, before they went to an elevator, which Dorus stepped on. With a push of a button they started to descend down the elevator. "We were able to get it down here, encase you were wondering by a false building above that is in truth an access point for us to off load and load all classified materials."

Dorus leans against the railing. "We have many projects happening at once, just this will be part you are involved in." As they continue down the side exposes the sudden large room. There in the midst of the massive room was not only several machines of many kinds, but also in the center with clamps along its feet and massive tail-- was the living machine. A draconic like centaur like beast several stories tall, with glow red optical lens.

If anyone had any common sense, it was probably something to be truly feared, yet in a strange way-- it as also remarkably beautiful.

Taro (399) has posed:
    "'Straightforward' is the word I think you were looking for, I think. I wouldn't call reverse engineering in any form easy or simple." Taro then makes a small affirming gesture in answer to Fuki's request. "I do not mind sharing a room with you." Followed by, in a lighter tone, "So long as you don't mind putting up with my prayers, that is?"
    He continues to follow their host, keeping attention to their surroundings while not moving his head more than necessary. While he will no doubt avail himself of one of those offered maps later, that's no excuse to not take note of the path now. Many passageways...the compound must be larger than their first glimpse suggested. Of course, if it is in part underground, then there would be no way to have guessed the size from the courtyard.
    He blinks once as his eyes adjust to the change in light as it dims, and again as it brightens. And then Dorus helpfully answers the mystery of the outer facade versus the inner workings of this place. "Is much of your complex underground, then?" he asks.
    The android's gaze shifts to the now clear side of the elevator, and while it's not exactly a double-take, his eyebrows arch in an expression of mute surprise.
    Apparently what he had seen during the vault expedition was but a taste of what this ancient civilization had left behind.
    He takes a step closer, resting his gloved hands lightly on the guardrail. "Most impressive."

Fuki has posed:
    "Prayers do not bother me, Taro." she nods, giving a sly smile to her friend, "And perhaps, I do seem to use the wrong words for things I mean." she gives a light chuckle, following along as she gives a good look at Ultima...

    "Dear deity here..." she whispers... "This is amazing. This is all technologic or is it biologic or..."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Dorus gives a nod to Taro, "Aye, a good deal is indeed underground and some above ground. Most of the important things, including the archive libraries themselves are stored underground. The Libraries were once stored within the Darnus mansion, but we have moved most of them."

Dorus then taps his chin before he continues, "Though we have not had the liberty of moving them all. Mostly because some of them we are not sure what their importance truly is yet.. also some investigation being ran by one of the Legions against it."

Dorus stares out over the living machine as they come closer to reaching the ground, "But yes, he is a beauty.. and imagine.. he is hidden away inside of a mountain side, surrounded by earth, Ceruleum fluid, and aether crystals." Dorus hmphs softly. "Almost as if the Allagans were trying to bury the machine forever... or keep someone from ever gaining access to it."

Dorus then looks at Fuki, "From what we can tell-- its Allagan Magitek, but yet.. it has actions as if its biological in some means, yet-- not. It is perhaps one of the most complicated of finds."

The Elevator hits the bottom floor and the rails slowly lower down to give access as they can walk on the floor once more. If one stares close enough at the machine, they can almost swear it was breathing, including the fact it always feels like its watching.

Automated machines that float in the air roam around it. Red scanner light roams over its body side to side from top to bottom. All the data can be seen running back over to several terminal screens being monitored by several engineers and technicians. All to busy to even give a look to the two strangers among them.

"The one thing we have been able to determine about this machine, is that runs on.. something. Well, drive is something at least. It can apparently use Ceruleum as a fuel source, like most of our Magitek.. and it also has the ability to consume aether-- but not for the means of fuel."

Dorus pauses at that as he turns to look at the two, "That is the curious part. We don't fully understand /what/ it does with this aether and the fact its systems seem keyed on a particular essence level /of/ aetheric energy. It is for /this/ reason we believe that it is possibly the weapon we need for the Eikons.. but until we can find proof this is true.. and until we can find the means to control it."

Dorus hands go up in the air. "All we can do is continue to theorize, poke about it, and try to understand by the most simpleton means on /how/ it works."

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro is listening, of course, but his eyes remain fixed on monster of a machine...well, perhaps monster is the incorrect word here, given the contect in which he normally uses it. Titan? Gargantuan? He'll decide on a proper term at some point, assuming that someone else doesn't give it to him.
    Unless Fuki requests otherwise, he takes several steps forward, craning his head to keep it in view as he approaches while yet maintaining a respectful distance from both the largest machine and the smaller ones attending it. "Mm. Not something to be trifled with lightly....I see now why you are so anxious to gain a greater understanding of it."
    He finally tears his eyes away, to give Dorus a sidelong glance. "Though I must ask the question: could it have been sealed away by its creators for good reason?"

Fuki has posed:
    "I'm really interested in seeing what this thing can do... maybe it can work to trying to figure out some modifications for my own being..." she smirks, giving a light nod, "This is going to be a wonderful thing to study, huh Taro?" she smiled, "Such an enormous being..."

    "My question is where is it to start. There looks to be so many places to begin..."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Dorus closes his eyes to Taro's question. Deep contemplation over what is asked of him. "It.. is a possibility and one that has been also brought up. It is too, why we are being so careful." He opens his eyes and looks at Taro.

"Lord Van Baelsar brought it here due to it become exposed to particular members of the Union. He seem to have all attentions of keeping it there until we found out more, but with the Union possibly coming to know we may have such a weapon.. and that the Confederacy could gain such a weapon.." Dorus says no more as he motions to the area around them and his hands fall to his sides.

"It is why it is so important we find out not only more about this machine, but also any form of technology the Allagans had that could deal with the Eikons. While other worlds too seek for answers, we must also seek answers from a civilization who dealt with them on a personal level."

Dorus then shakes his head. "Alas.. if only we had the Darnus family still around, how much easier it be to seek the answers on so many things."

Dorus then looks to Fuki, "We start by starting at the bottom. The basics. For now. I will have the basic allagan scripts of their alphabet sent to your room for study. Perhaps on-- hm-- Saturday or the following week we will try to go over some basic texts from the library archives, hm?"

Dorus grins at that, "See the alphabet and language formation as your homework to study and the first script book runs as your test. You do well there, we will move to a touch harder things."

He motions to one of the armored troopers standing by at a door. "She will lead you to the dinner hall to get something to eat, or drink-- while I work on final arrangements for your room and then once ready, she will take you there as well. See her as your escort while here."

Dorus then ahs gently, "Also if you need to head out of Hydaelyn, allow her to know and she will make sure a transport is ready to pick you up and take you back to the tower.. and if you like to head back her-- just let them know."