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A Tale of Two Dragons
Date of Scene: 28 December 2014
Location: Strait of the Americas
Synopsis: A Christmas fair date for Lute goes hilariously wrong! ...Or right?
Cast of Characters: 3, 152, 188, 399, 516, 615

Ferham (516) has posed:
     It's a brisk evening in the Strait, if the weather is anything like North America, that is, then this place would be seeing a bit of a chill this time of year, at least one would hope. Lute had been sent an email with instructions on where to proceed with the next totally hot robo babe that Wily had cooked up for him--it had even been sent from the doctor's email account! It was signed and complete with the little W logo in the lower right. Perfectly legitimate.

     The destination was, apparently, to a christmas fair that was operating well into the night. There was lots of people there! It was a bit like any other kind of fair, except this one was laden with rides, candy stands, that sort of thing. Oh, also a metric crapton of christmas lights and decorations, just the kind of place that Wily's robots might be waiitng on crashing... right? Well, it didn't seem like it tonight, due to the truce running for the holiday season... but something just didn't seem right here. Were any of these rides or decorations secretly Tellys or Metools in disguise?

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is, of course, coming to the date, arriving right on time at the park. Of course, he isn't the type to /pay/ to get in, like a lot of these fair things ask for, so he just jumps the fence.

     And, for some reason, he sent out an invite to some random people in the Multiverse to come, too. Honestly, it's hard to say /why/ he did this, but honestly, following Lute's logic is hard at times.

     And so he just wanders around the park, looking for his date.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Baron Ineryon Valos was talented when it came down to teleportation by way of his dark portals, which was a skill taught to him by an uncle of his, named Zerum. On the other hand, he wasn't so talented that he could bridge the gap of one entire continent at most, and the farther away his intended destination, the worse his 'aim', so to speak! If one were to picture a game of Bowling that lodged an alley which was a football field in its span, getting anything but a gutter-ball would be unlikely except by the most polished technique known to the masters.

     Ergo, the dark elf ends up walking out of a shadowy vortex and into an Xmas festival...thing. Seeing smoke arising from one of the pavilions, he inwardly wondered if maybe they had some fried-fish available; normally he went spear-fishing with a pointy piece of iron, but this evening, he'd try to trade some round piece of metal instead.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja Senra is here! The dear rat is generally enjoying the fare, munching on popcorn after having come off of the ferris wheel! The only slight to the evening is a distinct lack of certain lizards. Oh well, he's pocketed some mistletoe for later.

For the moment, the rat is at a bench.

Blink. A familiar figure! "Why, if 'tis none other than Baron Ineryon Valos. Lord's blessings. Ye didst not strike me as one to enjoy festivals."

Roll (3) has posed:
    Roll is here with Faruja! Because she doesn't accept weird invitations from strangers to strange places, like any good daufhter of the Light Family! :D

    She's just come off a mini roller coaster herself and come tromping back to the bench. She's a bit less than impressed - when you can speed around on a Rush Jet and don't really have too much of an endocrine system, speeding rides aren't quite as exciting anymore!

    But she's still having fun here! When she hops up on the bench there's a noticeable WHUNK. "Looks like these people really /don't/ care that Christmas is over!" She announces cheerily, only to peer at Ineryon a few moments later. The girl's expression is easy enough. it's asking 'who is this?'

Taro (399) has posed:
    Metools are cute little robots, and can be festive when given the right color scheme. But that's neither here nor there.
    While there are plenty of people here to enjoy the chilly weather and the festivities, two of them may stand out. Sisters, almost certainly, possibly even twins. Not quite mirror images of each other, one being a little smaller, but the resemblense is striking.
    The slightly shorter of the two did not completely dress for the weather, though she did throw a festive holiday wrap over her shoulders and cheongsam. Still, she doesn't seem to be all that bothered by the cold. She's also not quite smiling, though she doesn't seem to be particularly unhappy either. "Do you think he'll be on time, or late?" she asks of her sister.
    Though the question quickly answers itself, as she spots Lute, and begins sauntering toward the man. "There he is...Hello there~"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Walking along is what appears to be a rather tall, leggy looking asian seductress in a red silk slit-skirted cocktail dress with a high mandarin collar, red heels and long black hair. Along her arms is a pair of black shoulder-length gloves, and her long black hair is apparently done in a bun by slender wooden chopsticks. She follows along with the other dragon lady, the brunette--though there is a trio of figures following her, as one would plainly see as she stops.

     It would appear that someone had a fondness for the Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer Christmas special, as a couple of Wily's robots have pitched in on a bit of a spectacle!

     Slash Man has festive, christmas light strung antlers and a red round nose put over his normal one, he's also attached to a harness by... Clown Man, dressed in a velvet elf tunic with matching tasselled hat, apparently as Hermey the elf!

     And behind them is Junk Man, looking unamused he was the only one big enough to fit into the Abominable Snowman outfit, which apparently is like a big mascot sort of suit, with his metal frankstein-ish head peering out of the yeti's 'mouth', it looks rather bizarre and perhaps less kid friendly than is intended.

     "I'm sure he's around, boys, entertain the guests, would you?" the tall dragon lady, whom those who know her might recognize as Ferham, gives a dismissive wave of her fan to the robot masters, who grunt and sort of look at eachother like 'wtf are we doing here, cap'n' more or less.

     "Oh and, do mind the harness, Slash Man. Those cost around 400 dollars at a specialty shop," she twiddles her fingers at him, before taking the reins (pardon the pun) herself from 'Hermey' and continuing one, dragging poor Slash with her.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Sensitive ears catching the sounds of Faruja, whose voice was easier heard because Ineryon's own name fell into circulation, as would anyone amidst a crowded area, the dark elf chose a detour from his initial target-- that junk-food stand. He had /some/ manners that coincided with the types brandished by other societies, so the armored drow was compelled to greet the Burmecian.

     "I would say whatever thought struck you and took root in your system of belief was a worthwhile gesture on behalf of the mechanism driving whatever motivates one to put faith in this thing, or that thing; it is in fact a truth that I'm not one to enjoy festivals, and this is now to be evidenced by the proclamation that I plan to depart, once I have satiated my appetite, Mister Faruja Senra!" He shrugs lightly, then turns his attention to Roll for just the briefest of seconds, "Fret not... some of us never cared when Christmas began, eh?", trying to reassure Roll in his own way, he then resumes trekking towards the Nezumi....

Lute (188) has posed:
     As one of the twins makes says hello to Lute, well. It somewhat takes Lute by surprise. So far, Wily has made the robots in single sets. Two at once? Great idea. Twin robot girlfriends? What could /possibly/ be better. And neither of them seem to be furry-robots either, unlike the last one!

     "Well, /hello/ there, are you who I'm here for? Well, I'm /hoping/ you are, cause both of you are /fine/. Wait, actually. Are you both parking tickets, because you both have fine written all over you."

     Yeah, he kind of botched that pickup line. But either way, it's the thought that counts. And his thoughts are equally terrible.

     He does spot Ferham, though. He doesn't recognize her in the current outfit, though. But, despite the fact he is /already/ trying to hit it up with a couple of twins, he still gives her a bit of a look, too. After a moment, he looks back at the twins.

     "So, babes. My name is Lute. What are you two named?"

Faruja (152) has posed:
As he's joined by Roll, Faruja smiles and raises his hands to indicate the festival at large. "Mine dear, a festival to celebrate times of thanksgiving for our blessings from the good Lord is hardly one that needst be so swiftly quit!" Indeed, the fact they're still celebrating has him beaming in priestly pride!

Of course, Faruja is then treated to a reign-baring Ferham being tugged along by Slash Man. The Inquisitor /strares/. Peeeeer.

Cough. Cough cough.

"...Dear Crimson Angel, ye hath quite /interesting/ ways of spreading holiday cheer." He calls out. Then there's a bow. Still staring, this rat.

"...And when didst ye get such an interesting outfit?" Dragon-reploid.

Thankfully Ineryon and Roll prove distracting. There's a slight pause as he looks to the elven man, deciphering his long-winded explaination.

"A shame, even the most dour of individuals aught seek merry-making. To celebrate is to give thanks to the life we were gifted with."

Roll (3) has posed:
    Well, Ineryon won't have to wonder too much about what Roll's worrying about or not because she's finding herself staring at the nearby costume parade. Yeah, realizing they're robots doesn't take much effort on her part.

    Particularly with some of the transponder codes being broadcast. Not a single one that she recognizes, but...

    Now that's worth getting nervous about. Roll starts grinning awkwardly in her seat without any answer to Faruja for a good several seconds. But then...

    "_Uh-...uh-huh! Looks like we're not the only ones doing so either!"

Taro (399) has posed:
    The smaller of the two slips one of her fans out from her sash and snaps it open with the flip of the wrist, all to demurely cover her nose and mouth. "I am..." A dramatic pause, a lifting of her free hand to gracefully strike a pose, "Kabuki Woman."
    Then, she offers her free hand to their date. The poor poor man. "I can tell by that incredible pickup line that you must be Lute."
    Also, poor poor Robot Masters. She makes a mental note to make this up to them later.
    Her eyes shift briefly away from Lute when Faruja calls attention to himself by trying to get Ferham's attention in turn. "A friend of yours?" she asides to her. The others...well, she pretends to not recognize. Certainly they shouldn't recognize her...

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Dragon Lady, or rather Ferham, doesn't seem to mind the disasterous pick-up line from Lute, simply smiling, and double-wrapping her gloved hand around the leash of Slash Man's harness, who simply peers up at her warily. His gloved hands had been fitted with soft fuzzy 'hooves', as had his paw-shaped metal feet. Clearly Fer had wanted him at least a little less deadly for this. Ferham lets her 'sister' there do a bit more of the talking, though she produces a black silken fan from her sleeve and momentarily hides her face with it, as if to fix her makeup before proceeding forward toward Lute, using it to fan herself, as if she was getting hot even in this brisk weather. Ohoho.

     "Dragon Lady, and this is my sister," Fer waits for the shorter, much more slender brunette to speak for herself. Yes, poor wilybots, they look like those little dogs that your girlfriend's mom dress up in sweaters at christmas time, their little dark eyes screaming 'kill me!' silently. Hermey the Clown Man apparently is keeping various people entertained by /stretching/ out his apparently way-better than Stretch Armstrong arms alll the way out, and then shows off by tying them in knots.

     Both Clown and Junk the Abominable Snow Giant pause and stare a bit uncomfortably at Roll of course. It's as if something unspoken or unsaid seems to be hinted at between them. They /are/ technically staring at a 'Mega Man', just not from their world, or really sporting the 'man' part. No this is more of a Mega Girl, or Mega Woman. It's enough to make any man's blood run cold, perhaps, robot or not. It's that Satsui no Hadou that every Robot Master might feel off of Light's creations.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Tilting his head to the side when Faruja mentioned something about a Crimson Angel, Ineryon glanced around curiously to see of whom the demi-human spoke, "Crimson... Angel... is he or she a relative of that Criss Angel character, who allegedly likes being tied-up, by chance? I cannot say I knew that there was any such version of Christmas bazaars that made utility of trussing up creatures far beyond cooked turkeys." The dark elf sighs, slumping his shoulders, "I think, Mister Faruja Senra, that I shall decline your suggestion of delighting in spectacles of this mode, in light of the fact that I don't partake in your brand of f3tishism..."

     The suspicion that the event was bondag3-oriented was further reinforced when 'Hermey the Clown' performs various tricks by fastening his arms together of his own volition! "....Not.... in the least." Ineryon frowns. Turning his head to look over his shoulder at the booth with the fried delicacies, the nobleman smirks, "However.... there is one redeeming practice held within most festivals, and that happens to employ the custom of cooked animals, presumably gilded in shimmering, greasy bread crumbs!" Apparently, the drow is dead-set on dead salmon.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja winces at the pickup line. Part of him wants to rise to the Lady's defence, but she seems to take it well enough. Lute's voice sticks.

".../Swear/ I hath heard that voice before." Mutters the rat. But there's more pressing matters. Such as Roll getting stared at by a pair of robots. Faruja gives a long look at the pair as he sits beside the robo-woman. Then, he snaps his fingers.

Magic flares, and Ramuh fades into existance. The Old Man Lightning hovers menacingly, even as Faruja smiles.

"Good 'eve, and Lord's blessings, gentlemen. Is aught amiss?"

Speak softly, and carry a large lightning rod.

Ineryon has the rat /blushing/.

"I DOTH NOT..." Pause. Pauuuuse.

"Ye know, good Baron, a lesser nezumi wouldst respond to that by telling ye where to stick thine proverbial tail. Luckily for thee, I am a diplomat. For the time being, I must say, the...display is simply most curious, and that methinks ye art overthinking things. 'Tis a local tradition, methinks."

Then, there's a smirk. "And the local ale is quite excellent."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles at Dragon Lady and Kabuki Lady. They are both /very/ attractive women and he doesn't even have a clue at what is going on and the reality of who both of them actually are.

     He is under the assumption, though, that Kabuki Lady is probably a bit harder to use pickup lines on than Dragon Lady. Still, though. These are the next Wily Robots made as girlfriends for him! Both should be fairly easy to romance, comparitively.

     And so he moves to stand between the two of them, and wrap an arm around the waist of each of them. Yes he yawns as he stretches his arms to do this. Because of /course/ he does.

     "I have to say, Wily /really/ went all out with both of you. Both of you turned out /quite/ fine, if I might say so!"

     He tries to pull them closer to himself a bit with his arms.

     But then, a glance at the others.

     "...You know, I tried to invite other women here, but like. Who invited the rat, the elf-who-lives-underground-and-is-probably-part-dwarf, and the little girl?"

Roll (3) has posed:
    With Lute suddenly addressing her, Roll frowns... then sticks out her tongue. "Yeah right! Like I'd come here to watch you make a fool of yourself! Why are you here anyways?" Seems she's not really worried about the Wilybots past the initial reaction. Or maybe she's hiding it.

    Curious, she looks over towards Faruja and Ineryon. Is this why thy're here?

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Ineryon's tail actually didn't sway much, because his mood was generally always a dismal one, if not empty of feeling to a large degree nigh altogether, so instead of keeping it aloft like an alpha wolf or between his legs as an omega, it always dragged behind him. Sure, it wasn't always comfortable when he encountered rough terrain, but his tail was as callused as the soles of the foot that belonged to the hardiest Masai warrior! Or, at least, on the underside... Peering at his tail, over his shoulder, he blinked, "Where my tail has always been is a sufficient place to keep it for now, I suspect, Mister Faruja Senra."

     Wrinkling his nose, he remarked, "I think I shall pass on any ale. I /do/ value my liver..." Glowering at Lute, Ineryon adorns an unfriendly tone, "...If you're to be insinuating that the stock of the Valosian Nobility is partially dwarven, then you'd best produce some statistics to prove it, or I'll take issue with your brazen claim!" ....What's this, something that Ineryon was /almost/ passionate about? The drow's arm drops and his fingers gently strum against the shaft of his trident, in the event that his honor need be defended! Back in his world, dwarves were lying, filthy, obese opportunists whose only redeeming trait was their engineering proficiency, and Ineryon wasn't to stand and listen to claims that the Valii were ever dishonest!... at least, those within the aristocracy of their respective clan.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Yes, this is going about as expected.
    Kabuki's hand drops gracefully to her side as it goes unnoticed by her date. Her waist, on the other hand, apparently has been noticed. she'll allow herself to be drawn closer, giving a little giggle. "My, aren't we forward, hm~?" Though her fan is still covering her nose and lips, her eyes are mischievious.
    Then, she turns away long enough to spare the others a glance. "It -is- a public event. I'm sure they bought tickets just the same as we did...." Her brow furrows as Ineryon opens his mouth, and she almost says something before catching herself, and covers it with another giggle. "Oh, I'm sure Lutie here didn't mean anything by it~." (Lutie?) "Besides, it's the holidays, so let's all be cheerful and happy and not completely ruin my and Dragon Lady's date here, Hm~~?"

Faruja (152) has posed:
"There is a quote here about men and vices, but it escapes me." Smirks the rat at the mention of liver damage. He shrugs. The rat clearly forsees far worse killing him. Cue a hip flask. Siiiip.

Then, the challenge. Faruja crosses his legs, raises a brow, and looks back and forth.

He asides to Roll, "If they get much beyond hissing and spatting, we protect the citizenry. Agreed?" In a low tone.

And then the pretty Kabuki Lady is being utterly charming. Faruja stands, smiles, and offers a gracious bow. "Blessings upon thee, my Lady. May ye and thine companions enjoy this hallowed evening! In peace and sanctity." Never let it be said Faruja isn't quick with manners.

To Roll, Faruja shrugs. Then, whispers. "...Admittedly, mine plan to see much of the local culture hath been....a tad dashed at this point."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Dr. Wily just made us last week! We've been given training and instructional programming to be the perfect women," Drag Lady announced to Lute, stepping closer to her 'sister' there, meanwhile tugging poor Slash Man along with her again. Junk and Clown meanwhile sort of make themselves scarce as Roll appears to been provided with an /excellent/ distraction, that being Lute. Of course, once Ineryon starts addressing Lute like that, the green-eyed asian-themed seductress looks around a little confused, peering between said rat and drow.

     "I think they are just guests at the fairgrounds, sir, likely inebriated some of them, as well!" lets hope Ineryon has actually been drinking, at least it might explain a few things. She stays quite still as Lute puts his arms around the both of their waists, no one is trying to backhand Lute, at least not yet. This is a fairly good sign, truth be told!

Lute (188) has posed:
     With the first step operation 'Wrap arms around two women at once' complete, Lute slowly finds his hands lowering a bit as he relaxes. With his hands lowering from the waiste while still holding them... Oh my. The man has /no shame/. Obviously. Instead, he just smiles around at the group. Yeah, this is nice. Wily /really/ knows what to do with building robots. Finally things are LOOKING UP.

     And, despite the attempts to calm things down with Ineryon, Lute just shrugs his shoulders a bit.

     "Hey, don't take being a dwarf as an insult. Dwarves are awesome. I mean, elven kind in general is pretty terrible, so being part dwarf is a lot better, right?"

     A glance at Roll, "These two are just my new girlfriends. I'm on a date, see. It's the best time to go on one anyways, with the whole Truce thing going on."

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     When 'Taro' insists that Ineryon consider the borderline-accusatory-supposition to be less serious than anything but a throwaway remark, he grunts a tad, but his hand remains adjacent to the haft of his spear, in case he needs to unholster it. Faruja's minor comments are noted, and the drow's eyes flick in his direction for a second, as Ineryon remarks, "....Were you under the impression that I could not hear your whisper, Mister Faruja Senra? Anyone who does not wish to be harmed by my spear should do well to avoid it, including those who I may someday be compelled to make an attempt at slaying!" Fortunately, if brawling broke out, most folks would give chase, and the drow had no intention of deliberately attacking civilians-- accidental death? Casualties were just another part of war~

     After this, his arm goes more limp, fingers dangling rather than curling up so as to make contact with the spear; it's subtle, but to the observant, noticeable. "I take untrue information about my clan being an insult. I also disagree that dwarves are awesome." Then again, Ineryon didn't approve of the wood-elves, either... but did Lute actually say which /kind/ of elves he thought were terrible? There's not much worth arguing about anymore, so his muscles lose their tension, and the baron turns his eyes towards the food-stand yet again!

Roll (3) has posed:
    Sensing brewing hostility between Ineryon and Lute, Roll makes an edgy sort of smile and nods at Faruja. "It's just Lute I'm worried about. He's a jerk..." And the jerk gets a sour glare from her for a moment.

    "Uh-huuuuuuuuuuuh. If you say so." Roll is UNCONVINCED about Lute's intentions. Hrmph!

    The thought to try and drop a bomb about what Lute thought of his last girlfriend strikes her, but Roll's conflicted: should she bite her tongue and not be a jerk to spite Lute, or explain things to the few women here...?

    A quick check using her other sensors just leaves Roll blinking bewilderedly...

    Quietly she asides to Faruja, "Um... there's an awful lot of Robots about today."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ruh roh. Dragon Lady, aka Ferham, can obviously /feel/ Lute's hand starting to wander, there, and as she raises her fan high just behind him, she seems to think better of it, instead taking one of her heels and drives it into Slash Man's side, causing him to yelp and try to pull away, causing Fer to stumble away, just in the neck of time. Well, likely a left-handed gift for Slash, though there /are/ people who likely pay handsomely for such treatment. Regaining her balance, Dragon Lady turns and apologizes. "Oh, so sorry Mr. Lute, I don't know what my little pet was doing!" she reaches down and drags Slash back, giving him a comparatively friendly pat on the head.

     Junk and Clown, to their credit, at least keep within a safe distance of the sudden duel invitation that's being thrown around. They seem to be ready to intervene if anyone who's not supposed to gets down to any fighting. This does not include Ineryon however, so well, free range on the fleshies, at this point, it seems.

Taro (399) has posed:
    That Lute's hand has been sliding lower has not gone unnoticed, but even if she were inclined to do anything about that, defusing the tension between him and Ineryon has been of higher priority. Even if Lute really does deserve a beating, she would much prefer it to not be done right this minute.
    Unfortunately, Kabuki can't stop him from opening his mouth a second time, but for whatever reason what he says seems to have not offended the drow futher, and may have even mollified him. Thank SHODAN for small miracles. Still, she will try to keep Lute from metaphorically putting his foot in his mouth yet again. In this case by 'accidentally' stepping on his physical foot with her heel.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute has his foot stomped on, and Slash Man freaks out. Lute winces hard, causing him to use both Dragon Lady and Kabuki Lady as support to stay up. He looks at Slash Man as well. What's causing /him/ to freak out so much? Plus Kabuki Lady stepped on his foot.

     He just awkwardly looks at everyone. Maybe they know. "...Are Wily robots ever... a bit buggy, as random question unrelated to anything?"


     Still though, he rights himself, and just shrugs at Ineryon a bit. "Seriously, I just heard somewhere that Drow are Elves who mated with Dwarves. Not sure who said it, though. Just that's what I heard, so I kind of take it for fact unless proven otherwise. No hard feelings though!"

     A glance at Roll. Roll is worried about him? How sweet. Yes he is taking this entirely the wrong way.

     "...Hey, Roll, is it just that like... You have a crush on me or something? Normally I'd reciprocate, but like, you're /way/ too young for me. Sorry."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Err, not very often! This one here just happens to have a few screws loose, don't we honey," Dragon Lady blinked and bent down to give Slash Man a few pats and strokes around his head and cheek, her tone doting and condescending, like how one might speak to a cat or dog. The affection clearly isn't appreciated, as Slash Man peers up from his haunched, all-fours position with a glare of HATE. Leaning back against Lute, Dragon Lady put an arm around his shoulder and patted it, apparently trying to soothe the sleaze-ball Pokemon trainer a bit.

     "Hmm, maybe it's one of those girlhood crushes?" Dragon Lady remarked a little distractedly, peering between Roll and Ineryon. Oh man,w as someone going to try to /fight/ Lute while they were both there?? Fer does however discreetly cover her face a little as if this hadn't run to plan at all, and instead was turning into a nightmare.

Roll (3) has posed:
    Roll's expression RAPIDLY turns disgusted. She regrets turning to face Lute to listen while he's speaking because he gets a full view of her looking about ready to retch, and she doesn't even really have a stomach to empty.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     About to head to the stand to see if they had fried fish, Ineryon once more adopted a troubled brow when Lute explained that he'd decidedly given the same weight to hearsay that he did factual information, so to this, the drow groaned, "If you bolster gossip to the same caliber in which you value fact until contrary 'evidence' makes itself known, then I say you are an uncultured dunce, no better than the dregs of society's lowest cesspools!" Spontaneously, in the flash of an eye, aided by his persuasion over various metals and minerals, the spear is drawn, then subsequently pointed at Lute as if to convict him in mannerism alone. On the other hand, just because he could liberate a pike-staff in a blur, did that mean he could propel his whole body so rapidly?

     There were still a few meters between the dark elven nobleman and Lute, so he'd need to close that distance before he could administer anything lethal. "Hard feelings, no. Hard iron, yes. If you slander the integrity of the validity of sentiments spoken by my bloodline, by claiming that 'I am /probably/' from the brood of a potentially untruthful riffraff, such as what would be more befitting of the generalized population of the dwarves, then your slander will /probably/ result in a declaration of formal hostilities being issued, and should this ensue, by happenstance, then one of us -WILL- expire at the conclusion of a duel, or one of us will be labeled a sniveling coward!"

     Ineryon grins in a smug fashion, "...And until proven otherwise, you can take it as a fact that I do not accept dishonor before death.... So I encourage you to invest in my words with as few grains of salt as is possible, if it is necessarily the case that you think you may not be quite invulnerable to what I'd employ as a medium in striking you down."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja lets out a sigh. "Mine duty is to protect the innocent and faithful, Ser. Civilians art oft not soldiers." There's a scowl here. Clearly the pair have different thoughts on accidental casualties!

Then, he just sighs, as the man walks off. A cross of his chest.

Roll clues him in on the man's identity.

"...If half of what I hath heard is true, those poor Ladies art bloody doomed." He whispers right back. Suddenly, Lute is being watched like a hawk. A one-eyed, fuzzy, ratty hawk with a floating Old Man beside him.

Also, robots. A hand wave.

"Odd. I didst not believe this world so..." Heretical.

"Advanced. Off-world? Familiar with any?"

Lute hits every 'righteous indignation button' Faruja possesses. He quite literally hisses.

"Ser, the good Lady Roll wouldst hardly show affection to one so...so.../impious/ upon this day! She wouldst only settle for a proper gentleman and knight!" A firm nod. Clearly Roll is destined for some off-world paladin.

Ineryon gets Faruja's attention as well. Mostly wariness, just in case this really ends up in a fight.

Taro (399) has posed:
    "Oh, I'm so sorry! How clumsy of me. Are you all right, Lutie? Did that hurt?" Kabuki makes an apologetic fuss over Lute while her sister sees to Slash Man, all the while wondering how much harder she should have trod on his foot.
    While not showing it, she is in fact keenly aware of the crackling tension (along with the electrical crackling thanks to Ramuh) forming around them courtesy of Lute's tongue. Thus, she moves to put one arm under Lute's shoulder in a supportive fashion - dislodging the man's wandering hand in the process - in an attempt to take his weight off the foot she just stepped on. "We'd better take him to the first aid tent, Dragon Lady, just to make sure he's all right."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Double uh-oh. Everyone, perhaps in some way predictably, is now getting ready to knife Lute to death. And it's not even the poor robotic femmes that he either drives insane or outright rejects thist ime around, it's /literally everyone around him/. The trainer apparently just can't win!

     "Err, how about we do that, yes, it could get infected, you know," Dragon Lady redoubles her hold on the arm around Lute's shoulders AND the leash attached to Slash Man, trying to lead Lute and Kabuki Woman along with Slash right off to wherever there might be someplace... well, with less people trying to kill Lute!

     Hermey the Elf (Clown) and The Abominable Junk Man eventually wise up to what is happening and follow along, the latter clanking along as he went.

    Exit, stage Lute!

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute was like all ready to deal with the guy threatening him with a spear.

     But then the two robots with him decided to try and pull him away due to injury.

     "--But I'm totally okay, why would you guys--"

     A pause.

     "OH. OH. I get it. Got you. Don't want to say the real reason in front of the kid robot. Okay."

     And a glance to Roll, "Hey, though, if you ever get upgraded to teenage years, or however robots age? Call me up, okay?"

     And then he is getting pulled away soon.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Ineryon scoffs lightly at Faruja, "You may proceed to protect life, Mister Faruja Senra. I shall instead, protect honor. When life is endangered, I fight to survive. When honor is threatened, I fight to exterminate." And... with that, he wanders to the junk-food realm, in the hopes of seeing to it that some dishonorable sea-creatures die a horrible death of being beheaded, then fried in crisp, crunchy, tasty batter!

Taro (399) has posed:
    So disappointing. They didn't even get to stay to enjoy the fireworks. Then again, considering the other kind of fireworks that would have otherwise erupted, yes, Kabuki Woman feels it best to exit stage left.
    With Kabuki under one arm and Dragon under the other, led by Slash Man the Reindeer, let it not be said that Lute isn't taken away in style! (What kind of style is a matter of debate.)

Faruja (152) has posed:
"By all means, pursue a death-duel if ye must. Do so in a manner that enhances honor, rather than spites it with innocent blood." Councils the priest to Ineryon, shaking his head.

Faruja stares at Lute, then looks to Roll. The rat /quivers/ in utter rage.

"...Hold me back lest I beat this bloody knave senseless." Full fur-poof and everything.

Roll (3) has posed:
    Roll scrunches her shoulders up a bit embarassedly. "H-hey, Faruja!" That's a bit silly! A lot silly. But better to hear than the crazy stuff Lute's spewing out! Oh well, she won't try and contest that, haha!

    But she decides to be the good person Dr. Light would want her to be. And that means... she eyes Lute's 'girlfriends.' "He treated the last girlfriend awfully. Don't give him an inch!"

    Is that... maaaaaybe... encouragement for the 'accidental' foot stomping? Mmmmmmaybe. Not that she can really do that.