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A Pair of Strays
Date of Scene: 29 December 2014
Location: The Grid <TG>
Synopsis: Kyra and Renker accept an offer from Deelel to come check out the grid. She gets them suited up and then takes them out for a tour of Argon.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 626, 631

Deelel has posed:
Accessing Archived Data.

Some time ago Deelel with the help of some others were able to reboot the grid for all the good and bad that might bring to the multivse and now two users, curious about this world. Come for a visit.

Deelel would have lead them though Argon city into a slum, well what they called a slum. It was still better maintained than any organic world's slums might be. There's no dirt, no real trash, it's kinda odd. Either way Deelel lead both Kyra and Reker into the small seemingly minor home and soon they'd find it's one shockingly posh and two there's some odd and alien equipment there's also a woman with red hair, a white body suit that actually looks like she was dipped into to greet them.

"...I see you found some more strays, Deelel? You should be careful. I agree in helping them but if you are caught by Tessler?"

She trails off a little bit smiling at both the discless Kyra and Reker.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    As usual, Kyra is SO EXCITED to be visiting another world, especially in this case since it's a very, very different kind of world. For starters it is basically INSIDE A COMPUTER which is something that only existed in science fiction on Galianda. She's not sure what to expect so she is reasonably surprised to see that inside it resembles a city. Then again, if it was a program or grid made by Humes, the parallels would make sense. In the image of their creator and all that, right?

    It's surprisingly clean. Kyra's seen real slums in the lower levels of Ramuh. They're messy, nasty, and dangerous places so it doesn't occur to her that this place counts as a slum. She's excitedly recording things on her phone.

    She puts the phone away after they're lead into the house to meet the white-suited Program...even though she wants to take a picture of that too. She leans over to Deelel and mutters a question or two under her breath, then grins back at the red-haired woman. Redheads unite! "Hi!"

Reker (631) has posed:
    Over the years, Reker has seen real slums. Places like Afghanistan and North Korea and cities even in the USA where those who are most down on their luck tend to gather. If this is a slum he's gotta wonder what the high end areas look like. Dressed in what amounts to basically newbie gear, Reker pulls in behind Kyra and Deelel once they arrive at the home. He had been down here on the grid before, when it was initially discovered, but hadn't had much time to explore it. He was hoping that by getting a disguise for this world, he'd be able to blend in better.

    Folks here already seem to view him as a program anyway due to his digital nature so it's only natural. Once they're safely inside, Reker smiles a little bit to the woman that's meeting them there, "Greetings." He says, as he tries to be polite but not..Overenthusiastic.

Deelel has posed:
Aurora looks both Kyra and Reker over for a moment pondering the pair as she tries to size them up. She seems to be taking them in and she looks to them both titling her head a little bit.

"Come this way we'll have you handled soon enough. Your lucky my friend found you. You may have been fixed by Tessler's forces or fed to the games."

She moves to have the pair follow her and Deelel comes along intending to lend a hand she looks to Kyra for a moment as she gestures to Kyra to get up on the dias first.

Deelel meanwhile is hanging back with a goofy grin on her face, she knows something amusing is coming!

There is a second dias that Reker is also gestured to get on to.

"Hold still as much as possible while I outfit you."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra takes a look at Reker and immediately pegs him as a Gunner, being familiar with guns herself! She gives him a friendly smile.

    "Fixed by Tessler's forces?" Kyra asks, feeling comfortable asking questions that are probably already commonly known. A bit of memory degeneration would be normal for a stray, right? In a way she could even act the part just a little. She steps onto the dias.

    She didn't wear her usual favorite hoodie to this since Deelel warned her to bring old clothing. She still has a hoodie on, though, and it looks a little bulky on her, as if there's stuff being worn underneath almost to the tune of a bulletproof vest.

Reker (631) has posed:
    "Hey I'm pretty good at games." Reker says in his own defense, as he moves to get onto the platform. Now Deelel had said not to wear anything he liked, so he'd gone to a vendor at the Glocken and gotten a fresh set of newbie clothes. He jumped uup onto the platform and then looked back at Deelel, eyeing the look on her face, "So who's this Tessler guy, anyway?"

    Sounds like a bad guy if he has forces and they're gonna be snatching people up off the streets like that. Reker might have to work on taking that guy down. Well once he deals with the Death Gun thing in his own world. Seems bad guys just can't stay down.

Deelel has posed:
The siren moves her finger lighting up as she moves to simply cut away Kyra's clothing save for whatever undergarments she has on, she say snothing as she works the clothing hits the floor and is sucked away into some compartment for recycling most likely. Also there was an odd cystalization effect on hte edge of the cut oddly.

Reker gets the same treatment as well and she then walks off to where Deelel passes her set of what look like chest plates? At this time a strange black material is forming over both Reker's and Kyra's bodies moving out like the base of the suit Deelel si wearing. Kyra would finds it avoids her upper arms and shoulder while Renker's getting fully covered.

The material is comfottable but soon they would both find the Siren and program are affing plates that are moutling to them forming more solid parts of an outfit down to Kyra findin she's got slight raise footwear like Deelels while Reker has something more akin to maybe boots? Either way soon they are armored up and that's when Deelel fades back to let the Siren do her task. She moves to latch a disc to the back of Reker and then Kyra. They would feel a strange sentation as it synchs up with them.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    So THIS is why Deelel warned about bringing old clothing! Kyra reddens suddenly as she realizes what is going on. Despite that...yeah, she's sneaking a look at Reker. Clearly to see if the same thing is happening to him. Yeah. That's exactly it.

    The hoodie is cut away and beneath that...?

    Kyra furiously works to suddenly catch the pieces of a pair of bandoliers and a cut gun holster before they drop to the floor. These contain a large number of glass vials and a gun, respectively. "Sorry, can't lose this stuff. Uh. Sentimental value." It's all probably kind of weird-looking to the native programs here too.

    Inspecting herself curiously while cradling the stuff in her arms, she seems pretty curious about the outfit that moves on her as if it were a second skin (heck maybe it is skin to a program?). "-whoah." she mutters as she feels the disc sync with her, glowing blue as it does.

Reker (631) has posed:
    It seems that the digital avatars are anatomically correct, as Reker demonstrates. Thankfully it's only for a brief exposed second before the weird bodysuit wraps around him and closes up over his form. His is a lot more conservative looking than the female costume, it seems, though as he gets the armor across various points and then the ID disk attatched to the back, his eyes seem to flicker for a brief second.

    "Well that felt weird.." What was probably even weirder is the fact that the clothes, being digital constructs, actually fell to the ground, instead of just bursting into non-existence like most stuff from VRMMOs do when they're destroyed.

Deelel has posed:
There's another moment before the suit's circuit lines light up on both of them humming a white leaning colour for Reker and a blue akin to Deelel's for Kyra.

Deelel can't help but laugh at the strange gear that Kyra has and she looks sheepish.

"I had no idea she had those or where she found them. Might have found somethings from the war."

The Siren buys it nodding watches Kyra recover her things. Kyra would dind the disc does give her some information such as she's been flagged as a music program for one and some basic history that should pass most curious scans by security however.

Also Reker would have a function slated as a mining and demo program. Yes they apprently mine for something here but what? The answer would be of all things energy.

"Don't worry you should be all right now there's an small armory were we can get you a few things to set you both up."

Deelel then pauses and making a face Excellen browning would be proud of.

"That reaction was very cute."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Reker might be lucky that Kyra was too occupied holding things to take a picture. "Uh! I don't remember where I got it all but it feels vaguely important to me." Kyra says hastily regarding her weirdo User weapons and potions. Darnit, if she only had her backpack for this stuff! Cradling the pile of stuff to her stomach, she tilts her head as she just sort of finds information 'there' for her perusal. Data stored on the disc, then.

    "Thank you for your help." Kyra says to the Siren. "I don't want to get in trouble with Tessler or anything like that." Deelel calls her reaction cute. Kyra turns red again-which is easy to see since her skin is pretty darn pale.

Reker (631) has posed:
    With the data disk in place, Reker figures out what his job is, or at least would be. At least it's something he kinda knows the gist of, when it comes to demolitions. Once everything is situated and he finds the new memories in place, he shakes his head a bit, "What a weird sensation.." He rubs his head and then looks up at the woman who's been helping them, "Thank you for doing this. You're doing a great service."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "We should be able to find something for that in the armory."

The Siren nods and adds before moving to slip away to whatever business she was tendint to before hand.

"You are welcome, do stay out of trouble now!"

Generally programs carried things in combat form but not always sometimes there was needs for things like a pack, rare as it is. Also Kyra doesn't know that Deelel techinally has video of the full event. She smiles and will lead the pair into the armory ther's a lot of wracks and case with rods like deelel's a few obvious bits of gear but not many a whole lot of rods a heck of a lot of them actually.

"So ground transport, a ulity tool, maybe a weapon depending though I'd not go walking about with explosives too often even a mining and demo program would only have those on the job. As for Tessler he is the current military commander and governer of the city, he's a honest beliver in Clu from what I can tell. Smart, loyal and ruthless is the best way to sum him up."

Reker (631) has posed:
"Oh he's one of those 'ends justify the means types." Reker replies, as he looks at the equipment. He picks up a rod, "Ground transportation?" He asks, "You'll need to elaborate a little more on that...But as far as weapons go, I guess you guys don't have any cool sci-fi ray guns or anything like that, huh?" He asks, as he looks at the collection of stuff.,

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Personak defence is generally handled by one's ID disc, or if your security some sort of powered staff. Generally if it gets into weapony like that your looking at anti material type weapons and I'm afriad that's beyond our host's reach. The other common two weapon types re powered staffs or say a baton sword for lack of a better term."

She nods to Rekers' read on Tessler.

"He's also charismatic and ... even ruthless as he is? Does not throw his troops away pointlessly which has maintained their loyalty from what I can see. As for ground? You seen my lightcycle?"

Reker (631) has posed:
"Uh. Yeah you busted it out that first time we came down here." He looks at the baton in his hands, "This is one of those things, huh? Neat." He tucks it away on his side for now, "So we use the disk to fight? Man I'd love to get my hands on one of those baton swords, though. I use a baton style weapon in GGO so it would be like home." He says, as he pulls the disk off of his back and takes a closer look at it, "So this thing has my identity for here...But the kinda fake one we made up for me here, right?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel Says "Generally yes they are. We I think have a few here note batons tend to be multi function depending on whom. Oh really curious and when I mean baton."

She points to the light cycle one on her hip and still grins a little bit.

"Yes, but it will have all you experiance here, normally the system mobnitors don't check one's disc but when they do its generally for certain time stamps when there's been a major crime, or the program is wanted for such."

Reker (631) has posed:
"I gotcha. So they can tell where you are at any time? How very big brothery." Reker says, as he puts the disk back onto his back, and shakes his head, "That's still kind of a weird sensation.." He muses, "So whenever I come down here I'll get the suit and the disk to help keep track of me and let me fight in this region, right?" He asks, "What would happen if somebody wasn't human and they came down here? Like Rhapsody or Rainbow Dash?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel shrugs.

"They have to have reason to check, this was still how legal matters was handled before evertyghing went to hell and I think so."

She nods for a moment.

"Also not stand out as a stray or somerhing else. I have no idea I haven't tried that, yet."

Reker (631) has posed:
"I guess you'll get to try it eventually." He says, looking around, "So now that I'm all set up for here, do we have any kind of plan or anything like that? I mean I know you're glad to be home but is there something we're building up for? Or is this just a fun visit?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "once we make sure Kyra's p we can head out into the city and the surrounding area. I figure you'd like to see part of it that's not a slum, not that it's evil it's just a dangerous place here. I was thinking you'd both enjoy a bit of a tour about the city and such."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Okay!" Kyra finally speaks up again, holding a black leather satchel and one of the rods from the collection of many rods. It's easy for Deelel to tell on first glance that she hasn't picked up a weapon but a lightcycle rod. "I'm ready to go! Finally. Sorry that took so long."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "I see you got your ride, Reker are you set? It's about time to get going otherwise then."

She'll head for the exit to leave the house and guide them outside, it would bne a short walk through the neon lights of the district until they hit a road where Deelel would rez her cycle and wait for the others. The bike forms out of wireframes about Deelel's body and it's almost like she's a part of it by the time it's fully formed.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    As usual, Kyra's super interested in her surroundings, looking all around, eyeing up what locals there are (though not many out here in no man's land) without making too much awkward eye contact. Or, you know, picking fights. Kyra's not good with picking fights without backup (or front-up more accurately). She watches Deelel carefully as she activates the light cycle, gasping for a few seconds because that was pretty damn cool.

    She holds out the rod from earlier and manages to do the same. "Huh, this feels exactly like a summon matrix." she remarks from within the bike that formed around her.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel pulls away making sure the otehrs keep pace but at such a speed she cna talk to them as they go.

"So I'm thinking of headinf down the habour, it give you one heck of a veiw of the sea of simulation and the city as well depending which way you'd look. Also Summon matrix?"

Deelel seems curious as they zip along the highway.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Ooh, that'd be great. Sounds like a nice spot to get some good pictures. I've been promising pictures." In fact, she already sent one of herself to the rest of the Light Warriors by now. Selfie hooooo! She seems pretty capable of handling a light cycle, suggesting she has familarity with vehicles, or at least motorcycles.

    "A summon matrix is a device programmed with caller or summon circuits that'll conjure a vehicle for you. Called chocobo are pretty often. So are mistcycles and other things to get around on. The Dolet Corporation makes a lot of them. I'll show you my chocobo when we're not on the Grid."

Reker (631) has posed:
Reker has actually been following along with the rest of the two, and at the mention of going to the harbor, "The harbor sounds like a good idea. It's a way to take a look around and get to know the map a bit, as well as keep tabs on shipping.." Reker says, as he moves with the two of them, maintining the apropriate distance with them. He knows how to ride a motorcycle too, so this isn't /that/ different.

Deelel has posed:
Pull out to the park regions of the habour it's quite the site, it's late really late so there's not many programs about. She brings her bike to a halt, it vanishes a moment later and she now replies about the comment of summon matrix.

"I see so same basic idea as the light cycle and other craft?"

"So this is Argon I have lived most of my life here and I honestly love it, it's a small city compared to say Tron city but I like it."

It's quite a view, the day is clear, it's night from an off grid pov. There's no stars, no moon just thelight generated by the city and those who live in it.

"Amazing isn't it?"

Reker (631) has posed:
The soldier pulls the vehicle up next to Deelel's and takes a look out across the water. He smiles a bit, "This is." He says, "And all of this exists inside a computer?" He asks, "I guess it's a lot like GGO. All of that exists on the servers.." He muses, as he pulls back behind her again

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Yeah, pretty much." Kyra calls out, pulling her bike to a stop. She doesn't even seem surprised when it disappears a few moments later-she probably did that intentionally. "To me they kind of...feel the same I guess? Well, like, activating it seems the same. I guess I can explain more later." She casually slips the rod onto the belt of her satchel.

    "This looks fantastic. So you just recently remembered that you came from here, right?" she asks as she takes, predictably, more pictures.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel Says "My memory was damaged, it was fragmented and croupted. I thought I was a newly rezzed program who wasn't finished."

She looks at the sity while leaning on a railing by the water and just seems to be lost in thought.

"Union Medical managed to recover some of it and it was corrindate data. Reker and others came to help me, we found something called a Heartless there. WE fought it killed it, and Aqua used her ... keyblade on an old ID disc we found and was able to reboot it for lack of a better reason. When I set foot upon the gird I kinda... seemed to synch back up with those lost memories. Getting 500 cycles of memories in a moment was ... overwhelming."

Reker (631) has posed:
"I can only imagine." Reker says, faintly, as he thinks about the first time he logged into GGO after his injuries. That sudden rush of unfamiliar input was definitely a sensation. He looks at Kyra, "I'd offer you to come take pictures of where I'm from but honestly it's not nearly as impressive as this place."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Heartless? Aqua? I've met her! She's dropped by Galianda a few times. I've also seen those freaky Heartless things. They're creepy. Like undead but...I dunno, a little cuter? It's weird but I'm glad my world doesn't have those." She seems to satisfy herself with pictures from the venue and slips her phone away again. "That must've been jarring for you, Dee, to suddenly have so many memorries come flooding back to you."

    She puts her hands on her hips and glances to Reker. "So? I'll come visit anyway, I like seeing all these new places. And I bet I'll still take pictures too."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Nonsense your world's interesting Reker."

Shays and she nods for a moment to Kyra as she listerns.

"She's a good person I'm glad I met her and those things... I saw them in a vision once before Aqua appeared it was strange. It was, very jarring i was thrashing about on the floor in shock, ask Reker about it."

Reker (631) has posed:
"It was pretty bad, but thankfully she got better." Reker says, as he smiles at Deelel, "You could definitely come visit, getting in is easy." He says, "Just get an Amusphere and log on." Reker says, "I'll help you out with some gear and stuff too, if you want to play. Or you can just go around and take pictures."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Which ones did you see in the vision? Were they the small ones with the yellow eyes that kind of look like ants? Because those do kind of...well, look like 'generic dark eldrich miniony creatures' so I'm not sure you need to read too into the vision if it was those." Kyra offers, "But it's good that you have all your memory back."

    She turns to Reker and gives him an odd look, "Amusphere? So, wait, is your world also on a Grid like this one? I really don't know that much about your world, come to think of it." She must not have reached that part in the Union archives yet.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Those ones yes. I saw them they looked just like it and well given whom I was dealing with and where it could be true, it could be not. It may have just been forwarning of them? Then again I felt like I knew them from somewhere."

She grins laughing at Reker's offer.

"If I can jack in why not it might be fun to take a look."

She may just do that or expand the domain of her music.

Reker (631) has posed:
"Yeah, it's this device you put on your head...My world's kinda like this one, but it's smaller and more focused.." He says, "Though there's also a real world outside of the game world.." Reker says, "It's very confusing...I'm a digital avatar who's now logged into another thing as a different digital avatar.."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "You have to tell me if you have any more dreams about it, Dee." Kyra points out, turning to face Deelel and Reker fully. "Prophetic dreams are really rare and interesting, you know? The more I hear about them the more studying I get to do."

    Reker ges leaned into as Kyra walks around, inspecting him, "So you don't REALLY look like this, then. It's just what you put together during the game. Man, I know a ton of people who would love to be in that posiition and allow their physical body to die or become secondary to their avatar. Still, I'll look into one of those device things."

Reker (631) has posed:
"I will admit that my first choice wasn't to have an avatar." Reker says to Kyra, "But something happened that...Well, kind of requires it. It's not easy to talk about." He says, "I do look really similar to this in the real world, though." He notes

"As for GGO, it's fun, but there's lots of VRMMOs out there. Kirito and Asuna and several others are from one called ALO."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "I will and it was a waking vision actually Kyra. Others saw different thing there."

She nods for a moment and has to agree.

"Dreams and visions? I have some experiance with both and not in the normal ram dump while I'm in a sleep cycle, had a lot of visions during Afterus' creation."

She looks to Reker for a moment and she nods.

"I won't press it's not my place you know and I know them in passing but given the AIs that control those games I was wary."