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Latest revision as of 20:04, 31 December 2014

The Music Program
Date of Scene: 28 December 2014
Location: Njorun Station - Union Hangers
Synopsis: Deelel comes into the hangers and the simple act of packing away her light cycle, gets the undivided attention of Nemesis. Things get curious as Nemesis discovers not only is Deelel a program but she makes music!
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 661

Deelel has posed:
The Union Hangers were always busy, some more so than others, one of the ones for the local Elites, while busy was likely the sanest due to the far lower number of Elite troops to worry about. However there's the sound od a strange engine as a small one person motorcycle comes into the hanger. It's compact sleek and one has to wonder how the rider gets in and out of it as she's got a protion of the machine locking on to her. She brings the machine to a halt and then something curious happens the bike goes transparent, one can see the construct oif it's inside it fades away becoming little more than wire-frames, then vanishes save for a rod she catches with her hand and shoves in a cargo pant pocket.

Nemesis (661) has posed:
    Now, for most people in the multiverse, this would probably be a regular thing. It's the Union hangar, after all, so, there's all kinds of vehicles to be seen here. It's one of the reasons Nemesis had actually been there. She was taking in the many different types of tech that was in use for the vehicles of the Union.

The unique sound of this cycle coming into the hangar barely gets past the Morrigi's headset. Her headtilts, she seems to be curious about SOMETHING she's hearing, and then she tugs the headphones down to confirm she was in fact hearing 'something'. When her gaze catches sight of Dee's cycle, and it dematerializing, well, "... What is -that-?!" Said out loud. Probably didn't mean to.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel has seen many strange things, she's seen a reality born, she seen much but she's not seen much like the Morrigi who calls out what is that at her light cycle. She paus and for all intents looks like a human female, she pauses looking her over for a moment curious, making note of the headphones too.

"...That would be a light cycle and I don't think I seen anything quite like you."

The cloest thing was a type of monster back during the creation of Afterus.

Nemesis (661) has posed:
When Dee responds, it's when Nemesis realizes she said that out loud. She gathers her composure, and then, "Yes, well, I get that a lot," she comments before walking closer to the program. "A 'light cycle'?" Elaboration required! Anyone could see her curiousity has spiked over this.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel does have a strange digital warble to her voice it's faint but it's there.

"Yes a light cycle, it's a type of motorcycle if you will, from my home."

She fishes the rod back out to show the dragon like Avian being the rod.

"This is a permnate object if you will and it will consturct the rest of the light cycle as needed so long as it has the enery to do so. It's pretty common fair for my world. Personal equipment, tools, smaller craft like this or small one person aircraft. Larger things don't need to be rezzed at will however."

Did she juse use some programing slang?

Nemesis (661) has posed:
"... This is a .. cycle?" Nemesis actually seems a bit confounded by how this would work. "... That's incredible!"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "It is, this is one of the more current models from back home but they existed longer than my home has to be honest oh my name is Deelel!"

She holds out a friend, a human thing but she's seen a it's fairly common, right?

"Also what are you listening too if I might ask?"

Nemesis (661) has posed:
As if it was the most obvious answer, "Music.." she muses, still going over the rod, over and over and over, as if trying to decipher its mysteries and simply not able to do so. "I am sorry, I just cannot believe such a tech exists without massive energy requirements..."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel pause and perks up rapidly at the mention of music.

"It does chew up a good deal of power I mean it needs to be recharged but it's done to save energy actually of keeping it always formed, now music really? What sort of music are you listing to! I'm a multi Media Program so I'm curious!"

Nemesis (661) has posed:
For a moment, Nemesis gets that look on her face that says 'pardon me I think I heard something crazy'. She didn't even hear the question, after what Dee said. "... Program?" She'll get back to the music thing shortly.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel paues for a moment and nods

"Yes I'm a program, we're more commonly called Basics by some but I am a program."

She seems to be very amused from the look on her face as she looks the alien over.

"I had friends who took ... quite some time to get I wasn't human but really the most differnce I see is we're born with a purpose and they have to find theirs"

Nemesis (661) has posed:
"... This is also incredible..." Nemesis states, still staring. "But if you are a program... and come from a cyberspace... that explains the bike..." Pause. "Somewhat.."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Thank you, and oh somewhat? What are you getting at you seem pretty curious about thisand my self. I hope you don't have a problem with me, far as I know my kinda is natural in the world I'm from."

She moves to put her hands behind her back keeping them at rest for the moment.

Nemesis (661) has posed:
Finally the Morrigi hands the rod back, "If you are a program, and are from true cyberspace, then materialization makes a little more sense. I would imagine in such a realm the laws of physics are vastly different from reality. Still, its amazing that such things work beyond what you came from.." she trails, as if trying to figure out how such beings can exist in the physical world... She doesn't ponder it long. "I don't think I would be able to figure out how that works."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Actually a lot of the physics was made nearly identical to the world the Creator, Kevin Flynn came from. He was often running tests and simulations. He ... had some pretty very high goals for the Grid and those who lived upon it."

She pauses and says

"I'm not a mechanic program myself I only get the basics of how it works to be honest. Now music? Visual arts related things I could talk your ear off about."

Nemesis (661) has posed:
A nod is finally given from Nemesis, "Ah, well, I will not try to figure out how your cycle works by asking you questions then. I can understand why you may not know, if your function is media related." Pause. Consider. "To answer your earlier question, I listen to a program that is called Pandora almost constantly. I have been very entertained by the variety of music humanity has to offer. With how many cultures exist within the species, the variety has been vast."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "I could get you more information on it. I do have a passion for riding them I had one most of my life I could tell you about the various models but most of hte mechanics ya is a bit beyond me for now. Pardon me I just had ... my mind ahem repaired after several years having most of my life lost to me. Pandora? I know of it it's quite t he music sampler. Let alone the cultures of their children races be they intional or accidental. Music seems to be one of those almost universal things."

She grins

Nemesis (661) has posed:
"Quite so! I do better with music than without," Neme mentions. "I'm very glad to have such a large amount of it available to me thanks to the Union. I'm not sure I'll ever get to listen to all of it, but I will certainly make a strong attempt."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Nearly three years without making any music."

She actually shudders for a moment.

"You might get to, then agian I can cheat a little bit, with that. I'll never run out of new sounds to here or to learn from. I admit though most of my people's music would be related to what humans would call Techno, we don't ... do much if any vocal works, though I tried a little bit recently."

Nemesis (661) has posed:
Another nod, "I have been dipping into a great many genre's since I started. I have come across that one from time to time. It has quite a number of Sub-Genre's as well. I rather enjoy it due to the tech that has to be used to create it."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "I could give you some of my own work and a few from some of the more notable Deejays the twins are one of the few I'll admit to being better than I am at it."

Twins? Odd name she seems to be enjoying this converstaton and isn't even blinking about Nemesis' form.

"So I take it humans exist in your world? They ... seem to get /everywhere/ don't they?"

Nemesis (661) has posed:
"They do, yes, but I suppose that is just their nature. Very curious, want to understand everything, will do just about anything to understand it, and destroy what they can't understand," she says, the last comment said with a tiny bit of an edge, but nothing truly racist or biased. "I will admit, the pace at which they can achieve what they want is astounding."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel laughs pretty loudly.

"That they are or end up blind ... to certain thing as they get so focused on one task. I can not throw stones too hard on that given how some programs can be. Still it can lead to the problems like have occured on my world? Oh really? That is true they kinda have a fire lit under them. For my people? Age isn't an issues not to say we stagnate..."