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Duel of the Marksmen
Date of Scene: 14 December 2014
Location: TARGET: Mining Station Zephyr (MZ)
Synopsis: Jinx and Ezreal greet each other the only way they know how. BATTOL
Cast of Characters: 39, 659

Ezreal (659) has posed:
    The mystical warp gates leading from zone to zone in the Multiverse intrigue Ezreal, but he had to stifle his exploratory instincts for now. He needed to make good on his word. And that meant taking on Jinx, the Loose Cannon. They had met on the Fields numerous times, sure, but this would be different. This wasn't League-sanctioned, and in fact the Institute of War seemed miniscule compared to the superfactions for which each of the two fighters now fought. He was confident he could win, of course, but it would be a painful battle. There's no Leona or any sort of tank to block for him, and no Lux to lock her down. It would just be the two, in a dynamic environment.

    For once, he actually looked forward to a battle.

    The Mining Station, the massive ship, seemed like a good place indeed. Plenty of room to maneuver and evade, which was perfect, and walls to blink behind. He smirks as he leaps out of another warp gate, pushing his hand through his blonde hair. "Alright, where are you, Jinx?" he calls out. Non-Elites begin to scatter. Maybe because Ezreal was clearly Elite. Or maybe they just don't want to be caught in the crossfire.

    Whichever, Ezreal is glad. He has only one target today.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    There is an echoing call throughout the facility. The 1MC crackles and sputters as Fed troops scatter and run. Maybe from Ez. Certainly from the lady speaking. "Hhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EZ. I see you in here you little punk. Don't think I can't find you!"
    Though there is familiar energy starting to build up in the place. Maybe just Jinx, something tactile and tangible in the filtered air of the Mining Station.

Ezreal (659) has posed:
    Ezreal smirks and raises his gauntleted hand. "Come on, Jinx, it's not like I'm hiding," he says, beckoning with the universal 'bring it' gesture. His head turns a bit, his body tensing as the energy seems to course around him. "... The hell?" he asks, lowering his hand into a defensive position. "You've got something planned, don't you?"

    He holds his position. "Bring it on," he says, "I don't have all day, you know. Unless you're scared, of course. Admit that, and maybe I'll leave, who knows?"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx's voice crackles again. "Down the hall and to the right. It's one of the bigass factory floors where they sort crap. I am not fighting you in a damn hallway. This is NOT the Murderbridge."

    And indeed, there's a bunch of lights coming on from around the corner of that room, and the energy snaps off, as machinery can be heard rumbling in the plant.

Ezreal (659) has posed:
    Ezreal smiles a bit more, following the path toward the sorting area. The lights are certainly helping guide his way. "Fair enough. Might as well give you as even odds as possible. A narrow hall aids me a bit too much." He offers a chuckle, then steps into the sorting depot. The sounds are interesting, and he makes a note that Jayce might like this place. However, the impending battle has the majority of his attention.

    "So, what is it the Confederacy gets out of you, anyway? I mean, why employ a destructive psychopath? I don't get their angle. I mean, I at least have my mapmaking," Ezreal asks, crossing his arms.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    The chamber is expansive, open, and full of Convienent Cover and Environmental Hazards as befitting a factory of any sort. Jinx is sitting there in all herskinny glory, tattoos glowing faintly in the UV lighting over the top of her. "So, as it turns out there's plenty of those in the Feds, but what I get out of it is a place to CRIME without the Institute having to 'smooth things over'. Cause that's boring as hell."
    The young lady hops up on top of her pile of crates... and she's got a new gun? Though it looks more like something you'd mount on the top of a technical than a man portable device. Heavy and underslung, she's got it down around her knees, pointing it roughly at Ez. "NOW HOLD STILL."
    There's a whine and a bark an- And he better react fast, as the big coilgun lets out a bark of energy, bits of metal propelled at massive speeds.

Ezreal (659) has posed:
    The Prodigal Explorer adopts a cocky smirk. "This place works," he says. As he spots Jinx, he shakes his head. "Jeez, and you call me skinny. Have you looked in a mirror?" he asks. However, his eyes widen at the sight of her weapon. That's not Pow Pow. Nor is it Fishbones. "Great... you have a massive arsenal now, don't you?" He runs his non-gauntleted hand through his hair and sighs. "I should've seen that coming."

    As the weapon revs up and fires up, Ezreal can be seen smiling directly at Jinx before there's a flash of gold. Where the young man had been just moments before is pelted with metal. Nasty stuff, lots of damage.

    Of course, Ezreal is now several yards to the right of the site, reappearing in another flash and clapping loudly. "Nice shot!" he says, "You almost had me." He raises his gauntlet, the image of a blue bow appearing to be gripped in his fist. He draws back with his other hand, and a large bolt of white magical energy forms. His fingers open, and the Mystic Shot rockets toward Jinx, the characteristic hum of his shot splitting the air. "Bring everything you've got, lady, because you're gonna need it all to even leave a scratch!"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    THWAP goes the mystical energy, pelting Jinx with energy bolts and particles and leaving a line of welts across her belly and arms. She's turning the heavy gun to bear on Ezreal though, grinning happily back at him. Those red eyes start to glow ever so slightly in the dark. "Did I ever tell you that past Big Hat and Fat Hands, you're my favorite Piltover nerd.... to shoot?"
    Jinx's blue hair whips around again as she kicks the power back on to the heavy coil gun. "Even more than NERDLORD ACTUAL MR HAMMER MAN!" She's shouting over the rush of the energy as she charges up again, this time using a wider spread on the weapon.

Ezreal (659) has posed:
    Ezreal lowers his hands and smirks, but despite the visible injuries on his mark, Jinx is hardly bothered it seems. She's pivoting and bringing that gun to bear. "Son of a...!" He sprints into motion, but the spread fire catches him and blasts him away. He rolls across the ground, before popping back to his feet and skidding to a halt. His clothes are torn, and he's bleeding a bit. A lot a bit, actually. His outfit is stained red in several spots from where the metal has embedded into him. He stills finds a smile, though, through the pain. "Well, third out of four isn't bad, I guess. You really have it out for Cait and Vi, though, don't you?"

    He brings his gauntlet up again, but this time there's no bow. His hand moves through the air, zagging bolts of arcane magic sailing through the air toward Jinx. As he fires, Ezreal begins to sprint and keep mobile. "You're not a bad target yourself. Better than that rat at any rate," he shoots back, "Course, it's almost hard to hit you. Lucky for me it doesn't look like you've ever seen the sun, so you stand out."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    There's a happy squeal from Jinx as grins broadly. "There's a good fuckin' reason for that you kn-" Ow ow ow ow ow. Jinx's body flinches and twists at the energy bolts, the Loose Cannon crashing backwards and away from the shots, running for cover. The heavy gun vanishes in a cloud of hex-static, only for the familiar noise of Pow Pow unfolding to fill the room as Jinx hides behind her cover.
    "And I'm no worse than that trollop whos skirt you chase! DAMAGED GOODS EZ!" She pops up and- Shit is that stun gun of hers! ZAAAAAP!

Ezreal (659) has posed:
    Ezreal's pace slows as he hears his bolts hit their mark, sliding to a stop and smirking as he keeps himself in a position to move quickly. As Jinx takes cover, the Explorer catches his breath. "I'm sure there is," he says, "My money's on them, though." No bias there, right? A familiar sound rings through the air, and the hotshot prodigy recognizes it immediately. "Heading back to the classics, huh? Out of new toys alr--"


    Ezreal's body seizes as he tumbles to his knees, Jinx's jab at Lux not unheard as it does. He spasms wildly for a few moments, before pitching forward. Is that a kill?

    Nope. Ezreal rolls forward, and when he reclaims his feet, it's with a fire in his eyes. "Really?" he whispers, "Gonna go there, are you? Alright. Then let's rock."

    He draws his arm back, palm open, before he thrusts it forward. A spiral of golden energy bursts from his hand, spinning into the shape of multiple rings that seem to vibrate the very air. "You went and made it personal," he says, "You shouldn't've done that."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    The Cannon's cover is hardly adequate against Energy Bolts from Hell that can pass through walls and Convienent Cover. The Bluenette lets out more pained squeaky noises and curses. Where's freaking Blitz when you need his dumb ass?
    Clunk whirr. That sounds like Fishbones. Jinx's voice carries as she scamper between cover. "Personal is another word for indiscrete! Or something I AM BAD WITH WORDS OKAY?"
    The Shouting makes it a bit more obvious where she is as she pops up and out of cover again, a trio of rockets hurling themselves at where Ez was when last she saw him.

Ezreal (659) has posed:
    His motor functions still weakened from the last attack, Ezreal is incredibly sluggish to react to Jinx's next assault. "Nah, you? Bad with words? Perish the thought!" He smirks again, before he is rocketed. Literally. Jinx's rockets hit home, and there's a scream as the prodigy is blasted. By the crashing sound that follows, it was into some crates. There's nearly a minute before he can be heard moving. If Jinx caught a glance, she'd notice that his jacket is fairly shredded, revealing the white tee underneath. That, of course, is stained with blood and scorch marks from the beating he's taking. However, there's still a light in his eyes.

    He breaks into a run, then leaps skyward, the amulet on the back of his gauntlet glowing as the magic bow appears again. He draws back, raining Mystic Shots upon the ground around where the Cannon had last been seen. "C'mon! You know your cover can't stop my magic shots! Walls were never much of an obstacle for me. Or for you, now that I think about it." As he lands, he ducks into a roll. Despite the statement he just issued, he ends his roll behind a small wall. He attempts to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling heavily. Of course, he's not exactly quiet either.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    MAGIC STUPID MAGIC! Though this time Jinx heard it coming, and was moving, ponytails sweeping in her path as she twists and turns a bit, planting her feet finally to swap weapons again. This time...

    Nope, it's one of the new ones. Though this looks more like Jinx ripped an industrial laser from somewhere and spraypainted it garish colors. Oh wait, that's what it is. "WALLS ARE FOR NERDS!" And she looks up'ish, and starts cutting at the stuff over the pile of crate,s looking to drop parts of the overhanging catwalks on Ez.

Ezreal (659) has posed:
    Ezreal keeps his head down, not wanting Jinx to get a clear shot at his head. He slows his breathing, closing his eyes as he steadies himself. He could still win, he just needed to think. She would win in the straight fight, but perhaps he could win a more tactical game. He eyes the area, looking for an advantage.

    And then he is buried as Jinx brings down the roof. As metal and stone falls on his head, the prodigy feels fresh injuries spring up. "Oh come ON!" he roars, though his voice is muffled. He shoves through the rubble, regaining his feet shakily.

    "Fine, alright, I'll admit, I underestimated you. Crazy, but smart. Too damn smart..." He spins, firing a bolt toward a stack of crates. The bottom of the stack. He turns and fires at another, the bolts slamming in at odd angles. However, as the towers start to fall, his motive SEEMS clear...

    Until it's clear that the crates are going to fall in FRONT of Jinx, rather than on her. What's the point?

    Two Mystic Shots ring out, and there's a loud crash as two crates suddenly rocket toward Jinx, propelled by Ezreal's strong shots. An Essence Flux attack spirals through the crates as they fly, propelling them a bit faster and hopefully adding a bit more oomph to his attack.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinxie can do little but LAUGH as she drops more crap on Ez than she was expecting, pointing and laughing at his misfortune... but then squeaks and starts skipping backwards as those crates start flying and falling and what the crap is he doing. "THAT'S NOT HITTING ME, DUMMY! /PIPSQUEAK/."

    Oh wait strike that. She's fishing around in her 'inventory' for grenades when one then two crates SLAP into her body, sending her flying across the room and into a heavy autolathe. She slumps to the floor and bleeds a bit.

    Then she's back up to her feet, snarling a-
    She fanishes in a cloud of light, much like Ez's bullshit, and slaps back into reality near the explorer, screaming shrilly and firing Powpow in his direction.

Ezreal (659) has posed:
    Beaten and ragged as he is, Ezreal smirks as Jinx takes the crates to the everything and gets blasted back. "See, this is what happens when you piss me off!" he calls. When she flashes, however, he backpedals. "W... ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" he cries, stepping away. However, Pow Pow's bullets lance into his body, blood spraying out from the wounds as he sinks to his knees again. His breath is ragged, his body weakened to an extreme state. However, he still has conciousness, and so long as that's the case, he will stay in the fight.

    He blinks backward, reappearing in the air. The blue magic bow that manifests on his Mystic Shots is present, but larger, spanning roughly three of him across. His other hand is drawn back, and a veritable magnitude of small, golden magical orbs are springing into existence in front of him. "Take this! I'm not done yet, you crazy BITCH!" Whoa, angry much?

    The crescent of magic sweeps outward toward Jinx, the prodigy's ultimate attack racing toward her with all the fury he can muster. The Trueshot Barrage hums and rings as it travels, Ezreal hitting the ground on his feet, staggering slightly as he does, his panting increasing.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx has seen this trick. she's seen this trick far too many time already, along with Ice Queen's stupid Arrow and... well, she can do this one too. But not in here. Definately not inside the Space Station. She's crazy but not stupid.
    So the SUPER ULTRA MEGA DEATH ROCKET is out. The crazy lady CHARGES, eyes glowing brightly as she runs right thorugh the barrage, another wave of painful energy washing over her, causing blood vessels to burst under her skin, bruises welling up bright and ugly across her flesh. But she's WAY TOO EXCITED to care right now, as she charges in, that Stun Pistol drawn and she grins, far far too widely.

    Zap zap zap zap ZAP ZAP ZAP ZAP goes the gun as she charges right for Ez, the pistol overloading and sputtering quite dead in her hand as she goes. But she's not stopping and finishes it all off wwith an attempted boot to the face!

Ezreal (659) has posed:
    Ezreal staggers like a drunk, his body clearly ready to give even under the basic strain of standing up. His vision wavers, but he sees enough to know that even the Trueshot Barrage isn't enough. Jinx charges right through it, and the prodigy closes his eyes. "Well... guess I failed, huh?" he mutters, before his body begins to jerk violently under the assault of electrical shots. The energy coursing through his muscles forces him to remain upright, making his face a prime and easy target for Jinx's boot. It's only after this that his body falls, his mind losing all ability to hold him up as it shuts down, losing conciousness. The occasional spasm rocks his body as the energy works its way through his body, but it's clearly forced contraction and relaxation.




    Kind of.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    And bleeding from her skin and likely internally, Jinx just flops over near Ezreal, and... and sits there.

    No, she's not finishing him off. That would be rude. He's a fellow champion, and even if there's no rules against it here, she's not killing him.

    She does sit and wait though, and get on the horn for a Fed cleanup team to come get this place shipshape again.