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Latest revision as of 03:27, 4 January 2015

Date of Scene: 03 January 2015
Location: Urbania
Synopsis: Kyra discovers she has a bat in her belfry.
Cast of Characters: 626, 640

Echo (640) has posed:
     Dusk does seem to be falling... in fact, was that some dark clouds over head? A few dark nimbus appear and roll high in the sky, before they seem to light up--a dazzling flash of white and a bolt of thunder crashes down just before Kyra!! There is a breeze of ozone after it, though it doesn't appear to have had much destructive whammy to it, as the ground only appears blackened and there are... red stiletto heels?

     As Kyra's eyes might readjust to the light, she'd be able to see the white furred feet and legs fitting into those heels, as well as the batwoman in a red dress standing there, one hand on her hip. She seems to be in the process of fixing her makeup in a small compact mirror, before she notices Kyra standing there.

     "Oh hey there, bad weather we're having today, isn't it sugar?" she griiiins, something about her seems to be inherently pleased or amused with Kyra. Maybe it's the white hoodie. She stalks closer to the cat-eared hooded girl, those heels clicking.

Echo (640) has posed:
     "Why I'm a vampire bat, honey, and what are you?" Echo takes a few steps around the girl, heels clicking. "Hmm.. like the hood, bad color though, I would have gone for red, or black..." she gets just around the back of the girl and spots the demon patch she apparently has sewn on there. "Oh my, and what is this!" her hands up, she has to step just a bit closer, to inspect what it is. "And who is this handsome devil?" she asks, finally stepping back to give Kyra some semblance of space.

     "Also must say, love your boots," the bat seems to appreciate, she does however note, "Could perhaps use some heels on those, though, but I can respect the rugged, nature going look," those large white wings on her back rustle, apparently if Echo has to get somewhere, she flies.

     "Oh and where are my manners, I'm Echo, Dark Sorceress," she grins a bit like a home maker at that.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Echo drops the words 'vampire bat' and Kyra's immediately reaching for one of her guns hidden beneath said white hoodie. "I prefer the white, thanks." she says hastily, growing very unsettled as Echo steps behind her. It takes her a moment to realize what Echo's talking about when she recalls the patch on her back.

    She turns, gun worked free, "That'd be Diabolos, Dark Prince, a Divine on my world."

    She gets both hands on her gun but keeps it pointed at the ground, clearly on guard. "Kyra Hyral, white mage. Where...exactly are you from?"

Echo (640) has posed:
     "My my my, he sounds like a /charming/ fellow," Echo looks pretty darned pleased with this, clasping both her hands together, before she seems to realize the girl is a bit... worried. Though her expression doesn't change. "Me? Why I'm from Ivalice," she reports casually, stepping back again as she noticed that Kyra seemed to be bracing her hands against something.

     "Let me guess, they don't have bat people where you come from, do they honey?" she waves a hand as if this is no big deal, the bat's wings unfurling about her as she shoes them off, gesturing to them and her ears. "I just have wings and ears sorta like one, that's not so bad, is it?" she gives Kyra a big grin, one noticeably sporting two elongated fangs.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Worried is a good word for it! "Being a Divine you're not gonna get to meet him anytime soon." she says suspiciously, keeping a CLOSE eye on the bat, "Ivalice, huh?" Well that made sense. She's met Faruja and the bunnygirl nun of his so she knows that's a world with animal people running around.

    "Oh we have bats and some even look sort of like people but they really aren't /people/."Her own back remains hunched, her eyes flicking from the wings to the ears to rest on the fangs. "We also have vampires too. None of the above are good things where I'm from. I don't know exactly how it works on Ivalice but go ahead and tell me, are you a good bat or a bad bat?"

    Nevermind that she did just introduce herself as a "dark sorceress."

Echo (640) has posed:
     "He definitely looks divine to me," Echo smacks her lips, finally setting those ruby red lips of hers thankfully closed, though the tips of her fangs noticeably poke out still. She frowned a little at Kyra's explanation. "What do you mean, aren't people? Are they bats that stepped into some kind of mutagenic substance and transformed?" she went wide eyed. "Dwelling in sewers under a city somewhere, then, I suspect," she raised an eyebrow. "Of course I'm a good bat, sugar, what else would I be?" the bat lady curtsies and does a little bow.

     "I'd be pretty pathetic if I wasn't good at just being what I am, after all," she winked at Kyra, folding her wings up again. This wasn't some kind of two-bit exhibition, after all. "So no need to worry about me, I don't bite, much. Or hard," she giggled.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "They're monsters, lady. Agents of destruction and stuff like that. Out to destroy all Humekind." Kyra nods and...keeps nodding, "Sewers, slums, all pretty common places. Yeah." She looks distant for a moment before Echo finally admits that, yeah, she's a 'good' bat. Close enough, right?

    The gun is carefully worked back into her hip holster.

    NOW she finally relaxes, even if maybe she shouldn't be. "Right, right. But the biting is /actually/ a thing, then?" she looks at Echo, resting her hands on her hips now. Her feet shift and those boots of hers jingle again.

Echo (640) has posed:
     "A thing on what? You mean do I do it? That depends... were you curious sugar?" Echo slowly griiins again and 'bats' (pardon the pun) those eyelashes of hers. "Are you falling for me already? oh dear," Echo makes a few waving motions toward herself, as if she's trying to fan herself off. "I don't even have any band-aids on me," she replies, as if this would be needed for her to tap the white mage, in a more literal sense than one might think.

     "Those boots! They remind me of the little bells on a sleigh," she still seems to be bedazzled by them, though the bat is one to talk, she's dressed like she's either going to a club or some kind of high society function.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "A thing as in you actually do that." Kyra says, a little gobsmacked as she has to explain her slang. It serves as a reminder that Echo comes from Ivalice, and, heck, she's heard Faruja talking before in his Olde English (old Ivalician? Current Ivalician?).

    She's quick to hold up her hands, waving them around, pale cheeks reddening. "What? No! Jeeze! No! Uh. Let's not go there!" It actually prompts her to take a step back, resulting in more jingles.

    She doesn't go into mentioning that she could probably heal herself from any injury inflicted. Maybe Echo didn't know what a white mage was.

    "Oh, these, yeah, cool, huh? I'm not much for sneaking so people can always hear me coming with these." She bounces a little so the chains clink even more. "Your heels are really tall. Then again you fly so you don't really have to spend time /standing/ on those." She turns around and shows off one of her boots. "Though mine are on the heavy side so I'm not sure if I'm one to talk."

Echo (640) has posed:
     "I'd hope not, they sort of... announce your presence, as it were," Echo still seems bemused with them, despite the impractical nature of them, well, the bells anyway. "I sort of wondered, since you're from a world like mine, then white magic should work the same there," Echo blinked a little, those yellow eyes watching the booted gunmage. "Which means if something were to bite you, you could just heal yourself, so perhaps one wouldn't worry about getting a little twin puncture marks here and there, hmm?" she pursed her lips in a smile, before she regarded herself.

     "Very tall, oh yes," she readjusted one leg, a heel clicking against the pavement. "I don't /just/ fly honey, but more or less," the heels do seem to be a vanity thing, one might also get the impression they help with her height, too. "Should see what you look like in heels like this sometime, do white mages go for that kind of look?" she grinned. Sure, Red Mage sback ivalice wore heels all the time, but white mages..?

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Oh dear, was the bat-woman READING HER MIND? "I think our worlds are preeeeetty different. I've been to Ivalice, it's got one of those Bomb suns and your Phoenix is different. Though our white magic..." she starts, then trails off, "Uh. Yeah. I could heal myself. I'm not keen on being fed on!"

    Yep. The subject change to fashion-related talk DOES seem to be working though. It's something Kyra can at least speak to at length. "I've been in heels before." she makes a face, recalling Helena who wanted to play dress-up once. "It's alright. Lots of pressure on the toes, though Float seemed to help with that-pff, I've seen some white mages wearing some preeeeetty skanky outfits. Only common thread-pun intended-is wearing something /white/."

Echo (640) has posed:
     "I see I see, so they enjoy fashion as well, it seems," The bat nods. "I take it then they don't all wear the white, full body robes then, ahh, what wonderful sights exist outside of my homeland," Echo smiled, twirling a little as she seemed to be reveling in the sights and sounds outside of dreary old Ivalice. "I must see some of these, and sample them perhaps also," she makes a note as if to herself, then turns to the white mage. "So then, where is your coven? or do you have a school you train under?" the bat seemed curious definitely, though her question was more cut and dry, familiar likely to magicians.

     "You don't need to tell me if you do not wish, but I'd be curious, did you have a mentor? were you an apprentice?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Pfffff..." Kyra seems super amused by something, "Nah, they don't do the full bodied robes thing anymore unless you're, like, one of Cosma's /nuns/ or something. Or into being oldschool I guess. There's no fun in looking exactly like every other white mage out there ANYWAY. I mean nowdays people like to put their own twists on things to stand out."

    She shrugs, "You could come visit Galianda sometime buuuut I'd recommend putting an illusion on yourself or something to hide the bat thing. They'd react poorly to that. You can do illusions, right? You said you were a sorceress."

    She snirks a little at 'coven'. "School. Alexander Academy teaches me all I need to know about White Magic. I can't say I really had a mentor or anything. There's a couple teachers I like, such as Professor Mister Green but the strictly /white magic/ people...eh..." She waggles her fingers.

Echo (640) has posed:
     "Ohh, I see. I noticed the hood but didn't expect you'd be the 'nun' type, deary," Echo blinks a little, thinking about that. "Are they... batist there?" Echo looks a little incredulous for a moment, taken back really. "Or Specist! what a world this must be where there are no demi-humans," she shook her head alittle as if this was sad. "I shall keep that in mind," she nodded again, before one of her ears perked.

     "Alexander Academy... sounds curious, I might look into it, I've trained under a necromancer, a witch doctor, to name a few, schooling for me was always a bit more... hands on," she waggled her fingers in return, those red nailed digits easy to see, stark white like the rest of her. Fuzzy.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I ain't a nun!" Kyra huffs, SUPER OFFENDED. "And I never WILL be a nun! This is a /hoodie/, I'll have you know, and they're totally awesome." Plus it looks kind of like a moogle so it's DOUBLE AWESOME. "Well not batist...just wary about people that don't look like Humes. Not everyone is as open minded and curious as youuuuurs truly. We've had a few visitors but the majority of people have not seen...well you get the idea. So just pull an illusion to make things easier."

    Another shrug, "Mentorship isn't /unheard/ of, but it's not as common on my world as just going to a school. More people want to learn than we got teachers I guess." She squints at those fingers...then a little harder at Echo herself. Huh. Fur. She should have expected that!

Echo (640) has posed:
     "I didn't think you were, if you were a nun, I'd have expected you to start hitting people with sticks and telling them to have pure thoughts and repent," Echo grinned a little, whetting her lips a little. "No no, I just meant I didn't asusme you were one when I first saw you, is all," she waggled a finger. "I see, so if I were to go there undisguised, I would get strange looks and people would probably throw hot water or fire at me," she nodded a little soberly at that. "Been there before," she grinned, finally.

     "I will take your advice, for now, dear Kyra, but for now I think I must be off, dinner calls," Echo curtsied again and daintily blew a red-lipped kiss to the WHM before turning, the imprint from her lips actually floating through the air /towards/ Kyra as the bat cackled and took off flying.

     Just ahead of Echo, a strange portal seemed to open, and she flew straight into it, disappearing along with it.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Uhhhhh...." There is an awkward look on her face, "Well...uh, actually it's a bit more severe than that. More like they'll mistake you for one of our vampires or other random encounters and /try to kill you/." Yeah, she doesn't seem to thrilled about bringing this up. She wanted people to feel free to come visit her world but...the rest of the world didn't seem to be ready yet.

    A strange look crosses her face and she reaches out with a finger to poke at the incoming lip-shaped imprint. Now that was just...interesting! "Uh! Okay, then. Uh. See you around!" She watches curiously as the vampire bat takes off and disappears into the portal.

    "...damn, I should have gotten a picture of that." she mutters to herself afterwards.