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Latest revision as of 14:22, 5 January 2015

Cautionary Words Regarding Plants
Date of Scene: 02 January 2015
Location: Middle Earth
Synopsis: Medusa and Thranduil meet by chance in Mirkwood as the witch harvests plants.
Cast of Characters: 22, 592

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Even with the truce going on, there are still things that can be done out in the multiverse, and what kind of witch wouldn't take the chance to expand her horizons and gain more knowledge in addition to various samples?

    The forests of Mirkwood certainly are interesting, Medusa considers even as she's kneeling down by the foot of one of the tall trees. Her satchel is already half full with various plants and herbs from the area, and she's been working quickly. In addition to her jumpsuit she is also wearing her snakeskin coat to shield her from the chill of the forest, which seems even colder than it should be due to the sparse sunlight that penetrates the thick foliage above.

    All in all she's focused on cutting off leaves from a plant, humming softly to herself and not looking the least bothered by the dead spider next to her, its blood soaking into the ground.

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Thranduil does not keep up with the goings on in the Multiverse. He rarely pokes his head outside of the forest except to travel occasionally to another area to tend to political matters. He is coming back from one such excusion now, sitting regally upon the back of his large Elk, which is adorned with winter themed decorations. He is accompanied by a trio of guards on horseback, the horses also adorned with the Yule barding and blanket.

     When they pass through the entrance and enter the forest, they hear the sound of Medusa's humming and begin moving toward her, hands on the hits of their weapons but not yet drawing them. "What are you doing here?" THranduil asks, looking down at her with his usual suspicious frown. He too is wearing his winter crown, a white version of his autumn crown, gleaming in the dim light that penetrates the canopy.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Elves are more quiet than humans, and when Medusa realizes that people are approaching, it's a bit too late to try to hide. Not that it is necessary, considering she isn't doing anything antagonistic at the moment. So when the witch is addressed she calmly and slowly lays down her knife next to the plant she was working on, and then she rises carefully to her full height, offering a soft and warm smile up at the four elves, with her main focus being on Thranduil himself.

    "A happy new year to you," she offers at first before she gets to answering his question. "I am merely here to collect herbs and plants for my research and work." Her hand gestures to the plant and the small knife on the ground. It doesn't look like she's carrying anything else besides the plant samples in her satchel.

    "Would I be wrong in assuming I am in the presence of King Thranduil...?" Medusa inquires further with a slight cant of her head.

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Tilting his head to the side just slightly, the youthful Elvenking studies Medusa curiously. "New year? You must be another outsider. A new year has not yet begun, here." The pale Elf then nods, lowering his ice blue eyes. "You would be correct. I am King Thranduil. You would be wise to use caution with these plants. Some of them do not take kindly to having their leaves pruned. It is not unusual that they will retaliate in some way. Is there something in particular you are seeking?"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The observation is met with a nod of er head, and Medusa chuckles just softly. "Indeed I am~"

    So this is indeed the elf king she has heard briefly about. But that isn't something that warrants too much worry, as the blonde woman appears as calm and collected as before the elves even showed up. Not even the warning about the plants seems to break that smile, and she peers down at her feet. "Hmmm? Oh, here I thought the spiders were bad enough..." She glances around as if checking that the plant life is still unmoving. "I have worked with troublesome plants before, but I thank you for the warning, it is most kind of you. And I'm seeking medicinal plants for the most part. These appear to be good for burns, they bear a striking resemblance to plants I use quite often, and they smell the same as well."

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     "You will not find medicinal plants here. Whatever may have produced a healing salve will likely produce toxins now. This forest is tainted, sick. You may find athelas plants outside, though they are a bit rare." Thranduil dismounts, placing a hand on the thick neck of his Elk as he approaches the witch. The Elvenking almost glows with his white hair, silver crown and pale silver robe. "There are many dangers in this forest. The spiders are the least of the threats that lie in the shadows. Be forewarned, however. If you see one spider, there are dozens that you do not see."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    That bit of information makes the woman blink in surprise, and she peers down at her satchel. "Oh...?"

    Well, this is perhaps even better.

    Still, she smiles sadly to keep up the act in front of Thranduil and his guards. "Even toxins can be useful for treating various disorders. Pain for instance. It just requires caution in addition to knowing how to dilute the toxins just enough for them to be effective. Medical science has gone far, especially out in the multiverse," Medusa informs the elf, standing still even as he dismounts and approaches her.

    Does it really matter to a dangerous witch with offensive magic whether it's one spider or a dozen? Medusa doesn't think it would make a difference. Instead she nods once. "I will keep it in mind. I am quite light on my feet and quick... As for yourselves, are you just passing through?"

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     "We are returning from a diplomatic excursion. It is unwise for those unfamiliar with the forest to wander from the path. This forest is thick with illusion and darkness. Our healers do not harvest plants from the tainted area. Experiments have proven that using these plants can lead to unfortunate results for the recipient." He folds his hands behind his back and nods once. "I am certain you are like the rest of the outsiders we have encountered. How did you know to come here?"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The more this elvenking is warning her to not use the plants, the more tempted she is to work with them...

    None of this shows on Medusa's face however, and she clearly pays attention to him as he clearly seeks to offer knowledge and information that most people seeking medicinal plants would want to know. "Your concern is appreciated, your highness~" Medusa responds politely. As for whether she is like the other Elites who have been here...? "Perhaps? I am not certain who has been here or not or whether I know them or not," she says honestly. "And once a world has unified it is rather easy to get there. I thought it would be interesting to see whether there were any plants to catch my eye, most worlds have various resources that are wanted by somebody, wouldn't you think?"

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     "You would likely find more information in Rivendell. The citizens of the Woodland Realm are Silvan Elves. They do not have the same extensive knowledge of plants. Their ways are much simpler, a bit more primitive if you will. There have been many outsiders entering my kingdom. Some have been friendly, others have shown agression. I find that it is nearly impossible to determine who to trust in this multiverse." As Thranduil speaks, snow begins to fall gently, laying upon the ground and the leaves of the plants

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "I am sadly not familiar with the various types of elves in this world," Medusa laments with a sad smile and a shake of her head. But perhaps going to this place called Rivendell might prove useful in the future.

    There seems to have been various Elites traveling here for many different reasons. "I am aware, and indeed... it is hard to know just who to trust, isn't it?" When the snow begins to fall she blinks, raising her head and peering up from underneath her hood. Seems that is her cue to leave. She has enough samples, and well, it is useless to gather more herbs now with the king and his guards here if she wants to keep up her act. From what she heard the king is not too interested in multiversal happenings, so perhaps she can even keep her true identity and nature hidden to avoid interference.

    She crouches down and picks up her knife, putting it into the satchel and closing it before she rises again, doing her best to seem non-threatening. "I thank you for the information, King Thranduil. Though I better be on my way and return to my duties, even with helpers tending to my patients it's better to not be away for too long~" she states with a slight bow. "Perhaps we will meet again."

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     "Rivendell is more accomodating to outsiders. Here we do not take kindly to those entering the forest, even though there are plenty of threats to take care of them. Occasionally there have been outsiders that have breached our borders and threatened the kingdom directly. If you are a healer and have no intentions of causing harm to my people, perhaps I will permit you to visit the healers. They can show you what is used in our potions. This forest is sick, so use caution when handling them."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Now there is a tempting offer. Medusa nods at that. "I would not say no if such an offer was made to me. I have no reason to harm you or your people," not yet anyway, especially not now with the truce still in place. "I would bring some of my personal medicine in return, it is important to share knowledge like this, after all. And I will be cautious, I always am~"

    With that the witch offers another graceful bow, and then she heads on her way back to the path, quietly making her way through the trees as she leaves the elves behind.

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Thranduil nods and watches as Medusa leaves, folding his hands in front of him. He then turns with a flourish, long hair flowing behind him and remounts the Elk, and the Elves begin heading back to the Halls of The Elvenking