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Latest revision as of 04:09, 6 January 2015

The Unown Attack
Date of Scene: 06 January 2015
Location: Pokemon Islands - Kanto
Synopsis: A mass of the Pokemon known as Unown attack Celadon City. They are assumed to be the known Eldritch Horrors, but it seems that for some reason, they are looking for Lute.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 12, 92, 127, 188, 545, 607, 643, 673
Tinyplot: Who Is Logan Trieste?

Lute (188) has posed:
     It was, for a while, a simple early January day in Celadon City. Though Kanto is not a region known for a lot of snow, a layer of it is spread across the ground, mostly untouched. Many schools that were to be open today were closed, due to last night's storm. Not a lot of people are out and about doing business, as well. This turns out for the best, though. The remains of the Game Corner sit in the middle of Celadon's business district. Once the base of the notorious Team Rocket, after Unification, it no longer serves this purpose. An incident caused the base to be found and destroyed, and so all that remains is rubble.

     But, perhaps it has some other secret. Or perhaps, something else strange is going on. A large number of Unown are bursting out of the ruins. Unown, the Glyph Pokemon. Their shapes are simple. Black bodies vaguely in the shape of letters and other runes, and a single eye. These creatures are flying from the ruins, in a large group. It's hard to tell how many of them there are, exactly. Hundreds, perhaps more. With their strange movement and patterns, it can be hard to tell. More and more are coming out of the ruins as well.

     Just the sight of them is enough to put out the emergency broadcast. Unown are eldritch monstrosities, and the sight of them alone is enough to cause people to call for help. They are known to have some connection to various Legendary Pokemon, particularly the malicious one. Most humans who come into contact with them are known to die. The very presence of these Glyph Pokemon is an emergency, even if they aren't attacking.

     But. Attacking is what they are doing. Groups of them are moving to attack the nearby buildings, simply barraging them with mystical power in group efforts. They begin to circle the next door building, launching bursts of Hidden Power at it. This strange move sends out balls of energy, each one a burst of an unknown elemental attack. They seem to be in the process of taking down this building.

     The other Unown are heading to the sky. Fanning out, across the city. They make a grid across the city, so that no matter where one is in the city, they can see an Unown if they look up towards the sky.

    This is definately an emergency.

     Except, perhaps, for the Confederacy.

     The Unown, though a known threat and eldritch menace? They are something that are highly desired by the Team Rocket scientists. While the fact they are a completely unknown quantity and strange even amongst Pokemon is a huge draw, there is another. They do not Link with people in the same way other Pokemon do. They do not act like other Pokemon do. Their physiology is unlike other Pokemon. And so, they could be an incredibly useful resource in trying to study Pokemon Linking, and could perhaps lead to a method of stabilizing Lute's mental link with his Registeel.

     And so, the Confederate goal here is to capture the Unown. Pokeballs are provided, though they might not work. But, if the Confederacy can bring some back in any method, it would be incredibly useful.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    RORY WHITE is an Engineer and a Scientist. Not a warrior, not a soldier. Though she's experienced many drills in VR for handling some situations and adopting the proper ways of thinking through problems, that fact remains: she cannot possibly hope to drive off the Unown plaguing the city.

    But these strange assailants are deadly dangerous and seem to care nothing for the chaos and bloodshed they inflict. She cannot ignore them! That is inhumane. Monstrous. And cowardly!

    But she cannot possibly be the ONLY person who's heard the call for help. As she approaches the city in a VERY light-framed buggy stocked with medical supplies, Rory deploys a handful of small drones towards the chaos.

    Two are small surveillance rotorcraft the size of sparrows. A few are Saucers - UFO-shaped disks propelled via ionic drives. In either case, they zip about the city to create a cohesive map of the layout for Rory over her secured link. A map begins appearing, compiled out of all sorts of readings including infrared to spot victims in need of rescue within buildings! But Rory herself doesn't enter the city. She probably won't... not until something distracts the Unown and she can risk a rescue operation. There's no sense pulling people OUT of shelter and into danger and risking her only means of helping ANYONE here!

    But the drones are highly active, radio-wise. They ping out at things repeatedly, and also begin building a map and analysis of the Unown attack patterns and formations - is there some focal point besides one building? And what is that building?!

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    A small airship is what Elliana is using to get here. It's not high-flying or anything, just a little skiff so that she doesn't have to fly the whole way... or ride Veryx, who is in a grumpy mood lately. And now here she is, trying to get some Unowns for... Lute, of all people. How strange things end up.

    "Hmm... Saber, why don't you see if you can scare up a few of them, however you wish. Causing chaos seems to be something you are quite good at without my advice," she points out. At the same time, she's withdrawing a pokeball from her robes, casually tossing one out. "Rattata."

    Out pops a... Rattata? It's kind of like a giant rat, but it has wings, glowing blue eyes, and an aura of cold. It flutters nearby while she orders, "Herd a few of those over toward me, please." The Rattatta makes a noise kind of like "TATAAW" and flits off to try to isolate some of the Unowns.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Being relatively close, multiversally-speaking, it's not hard for Kirikou to decide to respond to the distress call. It's good to help out, and smashing monsters is kind of his thing. Helping Lute is a secondary goal really. The man's an idiot most of the time, and dangerously psychopathic as well... but the Confederacy would rather have him than not. And he's nowhere near as unpleasant as a certain witch Kilik frequently assists.

    Kirikou rides into the Unown attack on a motorbike, the Twins riding in a sidecar. All three have riding goggles, helmets, and racing scarves. The Meister seems intent on his driving, though he's grinning. Possibly at the antics of the Twins, who have fists raised into the air and their mouths opened wide like those of dogs going for a car ride.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel had been busy mostly with stuff back on her own world such as maintianing apperance she can't /vanish/ off the grid for too long without questions being raised after all. SO here she was off the grid given the call for help. She's coiming from above riding on on a light jet moving swiftly as she is able to on her light jet. The small one person aircraft is sleek and shows no seams, if one were to take a look. She swoops in the light jet soon turns to wireframs becoming transparent then vanishing entirely, Deelel drops down grabbing the baton as she drops, she hit the ground landing in crouch and seems unharmed as she rrise up to her feet.

"I never seen anything like this." The program is now getting an idea of just what these things are she's now taking a moment to figure out how best to attack them. She also does put out a radio call to any respontants.

<<This is Deelel of the Union, i'm here to help does anyone have any more information?>

Lila (545) has posed:
    Lila was just nearby, really. With Dunsany! The little shoggoth is burbling a little as it hops around, and Lila is... directing people to safety! Or not. In actuality, she's just looking REALLY annoyed, standing in the street as the Unowns are swarming. "Why does strange stuff always have to happen around me, of late? Dunsany, are you a trouble magnet? Is that the problem?"

    The bloblike creature peers with its eye and burbles, "Takeli-li!"

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "Sure," Mordred says.

    Her helmet off, already armored in that red and silver platemail, the Servant has a box over one shoulder. It has a Pokeball pattern on it, we'll let you guess what's inside.

    Saber hops out of the airship carrying her and Elliana to the area, popping the lid of the crate open in mid-fall. Her free hand reaches inside, pulling out three red and white spheres. She lobs them down towards the swarm of Unown down below, hoping they connect. She doesn't expect success, she just wants to piss them off.


    She's probably going to fall through the swarm and slam into the ground hard, but that's more dangerous for the ground than for her. This just turned into a great game for Mordred, like a child playing with his Alpha-Bits to spell things in his bowl.

Lute (188) has posed:
     As Rory's drones fly over the city turned battlefield, they can probably pick up a fairly simple pattern. Though the Unown are starting with destroying the next door building and spreading themselves upon the sky, some of the other Unown emerging from the ruins are moving towards the next closest building, a little bit to the north of the ruins of the Rocket Base. No more Unown are appearing, though. It seems there is a limit to how many of them there are, at least. And, when the first group has pummeled the building, they will move onto the next closest building, beginning to circle it as well, preparing for their own attack.

     The Unown in the sky, though? For a brief bit, their eyes converge on the drones. Looking at one, than the other. They begin to look down, though, towards the ground gain, scouting the area. It seems the ones in the sky are serving much the same purpose as Rory's drones.

     As the incredibly odd Rattata appears, the Unown peer at it, as well. But, for some reason, this draws their attention more than the drones, even before it makes its intent on them known. As it moves in, they stare at it. And then, they are forced to move away from it, as it tries to herd them. Only a few can be herded by it at a time, due to the generaly small size of Rattata. The Unown being chased towards Elliana still attack, though, firing bursts of ball-like Hidden Power attacks at them. Again, though, these are random. And so, one ends up coming out as Ghost type, another as Fighting, and the third as Fire. The 'element' is impossible to tell until it hits, though.

     At the least, Elliana's goal is being accomplished. Some Unown are being pushed towards her. Perhaps they simply are unsure what she is up to.

     The Pokeballs hit the Unown. Dead on. but, oddly, they do not open up, at all. This in itself is unusual. Pokeballs will try to capture even Legendary Pokemon, as unlikely as it is to work. But for some reason, the Pokeballs just... don't work? Still, it draws the attention of some of the Unown. A group move in front of Mordred... perhaps spelling something out? Who knows. It reads as follows:


     Kilik does get a stare as well. But, for some reason, they stare at him for even shorter of a time than they stare at the drones. Perhaps they are looking for something specific? A similar short glance at Deelel.

     But, for some reason, Lila and Dunsany draw their attention a bit longer. A number of them move down, to circle around her and Dunsay. It's really hard to tell what about Lila is drawing them. But, if she feels like noting the letters that make up the Unown circling her... It's probably just gibberish. It reads as follows:


     And, as Helena arrives, the Unown look at her as well. A number of them move towards her, unleashing burst after burst of Hidden Power at her, barraging her with multi-elemental attacks. Perhaps it is the fact she seems so obviously intent on combat that they are attacking her? Still, they seem to be attacking in force against Helena.

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "THOSE AREN'T WORDS, FUCK YOU!" Mordred barks, half-angrily, following a shockwave of a landing on her feet that leaves a dent and cracks into the ground of the city. Probably overall less damage than they'll need to fix from the rampaging Pokemon, though.

    She glances at her box of Pokeballs. "I thought these things could catch Pokemon. Maybe I'm not throwing them hard enough. I didn't even know you could fail at this!" Huff. Well, if Lute can do it, she doesn't see why she can't. That is why the knight still draws no blade or weapon, but instead puts the box down, pulls two more Pokeballs out, and then hurls them like her arms are railguns towards two more Unown. Unowns? Whatever, that.


    She would approve of Helena's ULTRAVIOLENCE, but she's busy dispensing her own right now. She would really like to gather enough of these things dead or alive to spell dirty messages on the ground and send the pictures to Pokemon museums. Or insults, maybe.

Serenity (607) has posed:
    A roaring rush of wind announces the arrival of another Unionite, more concerned with stopping the destruction than anything else. Atop a giant bird of some sort, Serenity sweeps in... and tumbles off the back of the bird, falling toward the ground to slam into the asphalt of the street. Her blade is already out, but she doesn't go for the Unowns immediately.

    "Raptor! Try to drive them away from the building." She calls that to the bird, the giant avian circling around and answering with a buffeting whirlwind of air that roars through the sky, trying to disrupt the flight of the Unowns.

    "Miss Lila, are you in need of assistance?" Serenity calls that out while approaching the swarm over the young girl, flicking her sword out to send some slashes through the air as sharp vacuums cutting through the air itself. She has no problem with cutting these things in two if she can.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Anyone entering the area will pick up the presence of tactical map data being transmitted widely! Rory's drones are using every known Multiverse format for tacticla map transmission on all standard frequencies. Deelel and perhaps others will easily be able to connect and receive streaming data if they have any way of handling it!

    Rory, meanwhile... frowns in her buggy. The area's still far too chaotic to approach withotu knowing what she's getting into. "This attack pattern... it's like a nanoswarm! Systematic destruction. They must not care about strategic value! .. What are these things.."

    <My lady, look closely. These creatures are living letters. Several phrases have appeared!> And in Rory's sight, maps of Unknown marquee are given translations... courtesy of Rory's muse, Rolan.

    "What kind of strange creature's a living letter?!"

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena, always finds the ability to be anywhere...she didn't come with the Confederacy...for obvious reasons of keeping Souji's nose clean, but she DOES arrive with the Syndicate. Right now she is simply advancing towards the Pokemon that have decided that they want to form a care bear hug across the entire city...and that isn't (apparently) cool. Reguardless, Helena doesn't CARE about people other than it's an oppertunity to A) capture something for Souji that is interesting, B) stab things, C) do some property destruction risk free D) ULTRAVIOLENCE.

    Helena really has been feeling the ultraviolence lately, probably because of Jinx.

    As she approaches, she flips a knife in her hands, smiling a little smile as she gets closer towards the Pokemon.

    "Hi my name is Helena!" she greets one of the weird pokemon. She stares at it a bit...and then proceeds to repeatedly stab it. "Don't answer, it's not important."

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    BEAMS of elements are fired.

    Helena stays on the defense, spinning, flipping, running up walls, and YOUTH ROLLING out of danger. Eventually, because of sheer numbers, one actually clips her. And she is...

    "Did that thing just fire a beam of fist at me?! The hell!?"

    Helena moves, dodging isn't something she even works hard at...being a rogue and necromancer makes your natural defense VERY low...laughably low, but that forced her to make up for it. Such as being VERY quick, both in defense and in striking. Even as they move away to try and escape her ULTRA VIOLENCE, she continues to close in like a shark. She throws knives at fleeing Unown, aiming to try and hit them...before new blades come to her hands.

    "Aww, don't be shy! Lets have some fun! I promise it is going to hurt." A beat, "Or maybe I should say it won't...I forget these things!" She grins maliciously as she charges THESE knives with some sort of DARK energy.

    Thankfully, she doesn't lick the blade.

    She rolls across Mordred as she starts demanding they get in the balls. "Oh my~!" she says towards the Servant's direction.

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    "Hmm..." Elliana lets the airship sink lower, lifting off to fly herself in the air. Of course, seeing that the pokeballs had little effect on the Unowns from Mordred's attempt, she grimaces at the small group heading her way. "This changes things considerably. Very well. Freeze them."

    She could do it herself, but let's face it... Elliana doesn't actually like to use her own powers if she doesn't have to. That's why she's still in her weakest form. The order was to the Rattata, that lets loose a blast of icy, freezing breath to try to freeze one of the Unowns. Maybe she can just take them back as blocks of ice.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Didn't the pokemon researcher say to capture them alive? Kilik seems to remember that. And while he could destroy these things easily enough, his skills are reasonable when it comes to live capture as well. "We're gonna keep this simple." he shouts to the Twins. "Nonlethal attacks only! You ready to fight?" he asks. Fire and Thunder punch their little fists into the air, apparently howling in delight even though no sound comes forth.

    Kirikou raises his own fists as he approaches one of the Unown. Reading the cue, the Twins shimmer into energy and zoom to his fists, forming into the mighty metal gauntlets that are his traditional weapons. "You fuckers gonna ignore me?" he cries out, drawing a fist back and smashing it into one of the odd creatures as he passes by it at speed. Hit first, capture later. That's the theory.

    Seeing two more, Kirikou screams past the first and makes his mounted charge on the next two. Aiming to pass between them, he draws both his gauntleted fists back and lashes out. The impact... well, given he's not holding onto anything and given the speed and power he's hitting with, it lifts him right out of the motorcycle. His forward momentum's channeled into the punches, meaning he'll survive the bike exit well enough. The bike, however, keeps right on going. Ooops.

Lila (545) has posed:
    "Hmmhmm... no, I think I will be fine, Major. I do appreciate the offer. Let's go, Dunsany," Lila says to the shoggoth. She scoops the burbling /thing/ up in her arms without any hesitation, but does give an interesting look at the lettering in the air. Siiigh.

    In another instant she's surrounded by a billowing black mist, swirling around her and the Shoggoth. As it rises, it seems to suck the light right out of the air, making an expanding globe of darkness around her. If the Unowns want her, they'll have to come and get her.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is more concerned with the civilians at the moment thant whatever feds might be up to, she's not /even/ sure if feds is even behind this or this is something totally out of the Fed's control. She honestly suspects it might be the latter she gives the non union responders,a bit of a look but she's got other things to worry about such as the Pokemon that are rampaging here.

Rory is able to get Deelel's attention as she get the data.

"Some sort of local life form known as a pokemon, a normally hardly seen sort from what I know."

This is where DEelel gets to work not being able to translate the letters at all for now her disc starts trying to smack into the various pokemon to get their attention off the destruction and on to her.

"Hey, nullunits! Can you keep up with me?!"

Deelel's disc at the moment is for the record unpowered at the moment.

Lute (188) has posed:
     As Mordred continues to lob the Pokeballs, the Pokeballs continue to have no effect. Instead, the Unown near her shift a bit, swapping out a bit, to spell something else. It seems they are trying some primitive mode of communication. But what could these words mean?! If only Mordred could see through the cleverly hidden message that follows


     Elliana, though? She has better luck than Mordred. as the ice attack is launched at the Unown it had rounded up, they are frozen in solid blocks of ice. They land on the ground, though don't shatter. It'd be easy enough to retrieve them, though.

     And then, Serenity comes in with the epic heroic manuever! Though she is not the most graceful opponent, apparently, the Unown are still blown apart by her pet bird. They are distracted from their attempts to destroy the building, and as such, they turn on the bird. The horde attempting to destroy the building fly in, trying to pummel the body of the bird repeatedly. They hit in a straight line, and bounce off in the same direction. Each Unown seems to work perfectly in synch, for some reason.

     And then Serenity attacks the ones surrounding Lila. And now they will focus on Lila herself. They turn, moving to surround her. One is slashed in half, possibly dead. The others just move rapidly, trying to confuse her, for one main reason. A single Unown moves towards Serenity's back. If successful, it will land on her back, and look as if it were simply a letter on the back of her clothing. And then, as it charges with energy, it would unleash a Hidden Power attack of the Dragon element, right at her back.

     But then Lila errupts in a black mist. And, well. They most likely decide to say 'fuck this', it seems, and... they flee into the sky, to become part of the grid.

     As for Rory, it is most likely she can notice this: The Unown are not attacking people /directly/. Yes, they are attacking buildings. But for any person who is just entering the field peacefully, they are /not/ attacking. So, it might be possible to enter the field safely. And of all people, she has the best chance of seeing the words being spelt, due to the scanning allowing her to see multiple phrases in various places, in /definite/ planned orders.

     As Helena manages to strike a number of the Unown with daggers, their strategy against her changes. Several of them are struck down quite painfully, after all. They try to keep a distance, moving back, forming a line of letters. Each one firing.

     The letters facing Helena, as a note, read as follows:


     Kirikou manages to slam his fists into one, and then launches himself back using the next two punches. The Unown move in to him as well, now. The numbers of the Unown are thining, so only about ten can move in to attack him. They fly in, trying to pound themselves into Kirikou as well. The last one, though, unleashes a Hidden Power. Type? Fighting.

     Deelel manages to hit a bunch of them,causing them to fall as well. With so many of the Unown distracted, though, there are only a handful left to deal with her as well. Three come down from the sky pattern of them though. Apparently their eyes in the sky must be /really/ important to whatever mission they are on if they can only spare three more for Deelel. Still, they move in, launching Hidden Power Bug, Ice, and Electric.

     Also, it's worth noting... These things are absolutely not as powerful as their 'Eldritch' reputation says. And their power is very well noted in the Union and Confederate databases as a threat in this particular set of Pokemon Islands.

     ...What is going on?

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena moves, again quickly, but the strategy changes...

    he line makes things more difficult...not only are they making themselves even HARDER to hit with knives, as now she can only strike one at a time...they can move with little room for error. Infact, as they fire, she is forced to be defensive. She frowns at this...but then there is a dangerous glimpse in her eyes. She runs, aiming to try and avoid shots, aiming to roll around and take cover. However...

    She starts to cast, freeing one of her hands and making motions with her hand as she takes cover...

    Her hand presses along the ground...

    "The dead fall everywhere, years before civilization was found...come to my call, dead of old..."

    She says, and grins... "BIND THOSE WHO DO NOT HEED MY CALL!" and with that, underneath the Unown, hands of skelletons rise up...it does not matter what they belong to, humans, animals, pokemon, they rise up, aiming to GRAB onto the Unown and restrain them. They are not individually strong, but there are HUNDREDS of them, each one clawing, but not harming the group.

    Instead they are simply restraining, so that Helena can have A) a nice read and B) set up Mordred for ULTRAVIOLENCE.

    Helena is also good at word games, and...words backwards are hardly word games for her.

Mordred (12) has posed:

    Mordred is looking mighty pissed right now. If it wasn't the gibberish taunts, it would be the fact these Pokeballs are completely useless. Either she's too stupid to use them right, or these things are weird. Well, she's going to settle on it being the latter for now.

    At least she's not being attacked.

    Helena's comment earns a grin and a snort, bringing the Saber's mood back into the middle zone instead of red. Leaving the box of useless capture devices behind, she hops over to where the frozen Unowns are landing, to guard Elliana's prizes. A massive red and silver sword, with fairy runes etched on the blade, appears in one of her hands, now that she's not trying to catch them. Well, conventionally.

    Her foot slams into the ground, as blood red, almost liquid magic pours out of her leg and surges into the earth. Where Helena is attempting to bind and hold some of the Pokemon still, the Prana Burst shockwave causes earthen spikes and pillars to shoot up to slam into and knock those things out. Unconscious is the same as captured, right?

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    Good. Ice blocks have captured several of the Unown, and that was... surprisingly easy. That always makes Elliana a little wary that the other shoe will drop, especially when strange Unionites are involved. She doesn't really know Serenity, and only recognizes Lila by reputation.

    It does make her wonder how intelligent they are, especially with the radio chatter ongoing. "Interesting... Wrathborn, why don't we see how much they can think? They seem to know fear well enough."

    ~Ah, it has been a long while since you asked for that power~

    Elliana lands lightly atop one of the buildings, eying the grid above. Reaching out with her power, she sends a few of the Unowns a targeted bolt of nightmare power, enough to send a normal human into a waking nightmare for several minutes.

Deelel has posed:
This day has been strange since the second, Deelel arrived here. It's only getting more so with the strnge creatures trying to form words. She doesn't know what they are trying to say, maybe there is no message? She's not sure but Deelel is doing her best to keep the creatures distracted and chasing after her and dher gets on the move, she has to wonder just what is going on here as the three come after her and soon there's ice lightning and more coming at her and it' forcing Deelel to break off attacking and focus on being a little parkour monkey.

Serenity (607) has posed:
    'Dismissal,' Serenity intones, the raptor above her stumbling in midair and flapping wings desperately from all the pummelling. The Dismissal causes it to fade into sparkling lights, but she does not summon a replacement. She's a little distracted at the moment.

    It's a distraction that lets one of the things latch onto her. She's aware enough to feel SOME danger at her back, and that plus her supernatural durability keeps it from being a real problem. It explodes and sends her tumbling, but she rolls with it and comes up with a scorch mark on her back, without being incapacitated. "Mn. I see." She takes a breather to consider the situation, then flicks a few more slashes out to try to clear away some of the remaining Unown from the building. "What is that grid for? We should take care of that."

Lila (545) has posed:
    "He is not here," Lila's voice calls out suddenly. The mist has disappated, leaving behind... empty space. The voice is now atop one of the buildings, looking at the retreating Unown with an irked expression. "I don't think I've ever met him. And I am really getting very tired of people and things attempting to kidnap me. I think the Union will understand if I let on that I am not /entirely/ helpless..."

    Lifting her hand, the childlike girl holds a single pistol of ornate make. It's a revolver of some kind, and without hesitation she begins taking a few shots at the Unown that were surrounding her before. Her accuracy with that large pistol is uncannily good, however.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kilik does his best against the small horde of Unown. His best is, fortunately, pretty damn good. Ten on one is the kind of odds he enjoys, at least if the ten are mere minions.

    He gives out a few powerful punches, but it's hard to deliver much damage against a swarm. Mostly he's ducking and dodging, keeping his defenses up, trying to keep from being overwhelmed. The punches are more to keep the little monsters honest than to do any serious damage. He gets hit a few times, glancing blows for the most part, but arguably he's not dishing out more than he's taking. It seems like he's almost completely on the defensive, almost overwhelmed.

    That all changes in a flash. "Lightning flash!" he cries, channeling his soul energy. His left gauntlet blasts outwards with a stunning wave of electric energy. The electricity bursts out around him, likely stunning a good number of his attackers. Kilik grins, punching the air a few times in a boxer's pose before returning his full attention to the fight. There's one of the creatures more dangerous than the others, it seems. One attacking with more than just a headlong charge. It... is it a martial artist? Well, that's fine. Kirikou's quite willing to stand toe to toe with any fighter. Even if the fighter's a flying letter. "C'mon, I'm SOUPER charged now!" he cries out gleefully.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Such strange creatures... it seems safe enough!" VROOOOOOM!


    The light-framed buggy stuffed with medical supplies heads for one of the buildings under attack. Presumably PEOPLE ARE PANICKING, so there are bound to be wounded down there somewhere!

    Meanwhile, Rory has Rolan add the translated messages to broadcasted map data for Deelel's perusal! All of them are tagged. Location and time!

Lute (188) has posed:
     The skeletal claws manage to crab the Unown fairly easily. They are pulled to the ground, restrained, and more than ready for capture. Of course, not through Pokeball means. Again, though, these are proving too weak for normal Unown. They shouldn't be captured this easily. And as the earthen pillars burst up, they shouldn't be able to be knocked out that easily as well. But alas, Mordred manages to force a number of them unconcious.

     And then, Elliana launches an attack at the grid above. The Unown are easily sent into nightmare fits which no Eldritch being really should be easily affected by. Still though, at this point, due to their efforts? They have more than a reasonable amount of Unown to bring back home.

     But, for everyone else? The Unown are breaking off their attack, and seem to be retreating. With Deelel attacked, they move up to the sky, to meet with the others. And, as Serenity attacks her own opponents, they fly to the sky to escape. Some are knocked out by her slashes, but the rest simply move to get together with the rest. Lila, though? With her ranged attack, and uncanny eye, she manages to either knock out or kill every Unown she aims for. Mostly, depending on if she was aiming to kill, or aiming to incapacitate. Having range can be useful against flying opponents!

     As for Kilik, the Unown fall readily into his electrified body trap. As each one hits and bounces off, they fall unconcious. The last one, though, seemingly a bit of a fighter, keeps launching its bursts of Fighting type Hidden Powers, one after another. Aiming for the square of his chest. At least this Unown fights fair! And, for some reason, is the only one not retreating.

     I guess every group has a musclehead like Kilik, even the Unown.

     Rory goes ignored. There are not a /ton/ of injured people, but there were in fact some people in the one building they successfully destroyed. Only a handful, thankfully, due to the snow day, and due to it being a small business.

     But, with all of the Unown except the strange one trying to get into an elemental fist fight with Kilik moving into the sky? A new message appears. The Unown don't spell this out with their individual letters. Instead, they form lines to create /giant/ words in the sky. And for once, these are actually straight. They move from one sentence, to another, until their message is done.





Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena watches the words form...

    She thinks about something for a moment...deeply.

    "SAFFRON CITY!" she yells out towards the Unown.

    Meanwhile, the other Unown are being carried by skelletons forming out of the earth towards transports to carry them off.

Mordred (12) has posed:
    If only she had a container to stuff all these things into.

    Mordred shuffles over to the box of Pokeballs. She empties it on the ground. She hoists the box onto a shoulder, and then starts picking up unconscious Unown and stuffing them into the box. She even starts whistling nonchalantly.

    Let's see how many she can stuff in there, without losing sight of Helena's minions, since it wouldn't do to just have people attack them to prevent bringing the letter-monsters back home.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel gets teh data from Rory and sends a brief thanks she then relays it to the Union, which has quite the effect on one Raven. She's busy however weaving in and out of her foes's attack and trying to not go down thankfull it seems for having osme help. She does however wonder now just /what/ business do these things have with Lute being their master?!

Helena yells out a city, is that where Logan is? It could very well be the case of where he is.

<Miss White from what I'm hearing these things are ... bad news and ... oh glitch.>>

She now gets the data on the place they are being directed to. The city is fairly notable this could be bad, very /bad/. Raven seems to have things handled on warning Saffron city.

Lute (188) has posed:
     And, with an answer, the Unown start flying off, just to the east. Towards Saffron City.

     ...Uhoh. Possibly.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kirikou shuffles his feet in a boxer's 'dance', giving a show and a challenge to the weird letter-based critter. There's no WAY he can lose to something like this! It may be stronger than the others, but he's no pushover. The only questions are whether this thing can push him to use his strongest attacks, or whether he can take it alive.

    He stops however when he sees the message forming in the sky. Even though he's a meathead - er, a meat tank - something that obvious and strange simply can't escape his notice. He's surprised, and a bit distracted. The Unown might get a free hit in, but Kirikou's guard is good and the Twins can warn him even if he loses his focus. Enough to let him defend himself at the last second.

    Kirikou takes a step backwards, eyeing the Fighting type Unown. He jerks his head up into the sky. "You looking for Lute? Go for it then." he says. "Do I have to spell it out? Go! No need to fight over this if he's your master. Go, or I'll beat even your Alpha. Bet on it!" he smirks.

Serenity (607) has posed:
    Serenity peers upward, then shakes her head. "I suppose we will need to follow them. Pact Summon: Stahldrachen." She calls that out, leaping toward the building roof where Lila is shooting down the Unown. "Enough of that, for now. We're heading for Saffron City... unless you want to stay here where it's safe?"

    While she's speaking, the sky crackles, and a dragon manifests. The massive form immediately roosts on the edge of the building, lowering his head so that Lila and Serenity can climb on, if Lila chooses to move this way. "You could have told us you knew how to shoot," she points out.

    She won't rush, though. She's following behind the Unown, watching rather than trying to chase them down.

Lila (545) has posed:
    "Nobody asked," Lila answers with a shrug. She doesn't shoot down a /lot/, since she's using a revolver. That said, she reloads it with a quick and smooth motion that is only an instant long. A speedloader?

    She'll take Serenity's offer and hop onto the Stahldrachen though, looping arms around the Maedra's waist.

Mordred (12) has posed:
    Once Mordred is done stuffing a box full of Unown, she slams the lid back on, hops over to the ship, shoves the box inside, and then glances towards the retreating swarm and their heading. Fortunately even a slow Servant is pretty fast, and despite the armored looks, she's actually got a pretty high speed parameter. Between the force of her jumps and her uncanny ability to accelerate, she starts hopping her way towards Saffron City, easily breaking the sound barrier and then some.

    Hopefully the Unown can't also do that.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena rolls her shoulders and does not return to the Ship...though her undead deposit their burden, before falling to pieces. It's someone elses' mess.

    Meanwhile, Helena, pulls out a phone and calls a ride.

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    Siiigh. Elliana rubs her forehead and mutters something under her breath, then turns away. "I suppose I must go fetch the Drasillum. I'd hoped to use something a little less... blatant, but it should make this a simple matter of cotainment."

    She vanishes in a purple flash, to reappear on the 'bridge' of her giant floating tree fortress and start it moving toward Saffron City. The others will likely beat her there... the tree doesn't move all that fast, even if it's flying.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    'Oh glitch?' Rory reads on her hud, and promptly blinks. What's that supposed to mean? Oh, swear word Rolan points out!

    "I don't know what's happening out here!"

    But she does know one thing. A building collapsed with people inside. She calls down one of the Saucers to scan across the wreckage using various methods to try and locate any survivors in all the wreckage... because it's time to get digging with her robotic strength if so and slap on some nanobandages as needed!

    But she does pause in that effort to stare at the sky.

    And frowns the BIGEST FROWN.

    What the HECK NOW?!

Lute (188) has posed:
     Mordred, of course, manages to get to Saffron City first. Far ahead of the Unown, she would, quite easily, be able to get to the hidden Team Rocket reserach facility where Lute is being stored. It's on the southern side of the city, in a seemingly abandoned warehouse. As Mordred arrives, they open the doors for her, so she can get inside.

     The scene inside is somewhat horrific, though. The warehouse is empty /except/ for Lute. He lays in there, with various cords, tubes, and whatnot attached to him. They are pumping god knows what into him via IVs. Bandages cover his body, where they have cut into him a bit to check organs. Luckily, he heals fairly fast. But still, the entire room looks like it is probably one of the most miserable places /anyone/ could be.

     ...And how long has Lute even been /in/ here? This had to be miserable for him.

     But. With Mordred's arrival, the Unown are not far off. But, they don't come from the same route as her. Instead, they bust in through the windows from all directions. They fly in, towards Lute himself.

     They rip at the IVs, they disconnect him from the cords. They remove him from all of the medical equipment.

     And then, they merge themselves to his skin, the various symbols of the Unown covering his entire body. This, of all things, finally wakes Lute up. He jolts up, immediately moving to a standing position.

     He speaks, again. His voice sounds more like his own, but his words still sound strange. He looks down at his body as he speaks.

     "So. My loyal Unown return to me. Well. It's about damn time! We've got business to get back to. We're going to the Orre region. Now, get off of me. We got to get out of here, in case any of the Union arrives."

     He waves to Mordred, though, upon seeing her. "Hey, Mordred! Been a while. Let's get out of here, this facility is basically public knowledge now, huh?"

     And then, as the glyphs come off of him and return to their Unown form, Lute just stumbles to the ground, landing on his knees.

     "...what the hell was I even saying? ...Why am I knowing things I've /never known before/. What... what is..."

     Lute, now, seems like a bit of a wreck. But, it is definately a lot closer to his normal self, now.

     But, back in Celadon City, no one knows what is going on. The Confederates are arriving soon, but even they will be here after the fact. But, the Confederates will still see something of note:

     The Unown are around Lute. And they seem happy. They play with his Pokemon, cuddle up to him, and just remain peaceful all around.

     They even seem to be trying to comfort the broken Lute.