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Latest revision as of 17:16, 6 January 2015

Do ya wanna build a snowman
Date of Scene: 05 January 2015
Location: City of Ravnica <Rav>
Synopsis: It doesn't have to be a snow man.... Yunomi, Neva, and Rhapsody in the Icy Courtyard of Nivix... with a snowmonster.
Cast of Characters: 272, 325, 644

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    NIVIX -- The Icy Courtyard

    There are some things that are so unusual in Ravnica, that they could only be the cause of outsiders -- who would have thought that a single creature from an exotic island known as 'Japan' could have had such an impact? Months ago, an experimental mana engine had created something that even the powerful dragon, Niv-Mizzet, had not seen in hundreds of years of his lifetime: frozen, icy forms of blue mana.

    The engine was still working. Goblins clad in heavy scarves and protective goggles take notes on frozen sculptures and push paths through the snow for others with wide shovels. An icy weird with a bubbling core seems most at home here, the red of its insides projecting a strangely warming glow over piles of snow. Someone has built a "snow goblin", with a large icicle representing a large, long and pointed nose, smaller forms the pointed ears and a pair of discarded gears for eyes.

    Yunomi was here, clad in a heavy jacket and thick gloves, and was working on the machine, puffs of air rising from her breath.

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    Planeswalkers can feel when there's a surplus of one kind of mana over another kind, and the kinds of mana they in fact are. So when Neva finally noticed that oddball mana type that was NOT normal for Ravnica, she makes a beeline for it, and skids to a halt in snow filled room, going all wide eyed at the sight of the machien.

    Neva was now wearing a new hooded cape, brand spanking new and less ragged than the cape she'd been wearing for months now, and with a pair of gauntlets right on her arms, and a Dragon Shaped signet hanging from her neck. She looks much more the part of an Izzet Mage now.

    "Noooooo way!" Neva says with a gleeful tone, that enthusiastic spark on her eyes, as she reaches a palm out, a stream of mana flowing into her hand, as she giggles, "My god, it's colder than blue Mana normaly is! That is AWESOME!" She pauses and glances around spies an unused table, at which point she stretches her other hand out and pours the mana out into making what looks like a vortex beneath the table, which suddenly pulls the table spiraling into it, and makes the thing vanish into nothingness. "Sweeeeet."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "YEah!" Yunomi comments as she pops out from behind the generator, wiping the back of her mitten against her goggles to clear the frost from them. She gives Neva a broad smile as she reaches out to brush some snow off a guage.

    "This is Snow Mana. Niv said he hadn't seen it since an ice age a long, long time ago." she comments brightly, giving a smile and patting on the generator, and she gives a smile at the signet. "So, now you look the part of an Izzet Mage. How's it feel to be all 'official'?" she inquires as she hops over the barrel of the generator, and slides down the front.

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    "I know! Snow Mana comes from the Ice Age block! Ice Age, Alliances and Coldsnap! The third one used to be Homelands, but everyone thought it was terrible so they pretend it never happened." Neva just spouts her knowledge of the game without even thinking. She then grins, "Yeah, I know my sets."

    It's right about that point when the little vortex in the background spits that table out of the void, and up into the air, before it flips over and crashes harmlessly into the ground. Neva blinks and looks over her shoulder, before grinning sheepishly, "Woops."

    Neva whistles innocently for a moment, before replying, "I didn't think it needed to BE official. Then again, I'd been getting nothing but glares from the Magewrights here, and people telling me I'm a waste of space sitting there playing a card game... And just grabbing a bunch of freebies for Christmas that could have gone to other 'actual' magewrights..." She grumbles, "Yeah, I'm apparently not very popular."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "If a magewright comes to you and says something like that, Neva, you can direct them to me," comes a familiar voice from one side of the courtyard. It seems that Rhapsody has made her way to this frigid courtyard just in time to hear Neva's comments. "And to be honest, Neva? Most new magewrights aren't very popular at first. So. Again. Problems? Send them to me."

The serious tone fades, a light smirk crosses her muzzle, and then a snowball is sent racing toward both the Tanuki and the Izzet's newest magewright, and then the white dragoness just vanishes behind one of the 'snow dunes'. Looks like someone is in the mood to help morale, not watch it wither away.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "... ah... right. The card game. The card game I'm not part of. /That/ card game." Yunomi teases lightly as Neva geeks out over the names of the sets, and Yunomi just gives a small shake of ehr head, with a smile. "It's so weird to think of this world being totally seperate no--" she begins...

    And then the vortex spits the table out. Yunomi blinks, and preps herself to act, to knock someone out of the way as she pushes her goggles up, leaving a small trail of snow on her forehead nad her red and blue bangs spiking up... but she notes no one's in the way, and she lets the table flip, and crash into the ground. It splinters, and she raises one eyebrow, giving a cheeky little 'yeah, you're probably one of us' look to Neva.

    And she shrugs. "Well, look at it this way. When I came here, I had a lab near Niv's quarters, guessed his riddle on the door on the second try, and was even offered the opportunity to join a prestigious group of magewrights, 'wright' off the bat... it might take others years and years to reach that status, and I got it on virtue of Niv being... well." she considers a moment. "Excedingly generious and having really, really high expectations of me, and at the time, I was pretty much a kid--" she hops to her feet, glancing up and aroudn at Rhaps's voice. "-- or me. I'll set 'em straight." the tanuki points out, and gives a grin.

    "You can't hide from me, Rhaps!" she calls out, and takes to the air. "C'mon, Neva!"

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
r    Neva can't help but groan just a little bit, "I will destroy you for that pun..." Before she can actually further comment on her status as an outcast over here in the Izzet League, she hears Rhapsody's voice and goes wide eyed, turning about to face her---


    Her turn was right into the path of the flying ball of snow mana, and there's a moment where she just flails and tries to get the stuff of her, "Ack! Glasses!" Before glaring and smirking, "Just so you know, THIS means WAR!" She then throws a palm out and creates Bob the Blistercoil weird from thin air, and commands, "Bob, pile up some snow. I need Ammo. Lots of it."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Flying is so NOT FAIR in a game of snowballs and snow mana. Granted, Rhapsody can't help but let out a laugh at Neva's reaction to 'suddenly snow' in the face, but well, war were declared by the Guildmaster. Had to live up to the consequences, now.

Soon after diving behind the 'snow dune', the dragon had started to make ammo, and a lot of it. She would be ready! "Who says i'm hiding?!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "I'll make it harder for you to use your natural camoflage, Boss!" Yunomi chides, and from the air (where she's a great target), she concentrates, blue mana curling at her fingertips as she changes one of the basic fundamental things about snow:

    The colors directly beneath her begin to shift, from red, to blue, to bright greens and yellow, and then the riot of color begins to spread out around the courtyard. The snow takes on different hues, spanning all colors of the rainbow as Yunomi changes its color!

    "MWA HA HA! Go get 'er, Neva!" she calls out, trying to help her ally find the white dragon in the now prismatic snow!

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    "MWAHAHA! You've been betrayed by your own cover!" Neva calls out from behind Bob, and she takes a moment to glance at the amount of snowballs gathered thus far, and grins at the sufficiently sized pile, "Awesome work, Bob. Now, roll up a big one." She grins and begins scooping up snowballs and flinging them at Rhapsody to provide cover fire.

    Soon enough, Bob hefts up a pretty big snowball, though it doesn't seem to be hauling it up higher than than its chest. Neva hmms before casting another Void Snare, this time at the pile of snow in front of Rhapsody.

    This does two things. One, it sucks the snow into the void, removing Rhapsody's cover, and secondly the casting causes Bob to bulk up from the osmosis of magic energies. "FIRE!!"

    The Blistercoil Weird proceeds to pitch that big snowball at Rhapsody with one hand.

    Inevitably, the Void Snare spits the snow back up into the air dispersing it and causing a brief amount of snowfall.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"TRAITORS, ALL OF YOU!" the dragon calls out, though it's in a far to amused tone to be anything nearing anger or accusations. The sight of the snow turning prismatic is one thing, but the sight of Bob hefting that massive amount of snow? "Uh. B-Bob? We can get past this right? You don't havetodothatOHSTARS!" Rhapsody turns to run, but, thanks to the bulk up from Neva's spell, well, she doesn't get far.


There's a muffled noise, but it sounds more like laughter than anger.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    And this Yunomi became the new Guild Leader, and her reign was filled with PRISMATIC SNOW!

    Yunomi gives a wry grin, but she flits back down, and goes to at least uncover the good Guildmaster's head, carefully, with her mitten. Because nothing would be worse than BETRAYAL, and then a super-cheery rainbow covered death attempt... and then getting whacked in the nose. That would be awful.

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    "VICTORY IS MINE! MUU-HAHAHAHAHA!!" The Planeswalker calls out, grinning as she makes a victory pose, before grinning and scooping up another ball of snow, and winds up to pitch it at the back of Yunomi's head. "AND NOW I ASSERT MY DOMINANCE!"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
So much snow. But then there's a noise. A little more. Some light, and finally a Tanuki with a big grin. "Oh, hi! I was having a nap. nice to see you. You may want to turn around," she suggests as Neva hurls her snowball. "Watch out for Bob!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Jury's still out on coldblooded dragons. I'd /hate/ to have to explain to the siblings about a sudden hibernation." Yunomi replies dryly, and then WHOMP! She tilts forward. There's snow on the back of her head. It drips down her collar, and Yunomi makes the @_. face, shoulders rising up as it drips.

    Yunomi turns.

    And she just grins. Unsettlingly calm in the midst of fire.

    "You forget who the master of this courtyard is." she replies cooly. Some of her hair is plastered to her face from the wet and sweat.

    Yunomi squares her stance. She grips her hands lightly to her side, and takes a deeeeeeep breath.

    Blue mana begins to curl around her fingertips, weaving back and forth like snakes.

    "I am the bane of springtime; ice is my mind and cold is my will. I have seen a thousand snowfalls..."

    There's rumbling. The blue mana leaves her fingers, and the snow begins to form together. Yunomi may be taking this a bit seriously. Steam forms off her hair as it begins to wave, the mana surrounding her like a cloak.

    "... never bothered by the cold light of the moon, nor the heat of a midday sun. Lift from a frozen state and enact my will!"

    And the snow forms together, Yunomi holding her concentration together, forming it into a towerinf monster of snow, icicles for jagged teeth, and dark, empty holes for eyes!

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
That... actually, gets a small gasp out of Rhapsody. "Whoa. Uh. That's pretty big, there, Yunomi!" she calls as she starts to wiggle in the snowball, trying to make enough room before pushing out her arms so she can break loose. "I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" she roars out befure lunging forward, "I HAVE YOU NOW!" Vader quotes? Maybe someone watched a certain movie recently.

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    Neva goes wide eyed and almost flinches at the sight of the snowy monstrousity forming, before shaking her head and raises her forearm out, with her other hand proceeding to flick about the gauntlet on her right hand, charging it up, "Oh no you don't!" The Izzet Charm Gauntlet begins to glow with power as Mana transfers into it, before she fires off an Anti-Magic blast at the Snow-Behemouth.

    This effect of the Izzet Charm is basically Mana Leak, the spell siphoning off the mana being used for the spell, though Yunomi can outright brute force it if she channels MORE into it.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi was concnetrating on keeping the prismatic snow monster together, and hadn't counted on an attack from behind! She goes down badly, trying to twist herself to the side, but can't get her arm out in time, the mana cutting out suddenly as the breath gets knocked out of her, and the prismatic monster giving a bellow of rage, turning slowly, its arms extending outwards. Yunomi goes down, and with no snow to cushion her fall, there's a sharp CRACK! against the stone of the courtyard, and Yunomi gives a low groan. She sees stars bouncing against her vision as she tries to push herself back up, but in the confusion, she picks up on the anti-magic blast.

    The titan of snow gives another loud bellow, and seems to fall to peices, sending a couple of straggling goblins running out of the way with squeals of fear, but Yunomi, with stars still flashing against her vision, was on the defensive -- her first thought wasn't 'Neva is using anti-magic'.

    ... it was 'magic-eaters are attacking!'

    Her hands gripped together as she moved to stand in front of Rhapsody, in a ready position to fight. Green mana awashed the area, making crocus and tiny irises sprout into bloom around her, a small trickle of blood from a cut on her forehead making its way to her cheek as her mana vines spring up, sneding block flying to the left and right, their ends covered with thorns and crackling with electricity, and in a slurred tone she cries out "Get back, Rhaps!"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:

Wait. That didn't sound right at ALL. There was snow everywhere a second ago, why was there that horrible sound?! "Oh stars! Yunomi are you alright?!" The guildmaster has pretty quickly realized she screwed up, somehow, but seeing her Guardian take that stance toward Neva? She recognized it, "Wait, no no! NO! Yunomi!" In a flash, Rhapsody is between the two of them, one hand on the now visible hilt of her blue spellblade... just in case, "Hey! hey. Yunomi. Relax! I think I mighta hit you too hard, I'm so sorry! Just, snap out of it! Okay???"

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    Neva lets out a breath of relief as the Izzet Charm on the gauntlet dims, and she watches as the Snowy Behemoth falls apart, somewhat unaware of what just happened back on the ground due to her attention having been locked onto the creature for a whie. Thus she's grinning wide as she pumps her fist in victory. "Muwaha! No monster for you!"

    Then she blinks as she sees Yunomi's demeanor change, with the mana all around starting to go out of whack with the green. "Wha? Yunomi, it was just an Izzet Charm. Minor, if effective instant at best, there's no need to overreact." She says this, but there's a shakiness in her voice, which grows as she watches Yunomi's magics go nuts. "Yunomi..?"

    She watches as Rhapsody responds, and now senses something's amiss. "Rhapsody..? What's going on..?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    On one hand, it felt right. The magic-eaters coming to Ravnica, coming after to finish the job that should have been done in the ocean off Namamura's shore, the fear gripping her that the surprise attack would take what she still could protect from her.

    On the other... she felt sick to her stomach. The world spun, but she heard Rhapsody's voice, distant and garbled, but recognized when Rhapsody put herself between them.

    And the world snapped back into focus like a slap in the face. Rhapsody. Neva. THey were in the courtyard with the snow ma na generator.

    And the mana around her halts, dissipating. The tanuki teeters slightly, wobbling on her feet from the sudden and huge output of mana. The vines retract, disappearing back into the earth, leaving holes in the brickwork where they had burst through like wounds, and Yunomi fell back, landing on her tail end and looking a little green in the gills.

    "I'm... I'm sorry." she croaks out, and brings her hands up to cover her face, smearing the little line of blood. "I'm so, so sorry."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"For what?" Rhapsody says first before just wrapping her arms right around the Tanuki, "You didn't do anything, okay? Its not your fault!" she barks, clinging to her tightly, "Don't you dare try to take on the mistake I made," she insists, heaving a sigh, before carefully letting go. "You're fine, Ok?" she continues before Sidonia, probably having seen the whole thing, suddenly arrives with a Simic Medic in tow. The blue dragon works -very- fast..

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    Neva is at this point very much just entirely confused, though once the mana surge has dispersed she's relieved, and asks, "What... What just happened?" She hesitantly approaches the two, and gets closer, now seeing that gash of cut upon closer inspection. "Oh god, Yunomi, are you okay.? What..." Confusion.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "I'm... I'll be fine." Yunomi states, from beneath draconic hugging. She glances up at the running Sidonia and the Simic, and gives a weak smile and an embarrassed wave to them, before she gets herself up, wobbles once, and then seems satisfied that the world isnt going to move on her.

    "Back in my world's past, there were a bunch of humans who started killing and eating magical creatures -- tanuki, kitsune, dragon, even human-looking ones like Betobetosan... and after a while, they started to just absorb magic... when I felt the 'null magic' effect... I was confused and... my first thought was to defend Rhapsody. It's what I do... it's what I'm charged with while Niv-Mizzet is away." she explains, but she has a sort of flat tone to her voice. "... I just... I got worked up. I'm so sorry."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Satisfied that Yunomi seems to be back in her right mind, Rhapsody takes a step back to allow the Simic medic to give her a looking over. Sidonia doesn't seem angry in the least. In fact, she idly tosses a snowball at her sister as if to say, 'You roughoused a not-dragon to hard'. A nervous laugh is Rhapsody's only reply to her sister before she looks at Neva, "I tackled her, thinking the snow would break her fall, and it was all in that big thing she was making so... my fault.."

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:
    "Oh... That... That... Well... Sucks.." Neva says awkwardly, unsure of what else to say in response. "Wait, you were going to defend Rhapsody from -me-?" She takes a step back. When Rhapsody explains the accident, Neva nods slowly, though she's kind of hesitant to approach. Instead the Planeswalker just says, "Maybe... Maybe I should just go for a bit... I'll come back later..."

    Without waiting to be stopped, she spins about and with a surge of Mana use, she WOOSHES out of the Plane.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "N-- wait, Neva! It's not --" Yunomi begins, trying to push up through the Simic who was /not/ about to have any of it, and sternly glared Yunomi back into position to get her head healed.

    ... and Yunomi feels a deep pit in her stomach, grabbing at her heart and bringing it down. She bow s her head, examining the ground as the brightness of her bangs dim, and she huffs a breath.

    "I'm sorry, Rhapsody." she whispers. "I wasn't thinking straight."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"You hit your head pretty hard thanks to me.. I ... forget sometimes this isn't really me," Rhapsody points out, referring to the fact that this wasn't even her true form. Just one she hides behind 99 percent of the time. After a moment she takes a seat beside where the Simic medic was treating Yunomi. "She'll be back, she just needs a little bit. Mistakes happen here, a lot, without them there wouldn't be any progress," she continues, repeating something that was said to her about the Izzet from a far larger, and far older, dragon. A small smile forms after a moment, then, "Please, don't worry about it, ok? It wasn't you, it was me."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Peh. I roughhouse with Chuck, I get hugs and pleased grunts." Yunomi complains, getting a frustrated look on her head as she holds up a hand. "My 'little' sister roughhouses with me, I get a concussion and a pissed-off planeswalker. Why can't my life be easy, Rhaps?" Yunomi implores, looking beggingly up at Rhapsody with a pursed lip, and then she laughs, until the Medic clears his throat.

    And then Yunomi gets all quiet as can be.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
That gets a light laugh out of Rhapsody too, but she quiets up at the medic's insistence. After a few more moments, though, the simic finishes and the two can finally say what they want to say, "If it were easy it wouldn't be Izzet," she points out, still smiling. "No need for ingenuity if things are easy! And again, Neva will be alright. She's as Izzet as you and me. I wager she'll realize things on her own and come back."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "I hope so." Yunomi states, and she hops to her feet. "After all, with all the swordsmen I've been bringing in, it'd be nice to have a few powerful mages on our side." Yunomi grins. "All right... well... the prismatic snow is gonna have to wait... I'm pretty sure I finally get the chance to present the greenhouse project to Dun Realti soon."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"I've been meaning to ask about what you were working on, Yunomi, do you mind explaining it to me?" Rhapsody asks as she stands, dusting off herself and her coat.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Ah... outside the scope of the Izzet. I'm helping Dun Realti fix their fields." Yunomi replies, and then embarrassedly "... I shooould probably see if Sir Bedivere has a few moments to discuss it; he's a busy man."

Neva Fernandez (644) has posed:

    "Okay! So I might have freaked out and run off there." Suddenly Neva was back, though about a few yards away from where she left, since 'Walking isn't a science. "I just kind of freaked out a tiny bit, when I should have been a little more understanding that getting your head knocked on isn't exactly the most fun things..." She says with a wobble... "So... Sorry about 'walking off...?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi gives a wry grin, and gives a nod back to Neva. "Apology accepted... and I'm sorryt hat I kinda jumped the gun on my end."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
A nod is given, "See to it, then. I wouldn't want you to miss your chance to speak to him, Yunomi. Keep up the good work, alright?" Rhapsody asks before Neva returns. "It's alright!" Rhapsody calls, smirking toward Yunomi. 'See? She came back.'

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    And the dragon would get a prismastic snowball to her gob, before Yunomi turns tail and bolts back inside!