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Latest revision as of 17:17, 6 January 2015

Honest Talk
Date of Scene: 30 December 2014
Location: City of Ravnica <Rav>
Synopsis: Honest Talk in the Charred Library while doing a bit of a spar; Yunomi and Ryu
Cast of Characters: 272, 636

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    There are many facets to any jewel. Every gem, once cut and polished, catches the light.

    Yunomi Stadler is more than a shapeshifter, but she was aware of the unique standing of her situation. She was wearing black work out pants, a T-shirt and her hair pulled back into a simple bun, curled and knotted around itself, and was barefoot in the cavernous remains of a long-burned library. The pillars and windows were stained with old soot. Her movements are smooth. A long staff replaces the weapon she imagines and can see so clerly in her mind.

    Light filters through the dirty, cracked windows, and she dances between the sunbeams as driving guitar riffs and rock beats echo around her.

    The tanuki might not have been expecting company.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryan was not used to a place that was so... fantastical. So magical. So weird. He wandered through Nivix, narrowly avoiding the ingenuity and ire of the various goblins and other denizens that wandered this place. His boots clicked against the floor, making his presence known in much the same way as any other soldier would be easy to spot. He was definitely out of place, perhaps because if he was any mana element he would be White and not Red/Blue.

    He had to explore what he hoped would be his new home, though. He found his way to the charred library by chance. Once he stepped into the room, he stopped at the doorway. He tried not to interrupt what Yunomi was doing. A workout in the form of a dance, from what he could tell.

    But he had to, if he didn't want to seem weird.

    "Hey," he greets, loudly and clearly so he's not missed under the sound of the music.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Well, kata can be dance like. This one certainly was.

    At the sudden intrustion, Yunomi raised her weapon, bringing the far end up in a snapping motion that, had Ryan been too close, might have caught his throat.

    Her expression softens, as she straightens, her lips pursing. "Ah! Ryan! Sorry..." she begins, and she glances over to where the little orb that typically circles her was resting on a radio, and it chirps, and lowers the volume.

    "Anno... sorry. I didn't hear you come in." she continues, rubbing the back of her head. "Can I help you? Are you lost?:"

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryan doesn't budge. He may be used to people reacting like that by now, which is an odd thing to get used to. All it gets out of him is that soft smile from before, like he hadn't reacted at all. Once she apologizes, he steps further into the room and pauses to stand in a sunbeam and stare up at the light as it hit his face. Like a cat, it seemed to distract him, his eyes closing to enjoy the warmth.

    He sniffs and lets out a sigh. "Lost? Yeah. As lost as anyone can be when figuring out a new place." He opens his eyes and looks over at her again, then to the staff she's holding. "I should be the one apologizing. Is this a routine?" He holds up his hands a little helplessly, "I don't want to interrupt, if you need to do this."

    He lowers his hands just after that, looking around the room, that sad smile on his face. He was taking in all the details.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Nah, I... come down here to stretch out and think. I don't always do the technological thing... I'm..." she pauses, and Yunomi looks down, and exhales. "I used to be a Guardian, in Japan."

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryu noticed her hesitation. He looked at her carefully, a very slight narrow of his eyes betraying that he's thinking on it. Maybe whether to address it or not. "So what'd you come out here to think about?" he wonders, deciding to leave that elephant in the room well enough alone.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "... well. Saiyans." Yunomi admits, and she shrugs, and motions to one of the staves she has lined up agianst the side. Some are long, like pole-arms, others short, and slightly curved, for sword imitation.

    Drawing backwards, she rolls her shoulders, and lowers into a ready stance. "What about you? Lose your way in one of the halls? I could have sworn that we had the dorms in Thirix." she gives a slight grin.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryan steps up to the training weapons, reaching to grab it. He frowns at the weight, though, the training weapons a bit too light for his usual style of fighting... which involves brutal overpowering with a weapon that is far too heavy.

    He holds a loose stance when he walks up to a ready spot. The only thing he pauses to do is remove his boots, setting them aside. Like a proper dojo spar.

    "I was getting a feel for the place. Rhapsody must have her hands full all the time with all of this chaos," he says, though the smile on his face suggests respect to the idea. "Already moved into the room I got assigned to. That request got approved really fast, way faster than how it worked in Wyndia. I guess it helps to befriend the guildmaster."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Nivix, THirix, and the surroudning areas are a big, impressive place, full of the strange and the wonderful... it was the first place that felt like 'home', after home." Yunomi replies, watching Ryan as he moves.

    As to the room, she gives a big grin. "Helps to befriend the Guildmaster's best friend." Yunomi replies with a smile, and she gives the staff a turn, lowering to to the back as she strikes a ready pose, and motions, hand up, palm facing outwards, and brings her fingers to her palms again.

    "You had a room before you left the restaurant."

Ryu (636) has posed:
    The stance that his sparring partner takes gets Ryan to frown... he was never good with fighting people using staves or polearms. Too much agility. Once he's given the go ahead to give a strike, he does so.

    What she'd find is that he's got a sloppy stance, with much of his strike being physical strength and the swiftness behind that. One diagonal chop is given toward Yunomi. After that, he'd try to backpedal some, so that he doesn't immediately get counter-attacked.

    "Helps to do both," he remarks, his brows raised. "I made a good impression, then?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    CLACK! The swordblow is blocked, but Yunomi's arms feel the power of the strike. Her hands clasp a bit tighter, but she steps forward, trying to push him fruther back than he intends and hook a foot around his ankle to pull his leg forward, bringing the butt of her weapon down to balance her as she pulls.

    "You made a good impression on both of us. I didn't expect her to be so prompt... but Rhaps surprises a lot of people." she comments.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryan is knocked off balance by her counter, though he isn't knocked off his feet completely. He corrects his footing after a staggered moment, and raises his weapon again. A light frown shows on his face afterwards.

    "More and more I'm starting to think you're all right about how this dragon problem works," he mentions, as he moves around Yunomi, trying to find a spot where he might get a good stab or smack in with that wooden weapon. "That I could make friends, even after..." He quirks a corner of his mouth, wary of using the word 'Friend' too much. "Rhapsody's a good person. I feel like I owe her, now, with how nice she's been to me without having done anything for her."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi moves easily, a pro at her naginata and footwork. Her eyes are kept on Ryan as he talks, and then she moves to outflank HIM, sweeping the 'cutting' edge of the staff down to try and take out his feet!

    "How is being a dragon a problem? My best friend is a dragon." she states. "Maybe you need to approach the issue from a different viewpoint?"

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryan grunts when the weapon comes down at his legs again. One foot snaps out to try to pin the weapon after he gets a good bruise, and if he can manage that for any period of time, he'd make a quick strike with his own training weapon. He's not aiming to hurt Yunomi too much, but it will probably leave a bruise if he gets a hit.

    "Because... We don't know what dragons are actually like in my world. We don't know if it's like being possessed by a demon or if it's a blessing." He steps back with a couple of quick hops. "I won't know until we understand where this kind of power even came from."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi takes the whap. And she gives a bit of an 'ow' sound before she laughs, giving him the point by taking a step back and rubbing her arm.

    "So, what do you do until then?" she inquires, her head tilting. She turns, going for a large, old looking jug on a thick, wound cord. "Take it from someone who has seen kitsunetsuki -- ah... that'd be a fox possessing someone. Sometimes possession can be good. Sometimes blessings can be bad. Water?"

Ryu (636) has posed:
    "I... try to figure out what it means for me," Ryu tells Yunomi, honestly. "I can't shake the bad feeling it gives me. The power is just too much." He shakes his head. "And I try to train myself like this, like the human I was, until then." He steps up to her, holding out a hand to accept the offer of water.

    "I thought dragons didn't really exist until I got turned into one. It's going to take some time."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    She takes a swig from the jug, and hands it over to the dragon.

    "So... then it's a search for meaning?" she inquires, her eyebrows rising up as she purses her lips in curiosity... and sits cross-legged.

    The fact that she's floating three feet in the air doesn't seem to bother her.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryu sips from the jug, pausing only to look at Yunomi funny when she levitates like that. He wasn't exactly expecting her to do that, only just then realizing how he first met her.

    "Yeah. I don't know if I ever will find it. A lot of people spend their entire lives searching for a meaning that they never reach," he says, somewhat sadly, though with that smile on his face. "It'll keep me busy, that's for sure."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi accepts the jug back, and she gives it a shake, giving a sad smile. "The search for meaning is a noble one." She replies quietly, and she sips from the jug. "Hey... you should get some rest, and I need to grab some ice for this arm." she states, setting her feet to the floor and walking past him, giving him a friendly punch in the arm. "Need directions back to your pad?"

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryu seems to warm up when he sees something familiar in her reaction. It's a slight change, still the overcast smile that he's had before, but it's bigger. "Nah, I know where it is," he replies, rubbing the spot she punched. He turns to replace the training weapon where it was, and gather up his boots. "Thanks... for the talk, I mean. It was nice," he says to her, before he leaves to locate his place.

    He lied about knowing where it is, but he figures he won't learn if he doesn't get lost once or twice. He won't end up anywhere he shouldn't be, it'll just take him longer than necessary.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Any time. I've got a good set of ears, and I'm told I've got a good heart." Yunomi replies, leaning against the doorjamb.

    And then she purses her lips, and shakes her head.

    "Totally lost." she gives a small laugh, then pulls the door to her practice area closed.