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Latest revision as of 07:25, 7 January 2015

Guardian Angels
Date of Scene: 06 January 2015
Location: A Quiet World
Synopsis: Psyber speaks with the villain of the piece.
Cast of Characters: 183, 253
Tinyplot: A Chime at the Precipice

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    As promised, when Psyber enters the world, Sheep is there to greet him. Strangely enough, they're directly in front of the Clock Tower, and this seems to have attracted Mizuki's interest as well. That's to say, you're probably not going to be able to keep her from tagging along even if she can't stay for the whole informational exchange. So after much fussing between the two young women that ultimately culminates in 'Apathy will just freeze you anyway when we get there', both would cede, and they would lead Psyber, together, into Mizuki's home. From there they would proceed to the elevator which, as you might've guessed, would travel down rather than its usual up.

    This would land the trio here, first, to the Path of Candles. As the name might've suggested, there is almost nothing present aside from a seemingly infinite, glass bridge, flanked on all sides by pairs of candles upon which dance ghostly blue flames. Beyond them again are oceans too dim and placid to usually be seen or heard, and beyond them again is a pervasive darkness that seems to stretch too far for mortal reckoning to comprehend. The only sounds here are the occasional flickers of the flames, and the even more infrequent brushes of the water against one another to emit a sound. It's nothing so natural as the beating of waves against a shore, though; it's something much more... reserved, and alltogether strange. Like a soup left to undulate within a cave that has existed as long as time itself.

    Further still, the darkness ahead of the bridge resolves to a brilliant light as they walk, which again yields to a... bizzare landscape that looks, and feels, oppressive. Not oppressive in the way one might usually imagine with lava and spikes and horror, but rather with more whiteness, undefinition, and ruin than one could possibly fathom. This plays feels like it has existed far longer than anything else yet seen, and it certainly looks it: though vaguely similar to the world above with its radical incongruities and wildly varying edifices, it is decidedly... more antique in its inspirations. The centerpiece of the area is, rather than a Gothic clocktower, a stacked spire of half-spheres whose tops have been cleaved away, rising infinitely into the sky. With its chiseled edges and decaying stone window panes, it looks like a veritable mimic of history's Tower of Babel, and given the context, that is what it very well may be. As you will soon see, though, it is also the 'home' - or at the least, the working place - of Apathy.

    To the West the ground yields to become something like a dead, colorless, and truly enormous bedspread. That's to say, the floors are plush and wrought of cotton, and it is as though you, the person standing upon it, has shrunk to the size of the typical dust mite. To the east lies several pyramids of an even more bizarre construction: they are comprised entirely of junk piles of dead, decommissioned technologies, many of them analog televisions and flat screen computer monitors, but just as many being odd, indescribable future implementations the like of hologram emitters, cylindrical restoration devices, and other such horrors of recreational and medical uses. We will not be exploring any of these regions today, but they will certainly serve as a backdrop for ensuing conversation.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    And speaking of ensuing conversation, while Apathy-Sophia may not be quite as accommodating as Mizuki usually, she has at least come prepared today. Before the aforementioned Tower of Babel lies a metal table with articulated, beautiful legs but an otherwise perfectly austere construction, and similar chairs. The chairs are, as one might expect, cold and terribly hard to sit upon, though mercifully 'comfort' is likely not what anyone was pursuing when this arrangement was requested. Apathy is already sitting at a singular chair, leaving the one nearest the side Psyber approaches free for new occupation as he arrives. She would quietly gesture to it with her skeletal arm, expression the same, quiet, absent thing that is typically is.

    ... but not before giving Mizuki a look. "... so even after all I have told you," She would begin, "you would still force yourself to accompany the man on this journey. Regardless of your curiosities, I am afraid I can do little to fulfill you until this tale has reached a conclusion. You know this. So why have you come? Do you wish to delay your own progress?" Mizuki's own eyes would narrow at that in turn. "Not exactly. I came fully anticipating that my form would be thrust into the vorpal oblivion of temporum for the duration of your chat, but nevertheless I had hoped my 'non-presence' would have a... particular psychological impact that might aid Psyber in learning what he wishes to. If I may serve that perhaps, then that is all I could wish for in being here." This answer would draw a faint quirk of Apathy's brow, so perhaps she had not been expecting exactly that answer.

    And yet, regardless, things still proceed exactly as she had intended. With a wave of her hand and the willingness of Mizuki, a large-scale pause is put in place across the entire world. Mizuki's form dyes itself a monochromatic hue and Sheep disappears outright, leaving Psyber and Apathy completely alone at their small arrangement of iron furniture. "You wanted privacy," She would state, folding her hands atop the table, "and I can give you no more, feasibly, than this. We sit stranded in a dead world, further segregated from it by temporal walls that none could breach. You may say anything with absolute liberty, as may I, but take heed that, to receive answers to some things, prices must be levied to maintain a level playing field." She would allow for a pause, here. "I shall allow you to tell me when you would like for the locations of the next three numbers to be divulged rather than sharing them now. All things shall move at your pace. On this, I insist."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Hopefully no one asks Psyber not to smoke his cigarettes, since those are a habit he does not intend to cede for anyone. A crumpled pack of Lucky Strikes is produced from his pocket upon arrival and one is lit while Sheep and Mizuki fuss over one another. He has no great participation in that debate, not wanting to taking a side in either direction.

    He follows dutifully, occasionally exchanging one old cigarette or a fresh one, walking along the path of candles. His head looks side to side and he takes in the sights, occasionally exhaling smoke. It's a serious and stern sort of silence that he carries himself with, clearly unhappy with his last particular interactions with this world. It's fully possible that he was hesitant to even return after what Loud Arthur said to him.

    But duty, for the moment, overrides his personal desire to sever connection with this world and leave it to people he was sure could handle it in his absence. This does not mean he will be happy about being here, and that is written all over his face in the form of a withering glower that he wears.

    At the exchange between Apathy and Mizuki, Psyber looks towards the one he is more familiar with, "I appreciate the moral support, even in absentia as it seems it shall be. Your confidence in me is, as ever, taken with utmost sincerity."

    Psyber sits down at the table immediately after this, flicking some ash from his latest cigarette onto the ground as he gives Apathy a hard look. He thinks carefully for what he wants to say and then carefully notes, "Whether I accept your offer for numbers or not will rely on this conversation, so we will save that for the end. When I am comfortable I have enough of an impression to leverage a decision from my own feelings."

    "That said, I will open with this," He leans back in the chair and exhales some smoke up above his head, "I was tempted not to return after what your servant said to me. I am a man who believes himself charitable and giving, for all my fearsome power." This is a far more formal and serious tone than most people who encounter Psyber are used to hearing, "It erodes my good will towards a world in need of my aid when the patrons of one of its guardians are choosing to strike at my emotional Achilles Heels, so to speak."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    At that, Apathy would immediately stiffen her posture, taking a deep, deep breath. Her eyes close for several moments in contemplation, or perhaps... in anguish? It's hard to tell, given her apparent inability to express things as fully as she might like, but regardless she seems somehow pained. "I am sorry for the poor behavior of my children." As sarcastic as that could have sounded, and as bizarre for someone entirely foreign to proclaim themselves as Arthur's 'guardian', it lacks the most infinitesimal hint of it. In proving of its sincerity 'Sophia' even goes so far as to bow her head, and to leave it lowered for some seconds. "... that boy's condition... is a mistake on my part. I had never intended for his personality to split so cleanly. I underestimated the polarization of his mind, and now we are -all- paying for it. Understand that he lacks a certain degree of human empathy because of this fracturing, and that I will take motions to better control him in the future. That outburst was a mistake, and it will not happen again." Her one showing eye would narrow faintly. "... and as hollow as I am wont to sound, truly, you have my apologies."

    "To tell the truth," After some more moments of pause, "I possess a certain quantity of 'empathy' that may not show on the surface. I felt some stinging sensations as the loud one mouthed off at you. I felt an almost equivalent tinge of pain from... the source of them both. My reason for saying this is that, while it may seem presumptuous to say so, I have access to the feelings and memories of people where Mizuki has sensitivity to those of worlds. My sensitivity also allows me to pinpoint the superficial details of certain, formative past experiences. For the sake of comparison, I shall be drawing upon a few of your key memories in subsequent conversation. Especially in light of what has already been said, I implore that you remain patient with me through this, and that you not be alarmed by what I might know, because I assure you it is nowhere near as 'complete' in my mind as it may seem." This would be concluded by another nod.

    "Specifically," She would ease into it as gradually as possible, "I will refer to your experiences with the one who lost her innocence due to a seemingly 'objective' method of truncating a budding local catastrophe. Your involvement in the temporal cycles woven by Homura." Another pause. "Imagine that this is my position, for an instant, though that each 'reset' was not a thing affected of my own volition. You know full well how maddening it can be to witness things occurring similarly, over and over, ad nauseam. I say this to garner sympathy, I admit, but also to give you a frame of reference: my tale is one that has spanned not some years, but some centuries. Millennia, even, as I have been helpless to watch this world twirl as though it were a self-resurrecting Ouroboros, and Mizuki herself be molded into the same person. Identical mistakes, and identical tragedy, each and every time. I have had ample time to prove my incompetence, but you," She would lock eyes with him, if possible, "you and your compatriots have accomplished a mirror of what I set out to do in such a fraction of the time it has taken me to fail that it fills me with a stirring shame. But within that shame, hope -- hope that someone with such experience might yet be able to shed light on this sorry, broken world, and free it from its repetition. Your aid here is far more relevant than you may believe, and it would pain me to no end to lose your help. I shall allow this to be my most earnest proclamation of how your opinion impacts me."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    "But let me further extrapolate this analogy," She would continue, monotoned as ever, "to the Arthurs. Imagine that each of them are more coherent witches. That boy's personality is a thing of weights and counterweights, feelings and suppression. Without the emotion and patience of the underlying ego, the front he projects becomes monstrous. Likewise, without the bulkhead of the front, what lies 'neath him becomes nervous, lying in a constant state of pain and terror. Each of them, though, are in tremendous pain -- just as the witches are constantly tormented by their failings, each Arthur now stares forever into a abyss of their own iniquities. The loud one, made to stare into a void wherein no human feeling yet remains. The quiet one, made to stare into the abyss of the world with no means of defending themselves. Yet still, each of them find it within themselves -- like the children that they are -- to love me, and to defend me. I hope that this may give them some redemption, hard as it may be for you to grant even in your mind; that they somehow find it within themselves to put my condition over their own, even when they are so wracked by mental devastation at every waking moment. None of this excuses the loud one's unkindness, but it might give you an impression of -why- he was so knowingly cruel."

    After this, she would collect herself with a breath, opening her eyes more fully to study Psyber a moment. "I... implore that you show them the mercy you have shown others. It may be hard to accept, but even in this broken, distorted form, this is your friend. If they may find peace, you may yet help their point of origin to find some introspection of their own. And in the process, you would be freeing me from my... position of flux, as well."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Cigarette in hand, Psyber listens to her response, keeping his gaze carefully neutral while tapping the cigarette and then taking another long drag from it, "Apology accepted." He doesn't see much other need to clarify his point, seeing as she almost immediately gave him the apology he wanted in the first place, as well as a promise to attempt to control him in the future.

    Whatever he feels about her statements in relation to pain and empathy, he doesn't betray his emotions outwardly. While internally he can understand,a ccept, and even feel bad for her while she pleads for his patience in dealing with the Arthurs, Psyber doesn't let this show externally. A careful and practiced poker face is kept on, head tilting a little while he watches her. She may not believe she expresses well, but he can read past it into some sincerity.

    However, she mentions something close and personal to him: Homura, the girl who is in-essence his daughter. His face shifts slightly and he watches her, locking eyes easily with that red gaze of his, "That was not my accomplishment alone, though I had a heavy hand. In the end, it was up to Madoka to break that cycle with her own decisions. I merely provided a framework that allowed that decision to be made," The unspoken part was that the buildup to that decision was a mountain of bodies. Including Madoka's herself in several incarnation, at least once by Psyber's own hand.

    "As for the Arthurs, well..." He looks to Sophia, a hand coming up to run through his hair and sigh, "While on the one hand I can sympathize with their plight, that does not mean I will excuse their behaviour when they cross boundaries. But I will lend them some level of sympathy and understanding over their divided problem." He sniffs a bit, mostly in thought.

    "I have one question I wish answered. Who was Mizuki at the beginning? Where did she come from, if you have been here for this long?"

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Apathy would stare at Psyber in silence for a spell, as if considering whether she should answer this question at all. Perhaps she does not stop considering when she begins her response, even, because she does not immediately attend the inquiry. Rather, she backtracks a bit, addressing some of what was said before. Firstly, the Homura issue. "No outcome can be the responsibility of one individual, certainly, but nevertheless you have experience with a very specific situation that makes your contributions eminently relevant to this one. Arthur has seen a similar situation as well, making him similarly so, but I, calculating as this may sound, am not one to frivolously waste any resource. Your varying apertures into cyclical conundrums of this ilk are equally valuable, and their meaningfulness multiplies when they are juxtaposed as they have been. It is not, ultimately, your contributions to that affair that I am concerned with, but the raw experience."

    "And as a final note on the children," She would momentarily rub her forehead, "thank you. It comforts me to know that you will be as patient with them as you are able. I expect nothing beyond your usual temperament, of course, but it is nevertheless a heavy weight off of my shoulders. You might have cause to cooperate again in the future, and in those cases it is important that you will be able to do so without argument." Once she's finished here, though, she immediately realizes that she has no further means with which to delay, and she gets to the point. If this were Mizuki, Psyber might rightly assume that all this preamble was being used to build tension behind the final delivery, but in Apathy's case it just seems to be an abundance of apprehension. Which is quite a funny thing for a person with her title to be demonstrating, in all fairness.

    "As for who Mizuki was." Her eyes would close, and she would refold her hands. "What I told Arthur was that she went insane, and created me and this cycle as a sort of punishment for herself. Anything else I could say to that effect would encroach upon territory that would require more compensation than I feel you might be willing to give, and so I will refrain, for the moment, from delving into the intricacies of this 'torment'. Now, this was not untruthful -- this /was/ the best assumption I have been able to fathom in all my musings on the subject. Why else she would purposefully engineer a villain and doom herself to an eternity of repetition certainly must stem from insanity, and the consideration of any alternatives is not immediately pertinent to the present situation, so I have abandoned the subject for the time being. Unfortunately, my poor understanding of her motive is also reflective of a poor understanding of her character, and really all that I can say in earnest is..." Her eyes would squeeze shut with resignation. "I haven't the foggiest idea who she was."

    But then, she would also raise a finger. "But there is good news here as well, and I believe this is as good a time as any to introduce the subject. The numbers you will be seeking next are sequestered in books that contain worlds, each of them very integral to Mizuki's person. Namely, these worlds are: Heaven, The Past, and The Future. She will likely have you explore them in this order as the formermost is the least painful for her, and the lattermost is undeniably the one she would most like to keep you - any of you - from seeing. It is my hope that participating in explorations of these regions should help you to better understand who she was, but alas, I have never had access to them. My position, unfortunately, keeps me from most vital records contained in this world by its nature."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    "As for where she comes from, I believe I may be better able to assist you there." Another breath, and another exhalation. "She was, as I am sure you might've assumed, born from the imagination of another person in another world, long ago chronologically but simultaneously quite near to us. Specifically, this means that while the event occurred far enough in the relative past to have given these events their time to transpire, the world this hypothetical being lived in was a rather modern one, by your standards. It had fully implemented civil service, mass computing, and had some examples of rudimentary space travel. All of this I have pieced together through very crude research on the subject over many years." She would swipe away one of her bangs. "I believe this person lived a fairly comfortable life, but was a bit lonely. This loneliness gave rise to the Mizuki's concept, and over time this concept grew into something tangible in the nexus of thought. So much did this person fixate on Mizuki's existence that, when that person passed on, Mizuki assumed a more 'tangible' state within the nexus, and was then able to use the malleable nature of her surroundings to create a world for herself, using the other person's experiences as a basis for their creations. So essentially what I am saying is, Mizuki is exactly what she claims to be: a purely conceptual being, which was originally substantiated by the thoughts of a single person and came to be strengthened by the perceptions of many more. Unfortunately, none yet recall who the original 'Dreamer' was, nor what bearing their personality might have had on Mizuki's own. At this point, I only know that it is likely she existed."

    Following this, another sigh. "I am sorry if that answer was unsatisfactory. In truth, I know very little. While I have indeed existed for improbably long, bear in mind that this cycle occurs once every four hundred-some years. I am only conscious for approximately one month of each cycle whilst the apocalypse runs its course, though this specific instance has, through the sum of all its abberations, allowed me a much longer life. One might say this is my first time actually experiencing what it is like to be 'alive' in earnest." Her hands would meet again on the table, forming a steeple of fingers. "... though, if I may be honest? My curiosity on these subjects is likely as strong - or stronger - than your own. When this journey reaches its end, I will see to it that that question receives some form of answer. You have my oath that you shall be the first to know if I find one."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "It's similar to my personal theory, but different. I suspected numerous theories based around her existence, with one of my chiefmost theories being that she was the mental projection of a teenage girl in a coma somewhere. This would mean that the inherent desire of a repeating cycle of the world destroying would be an analogy for her waking up, or her mind attempting to wake up and cyclically failing," Psyber notes, taking a long drag from his cigarette, "It also explains the core desire of Mizuki to become an anti-hero, an idealized concept from within that age range which she likely fixated on."

    "The overarching themes of sacrifice, renewal and world destruction fit nicely with this theory, as well as her seemingly idealized views of someone like me, whom rational individuals should view as damaged, untrustworthy, and prone to instability," Psyber notes, flicking his cigarette a couple time while he listens to Apathy talk. He sighs faintly and then crosses his arms.

    "Heaven. The Past. And the Future. I will reveal these three locations to her once time begins its movement again." Psyber agrees, drumming his fingers on the table in a slow gesture before clenching his hand to crack the knuckles in a series of crackling twig-snap noises, "I will look forward to you revealing any answers to me that you find. I am curious as to the origins of someone such as her."

    He looks over towards Mizuki and tilts his head a bit, "Truth told, she would make this entire operation much easier if she would just be herself. The veil she puts up to separate herself from people makes it hard to fully get a ready on anything at a given time."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    "While that seems a resonable enough assumption, I've really no idea what connection, if any, still exists between the original dreamer and the current world. It may be a convoluted allegory of their life, certainly, or they may simply have been a catalyst that no longer holds any relevance. Given the often... flamboyant nature of things one could certainly reasonably assume as you have, but I would not, myself, regard it as the truth so soon. One day we may meet this original individual, or we may not, but if this world has had the tenacity to endure for however many odd years it has, I somewhat doubt that solving this conundrum would see this world to its end. But alas, I've really no idea how it will function without its --. Without its fundaments." She would clear her throat and add, "Please do not ask me to clarify what these fundaments -are-, as this, too, is privileged information that could compromise my safety."

    To the promise to reveal the locales, though, Apathy gives a much more simple nod. "Good. I believe you should be able to say exactly that and have her know precisely what you mean, but if not then simply state the the first of the numbers is hidden in her 'sacred place'. I am certain she will give you a similar briefing as a group when the time comes, but somewhat in advance I will tell you that the world in the Heaven book incarnates precisely as she wills it to. This means that those visiting may have their memories temporarily altered, their powers temporarily suppressed... so that they may better fit a more domestic, peaceful, fantastical setting. This may make it somewhat difficult to navigate, but if indeed your compatriots do lose themselves in that novel's pages, I will find some way of allowing you to bring along one item of consequence. Something important to you that you may look upon and have it jog your awareness of yourself. This is the final amount of aid that I am willing to offer at present, and it is conditional -- if I do 'enchant' one of your personal effects in this way, you must promise to tell no one, especially not Mizuki, that I have aided you in this way. For various reasons, it is imperative that my intent remains dubious in her eyes and that I am not seen as a source of consistent helpfulness. So long as you abide this rule, I will do this for you."

    To the final bit? Apathy is actually a bit perplexed, tilting her head for several moments before conjuring a substantial response. "... in earnest, the 'haughty noble' is as genuine an aspect of her personality as any of the more hidden facets. It reflects her distance, and her desires to be seen as elegant, graceful, and knowledgeable. I know that the success of these things is debatable, but all the same she does enjoy behaving as she does, usually. If you truly feel that she should feel free to act as she would without this aspect of herself, then I would suggest you pay especial attention to how she acts within the Book of Heaven, and to attempt to coax this side of her out in your future interactions with her." She would take a moment to straighten her posture. "I... do believe it would be good for her to allow herself to behave as the child she is in front of you, though. So that the pretenses may fall, and you may better aid her in understanding what she wishes to. So that what she knows and does not know may be made plain to you both, in other words. She intentionally makes her knowledge quite mysterious, and this hinders her far more often than it could ever help."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    "Though, was there anything further you wished to ask? I realize I have been rather unhelpful thus far, and I would like to redeem this, if I can, by offering as many of the more... straightforward bits of knowledge I have access to as I can. I might also ask, myself: why is it that you've taken such an interest in Mizuki? Is there a concrete reason, or is it just another situation you feel naturally drawn toward? I imagine there would be no shame in admitting the second, if it were true, and it would certainly not accrue any sort of distaste from me."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Finally ceasing his smoking, Psyber drops the cigarette to the ground and snuffs it under his foot. His hands come to rub together, gently pressing his fingers together before pressing his fingers together and cracking them once more, "I won't ask you for any more privileged information at this time," He reassures her, waving one hand in a seemingly casual gesture as his red eyes peer at her from over the tips of his fingers.

    He takes a gun out of his jacket and sets it on the table, "You can enchant this for me if that is what you are offering. I will not tell anyone, much less Mizuki, that you gave me such an object. This 1911 is the weapon I am most likely to have on my person at a given time, so it has the highest likelihood of remaining with me."

    He looks away slightly and towards Mizuki, "As for Mizuki, I am a Guardian Angel by concept. It is in my core nature to protect those that need it. That does not make this situation any less special nor my desire to help any more generic. I am drawn towards those who truly need my abilities above most others, or to whom I can give a great conceptual impact towards. Perhaps Mizuki, herself, called upon me without realizing it. Perhaps, on some level, it was you. It is difficult to determine."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Apathy would take the gun, albeit somewhat hesitantly. For all the mystery of her character, she actually seems fairly skittish where violence is concerned, or at the least around conventional firearms. At least she and Mizuki don't have that in common. Nevertheless, she works quickly, slowly running her hand across it and coaxing a soft, lavender glow out of the sheen of its metal. With this she would simply slide the gun back over to the man with a soft nod and an even more ginger, "It is done. When you find your mind in a haze, look to this artifact, and you will recall yourself. All you should need to aid others in the same recollection are their names, and the usual strength of your spirit. I wish you luck, wheresoever it may be helpful."

    At Psyber's next bit of commentary, she would softly muse, "It's somewhat funny you should parse it in precisely that way, really. At one time, Mizuki was likely the guardian angel of the hypothetical person we've spoken of. She was someone who gave this person comfort to think of, and companionship where they otherwise had little. In that way, Mizuki 'saved' them numerous times. But now, it seems, the guardian angel is in need of one for herself as well. Many of your number have shown themselves fit to help in this world's affairs, and many more to be the builders of its new cities, but you, perhaps, are the most well-fitted to serve as one of its more eternal protectors. From all those who would rob it of its innocence, or attempt to use its nebulous nature for their own ends... I believe I can trust you to keep it safe."

    With this, Apathy would stand. "Though I trust there is no further discussion to be had this night, so I shall bid you adieu. I sincerely hope that what you have seen and heard has done something to allay your fears. At the least, it is my wish that all the wounds lain upon the fabric of your being as a result of your time here should be mended, and that you, too, will have found something of merit to contribute to your soul. I doubt there rests anything here that you have not already encountered, but even so... this is my hope: that your experience here may somehow change you for the better." With a final breath, she would say with some finality, "Never forget that your wounded spirit may one day hinder you in your quest to protect. In order to know others, you must first know yourself. Likewise, to defend others, you yourself must first find some security. Some mutual reliance upon your friends is never a shameful thing, and you should not be afraid to indulge it when you must. All words I am certain you have heard before, but nevertheless."

    With this, her hand would lower, bringing the distorted landscape surrounding them back into full focus. Mizuki, now fully colored and capable of movement, glance to Psyber and pay him a solemn nod. Sheep, for her part, would cradle her head in her hands, glance between Apathy and Psyber, and slowly begin to smirk.

    Psyber may get the feeling he'll find himself here again some day in the near future.